Democracy Now! — Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2016


The written readings for Vision Quest, Planet Waves’ 2016 annual edition, have now been published. Order all 12 signs at a great value or choose your individual signs.

Donald Trump: the new George Wallace?

Donald Trump: the new George Wallace?

In her new book, Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right, reporter Jane Mayer explores how the Koch brothers and fellow right-wing billionaires have funded a political machine aimed at shaping elections and public policy. The book contains a number of revelations and new details. Mayer begins with revealing that the Kochs’ father, industrialist Fred Koch, helped build an oil refinery in Nazi Germany — a project approved personally by Adolf Hitler. The refinery was critical to the Nazi war effort, fueling German warplanes. Amy Goodman interviews Mayer on today’s show.

We are honored to offer this broadcast as part of our affiliation with the Pacifica Network.

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