Dear Friend and Reader:
We’re building toward a Full Moon this Sunday, with the Moon in Virgo single-handedly opposing a whole school of fishy planets in Pisces (and that’s not all). If you feel like you’re trying to swim upstream; or like you’re caught in a whirlpool; or maybe like every time you turn around, some seemingly solid part of the world has melted and warped like a Salvador Dali painting, you’re not alone.

Pointillism Full Moon print by Sabrina Kaici.
For example, just this week I’ve read about an uptick in Canadian citizens being turned away at the U.S. border — including one woman born in Canada to Indian parents, with no flags on her file, turned away while trying to visit a Vermont day spa with two white friends. She’d had no previous difficulty visiting the U.S.
Living as I do in a state sharing a significant border with Canada, and which depends heavily on tourism (especially Canadian tourism), I’m hearing a lot of people express concern about what this might mean for the local economy. I know a few frustrated Canadians scrapping their travel plans to the U.S.
Or I could point to an important article making the rounds about the truly horrific, racist cartoons and ads Theodor Geisel — the beloved Dr. Seuss — once drew. As in, he drew African-Americans like monkeys (or as being for sale), and depicted all Japanese-Americans as just waiting for their moment to attack the U.S. from within during WWII. I had an extensive, thoughtful and thought-provoking conversation on Facebook about what this means for us now in terms of how we regard Seuss’ later work.
What is stronger: the harm he caused with those early cartoons, or how he’s inspired people with such stories as The Sneetches and Oh the Places You’ll Go? How do we reconcile these two facts about him? Does his shadow cancel out his light, or vice versa?
Can we hold space for both of those concepts — without demeaning those he’s hurt, by ignoring his hurtful acts; without implying that his uplifting stories ‘weren’t written for you’ if you’re not white; without falling into such extreme polarization that we forget how fallible we ourselves might be? And can we do this and recognize the ways in which even entertaining these thoughts might be a marker of privilege?
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A star-bellied Sneetch and a plain-bellied Sneetch. Although Dr. Seuss’ classic The Sneetches teaches kids about changing unfair practices and accepting diversity (and was inspired by his opposition to anti-Semitism), does it undo his previously discriminatory work?
Then we have Pres. Trump’s most recent early-morning tweets, in which he accused former Pres. Obama of having his Trump Tower phones wiretapped. Whether it’s true or not, whether it’s related to his contact with Russian officials, I have to ask: WTF?
Seriously. I just can’t wrap my brain around this man’s behavior, and it’s hard for me to imagine he’ll be able to serve an entire term like this. Then again: every time I’ve thought things couldn’t get more bizarre this past year, they have.
Eric and the rest of the Planet Waves team have written a great deal about how Bizarro-Land USA is a manifestation of the ongoing Uranus-Eris conjunction in Aries. It is identity chaos, technological chaos, PR chaos and political chaos all rolled into one big enchilada. We’re all to some degree complicit just as much as we may be confused and outraged by it, euphoric about it or deliberately trying to detach from it.
Whether you agree or disagree with replacing and repealing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) it will affect you, either directly or indirectly, if you live in the U.S. Whether you think global warming is already past the crisis point or is a hoax, decisions made now about environmental regulation will affect you — no matter where on the planet you live. Whether you believe asylum-seekers from certain countries are a security threat, or that outright immigration bans feed extremism and put us at greater risk, the decisions being made now will affect you.
Here’s the thing about these decisions and their long-term effects: while it’s true that one cannot be 100% sure about what those effects will be, it’s still possible to study demonstrated facts. You can study trends; you can check your sources for bias; you can seek out differing perspectives and consider what they’re based in.
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Chart for the Full Moon on Sunday. The Virgo Moon is on the bottom-right side of the chart, with Pisces planets at the top (l-r: Mercury, Chiron, Pallas, the Sun, Neptune, Nessus and the lunar South Node). Note the 22 in bold font next to the Moon, the Sun, Uranus and Eris: that tells you they are in exact aspect. View larger size here. View glyph key here.
It takes work. Most people don’t have the time and energy to go through this process for every issue that comes down the pike. But many, many people don’t even consider trying. We live in an entertainment culture, and this shit is not fun. But contrary to prevalent myth, these issues are personal to each and every one of us in some way.
So: what about this Full Moon?
Well, you already get the whole ‘polarization’ idea, right? There’s a hell of a lot of ‘othering’ going on right now. And anytime a Full Moon builds, that sense of seeing our own inner conflicts played out in our relationships (or as something we’re ‘against’) is likely to intensify. Often the difficult part is owning just how much of the conflict is ours, and that we have some power to address it.
In the case of this weekend’s Full Moon, which is exact at 10:54 am EDT on March 12 (14:53:43 UTC), we have a rather unusual image of that polarization. First, as mentioned, the Moon will be virtually alone in Virgo. As it travels through that sign late Friday through Sunday, it will oppose centaur Nessus, Neptune, the Sun, asteroid Pallas, centaur Chiron and Mercury.
On one level, those Pisces planets represent a lot of emotional, psychic and creative energy — which is great. But how do you stay grounded, both in your body and in more rational or logical forms of thinking, to balance it out?
Looking at the chart, it brings to mind something like a satellite dish: all of that Pisces energy beams toward the Virgo Moon, where it concentrates and gets reflected back. But if you bounce it back solely as mental energy or thoughts (Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication), you end up in something like an echo chamber. It would help to lean on the earthy quality of Virgo: physical acts, particularly those in service of some higher ideal, could go a long way in grounding all this energy.
If we broaden our view of what’s on the other side of the zodiac from that Virgo Moon, we see key planets in Aries, the sign next to Pisces: retrograde Venus, Uranus and Eris. Aries is an action sign. Virgo is a mental sign, but it’s also about manifesting thought in physical form.
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Surreal, but not quite real: as Snopes explains, this image by Chris Pegman of a supermoon seeming to rest in a radio telescope is not a case of incredible timing, but rather of excellent Photoshop skills.
Looking more closely, the Moon at the moment of fullness is in direct aspect to Uranus and Eris. The aspect is a quincunx; it’s one sign off from an opposition. Like an opposition, there’s a confrontational sense. A quincunx asks for continual adjustment.
And continual adjustment is the name of the game these days. The current cultural and political environment is demanding, and it’s exhausting. Partly, we let our activist muscles get out of shape in these decades since the revolutionary 1960s. Partly, we’re living in a culture so driven by the fast pace and limitless interconnectedness of digital technology that we’re lagging behind in developing the psychological tools to deal with it all.
As mentioned, the Uranus-Eris conjunction is the astrological signature for the upheaval we’ve been experiencing for the last year or two. And it will make its third exact contact next week, on March 17.
So Sunday’s Full Moon is channeling some very potent Uranus-Eris energy along with all the Pisces energy. How can an unassuming Virgo Moon hold its own in the face of all that? Or rather, what do you need to be aware of, and how can you use it all?
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Screw truthiness? Pointillism portrait of Stephen Colbert made with screws by Sam Klein, at the Ford Gallery in Portland, Oregon, last year. Photo by Ross Blanchard via Twitter.
The Pisces planets represent lots of emotion, denial, delusion, sensitivity and healing potential. The Aries planets represent, in part, active disruption and inquiry into identity — especially digitally mediated identity. So what’s missing? You could say a plan; grounding; rational thought; attention to the details; the means by which to materialize the vision; a way to bring the glamour and chaos of the internet into the service of something larger.
The Virgo Moon offers a way to fill those needs. Yet it must do so in a way that is reflective: both of the outer reality you are facing, and of your inner experience. Those two facets of experience — internal and external — need to find a meeting place and point of integration in what you do.
One final thought about this Full Moon chart: nearly simultaneously (about five hours earlier) Mercury in Pisces makes a square to Saturn and the Galactic Core (GC) in Sagittarius. In conversation with Eric Francis, he suggested that having the center of our Milky Way galaxy involved emphasizes the message of this Full Moon.
Yet with Mercury square Saturn, that message indicates sober thinking. This is an important counterpoint to all the dreamy Pisces in the air. It indicates we’re dealing with a necessity. But what does it represent? Eric further suggested that with Mercury in Pisces, the connection to Saturn is about getting real and getting your facts in order.
Mercury-Saturn-GC is reminding us to take this seriously. The chaos around us; the need to continually adjust, gather facts and take action; the importance of finding ways to bring your idealistic visions into physical existence; connecting your inner reflection to what’s being reflected around you: all of it. This doesn’t mean you can’t have a sense of humor about the absurdity unfolding around you. Humor is essential now. In fact, I suspect humor is another message from the GC in Sagittarius.
If there’s a way to take reality seriously yet not take yourself too seriously, this would seem to be the weekend to practice that. Anytime you can stare life in the face and laugh, you create the space you need to address it on more serious terms and still take care of yourself. The Virgo-Pisces axis is inherently creative. But its potential solutions won’t emerge unless you bring them forth by connecting the dots. In the light of the Full Moon, you may be able to see them more clearly.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
Dear Pisces Cousin:
Earlier this week, I recorded the two astrology segments of your Pisces audio reading. My birthday is very soon, and I’ve been watching the astrology carefully.
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This is an unusual time for Pisces. Chiron is in its final seasons in our sign. Neptune, the modern ruling planet of our sign, is reaching the midpoint of its journey, increasing all that dreamy and creative energy. And Nessus, a complex little Chiron-like body, is just at the beginning of its healing journey.
And of course, we’re finally done with Pisces eclipses for the next nine years.
This is some of what I go over in your reading. My job is to help you make the most of these transits. I’m also here to ease your concerns, point you in the direction of your highest potential and do what I can to motivate you. We live in truly trying times. So much is being asked of us. It’s not easy for Pisces to live under these conditions. We’re supposed to live on a planet that’s like a remote corner of Hawaii.
I have something for you; not only will it help you feel more positive, but it will provide you with a dependable resource every time you listen to it. If nothing else, you’ll get more than an hour of thoughtful, calming meditation and excellent music. Then in a little while, you’ll also get a tarot card reading (my original speciality).
It’s affordably priced for $24.24, and the first two segments are now available for instant access. Sign up now for the pre-order price — and if you have any questions about ordering, you may email Amy now at
Thank you and I wish you a warm, loving and healthy year.
with love,
PS — I just thought to include an old article you might like: How to Cross an Ocean, How to Light a Fire, about Chiron in Pisces.

Lead Like a Girl
By Amanda Painter
On Tuesday, Planet Waves graphic designer and researcher Lizanne Webb alerted us to a bold artistic and social statement on Wall Street: “Fearless Girl,” a sculpture by Kristen Visbal, was placed facing the famous Charging Bull in the middle of the night. Co-conspirators McCann New York (an ad agency), and client State Street Global Advisors (SSGA) timed the project to coincide with International Women’s Day, which was Wednesday.
Not only is the Fearless Girl meant to symbolize “the power of women in leadership,” but SSGA is also campaigning to emphasize that, “companies with women in top positions perform better financially,” according to a write-up by Tim Nudd in Adweek.
Although McCann did get a permit for the artwork to be in place for a week, they’re negotiating to keep it in place longer. Nudd adds, “The guerrilla aspect of the placement is in keeping with the Charging Bull itself, which was installed without permission by artist Arturo Di Modica in 1989. It was meant to be a symbol of the strength and power of the American people following the stock-market crash of 1987. Residents fell in love with it, and the city allowed it to remain.”
Ron O’Hanley, president and chief executive officer of SSGA, said in a statement. “A key contributor to effective independent board leadership is diversity of thought, which requires directors with different skills, backgrounds and expertise. Today, we are calling on companies to take concrete steps to increase gender diversity on their boards and have issued clear guidance to help them begin to take action.”
And that’s no bull.

This Week on Planet Waves FM
Venus Retrograde and the Affordable Care Act
Dear Friend and Listener:
I want to thank you for your amazing response to our membership drive. It’s so, so, so beautiful to feel your response in support of what we do. Many of you have written letters in response to my notes the past few days thanking us for the many services we offer in these troubled times. (Note, if you’re already a member, you probably have not seen these letters.)
Tuesday is my favorite day of the week: I get to do Planet Waves FM, our internet radio program now affiliated with the nonprofit Pacifica Network.
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Sound board used for Planet Waves FM.
It’s a two-hour talk and music program that covers the waterfront on social issues, astrology, spirituality and politics. Thanks to your membership support, we get to do this program free from commercial interruption and without the need for corporate sponsorship.
Planet Waves FM is where you get to hang out and consider your world, and the affairs of the world, in a peaceful environment. In a world of blaring, polarized and downright insulting media, Planet Waves FM is an oasis of good vibes and old-style freeform talk radio.
I get to speak to you about anything I’m feeling that day: what’s in the stars and planets, what’s in the news, or what’s resonating in my heart and soul. I’ve done more than 300 programs since beginning this particular series in late 2010. It began with me talking into a cheap digital recorder, and has evolved into a studio-quality production with thousands of listeners.
This week’s program [play episode here] looks more closely at Venus retrograde in Aries. I also have a segment on the political madness we’re currently living under, with a special segment on the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) provided by Democracy Now!
In tonight’s Tantra Corner, which I often do at the end of the program, I talk about the value of yoga for holistic health and sexual health.
My musical guest is Johnny Cash, with a heart-rending cameo at the end of the program by Rosanne Cash in a duet with her father. (We’ll have Rose on the program when the Sun is in Gemini).
You make this possible: with your memberships and subscriptions to Planet Waves, and your purchases of my readings.
Here are some friendly options for you.
Thanks for tuning in, “wherever you may be in the world, or in the future.”
It is indeed good to be with you.
with love,
PS — If you missed the first letter in the membership drive series, it’s a beautiful description of the mission and purpose of Planet Waves.

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscopes for March were published on Thursday, Feb. 23. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for February on Thursday, Jan. 26. Your Moonshine horoscope for the Cancer Full Moon published Thursday, Jan. 12. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may not see it now, but all the good work you have been doing for the last two years or so is ready to harvest. Just as is the case with a tangible agricultural situation, however, your labors are not quite over. If you imagine yourself as a farmer who has finally seen months of planting and cultivating pay off with a crop that is now ready to bring in, you will have envisioned something of your present condition in a nutshell. One more stretch of effort over the next six or seven months is all it will take. Conduct yourself with diligence and care over that period. Whatever you have been striving for will accrue in sufficient quantity to sustain you through a new cycle of renewal and achievement over the two years or so yet to come. — By Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Yours is a situation where it will be appropriate to play what some people call a ‘long game’. What you do over the next two months will matter for this year. How you do it will determine the quality of your future years hence. If you are currently at a loss for what to do or how to do it, simply feel for the pressure. Once you have identified where in your life pressure is coming from, focus on how to live without it. While in action to breathe easier for the rest of this year, keep years past in the back of your mind. Specifically, give thought to how things came to be as they are for you now. If you can put your finger on the source(s) of any current discomfort, you can tailor your current efforts to both attain relief for the short term and remain relieved for a long time to come. — By Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — An old adage known as “Occam’s Razor” goes something like this: the simplest solution (or answer) is probably the correct one. Give some thought to trying that particular proverb on for size. To be sure, complex scenarios frequently require a similarly sophisticated approach. The real question for you in the coming weeks is whether you are making any given situation more complicated than it needs to be. Find your answer in three steps. First, get clear on what you want out of your current circumstances. Then, come right out and ask anybody else with a stake in the same situation what outcome they would like to see. Finally, look for common ground and a way to attain it. If you and everybody else involved can share an aspiration and realize it together, any remaining differences will look a lot smaller. — By Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Be aware of blessings. Better yet, endeavor to see blessings where you have previously perceived something else. Begin with what you have. Everybody has something. Then, take stock of your own circumstance. Imagine doing without one part of your body at a time, or one tangible possession at a time. For each case of your imagined lack, there are almost certainly some people in the world (perhaps even a great number) actually living without. Extend the visualization to include intangibles (such as reputation). Finally, turn the situation around to contemplate what you don’t have. To cite just one example, all the expensive jewelry you don’t own cannot possibly be stolen from you. Long before you complete your imaginary inventory, you will probably get the point. Blessings are all that matter and all you need desire. — By Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If you have been feeling misunderstood or under-appreciated as of late, worry not. In all probability, the way others see you (or your perception of how others see you) is on the verge of changing for the better. More to the point, you can hasten a real or perceived improvement of your sense of value among others by following three guidelines. First, when others rush to judge you harshly, remember that you don’t need to take all of that on, or in. Chances are you’ve learned ‘when to say when’ when it comes to being self-critical, and quite possibly you’ve learned that the hard way. Next, accept responsibility for your actions only. Allow others the opportunity to be accountable for what they do. Finally, before speaking, always put yourself in the position of those about to hear. — By Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — One of the best things you can do for yourself at present is to make some long-term plans for just yourself. Even if there are others you will eventually be obliged to take into account, it’s about time you temporarily put at least some of your inclination towards service aside. It’s not selfish to think of your own desires upon occasion, and doing so now will help you stay in touch with all those special needs you have that only you can be expected to meet. Even if some of your long-range plans do not pan out eventually, the simple practice of making them will force you to develop either new proficiencies, or skills you might have neglected. Your gift for being in the moment is an admirable trait that has served you well. Even the best talents, however, are only most useful and productive in their proper time and place. — By Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Trust yourself if you soon begin to feel as though you can remember the future. Einstein taught us that time and space are equivalent. In addition, Uncle Albert went on to posit what scientific observations of eclipses later proved: that space is in fact curved by gravity. It therefore stands to reason that time has a curvature as well, and that events of gravity (such as the pair of eclipses which concluded only two weeks ago) can bring just such a bending about. No doubt you have some gravity of your own. After all, your own observations have almost certainly proven your power to attract — whether intentionally or otherwise. Even if the same experiences have caused you to discount intuition, consider that power now. If you see something coming, allow for the possibility that you are seeing correctly. — By Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Good times are a matter of definition. Most often, the definer is you. Even if events over the past year or so have left you feeling that some treasured good times are now past, don’t be so quick to believe it. If you find yourself missing something (and even grieving its absence) do yourself a favor: allow for the possibility that you will soon realize something else entirely. The fixed nature of Scorpio, combined with its elemental component of water, can often result in your not knowing just how lucky you are. This does not mean any sense of loss is without validity. Your feelings should never be discounted or marginalized by anybody, least of all you. What this does mean is that you do not need to get stuck. If you will simply keep moving through all of your emotions as they arise, without denying them or camping out in them, the result will be feeling better overall. — By Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Keep a lookout for two things this month, and they may very well lead to some of the best years of your life. First, keep an eye out for a personal connection where none existed before. The way things are moving in the sky right now, the person (or people) you were never previously inclined to trust could well become your best friend (or friends) ever. Maybe it will be because they have changed. Perhaps it’s the changes you have been through. Probably, it will be a combination of the two — along with recognizing yourself in each other, which makes you feel both safe and comfortable with those you had kept at arm’s length. Speaking of safety and comfort, the second thing to be alert for is how a new or previously strange place could suddenly become the home you always wanted. — By Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Three quotes to guide you are all you need for the work you have been doing on yourself to show some permanent results. The first saying is most often attributed to Jesus: “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” The second aphorism is something Gandhi usually gets credit for: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Finally, there is a pithy and humble observation once apparently uttered by Abraham Lincoln: “I don’t like that man — I shall have to get to know him better.” The extent to which any of those three quotations seems corny to you will be the measure of what work you still have to do. On the other hand, any aspiration you feel to emulate the three people here quoted will be an indication of how far you have come towards having your own words similarly cited by others in the not too distant future. — By Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You might well very well be identifying with the mythological Heracles (or Hercules, as he was later called) right now. Your labors as of late will not be wasted if you can also bring yourself to be aware of that ancient and erstwhile hero’s most prominent flaws. Heracles was, first of all, often prone to shoot first and ask questions later. If you can but bring yourself to simply ask questions of others first, it’s very possible that their answers will make reactive extremes on your part unnecessary. Another thing Heracles was known for was his large appetite. Here again, making some inquiries (this time of yourself) could serve to head off some possibly unfortunate consequences. Before you eat, drink or otherwise indulge to heroic extents, simply ask yourself if you really need to. — By Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — One flaw of human beings is a conceit of being superior to other beings. Interestingly, for you at this time it’s probably the other way around. Odds are that you are much too humble. Given how others can see your potential, it’s not surprising that all but a few very good and unselfish friends would encourage you to underrate yourself. That’s how, at this vital juncture of your life, you would do well to risk some conceit. Say “can do” even if you suspect you can’t, and your efforts to live up to that assertion will very seldom (if ever) result in hubris. Aim just a little higher, and you might be surprised how often (if not always) you exceed your goal. There is more power in your potion than you are likely to suspect, and you will almost certainly find that out by simply adding some motion. — By Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Thanks Amanda..
I needed to read this this morning.. Wheeewww. so much going on.
So glad it helped, Jeanne! hang in there… keep breathing. 🙂 (And yes: SO much going on!)
{{{Thank You}}} again Amanda. I have spent days pondering what you have so graciously shared. It gave me a puzzle to work and I enjoy puzzles!
To me, “Virgo” means resonances that are either “analytical” or “synthesizing”. Like the same note played in different octaves. Analytical creates separation, while synthesizing creates unification. “Pisces” (to me) means two fish or One fish. Do we have a Soul or are we a Soul?
The reason why I share such a question is because all of the issues we face today are in some way or another related to Judgments, particularly the way we have all been taught to make them. Self judgments, in particular. It is of meaning especially from the perspective of our One Self – the self that is one with All That Is. According to that perspective, there is no such thing as “not self”.
And all of our relationship issues are being created by our beliefs in this imaginary “not self”.
“He’s not me, he has a different color of skin. She’s not me because she is female. He’s not me because he worships a God called by another name. She’s not me because she doesn’t wear the clothes I wear. He’s not me because he doesn’t make as much money as I do. She’s not me because I would never act in such a way. He’s not me because he is a racist. She’s not me because she is shallow.” Etc.
Judgments are the means by which we draw lines of separation and exclusion. Our crisis right now is due, I would say, to how many of us have had our identities attached to any of these judgments of exclusion. It is only by separating ourselves that we can create an illusion of Supremacy, of being “better than”.
Coming together requires equality and equanimity. No one is “better than”. Nor “worse than” either. “Humility” to me, means that I recognize there is nothing within the heart and mind of another than I don’t have the capacity for within me, too.
You gave an excellent example of how many fruitless dilemmas we create for ourselves simply through the judgmental patterning we were all taught. How do we reconcile our love for someone who has done what we consider to be harmful acts?
The way I found through the mess of polarities is to seek Understanding. It requires both Pure Reason and being heart centered. “Pure” Reason since unconditional Love is an immaculate concept. There are no exclusions, contradictions or conflicts created in the process.
Theodor Geisel was a product of his time. He was born under the influence of different energies and would have been just coming of age when the *new* energies started flooding in. Eric has been GREAT in his tracking of the influence of the media. “Spiritualism” had its influx along the same cycle,too. This was the time of Houdini, when Ford produced its Model B and C and the Wright brothers built their second plane. Women’s lib was called being a Flapper in the Roaring Twenties. “People said that they (women) engaged in casual sex, drank, smoked, drove cars, and wore make-up.”
Mr. Geisel had to make a living back then. He had to appeal to his audience. Such biases and prejudices were not judged as “bad” back then to the white male society. It was simply the way you were suppose to be. It was part of the identity that had been and was being taught. He didn’t know what he didn’t know. Just like every single one of us can claim right now for ourselves, too. We can Love him for the joys and giggles he inspired. If they weren’t within him just as the other was, we wouldn’t have had those moments of enjoyment to remember.
I can appreciate him for the joys he shared and embrace him in understanding and compassion for what it is like to be “human”. I can also appreciate how much our collective consciousness has shifted since then. We’ve got a way to go, obviously, but at least it is now our in the open and can be dealt with. Like a boil that is finally popping, releasing toxins harmful to the body of Humanity.
Sue Edwards — thank you for taking the time to think deeply about the questions I posed. I had some thoughts and leanings along the lines you’ve described in a few cases, but wanted to put the questions to readers as well. It was certainly interesting on Facebook last week witnessing how much difficulty my friend was having with the revelations about Seuss. I and others did put forth the point that “he was of his time, not ours” but it certainly did not resonate with her. And I can’t really blame her; she is highly attuned to injustice, and is putting considerable energy toward countering it in tangible ways.
Yet I do think that when we lose sight of historical context, we also lose sight of the fact that we have our own limitations here in our current context — limitations to our personal and collective understanding that are invisible until such a time that we (or those after us) begin to evolve beyond them. Even so, it’s a tricky line of thought to try and walk — because it is so easy to slide into excuse-making that feeds the urge not to take responsibility for the things we truly can take responsibility for.
And because of all that (and more), I really appreciate this:
“To me, “Virgo” means resonances that are either “analytical” or “synthesizing”. Like the same note played in different octaves. Analytical creates separation, while synthesizing creates unification. “Pisces” (to me) means two fish or One fish. Do we have a Soul or are we a Soul?”
That distinction between analytical or synthesizing is quite clarifying — both in terms of Virgo, and in general.
“That distinction between analytical or synthesizing is quite clarifying — both in terms of Virgo, and in general.”
That distinction is one of the ways I found to discern the true nature of my Desires. We have to Desire TO Understand and BE Understanding before we ever will. That Desire is part of a different Value system than what most of us have been taught – a value system based upon duality/polarity. Right/wrong, good/bad, good/evil, etc., are all polarities.
When the only thing that matters is Loving. Something may be considered “right” and “good” depending upon time and place, where what is “Loving” is timeless. A question that might have been asked your friend, is what she thinks about a club that is anti-prejudiced but won’t allow any prejudiced people in it.
As I mentioned, many of us have attachments to our judgments. If our identity is all wrapped up in our judgments, then our self worth and self esteem is attached to those judgments, too. Another phrase comes to mind in considering the struggle your friend was having on Facebook.
“Forgive us for we know not what we do.”
Judgment/Condemnation/Punishment/Rejection is a pattern that relies on polarity for its foundation. Its purpose and consequence is to create separation. Be it separating ourselves from those who express attitudes we find repulsive or ideas themselves we find repulsive. It relies upon judgments to draw the lines of exclusion.
What I find about the pattern is that it is ineffective in resolving our issues of polarization, being an expression of it. The Whole minus any part is not the Whole but the Whole minus that (those) parts. I don’t fight a fire by pouring gasoline on it. Fighting over right and wrong and who’s ideas of them are going to dominate into conformity, with Judgments rendered for noncompliance, is a fools’ errand. Like Karma, it just keeps going round and round.
What matters is the question “Is something Loving?” In order to Understand and be Understanding, I have to cease any knee jerk reactions to Judge and Condemn. I have to value being Loving more than I value being righteous. And it is through Understanding
our inner levels of thought and feeling that we will be able to resolve and uplift our beastly tendencies.
As it mentions in the “Course on Miracles”, where there is no Love, there is no Just-ness. For only Love is Just.
Being “human” is all about being blind, not knowing, making mistakes, causing harm & destruction. How we relate to our humanity, this inner beastie, is the way we’re going to relate to all of Humanity and I can’t very well call myself a “Humanitarian” if I haven’t learned how to Love the “human” in me.
Thank You for sharing some of the struggles so many of us are undergoing. It helps me to know what insight I may have that might be of benefit. I tried Facebook a little over a year ago and lasted about 3 months before I’d had enough. My idea of entertainment is along the lines of the Peacefulness in watching grass grow.