Dear Friend and Reader:
It’s been a banner week for insanity here on the planet. The whole Russia crucible came to a boil, over and over again, as Trump stood side-by-side with a man who will go down in history as the greatest KGB agent ever. While that is not your team, one should give credit when due. He knows how to get things done.

Partial solar eclipse on Nov. 3, 2013. Next week’s total lunar eclipse will be followed by another partial solar eclipse. Photo by er Guiri.
The issue of potential Russian meddling in the 2018 midterm election is so vital because that is really the only political potential for any justice or correction of our current situation, slim though it may be.
Our federal legislature is just amazingly lame at the moment; and while a Democratic sweep is no guarantee of anything, it would at least represent some movement away from the stranglehold of one political party controlling all three branches of government, and both houses of the legislature.
When will it be time to heed the words of James Madison: “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”
So, if we assume for the sake of discussion that the 2016 election was messed with by the Russians, which it seems everyone but its main beneficiary agrees with, it’s pretty serious that the same thing could happen with the 2018 midterm election. Midterms are congressional (and local) elections only.
They tend to have low turnout as it is, and are therefore easier to manipulate. What is so — uh, maybe the word is interesting — is that we’re being warned this is coming.
This is not the only area of life where reality is slipping its clutch. We’re seeing it in our personal lives, in the behavior of people, and in things just
seeming weird and unstable.
Astrology in the Background
This is described rather well in the current astrology, where three main features are developing. The first is Mars retrograde, which began in late June and ends in late August. This is happening in Aquarius, the sign of mental and social patterns.
Until they start changing, sometimes seemingly at random, we don’t think about how much we depend on basic protocols and agreements. Most of our social interactions are not based on anything enforceable; they’re based on understandings that we have with one another. And these are what’s getting unzipped and unraveled with this first Mars retrograde in Aquarius in 47 years.
We’re about to reach a peak of Mars retrograde, which comes with the second feature: a series of eclipses. The second of three eclipses is about to happen next week, on Friday, July 27 at 4:20 pm EDT (20:20:15 UTC): a total lunar eclipse in Aquarius, conjunct Mars. This puts the spotlight, or rather the moonlight, on Mars. Combined with the Moon, this relates to our feelings toward women and toward our mothers.
The Moon also stands for the “collective unconscious” — what we feel, but don’t usually admit that we feel because it’s lurking right below the surface. And what would that be? Anger. Our own anger; one another’s anger; ancestral anger.
Anger. We live in Pissed Off Nation. The United States has a depression problem; and most therapists will tell you that’s really an anger problem, which is often a suppressed grief problem.
We’re looking right at an astrological representation of that storm system in this lunar eclipse conjunct retrograde Mars. However, the retrograde suggests a problem expressing that anger, and the opposite of expression is depression.
This will be followed by another eclipse two weeks later, a partial solar eclipse in Leo. This one is noteworthy mostly because it’s on the 19th anniversary of the Great European Eclipse of 1999, which you can read about in this article so ancient, it pre-dates Planet Waves by a few months: Thinking of You on Judgment Day.
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Illustration by Austrian cartoonist Gerhard Haderer.
A House Boat Party — Again
I’ll address the Leo eclipse in more detail as it comes closer, though the Sabian symbol (the degree symbol) of this event is as noteworthy as it was originally, and when it made a cameo appearance in the chart for Sept. 11, 2001. The symbol is “A Houseboat Party.” The keynote is, “The enjoyment of temporary freedom from rigidly structured behavior.”
This is the perfect symbol for a peak-summer degree. However, it has deeper implications, in that we Americans love these temporary reprieves from activity that often come at the expense of doing something about our deeper situation. There is something in American culture (spreading to world culture) that decidedly lacks a longterm vision.
One last astrological factor is brewing: Mercury retrograde. This is the second of three Mercury retrogrades of 2018. Keeping things interesting as ever, Mercury stations retrograde the day before the lunar eclipse. The whole retrograde takes place in Leo. It begins in a grand trine with two important minor planets: Eris in Aries, and Vesta in Sagittarius.
Said another way, when Mercury stations retrograde next week, it’s forming a fire-sign triangle (a grand trine). I am gazing into my screen wondering how to describe this. I’ll give it some thought.
All told, this feels a little chaotic, and also like an invitation to rise above things, if you can.
It’s the Internet — Again
Astrology is not causing the madness in the world. It merely describes it, more or less accurately, depending on the interpreter. My take on the cause of all the craziness we’re seeing and feeling is the internet. Aquarius describes electrical patterns, and also social patterns. Where Aquarius is in play, we are talking about the internet.
I’m going for the world record of using the same quote in as many articles as possible: written by my late friend and mentor, Eric McLuhan. He said:
“The body is everywhere assaulted by all of our new media, a state which has resulted in deep disorientation of intellect and destabilization of culture throughout the world. In the age of disembodied communication, the meaning and significance and experience of the body is utterly transformed and distorted.”
I suggest you treat this as a poem, and read it line by line.
“The body is everywhere assaulted
by all of our new media,
a state which has resulted in deep disorientation of intellect
and destabilization of culture
throughout the world.
In the age of disembodied communication,
the meaning and significance and experience of the body
is utterly transformed and distorted.”
What we are witnessing is what happens when people are pushed out of their bodies, and have little to no reference point for being physically incarnated. So they might do weird things, such as act like the physical plane does not matter, like time does not happen in order, or like meaning is meaningless.
I don’t know what to do about this, except to slow down, be thoughtful, and to love as much as I can from wherever I am. Do what you can to stay in your body, to feel your body, and to listen to what your body is telling you. It’s not a ‘thing’; it’s a level of awareness that is directly connected to the Earth and to the people around you — even if they don’t notice.
Sincerely yours,
The Sacred Space of Self
The Perfect Video Readings for the Eclipse Zone
“You’re the best! I love your readings and I appreciate this; share so much as a Cancer with Cap rising, especially. Lots of insight! Thank you so much.”
— L.J. Innes, on the Sacred Space of Self sampler video
Dear Friend and Reader:
I just wanted to be sure you’ve had a chance to watch the sample videos we have available for the Sacred Space of Self spring reading. If current events have you feeling overwhelmed or a little raw, you might find some solace and inspiration here to keep plugging away at whatever challenges you face now.
Currently all four of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) are compiled in one video. We’re working on separating those into individual samples — although, if you have one of those signs as your Sun or rising sign, you’ll definitely get great insight from watching the whole compilation.
The fixed and mutable sign samples are available individually (each is linked from the sign name). The cardinal sign links go to where the sample for each sign begins in the compilation video.
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Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | ||||
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Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Please note that those are only very short excerpts of the Sacred Space of Self readings! Each sign’s complete video is a full 30-50 minutes long.
You can order individual signs of the Sacred Space of Self here. Or, go all-in for the complete 12-sign set, and you can watch the videos for your loved ones, too.
“I enjoyed these videos and all of them are surprisingly, completely in-depth. Well, not so surprisingly if you have heard Eric speak on other subjects.”
— Samantha Hampton, on the 2018 Sacred Space of Self readings
If you have any questions (including questions about arrangements for financial hardship), please email us at — or, call us at (845) 481-5616.
Wishing you well,
Amanda Painter

Leading from Within: Sun Enters Leo
By Amanda Painter
Today is the first quarter Moon, which marks the halfway point between last week’s partial eclipse in Cancer (the New Moon), and the second in our current series of three eclipses (which will happen during the Aquarius Full Moon). Sometimes these weeks between eclipses feel a little bit like an alternate reality, though this can be subtle depending on your circumstances.
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Willard Beach, South Portland, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.
Between now and next week’s eclipse (a total lunar eclipse), the Sun will leave Cancer and enter Leo. That occurs at 5:00 pm EDT (21:00 UTC) on Sunday, July 22.
Leo is the heart of this season (summer in the Northern Hemisphere, winter in the Southern Hemisphere). Ruled by the Sun itself, Leo is associated with themes such as courage, pride, leadership, public display and sociability. Yet, you’ve probably noticed there are two general types of Leos: the ones who seem to lead quietly — definitely in charge, but not flashy about it; and the ones who are garrulous, dramatic and always center stage.
I mention this because when the Sun enters Leo on Sunday, it will be within chatting distance with two of the most energetic planets in our solar system: Uranus in Taurus, making a square aspect; and Mars in Aquarius, making an opposition. Those are also the two most tension-producing aspects in astrology — which means they’re generating energy you’ll need to find constructive uses for.
When you have projects you need to forge ahead with, that kind of energy is very useful. Yet given the players involved — the Sun (personality, ego, life-force), Uranus (jolts, revolutions, surprises), and Mars (desire, motivation, aggression) — it could be easy for all that energy to get unwieldy. Having these planets in fixed signs increases the possibility of perseverance morphing into stubbornness, or of unconscious motivations getting a little ‘stuck’ in unhelpful expressions.

Who You Callin’ Shrimp?!?
By Amanda Painter
I thought about featuring the UK’s very popular Baby Trump Blimp this week, but chances are you know all about it (Google “Baby Trump Blimp Gofundme to see various efforts to bring it to U.S. protests — including at Trump’s own military parade this November). Then I remembered that with the Sun entering the last degree of Cancer in the next day or so, things could get a little edgy for some people emotionally — especially given some of the aspects the Sun will make as soon as it arrives in Leo on Sunday.
And what could be more unexpectedly edgy (and related to the ocean) than the mantis shrimp?
Luckily, “zefrank1” — who apparently puts together the “True Facts” videos about various curious critters — brings a hilariously deadpan humor to the mantis shrimp’s underwater badassery. Riffing on scary clowns, what a wuss Newton must have been, and humans’ relative inability to see colors, the video sprinkles in some actual facts among its playfully snarky exaggerations.
Sometimes you just need to mix in some laughter with the wonders of the natural world, given the outrageous absurdity of human behavior. In the midst of global political insanity and some eclipses shaking things up, that might go double. Just don’t laugh at the mantis shrimp while it’s within striking distance — watch all the way through the end credits if you don’t believe me.

This Week on Planet Waves FM
Eclipses and Mars Retrograde: Going Beyond Sex Stereotypes
Dear Friend and Listener:
This week’s edition of Planet Waves FM [play edition here] focuses on the sequence of eclipses we’re now experiencing. Before I describe the show, please take a look at this letter introducing our membership drive, and the second in the series here. Thank you! We are sending them separately as well.
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Radiohead perform Friday night at Madison Square Garden. From left to right: Ed O’Brien, Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood. Not shown are Colin Greenwood on bass, Philip Selway & Clive Deamer on drums. Photo by Eric Francis.
We’re experiencing three eclipses during Mars retrograde in Aquarius, which is adding some emphasis to whatever this unusual transit is about. Thursday overnight into Friday was an eclipse of the Sun in Cancer, opposite Pluto.
On Friday, July 27, there will be a total eclipse of the Moon, conjunct retrograde Mars in Aquarius. Then on Saturday, Aug. 11, we’ll experience an eclipse of the Sun in Leo.
This is on the 19th anniversary of an eclipse that came at the culmination of the 20th century, which I wrote about in a 1998 article called Thinking of You on Judgment Day. Wow, that was 20 years ago.
This week’s episode has a double edition of Tantra Studio. In part one, I take apart the sex stereotypes that are flying around right now — often perpetuated by otherwise well-meaning people.
These involve both men and women, and propagate a political model of sex, where everyone is either a potential perpetrator or victim. In this model, there’s little room for desire, freedom or, for that matter, the pleasure appreciating one another’s company.
In Tantra Part II, I talk about how someone named Cat manages group sex parties at an underground club in New York City. I talk about the different kinds of parties they have, and the different guidelines and boundaries that apply to them. Yet the goal is not to impose rules; rather, the goal is for people to have a good time, and to feel relaxed and free enough to express themselves with others.
Planet Waves FM is part of the nonprofit Pacifica Radio Network, and published by Chiron Return, a 501(c)(3) corporation. Thank you for your tax-deductible contributions. You are invited to help us pay our way with monthly or one-time donations. You help us keep the lights on and the new programs coming.
Thank you for your support.
Please don’t miss our membership drive. The first letter is here, and the second one, titled The Definition of Freedom, is here. and I’ll be keeping them going for as long as I have interesting ideas.
With love,
Our Gifts to You: A Little Something Extra
Dear Friend and Reader:
It took me a long time to figure out what kind of gift to offer for new and returning subscribers. Tee shirts seemed too complicated; you need at least six sizes to get started, and not everyone wants a shirt. Tote bags are useful but kind of boring.
So I thought: journals. I love notebooks, and just about everything I write starts scribbled down on paper. I know my readers are a little old-fashioned, so this seemed like the perfect thing.
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Black smaller, pink larger, embossed with the Planet Waves logo. There are a few hand painted sketchbooks left, with heavy, acid-free paper.
Then…I researched embossed journals for about six months. That’s how long it took. I requested or purchased samples of the best that suppliers had, and all kinds of stuff came floating in the door. It was more challenging than I imagined to find a nice one, though finally I did.
Everything had to be right: the paper, the lines, and how the book feels in your hands.
However, the one I selected was being discontinued. I ordered as many as we could reasonably afford. We now have two main options: small black ones, and larger pink ones (these are new).
Together, they are the approximate color of Good & Plenty candy. I am one of these people who loves anything pink (sweatshirts, nail polish, headbands, a hot pink Squier guitar that I gave to Zosha a few years ago). We also have a few hand-painted notebooks left, which are acid-free sketchbooks.
You can get an embossed notebook with any monthly, quarterly or yearly membership to Planet Waves. If, by the way, there’s a calling for hand-painted ones, I will make one more-or-less to your preferences (for those who sign up for a full-year Backstage Pass).
Listen to Vision Quest on Live Stream
Planet Waves has an in-house music ensemble, called Vision Quest. We have a 38-hour loop of our music, which you can listen to any time. Included are finished pieces, rehearsals, live concerts, drum grooves, and spoken word recordings. I consider it a kind of musical divination. Click in randomly at different times of day and see what you discover.
Four Winds Almanac Now Includes Daily Horoscope
Planet Waves publishes a nifty daily astrology newsletter called the Four Winds Report. Designed as a fast read arriving early in the morning, we’re now trying an experiment — we’re including the daily horoscope for everyone.
Were it not for horoscopes, I wouldn’t be an astrologer. It was the Patric Walker daily that convinced me there was actually something to astrology, and I got my basic education studying his column each day in the New York Post.
I pack a lot of energy into each sign’s 50-word write-up. Part of the value of astrology is the timing, and daily allows for precision, as well as chronicling a narrative day by day.
Your almanac also includes information about Mayan astrology (long count and short count dates), several formats of the current date (including Hebrew and Islamic), a daily birthday reading, and special discounts on products and services.
Best of all, we take no outside advertising.

Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for July on Thursday, June 21. Your extended monthly horoscopes for June were published Thursday, May 24. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Thursday after the Sun has entered a new sign.

Hello! In lieu of a weekly horoscope in this issue, here’s your Friday, July 20 Daily Horoscope, which also runs in the Four Winds Report. We’ll have your fresh Monday Morning horoscope in the Sunday evening mailing. You may review your July 16 weekly horoscope here.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Take some time this summer and contact old friends. Try to get to them in person, or at least by phone. Take at least one trip and visit someone you knew long ago. This will be a vitally helpful reference point for you, revealing how much has changed, and how much has stayed the same.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be feeling jumpy, like you want to make every decision at once. And this might have you nervous, as if you’ll make a mistake; particularly in a promising, close personal relationship. Don’t worry, though. Your boundaries are still solid. Your faith is strong. You remain a force of nature.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Yours is the sign of communication and language. Test the theory. You will hardly ever meet a Gemini who is not clever with ideas, funny, and able to write a decent sentence. The next month or so will emphasize this point dramatically. Develop your power, and put it to work.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Today’s Moon-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio is encouraging you to have some fun, specifically, the very kind of fun you want the most. Push, lure, nudge and encourage yourself. Move a little Earth so you can move a little heaven. You can do it, and you know you can.
Leo Birthdays 2018-19:
Leo Eclipses, Part Two: A Year for the Books
“I love your readings! I just finished listening to the first reading. You include the history of what is leading up to the now, and its influence operating in the now, and how my actions now can affect my future! Your readings have a depth and character to them that creates a deeper context and meaning that actually helps this old lady see that I am indeed self-manifesting and self-actualizing and moving forward, feeding my inner kid! I am doing something bigger and better and bolder than in the past and harnessing energy to create a more real me. Thank you!”
— Bobbie Kithcart, on a previous Leo reading
Dear Friend and Reader:
This coming Sunday, the Sun enters Leo: the heart of Northern Hemisphere summer. Over the next four weeks, we’ll experience an eclipse in Leo and an eclipse in Leo’s “relationship zone,” Aquarius. These will be key events covered in your upcoming 2018-19 Leo Birthday Reading.
If you have your Sun, rising sign or Moon in Leo, this is big news for you. Eclipses are key pattern-setting times, and often present us with unusual opportunities or a sense of moving through a span of compressed time.
Where are you at right now with your most deeply held goals and visions? What has clearly run its course in your life and can be safely let go to lighten your load as you travel onward?
Note also that Uranus is in your house of career calling and reputation, and he’s starting to shake things up. Meanwhile, Chiron the awareness-raiser is in your fellow fire sign Aries — your house of spiritual development, higher education and long-distance travel.
This is shaping up to be quite a year for you, Leos! Eric will be covering all the most important themes of your relationships, career, growth, healing and much more in your Leo Birthday Reading, which you can pre-order here. If you’re in need of an astrologically focused life coach, spiritual guide and ‘little bird’ on your shoulder, this reading could be just what you’re looking for.
“Thanks for reassuring this Leo, who is having a year “for the books”! You get to the core of things.”
— Barbara Peaslee
When you pre-order this hour-plus audio reading early, you secure the lowest price Planet Waves offers on these accessible insights and motivating perspectives that will empower you to really live your life — just $33. As the reading nears publication, the price will increase.
Remember, you can download your audio reading (which comes in two segments of 30 minutes or more) and listen to it as many times as you like throughout the year. You’ll also get access to last year’s reading, an extended description of your sign, and the chart Eric used in the reading.
Wishing you a most excellent solar year,
Amanda Painter
P.S. Eric’s Birthday Readings make heartfelt, truly helpful gifts — pre-order it for your Leo loved one today!
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There are times when you must feather your nest, and I recommend doing so literally: with things like sheets, pillows, cleaning out the fridge and stocking a few of your favorite things, and maybe inviting over one special person. Today is one day when this will come easily.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Venus in your sign is urging to you keep track of the facts, before they begin to slip away. Document what is happening, tag it with the date and time, and file in alphabetical order, so you can find it in the dark. Study any map so well you can navigate in a fog. To know is to have power.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Today’s aspects indicate you might think you have more money than you really do, so don’t go on a spending spree. You might in fact go on an adding spree, and figure out where you really are with debt, cash on hand, and available credit. Know where you stand at all times, such as now.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Today’s Moon-Jupiter aspect in your birth sign could have you feeling moody, or feeling like Wonder Woman. Try to work the middle ground. Make sure you eat food, and minimize sugar and caffeine. If you’re feeling like you can fly, take off your shoes and stand on the nearest wood floor.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your emotions will seem larger than they are today, and certain problems may appear to swell out of proportion. While you have little choice but to let this pass, you will make certain observations that stand out as relevant. There are facts you cannot deny, so be sure to affirm them.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your project of cultivating positive self-esteem seems to know no end. Yet eventually you will wrap your heart and soul around the fact that your worth comes from you, not from anyone else; and that you must be your own first and best source of encouragement.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) —
Try experimenting with masks. They might be real ones, or they might be personas you try on for an hour, or for a day. Let the person you present to the public be optional, not something you’re locked into. Said another way, try being a slightly different person every day.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Yours is the sign that holds the mystical and the spiritual connection to sex and sexuality. What is natural to you, and so basic to existence, is often alien and frightening to others. This can be a difficult gap to close, though it’s not entirely your responsibility. Stick to people who relate to you.
Don’t forget to take advantage of this special gift: Eric’s Daily Horoscope can arrive in your mailbox by 7 am ET, containing great astrological guidance for all 12 signs. You can sign up with our compliments, though we welcome donations.
Dear Eric,
Thank you for providing an account of the weirdness that has engulfed you in recent months. I am sorry that you have become a target for profound anger, unconsciousness, and lack of integrity. It is my sincere hope that your decision to care for yourself, along with your recognition regarding the clearing of space for a better future, reward you far beyond your imaginings.
Love & Blessings
From the Land of Enchantment
This too shall pass, that’s why we have rainbows.
Taking care of yourself is the first priority, Eric. I’m certain that your good and true friends will support you in every way possible.
Much love.