Today’s Oracle takes us to the Cancer monthly for Jan. 1, 2000

You may feel compelled to come onto both people and projects like a storm in this Year of the White Dragon, among the most powerful and aggressive lunar years of the complex Chinese system. Doubtless, you have an important and meaningful agenda brewing, and one worthy of attention and deserving of success. But the agenda itself is part of the process. Write it in pencil, adjusting it repeatedly, patiently, until you feel it’s reflective of the true shape of your inner thoughts. It would be far better if you allowed your goals achieve to themselves, and allow intimacy to work itself out free from your meddling. Take your gains in layers rather than in chunks, and gradually, like water, rather than all at once, like fire. Breathe life gently into your creations, assisting them in coming to life, then stand back as they take on a life of their own. No one opportunity will be your last; if you take your space and expand your territory while nobody is watching, you are less likely to encounter resistance. But also take your time, despite the intense pressure that outer world may seem to exert upon you. For in truth, you are the one initiating the real changes, and what you see around you are merely effects of less important causes. Last, I caution you that self-assessment is risky. We always tend to underestimate our real worth, while over-estimating what we can accomplish. You need do neither.
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