Change to publishing schedule

Hello — Len is feeling under the weather today, and so will not be writing his column. He hopes to return with Thursday’s column. Feel free to send some good thoughts for a speedy recovery his way in the meantime! — Amanda

15 thoughts on “Change to publishing schedule

  1. puma pink

    hey len!! easy does it, welcome some ‘down’time. we are incredible machines 🙂 just hold your self with compassion as you devotedly do for us all. (if you d like to work with your totem animals, eric knows where to find me 🙂

    grizzlyhugz lindeelou

  2. Mary McKie

    Haven’t had one moment to visit these warm and loving pages in such a long time … of course, I searched out your wisdom, Len, and I’m very sorry to read that you are not feeling up to it now. Please know how much I treasure you and your writings and with that I send all my best love and wishes for a bottomless bowl of matzho ball soup (very speedy recovery).

    Mary — Uber-Aqaurian and Scorpio Moon a votre service!

  3. Nicolas Salinas

    Hey Len, don’t let Old Man Saturn with his new bow and arrow and sporty horse legs get at you, wish you the best and hope you’re up and running in no time 🙂

  4. Len Wallick

    Bette, Lizzy, Puma Pink, Zerozity, aword, Barbara, yoniyoganidra, jinspace, Mary, Nicholas. P. Sophia, Jude, and Cowboy jam: Thank you for your well-wishes while i was down and underneath the worst illness in at least 10 years – maybe longer. YOU HELPED ME, even though i did not read all of your words until today because of watery eyes. i was not ready for such a rumble. It was such a trip, it may have changed me somehow. Hopefully, not brain damage from the fever or fractures from the shivering. You be the judge, please, when you see my blog later today. Big Love back to you all.

  5. puma pink

    good to see you back len! the energies are quite intense…. may we all have presence of mind and remember we needn’t rush, me included 😉

    hugz to all!

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