The Day of Pleasant Seduction: Birthdays and Planet News

Posted by Planet Waves


Today, when the Moon enters Sagittarius, you may notice the Full Moon effect starting to pick up the pace. This could come in the form of an increased yearning to be free of certain restrictions (especially those imposed by others), or to focus on your own long-term, big-picture callings […]

If Your Birthday is June 15
The Day of Pleasant Seduction Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

The important thing with love is that you be able to receive it as well as to offer it. This is the essence of many seemingly different issues, though it’s all a masquerade ball. To love is to be able to accept love, because that describes openness, vulnerability and a measure of self-value. Beware of situations where you give yourself emotionally to some end that you don’t understand. Rather, as Paul McCartney said in “Hey Jude,” let it out and let it in.
– by Eric Francis Coppolino
Hear Eric speak about your year in-depth in your 2019-20 Gemini Astrology Studio Reading.

Written in the Planets

Current astrology speaks of building pressure and potential conflict in at least a couple of different ways: Mars lighting up the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and Monday’s Sagittarius Full Moon. Yet there are always options for how to handle confrontation-themed astrology; and the more aware you are of the dynamics and energetic currents at play, the freer you are to adjust your mindset and make choices that may ease the way, rather than exacerbate situations that are flaring up.

Today, when the Moon enters Sagittarius, you may notice the Full Moon effect starting to pick up the pace. This could come in the form of an increased yearning to be free of certain restrictions (especially those imposed by others), or to focus on your own long-term, big-picture callings in the face of others’ chatter and seemingly split focus. Yet in the early part of the day, the Moon conjoins the asteroid Ceres and makes a trine to Chiron in Aries.

It may help in any stuck-feeling situations to remember that there is always something more to learn from someone if you’re curious enough, and that standing out as who you are can actually support the process. It just may take a little extra tact, or an infusion of optimism, to navigate this new territory. Fact-checking your beliefs about what’s being said and what someone means could be another essential tool through the weekend.
– by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis has recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

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