Today is Thursday, April 20, 2017
Hebrew date is 24 Nisan 5777
Islamic date is 23 Rajab 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 12 Imix’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457864
Today’s Birthdays: Rose of Lima (1586-1617), Dinah Craik (1826-1887), George Takei (1937), Michael Brandon (1945), Jessica Lange (1949), Luther Vandross (1951-2005), Carrie Mae Weems (1953), Donald Pettit (1955), Rachel Whiteread (1963), Crispin Glover (1964), Andy Serkis (1964), Felix Baumgartner (1969), Shemar Moore (1970), Tina Cousins (1971), Carmen Electra (1972), Stephen Marley (1972), Killer Mike (1975), Ruth Connell (1979), Carlos Valdes (1989).
“It didn’t matter, back then, that most of us were US citizens and had never even been to Japan. We were presumed guilty, and held without charge for four years, simply because we happened to look like the people who had bombed Pearl Harbor. For that crime, we lost our homes, our livelihoods and our freedoms.”
— George Takei
Moon Phase: Moon is in Last Quarter phase and enters Balsamic (waning crescent) phase on April 22-23 at 9:14 pm PDT / 12:14 am EDT (04:14:35 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Taurus on April 26 at 5:16 am PDT / 8:16 am EDT (12:16:04 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon in Scorpio is on May 10 at 2:42 pm PDT / 5:42 pm EDT (21:42:25 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Aquarius and enters Pisces on April 21 at 12:42 pm PDT / 3:42 pm EDT (19:42:31 UTC).
Sun Degree: 1-2 Taurus.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Pluto stations retrograde at 5:48 am PDT / 8:48 am EDT (12:48:35 UTC).
Mercury enters Aries at 10:37 am PDT / 1:37 pm EDT (17:37:03 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Sun conjunct Mercury at 10:54 pm April 19 PDT / 1:54 am EDT (05:53:59 UTC).
— Sun trine Quaoar at 7:05 am PDT / 10:05 am EDT (14:05:37 UTC).
— Eros trine Jupiter at 6:11 pm PDT / 9:11 pm EDT (01:11:18 April 21 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is April 20
(The Day of Worldly Challenge) | Birthday Readings: Aries | Taurus | All Other Signs
There are certain notions or habits that can be carried down through a family tree almost like a gene. If a specific pattern is arising now and you’re not aware of its origin, start by researching your genealogy and getting to know your ancestors more thoroughly. Eventually you should receive an idea as if crossing a threshold, which is likely to help you see with a broader perspective.
Written in the Planets
Pluto now joins the retrograde parade, and Mercury enters Aries on its own backward journey. Many of us have been feeling rather buffeted by recent events, while already somewhat bewildered by the onrush of daily information we receive through technology. We might all need to slow our own pace a little. Drift with the tide, and don’t push yourself beyond your means. Think your plans over carefully and thoroughly. You have more time than you imagine.

You may pre-order all 12 signs of INVOLUTION, the 2017 Spring Reading, here. What we’re living through today is not written about in any book. We’re its pioneers in consciousness, and INVOLUTION will be your guide.