Of Restlessness, Retrogrades, and Choices

Posted by Amanda Painter

Photo by Amanda Painter.

How is this Mercury retrograde going for you? We only have about a week of it left (not counting a few days for things to shake back into place after it stations direct on Dec. 6); so hang in there. Against that backdrop, Amanda Painter considers this week’s quarter Moon, plus some ‘edgy’ astrology involving planets in the last degrees of their signs.

By Amanda Painter

How is this Mercury retrograde going for you? We only have about a week of it left (not counting a few days for things to shake back into place after it stations direct on Dec. 6); so hang in there. Personally, I feel like some of the other current astrology is contributing more to a sense of restlessness; but really it’s all part of the same environment, so it’s hard to say for sure.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

For one thing, we have several objects in the last degree of their respective signs, or about to be. In zodiac order, these include: retrograde Uranus in Aries, Venus in Libra, Mercury about to retrograde into late Scorpio, Pholus in Sagittarius, and Vesta in Capricorn.

Planets in the last (or ‘anaretic’) degree of a sign are often said to feel a little edgy; kind of like how we human beings can get a little edgy in anticipation of a big transition in our lives. Add in that some of those planets are making oppositions or squares to each other — aspects of tension — and the restlessness factor increases.

Plus, we have the Sun in the last sign of a season (Sagittarius), the civil-calendar year is almost over, and Mercury is retrograde in a sign that’s partly about forward intention (in a long series of inner-planet retrogrades this year). The sky seems to be reflecting a general sense of just wanting to get on with it — whatever ‘it’ might be.

So we end up with some questions. What absolutely ought to wait till Mercury’s direct, so that you don’t make more work for yourself than is warranted? What must you address or take steps toward so you can channel this energy creatively, rather than repressing it in unproductive ways?

What can you get started on — such as research, preparation, getting organized, making repairs, reviewing your progress — that might put you in a much better position to take bigger steps in the near future? What’s the different between being wisely cautious and giving in to crippling self-doubt or paranoia?

And perhaps most important of all: what have you been learning about yourself during this year of retrogrades, and how can you use it to empower yourself and grow into who you’re becoming? No matter how introspective you’ve been this year, there appears to be room for a little more.

All of that said, I’d like to take a quick look at a few specific aspects and events happening between today and the weekend. For starters, the Moon enters Virgo today, on its way to the last quarter Moon (exact overnight into tomorrow). This is the Moon square the Sun in Sagittarius. Do you feel as if you’re turning a corner on something?

One interesting thing about this lunation is that it’s in a T-square with Mars and the centaur Nessus in Pisces. If you’re feeling any tension, is it coming out as anger that feels ‘old’, or like it’s not actually about the thing that’s setting you off? Can you own it and understand what it’s telling you about yourself, rather than projecting it onto someone else? Virgo Moons can sometimes feel a little critical, so be sure to channel that energy into productive, tangible work.

We also have a T-square made up of Vesta in Cap square Uranus in Aries, and Venus in Libra square Vesta and opposite Uranus. Actually, if we add in the lunar nodes (symbolic points that are just one degree away in Cancer and Capricorn), it’s a grand square.

So we have some last-degree edginess involving Uranus, the cosmic sparkplug, along with the dharmic/karmic sensation of the lunar nodes. The aspect pattern also indicates a mix of inner tension and a self/other dynamic.

One thought about this is that looking for new approaches to the things you’re devoted to might help alleviate any restlessness. Whether it’s devotion to family (and family traditions), to an intimate relationship, or to something more abstract like your sense of justice or your creativity, how can you experiment to find greater alignment within yourself? There is a difference between devotion to an ideal or value and being wedded to a habit. One will lead you to seek growth and better ways of expressing what matters most to you; the other stunts growth and closes off your options.

Also, be aware that this is the third (and final) Venus-Uranus opposition in a series that began in September. You might want to consider changes in your relationships in that time, particularly the risks you want — or may need — to take in order to guide them forward. What (or who) is sparking your creativity, and how daring or strange does it feel?

Finally, it’s worth noting that on Saturday, three objects change sign. First, Mercury retrogrades back into late Scorpio at 6:12 am EST (11:11:55 UTC).

Are you ready to dig into one more inner mystery? I’m toying with the idea that whatever it is might relate to a more intellectual understanding of something that came through emotionally during the recent Venus retrograde. Venus may be in Libra now, but it spent most of its retrograde in Scorpio — and it’s about to retrace its steps there in direct motion. This looks like the final stage of the 2018 Inner Planet Retro Relay; if you have notes from the month of October in particular, they might prove useful over the next couple weeks. (Given that Mars is the ruler of Scorpio, themes from its summer retrograde could even be in the mix.)

Then, at 9:49 am EST (14:48:33 UTC), the Moon enters art-and-harmony-loving Libra. This should help smooth social interactions this weekend. Finally, the asteroid Vesta enters Aquarius at 3:39 pm EST (20:39:04 UTC).

Will Vesta moving through Aquarius indicate a greater sense of service to the wellbeing of humanity? Or does it represent fealty to a ruling class?

Given what I am seeing unfold in the world this week — border police tear-gassing asylum-seekers, per Pres. Trump’s orders; the continued twists regarding responsibility for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Turkey; Trump’s hypocritical response to a report on devastating climate change effects delivered by his own government — I know which interpretation I prefer. I also know it will take every person in this group we call ‘society’ making an actual, individual choice.


As we go deeper into this most unusual and challenging phase of history, intelligence is the thing we need the most. That is the theme of the 2019-2020 annual edition of Planet Waves, now available for pre-order. See more information here.

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