Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Saturday, Sept. 5, 2015

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Pisces weekly for July 11, 2002


Life is calling on you to take chances and I suggest you listen. Be it love be it work be it adventure risk is the harbinger of reward. You need however to listen down deep in there. What usually gets in the way of listening is fear but if you listen to your fear you will hear it speaking in its weakest voice ever. Acknowledge your fear but remember that fear is different than caution concern or conscience. But as I was saying life is calling on you to take chances. Whoever said that fortune favors the bold knew what they were talking about. I say go for bold italics.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our All Access and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

7 thoughts on “Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Saturday, Sept. 5, 2015

  1. P. Sophia

    “Be it love be it work be it adventure risk is the harbinger of reward. ”

    Yep , LIZZY once again same!

    All three presently calling (inviting) me to new chances and the answer is accept!! Opening up, putting myself out there. So true. The fear voice is 0 decibel. Looks like I may be passing by you later this month in Italy! ..: )

  2. Lizzy

    Oh wow – P. Sophia – that’s fantastic!! Go for it! Let me know! Instead, the fear voice decibel is very very loud for me – involves applying for a job in Jordan, working with Syrian refugees But I feel that if it doesn’t work out this shot – it will do the next time. Everything that Eric talks about in his Cancer birthday reading is manifesting.

  3. P. Sophia

    Lizzy! Go for it! And I am feeling just as you say: “But I feel that if it doesn’t work out this shot – it will do the next time.”

    Your words are wisely said. Soooo many opportunities coming up right now, and the canvas colors changing quickly. The Italy invitation (although a nice one) i realized at present may be a distraction. Yet just as this one was envisioned and came so easily, i am sure another is right around the corner. With choosing chances and their manifestation, comes discernment. Our soul is is pushing to make changes in a very intuitive and directed; a powerful way.

  4. Lizzy

    Thanks so much sweetheart! Have been working on the application for the job all day today (pant pant!). “Our soul is is pushing to make changes in a very intuitive and directed; a powerful way.” So true. Good luck with it dear, and keep us posted.

  5. Lizzy

    Not ready to make that leap yet, dear P. Sophia – too much clearing out to do first in my (rented) flat – and would have had barely a month to get everything done. But was a great dress rehearsal! (and will start cleaning out the flat, in readiness). Onwards and upwards!

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