Today is Monday, March 27, 2017
Hebrew date is 29 Adar 5777
Islamic date is 28 Jumada-II 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 1 kab’an
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457840
Today’s Birthdays: Jane Colden (1724-1766), Charles Mackay (1814-1889), Patty Hill (1868-1946), Georges-Eugene Haussmann (1877-1881), Roland Leighton (1895-1915), Elsie MacGill (1905-1980), Ben Webster (1909-1973), Margaret K. Butler (1924-2013), Sarah Vaughn (1924-1990), Frank O’Hara (1926-1950), Anne Ramsey (1929-1988), Junior Parker (1932-1971), Malcolm Goldstein (1936), Maria Ewing (1950), Andrew Farriss (1959), Quentin Tarantino (1963), Mariah Carey (1970), Elizabeth Mitchell (1970), Nathan Fillion (1971), Fergie (1975), Jessie J (1988), Kimbra (1990).
“I worked with an artist in London who said that our society has changed to such an extent that we need to change what we consider a hero to be. We need to change our conception of heroism. You can watch TV and watch the movies and — I mean, in real life, we don’t really have any Superman. We don’t have a guy who’s ultimately powerful, who can solve problems with his fists or a gun, and he’s always fantastic. That’s not reality. I’ve found a real comfort in the idea of a hero that has flaws, a hero that is real, an actual person. Not everybody is good all the time, that’s reality.”
— Nathan Fillion
Aries New Moon: The Adventure Continues
Monday night we experience the Aries New Moon, the latest of a series of conjunctions in the energetic first sign of the zodiac. Late last week was the Venus-Sun conjunction; Sunday Mercury passed by the Uranus-Eris conjunction; and now the Moon and the Sun will form their first conjunction of the astrological year.

Fractal. Credit:
Aries is about initiation; that is, beginnings. It’s the ignition of the zodiac, the start of the astrological year, and the Sun in this sign arrives with the surge of energy that pushes life up out of the ground during the Northern Hemisphere spring. Now this is being fully activated by the Aries New Moon.
The world around us is restless, and you may be feeling that within yourself. This is well-described by the Uranus-Eris conjunction, the beginning of a new 90-year cycle that’s just begun.
There’s a sensation of rising chaos, and the sense that we live in revolutionary times. The question is, whose revolution? A revolution of what? Much of the strangeness and even chaos that we’re seeing, feeling and experiencing is the result of having our identities and self-concept up-ended by the onslaught of digital technology that’s come on like a hurricane. But it’s so pervasive we can barely see it for what it is.
Consider this, though. The internet is an external factor. Aries and everything happening there points to each of us as individuals. Uranus conjunct Eris in Aries is really about the revolution within.
If you follow this underneath appearances, and into the feeling of what it means to be alive, you might notice that you really do have an inner life. This is described by the many planets still in Pisces: Chiron, Neptune, Nessus, Pallas Athene, and soon-to-be Venus.
Moon Phase: Moon is in Balsamic (waning crescent) phase and enters New phase today at 7:57 pm PDT / 10:57 pm EDT (02:57:09 March 28 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Libra on April 10-11 at 11:08 pm PDT / 2:08 am EDT (06:08:02 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Taurus on April 26 at 5:16 am PDT / 8:16 am EDT (12:16:04 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Pisces and enters Aries today at 7:10 am PDT / 10:10 am EDT (14:10:36 UTC).
Sun Degree: 7-8 Aries.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Mercury enters shadow phase at 9:49 pm March 26 PDT / 12:49 am EDT (04:49:11 UTC).
Moon enters Aries at 7:10 am PDT / 10:10 am EDT (14:10:36 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Mars sextile Neptune at 9:44 am PDT / 12:44 pm EDT (16:44:10 UTC).
— Sun sextile Crantor at 10:20 am PDT / 1:20 pm EDT (17:20:13 UTC).
— Mars sesquiquadrate Saturn at 11:57 am PDT / 2:57 pm EDT (18:56:51 UTC).
— Saturn trine Echeclus at 5:05 pm PDT / 8:05 pm EDT (00:04:50 March 27 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is March 27
(The Day of the Originator) | Aries Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
You have gained some important knowledge about yourself that can help you break through past challenges. Trust your instincts, and honor your needs; this will help you maintain your self-esteem. Your dreams could inspire you further, though be sure to keep a degree of realism in your expectations of yourself. You can achieve quite enough without being a Marvel-style hero.
Written in the Planets
The phrase ‘new moon’ long ago made its way into common usage, meaning a fresh start, which rings true astrologically. Tonight’s Aries New Moon suggests that we are beginning this particular cycle a little wiser. It may be useful to bear in mind that even the most difficult teaching experiences can be invaluable, as well as rewarding in ways that might not be immediately clear. Don’t forget also that while altering the past might be out of everyone’s reach, creating a better future is your privilege as a human being.

Sign up for Eric’s brand new class: Karma, Reincarnation and Astrology. This class will take place by live teleconference on Saturday, April 1.