2 thoughts on “INVOLUTION for Capricorn

  1. Lisa

    So deeply helpful and encouraging Eric… confirms my experiences recently and over the past 10 years. I’m so curious about what the 8/21 eclipse with bring/reveal. Saturn in Sagittarius moving to Capricorn this December marks my second Saturn return. I am at a very significant time in my life. Thanks so much for your care and guidance. love, lisa

  2. Barb

    Thank you Eric,
    So much depth to incorporate on so many levels! These past 10 years have brought more change and more insight into my life than I ever imagined was possible. I loved when you said that we might re-discover ourselves repeatedly. SO TRUE. The revelations about family issues, ties and generational connections are profound, to say the least. Thank you for addressing all these deep, personal, sometimes wrenching situations.
    I too wish to express my love and gratitude for the guidance and intensely personal gift you’ve given us.
    Love & Light

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