Monday Morning Horoscope #207 for Dec. 16, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Keep in mind the importance of generosity. Your astrology is focused quite sharply on your career and its advancement; it’s worth bearing in mind that there are many types of aspiration, and those that involve being of service in some form have their own way of succeeding. Society may frown upon this idea, insisting that human worth is somehow attached to a number of dollars, though that concept does not seem to forward human happiness much. The fact is everyone has inherent worth by virtue of existing. Forget any thought of trying to distinguish yourself solely via your bank account. You know more fulfilling ways of making a mark on the world. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — We all have our ideals and visions, though it’s not always simple to transform them into concrete plans and achievements. Something is simmering in your mind and evoking restless feelings; it would help at this stage to avoid the temptation to act impulsively. Think through each factor and get a clear analysis of the whole before taking any action. Examine all the facets of your own motivation in particular, though also the interest of others as far as you can make it out. Your ruler Venus entering your 10th solar house later this week will help you focus your understanding, and smooth the way to a more definite forward path. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You know who you are, and your mind this week resembles a diamond-cutter. You can slice through bullshit at the speed of sound. Given the prevalent stench of it these days, especially online, this is a crucial skill. That said, this is not the time to log on to social media and waste hours of your life grappling with professional trolls. You have more important uses for your incisive thinking, and you’re well aware of it. Now is your moment to take up those tasks you’ve been putting off, organize and re-organize, and tackle any puzzling problems facing you. Minimize disruptive influences, then make a plan and stick to it for as long as possible. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Remember that your primary relationship is always with yourself; even if you’re with someone, your personal growth and healing path is still valid. You owe it to yourself and everyone who cares about you not to lose the unique thread of your development in the flow of someone else’s existence, however intimately you are connected. That doesn’t mean you can’t put plans aside temporarily in order to offer help, whether to a loved one or on a wider scale; just keep that back burner simmering away, so you can pick it up again whenever possible. Or, better still, figure out a way to integrate the two, so that your focus is maintained. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It may frustrate you that you’ve recently been obliged to overhaul, or at least review keenly, certain practices that involved you getting in your own way. If you think you’ve worked out a good routine that will help move things along, it can be extra annoying when a snag transpires. This may feel much like assembling a cupboard, only to find at the end there’s a part or two left over and one of the doors is not quite hung properly. However, this phase of deconstruction and rebuilding slowly and carefully is of foundational importance. Provided you see it through, the benefits will be in proportion to the efforts, and you’ll be in a much stronger position. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your charts for this week describe the necessity to pull your focus inward somewhat, and not allow your time and energy to be dissipated by matters ultimately outside your control. Said another way, if you want to change something for the better, begin by looking inside yourself. Personal healing is often treated superficially, and it’s certainly easier to pass judgment on others. Yet we all have to face who we are eventually, and this involves deep, serious and sometimes painful work. Creativity — that is, art of some kind, or anything that helps you think outside the box — is one constructive method of making progress on your healing. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Many people are feeling increasingly unsettled by the continuing build-up of planets in Capricorn. Among other things, this sign (your 4th house) represents tradition in all senses of the word, and Saturn-Pluto is rendering much of that unrecognizable. Everyone is experiencing this to some degree, though for you in particular the sensation may center in home and personal roots. Avoid panicking; instead, take time to process what’s happening, and try to gain a hold on what is worth preserving as well as what needs to change — in your own life, for now, not in the wider world. Cultivate the balanced understanding for which your sign is justly renowned. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Quite a lot that’s happening now is either somber in quality or rage-inducing, whether on the news or on social media. Both humor and good humor, in the sense of cheerfulness, may be of service in the coming weeks. At any rate, you might resist the temptation to join a rumble on your website of choice purely for the hell of it. Particularly with your ruler Mars in your sign, it’s definitely wise to employ conscious diplomacy and watch your language. Remember that those with whom you engage are also human; they too have moods, and might not always express themselves perfectly. In the age of everyone being a public figure, we forget this too often. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.

Everyday Secrets: Sagittarius Astrology Studio

Dear Friend and Reader:

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With love,



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Different people will react to you in different ways. That’s part and parcel of living among an endless variety of characters, and there’s also not much you can do about it. The part you can control is whether you let others’ opinions have undue influence over you. True, you’re a complex person, and sometimes an alternative view can work as a mirror, held up to a facet you didn’t quite see so clearly before. Yet if you’re receiving several contrasting impressions about who you are, and it’s not clear which seems real, focus initially on what you feel, what you fundamentally believe, and your strongest passions. That will help anchor you to the truth. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — What your astrology looks like at the moment resembles nothing so much as an introvert hosting a house party. It might be fun for a while to share a space with so many interesting personalities; perhaps you’ll have a deep conversation with some of them; yet eventually you just want them all to leave you alone so you can read with the cat on your lap. You may feel busier than you have for a while, drawn in many different directions, and deprived of certain comforts you might have turned to in the past. Yet in all the bustle you are learning things about yourself — especially about your strengths — and this information is of significant and lasting value. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — With so many planets in your sensitive 12th house, to say this moment is somewhat intense for you is probably an understatement. You’ve been doing important healing work, though when in the thick of such experiences it can be hard to remember the healing part is happening. There may be a particular idea you’re finding challenging to accept, or one you want to cling to; that is the very thing you would benefit most from tackling at present. Be gentle with yourself, persist, and know that you are making progress. You’re likely to notice what you’ve achieved in a more tangible way once Venus enters your sign early Friday. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A specific vocation or role in your community is making itself gradually known to you. The term “community” here can refer to your group of friends, your locale or something more widespread. You might, for example, be drawn into the position of counselor, or teacher, or soothsayer (literally “one who speaks truth” — presumably including truths others are unwilling to voice). Regardless of its exact nature, this task is one you’ve earned as a matter of trust, and I would advise treating it with solemn respect and gratitude. What you do in these next months may be a vehicle to future work, and to the next step in your personal journey. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

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