Four Winds Report for Jan. 19, 2017


Hello Planet Waves Reader — We’ll post this daily almanac here each morning. If you would like to get on board, you may sign up at this link. Please share this newsletter with your friends. Thank you! — the PW Editors

Today is Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017
Hebrew date is 21 Tevet 5777
Islamic date is 21 Rabi’-II 1438

Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 12 Ok
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457773

Today’s Birthdays: Pulcheria (398-453), Auguste Comte (1798-1857), Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), Paul Cezanne (1839-1906), Lester Flatt (1914-1979), Bernard Dunstan (1920-2015), Jean Stapleton (1923-2013), Tippi Hedren (1930), Janis Joplin (1943-1970), Dolly Parton (1946), Clifford Tabin (1954), Shawn Wayans (1971).

“Listening is the key to total concentration. You listen as the character would listen, closing the door on everything else. Then you’re ready to respond.”
— Jean Stapleton

Help Leonard Peltier and Edward Snowden
In a welcome move, Pres. Obama has commuted Chelsea Manning’s sentence. However, he has so far taken no action in the cases of Leonard Peltier, a Native American activist who has been in prison for many years, or of Edward Snowden. Check out these links for more information, and to get involved:

Free Leonard Peltier Now | Pardon Edward Snowden

Moon Phase: Moon is in Disseminating (waning gibbous) phase and enters Last Quarter phase today at 2:13 pm PST / 5:13 pm EST (22:13:22 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Aquarius on Jan. 27-28 at 4:07 pm PST / 7:07 pm EST (00:06:58 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon in Leo is on Feb. 10-11 at 4:33 pm PST / 7:33 pm EST (00:32:49 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Libra and enters Scorpio today at 2:09 pm PST / 5:09 pm EST (22:09:08 UTC).
Sun Degree: 30 Capricorn-1 Aquarius.

Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Sun enters Aquarius at 1:23 pm PST / 4:23 pm EST (21:23:32 UTC).
Moon enters Scorpio at 2:09 pm PST / 5:09 pm EST (22:09:08 UTC).

Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Sun opposite Varuna at 10:19 pm Jan. 18 PST / 1:19 am EST (06:18:43 UTC).
— Mars square Saturn at 1:15 am PST / 4:15 am EST (09:15:28 UTC).
— Juno conjunct Ixion at 1:55 am PST / 4:55 am EST (09:55:15 UTC).
— Mercury conjunct Hylonome at 2:04 pm PST / 5:04 pm EST (22:04:03 UTC).
— Ceres square Thereus at 4:58 pm PST / 7:58 pm EST (00:58:33 Jan. 20 UTC).

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If Your Birthday is Jan. 19
(The Day of Dreams and Visions) | Birthday Readings: Capricorn | Aquarius | Others
Remember that you are your own ultimate agent. To believe otherwise is to sell yourself short. You have both the power to set wheels in motion, and the strength and courage to keep them rolling in the right direction.

Written in the Planets
The First and Last Quarter Moons are said to be times of action. As both Sun and Moon also move into new signs today, this would seem to be a reminder that making changes for the better begins with each of us. There is no shortage of causes that could use a little more support, enthusiasm or fresh perspective. Creating the future is an ongoing process, consisting of small improvements made in lots of places every day. All this is possibly just another way of repeating the well-known activist commandment: “Think globally, act locally.”


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