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Read more in Solstice Fire and the Art of Service, by Eric Francis.
Today’s Oracle takes us to the Virgo monthly for Oct.4, 2011

You know best what is good for your health — the key will be listening to yourself, and following your own advice. We all know how diligently people ignore precisely these things; I don’t suggest you do that. Remember that the most important dimension of health involves your mind. Meanwhile, you may be in a relationship situation that is causing an unnecessary stir in your life. That’s something to watch as well, making sure that you’re not engaging a tradeoff of sex for chaos. You have the potential for an extremely interesting sexual journey in these years of your life. It can be something that nourishes you, keeps you young and serves to liberate you. If something is demanding too much time, money or energy, I suggest you really ask yourself whether it’s worth it.
The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our All Access and Core Community members. See this link for more information.
What if the Sex is so healing, and hot, but the relationship part of it chaoticly stirs? I can handle it, although the pattern is getting way old. It has surely been a useful tool in getting me here. Building strength and it has been mutually, karmicly growth orientated as well. So i know the importance of it’s work. But there may be a point where the growth out weighs the benefit of what the other brings in this relationship. I am aware of the fine balance in this, still the incredible sex/intimacy in this relationship has been so liberating. And i dont want to et go of this. I do have faith there will be others, but will it be this connected/ good? I am open to others but in relationship when it gets to intimacy/sex I prefere and go for manogomy. We’ll see…
So much going on in the sky; so much going on on the earth. So many places from which to choose where i put my attention…
…and i’m reenacting childhood dramas with my mother?!? If only i had a number for ‘Pattern-busters’. If it takes two to tangle, what can one do? And all those taboos? I know what i’d like to do with them right now. And it’s not pretty. Honest, but not pretty. Sugar is not a state-changer. Neither is denial. Hmmm. Emotional gymnastics? Hmmm. Maybe it’s like that moment in a birth just before the arrival when there’s just no more ‘push’ left and the process takes over, and what is to happen happens…a miracle!
Astraea and Pandora (and Hermes) – thank you. That is very funny. Very. (well, at least i learned something).
Osiris_Isis: unity of the male principle (father husband brother) with the female principle (mother wife sister); the clockwise and anticlockwise in formation, underlying the play of time.
“Thus, just as the Frazerian anthropologist will institute an insurmountable distance
between his experience and that of his object, for lack of knowing how to
appropriate the truth of his ordinary experience of his own ordinary and
extraordinary practices by putting himself at a distance from hirnself, the sociologist
and the economist who are incapable of mastering their pre-reflexive
experience of the world will inject scholarly thought (incarnated by the myth
of homo economicus and ‘rational action theory’) into the behaviours of ordinary
agents, because they do not know how to break with the unthought
presuppositions of thinking thought, in other words to rid themselves of their
inbred scholastic bias (Bourdieu 1990; 2000).”
Bourdieu 2003
mastering their pre-reflexive experience of the world…
breaking with the unthought presuppositions of thinking thought….oh!
I speak now. I am so Horney, listening to these rifts. Grateful Dead. Sink your cock deep into me now. yes. YES. yes.
Oh My God, Yes. you are my god. thank you. I AM NOW ME!!!! Yes. I Am!
Yet, you may be oblivious to my spirit. Eat me. Sorry this is my best. DONE NOW!
ok I am just expressing all that is. All that is….. I am all that is. I am. I.
Yep I’m done. done,. Done. DONE!!! done.
sensetivesed to all that is happening now – soo what? what is unfolding now? I do not know. You are loved. Yes!!!!!!!111!!!!
Yes – I got high. Sorry if that offended.
Well there I went again 🙁 I seem to get drunk sometimes and become an abrasive Ass Hole. It appears I have the instincts of a Shock Jock DJ. I don’t know what to say except that I’m sorry and I will try to do better. I am sorry Planet Waves.