Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Friday, August 7, 2015

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aries monthly for Aug. 5, 2007


What is history? What value does the past possess? Ask yourself these questions now, and you’ll finally gain an understanding of how the past and the present relate to one another. There comes a point where everything in life is an attempt to get something old right. Then there comes a time when we need to push forward into the next ideas and experience that can feed us, make us strong and remind us we’re young. You would be wise to ask yourself whether the next thing you do is something you’ve done before, or something you have never imagined. One intriguing aspect of the past is what we never did that we still yearn for.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our All Access and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

13 thoughts on “Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Friday, August 7, 2015

  1. Hugging Scorpio

    I still wonder about my music and what part it plays in my life. Striving for balance so that it has a place. And then I appreciate my relationship, this caring lovely individual who has helped me bridge a gap in myself, not so much by doing anything but by allowing me to experience things at a pace that worked well through the different barriers of my shell.

    And although I still look around at beautiful women with many desires running around, I recognize her beauty. And the present moment rings out with appreciation of her as someone real, someone I can touch, someone I can care about and who returns the care.

    It’s not always perfect, but what is? I have no pressure to move in with her, none to produce children, and none to reproduce a cardboard cutout lifestyle with matching iPhones.

    And I’m still learning about balance, about when and how to say yes and no. I can call her out and she can me. I shouldn’t worry so much. I shouldn’t be afraid. But sometimes I am. Because we all dream about opening our hearts, and when we do, it can be terrifying.

    I hold too much on to my individuality and I don’t allow her and the unexpected in; I surrender too much and I lose the footing of my awareness and everything slips away.


      1. pam

        You are very welcome HS –

        (At the river today, feeling like an old beaver trundling around with my ablutions, sitting on an immersed rock the water whooshing and chattering over the stones, happy in my skin, no one ever around… I got out and dressed and waded over the river to go and see how the valerian was that I planted out in the woods and suddenly realised there was a young fly fisherman who I hadn’t noticed, studiously fishing – I apologised in surprise but he didn’t mind. I was so happy because in the morning a guy hadn’t liked our holiday appartment at all – functional but needing a repaint and some finishing (distressed verandar). It really helped me see that there are at least two extremes: of tolerance and high standards (because I was really affected by the disappointment (of the guy) of the morning – and was just so enriched by the generosity of the fisherman who could have been ‘disgusted’ by my shabby but functional body with its somewhat distressed exterior etc etc))

        Does your girlfriend mind because if she doesn’t aren’t you freed.

  2. Lizzy

    So touched by your (characteristic ) openness, dear Hugging. And can also relate to so much of what you say. I think it’s very hard for those of us with mothers who have substituted their absent or unloving husbands with their sensitive children to open up to another (see Alice Miller’s Drama of the gifted child). But I admire your courage in doing so – and your acute awareness. I also think that this is a time for us to open up to our constant fear and worrying – most of which is just habitual mind states. and just to be able to see your fear like that means that you are living in awareness – cos that is what awareness is – the ability to watch our fears and feelings without judgement (((()))

  3. Hugging Scorpio

    You’re so right Lizzy, thank you for your thoughts and support! One gains strength by going through unfamiliar territory and then integrating the process. I am guided and led. I trust in that.

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