Four Winds Report for June 14, 2017


Hello Planet Waves Reader — We’ll post this daily almanac here each morning. If you would like to get on board, you may sign up at this link. Please share this newsletter with your friends. Thank you! — the PW Editors

Today is Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Hebrew date is 20 Sivan 5777
Islamic date is 19 Ramadan 1438

Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 2 k’ib’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457919

Today’s Birthdays: Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896), Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), Rose Rand (1903-1980), Gene Barry (1919-2009), Che Guevara (1928-1967), Marla Gibbs (1931), Junior Walker (1931-1995), Harold Wheeler (1943), Rowan Williams (1950), Will Patton (1954), Paul O’Grady (1955), Maxi Jazz (1957), Campbell Brown (1968), Faizon Love (1968), Alan Carr (1976), Lang Lang (1982), Dayo Okeniyi (1988), Lucy Hale (1989).

“For us there is no valid definition of socialism other than the abolition of the exploitation of one human being by another.”
— Che Guevara

Moon Phase: Moon is in Disseminating (waning gibbous) phase and enters Last Quarter phase on June 17 at 4:32 am PDT / 7:32 am EDT (11:32:38 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Cancer on June 23-24 at 7:30 pm PDT / 10:30 pm EDT (02:30:38 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon in Capricorn is on July 8-9 at 9:06 pm PDT / 12:06 am EDT (04:06:30 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Aquarius and enters Pisces on June 15 at 3:17 am PDT / 6:17 am EDT (10:17:22 UTC).
Sun Degree: 24-25 Gemini.

Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Teharonhiawako stations retrograde at 10:49 pm June 13 PDT / 1:49 am EDT (05:49:23 UTC).

Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Mercury conjunct Asbolus at 5:10 am PDT / 8:10 am EDT (12:10:36 UTC).
— Sun sextile Eris at 8:36 am PDT / 11:36 am EDT (15:36:12 UTC).
— Mercury sextile Vesta at 11:38 am PDT / 2:38 pm EDT (18:38:07 UTC).
— Mars opposite Hylonome at 2:32 pm PDT / 5:32 pm EDT (21:32:25 UTC).

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If Your Birthday is June 14
(The Day of Gutsy Confrontation) | Gemini Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
The more revolutionary your ideas, the more successful you’ll be, so push the limits with pleasure. In the current professional and media environments, innovation is essential. You’re poised to discover something that nobody has noticed before, though you’ll need to keep your sense of humor fresh, and remember that revision is the key to brilliance.

Written in the Planets
If you’re frustrated by a lack of clarity in the answers you’re getting, you might want to check whether you’re asking clear questions. This goes for the questions you’re grappling with yourself, as well as the ones you ask others. Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces today is the picture of confusion in communication and thinking. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to do whatever is in your power not to make things even fuzzier. Notice if you’re tending to over-idealize anything (or anyone), fudge facts or evade confrontations — whether with an authority figure, with the reality of a situation, or with your own true desires. Your best chance at clarity is to make it a priority, in all things.


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