By Amanda Painter
If you have any puzzles, mysteries or proposals on your plate today, you should be in the perfect frame of mind to dig deep, investigate and scrutinize it until you are satisfied. But what if that puzzle or mystery is something about yourself — specifically something regarding certain of your beliefs?

Illuminated box at the 2016 Sacred and Profane Festival, Peaks Island, Maine. Participants had to figure out what would prompt the silent, masked box-holders to open the lid wider and offer its contents, rather than close the lid and withdraw. Photo by Amanda Painter.
The astrology looks good for cracking that nut, too, though it may happen in unexpected ways, or could come with some emotional release.
And given how high emotions are running already this election season, and the way so many people are doubling-down on what they believe to be ‘true’ — regardless of facts, context or their own past stances on similar issues — don’t be surprised if your next political conversation is a catalyst for that release.
Not everyone is comfortable with intense or highly focused self-expression, however, including their own…or especially their own. If that sounds like you, I’d definitely encourage you to see the process as one of exploration and even relief or liberation, rather than as any kind of threat to whatever neat, tidy package you’ve constructed for your self-image. We’re all works of progress, remember. No shame in that.
In fact, when you allow yourself to be moved and ‘let it out’ (whatever ‘it’ may be for you), you begin to get clearer on your deeper values. Those moments are practically arrows that point you to your core bottom line, your ethics, your essential humanity. True, sometimes those arrows also point to shadow material, baggage or sore spots that still need some TLC, understanding, unpacking and illumination. Again, nothing wrong with that — it’s all part of healing and growing. Those triggers can be incredible teachers when we’re able to hold space for them.
So what’s in the works astrologically? Today one highlight is Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn, exact at 1:10 am EDT (05:10 UTC). This offers the deeply investigative frame of mind, as well as the ability and desire to share whatever answer you unearth — though with Mercury in Scorpio, that sharing is more likely to happen in private to a carefully selected recipient.
Watch out for obsessively dogging people with your newfound ‘truth’, particularly in political discussions. A little persistence goes a long way this time of year.
Yet, applying this energy to any creative challenges or stuck projects at work will likely put you in great shape to use what you learn. If your sleuthing is of the entirely internal variety, go as deep as you can.
Mercury-Pluto is setting the intellectual stage; the more emotional side of things emerges as we head into the weekend. Tomorrow, Venus in Sagittarius squares Chiron in Pisces (exact at 12:39 pm EDT / 16:39 UTC). Then, beginning Saturday, Nov. 5, Venus trines Uranus and Eris in Aries (exact beginning at 2:23 am EDT / 06:23 UTC).
This is where the emotional release, the focus on or discovery of values, and perhaps even related lessons about receptivity and healing come in. Venus-Chiron squares set up some internal stress. But as mentioned, you can express how you’re feeling about it in truly beneficial ways. One key is to focus on what you can learn rather than just getting caught up in (or scared by) the adrenaline high of all that emotion.
With Venus also in a trine to Uranus and Eris, you’ll not only want to expect the unexpected, you’ll likely have more fun if you actively seek it out. Unusual ideas, surprising events and atypical attractions (of both the romantic and the entertainment varieties) may call to you, and could offer just the adventurous spark you need to go with the flow of whatever Venus-Chiron urges out of you.
The presence of Eris nearby does caution that you be up-front with all of this for maximum benefit and constructive enjoyment. That runs counter to a Scorpio Mercury. So, pay attention to any feelings of being overlooked (in yourself and in those you care about, including in the digital realm). Maybe accept an invitation from someone new to come play, and see where your discoveries take you.

Eric has begun the early pre-order phase of the 2017 annual edition. You can read his full letter about it here. Or, go straight to the purchase page for the current early discount, which will increase again later in the season. (If you’re a Core Community or Backstage Pass member, or have questions, please email us at for your extra-special discounted price.)
Thanks, this inspired me to express some sadness on facebook. It really hits home, as I’ve been feeling neglected in the digital realm. What was once a nice & cozy support system from the tight knit, but sizable theatre community in Louisville, has thinned out over the short time I’ve been in Colorado. I still post stuff about my creative endeavors at school, videos, future plans & what not, but I don’t get near as much support as I used to when I was home doing community theatre. On one hand it shows me that some bonds were not as deep as I believed. So I can take from that a cue to do more in the future to create stronger, deeper bonds that will stand the test of time, and distance. On the other hand it saddens me.
On the other Hand Michael, if i may, …. just maybe supporting yourself more has organically created a need much less important of support… from the outside world. Smile; Welcome to the land of autonomy 🙂
lindeelou… the-pink-puma-claws lol
Yes, I think that as we’ve incorporated social media into our “routines,” how we use it has often also become more routine, more automated, more passive.
But to play devil’s advocate for a moment: since you do not mention how much or whether you actively seek out the posts about projects of others from your own community online, do you? Sometimes a little reciprocal attention goes a long way to keeping those bonds fresh and actually alive. In a more cynical sense, more engagement on FB also shifts what you see from whom in your field, and vice versa — though that’s not why I mention it. It’s more that I know it can be easy to get very focused on how little we feel like we’re receiving, and not notice how much we ourselves are not giving.
Again, I do not know how much it applies to you, but it seemed worth asking about.
Michael, I could not agree more!!! I can remember when all social media (Myspace, early Facebook and several online dating sites) was such a joy and I was always so excited to come home from work every evening and “play” for hours. Now, the negativity and trolling that I see on Facebook really gets me down. Plus, I, too, feel so neglected and know that likely most of my “friends” on Facebook have hidden me from their feed — talk about digital exclusion. I haven’t been on dating sites for several years now. I truly believe that the shift happened when Neptune moved into PIsces from Aquarius. Some may argue that point, but the timing for me was just too perfect. Oh well, I just look for my own happiness in my own ways. Good luck to you with your theater endeavors. 🙂