Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Monday, Jan. 12, 2015

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aquarius monthly for Jan. 8, 2007


Try everything in silvery white, contrasted by indigo blue — and experiment with synthetic fabrics from Nylon to Rayon. Honor your respect for science and progress, creating a space with a futuristic flare. Your typically social tendencies go beyond all limits this year as Jupiter comes back to the region of your chart associated with friends and community. Creating some kind of collective space with a large table for the discussion of ideas and experiences that nobody will forget, and others will be describing to their friends. Use electric light in ways that seem brash and glaring, but succeed in creating an unlikely harmony. Try taking care of plants — not often your strong suit, but even Aquarius has native plants: iris, morning glory and linden trees come to mind.

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