Four Winds Report for June 19, 2017


The Only Thing Missing From This Almanac Is Your Daily Horoscope

Every day, you read the Four Winds report, to get a sense of the current energies. There’s just one thing missing — your daily horoscope. Written for you, every day of the week, your Planet Waves daily horoscope is designed to give you the clue you need, that little edge to make your life go smoother.

One well-placed line from an astrologer can make all the difference in your life. We now have two editions of the Four Winds Report — one with, and one without your daily reading. You may be one of the readers who wait for years for me to offer you this — and now you can have it. Horoscope Lover membership gets you direct mailing of each day’s reading, plus the weekly reading on Sunday night, and the monthly reading the last Thursday of the month. Sign up at this link.

with love,

Today is Monday, June 19, 2017
Hebrew date is 25 Sivan 5777
Islamic date is 24 Ramadan 1438

Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 7 Imix’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457924

Today’s Birthdays: Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), William H. Webb (1816-1899), Mary Tenney Gray (1833-1904), Mary Sibbet Copley (1843-1929), John Heartfield (1891-1968), Laura Z. Hobson (1900-1986), Lou Gehrig (1903-1941), Ernst Boris Chain (1906-1979), Osama Dazai (1909-1948), Gena Rowlands (1930), Shirley Muldowney (1940), Tobias Wolff (1945), Nick Drake (1948), Sadie Frost (1965), Yuko Nakazawa (1973), Zoe Saldana (1978), Macklemore (1983).

“People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive.”
— Blaise Pascal

Energy Surge: Bring on the Solstice

Somewhat astonishingly, we’ve nearly arrived at summer solstice. On Wednesday, within hours of one another, the Sun and Mercury ingress the sign Cancer. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the week when the days are longest and the nights are shortest. The Sun seems to be at stasis.

As of this moment, the Sun is about to conclude its rather eventful run through Gemini. Speaking of, on Saturday, I completed the Gemini audio reading. This is a masterpiece of laid-back, useful, informative, plain-talk astrology.


This is called a solar analemma. It’s a composite photo of the Sun, taken approximately once a week, from the same spot, for one year. The lower left of the infinity is the Sun at winter solstice, when the Sun is low in the sky. The crossover points are the equinoxes. The top right is the summer solstice, when the Sun is high in the sky. Photos and composite by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

So, first a bit about changes of season. One of the most useful astrology books I ever read was The Book of Thoth by Aleister Crowley, which is really an explanation of his astrologically rich tarot deck. He has a lot to say about this.

When the season changes, there’s a surge of energy from the Earth. If you’re sensitive, you’ll notice it with your senses, and can feel it with your body. Seasonal changes keep nature and our lives flowing. Nearly everyone who grew up where there are noticeable changes of season, who then left for a while, misses the seasons and is happy to have them back.

In the solstice chart, the most interesting feature is that the Sun is in Cancer, and Mercury is half a degree behind, still in Gemini. It’s as if there’s a secret waiting to be revealed. And that is the quality of the next few months: something obvious, thinly veiled, lurking just off stage.

Mercury is in the somewhat humorous “bathing beauties” degree from the Sabian symbols. The official title of the degree is, “A parade of bathing beauties before large beach crowds.” Everyone is witnessing a meaningless, if mildly amusing, form of pageantry. The degree’s interpretation concludes, “The show is over. Now comes the moment of decision.”

Decisions are important. Without them, nothing except calamity moves life forward. If you wonder why people are so dependent upon disaster, maybe that’s because they’ve thrown away their power of decision.

Read more…

Moon Phase: Moon is in Last Quarter phase and enters Balsamic (waning crescent) phase on June 20 at 3:13 pm PDT / 6:13 pm EDT (22:12:48 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Cancer on June 23-24 at 7:30 pm PDT / 10:30 pm EDT (02:30:38 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon in Capricorn is on July 8-9 at 9:06 pm PDT / 12:06 am EDT (04:06:30 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Aries and enters Taurus today at 2:53 pm PDT / 5:53 pm EDT (21:52:48 UTC).
Sun Degree: 29-30 Gemini.

Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Taurus at 2:53 pm PDT / 5:53 pm EDT (21:52:48 UTC).

Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Mars opposite Amycus at 4:05 am PDT / 7:05 am EDT (11:05:27 UTC).
— Venus square Okyrhoe at 8:12 am PDT / 11:12 am EDT (15:11:55 UTC).
— Pallas conjunct Uranus at 9:21 am PDT / 12:21 pm EDT (16:20:53 UTC).
— Venus trine Juno at 12:46 pm PDT / 3:46 pm EDT (19:46:05 UTC).
— Sun square Chiron at 3:26 pm PDT / 6:26 pm EDT (22:25:50 UTC).
— Mercury opposite Galactic Center at 7:14 pm PDT / 10:14 pm EDT (02:14:15 June 20 UTC).

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If Your Birthday is June 19
(The Day of the Spark) | Gemini Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
You can be as outrageous, creative and innovative as you want, as long as you focus your mind and negotiate an arrangement with the people around you. That doesn’t mean getting permission to be you; it means getting others to agree that you doing things your way is actually best for them. Then, you have to come through with what you promise.

Written in the Planets
The Sun pulls up square Chiron today; meanwhile, the asteroid Pallas Athene makes a conjunction with Uranus. This speaks of stepping outside one’s comfort zone, and bending the rules almost methodically, to facilitate a healing process. Sometimes going a little bit wild is necessary in order to move forward, especially if the boundaries you’ve been keeping within are restrictive to the point of chafing. You have the right to live freely and fully. If you’ve routinely settled for less, ask yourself why.


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