2 thoughts on “INVOLUTION for Cancer

  1. Lizzy

    Thank you for this great reading, dear Eric. Always such a pleasure to have these readings on video – where your great warmth, intelligence and spontaneity shine through. I reckon you’re a real pro already! Mighty relieved to hear the good news about Saturn moving into Capricorn – had been thinking about it with dread till now (also have natal Saturn in Capricorn). Still grappling with challenging work situation – but kind of trust that this is also part of my dharma – and am reassured by your reading that things are constantly changing – and to have faith. Difficult to be proactive, as you suggest, cos don’t know where I’m going right now. But have learned that the skills I develop during each job
    are always a very valuable asset.
    Much love xxxx

  2. Lizzy

    PS As always, am delighted if any of my feedback is useful – but if you give my name, not to mention the stuff about the work. Many thanks! <3

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