Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Friday, Feb. 27, 2015

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Leo monthly for Sept. 16, 2008


Devote yourself to the art of compromise and you’ll come out with far more than what you think is your fair share. Lead the way. Embody the principle of the greatest good for all concerned, and trust the results. Look more closely at those who seem to come out on the losing end of an agreement and you will see what they have gained that you would not have otherwise noticed. Look at those who seem to gain the most and notice the ways in which they seem no better for the experience. In this world it’s easy to make up simplistic stories about why some people deserve to win and others deserve to lose. Go beyond those, to the deeper underlying truth that the benefits of life are not distributed evenly, no matter how hard anyone tries. You stand to gain enormously in the coming days. Be honest with yourself and those around you, and take at least one opportunity to be fair when you don’t have to be.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our All Access and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

4 thoughts on “Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Friday, Feb. 27, 2015

  1. Hugging Scorpio

    “Go beyond those, to the deeper underlying truth that the benefits of life are not distributed evenly, no matter how hard anyone tries.”

    I’m not following this. I would like to offer the notion that the distribution is in fact distributed quite evenly, or better, it is not held back by any entity or force. The energy and abundance of the universe is available to each equally. Our path is to understand how we can become more aligned with that energy.

    There is no separation except by the beliefs and ideas that keep us from understanding our non-physical vibrational experience of life, of lives, of living.

    1. Cowboyiam

      Hugging Scorpio, Notice the flow of the idea as it unfolds.
      “Look at those who seem to gain the most and notice the ways in which they seem no better for the experience”.
      I think your point is exactly what is being suggested here. We fight for what we perceive as limited – while in truth it is all evenly available – limited only by our perception . Its our perception we struggle with. And that is the challenge we face. Now is a great time to challenge ourselves to perceive from a higher frequency.

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