Today is Saturday, March 11, 2017
Hebrew date is 13 Adar 5777
Islamic date is 12 Jumada-II 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 11 Imix’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457824
Today’s Birthdays: Urbain Le Verrier (1811-1877), Shemp Howard (1895-1955), Ezra Jack Keats (1916-1983), Ralph Abernathy (1926-1990), Harvey Mandel (1945), Bobby McFerrin (1950), The Lady Chablis (1957-2016), Alex Kingston (1963), Jesse Jackson, Jr. (1965), John Barrowman (1967), Lisa Loeb (1968), Terrence Howard (1969), Soraya (1969-2006), LeToya Luckett (1981), Thora Birch (1982), Anton Yelchin (1989-2016).
“You got to go to the battlefield. Now when you go to the battlefield, ain’t no need to go out there without expectin’ to have some casualties. Somebody will get hurt. I don’t know who it will be. It may be me. If it is me, I can only rejoice in the Lord that I had a little part to play.”
— Ralph Abernathy
In this week’s Planet Waves TV, Eric looks at Sunday’s Virgo Full Moon that takes place in aspect with Chiron and Pallas. But mostly, he looks at the Uranus-Eris conjunction in Aries that is exact on Friday, March 17 — the aspect that’s defining our era of history.
Moon Phase: Moon is in Waxing Gibbous phase and enters Full phase on March 12 at 7:54 am PDT / 10:54 am EDT (14:53:43 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Virgo on March 12 at 7:54 am PDT / 10:54 am EDT (14:53:43 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Aries on March 27-28 at 7:57 pm PDT / 10:57 pm EDT (02:57:09 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Virgo and enters Libra on March 12-13 at 10:28 pm PDT / 1:28 am EDT (05:28:02 UTC).
Sun Degree: 21-22 Pisces.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
No changes today.
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Mars opposite Typhon at 1:23 am PST / 4:23 am EST (09:23:48 UTC).
— Mercury sextile Sedna at 2:30 am PST / 5:30 am EST (10:30:13 UTC).
— Ceres conjunct Eros at 8:40 am PST / 11:40 am EST (16:39:46 UTC).
— Mercury square Ixion at 1:19 pm PST / 4:19 pm EST (21:18:40 UTC).
— Psyche square Asbolus at 2:56 pm PST / 5:56 pm EST (22:56:29 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is March 11
(The Day of Progressive Intuition) | Pisces Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
It’s important to remember that anybody is capable of anything, including yourself. That applies to the creative vision you might have for your life, but it also applies to the potential to abandon one’s ethics. Today’s astrology comes with a reminder to reality-check yourself regarding what you believe you’re doing. Checking in does not mean that you’ve gone astray. It simply means that you care enough — about the people around you, about your karma, about your true purpose — to make a point of keeping your conscience in the loop.
Written in the Planets
Today looks like a good day to feed your erotic side. With asteroids Ceres and Eros conjunct in Taurus, the implication is to do so in tangible, physical, multi-sensory ways. That said, you are likely well aware that arousal often starts in the mind. As luck would have it, Ceres and Eros are making a trine to Psyche in Virgo. While Psyche is known for representing some kind of psychological wound that feels like it cannot heal, a trine is a supportive, harmonious aspect. One way of reading this is that by starting with what feels good physically, you might be able to smooth over some kind of persistent mental block, hang-up of self-criticism when it comes to sex (solo or with a partner). This might not be the last time you need to address this specific issue, but that’s okay: healing often comes in layers. And this layer looks like a nourishing one.

Sign up for Eric’s brand new class: Karma, Reincarnation and Astrology. This class will take place by live teleconference on Saturday, April 1.