Today is Monday, Jan. 30, 2017
Hebrew date is 3 Shevat 5777
Islamic date is 2 Jumada-I 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 10 Imix’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457784
Today’s Birthdays: Livia Drusilla (58 BC-29 AD), Charles Rollin (1661-1741), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), Gelett Burgess (1866-1951), Gene Hackman (1930), Vanessa Redgrave (1937), Gregory Benford (1941), Cynthia Carter (1959), Christian Bale (1974), Kid Cudi (1984).
“If in the last few years you haven’t discarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse. You may be dead.”
— Gelett Burgess
Moon Phase: Moon is in New phase and enters Waxing Crescent phase on Jan. 31 at 8:29 am PST / 11:29 am EST (16:28:42 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Leo on Feb. 10-11 at 4:33 pm PST / 7:33 pm EST (00:32:49 UTC), and is a penumbral lunar eclipse.
Next New Moon is in Pisces on Feb. 26 at 6:58 am PST / 9:58 am EST (14:58:19 UTC), and is an annular solar eclipse.
Moon Sign: Moon is in Pisces and enters Aries on Jan. 31 at 1:46 pm PST / 4:46 pm EST (21:46:25 UTC).
Sun Degree: 11-12 Aquarius.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
No changes today.
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Mercury opposite Cyllarus at 6:21 am PST / 9:21 am EST (14:21:09 UTC).
— Mercury square Echeclus at 7:48 am PST / 10:48 am EST (15:47:48 UTC).
— Mars square Orius at 8:17 am PST / 11:17 am EST (16:16:45 UTC).
— Sun trine Asbolus at 9:53 am PST / 12:53 pm EST (17:53:29 UTC).
— Ceres opposite Rhadamanthus at 4:04 pm PST / 7:04 pm EST (00:03:59 Jan. 31 UTC).
— Venus square Galactic Center at 6:00 pm PST / 9:00 pm EST (02:00:22 Jan. 31 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Jan. 30
(The Day of Take Charge) | Aquarius Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
You have more strength than you realize. Much of it may be dormant until summoned, but it’s there notwithstanding. Don’t be afraid to face head on whatever challenges this year might hold, or to take your development to the next level. You are a survivor and you have guts of steel.
Written in the Planets
Today will involve a variety of aspects from inner planets to centaurs. This suggests a general theme of alchemical transmutation: taking past struggles and difficulties and making them into something new and better. Sometimes we allow ourselves to become fixated on particular injuries. When that happens, we temporarily cease to evolve and to remain open. Yet as the saying goes, we each have the divine spark within. By moving forward we can honor that part of ourselves, and be the hero we were always meant to be.

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Thank you. Needed that. (((())))