Allan Nairn: United States Tries—But Fails—to Stop to Stop Hondurans from Protesting Election Fraud

Links to today’s show transcripts:

Allan Nairn: United States Tries—But Fails—to Stop to Stop Hondurans from Protesting Election Fraud
On Friday, the United States congratulated incumbent Honduras President Juan Orlando Hernández on what it said was his re-election. This came one month into a standoff between the Honduras government and the opposition over the disputed vote tally, and days after the government-controlled election commission declared Hernández the winner. Previously, the opposition front, the Alliance Against the Dictatorship, as well as the Organization of American States have called for new elections amid reports of widespread fraud, saying the victory was “impossible” to verify. Last week, opposition candidate Salvador Nasralla traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet officials at the OAS and State Department, but U.S. officials claimed he did not present evidence to back up his allegations of fraud.

Allan Nairn: By Recognizing Jerusalem as Capital of Israel, Trump Drops “Pretense of Neutrality”
At the United Nations last week, over 120 countries defied President Trump by voting in favor of a resolution calling for the United States to drop its recent recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Trump had threatened to cut off financial aid to countries that voted against the United States. Now the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, is claiming the U.S. helped push the United Nations to cut its budget for the upcoming year by $285 million.

2017 in Review: Allan Nairn on Trump’s “Rightist Revolution” & the Social Movements Pushing Back
Democracy Now! looks back at the biggest news headlines from 2017 with award-winning investigative journalist Allan Nairn, from the Republican tax bill to net neutrality to Colin Kaepernick and the #MeToo movement.


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