Aries (March 20-April 19) — Don’t be afraid to have your life be all about you. It is, no matter what you do, even if you generously offer yourself to others. And this you’ve been doing for a while, with your ruling planet Mars expressing itself in its most selfless way possible, conjunct Vesta and moving through spiritually focused Sagittarius. However, you have your plans; you have ideas; you want to experiment; and all those things call for making sure that you honor your priorities. Yet, on a deeper level, remember that all of your experiences are yours, no matter what they may seem to be about. The best metaphor is when people play music together. The sounds you’re making are about what you’re feeling, though it helps immensely if you’re in harmony with the people around you. Then sometimes you leap out and fly solo. That is what your charts look like this week.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — For the past few weeks, you’ve been both social and creative, way out in the open where people can see you. Gradually, over the next two weeks, your orientation will turn inward. You might not notice this at first, though you might want to honor the process by being a little ahead of yourself, and making sure you take sufficient time alone — no matter what else you may be doing the rest of the time. This time of year (many years) is great for experimenting with who you present yourself as being in the world, what you reveal, and what you keep to yourself. Done well, this is an intricate balance of an inner and an outer life. A great many well-known people lose themselves in their public persona. You’re too sensitive for that. You will feel better when you go beyond the dual orientation. There is no public and there is no private: there is just life.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Keep your finger on the pulse of important professional developments. Sometimes when you’ve worked for a goal for a long time, it’s possible to lose track of what you’re doing at the very end of the process. It’s possible to lose your sense of purpose, or your contact with what was guiding you through the long journey. Please don’t make that error. Stay in touch with what’s motivating you, dial in your original plans and intentions, and verify that you’re still on track. Also, beware of double endings. Don’t declare the job done or the goal accomplished until long after you’ve finished and moved on, even if you receive some acknowledgement or accolade. Beginnings and endings are sensitive, and must be handled carefully if you’re going to make lasting progress. One way to stay grounded is to identify with your responsibilities more than with your reputation. You have a job to do and you do it well — no more, no less.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The less you say, the less it will feel like nobody believes you. You’ve figured out what is true, both about yourself and about a particular matter you’ve been investigating. This may have involved something worldly or spiritual; you pretty much know the truth, and you’ve accomplished something unusual. Play that down for now; let your discovery speak for itself. Over the next few days, planets will begin moving from Pisces to Aries, and in the process, making their way into your house of achievement and reputation. This will last well into March, and through that time, it would be a wise policy to be seen for who you are, rather than saying too much about who you are. When you have to send out a press release or inform the world that you’ve done something, make it sound like it was no big deal and all in a day’s work. You are, as usual, happy to be of service.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Over the past few weeks, you’ve been working through a deeply sensitive situation with a close partner or loved one. As this process has unfolded, you’ve had your doubts and your revelations. You’ve discovered secrets you were keeping from yourself, and you’ve come to understand something about the nature of intimacy. It would be fair to say that the true purpose of this journey has been a healing process, though it’s also been about learning how to be open to giving and receiving love and emotional nourishment. As planets move into your fellow fire sign Aries, you might be inclined to forget what you’ve experienced. Yet you must be cautious never to take anyone or anything for granted. Emotional bonds remain fragile and sensitive, and it’s too easy to let that slip your mind. Focus on the importance of trust, and remember, you’re not in this alone.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The past week has taken you through some sensitive territory where your relationships are concerned. Where do you stand with the people you’re closest to? Can you really tell? Sometimes intimacy is like a kaleidoscope. You constantly get a different view, and there’s no point wondering what the real one is. However, as the week unfolds, you’re likely to feel more confident about recent developments. Part of that feeling stems from the fact that many discoveries and discussions are behind you, and you’ve sorted out most of the important issues. You do need to remember the extent to which you find yourself by investing yourself into relationships. This is entirely legitimate, though it comes with the risk of losing your personal footing when a relationship changes. The way to stay ahead of that is to do the Zen thing and truly appreciate the ethereal and transient nature of existence.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The emphasis of your solar chart remains on self-care. Yours is one of the signs most sensitive to your environment, particularly at work. And you’re someone whose emotions and state of physical health are intimately related. If you experience an emotional disturbance or tension, that can manifest immediately in physical symptoms that seem to be of mysterious origin. This suggests that you must stay in contact with your environment. Over the next few days, beware of anyone who seems to be demanding too much of your attention. Rather than pushing back, gently sidestep those who are too pushy or who feel entitled to your energy. This may give you some clues about what you need to do with the situation in the long run, so be sure you remember what you’ve experienced, so you can evaluate it later. Meanwhile, easy does it, and drink enough water.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — One interesting quality of your charts over the next few seasons is that the line between work and play is blurred. The two seem to merge into one another, which will take many forms; one is likely to be discovering how much you love your work. You have to identify with what you do. When you say, “I am a [fill in the blank], there should be no odd feeling about it. So one quality of these transits will be to encourage just that connection with your work. Another manifestation could be a loving relationship with a creative partner or work colleague. I know that these are often frowned upon, and they do call for maturity and true devotion, both personal and professional. But they are some of the most relevant, healing, and happy relationships, especially if people respect one another, and know how to give one another space. These are helpful skills any day of the week.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Rather than telling someone how much you love them, show them. Words will not be so believable; actions will convey the impression you want to give. Offer yourself with genuine abandon and make sure you have fun doing it. Most of your personality consists of an adventurous side, and though you’ve been a bit reserved lately, and likely focused on some work-related activity, re-focus your energy on home, particularly the kitchen and the bedroom, the two most important rooms in any home (the bathroom is a given, and it can be an interesting place). As for work, you’ve devoted yourself plenty to one particular project, and you’ve done brilliantly; now you can shift the focus to something of a creative nature that has some deep personal meaning to you. If you ever wanted to transform into an artist, or have your artwork burst to life, this is the week to start that fire.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Pisces is your sign of self-expression, and that’s one of the places where planets are gathering now — in a most interesting way, involving Chiron, the planet of healing and awareness. Another gathering point is in your sign (particularly Saturn and Pluto), so you have plenty to express. We’re about to go through a series of new transits, which begin this week and reach about two weeks out, and this scenario will last for a while. Once you’re there, you will be wondering what you were thinking and feeling right now; so I suggest you leave yourself a time capsule, in the form of journal entries, photos and maybe even voice or music recordings. When planets move into Aries and make a series of squares to Saturn in your sign, you will want those artifacts as a source of inspiration, and a reminder of what you’re capable of feeling.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — By now you see a need to be more financially independent, and to have your sources of income somewhat removed from emotional attachments. While there is no actual “independence” in the world of finance — even the very wealthy depend on banks and investment houses — it’s possible to live in a more integrated way, and draw your sustenance from a diversity of sources. It’s also important to remember that all of your income ultimately flows from your creativity. This is not true of everyone, or of all charts, though yours indicates this in bold terms. The challenge is transporting and transforming the energy from the state of pure idea through a series of steps that result in paid work that’s connected to who you truly are inside, what you care about, and what you believe is relevant. However, that’s actually how your energy system works; all you need to do is observe yourself.
Full Moon Door: Your Pisces Reading is Ready
Dear Fellow Pisces, Pisces Rising or Pisces Lover:
It’s been a crazy busy week — finishing The Art of Becoming, keeping up with horoscopes and playing investigative reporter — but I just had to do the Pisces birthday reading tonight.
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From your fellow Pisces, Eric Francis.
That is now ready for instant access, at the pre-order price (till Friday evening, when it goes up to $44, and then stops at $66).
My job is to provide encouragement, reassurance, and actual information about your transits. I do my best to provide just that.
This is a mellow, but detailed, reading, which starts with a long discussion of relationships and the need to be discerning. This is directly related to claiming your full value in the world, and feeling good about yourself: what some call self-esteem.
I expound on two different interpretations of the Virgo Full Moon — one based on my own writeup in the Daily News, and for contrast, the other based on Sally Brompton’s interpretation in The New York Post.
From there, I talk about the ingress of planets from water sign Pisces to fire sign Aries, which in the coming days will include Mercury and Venus, then Chiron.
In the second segment I talk mainly about career, profession and community involvement — this is a discussion of Saturn from Sagittarius into Capricorn.
There is plenty more. You can get a personal reading from me lasting 75 minutes for $555 — or a reading I would be very happy to get, 75 minutes for $33. Get instant access now.
Thank you for your business, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,
P.S. The Art of Becoming is now ready. This reading is a very detailed report on Chiron moving from Pisces to Aries, among other things. You can get individual signs here.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your chart is still reverberating from last week’s Full Moon in your opposite sign Virgo. The Sun is now at the midpoint of Pisces, and is still close to Neptune, which is providing you with energy and motivation. And as of Monday, there remains a triple conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Chiron in your sign. You have plenty to work with, and you’re deeply connected to your inner sources of ideas and inspiration. Beginning this week, planets will be shifting into Aries, which represents your ability to finance your life and your projects, and also your sense of belonging in the world. The two are closely related. While Pisces is sometimes depicted as the sign least able to function in the world, a careful look at your solar chart makes a rather different point. Everything about you, including your sensitivity, your love of beauty and your clairvoyant quality, are all perfectly suited to grow and thrive in the world at this genuinely strange time.
SnifSnif…. 🙁
I m a little unclear about the key for capricorn this week. Pleassssse … for the wiery libra rising cancer/cusp leo moon in cap … ouff!!
Barring the idea of Eric meaning something completely different, a possible good start would be ‘apply pen to journal’. Also sending a big warm virtual hug if you need it. <3
Thank YOU Amy!! I think i needed your hug MOST 🙂
“When planets move into Aries and make a series of squares to Saturn in your sign, you will want those artifacts as a source of inspiration, and a reminder of what you’re capable of feeling.”
This meaning…. i may be thrown off the tracks but should remember my initial feelings??? Or.should wonder what the hell i was feeling that for?
My moon is 23
My saturn is 23
My jupiter cap at 28
(All in my 6th house)
Pluto in virgo in first
And chiron in pisces at 1 R
I m flattened but got a.spitfire soul :))