Democracy Now! — Friday, Sept. 30, 2016

“We are under attack from climate change—and our only hope is to mobilize like we did in WWII,” says Bill McKibben, co-founder of, in an extended interview in Democracy Now!’s New York studio. “It’s not that we need to go to war with climate change, it’s that we are under siege.” This comes as 2016 is on track to be the hottest year ever on record and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said if he is elected, he will weaken the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, abolish President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, promote fossil fuel exploration and recruit oil and gas executives to lead his Cabinet.

Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez.


This live audio class covers the most basic level of astrology: where things happen, the houses. If you understand the houses as environments and groups of themes, you can read a chart. We will hold the class by teleconference at noon EDT on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016. You may sign up here.

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