Category Archives: Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 12, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Yours is a tribe of action; the courageous pursuit of personal fulfillment. This involves risk and requires passion. Your journey has surely led down many paths, each with gifts of wisdom for those who seek it. This year’s long-running square between Jupiter and Neptune has opened doors to deeper spiritual awareness, and planted seeds of wisdom worth cultivating. You’re carving out a new path, with more of yourself to bring to it. We’re heading into a super-charged Full Moon right now and you’ll need to tune in deliberately, to ascertain which paths to follow and what action is wise. It’s a Slippery-When-Wet few days, when risky action of any kind is unadvisable. Frustration, confusion, discouragement or self-doubt are all possible under these conditions. But a karmic wave of sorts is breaking, and profoundly transformative insights are just as likely. Pay extra attention to dreams this weekend. Inner focus now will help you take advantage of a major shift coming up, one that clears the tracks for forward motion in worldly pursuits.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Order individual signs here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — To believe is to create. That’s Metaphysics 101: the causative power of concentrated thought. The stronger the emotion attached to a belief, the more intense the momentum. This works both ways, of course. Doubt — in your right to experience what you desire, or in its possibility — inhibits that creative force. The trick is to be on the same page with yourself; to get out of your own way. You can’t get what you want ‘till you know what you want, as the song goes. Distilling that into its essential core will help you navigate the deep waters rising over this Full Moon weekend. Long-term goals are in the spotlight, and you’ve got more resources than you might realize with which to actualize them. You don’t have to figure out details about the ‘how’ of it right now. It’s more important to clarify your actual intentions, and note where fears or doubts crop up. This is a gentle, feel-your-way process. Be patient with yourself, and those you wish to travel with into the future.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.
Order individual signs here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your need for private, inward focus — for healing and deep emotional processing — may have been waylaid more than it should. Your public role and relational environment have demanded time and attention, and this weekend’s Full Moon brings much of that pressure to a head. Give yourself permission to actually feel what you feel, but recognize the difference between you and your emotions. This is no time to push yourself, get too down on yourself, or have that extra drink, especially if you’re ‘operating heavy machinery’. The good news is the palpable shift immediately after that wave crests; as the weekend concludes you should start to feel a little lighter. Assembly-line mentality dominates our culture, but to stay sane you’ve got to take time for yourself and have some fun. As much as you possibly can, carve out space for some R and R next week. An important opportunity to stock up on good vibes is closer than you think.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You might have had a bit too much to think. Between demands on the job, a packed schedule and overwhelming mental busy-ness, you could be running on fumes yet unable to stop. As one especially sensitive to lunar cycles, do yourself a favor and slow down. Don’t try to figure anything out right now. A potential for frustrating, confusing or dispiriting exchanges — or interior dialogue — is possible over this Full Moon weekend. Heightened emotional reactivity is familiar territory, but no running with scissors for a few days, OK? Let emotion flow without turning a mood into a manifesto. A reality-check and encouraging word from a solid companion can make a huge difference now, so don’t feel you need to go it alone. The less pressure you place on yourself, the more you’ll be able to tap your psychic reservoir for inner guidance that’s trying to get through. You need time on the proverbial mountain. Your inner world will look considerably brighter as soon as you come down.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Order individual signs here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The dramatic Full Moon clicking into gear illuminates your innermost psychic depths. The last several weeks have emphasized security issues — what you need to feel safe, and practical methods for strengthening material and emotional resources. You’re also in a cycle of expansive creativity and self-expression, and with it increased confidence in shining your true light out into the world. What’s coming to a head this weekend may feel like a confusing dilemma: risk versus safety, optimism versus worry, art versus paying the bills. Your fears may well be exaggerated, but you’re wise to take real time this weekend to turn within and let yourself feel what’s calling for attention. What have you avoided? The more honest you are with yourself, the more you value and invest in the process, the greater the potential for meaningful revelation. An element of healing weaves in here. Mentors, or renewed commitment to healthy routines, can provide much needed stability.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Order individual signs here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The Sun entered your sign this year with a powerful message of rebirth. This is an ongoing process of integration, of making-whole, and of emergence into a fundamentally more empowered sense of self. This weekend’s Full Moon asks you to feel into what part of your soul you’ve handed over to others, and the role anger plays in healing what might feel lost. You may have been striving for inner security in terms of an idealized relationship. Or seeking to reconcile the past with a series of confusing impressions that have ricocheted without satisfying resolution or clarity. Letting yourself explore this in some tangible, creative form can be profoundly helpful right now. If you’re in the early stages of a romantic relationship, it may be possible to move through challenging territory for the sake of creating a more solid, honest encounter. Ultimately, however, this is about your relationship with yourself. You’re on the verge of turning an important corner. The enhanced self-esteem that awaits is just the beginning.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

How do we confront this dual problem of premeditated decay of society, and the inner issue of needing the strength to take some meaningful action? Where do we start? As in few other times, this calls for a response from a spiritual place: of deep caring and responsibility; the quest for honest connection above all else.

Planet Waves

It has called forth all of my knowledge, experience and wisdom to do this work. I have proceeded in the spirit of therapy, knowing that most people do not or will not go. That spirit first involves seeking refuge, becoming aware of your situation, ordering your priorities, and then making choices. But the single most important factor of therapy — and of old school spiritual mentorship — is not giving answers, but helping the client find them for themselves. What I have to offer you are 12 readings of approximately one hour each, which use astrology to address the matter: the one about how to orient yourself to make the most of the difficult and challenging times we are in.

All 12 signs are currently $111. I am keeping that price low to encourage having access to all of the work. Individual readings are $44 for the first and $22 for each additional.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Transiting Jupiter in your chart has sought to re-wire limiting thought patterns, and inspire a more expansive view of the future. You have something to say. Yet certain projects, perhaps related to writing or education, could be hovering in limbo. Demands on your time, your job, or maybe health issues have kept intentions on hold. The real culprit seems related to self-esteem, however. A build-up of psychic pressure just beneath the conscious threshold may register as vague anxieties: fears or frustrations that haven’t been fully processed. This should start dissipating just after the Full Moon. Forward motion on several fronts is set to commence, so to ride the currents to best advantage, tend to ‘where you live’. This includes your actual home, family history, and old baggage you’ve put up with that’s weighing you down. Your new solar year approaches, and it’s time to clear the ground for rebuilding foundations, literally and figuratively. Every step in this direction will help kick-start new beginnings, sooner than you think.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Order individual signs here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Creative instinct flows from the well of fantasy. The imagination plays with the object it loves, to borrow from Carl Jung. The light of this weekend’s Full Moon illuminates your inventive gifts, and aspirations you may have harbored for projects rich with potential. The challenge is bringing that dream into tangible form. Recent focus on future goals might have bounced with dizzying speed between an idealized concept or romantic vision, and grounded, rational analysis. Professional or creative allies factor in here, which has presented its own challenges. If you encounter what feels like unduly harsh criticism, don’t be discouraged. Emotions are especially heightened right now, and you may tune into your muse more effectively without others around anyway. Communicate with those involved with as little judgment as possible, and/or get some of that inspiration down in written form, to mid-wife your dream. Note: exercise caution this weekend regarding recreational substances. This is not a good time to take chances.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Order individual signs here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Constraints are essential to genuine creativity. Courageous encounter with a problem sparks an alchemical process, setting conscious and unconscious forces in motion to form something new. Jupiter traveling through your sign this year has surely expanded your world in gratifying ways. Yet that quest for freedom and self-discovery has rubbed against slippery emotional history involving your past, your home, and your innermost private world. To the extent that you’ve established some personal sanctuary, a sacred space where you can retreat and commune, you’re in good shape. If you’ve felt undermined, or pressured to sacrifice your needs for family, look to what you honestly value. Denial or escape from what’s buried keeps you stuck. Recent intense activity related to your public role has likely brought this tension into sharp relief. This Full Moon brings it to a boil. You may have worldly commitments, but your power lies in quiet, meditative reflection now. Your inner being has wisdom to deliver. Note: Stay in or stay sober this weekend. Or both.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Sift the sands of your past for the lessons of value. They are your precious jewels and gifts of power. It’s gritty work, but archeology of the soul is your highest calling at this moment. Saturn, your ruling planet, hovers stationary in your sign, to resume forward motion next week. This weekend’s Full Moon is a prelude to a pivotal act in the drama of your life, and on the world stage. You’re well positioned to rise to the challenge. It requires honest examination of what may be unearthed, and the courage to feel, process and release what keeps you shackled to a self that you’ve outgrown. Dynamics in your chart right now speak of creative tension between conscious belief and intuitive wisdom. Your transformational journey has tested you to the limit, but you’ve developed strength you might not have thought possible. Most importantly, you seem to be asking the right questions, and are capable of opening to answers that feel true in your gut. That’s the metric to trust.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.
Order individual signs here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What’s most important to you? That’s what describes your ‘values’. What deserves your attention, time and care, and occupies the highest place on your priority list? Friction between your own personal values (and security) and those of your community has been a theme this year. Your tribe has a reputation for independence, a certain ‘rebel’ cachet, but that requires a commitment to your personal truth that’s hard won. On a mundane level, the question has been how to reconcile idealistic aspirations for the future with available resources. Recently, that conversation has deepened to include those values and resources you may hold in common with partners, and reaches into highly sensitive psychic territory. This weekend’s Full Moon brings this tension to a head. You’ll navigate potentially contentious waters best by stepping back and taking as gentle and intuitive an approach as possible. Table financial decisions for a few days. Honest conversations about what may have been unacknowledged, fears or unexpressed needs, might be in order.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Order individual signs here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Dreaming-awake is a high art. It requires training yourself to become aware that you’re asleep; to realize consciously that you are dreaming. Then you can direct the dream with volition, and create a new reality in the physical, waking world. We’re heading into a positively oceanic Full Moon in your sign, a deep dive into Neptune’s realm. One over-arching theme conveyed is the need to retrieve essential aspects of your psyche that you’ve invested in relationships. You have a mission in this life, and you need all of yourself in the game. Your tribe is so acutely sensitive, and navigating this world can scathe your fine-tuned instrument to the point of shutting down. But you’ve ‘grown sick of shadows’, and have no desire to float down-river like the tragic Lady of Shalott. It’s time to come home. This emotional high tide is an opportunity to re-set, to heal old wounds in order to move forward. Honor this process. Your dharma calls you to bring forth your gifts to the world.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #193 for Sept. 9, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Dreams and aspirations are not merely useful tools for keeping you interested in your daily routines. However far-fetched they may seem, however long it takes, if you really want to do something you can generally find a way. Determination is a key that unlocks a surprising number of doors, and enthusiasm can carry you through when the path seems difficult. It takes courage to dream big, though perhaps more to see the desired goal as possible and be willing to risk disappointment by pursuing it. Yet one might also argue that this is a necessary facet of existence. Trust yourself — you are more capable than you know. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your curiosity is an invaluable gift. It leads into new and interesting territory; it brings you experiences you would not otherwise have. Lately, you may have been fearing that to indulge your inquisitive feelings in a certain direction could cause trouble. Yet there is nothing wrong with asking questions and searching for answers, or with trying to reach the truth on an issue. Doing this doesn’t mean you are necessarily giving up principles or committing to a way of being you might take aversion to. It’s simply a matter of gaining more information, as opposed to potentially remaining in the dark. Fear closes the mind: keep yours open. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Do you remember how you felt a few weeks ago? You’ve certainly moved at some speed since then, and have accomplished an astonishing amount. True, the process of change may not be fully complete; you might have yet to see most of the results. However, whether you’re still in the chrysalis, or happily exploring the air with your new butterfly wings, you are surely noticing the difference both within and around you. If your confidence has increased, this more than likely stems not from nebulous wisps of hope, but from concrete reality. In terms of where you might head next, you have a lot of choice. The world is wide and waiting. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This week you may well find you have the “gift of gab” when it comes to persuading others of your point of view. You naturally combine gravitas with a certain warmth and accessible charm, and presently this is likely to shine out more clearly than usual. At times you’ll probably be downright irresistible. Use your influence wisely and carefully; watch the content of your speech, and its tone, and do your best not to fall into, for example, a form of hyperbole or mischaracterization of the facts that could be mistaken for gospel. Consider this an opportunity rather to spread important, clear and truthful messages of healing. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Be sure to spend at least some time this week on a favorite art or invention project, or at any rate do something you love that involves a form of creation. Inspiration is with you, and whatever you make is likely to possess the unique and delightful touch of the true artist. If nothing particular comes to mind, you might try taking up something entirely new, testing out lots of different activities as a fun experiment, or restarting a venture you’d previously laid aside. The more passionate your affection for this work, the more beautiful the result will probably be, though the idea is not so much producing a result at all as the joy of the process. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves
The Virgo Astrology Studio reading is now available for instant access. Here is a short sample. Eric discusses the Virgo New Moon, Neptune in your opposite sign, Chiron in Aries and more. We’ve also included Self and Society, Eric’s special reading on Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. The Astrology Studio recordings make an ideal gift for loved ones.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — As we build toward an interesting Full Moon in your opposite sign, with your own still playing host to all the inner planets, you may benefit this week from remembering just how far your capabilities stretch. If you tend to need frequent confidence boosts, or if you’re in a situation where you feel lacking in power, it can be much more difficult to see just how influential you are. Regardless, it might be a good idea to consider how your words and actions could affect people, and treat those you encounter with added gentleness and compassion. It’ll be much easier to forge a dialog with others that way, in any case, than from behind a megaphone. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If things seem confusing, the power of analysis can be a great way to break through that. Deeper feelings can be pretty elusive to your conscious mind, though if you dig around long enough you’ll likely find the information you need. Intuitive logic differs from the formal variety in many respects, yet it is still possible to understand; just as dreams usually shed light on our state of mind, when we remember them. You might feel for a while like a cat chasing the mysterious red dot of a laser pointer. Persist nevertheless; what you turn up will probably be not only useful, but highly pertinent to your present life. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Given how unique you are, it is perhaps unsurprising that you sometimes find yourself disagreeing with members of your community or social group. And thank goodness for that. You are not a robot, to fall into step with a long line of other robots, and nobody should expect it of you. While any dispute can produce some discomfort, the liberating feeling of casting off disguises and being utterly honest is unlike anything else. It’s also true that the understanding even of some people close to you probably doesn’t encapsulate you as a whole person, since we all have our expectations and projections. It’s okay to surprise them. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There may be plenty of confusion these days about telling right from wrong, and fact from fiction. Yet your own feelings, aims, desires — whatever pertains to your life and trajectory — are truths you can hold on to, even if everything else can be doubted. Mars, the planet of action, is currently working its way through your 10th house of career and ambition. Any uncertainty you might be experiencing about what others might think, or how your efforts could pan out, doesn’t necessarily matter. If you know what you want and where you want to go, you don’t need anything else to move toward fulfilling your goals. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Our thoughts are, to a greater or lesser extent, influenced by our feelings. There is no shame in this; yet it does help to recognize the fact, and to know when you are acting on emotional triggers. This is not always easy to notice, though your internal monitor becomes more accurate with practice. We can get caught up in a particular dynamic, and be in the middle of a heated dispute, before realizing what set us off in the first place. If you know, however, that you’re likely to find certain discussions provoking, consider the ways you might avoid all-out conflict. You may well also benefit from doing some inner work on the areas where you feel most raw. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You are complex, woven of multiple and variegated threads in a singular pattern; and this wide universe contains more than enough room for your whole self. That includes room to expand as far as you will. There is no fate set in stone, no unavoidable path to an immutable destiny: there is only freedom, and your choice of how to exercise it. Even if you find it hard to accept some parts of you, try to hold space for everything. Avoid any temptation to shrink yourself down, to curb your originality, or to turn a blind eye to aspects of your potential. Instead, focus on being the complete and unabridged version of you. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s as natural for you as for any person to pay closest attention to what you most wish to hear, and what you already believe to be true. Confirmation bias is a built-in fallacy to which we are all prone. Your astrology this week, however, suggests a need to seek out and listen to a message you might not care so much for. This may take the form of a golden grain of truth surrounded by what appear to be irrelevancies or nonsense. Remember: you can always take time to consider what is being said, and ultimately you are free to decide how and whether to act, should action be in the question. That autonomy belongs only to you. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 5, 2019

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 5, 2019 (#1259) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — What you experience day to day can add up over time. If you study or practice something a little each day, you would probably improve more quickly than if you did it sporadically. If you have frequent moments of enjoyment, these contribute to your overall wellbeing. Likewise, if you consistently encounter a particular source of stress, however small, that can accumulate until it becomes a problem in need of addressing. Consider the patterns of your daily life; notice how you feel about them; and if there’s anything you need to change, now’s your opportunity.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Pre-order individual signs here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — In our present environment, the concept of risk has altered almost beyond recognition. Many people are happily laying open details of their lives on social media, while being afraid to open up about what they really think, feel and want. Over the next few days, you may benefit from taking up an opportunity that might feel a little risky. I’m not suggesting you abseil down the Grand Canyon. This is more along the lines of talking frankly to someone, going to an unfamiliar place, or considering an idea that may seem out of bounds. Think of it as an experiment, and be bold.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.
Pre-order individual signs here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Are you content in your present home? You may find you’re getting a sense of wanderlust, or a desire to move location. Even if you think that would be difficult as you’re currently placed, try tracing your feelings to their source, if only to understand what’s behind them. It’s possible a few small alterations are all that’s necessary to refresh you, or that going to one or two new places could satisfy your desire to explore. Then again, you might need to consider more significant changes. Be honest with yourself, and hold space for your wishes and ideas.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can pre-order individual signs here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your intuition can generally be trusted to lead you right when it comes to interacting with and making sense of your fellow humans. Just be aware that everyone has days when interference from your mind or body can tamper with the signal, and it’s useful to have a backup plan. Also, it’s worth considering that others around you may be operating on a different wavelength, though if all parties are looking to communicate openly and honestly, they will eventually reach an understanding. By contrast, if someone has a hidden agenda, that’s far less likely to happen.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Pre-order individual signs here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — What do you expect of yourself, and are those expectations appropriate and fair? These are questions you may need to ask this week. Notice the difference between pursuing dreams and aspirations, on the one hand, and on the other pushing yourself harder than what is reasonable. In order to make progress, you don’t have to work 100 hours a week, or take on roles for which you don’t have the necessary training. Instead, set goals that are practicable, and take into account your physical and mental health. As you do, keep in contact with your body and emotions.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Pre-order individual signs here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your sign continues to be in the astrological spotlight this week. You seem to have come a long way in a short time, though in reality you’ve been doing the groundwork for months to years. What’s happening now is almost certainly a culmination of your efforts and persistence. It’s important that you take time to enjoy the fruits of your success, though equally you don’t want to stop there. Personal growth is a lifelong endeavor. So celebrate yourself, and at the same time continue to feed your desires, your curiosity, and your most profound aspirations.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can pre-order individual signs here.

My individual sign readings are designed to be a source of motivation and inspiration: they’re about what is right with you. I talk about how to best use your resources and your abilities, and making peace with who you are and what you want.

Planet Waves

In These Times Autumn Reading by Eric Francis

Individual Signs: Astrology That’s Better Than Therapy.

Dear Friend and Reader:

You might have noticed that the world is in upheaval, which is both coming from, and feeding into, personal challenges: that out of control, crazy feeling of what the holy heck is happening and where is this all going and what am I doing? This will be the theme of my Autumn Reading, called In These Times — which I am about to begin recording.

Although I conceive of this project as a set of 12 interrelated segments, I realize that some people prefer to focus only on the one or two signs they resonate with most strongly. To accommodate that preference, I am now opening up the pre-order phase for individual signs of In These Times.

This option tends to be particularly useful if you’d like to give the reading as a gift to a friend, relative or colleague — which many of our customers do.

“Uncanny. Wow. Totally on point. So much so, I bought readings for my daughter, cousin and a friend as gifts.”

— Glinda W., on the 2019 Spring Readings

My individual sign readings are designed to be a source of motivation and inspiration: they’re about what is right with you. I talk about how to best use your resources and your abilities, and making peace with who you are and what you want.

And you can still purchase the full set of all 12 signs for $99 (final price upon publication will be $111). Costing less than half a therapy session for all 12, these readings will point you toward your source of guidance, comfort and sanity. I will take a light touch covering the intense Capricorn astrology, and the current Virgo astrology, tailored for each of the signs.

Delivery is anticipated for early September.

In These Times is included with the Backstage Pass and the Galaxy Pass. If you upgrade, it will come with your new membership. If you have one of those levels, please consider extending the reading as a gift to someone who needs it.

Thank you for your purchase, and for trusting me as your astrologer.

With love,


PS — You may place your order by phone, by calling (206) 567-4455. If someone does not answer we will call you back promptly, next day at the latest.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — During the past few weeks you’ve likely encountered old or deep material on more than one occasion. This is probably going to take some working through; as you do that, please remember to be kind to yourself, and to notice how you feel without judging, as much as possible. Keep records, and pay attention to dreams and intuitive signals. These may be a source of creative inspiration for you, as well as indicators of your state of mind. After the Full Moon on the 14th, any tension that may have built up should begin to dissipate.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Pre-order individual signs here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Currently we all have to work to maintain our understanding of nuance. One allure of certainty is that it’s easy; it requires no striving for resolution, no challenge. Another is it offers something you can cling to for reassurance. However, maintaining an open mind on any subject allows you to learn more, feed your curiosity, and appreciate the subtlety and variety of human life. This, of course, involves being honest with yourself, and admitting when you don’t know something, which is not presently in fashion, though it tends to far better outcomes. Also, where possible, keep the atmosphere friendly.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Pre-order individual signs here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — When you consider who you want to become, and what you aspire to, whose wishes are you following? If you’re not certain they’re entirely your own, it may be time for a review. Everyone has a unique path, and part of self-actualization is pursuing it regardless of what others think. Only you can know what you’re truly capable of, how you feel, and what you desire most passionately. Only you can determine the nature of your dreams, and set your goals in accord with them. And ultimately, only you can steer along the course of your journey.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can pre-order individual signs here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you’ve been feeling somewhat stuck intellectually or in terms of your aspirations, and are perhaps unsure quite what to do next, this would seem an excellent time to seek and receive inspiration. The process of forming new concepts or aims is usually helped immensely by fresh stimuli — such as variety in people, places or experiences. Make a point of learning or doing something new as often as you can, as a way of keeping yourself awake. Persist even if you think you’re not getting far, because you’ll probably be moving a lot quicker than you realize.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.
Pre-order individual signs here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’re likely processing a lot of internal material at present, so be sure to take as much time and space as you need. Go easy on yourself as far as possible. Your astrology suggests this is not necessarily a project you need to undergo alone. If you feel the need to reach out to someone, it could help you communicate emotions that might otherwise remain hidden. Also, don’t hesitate to focus the power of your analytical mind. Though logic can’t explain everything, it can certainly prove a useful tool in examining the source of feelings and ideas.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Pre-order individual signs here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Relationships of any sort are sustained by trust. If you’re confused about where a partner is coming from, there are a number of methods of gaining illumination. One is to ask them outright what you want to know. Another is to give the benefit of the doubt, at least until the current oppositions to Neptune have passed. Practicing clarity, openness and truth in your own communications is almost always helpful. Honesty is like a bright light that disperses fog, regardless of who shines it; and once seen, others will likely find it easier to reflect back to you.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can pre-order individual signs here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #192 for Sept. 2, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you want to take better care of yourself, start with your awareness. Notice how food (any and all food) makes you feel. Notice whether you feel warm or cool in a room, and pay attention to how the air feels and smells. This is the kind of basic feedback you need, which will lead to taking steps that help you feel better. Notice things like whether you’re bored or angry (they are related). Basically, I am proposing that you create a yoga of paying attention, and then responding to what you observe. More than you need “life/work balance,” it will help if you know when to slow down, when to stop, when to rest, and when to get some sunlight into your eyes. You might also take the opportunity to stay up all night and make dinner at 3 am. Your chart is packed with such diversity of potential that you may feel called in every direction at once. Well, you can’t go in all of them at the same time, but you can run through your various desires and try things one or two at a time, and keep moving. This is a great time to soak in the possibilities of your own existence. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Art is an experiment, sex is an experiment, and anything worth doing entails a risk: if only that it might not work out. Yet life is not about accumulated gain or loss; it is about experience. And such is never perfect or predictable; that’s the whole point. I suggest you proceed in the spirit of exploration and wonder, and not worry what your audience thinks of you. Rather, do something that is rarely done, and that is to study your environment. If that includes your audience, study it (or them, if you prefer) as entirely apart from you. Feel where you are, in time, and in place. Notice the currents and trends of the digital sphere as if you’re an anthropologist or sociologist, remembering that at this point what you actually are is an artist. By that I mean someone who does not shut down or numb out when the stimulation gets too intense. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Do you feel safe? When and where? What is your criteria? What is your threshold for feeling unsafe? I have a feeling you may be suppressing both sensations: thinking you’re perfectly fine when something is troubling you, and feeling threatened when there is nothing in your environment that would harm you. Most of safety and lack of safety is a mental phenomenon, which you may experience as emotional if you don’t give yourself words to describe your experience. Therefore, if you’re noticing any feelings along this spectrum of security, describe to yourself what is happening and you will start to get deeper insight and even some mastery over it. Pay special attention to physical spaces; that is, the four walls that surround you at any time. Most significantly, notice how you feel in your own home, and why. Incidentally, who are all these people who keep showing up? Make sure they stay out in the living room unless invited in anywhere else. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Though this has probably never been written in an astrology book, yours is one of the signs most inclined to literacy and to deep thought. Yes, you are more than a cuddly little ball of emotion. The intellectual, introspective angle of your chart is lit up right now. It’s likely ideas are flying through your mind, and you can trust that at least some of them are worth developing. What you would benefit from is organizing yourself like an airport, and getting those airplanes onto the ground. You only need minimal structure: a few words in a notebook, or a one-paragraph rough draft, will be enough to get you started. The other part of this is reading. You may be the type to devour books, and if you are, slow down. Take a thoughtful approach to something interesting, even a few pages of something that engages you more deeply than on the level of story. You are on the shore of a development process; there is something being born in your life and in your mind. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You are much clearer about several important issues than you were one week ago, and you can trust that the deliberation process will continue. Based on your astrology, I have two suggestions. One is to be cautious about the notion that you might be doing something for the sake of a commitment or a relationship. For quite a while, the central issue in your life has involved being faithful to your commitment to yourself. This whole concept gets lost in various notions of egotism, selfishness, narcissism and the like, which do not apply to you and certainly not to your current situation. The thing you are being called to do is to manage your priorities in a way that works for you; until then, nothing you do can really work for anyone else. The other matter involves how you manage your doubts. I suggest you not be deterred by any self-questioning that you may do, but rather engage in it willingly, and with curiosity, and as cheerfully as you can. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves

The Virgo Astrology Studio reading is now available for instant access. Here is a short sample. Eric discusses the Virgo New Moon, Neptune in your opposite sign, Chiron in Aries and more. He connects some hard-to-pin-down elements of your life to your rare astrology, and to your quest for a more fulfilling sense of purpose.

We’ve also included Self and Society, Eric’s special reading on Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. The Astrology Studio recordings make an ideal gift for loved ones.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Last week’s astonishing New Moon in your birth sign has set off one or perhaps many chains of events, and these will keep going for a while. What you can rest assured of is that you are entering many new life cycles at once, which means many old things are ending. The background of your astrology, or perhaps the ground itself, has been the gradually building conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. The purpose of that is to break up the big chunks of karma so you can actually process them, make use of them, or otherwise dispose of them. Now you have a gush of energy coming through your sign, and this is all that’s necessary to get things moving along. Whether you like what is happening now or not, the benefits of your current experiences will be tangible, and will not take long to manifest. You are, basically, setting yourself free from many old tales and fables, and more than that, the legacy of your parents and family. Keep that party going. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may as well make different mistakes from ones you’ve made in the past. Making the same errors over and over gets boring. At least when something new goes wrong, you have evidence that you’re conducting an actual experiment; that you’re trying something different. And you also have the chance to quickly adapt and make corrections, because thanks to something new happening, your attention is focused and your interest is high. As for past mistakes, it helps to learn from them, and it is possible, unless you’re determined not to. That all said, Venus is moving into opposition with Neptune this week, so you want to both dream big and be a little skeptical when it comes down to making an investment in something, be it financial or emotional. Particularly where business is concerned, focus on the pragmatic level: the actual numbers, the schedule, and whether the bills have been paid. Then go back to making music, art and love like a banshee. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Everyone is some shade of public figure these days, whether you use Instagram or are a realtor whose picture is shown on ads placed in supermarket shopping carts. You will have a lot of fun in the social spheres this week, though you want to stay a few drinks behind the crowd and the breathalyzer. In the alternate, you may eschew the whole going out thing and hole up somewhere and paint, draw, read or write. Yet there is real benefit these days in being out and among people. Our social skills are being atrophied, and people have a false sense of compassion fatigue. You will learn interesting things outside of the house, where a few people are gathered. I suggest you stick to quiet spaces where you don’t have to raise your voice to be heard, or strain to hear. Keep people talking by asking what may seem like trivial questions, then listen between the lines. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your astrology this week will have you craving peak experiences. That might be fun, though you will want some containment. Know where the edge is, so you don’t fall off the stage. If you plan to drink, stay home or stay the night. You would be wise not to make decisions under the influence of alcohol or other substances, but you might certainly come to a realization or two; these you will probably forget, if you don’t write them down. In the midst of whatever you’re experiencing, the thing you want to do is use your ears. Most people don’t listen, anywhere beyond hearing the words. I suggest you hear the words, and then repeat them to yourself several times until you internalize their meaning. What words exactly? Any that are spoken to you. In other ways, your hearing will serve you well as a means of testing the vibe. Listen like a dog, who gets the meaning from the tone of the speaker’s voice. Don’t be spooked by thunder. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You might take a break from your present situation and consider your possibilities for the future. It will arrive faster than you may be expecting. Get at least as far as having some notion of what you want to do and where you want to be, even if you’re not certain yet; you’re not making a commitment by entertaining the possibilities. And there are quite a few of them in your awareness. One thing I would suggest is that to consider a potential does not mean finalizing the plan. Yet neither is it idle thought, wishing or fantasizing. You have some definite ideas. Some of them may seem distant or a little exotic compared to what you are now doing, and have done in the past, though they all have a pragmatic enough angle to give them the three legs of a tripod on the ground. You will need to work out schemes and details and specifics and all that, but now is not the time. Now is the time to dream a little bigger and a lot bolder. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Keep digging, dusting, shoveling and filling trash bags, even if only for an hour a day. When you clean a closet or a drawer, drag everything out and put back only what you really want. This will be easier and more efficient. Don’t go one item at a time or you won’t feel like you’re making any progress. This is a metaphor for your mind. Put everything on the table or on the page: your desires, your fears, you needs, your hopes, your dreams. Next look at it all and sort it out, then move on to the next thing. That said, there may be some interesting discussions in the very human realm of commitment, finances and sexuality. You and/or a partner may be tempted to go into analysis mode. Keep your feelings in your body, and use your ears. There are some things that can never be understood, much less analyzed. Many forms of communication must occur on the physical and sensory level, rather than being translated into the metaphor of words. That said, in your current state of being, poetry works better than prose. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Keep your filters up. There are a lot of people buzzing around and a diversity of situations in play. Some individuals may seem wonderful, one or two may seem aggressive, others perplexing. You will be unlikely to distinguish what is real and what is not, what is helpful and what is not, at first blush. That is why you need to be discerning. I’m not saying wear a tee-shirt that says SKEPTIC, or even to let on that you’re in any doubt. Neither of these things may be true of you. Yet rather than make or accept commitments, listen to what people say, notice your own intentions, and make an appointment to continue the conversation in the near future. Under the current astrology, the thing you can stoke without hesitation is your vision for your life and in particular, your work. Usually grand visions are scaled down and made more modest, but they can start great and you work from there. Skip any disappointment; life is an experiment and a growth process. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2019

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2019 (#1259) | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Self-care is your top priority no matter how busy you may be. In fact the more you have going on, the more you need to focus on your inner needs, your basic nourishment, and giving yourself time to replenish the well. We live in an age when the theme is to exploit every resource till it’s depleted, and push every system until it breaks. That does not work in the human world, and it’s time to remind yourself that you have limits — and these must be honored. It may seem like a cliché to say that if you have your health, you have everything you need, though it’s ultimately the bottom line. You may be getting the message that your work is your top priority (all that action in Capricorn, at the top of your chart, and in Virgo, your house of activity and service). Yet this is set within the context of being a living creature that depends on food, water, rest and companionship. The world is growing more complex by the day, to the point where chaos theory is the only way to get a handle on things. That’s a fancy way of saying “pattern recognition.” To do that, your mind must be in a relaxed state. You need some empty space and available bandwidth to have an idea or to notice the solution to a problem when it comes to you. The problem is we’re forgetting about these things: relaxed state, empty space, available bandwidth. You must remember, and rediscover, if necessary.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s time for a more creative approach to everything. This calls for a combination of observation and originality: working like an inventor. Such an approach defies everything we’re pushed into being, feeling and thinking at this moment in history. Notice the way everything is being reduced to an algorithm, or a mindless routine. You are not a script, a processor or a machine, and the challenges you are confronting are distinctly human. When you open up your bottle of truth and smell it, you must be turned on. Craving, desire, curiosity, and delight in experience are the feelings to follow and to encourage. On the other side of this equation is identifying everything that qualifies as a belief. The Taurus mind has a strong tendency to get wrapped up in religiosity, whether we’re talking about politics, style, creativity or existence itself. When you notice yourself believing something, trace the idea as close to its origin as you can. Rather than assume it’s correct or true, phrase it as a question, and argue both sides of the issue. Large, sweeping concepts, principles or convictions are not flexible or adaptable enough to be of any service in your present environment. One other thought: there is the solitary aspect to creativity, and there is the relational one. You want others around who you can bounce ideas around with. Too much seriousness will not serve; a sense of play is essential.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You are in a time of renewal. Currently this means concluding matters that must come to an end before it’s possible for you to begin anything new. Start with the easy stuff: wrap up any nearly complete project, or divest yourself of it. This is a skill that needs to be learned, taught and practiced. I can go as far as telling you that there is such a thing as closure, and it’s not about pretending. Mostly, it’s about making a decision and sticking with it. There is also the element of understanding the nature of your commitments, and knowing when a promise is kept, a job is done, or a goal is unattainable. Then, everything that follows is based on that knowledge. There is no “going back.” This involves a conscious relationship with the passage of time, and that implies death. The current state of society and of many individual minds is to hold everything in a state of limbo, where there is neither closure nor completion. In that state of being, the vital force — the life force in any form — slowly drips away. This is the state of being when the future never seems to arrive. You can help yourself by beginning with endings. Go through your physical space and remove everything that has expired, or that is useless, in the way, or otherwise gathering dust. Continue by resolving a few matters with friends, relatives or associates that are keeping you perpetually on hold. The feeling connected with these projects will be edgy, a little daring, slightly unfamiliar.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You have plenty on your mind. Most of it is irrelevant, and you would be wise not to talk about it, act on it, or let it burden you. Yet in the mix of it all, there would seem to be something you want and need to express, to learn, or to master. Keep this a private matter for now. Yes, in the age of spewing everything out of one’s pocket computer/camera/phone, it’s arguable that there is no such thing as private. Find your way back to that space, or perhaps get there for the first time. It feels a little like you’re sitting in a room and nobody else but you exists. And as much as you might seek someone else for validation or even verification of your existence, you do not. Instead, using the strength of your mind and your ability to control your physical spaces, you compel your frame of reference to be internal. Older people will remember this, and it will feel good. Younger people need to learn, or be taught, or discover, what this is — and it may feel daunting, frightening, uncertain. It’s the feeling of “nobody knows I’m here but me.” There may be a kind of uncomfortable silence that you think needs to be filled. Note, I am not talking about sitting upright on a wooden floor in total silence for two weeks. You can go to a remote location in your city where nobody will find you, and write or draw in a paper notebook. You can play an instrument. You can sit in the back of a library and read a physical book. For this to work, leave all devices elsewhere.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Set your priorities in order. That means knowing what comes first: the one thing above all else. This may take some thought and deliberation; but then, you may go right to the answer (and even if you do, apply some true contemplation to make sure you’ve got it right). Once you are aware of your first agenda item, the others will fall into place. You will have a better idea what to do every day, because you have acknowledged what is the most necessary or urgent. You will have an organizing principle. There is no right answer; you must decide. We are talking about things on a higher order, not a lower one. You might make the determination based on an external deadline you must meet. It might be something that has been troubling you for a long time, which you know you have to accomplish or resolve. The challenge is that you seem to have many pressing concerns, yet they are not all equal. Something among them will stand out. You may notice a pattern: all things influencing your mental health; all things influencing your body; all matters of your diet; the way you structure your time toward any one of these particular ends. Note, based on other factors in your chart, the most important matter is likely to skew in a direction akin to what I have mentioned. The top item will go to the level of the structure of your life, and that will help determine the content and your approach. Yet you must identify what it is, and act on it.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — What is happening now will be clearer once the Moon opposes the Virgo Sun in about two weeks. However, we can begin with one idea: the events and developments in your world are about you, not about someone else. A good mantra for you now would be, “It’s not about him/her/them. It’s about me.” I am not suggesting that you be “selfish” as much as I am proposing that you center your experience on your own existence, and not use others as an excuse or foil. If you hear yourself placing a relationship as a major factor in a decision you’re making, pause and reflect. If you are worried about someone else’s feelings, take a step back and look at that carefully. These are likely to be excuses you are using to subvert your own power of decision. In that condition, you cannot be true to others, or take care of their needs — and to do so might be to avoid your own important agenda. Similarly, ensure you make everything in your life work for you. If you’re doing something out of a sense of duty or responsibility, learn how to do it better as a matter of self-improvement and experience. With Neptune in your opposite sign Pisces, you must proceed with caution in all matters where relationships are concerned. It’s not easy for you to see what is real and what is not. And you can no longer invest yourself in others as an “unconscious” means of finding out who you are.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs.

My individual sign readings are designed to be a source of motivation and inspiration: they’re about what is right with you. I talk about how to best use your resources and your abilities, and making peace with who you are and what you want.

Planet Waves

In These Times Autumn Reading by Eric Francis
Individual Signs: Astrology That’s Better Than Therapy.

Dear Friend and Reader:

You might have noticed that the world is in upheaval, which is both coming from, and feeding into, personal challenges: that out of control, crazy feeling of what the holy heck is happening and where is this all going and what am I doing? This will be the theme of my Autumn Reading, called In These Times — which I am about to begin recording.

Although I conceive of this project as a set of 12 interrelated segments, I realize that some people prefer to focus only on the one or two signs they resonate with most strongly. To accommodate that preference, I am now opening up the pre-order phase for individual signs of In These Times.

This option tends to be particularly useful if you’d like to give the reading as a gift to a friend, relative or colleague — which many of our customers do.

“Uncanny. Wow. Totally on point. So much so, I bought readings for my daughter, cousin and a friend as gifts.”

— Glinda W., on the 2019 Spring Readings

My individual sign readings are designed to be a source of motivation and inspiration: they’re about what is right with you. I talk about how to best use your resources and your abilities, and making peace with who you are and what you want.

And you can still purchase the full set of all 12 signs for $99 (final price upon publication will be $111). Costing less than half a therapy session for all 12, these readings will point you toward your source of guidance, comfort and sanity. I will take a light touch covering the intense Capricorn astrology, and the current Virgo astrology, tailored for each of the signs.

Delivery is anticipated for early September.

In These Times is included with the Backstage Pass and the Galaxy Pass. If you upgrade, it will come with your new membership. If you have one of those levels, please consider extending the reading as a gift to someone who needs it.

Thank you for your purchase, and for trusting me as your astrologer.

With love,


PS — You may place your order by phone, by calling (206) 567-4455. If someone does not answer we will call you back promptly, next day at the latest.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Quite a lot is about to happen, though at the moment you might feel like you’re trapped in a bubble, or in a soundproof room where nobody can hear or see you. This is the “world apart” feeling of the 12th house, which for you is Virgo, where all of the personal planets are currently placed. You won’t be there for long, though time may seem to slow down while you are in this particular state of mind. I suggest you take advantage of your situation, and do just that: take a breath. Assess your life. It’s clear from your astrology that you feel as if your life is built on shifting foundations, or maybe in an earthquake zone. In the silence, you may be able to hear or feel where the rattling is coming from. The state of the world is affecting you particularly strongly, and directly. That means, in part, the mental and emotional condition of so many people who seem to be giving up, but who don’t know how to. From where you are, you have plenty of room to experiment. Few would even notice that’s what you’re doing. Test the boundaries of your commitments and your relationships. Experiment with how you present yourself to the world, and see how you feel — and observe whether anyone even notices. More than anything, admit to yourself how you feel and what you want. Remember those two elements, as often as you can: how you feel, and what you want. Write it on the mirror.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — What is good and what is not: do you need anyone to explain that to you? Well, you may need to explain to yourself why there is so much confusion, and why, at times, you may get confused. There is an underlying matter: if someone thinks that the ends justify the means, then anything goes. If someone thinks there are plenty of people in the world, and therefore they are expendable, then anything goes. If someone thinks the world is here to serve them, rather than there being a mutual relationship, then it’s easy to pull out the stops. Therefore, much depends on your underlying philosophy of life. Much depends on who and what you think people are: specific individuals, and humanity in general. While you are discerning person, it will be helpful if you consciously step back from being judgmental. Discrimination usually takes place in a blind spot. Therefore, make the effort to be accepting, sincere and vulnerable, in private situations, but especially in public ones. Be real with people; let your face reveal your state of mind and your emotions. Other factors in your chart suggest that you are reticent to speak, and to admit your reality to others. You may fear what someone will do with anything they learn. Yet take note that the truth always comes out. You may have some sway over how you are perceived today, though not in the long run. Simply put, you are who you are, and you only waste precious time by trying to be anyone else. Therefore, admit what is real, and be yourself at all times and in all places.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Jupiter in your birth sign or rising sign is making its way toward Neptune in Pisces. We are all about to experience the Jupiter-Neptune square, and you are about to experience it in an especially personal way. The message of this transit is to be honest about your feelings. A domestic situation has been troubling you more than you’ve been willing to let on to yourself. The reason for your state of “self-concealment” (which translates to denial) is that admission of your most basic feelings would likely be followed by the recognition that you need to act on them. That, in turn, could entail considerable inconvenience and emotional upset. Yet this is a matter of whether you are willing to live the truth as you perceive it. The question I suggest you ask yourself is whether the situation as it stands today is helping you, and whether you can sustain it for much longer. You might also ask yourself the source of any hesitation. Ultimately, taking action on your situation and your feelings is the admission of your personal truth; the truth is not an abstract thing — it is the most compelling thing. Even so, here is the deeper question: what else is going on? What is this really about? There would seem to be some underlying layer that you may not want to get to. Yet not only has the time arrived; you are in a rare position to identify and resolve something that would otherwise be very difficult to pin down or act upon. Let one sane response lead to another.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The clock is slowly ticking on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in your birth sign or rising sign. Though this takes place in January, you are on notice now to take care of unfinished business as a top priority. That includes finding closure on important personal matters that have hung around for too long: unfulfilled promises, unspoken truths, unresolved conflicts, and all other matters you know are holding you back. Here is the crux of the situation: holding onto the past will keep you there. Letting go of the past is not a matter of marching on, pretending nothing happened. It is, rather, about coming to closure, so that you reclaim your life as your own — as a whole person. On one level, the effect of Saturn conjunct Pluto can be seen as destructive or disruptive. Yet it is an event of such momentous significance that this cannot be the ultimate message. You are advanced enough to know that you must clear a way for the future by actually coming to terms with the past. This conjunction signifies the power for you to do what every spiritual path claims to point toward: transcending or “breaking through” the ego, thanks to the power of your soul. Yet remember: neither your ego nor your soul is a thing. Ego is essentially a thought-form constructed mainly of denial. Soul is a growth process that you take from lifetime to lifetime. At the moment, your growth process is coming into contact with your denial; and usually, growth is the stronger element — but you can still derail that if you want. Ultimately, nothing happens without your consent. Therefore, choose wisely what you agree to and what you do not.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may feel like your circumstances are over your head, beyond your abilities or outside your control. Now you get to test any such theories, and test your mettle as well. It is true that we seem to live in times of wrenching change, and to be experiencing events that make no sense and that we do not understand. Yet you are what is changing more than anything else. Your psychic and emotional structure is experiencing much greater tectonic forces than is society. You are being forced to confront your fears, your hidden dimension, and what may feel like your past karma (it remains to be seen whose it is, in actual fact). Within the sphere of your own consciousness, what’s happening to you counts for more than what is happening around you. Growth is rarely easy, and it tends to be experienced in the face of what feels like the inevitable. Often there must be a confrontation, if only because change is so inconvenient. Yet it is now up to you to make the most of it. Even though you may feel pushed and confronted, it is your destiny to discover your true strength, your deepest abilities and what I will reluctantly call your power. Far from some form of magic or titanic strength, that would be the power of decision. In just over a year’s time, the mighty planet Saturn returns to your birth sign (and its other sign of rulership). Lay hold of every opportunity to take charge of your affairs, know when you must accept that you cannot and (as is often misattributed to St. Francis) have the wisdom to know the difference.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Borrowing from the philosopher and playwright Seneca, when you don’t know what harbor you’re sailing for, no wind is the right wind. Ah, but when you know — and you soon will — you will see that there is a strong gust at your back, guiding and even pushing you into the future. This is about Jupiter in Sagittarius, which this month makes its last contact with Neptune in your birth sign or rising sign. This will help you resolve many lingering questions. Sagittarius represents your aspirations and your desire to accomplish meaningful things, even great ones. It’s also about your professional activities, which have been a little bogged down as of late. I was reading up on Jupiter in the first interesting astrology book I’ve come across in a long time, from way back in 1945 by the Rev. Dr. Marc Edmund Jones. He said that Jupiter is about “deeper participation in experience, as compared with the more simple continuance in existence.” You need adventure in your professional life, not a job. You need a vocation — a calling — not a career. This is just in time, as a crack is opening up in society, and you are nimble enough to go through. Pay attention to this fissure or fault line as it moves, shakes and opens up. That is your invitation and in a sense your destination. What to many others is an annoyance, an inconvenience or some form of social tragedy is your greatest resource. Yet to take advantage of this, you must participate boldly in your own life, and that of society.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs.

Monday Morning Horoscope #191 for August 26, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have many facets to your nature, and you’re in a position to experience several of them now. Yet where you look, where you seek your information, and which experiences you explore, all matter. The region of your life to search for understanding is the everyday, rather than the unusual. Therefore, you need only look right where you are, not the past, not the future, and not some remote location or concept of your life. What do you actually do? What do you like doing? Most significantly, your astrology is asking the question: whom do you serve? Bob Dylan was right: you gotta serve somebody. And you’re tied into the karma of whoever, or whatever that is; whatever purpose that is. So what you’re really asking yourself is why. Notably, this is not a question you can pose to any other person and get a relevant answer. You can only ask yourself. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — From every angle, your astrology is calling on you to burst free: of your routines, of your ideas, of your ideologies, and of your expectations. While you’re at it, set yourself free from the scourge of seriousness. It’s not that life is but a joke, but rather you must approach the conditions of your own growth, and the circumstances of the world, with a light heart. Heaviness is not going to get you anywhere right now, and as Robert Anton Wilson taught us, convictions make convicts. So take it light, and use a creative approach to your own existence. You can afford to take some chance you might not ordinarily take, meaning allowing yourself to use a creative approach to a problem. The truth or idea you seek exceeds concepts. Nobody could write a song with all the music theory in the world (and nothing else). Anyone could write one without it. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Monitor your anxiety level as the next week or two proceed. Notice what in your environment provokes you, and then see if you can figure out why it’s irrelevant; why the problem is about something else. Notice whether what you’re experiencing is mental or emotional. Notice whether you feel better alone or with others, or if this varies from situation to situation. Drink more water and see how you feel then. You will need to keep experimenting under the astrology you’re going through, which includes asking the same question many different ways till it lends itself to some kind of interesting answer. It would seem, though, that the most pressing issue is: what are you trying to resolve? Directly related is, what do you need to clear out of your way? This also includes asking yourself about who does, and who does not, belong in your environment. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Make every effort to get along with your neighbors. Perhaps you already do, though you can be (or seem) self-absorbed at times, and give the impression that you don’t care. The way to demonstrate that others make a difference is to engage in communication about the details of life, the small things that rarely seem to matter, and most of all, ideas. You have a brilliant analytical mind, though one potential problem you face at the moment is going down the wormhole of minutiae, rather than seeing the clean, elegant lines of concepts. Practice translating your thoughts and feelings into a form that others can understand. You may be overwhelmed with mental activity, or data coming in so fast you cannot handle it. The tool you will want to use is pattern recognition. Rather than analyze every single detail, look for topics and ideas, and the shapes that they form. When in doubt, listen to music, preferably instrumental. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your life at this time is all about your priorities. What is really important to you? This is the most obvious question in life, and one that is too rarely asked. Yet it’s the only question at the moment, subordinating all others. This may require some sorting out. When doing that, it helps to have a guiding principle, which would best be: what is it that harms you, and what is it that helps you? What about your existence is beneficial to others, and what is not? The answers will be pretty simple, when you’re onto them. Despite appearances, there will not be a lot of layers to your result; and you’re experienced enough to know what is helpful. However, when you come across something that is a temporary expedient, put it in a special category. Those are potential traps, because they might seem beneficial in the short run, but will not be over the course of time. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves
You are heading into a most unusual solar year: with Venus, Mars, Juno and the Sun in your sign, you’re set up to do the thing Virgo is designed for: integrate the elements of your being, find your direction and purpose, and act on it. This is an astrology reading followed by a tarot reading, which will come a few weeks later. Pre-order now for $44.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — We are now experiencing one of the most impressive Virgo alignments in many years. A New Moon is approaching consisting of the Moon and Sun joined by Mercury, a Chiron-like point called Transpluto, plus Venus, Mars and asteroid Juno. Here is the question: do you live your life in pieces, or do you live as one being? Are there some circumstances where aspects of you are not welcome, and others where they are? There is a virtue to being who you are, all the time. Sure, presentation matters. You will probably want to wear a black tie for the black tie dinner. But you’re still yourself, despite the circumstances, setting or costume called for. While “whether to be real” is often cast as a matter open to debate, ultimately, you cannot be anyone other than yourself, so the real question is, why try? Well, you might not feel like you know what to say or what to do. And being real might feel like jumping off a cliff. But you’ll still be standing right where you are. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Planets are gathered in a place called your 12th solar house — Virgo. Even if you know your rising sign and it’s not Libra, you want to know about this; you want to track your solar chart (and this also serves, if Libra is your rising sign). This may feel like a whole lot of pressure, as if the room you’re in were being submerged under an ocean or a lake. Everything is dry, but your ears experience the compression. It might be difficult to sleep, since your environment doesn’t seem the same as it usually does. You could feel there is some vast mystery at the center of your life, to which you are somehow not privy. The answer to these mysteries is found by turning your awareness inward. Listen to yourself, which means to your dreams, and follow the winding thread of your imagination. There may appear to be too much to track, though this is an illusion. I suggest starting with the notion that there is one thing you need to know, which will reveal itself in an odd and unexpected place and time. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The first politician I ever worked for was a guy named Bob Hayden, of Buffalo, NY. That’s a good story in itself but I always recall one thing he said on the way to an event: stay three drinks behind the crowd. Now, I rarely drink in public but I love the strategic wisdom of that idea. You can apply it to more than alcohol. You’re in a position where you can move around certain social circles that may usually be sealed off from access. If you find yourself there, make sure you listen. Speak only enough to get people talking. Be yourself; that’s disarming. If you get cocktail sauce on your blouse, just continue the conversation and let the dry cleaner take care of it. If you have to exchange information with someone, scribble on a napkin or scrap of paper; leave your phone in the car. And as I was saying, your phone — leave it in the car. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You have a lot of goals; a lot of things you want to do; many more things you’re capable of. You may not know what to choose. You may be feeling whelmed or overwhelmed or maybe a little underwhelmed. Anyway, your options are not on the internet. They are in real life, with real people, who have eyes that you can see and a voice you can hear and you may be able to smell their cologne or perfume or breath. When you shake their hand, it will be warm or cool or sweaty or dry; it may be limp or they may squeeze you. At this time, though, I suggest you follow what I consider to be my first rule of investigative journalism: let your assignments choose you. This is not about taking a passive role. It’s about being receptive and attractive. You will know when the right person, thing, idea, or opportunity knocks on your door. It will mysteriously sound like a bell. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You cannot really plan the future. But you can look in its direction; you can consider the possibilities; you can set some wide goals for yourself. Most of all, you can describe your vision. This is a personal exercise, not for publication; do not click “share” and do not expect anyone to click “like.” In fact, keep it out of digital form, unless it’s a voice memo to yourself. There is a lot in your life that is changing. There is a lot that seems to be caving in, giving way, or yielding to the presence of time. That is going to create space and bandwidth you can use. So while you’re going through all this Saturn conjunct Pluto stuff, and I know there is plenty, invest yourself in imagining what is possible. First, do this in a few broad strokes, and then fill in the details. Use pencil, so you can erase any mistakes, but first look at whatever you put onto the paper. Today it may seem like a doodle. In a few weeks, you will see the shapes and the patterns; you will get the message. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Our lives are about what we exchange. That means being willing to offer yourself, and being willing to receive others. Often exchange seems to be about things of value, though really, a material object of any kind is a token of one’s self. So keep it on that level. It does seem that the real crisis is about receiving what is freely offered. Many people who are the “taker” kind struggle to accept what is offered with kindness. Others who are the “giver” kind have a difficult time receiving what is sent their way out of generosity. Here’s one clue though: once given, the destiny of a gift is no longer in the purview of the giver. Nobody should ask, “How do you like it?” We have all heard the phrase “forgive and forget.” I would say, give and forget — though more to the point, receive, and remember. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Planets and the Sun have gathered in your opposite sign Virgo. Note the ways your total environment is changing as this happens. Circumstances are presenting you with options. You’re being reminded that you are not as isolated as you’ve felt under the long influence of Neptune in your sign. And it seems as if people are coming to you rather than you having to go to them. Yet Neptune presents a vulnerability and an opening that can be exploited. So pay attention to what you see, feel, say, do and most of all hear. I suggest you make no commitments merely by way of the internet, but rather keep your contacts solid and on the physical plane. And while Neptune presents an opening that others may be able to exploit, it also presents aggressors with a hazard. Be aware that the floor is slippery around you, and that you have the ability to shape-shift or even disappear if you need to. Use these powers judiciously; accept and embrace that you carry some true protection. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 22, 2019

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 22, 2019 (#1258) | By Victoria Emory

Aries (March 20-April 19) — To be ‘In the Zone’ is a type of heightened awareness. Physical, mental and emotional focus all sync up to engage the task at hand so totally, that you tune out everything but the present moment, and enter a peak state through which you access optimal potential. The term was popularized in the sporting world, and athletes train rigorously in order to enter that state. You’re in a profound process of re-fashioning your world; peeling away what you’ve outgrown, and building strong foundations based upon values that reflect more of who you really are. ‘The Zone’ awaits you with open arms, and with the right approach you can make important strides in coming days. Organization and discipline are your primary tools — from there, follow your excitement. Working partnerships can be golden now. Healthy routines matter. Don’t stress over the goal, but don’t lose sight of practicality. This is your Tao of Zone for a while. Ideas are stalking you. — By Victoria Emory

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.



Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Look up the expression “Let Your Freak Flag Fly,” and you’ll find approximately zero references to your sign. Yet Uranus is slow-walking your own private revolution, to liberate you from limiting self-concepts that you might not even realize were there. You’re entering a powerful phase of creative discovery to help propel you in this direction. The genius of a child at play beckons, and the more you make room for a bit of joyful abandon, the more you’ll be able to catch that ride. Creative projects should prove especially satisfying now; experimenting with self-expression in all forms has the potential for inspiring originality that can surprise even yourself. Enriching social encounters are equally possible, big time. Exciting frontiers may be explored even with partners of long standing. But you must give yourself permission. Look up ‘Think Outside the Box’ and you’ll find approximately every reason to do so. To feel alive — isn’t that reason enough? — By Victoria Emory

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.



Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’re on the cusp of what can be a profound period of psychic integration and healing. Several aspect patterns repeat this message in coming days, and it’s an opportunity to take seriously. Make yourself available by allowing yourself to withdraw from the constant drone of business as usual, as much as you can. Your roots, your past, your home and everything this means to you is the prime material you’re working with. Aspects of your psyche are lining up to facilitate a kind of alchemical marriage, a union of opposing forces out of which a new birth is possible: a transformation that opens doors to greater wisdom and wholeness, on a foundational level. Gentle self-care will help. Paying attention to dreams will, too. This is a deeply personal process, but it’s also possible to bring domestic partnerships to a place of greater depth and harmony at this time. Invite significant others along for the ride. — By Victoria Emory

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs.



Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your mind has been firing on all cylinders lately, and that pace is about to accelerate. You may have noticed more energized identification with your ideas and especially forceful expression recently, but a window is opening through which your ability to perceive and express yourself can come from a place of unusual harmony: a balance between promoting your own agenda, and sensitivity to the relational environment, that will serve you well. Intense mental activity and focus on communications will increase in coming days; brilliant flashes of insight and original ideas are possible now, but so is nervous tension. Getting your body moving will help focus your mind and dissipate anxiety. Just a quick walk around the neighborhood can make the difference between enhanced mental prowess and thoughtless impulsivity. Added bonus: you could encounter unexpected inspiration along the way. — By Victoria Emory

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.



Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The words ‘value’ and ‘valor’ derive from a common root meaning strength. Courage. Worth. Keep this in mind as your focus on material resources increases in coming days. Your ability to attract what you require is blending in rare harmony with your will to go boldly after it. This works to your obvious advantage, and you may be able to reconnect with professional opportunities that were exciting a few months back, but since fell off the radar. Lay the groundwork, put out feelers and get organized. As the month winds down, leading up to and through next week’s New Moon, excellent openings become available to connect with those who can further your interests. Like attracts like; remember that your power derives from inherent belief in your own worth. Proceed with a grounded, methodical approach, centered in your natural courage. — By Victoria Emory

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.



Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The wisdom-language of myth conjures a powerful image for your year ahead: the divine conception of the heroic — the extraordinary virgin birth. This motif recurs throughout ancient lore, and is far from unique to Christianity. The solar rays first penetrate your sign tomorrow as the symbolic male and female forces (Mars and Venus) unite. The message indicates a rebirth from a place of psychic wholeness; a profound transformation; a potential to become your own hero. The hero’s strength balances courage with love; that’s how she or he overcomes obstacles and vanquishes darkness. Don’t worry; you don’t have to understand this with your mind alone. For now, simply focus on personal priorities, honor your body and psyche with care, and take time to recharge. This week’s astrology brings another theme that repeats at next week’s New Moon: this rebirth holds electrifying opportunities to expand your world in exciting ways. — By Victoria Emory

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs.


It is difficult to feel good these days; it’s challenging to focus on your growth and self-care, or even to relax. We are pulled out of ourselves constantly, and often distracted from our core purposes.

IN THESE TIMES, the Planet Waves autumn reading, will help.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — That’s quite a relationship you’ve got happening offstage, in the back of your mind; perhaps so far back it’s a secret even from yourself. But that’s where the action is, which is ramping up, so pay attention. What’s playing out is easier to feel than to point at directly, so start there. Your ruling planet Venus has slipped behind the curtain to hook up with Mars in the most hidden, unconscious corner of your chart, and the Sun’s presence spotlights their rendezvous. The direct current running between them and another, deeply personal, psychic center conveys a message of intense desire, perhaps denied, and working through emotional history that’s been swept under the carpet. The good news is that you’re wired for awakening, and relationship issues that might have haunted you are ripe for resolution. The more you balance inner work with attention to your body, the more fruitful the process will be. Self-esteem and physical wellbeing are inseparable. — By Victoria Emory

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.



Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — What do relationships and lightning have in common? For starters, they’re both intense agents of transformation, and can strike without warning. Uranus, the ‘Great Awakener,’ has begun work on your relational environment to shake things up; it’s testing what works, what needs revision, and is presenting you with opportunities to learn that only the mirror of relating to others can. Your focus on future goals, and those who can help you realize them, is gathering momentum, and indicators as to how partnerships may factor in should flash across your screen in days ahead. Whether professional, intimate, platonic or some combination of each, tune your radar for connections that could play a significant role. You tend to keep what’s going on inside pretty well concealed; just don’t play games. Regardless of what’s involved, remember that trust is the basis for any worthwhile relationship. — By Victoria Emory

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Professional aspirations will command your attention with increasing intensity in days ahead, and opportunities to reignite projects that have been on hold might seem to come out of the blue. What’s in play is infused with an unusual degree of harmony between creative vision and hard-nosed will to succeed, and career-related partnerships may prove as personally enriching as they are productive. The potential for significant achievement is real, so don’t let passing annoyances related to finances throw you off your game. Attention to detail and organized, grounded, cooperative efforts are the ticket now. Use this week to prepare and connect with colleagues, so that by the New Moon at month’s end you’ll be in position to go full speed. Heavy demands on your time and mental energies require conscientious self-care; the more in tune you are physically, the more you’ll enjoy the ride. Prepare to be seen. — By Victoria Emory

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs.



Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Location, location, location. Each has its own energetic signature, complete with unique probable timelines for any given series of events. Scheduled programming is bound to be a great deal more interesting on a different station than what you’re usually tuned to, so adjust your dial accordingly. You needn’t travel far, or even at all, in terms of spatial distance, but you’ll expand your world in delicious ways by deliberately breaking up established routines and giving yourself permission to journey with your mind. It’s Back-To-School season in the Northern Hemisphere, and if you’ve harbored any educational aspirations, now’s the time to follow through. Even picking up a book you’ve thought about and re-arranging your normal schedule can lead to surprisingly uplifting experiences. If literal travel is an option, get packing. You need to explore some new territory. — By Victoria Emory

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.



Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Desire; secrets; power; fear; deep, soul-level intimacy and transformation: that’s the terrain emphasized in your chart right now, and the intensity will magnify. An opening for profound, psychic integration and healing is available, which extends into the subterranean reaches of your past and most private, inner world. Whatever this instinctually triggers for you is the place to start. If you think you’ve been there, done that, there’s likely more going on beneath the surface than you’re allowing yourself to notice. Emotionally honest exploration can clear the path to a new chapter in your relationships: to yourself, to your sexuality and to domestic or intimate partners — past and future. Self-esteem and security programming weaves into all of this material, and is ripe for resolution. On a lighter note, significant encounters are also possible now, intimate or professional. Whatever the particulars may include, the impact should be illuminating. — By Victoria Emory

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.



Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This time of year always highlights your relational environment, but you’re at the threshold of an especially powerful cycle right now. Over-arching themes involve integrating opposing psychic forces, within the framework of partnership: the outgoing, courageous and ego-oriented ‘yang’ with the receptive, sensitive and relationally oriented ‘yin.’ Whatever your circumstances, a renaissance in relations with others is possible; including your relationship with yourself. Opportunities are available for rich encounters that spark surprising insights and lead to original, transformative communications. Work undertaken for mutually fulfilling reasons, professionally or personally, should be especially gratifying. Note where any self-worth issues get activated: a message of healing informs this cycle, and it’s a fine time to undertake work with a trusted counselor, if appropriate. To open in trust to another involves risk, but your greatest evolution is impossible without it. This is no time to go it alone. — By Victoria Emory

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs.

Monday Morning Horoscope #190 for August 19, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — This is always a productive time of year for you, and can be especially so, with Venus, Mars and the Sun moving through your work and productivity angle. You will have no problem keeping busy, though you will want to choose the projects you contribute to. Look for the connection between any one task and several of the goals or objectives you’re moving toward. The more connections any one task has to a few different points, the better. More significant, though, is how you feel when you’re involved. When you find that experience of being lost in your work, when the time leaps by and you look at the clock and it’s 3:30 am when a minute ago it was 10 pm, that’s the place to be. To that end, do what attracts you, what turns you on, what feels good when you’re involved. From there, one good idea will lead to another. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Notice how the concept of sharing has ended up in the recycling bin. What used to be called “the commons” has been replaced by vending machines. You might want to retrieve it and get it going in your local world. This is not specifically about you, though you may benefit. The subject is much larger than one person, though ideas always start with an individual. You’re in a position to facilitate something worthwhile, and that goes contrary to the prevailing (extremely annoying) environment of buy, sell, buy, sell. Yet you know the world belongs to all of us. You know that we are merely its stewards. There’s a benefit to tapping into this level of reality, which is true abundance. Yet you’re the leading candidate for getting things started, or better said, reviving an old idea whose time needs to come. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — More so now than ever, you must do what feels right. If you encounter resistance, delays, blockages or frustration, try doing something else. The order in which you do things is less important than engaging in activity that is satisfying and at least somewhat fruitful — and your home is a good place to start. Anything you can do to improve your living space will make you significantly happier. The areas to attend to first are things like cleaning, taking care of your plants, and your linens. Tackle any stagnant corners, piles, closets or storage areas, for example, under the kitchen sink. Get the energy moving. Wash the curtains — this kind of thing. The result will be a liberating sense of belonging in your own space, greater productivity and being ready for company to arrive. Cleaning and freshening physical space are a positively awesome vacation from the oppressive digital realm. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Words count now, and you can make them work for you. In fact, imagine the whole dictionary shaking and vibrating and wanting to jump into your mind, your notebook, your computer screen. The Sun’s entry into Virgo is your invitation, though there’s no need to delay. Venus and Mars are involved, so the feeling is sensuous, warm, and with some sexual tension in the mix. Follow your curiosity, and dance with the possibilities. I don’t know if writing turns you on; surely at least reading does, and in our times, engaging with a book is a full-on immersion of your senses. Yet you also seem to have a story to tell. You might be tempted to write about your experiences, though I suggest you point your pencil in the direction of what you want, and want to create. Be colorful and detailed and passionate in your description. See and feel your desires as vividly as you can. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your astrology is calling you to set your priorities in order. It’s easy to let this fall to the side, though it’s now on the level of a necessity. Consider your priorities as being in two main categories — wellbeing and finances. They are related, as there is often some need to allocate resources to taking care of yourself. Yet this is as likely to be about time and energy as it is about money. Even more than that, your commitment to your own cause is the essential motivating factor to stay in touch with. Pay attention to what you know drives you to act on your own behalf, and connect with that idea, feeling or emotion. You always have time to do the things that are important to you, and right now, there are some significant needs you must address — and you have all the necessary ingredients to make that happen. Just put them all together. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves
You are heading into a most unusual solar year: with Venus, Mars, Juno and the Sun in your sign, you’re set up to do the thing Virgo is designed for: integrate the elements of your being, find your direction and purpose, and act on it. This is an astrology reading followed by a tarot reading, which will come a few weeks later. Pre-order now for $44. Reading will be available on or about Aug. 23.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The Sun enters your sign in grand style this week, with the company of both Venus and Mars. This is the perfect image of Virgo, which can embody either sex, or neither sex, as you wish. This goes for any form of sex roles, or the emotions that are ascribed to them; and it goes for your organic response to the direct experience of being alive. If you are feeling anything but your most incredible vitality, pause and consider why that might be. Are you hesitating in any way? Are you actively resisting? There’s often a little fear in the experience of feeling fully incarnated and in possession of your existence. One of the ways you know you’re getting near the cusp of actually embodying being wholly alive is when that fear starts to bubble to the surface. You are in a position to exceed or violate the metes and bounds that supposedly define who you are. Once you do that, keep going. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your imagination may be running wild for the next few weeks — and it will help you if you get out of your head and into the physical world. By all means stoke your fantasies and indulge in your mental pleasures, and then cross the bridge into reality with at least some of them. It’s true that all things related to the body are confused and distorted at the moment, and may be laced with fear and apprehension. You might feel embarrassed about allowing something out of the sanctity of your mind and into the wild world, where you must in some way interrelate with others. That is, however, the thing to do: for healing, for pleasure, and for growth. The inner and the outer worlds rarely align with perfect symmetry (really, never, but I never say never). So this is an experiment, one you may need to try a few times. Borrowing a line from The Beatles, all you need is trust. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may care about your reputation, but there is little you can do about it, and little that you need to do. You are who you are, and how people perceive you is their business. Attending to the details of your presentation may make you feel better though they are unlikely to sway anyone. What you can focus on is feeling good, and being at home in your skin. These days that’s a revolutionary act. Any gesture of casting off the burden of image is a kind of revolt. This is mainly for the benefit of your own sanity; thinking you know what other people think is a hall of mirrors. Practice self-acceptance. Practice being who you are and saying what you think. Not everyone will like it. You will repel some of the right people. You will attract certain others. This will work pretty well, most of the time. It’s easier than obsessing over matters where you have no control. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Just in time for Jupiter’s recent return to direct motion, several helpful planets are crossing the midheaven angle of your solar chart — your fellow mutable sign Virgo. This is about stepping up and stepping out in the world. It’s also about attending to the details of your work, rather than leaving them to others. It’s true that Sagittarius has the reputation of not wanting to get bogged down in the technicalities, but that’s only one side of your nature. Another side wants total control. And though you can rarely have this, you can make sure that the connections are made, that your preferred language is used, and that you understand all of the commitments you’re involved with. Yet you must be cautious of overthinking matters, and getting so caught up in details that you lose the wide view and your sense of your goals. So make sure the two are connected, and be on the lookout for mistakes, miscommunications, and assumptions. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’re being confronted by so many challenges that it may seem impossible to see, or think about, the true scope of your existence. You may feel like you’re driven by responsibility that you can barely handle. Yet that is the state of mind you want to step out of, calmly and quietly, and consider the underlying purpose of what you are doing. Over the next week or so, you may be filled with the idea that you came here to learn, and you must persist in doing so. But what exactly are you learning for? Knowledge is rarely an end in itself. It needs a job, a direction, a mission. Only then is it relevant. Most of the useful knowledge you gain comes from experience and experimentation. Sure, you need some theory; but step by step, match what you’re experiencing to what you know from books, theories and other sources of ideas. The meeting of the two is what you want — and what you can most easily use for the greater good. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your chart is under excellent aspects for connecting with others, though you don’t want to be a perfectionist about this. No contact you make with another person should have an end goal that you drive it toward. Desires are one thing; wanting certain experiences is fair game; but you would be wise to stay out of any form of “tie the knot” territory. Be open-minded, and keep an open heart. Be yourself and give people plenty of space to be themselves. Then, see if you can observe any points of intersection, of a sincere meeting, even if the subject matter is focused. Explore what works and grow from there. Be alert to your level of commitment to any situation, and see who sends you the message that they like you. Most of the world is oriented on going straight to the transaction these days. Nearly everything is seen in economic terms. Do what you can to get away from that. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The Sun, Venus and Mars are about to enter your 7th solar house: the one about relationships and partnerships. This will put you on the map, and it will shine a spotlight on certain people in your environment. Follow the light. Involve yourself with who and what is available. Try to get out of that habit of wanting what you cannot have, including people who treat you inconsistently or who always seem to be making up their mind. Move on to the next person or the next situation. There will be plenty, especially if you don’t clog up your own availability by distracting yourself with unproductive situations. We all need to acknowledge the extent to which this is a useless habit. In support of a new vision, notice who notices you. Notice who shows up. Respond positively when someone offers you something loving and affirming; reward affection and pass on the rest. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.