Danielle Voirin’s Photo of the Day for 03.30.16


Eric will have the exciting new Spring Reading for you by April 17. Pre-order today for the best price, and get the lowdown on Mars retrograde. Includes video!

As you look at them, you wonder if anyone has ever painted a flower with such love and adoration as Renoir.

As you look at them, you wonder if anyone has ever painted a flower with such love and adoration as Renoir.

Paris-based photographer Danielle Voirin travels the world and documents her experiences in photographs. She takes street photography and photojournalism a shade beyond even art, to the level of mysticism. You may see more of her work on her website DanielleVoirin.com, or her alt website, DaniVoirin.com.

2 thoughts on “Danielle Voirin’s Photo of the Day for 03.30.16

  1. marie hawthorne

    Yes. And i love that if you look at anything for long enough, really look, it magically changes in front of your eyes.

    Love’s mutability is not love.
    Love’s needs and rampant necessities are not love.
    Love’s recollection of past joyousness; its complicitness with filling emptiness of mind is not love.
    Love’s fantastic delinquency in projected pleasures awaited is not love.
    I love you here, or love you not.
    I love you this instant now this moment now this essence of unity of heart and soul now all past,
    like catching soap bubbles bursting on my fingertips, in the lost times of infancy as i hold tight my small container of viscous liquid and breathe its circles until its empty – ‘all-gone’!

    Bubbles on my fingertips
    What must remain, remains,
    you and i remain
    in love


    Even words.


    GLY-PHO-SATE (that’s what it says in a dictionary…)



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