11 thoughts on “Mecury and Nessus — The Deep Conversation

  1. Eskimobee

    Wonderful! I laughed out loud here in London Town about the non-alcoholic hair tonic 🙂 It’s lovely to have these videos – as you say, combining two of your favourite things, photography and audio, but also adding in coffee and antique curios. Genuinely delightful!

  2. Dorothy Rodriguez

    The student is ready and the teacher is on video! I look forward to learning much more about the separation of the Uranus – Pluto square. Thank you Eric for sharing your gifts and a glimpse of the man behind that mighty writing pen!

  3. ScorpioX3

    I had a eureka! moment when you pointed to Mercury’s transit at 27 Aquarius. It’s conjunct my Jupiter in the 12th. Haven’t been following my own astrology. Thanks for the reminder to do so. No wonder I’m having any easier time expressing my ideas in an enthusiastic, positive way. Writing is definitely easier. ––– Thanks again, Eric. I love the short but very informative format and I commend you on your ability to tune out background noise to focus on your message. Bravo! (Must be a very different experience than talking to us in the quiet of your studio.) Looking forward to seeing more of you – and learning more from you.

    1. DivaCarla Sanders

      Loving these videos with the charts. I like the way your detailed teaching about basics slows things down so I can really get what’s happening with the planets. I also appreciate the invitation to be my own astrology. I’ll be watching this Nessus/Mercury conjunction. By the way, happy birthday, Eric, a degree or so later.

  4. Julia A. Gatto

    Again, you are just the coolest! You are without a doubt (now) walking me through some pretty serious changes, from “the inside out”. Very helpful stuff Eric, and I certainly appreciate the positive vibes. Its coming through…..I can now begin to feel I belong here. Nice. By the way, Happy Birthday, every day. You can’t ever have enough Love or Birthdays. Aquarius comin’ at ya…….Cheers.

  5. Lizzy

    Oh gosh – thanks DivaCarla! hHve been so overwhelmed lately that I completely forgot Eric’s birthday! What a great way to celebrate your birth day, dear Eric – a very very Happy one to you.
    Took some cheeky time off work to watch this video. It’s charming and inspiring, and I love the cafe’ sign and the background noise – as if you’re bringing in the whole of life to your astrology updates, which is how it should be….xxxx

  6. Dianae

    Just discovered the videos. Tickled to see you in animated form again! Not since The Navigator days at WDST when I came to the station have I experienced this. Looking forward to more in the future as Spring awakens us.

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