Come Out and Play With Your 2015 Midyear Reading: Astrology for Artists — The Art of Living by Eric Francis

Planet Waves

Art by Eric Francis with Lizanne Webb.

Dear Friend and Reader:

There is a unique place on the zodiac where pleasure, curiosity and risk-taking (experimentation) meet with service, work and healing. When you can blend the two realms, you come closer to recovering your “essential being-ness” — which is exactly what the 2015 Midyear Reading, titled The Art of Living / Astrology for Artists, aims to help you do.

The Art of Living / Astrology for Artists

Eric has published The Art of Living / Astrology for Artists, and it is already receiving rave reviews. You can order instant access to this Midyear Reading here.

Despite the titles, this 12-sign reading (plus two substantial intro audios) speaks to everyone, whether or not you consider yourself an artist of any kind. Life itself, as Eric discusses, can be a creative outlet, which cultivates happiness and sanity.

The inquisitive, creative spark all too often squashed in us as children can be regained, no matter after how long. To that end, Eric provides ideas that will help anyone, from curious new seekers who want to unlock their unique talents to advanced artists looking for a fresh perspective.

Kathi Linehan, a Planet Waves intern and a registered nurse, had this to say about the Midyear Reading:

“We are all artists. I tend to not think of myself as ‘an artist’ because I draw birds like a kindergartner — but I play bass guitar, write songs with my husband who plays guitar, make jewelry, write, love photography, etc.”

Eric Francis.

Kathi adds, “I guess I should actually use those acrylic paints and supplies I got a while ago — so thanks for the most important concept — suspending the need to do something well, and just do it for the play of doing it while exploring with curiosity what will happen. I think this project is going to touch many people in ways you can’t imagine!”

Eric takes a light touch with the astrology, but explains his basic approach in the introductory audios. You will also learn about Venus retrograde, Jupiter entering Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius, and the series of Venus-Jupiter conjunctions.

This reading is beautifully unique among astrological offerings, celebrating the artistic nature of astrology itself. It is as far as you can get from the “astrology of destiny” or “fate,” and takes up the idea that your chart itself is a creative resource.

It is, and so are you. If you don’t believe that now, listen to your Sun, rising and Moon signs and let us know if your self-perception shifts.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. You’ll want to listen to more than just your Sun sign: all 12 Midyear Reading audios work together as pieces of a vibrant puzzle. You may find yourself in Len Wallick’s position: “I was immediately hooked into putting everything aside and listening all the way through. And I’m glad I did. It was worth it.”

7 thoughts on “Come Out and Play With Your 2015 Midyear Reading: Astrology for Artists — The Art of Living by Eric Francis

  1. Amy Elliott

    I have not yet had the pleasure of listening to the entire reading, but what I have heard is like a visit to Elysium. A glimpse into a beautiful, ideal realm where all love is natural, and compassion is the most powerful force.

    It is a true manifestation of Eric’s visionary ideas, and the effect on me has been extraordinary. I cannot clothe in words the feelings of delight and longing this reading evokes. All I can say is, may this come to pass; may it be soon.

    Eric, thank you, thank you a thousand times for this glorious gift…as Philip Pullman would have it, you are building the Republic of Heaven where we are.

  2. Michael Mayes

    These readings were different than all the other readings I’ve listened to. They are shorter, my sun sign & rising sign ran about 36 minutes, so they pack a punch. The tone is right, the music accompaniment by Eric & Daniel give them a personal touch. It’s obvious that a lot of thought went into the readings. Yet, their fluidity and how they resonated with me personally took no time to sink in. They cascade truth every few minutes, truth that is felt in the body, on a cellular level.

  3. Michael Mayes

    Nice, Amy, I just read your comment about it being like a trip to Elysium. That reminds me of a book of portraits I had called “A Palpable Elysium”. It had portraits, and stories of random, everyday Americans that stood out in some way to the photographer. Each photograph shows the subjects in a light that makes their life experience seem like a “palpable elysium”. It honored the divinity in each seemingly “normal” subject. That is what these readings are; felt and experienced in such a way that they act as portals to our own palpable Elysiums.

  4. Amanda Moreno

    I’ve only had a chance to listen to my rising sign (Leo) at this point, but just had to stop in and say how grateful I am to have access to Eric’s interpretations. Listening felt like a warm hug of solid encouragement and support. The reading validated my experiences of late at a very deep level and left me feeling inspired and filled with a undeniable knowing that I am in fact in the process of merging — “at a cellular level — with my purpose here on the planet. It was one of the best pep talks I’ve ever had.

    Thank you, Eric. 🙂

  5. Lizzy

    Just listened to my sun sign (Cancer), and as always with Eric’s readings, was totally knocked for six by it. Amanda’s words sum up the experience beautifully for me, too – and, as with my birthday reading, it helps me to see where I’m at now – and the way forward. So looking forward to listening to moon/rising sign, et al.
    Bless you, dear Eric . and thank you.

  6. Lizzy

    Eric – have had some time to reflect on your reading in these days, particularly now that the weekend is here – and think i realize the direction that I want to go in – an area that i had decided to concentrate my energies on this time last year (assisting refugees in some way, of whom there are so many in the city where I live) – but then let go of, also because my work schedule was too heavy. If all goes well – i’ll be able to let go of a part of the work (the teaching bit, that gives me most satisfaction but the conditions are appalling). It may be that life takes me elsewhere – in a more purely creative direction, but want to thank you once again for the enormous help your reading has given me.

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