Full Moon, New Moon: Twin Charts for Gemini

In this week’s Planet Waves TV, Eric describes the forthcoming Sagittarius Full Moon on May 21. You can only have the Sagittarius Full Moon when the Sun is in Gemini, which begins May 20. Then Eric looks ahead to the Gemini New Moon, taking the two charts as one event, and explaining the lunar cycle — the Full Moon/New Moon pulse — in some detail.

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3 thoughts on “Full Moon, New Moon: Twin Charts for Gemini

  1. Jon Jonsen

    Thank you for the forecast, very helpful, and about the background aspect Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune to keep in mind for another level of the “astrological weather” with this full moon. Considering that right after the full moon, stationing Mercury is close to a trine to a Jupiter that is freshly direct now. A small storm(phase) that blends these twin charts, With Taurasian blessings?

  2. Mary

    me, again … LOVE THE PART where you discuss putting one’s surf board in the water and paddling … very palpable happy smile … also dig the kitty in the background.

    but, might I mention, seems to me that Venus eclipsed the Sun at or near that degree that will be the New Moon in Gemini. Might we take all this as further “evidence” of a consciousness change that allows the feminine energy to evolve??


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