Planet Waves TV: Get Over Yourself! Venus Retrograde in Aries

Saturday, Venus stations retrograde in Aries. It’ll be retrograde until April 15, ending its retrograde in an exact conjunction to Chiron. This is about emotional healing! And it’s a journey that you’re invited on. In this new edition of Planet Waves TV, I go over the basics, and the nuances.

6 thoughts on “Planet Waves TV: Get Over Yourself! Venus Retrograde in Aries

  1. Planet Waves Post author

    LOVE! I have a friend w/Libra rising – 13 deg – with Venus’ station exactly opposite. He asked about a recent love interest, and I looked for when Ur cross his descendant, and asked what was happening in his relationship world at that time… Very similar to stuff that has come up relative to current love interest, down to weird details… Sara Victoria

  2. Planet Waves Post author

    Interesting info, given that I was born with Venus in Pisces and my birthday is April 2 – when you say she starts backward toward Chiron in Pisces (also in my natal and progressed chart in Pisces). Guess I will be doing some heavy lifting for this birthday and I need to BUCKLE UP. — Shavawn Berry

  3. Planet Waves Post author

    Thank you Eric,I love the way you talk about the astrology, weaving the story in so we can apply it to our I love the PWFM Tuesday show too,I could listen to your voice for hours! Thanks again. — bella

  4. Lizzy

    “Get over yourself” – ha ha! The glamour of self is brilliant. Have been on FB for almost a year now, and am still amazed by the number of narcissistic photos/videos that are posted, and the many likes and congratulatory comments they get. Thanks for the fantastic, helpful video, dear Eric. One immensely satisfied customer here……

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