Disability Rights Activist Arrested for Protesting Trumpcare: We Won’t Be Silent While You Kill Us

Links to today’s show transcripts:

Disability Rights Activist Arrested for Protesting Trumpcare: We Won’t Be Silent While You Kill Us
With the deeply unpopular healthcare plan having failed to come to a vote before the Senate recessed for the holidays, demonstrators across the country flooded the offices of Republicans in what they’re calling a “last stand” to prevent a repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Disability rights attorney Stephanie Woodward was shown in a viral video being pulled out of her wheelchair and arrested for protesting outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office.

“Inaction Means Death”: California Sees Groundswell of Support for Single-Payer Healthcare
As Republicans continue their push for their healthcare plan, polls show support for a nationwide single-payer healthcare system is growing. At least one poll shows a full third of Americans are now in favor of a national single-payer system, while 60 percent believe the federal government should be responsible for healthcare. In one state, the California Senate passed a single-payer bill, but the House speaker killed it in the Assembly.

Naomi Klein: The Worst Is Yet to Come with Trump, So We Must Be Ready for Shock Politics
Watch Part 2 of Amy Goodman’s conversation with best-selling author and Intercept senior correspondent Naomi Klein about her book, “No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need.”


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