Experience the beauty of Vision Quest, our 2016 annual. Written and audio excerpts for each sign are available from the Vision Quest main page. Order all 12 signs or choose your individual signs.
President Obama has submitted a plan to Congress to close Guantánamo Bay military prison. Despite Obama’s pledge to close the facility as one of his first acts on taking office, there are still 91 prisoners there. Obama announced plans to transfer all detainees to their home countries or to U.S. military or civilian prisons. Baher Azmy, the legal director of the Center for Comnstitutional Rights, described the plan as “both too late and too little.”
Meanwhile, Donald Trump has easily won the Nevada caucus, with 46 percent of the vote — a 22-point lead over runner-up Marco Rubio. However, Guardian reporter Nicky Woolf notes that many of the volunteers counting votes were seen to wear hats and T-shirts bearing Trump slogans.
The show ends with a tribute to MarShawn McCarrel, a Black Lives Matter activist and volunteer for the homeless, who sadly shot himself outside the Ohio statehouse on February 8. He was just 23 years old. On the day of his death, MarShawn wrote on his Facebook page, “My demons won today. I’m sorry.” His community project had recently earned him honor as a Hometown Hero at the NAACP Image Awards.
We are honored to offer this broadcast as part of our affiliation with the Pacifica Network.