Re-education Camps, Infiltration, Surveillance: China Criticized over Persecution of Uyghur Muslims

Links to today’s show transcripts:

Re-education Camps, Infiltration, Surveillance: China Criticized over Persecution of Uyghur Muslims
The United Nations and human rights groups have accused China’s government of setting up massive anti-Muslim “re-education” camps in the northwest Xinjiang province to disappear, jail and brainwash Uyghur Muslims. Some estimates put the population in the camps at up to 2 million. After months of denials, China acknowledged their existence in October, saying they are part of efforts to counter extremism. But Uyghurs say it’s a form of collective punishment—and that they live under a high-tech surveillance state designed to eradicate Islam. Rushan Abbas, a Uyghur-American activist based in Washington, D.C. is interviewed. After she spoke out against China’s repression of the Uyghurs earlier this year, her aunt and sister disappeared and have not been heard from since.

“The Silence of Others”: New Film Warns Against Spain’s Fascist History Repeating Itself
A far-right, anti-immigrant, anti-abortion political party in Spain has made gains in regional elections, prompting protests in the streets. Members of Spain’s younger generation are too young to remember the brutal 40-year military dictatorship under General Francisco Franco. But a remarkable new documentary titled “The Silence of Others,” or “El Silencio de Otros,” hopes to remind Spaniards of the country’s fascist past, lest history repeat itself. The film follows several survivors of the Franco regime in their pursuit of justice. Spanish filmmaker Almudena Carracedo is interviewed, who, along with Robert Bahar, wrote, produced and directed “The Silence of Others.”


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