Four Winds Report for Jan. 3, 2018


The Only Thing Missing From This Almanac Is Your Daily Horoscope

Every day, you read the Four Winds report, to get a sense of the current energies. There’s just one thing missing — your daily horoscope. Written for you, every day of the week, your Planet Waves daily horoscope is designed to give you the clue you need, that little edge to make your life go smoother.

One well-placed line from an astrologer can make all the difference in your life. We now have two editions of the Four Winds Report — one with, and one without your daily reading. You may be one of the readers who’ve waited for years for me to offer you this — and now you can have it. Horoscope Lover membership gets you direct mailing of each day’s reading, plus the weekly reading on Sunday night, and the monthly reading the last Thursday of the month. Sign up at this link.

with love,


Today is Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2018
Hebrew date is 16 Tevet 5778
Islamic date is 16 Rabi’-II 1439

Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 10 Kawak
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2458122

Today’s Birthdays: Cicero (106-43 BCE), Lucretia Mott (1793-1880), J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973), Anna May Wong (1905-1961), Ray Milland (1907-1986), Victor Borge (1909-2000), John Sturges (1910-1992), Danny Overbea (1926-1994), Sergio Leone (1929-1989), Betty Rollin (1936), Franklin McCain (1941-2014), John Paul Jones (1946), Stephen Stills (1945), Zulema (1947-2013), Linda Steiner (1950), Sandeep Marwah (1960), Danica McKellar (1975), Kohei Uchimura (1989).

“‘I wish it need not have happened in my time,’ said Frodo.
‘So do I,’ said Gandalf, ‘and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.'”
— J. R. R. Tolkien

Recently on Democracy Now!

At least 22 people are dead and hundreds have been arrested, as Iranian authorities move to quell the largest anti-government protests since 2009. President Donald Trump responded to the protests on Monday in one of his first tweets of the new year, writing “TIME FOR CHANGE!” “This is the same president who, not more than three months ago, announced a ban on Iranians from coming to the United States,” says Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Glenn Greenwald. “He’s somebody who has aligned with the world’s worst, most savage dictators.”

View this and other Democracy Now! posts here. We feature this informative show as part of our affiliation with the Pacifica Network.

Moon Phase: Moon is in Full phase and enters Waning Gibbous phase on Jan. 5 at 12:05 am PST / 3:05 am EST (08:04:32 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Capricorn on Jan. 16-17 at 6:17 pm PST / 9:17 pm EST (02:17:09 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Leo on Jan. 31 at 5:27 am PST / 8:27 am EST (13:26:39 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Cancer and enters Leo Jan. 2-3 at 11:22 pm PST / 2:22 am EST (07:22:21 UTC).
Sun Degree: 13-14 Capricorn.

Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Leo at 11:22 pm Jan. 2 PST / 2:22 am EST (07:22:21 UTC).

Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Venus conjunct Amycus at 10:54 pm Jan. 2 PST / 1:54 am EST (06:54:08 UTC).
— Mercury square Borasisi at 11:53 pm Jan. 2 PST / 2:53 am EST (07:52:43 UTC).
— Venus sextile Neptune at 9:38 am PST / 12:38 pm EST (17:38:16 UTC).

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If Your Birthday is Jan. 3
(The Day of Total Involvement) | Capricorn Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
A magnificent aspect between Venus and Neptune on your birthday is reminding you to put love first in your life. I don’t just mean romance. I mean demonstrating your affection and appreciation for everyone you value in your life, and even people you don’t know or encounter by chance. This is a path to happiness, connection and community.

Current Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Stop yourself every time you notice yourself saying, “But what would my [mother/father/family] think?” This may be subtle; it may be below the level of tangible inner dialog, though the message will still come through.

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Current Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Saturn’s return to your birth sign describes a sense of completeness you have not felt for a very long time, if ever. Take a moment to collect yourself: a week or two of reflecting on your goals and preparing your mind.

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Written in the Planets
If Venus in Capricorn has you feeling at all like your love life’s wearing a corset, today might offer some liberation — at least, in your imagination. Venus is making a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. If you can surround yourself with beauty and art, it will likely feed your spirits. If this results only in pleasant daydreams, that alone could be quite beneficial. If you find your sensitivity calls for some active sharing, you can easily use this energy to help make a loved one feel better — though it might feel more appealing to do so in private. That said, the Moon ingressing Leo could indicate an unexpected post-holiday urge to socialize. Who did you not get a chance to connect with these last couple weeks?


The Art of Becoming, the 2018 Planet Waves Annual by Eric Francis, will be your best guide to the major astrological shifts ahead. If you pre-order now, you’ll not only get all 12 signs of the written reading for $99, but we’ll include three extra videos covering the forthcoming sign changes of Saturn, Chiron and Uranus. These videos are only included if you get all 12 signs. You may choose your individual signs here.

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