Today’s Oracle takes us to the Libra weekly for Nov. 21, 2008.

You’re not someone who needs the deeper shades of life explained to you; you’re in touch with yourself on a core level that, as you’ve noticed, eludes most of your friends. Indeed, they reach toward you for validation of their inner journey, and for this unusual gift that you have of turning darkness into light. The way you do this is precisely by remaining aware of your fears, your passions and your desires. You seem to understand intuitively that the fountain of joy springs from a deep well of sorrow. This knowledge, I think, has always provided an aura of safety for you, and contact with life’s deeper meaning. I think that at this point in your story, you’ve come to a place where you are truly ready to feel safe; a place where you can claim your understanding of yourself, and the wisdom that you will always be secure within yourself. Remember that whenever you feel shaken.
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