Category Archives: Horoscopes

Monday Morning Horoscope #212 for Jan. 20, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Events this week will give you a hint of the future. The Sun enters Aquarius, one of the most vibrant angles of your solar chart. This will draw you out into the world in a whole new way, and open up your social options. Yet there is much more: this zone of your chart is about your vision for your life; your highest ideals; your true sense of mission. While it’s always available, few people are able to access the highest potential of this house. Over the next few months, you’re going to feel the momentum shift in this direction, though the Sun’s entry combined with Friday’s New Moon will arrive with both some ideas and the yearning for freedom. The important thing to remember about Aquarius in all of its forms is that it responds on the density level you arrive with. Bring fear and you will see darkness. Bring love and generosity and you will feel the potential. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — New professional horizons are opening up for you. Don’t rush the process; feel it out gently, one step at a time. The first opening arrives this week, as both the Sun and Moon cross the midheaven angle of your solar chart. That is only the beginning; you will be adapting to this energy all year and well into 2021. Uranus in your birth sign is spurring you into wanting a revolt, an uprising, and a whole new life. Yet Aquarius counsels patience and a consistent approach. And more than anything, you’ll be learning to be accountable to yourself in a whole new way. I’ll have more to say about that as the weeks unfold, though this particular moment is about feeling, thinking and envisioning where you might want to be a year from now. Listen inwardly for your calling. You have one, and it will come to you. Do not chase it; listen for it. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — We live in the time of narrow horizons, where people think they’re satisfied with the “virtual tour” of the Taj Mahal. We think that taking online classes means going to university. It’s true all of this opens up possibilities for people whose options are extremely limited, though that is not you. This week’s astrology is inviting you to set your troubles aside and take up residency in a much wider and more interesting world. You are being invited to leave familiar ground and explore something entirely new and different. Rather than being about the armchair travel of the digital realm, go where you can meet people in person and experience a bona fide adventure. This could also be in the realm of knowledge. Yet the place to go is an actual library — preferably a big one. You get the idea, right? Explore the world physically, not on a glowing rectangle. Good things will happen when you do. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your astrology this week is an interesting blend of dreamy and sobering. You can dream all you want, and experiment with passion and beauty — as long as you know the difference between being creative and self-destructive. There may be a fine line at times, and you will need your methods of reality checking. Make all of your decisions sober, and sleep on them before you finalize them. Inspiration under the influence of a substance may be brilliant and valid — though you will want to check from a few more points of view. Get to know someone a little before you’re intimate with them, even if that means one long conversation. Under this astrology, even you might be inclined to dive in. Remember that all kinds of pleasures await you, from the carnal to the sublime. This would also be the week to make a movie, or re-watch your top-five list. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This week’s New Moon in your opposite sign Aquarius will open up a social universe for you, if you let it. You may also open up a new dimension of friendship with a close partner or friend. Many people aspire to have their partner, spouse or lover be an actual companion, and if you’ve ever struggled with that, the way is about to open. A key to this is to participate in group experiences where you feel at ease. If you’re traveling with a partner, give them space to explore socially, and keep a grip on any jealousy that you may experience. More than that, you are invited to experience the pleasure that can only come from acknowledging that those you care about are indeed their own people. This works both ways: be bold about expressing who you are, particularly in the social realm. It is possible to be considerate and also to remember that everyone is responsible for their own feelings. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Time flies when you’re working well. You’re entering one of the most productive times of year for you, which will give way to being one of the most productive times in your life. What you’ve been through in recent years has cleared out the channels of your creativity and passion. To really discover this, you will need to try it out. That means experimenting with what you do, and your method of doing it. Also, you’re a natural born collaborator. This is essential. Though Virgo can have a hermit-ish reputation, where work in particular is concerned you need company and you thrive on it. You have the discipline to be not only a natural leader, but also an ongoing font of ideas. You may feel like you lack the confidence, though this is something always gained through experience. I don’t mean bravado; I mean basic faith in yourself and in your abilities. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You can now practice feeling safe. Up till now, you’ve had a lot of practice feeling insecure and shaky and uncertain about your situation. Feeling grounded and like you belong on the planet is a skill. Learning to inhabit your own four walls — as if they are your own — is a skill. You will know you’re entering this state of mind and feeling when you experience yourself as being more daring. Being drawn to the unfamiliar, playing with what is uncertain, and experimenting with your curiosity, are signs that you feel safe. Laughter is a sign that you feel safe. All this is born of a kind of self-assurance that is at once gentle, and that comes from within you, not from the outside. I’ve observed that the notion, “When that happens, then I will feel good about myself” is rather commonplace. However, that is not how it works, and this is plainly obvious when you begin to figure it out. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Have you finally made up your mind about something? Or changed your mind about it? Think carefully and slowly. You may not think it is your own awareness that has changed, but rather your circumstances. Yet those circumstances nearly all involve your mental environment, which is inside you. When it comes to your opinions, you’re a tough customer. There are times you pride yourself on being unmoved and un-swayed by the facts. It’s almost as if you would prefer to move them. Yet it would seem a particular idea you’ve been harboring for a long time has developed a crack. It may take you a little time to notice this. If you study the fault line, you may observe that the two halves of your concept didn’t even fit together. You might take solace and even celebrate being wrong about something. What is correct and real and honest contains the real juice. Yet not everyone is ready for it. It’s about time you are. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Amidst much other exciting astrology, Mars continues to make its way across your sign — a transit that spans from Jan. 3 through Feb. 16. The peak of that journey takes place later this week, right around the time of the Aquarius New Moon on Friday. The scenario looks like this: you are feeling your desire to bust loose and do your thing, and to fly in that particular way you know you love. Then, that seems to impact on the insecurities of someone close to you, perhaps a domestic partner. Their “role” is to hold you back, and this can lead to subtle but persistent tension. Yet another way to think of this is that they are giving a voice to your own fears; that you assign the role to someone else. You might take some solace in that this is a fairly common occurrence. Still, you don’t need to delegate your emotional condition to others. Own yourself fully. Take this as your motto: “It’s not about them, it’s about me.”. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are at the very epicenter of a before and after moment of your life. By that, I mean something you’ve been headed toward for a long time, and that you will see in retrospect as the moment your changes took hold. It is difficult to see now, though I strongly suggest you embody some awareness that helps you integrate this possibility. You may be standing at a branching of the road, trying to decide which path to choose. This can be frustrating, as there have been so many setbacks, delays and disappointments leading to our current moment. Yet you have chosen your path; you have chosen or rather accepted your purpose. There is no point in experiencing your current position as a space of futility or struggle. Take up the gift that has been given you. Persist through any difficulty you may encounter in these first steps along your new trajectory. Walk lightly, and treat yourself gently. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.

Your 2020-21 Aquarius Astrology Studio is now available for purchase. All being well, we plan to publish the reading by next weekend. The Astrology Studio is a perfect complement to the Respect annual edition, and a great birthday gift for yourself or the Aquarius you love. Pre-order here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You are about to embark on a bold adventure — perhaps the most incredible ever. It’s not going to storm through your life all at once, though the signs of change and progress are at hand. You may well feel worn down from some inner struggle that goes back years and has recently come to a head. You may feel like you just cannot get the pieces of yourself to fit together inside of you, though it’s time to think of your process differently. It’s possible to feel debilitating bitterness and resentment if you are caught in the mire of the past. You have a right to feel angry if you are caught in the karma, the denial and the effects of the sins of others. It is time to invite a new feeling into your life; a new purpose; a new meaning. Do not expect others to make up for what you’ve been through. Resolve to be your own cause and your own means. Embrace gently the help that is offered to you. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are now in an unusually strong position. From the look of your solar chart, this involves having endured some significant social hardship or strife. That, in turn, is part of a much larger process of reorienting yourself within society. I do recognize that in the analysis of most people, their lot in life is cast. They cling to their place in society, modest as it may be. Your place in society has changed. You are free to walk your full height. You may let go of the habit of speaking in hushed tones, and express yourself in a clear and confident voice. Treat people as your respected equals, which means not as your superiors. Most of all, do what you feel called upon to do, without needing permission. Rather, you have the choice of informing people of your plans, or not. This may seem a little awkward at first, though I am certain you will grow to love it. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #211 for Jan. 13, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You need some new goals. Use your imagination. Anything that does not require you to be the hereditary heir to the throne of Fiji will do. You are a bold and ambitious person when you’re not too busy nursing your insecurities. One thing I suggest is that your aspirations include reaching people, and communing with them, rather than being a hermit. You may not be feeling this now, though you want to do something that is social. Your true leadership capacity comes not from your authority but rather from your gift for relating to people. Train your ability to be receptive: to take all viewpoints onboard. People trust those who listen to them, and who care what they say. The beauty of it is, you can, and you do. Put this to work and take a fresh approach to establishing your social networks, preferably far away from the internet. You want as much face-to-face as possible. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

TaurusTaurus (April 19-May 20) — Much of the world is in a trap right now, and it goes like this. “If I believe it, then it’s true.” You are in a crisis of belief, and seem to be doubting much that you took for granted in the past. That is a wholesome place to be. The idea is not to be a skeptic, believing that the truth cannot be known. You don’t want to be a cynic, thinking that the truth is useless and does not matter. Rather, you are firmly on your quest for your personal understanding of yourself and of reality. Since you’re unlikely to come up with this formula on the first go or even the 10th, you want to keep a moving perspective. This means that if you’re curious about a tree, walk around it a few times. Look up at the leaves and down at the roots. Feel the trunk and pick up the vibes. Avoid the trap of clarity: of thinking you know something you don’t understand. Do not “believe.” Rather, find out. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.

GeminiGemini (May 20-June 21) — In any situation where your interests are at stake, keep negotiating. Do not give up. Do not sell the store. Do not sell your car or your guitar. Do not sell your soul; it is not for sale or lease. You must drive a hard bargain, and make sure others give to you what is your due. The pattern of counting yourself out, and for feeling guilty when you stand up for yourself, is very, very old. It definitely goes back to childhood and it may go back lifetimes. There are approaches for getting out of this situation. They all begin with stopping the process in the moment, with any new agreements, and in any situation where any of the terms are still pending. Then you go through a process of cleaning up all current agreements. Know your terms. Know which points are negotiable and which are not. This is not about business. This is about profound self-discovery. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.

CancerCancer (June 21-July 22) — A new cycle of your relationships has begun, by which I mean, there was everything up to this point, and now there will be everything after it. This counts no matter what your situation, or what arrangements you may have: the ground has shifted. You are living in a different world, under different social laws and rules and properties. It’s about time. The world has been growing colder and more paranoid through many of the best years of your life, and you’ve been a direct witness to these changes. Yet you are also going to be the first beneficiary of the new attitudes and values that are taking shape. You are likely to be a forerunner, because you not only can sense what has been developing; you are also in contact with your emotional needs and desires in a way that many people are not. You have felt the absurd limitations of our time in history more keenly than others. And you truly need the change that is about to enter your life. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.

LeoLeo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You are a taskmaster, and it’s time to focus your power. Do not think about the long-term rewards, or even the immediate ones. Rather, focus on doing what you do as excellently as you can, for its own sake. Get into the work, and stay late at the office if you have to. Honor the schedule as much as you do the quality of your efforts. It’s time to move into 100% adult territory where your professional activities are concerned. That means doing more than you’re paid for, as long as you have enough to live. There must not be a modicum of greed or the quest for power in what you’re doing. It is absolutely about service and learning, in perfect tandem, with most of your learning devoted to your current tasks. There is nothing you cannot do, if you set your mind to it. The world is falling apart at the moment and you are on the team who will not only hold it together but also birth the new environment and the new ethic. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.

VirgoVirgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — People claim they are not creative. I hear that all the time, and I refuse to believe it. I concede that many do not access their creativity, or apply it when it’s needed the most. And I notice many people fail to experience the pleasure of their creative process, and instead focus on consuming the results of the creativity of others. I suggest you reverse that process and make your own fun. Here is the thing, and a thing I have noticed can get in the way. When you tap into your vital force of ideas, what comes through can shake you. When you become the vehicle for something new, it can be as exciting as the first time you have sex. This does not sit well with dullards or those (like most of us) who are conditioned to be dim bulbs. When you turn up the juice, you turn up the light and the heat, and this can feel risky. In that case, live dangerously. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.

LibraLibra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It is one thing to desire security, and another thing to cocoon yourself, and insulate yourself from experience. Security, such as it exists, is a means and not an end. You will feel better if you accept that you are currently situated on rapidly shifting ground. This is both psychological ground, and also something involving your somewhat tense relationship to your family. Most of what we call being secure means acting in a way where we believe we will not be rejected. It’s based on the illusion of being acceptable. This is a trap. Once someone falls for that (and many do), there is neither safety nor access to one’s potential. You are not acceptable for conforming to your notion of what others expect of you. Simply put, you must personally affirm your whole being. Then you must push some limits. If you don’t get in some trouble, you’re unlikely to be doing that. So allow yourself to be confrontational, and challenge the nearly invisible thing called the status quo. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.

ScorpioScorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — One would think that the least dense thing in the world is consciousness, subject as it is to change. Yet it turns out that it’s often easier to blast through solid stone than to change one’s own mind, much less that of someone else. What is this about? I’m not sure; it differs for everyone, but these reality bubbles so many people now inhabit are threatening the planet and society, and are not making your life any easier. One place you can start is to be sincere in all of your communication. Sincere means “without error,” and in common speech, it means being real. You know when you’re compromising your truth, whether it’s to be polite, for convenience, or to give you a power advantage. It’s time we all accept that this is a compromise in integrity that is gradually and steadily eating our souls. You are bigger than this, and better than it. Be honest at all costs. Pay the price. Reap the rewards. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.

SagittariusSagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Be grateful if your insecurities are triggered; this way you know what they are. The thing not to do is take them too seriously. They do not own you and are not your master. Be especially vigilant about guilt, as this is the most toxic of the control devices. It is also the subtlest form of fear. Be aware that there are potentially dishonest emotional influences in your life. There are people who are in a position to take advantage of a certain weakness that you have, and this is likely to be triggered when you assert yourself or your desire. You cannot push this down, however. You’ve likely done that many times. Let it come up and out, and confront it. If you are having any trouble with this, read a book called Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton (the original, by that exact title). As for guilt, I can tell you this. It is something that was done to all of us before we remember. Seek to understand its dynamics and you will take away the power it seems to hold over you. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.

Now available for instant access! If you have a Capricorn Sun, rising sign or Moon and could use some insights about the challenges and opportunities life is sending your way, your relationships, career and more, order the 2020 Capricorn Astrology Studio by Eric Francis Coppolino. Note, this is *not* the same as your RESPECT annual reading. Some of the most era-defining astrology has been centered on your sign in recent years, and that includes the biggest current astrological events. It also makes an amazing gift for your Cap loved ones.

CapricornCapricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Beginnings are challenging in part because we humans don’t do endings well. You are now most decidedly approaching a beginning, and yet you may have important past material to resolve. If you are up-front about this with yourself and with others, it will be much easier. You probably have an idea what this is; you may be intimately familiar with it. Ending implies completion, and completion requires being forthright with yourself and with others. You may have something to say, you may have demands. What you say may not be received; your demands may not be met. That does not matter. What matters is that you get all of it out on the table, and acknowledge the response. This is a reality check. You will know where you actually stand, and then that is that. It is then up to you and nobody else to move your life forward. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.

AquariusAquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You want desperately to feel free within yourself. That can happen if you want it, though it will help if you acknowledge just what it is that is holding you down. The chances are it has much less of a grip on you than you may think; you are the one who has a grip on it. Also, if you’re feeling anxiety around your situation, it’s probably because you are keeping certain aspects of your feelings in a dark closet rather than unpacking them on the kitchen table. Due to the planets involved, I suggest you do an inventory of unresolved family situations. You don’t need to hold onto these, and you need an honest self-assessment about what your actual obligations to others really are. Work this out, with wise, objective (and possibly professional) help if you need it. This is a situation where understanding will lead to a lessening of your worries and an increase in your ability to make tangible decisions. That, ultimately, is what you must do. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.

PiscesPisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are currently living with two versions of yourself — one that is old and outmoded; and a new one that might feel a bit untested. You have, however, been some similar places before, and you’re currently at a tremendous advantage. You have all of the benefits of experience, which will serve you brilliantly if you use it as an information source rather than a law you must follow. At the same time, you are getting to explore the territory in a whole new way, as if you’re arrived somewhere you’ve been many times and are seeing it entirely differently. You have the benefits of both familiarity and beginner’s mind at the same time. Now you may use this dual perspective to far exceed what you’ve done in the past, meaning to do something beautiful and useful here in our benighted world. As a Pisces, your spiritual connection runs strong and deep. That is your gift. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Thursday Night Horoscope for Jan. 9, 2020 (#1272)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It is not your position or your reputation that grants you influence. It is your ability to relate to others on their own terms. This may not mean a lot today, though over the next few months, you would be wise to make this a way of life. Pluto moving through your 10th house since 2008 has emphasized your desire to climb professionally. Though there have been plenty of shakeups between then and now, it is likely you’re in a much more solid position than you were a decade ago. Saturn moving through the same territory has only emphasized the point. However, let’s consider a bit of wider background. While you aspire to be a fair-minded person, let’s set this into context. Throughout the duration of Pluto in Capricorn (2008-present), the world has experienced the popularization of the power grab, and it’s getting old. Step ahead of the trend. Prepare yourself to become an innovator and teacher of cooperation and collaboration.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.

TaurusTaurus (April 19-May 20) — Once you figure out that your old beliefs no longer hold water, much less serve you, it’s time to live on different terms. What you’re now discovering is that you must write your own constitution. This is a restless time for you, perhaps even a revolutionary moment. You are starting to feel your potential in a whole new way. And you know the rules and limits that were instilled in you as a child simply do not serve your purposes, or make sense in any objective way. It is fair to say this is a moment of breaking free for you, even if you’re not sure what that means. Yet it is vital to your nature to have an investment in tradition. If you’re doing the most innovative experimental theater, read Shakespeare. If you’re creating an avant-garde music experiment, listen to Mozart. Your role is to keep a certain tradition alive, rather than to abandon it.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.

GeminiGemini (May 20-June 21) — Friday’s eclipse of the Moon aligns exactly with your ruling planet Mercury; this is a personal message for you. One of the themes of your life for many long seasons has been figuring out why people seem to hold so much power over you. This may have come in the form of financial situations, sexual relationships, employment situations and other scenarios when you were least expecting it. It is now clear that you must be your own advocate, and moreover, must understand what it means to give your power away. Once you have a clue about that, it’s a lot easier to stop doing so, and to claim it back. To do that, you need your own internal moral guidance. You must know what is right and true for you, and not fall prey to the guilt trips and traps that others lay for you. It’s essential that you study the agendas of others, and work with that information. Then you need a plan of your own.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.

CancerCancer (June 21-July 22) — Friday’s lunar eclipse in your sign is a magnificent opportunity to redefine yourself, in concept, in word, in deed and in reality. An element of this is letting go of some vexing emotional attachment from the past. Indeed, you must commit fully to the past no longer defining you. This is, of course, the great challenge of the spiritual path and that of self-actualization. You know by now that you are a person with a mission. You now have a focused calling. It is the invitation to rise to a challenge. What is easy and familiar is most likely representative of the past. What seems laden with obstacles is also likely to be part of the done deal of history. Hear your calling and take up your mission joyfully. Commit to leadership in the form of living your life well and truly. Remember that everything you do, down to the smallest decision, sets an example for others — and they are watching.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.

LeoLeo (July 22-Aug. 23) — By now you’re aware that your personal healing journey is the theme of your existence. You must take what you’ve learned in these years and reduce it down to a few basic guidelines. Speaking as someone who aspires to be gluten free on the parts-per-million level, I know both how challenging this is at first, and then how liberating it is once mastered. ‘Mastered’ means that it becomes a central organizing principle of my life. This is what I am talking about, in terms of how you organize your own efforts at self-care. It must begin with self-awareness: monitoring how you feel, what your body is telling you, and awareness of your limits. Speaking of limits, those are often talked down, though they too become a structure for accomplishment, because they compel you to set priorities and focus your activity. This is something you can get better and better at, which will multiply your efficiency and effectiveness, and help you feel good.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.

VirgoVirgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — I believe that the central Virgo quest, or struggle, or challenge, is that of aligning with your self-expression for its own sake. You may not even know what this feels like, or it may have taken you many years to figure it out. The current momentous astrology is pointing to a breakthrough. This is less about waking up a musician, a poet or a painter, and more about making contact with your vitality. Removing or clearing any seemingly minor blockage can go a long way toward increasing your flow of energy. It will help if you get the message to stop resisting yourself. Do whatever you do with your full attention, your full intention, and just enough passion. Balance out your activity in the moment with your awareness of a goal; you need both, so that you’re working within a wider context. The more creativity you allow through you, the less isolated you will feel.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.

LibraLibra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Our once-in-a-lifetime astrology is the perfect setup for an earthquake, and it happens to be taking place in the lower region of your chart, where you make contact with the ground. And that ground may be shaking right now, or it may be tense, and you may be wondering what you’re going to do about it. You don’t have to do anything, really, though it would help if you ask yourself one question. That would be the one about what it means to feel safe in a world that is rife with one change after the next. You know your confidence must come from you and only you. You’ve been through enough tests and trials and tribulations to have built up a well of confidence. You have learned that your personal foundations are stronger than anything in this world. Now, you are free to face the future with a sense of optimism, knowing you can rise brilliantly to any challenge.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.

ScorpioScorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The time has arrived when you must be driven by your own motives and your own necessities. And when you engage that, you can expect to meet some resistance. That might come in the form of an overt rebellion, or what seems like some sly form of betrayal. What is crucial is that you not betray yourself or your own cause. You are at a point where you must get all self-destructive tendencies under control. You do not have a lot of wiggle room here, not if you want to see at least some of your most cherished goals come to fruition. “I have a weakness for that” is not an excuse; it is an alert. Eventually, you will come to love the feeling of success more than submitting to emotional games, unwholesome habits (whether of thought, or physical), or having days when you don’t give a toss. This is a significant time in your life, rivaling any and all others. Stay awake.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.

SagittariusSagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Mars in your birth sign is pumping you full of confidence and drive. Neptune in Pisces is a well of uncertainty and insecurity that keeps on hassling you. You get to decide which one is the true voice. Our particular moment of astrology is sending you a bold, clear message: you must live for what you know to be true, for you. Be aware of when you make small compromises, which will no doubt be based on some fear or insecurity. Pay attention to your decision-making process. Notice, as well, who in your environment inspires your self-confidence, and who drains your energy and brings you down. You have a choice about whom you associate with. You have a choice of whose energy you allow to affect you. Note that you are most susceptible to infiltration by family and in domestic situations. This is not exactly late-breaking news for the human race. The big news would be how you respond.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.

Now available for instant access! If you have a Capricorn Sun, rising sign or Moon and could use some insights about the challenges and opportunities life is sending your way, your relationships, career and more, order the 2020 Capricorn Astrology Studio by Eric Francis Coppolino. Note, this is *not* the same as your RESPECT annual reading. Some of the most era-defining astrology has been centered on your sign in recent years, and that includes the biggest current astrological events. It also makes an amazing gift for your Cap loved ones.

CapricornCapricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Current astrology — what I have described as the most potent since the 1960s — is focused in your sign. This is a crux point for you: a before and after moment in your entire life (and as I write here in Dominick’s Cafe, a grandfather clock is striking the noon). This is a fulcrum moment. Think of a telescope that pivots on its stand. Move the scope one millimeter and you can get a view on the other end that’s light years away from what you first sighted. That is where you are today. Every decision is worth making carefully, and with full information. Decide nothing “with your gut.” Use your full intellect and intuition, and commit to your choice. This counts for matters large and small. If something seems on a very high level of importance and you are uncertain, then set a deadline and work to meet it. The eclipse is Friday and the grand conjunction is Sunday, though in truth you have till the Sun leaves your sign to get the maximum effect from an important personal choice.

RESPECT is now available for instant access. This far-sighted yet immediate 2020-2021 annual edition tracks the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era — which is beginning now. You may order the full reading or select individual signs.

AquariusAquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This week’s thundering astrology (which has been building for years) is happening in a kind of blind spot in your chart: the 12th house. So it may feel like some nondescript inner movement, or tension that keeps bubbling up, or maybe even panic attacks. You will come out of this long phase in several steps. The first is the Saturn-Pluto conjunction completing on Sunday. My sense is that this will drop the stress level somewhat, and make it easier to see what is an irrational fear, and what is a legitimate concern calling for action. Another will be Saturn entering your sign on March 21. Between these two events, you have an impeccable opportunity to complete some profound inner work; to come to terms with difficult elements of your past (both recent, and distant); and to sense your own potential before you have any outer confirmation that it’s real. Hang out there for a while.

RESPECT, our new annual edition, takes you deep into the astrology of 2020-2021. Old challenges are about to give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you meet them. Order now for instant access, or choose your individual signs.

PiscesPisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are at an unusual breakthrough point. Let’s start by saying that Neptune is in Pisces, which is providing you with abundant energy of a sort that is difficult for most people to deal with. Neptune not only demands boundaries, it has a way of exceeding them, so it presents a special challenge. Yet the high-focus action is taking place in the public angle of your chart, Capricorn, where you most readily relate to the world around you. This is the 11th house — considered by the old schools of astrology to be the best of them all. And this is where your breakthrough is happening. Take your life seriously. Focus on what you want to do, and have faith in your sincerity and your abilities. Set aside your tendency to doubt yourself. Replace it with the confidence that only comes from active engagement with people, and with a focused purpose. Then, keep on going.

This year’s astrology calls for respect: for where you are in your life, and for the uncertainties that we now face. With RESPECT, our new annual edition, you can orient yourself and embrace it all. Get instant access to the full reading, or order individual signs.

Monday Morning Horoscope #210 for Jan. 6, 2020


Aries (March 20-April 19) — The energy is rather dense around you at the moment, and something seems poised to crack. Make sure it’s not you. Keep your focus as inward as possible, given the current inside-out state of the world. Concern yourself with what you feel, and with what you’re doing, rather than what anyone else might think. Focus on your priorities first, rather than what you perceive as obligations. You may need to keep drawing yourself inward over and over again, and if that is what it takes, keep at it until you find your way to your center. Tune in to the fact that your reality and how you perceive it sets the terms of what you experience. In other words, existence happens from the inside out, not the outside in. Keep it positive, and focus not just on what is possible but on what you want to create for yourself. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You seem to be in a crisis of confidence. What, exactly, are you concerned is your weakness or flaw? It’s likely that very thing is your greatest strength, or contains its seed crystal. It’s easy to feel like you keep making the same mistakes, though we don’t know for sure if that is true. Consider the possibility that you learn at your own pace, and in your own way. You can accelerate this by understanding the patterns of your choices, particularly on the emotional level. Current astrology is offering you the potential to take some distance from your situation and consider the long view. You know who you are inside. You know what you have to offer. Learning faith in yourself is a journey, and though it can seem like a long one, it is a journey without distance to a goal that has never changed. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The reference point for whether you belong in any agreement is what you hold true and what you value the most. Typically, you struggle with your priorities seeming to change over time. Yet there are always certain foundational values you come back to as a reason for living. Count them all as valid. Do you love plants? Do you love good food? Are you devoted to your children? Excellent. Whatever you know exists to serve you. Then there is all that does not serve; all that is not what you want, and in particular want from your relationships. You now have a pass to change those things. Yes, it will take some deep inner work and maybe making a seeming sacrifice, but mostly it will take making a decision. In the end, giving up what you must for your personal truth is, itself, a form of benefit. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may be under a lot of pressure. You may feel like there is no way out, though you have an opening. You may not see it now. It would help if you turned around and faced the other direction — in your direction, not that of all those other people or what they think. Face the future, and not the past. Embrace what you’re discovering rather than what you already know. The experience of discovering is your point of vitality, rather than the experience of being confident in your beliefs. The world is in a state of high drama right now, and you are in a state of self-discovery. This is taking place on an entirely new level than you’re accustomed to, so it may feel like the stakes are pretty high. You are, however, held by existence. You have reasons to trust, though trust is its own purpose and its own reward. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Life is full of surprises right now, and you’ve probably had enough of one persistent, longterm challenge that comes with the words “something has to give” scribbled all over it. You have help; you have assistance and resources. You might change that slogan to “something has to receive.” That would be you. Practice being open to accepting who you are and what is being offered to you. More than anything, listen to your inner voice, even if it seems obscured by static and noise. A message is on its way to you, from within you. It might come anywhere, at any time, though it’s not directly related to what you are doing at any moment. However, it helps to listen to yourself. That means taking some silent time and doing whatever it is that you know allows you to access inner space. Then, relax and notice what you hear. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You have earned your freedom, to the extent you have some. Yet no matter what you accomplish, or what talent you cultivate, or what blocks or blockades you work through, ultimately you must make a choice to accept yourself. I know it can seem difficult; there are a lot of layers to work through, and some of them are dense. There seems to be so much clutter and baggage, which you may have figured out goes back generations. The true leap comes when you decide you don’t need anyone’s approval but your own. You don’t need anyone’s affirmation but your own. There are eight or nine or however many billion people on the planet. Your life is your journey, your experience, your privilege. Say yes to yourself and you will be born into a new reality. Then keep saying it, and your challenges will take their appropriate proportion. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — For many years, your life has been headed or even driven in a certain direction. Sometimes you seem to be on the scent, or the trail. Other times you seem lost, and then you discover you’re right back on it, in another place, somehow connected to where you’ve been. You are about to have a point of orientation. You may already be feeling it. Certain relationships are keeping you focused and present; you know the world is in a volatile state, and you are wise to be treading lightly. Something — an idea, a vision, a focus, a goal — is about to manifest for you. Will you know it when it arrives? This is about seeing beyond something, or around it, rather than looking right at it. You must get some concept out of the way of your view, and then your beacon will arrive as a state of understanding. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your ruling planet Mars has just changed signs. It’s stepped over the line from Scorpio to Sagittarius. This will ignite your passion about something and inspire you to dare, to explore and to stretch some limit. Yet you must play a long game. There are obstacles in the form of what a writer named Bob Pirsig called “gumption traps” (look that up, it’s a wonderful old word meaning many good things). As for the traps: you may find yourself encountering jealous people. You might be blown off course by a mistaken belief. You might doubt yourself, with so much brewing in your house of mental activity. Yet you must persist. Carry on. Adjust your lighting to get a better view through any fog or rain you encounter. Be content with slow progress. For you right now, the journey is the destination, so appreciate where you are and see, feel and taste the potential in every moment. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You are a more emotional being than you let on. When I write my Sun sign astrology book, that will be the first line of the chapter about your sign. Emotional also means attachment. You love freedom; you are driven by your independence and freedom, especially now. And yet at the same time, there is that person or feeling or memory that you hang onto. This week’s eclipse of the Moon will provide an opening through some complex set of feelings. The opening may be discovering you’re not actually as tangled up as you think. You may also decide you don’t want to get any more invested; you may change the way you think of a commitment. Be bold about this. Take some steps and exercise your liberty. Your brash quality tends to mask an obsession with how people feel about you. You can give that a rest — and you’ll be happy you did. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — We are now less than a week out of the Grand Conjunction in your birth sign. Come what may, you’re likely to experience a sense of relief, and release, as this aspect opens up (approximately Friday through Monday, though it could be any time now). This may feel like the pressure lets up. It involves the meeting of Saturn and Pluto. A wise and perceptive astrologer friend of mine named Martha once wrote that we miss Pluto transits when they are gone. While they may be annoying at first, once you get in the groove, they provide a potent source of motivation and power. However, while this transit is shifting, you still have the power and benefit of Pluto in your sign for a few more years. And what it seems most likely to do is to provide a point of obsession with being your own person, not who someone else would have you be. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It’s as if an egg is hatching within you. Imagine what a chick goes through, inside of a little container for all of its existence, then one day it’s filled with the urge to peck through the shell. Do they have any idea what’s on the other side? Do you? Well, everything is. The shell is your mind; you are persistently feeling the need to crack through what contains you and enter the world. You have been contained by a thought form. It’s made of all the usual stuff — doubt, fear, guilt, and various layers of crust from the past. You’ve been in what at times has felt like a colossal struggle, either to burst out, or to endure your situation. You now have little choice but to open up to yourself. This is an inward opening at first, a giving-way of much that has kept you from contact with your inner being. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.

Pisces Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Everyone in this world has to carve out a place in society for themselves. Depending on where you live, and what you want, it may be a small bit. And you might be content with that. You might be happy to abide your seeming limits. Or, you may aspire to something more spacious, where you make an unusual contribution — and in your particular instance, being more visible as a result. I am tempted to say, “it’s up to you,” though by now you feel your calling and your purpose. Whatever it may be, know that there is room for you, even in today’s mad world. There is a need for you and the purpose you fulfill, which are best kept as close together as possible. You are being given a rare opening, and an opportunity for achievement. Be strong in your commitment, and draw strength from it. Live uncompromisingly in your truth — and dance with it. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #209 for Dec. 30, 2019

AriesAries (March 20-April 19) — Your astrology is prompting me to remind you of something my father taught me when I was a teenager and he was a corporate consultant. I’ve written this a few times; here you have it again. There are basically two kinds of power in the human realm, formal and informal. Formal power is holding office or officially leading an organization. Informal power is what someone draws from their social connections, their relevance to others on the human level, and their ability to lead, as apart from some vested authority. Events of your life at the moment may seem to be about the first kind, though the whole direction you are heading in is the second. Your ability to be with people, to understand them, to connect with them, and to be relevant in their lives, is how your life is developing. You have a few clues now, though they will continue to draw your attention. Remember your true strength. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

Taurus Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may finally be getting a sense of the extent to which your life has been run for so long by beliefs that are not your own. That is finally starting to give way to something more grounded in verifiable reality. You must still be vigilant when you’re accepting something as true when it has no basis in fact. It does not matter how long the idea has existed; some of the most harmful are the oldest, and the ones passed down from generation to generation. There is also such a thing as wisdom. That can have an old pedigree, though to qualify, it needs to be both time-tested and relevant in the moment. To figure all this out, it’s necessary to think in a creative way. One factor that is changing is your approach to reality (which is what the word “thought” means). I can suggest a simple formula for discerning where you’re coming from: are you motivated by love, by fear or by anger? Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.

GeminiGemini (May 20-June 21) — Whatever you may think is happening, you are in the process of claiming back the power that people seem to have over you. You may think they have taken it, you may think you’ve given it away, or you may be reconsidering exchanges and trades you’ve made in the past. You will need to sort that out. Yet it’s essential that you bring your full awareness to the financial and sexual situations in your life, particularly the places where they seem to overlap. Those gray areas are zones where you can lose considerable authority over your life. As for where to start, I suggest getting a grip on your money. Know what is yours and take control over it. Where sex is at issue, be sure you understand the difference between yes and no, and why you might say (or more likely imply) one when you mean the other. Be bold about knowing when something is just not working for you, and have the strength to do something else. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.

CancerCancer (June 21-July 22) — After many years of enforced changes in your relationships, you are finally looking at an opening. It’s the perfect environment for an exchange. It’s also a moment when some doors will open and others will close; both are essential. The thing you don’t want to do is make any firm commitments before the Jan. 12 grand conjunction in your opposite sign Capricorn. (If you’re curious about that, poke around Planet Waves and you’ll find it.) This aspect is the pivot point. That is where you get a significant clue, and maybe even an answer, to where you stand with many different situations in your life. Therefore, bide your time, which means to abide within time. Do not wait; rather, participate. Yet this is about the present, not the future. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.

Leo Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This is an excellent moment to let go of a bad habit. You can probably think of one you want to rid yourself of. You now have that opportunity. It will help considerably if you replace it with something affirmative and necessary, so that you consume in a positive way the energy it was taking up. The theme of food is developing in your life, though more immediately, I see a focus on time management. Remove something that is destructive or wasteful and direct your energy into what is useful and creative, and which brings you pleasure. You could even skip the “useful” part and go right to wholesome pleasure. You have a lot going on right now; I would not be surprised if you’re overwhelmed with work and family-related material. Speaking as a busy person, I’ve found that it often helps to have a diversion. This will remind you that your time, and your mind, are your own Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.

Virgo Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You are working your way through a series of creative breakthroughs, though it will help to know that they may not feel like some kind of triumph. Rather, what you’re doing is gradually removing inhibitions and, I think more significantly, stoking your desire to express yourself. Strong Virgo types can miss the point that there is something inherently good and necessary about letting your ideas flow, just for your own sake. Yet for many years (back to about 2008) one of your most important quests has been to do just that. This is often a long process, but you’re at a place where some of the most challenging blocks are showing signs of giving way. This always happens under the influence of desire. In a pinch, urgency will suffice. Maybe these are arriving in some combination. Whichever it may be, you’re at the point where inhibition is no longer an option. It never really was. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.

Libra Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Nobody will ever ‘make’ you feel secure, or confident, or like you belong where you are. That has to come from you. Fortunately, you’ve been on this project for many years, whether you were aware of it or not. Pluto in Capricorn has taught you many lessons about your need to stand on your own, and in particular, to distinguish your idea of security from that of your family. The truth is, you cannot rely on them and you are much more qualified for them to rely on you. This, too, is something you need to watch carefully, as unstable people can be a drag on your time, your energy and your ability to thrive. You are in the process of taking a big step in the direction of your independence. Remember, it is more about a feeling than an idea, though certain structural elements — such as your bank account — will make a big difference. Look after your own interests first. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.

ScorpioScorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It is not easy for you to change your mind, though at the moment it is essential. You may not fully recognize the many ways you’re caught in outmoded beliefs about the world. Observe your thoughts and consider your assumptions. Do not be surprised if you decide you had something all wrong. The important thing is that you get with it and understand what is now valid, but without falling for the notion that it’s some kind of permanent and indelible truth. That’s where you’re coming from, not where you’re going. Most of the time an old idea is replaced by a more compelling new one. However, this process is far from over, and it’s essential that you reckon for what you got wrong, rather than take on something new and go on with your life. It’s crucial that you learn how to scrutinize your own thoughts, and honestly evaluate why you believe what you do. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.

Sagittarius Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — How do you get your messages from the gods? Do the forces of nature have some dependable way to get information through to you? Guessing, superstition and bending to your fears don’t count. You are likely to be getting some signals that a particular way of life has reached its natural end, and it’s time to make some adjustments that work out in your favor. These will involve changing the structure of your life, not merely your current activities. In this world, the word “structure” will almost always involve your finances. It’s time to consider your long-range plans, going forward at least 10 years. You need much more freedom than you currently have, and this will involve taking over as your chief fiscal officer. You do have a way of getting by when you wing it, though time and circumstances are calling for a more grounded and realistic approach. It is time — and it is possible. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.

Capricorn Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Pay special attention to when something or someone manifests in the form of mommy or daddy. I mean this in the metaphorical sense, or in the literal sense — including people who have authoritarian roles in your life. Parental influences have only one end result, which is to rob you of your adult autonomy. Be aware that many people consider this a benefit, because it seems to be easier. There’s less to worry about if someone makes the important decisions, or any decisions that impact you. Yet that will not serve you much more than it has, and how much it has is worth questioning. You are heading for a major decision; there will be no delaying this for much longer. This is something you will need to resolve for yourself, based on your necessities and your priorities. You have all the information and experience you require to make the right choice. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.

Aquarius Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The recent solar eclipse took place in the deep and mysterious 12th house of your solar chart. This may have come with a discovery that you soon forgot. However, take note of any shifts in understanding you’ve had over the past few days, and pay attention to your dreams. The parts of your mind that you don’t usually access are trying to get through to you. This is likely to come through “non ordinary” states of consciousness, hence the importance of tracking your dreams and the feelings that come with them. There’s also what bubbles through your imagination, sensations of deja-vu and even persistent synchronicities. However you manage to do it, it’s necessary for you to get the message and act on it. You’re in a zone of your life when the past has in fact caught up with you, and you are responsible for what you know and what you find out. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.

Pisces Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s true that we’re in the holiday season when most people are resting up or having a good time. I suggest you emphasize getting your work done, and more significantly, focusing on projects that are designed to build your future. You’re in an extremely rare window of opportunity to feed your progress and momentum. You can accomplish what you previously thought of as difficult or impossible. Long-planned projects and long-delayed plans are coming to fruition, though none of this is going to happen by accident. It looks like there are a lot of people around you, so help will be available if you ask for it. If people are willing to assist, make sure they can do a task equally well or better than you can; otherwise, do it yourself. Pay close attention to who you can and cannot trust, and make sure you use your discretion and hold the line when you need to. You are on a mission. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2020 (#1271)

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2020 (#1271) | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It may seem your whole life is focused on your career and matters involving your family, which are related. This could be taking considerable time, effort and emotional energy at the moment. To suss out the relationship between family and profession, notice who at work is acting like whom in your family of origin. Notice the way the dramas unfold. Most of all, notice how you respond: do you feel weak and powerless? Do you feel like you have a voice? Can you stand in your strength? Do you have some influence over the flow of events? Use what you know, and remember your power of choice at all times. Whatever might seem to be going on now, your life is heading well beyond these situations that are consuming your time and energy. You are making your way to a whole new reality field, where you will find yourself on much more level ground. Your concept of power will evolve this year from a top-down model to a lateral model. You will still be able to use what you learned from negotiating your freedom and your destiny, though the rules will all be different. Bring your attention to the far wider social environment that surrounds you, and where you have much more influence. Notice the people around you. Treat everyone respectfully, as your equal, and establish yourself in your community as a person dedicated to service. This is leadership; it will take practice, and it will be worth it.

RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You cannot control how others see you. You cannot control what they think about you. You can only choose who you are, and how you express yourself. Integrity means staying close to your center and not being distracted by perceptions, opinions or the judgments of others. This includes the residue you may be carrying from how others have perceived you in the past, or the ways they’ve conditioned you to think about yourself. To sort this out takes more maturity and strength of character than would seem to be available now. And it’s certainly not in vogue to stand on your own and not be swayed from your inner truth. However, over the next four weeks, your commitment to yourself may be tested. Others may claim authority they do not have. People around you are likely to be driven by ideology that they consider the Holy Grail. I would suggest being wary of any ideology, and assessing the known facts, using your own power of reasoning. You are in a position of guiding others, and that places additional responsibility upon you to not believe what is not true. This means avoiding belief in any form. And it means avoiding what is known as “conviction” — absolute certainty about anything. These things are a kind of philosophical comfort food for many, and they tend to cloud or even paralyze the mind. Thankfully, your situation is much better than that of many people around you. You don’t need palliatives. You need to honor your truth, which means gradually finding out what it is.

Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You have been in so many situations where you’ve experienced your power being taken away, or giving it away, that you may have forgotten anything else is possible. This has gone on for years, and you are now at the crux point. You cannot go on in the same style you’ve considered acceptable for so long. The question is: why would you? Why have you? It’s time for a careful, thoughtful and honest look at the role of guilt in your life. Guilt is the toxin of social control, installed into us as a self-governing device for the convenience of those would dominate us. It is usually taken for granted. It is often used as a cudgel or a way of getting control of a person (when all else fails, there’s always a guilt trip). I would propose you want none of this: not the power you might gain, or that which you might lose. There are more and less responsible ways to attain this. We know that one problem sociopaths have is they lack guilt and remorse, and then give themselves permission to do anything. That is not what I’m referring to. The path out of this particular thicket calls for the highest degree of ethics, radical honesty, compassion for yourself, and learning how to clear your conscience. Over the next four weeks, you will have several once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to free yourself from a certain kind of oppression that is just pointless. So to my list of personal ingredients we can add courage. That is the most important one of all.

How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You have gone through so many changes in recent years, you’ve lost track of them. This goes back about 10 years. Something has been riveting your attention, whether you liked it or not: some compelling force of nature, or of your soul. And it’s pushed, pulled, stretched and dragged you many different places through many circumstances. You are now coming to closure on all that has happened in these years. The next month brings a true-to-life turning point, which I would describe as gaining the ability to meet the world on your own terms. However, you must bring focus, devotion and impeccability to the equation. What you’re experiencing is less like flying a kite and more like flying a jet plane. The stakes are higher; it’s more dangerous; a lot more can go wrong — and you can finally get where you want to go. The thing is, nobody is going to lure or lead you. You are now handling the controls; you are making the decisions. This is true even if that involves deciding what to do when you encounter circumstances seemingly outside of your control, or people who might seem to be more powerful than you. Challenge that illusion with your presence and your intelligence. Step into the position of being steadfast and self-directed. If you need information, ask for it — whether you’re asking of spirit or of a trusted source. Then listen; assess all incoming information carefully, and make your decisions consciously. This is the whole point. Don’t let anyone decide for you. Those days are over.

RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It is now time to master the art and the craft of self-care. This goes beyond the mani/pedi and the spa treatment. It is an approach to existence where you place your life at the center of your world, and work your way outward. Though this will involve making many small changes, there is something structural about your life that you need to alter. You might think of this as the shape of your existence. There’s also something about “letting food be thy medicine.” You must eat what is right for you, and be in a continuous process of making adjustments. I know how challenging this can be, particularly in the midst of time crunches, and the constant temptation of prepared foods that are simply not wholesome. This message is coming through with such potency that you may be able to organize your whole existence around your food supply. Society is due for a reckoning here, but I’m not holding my breath. For you, step one is: if it aggravates, remove it. There are artificial toxins (glyphosate) and there are seemingly natural ones (soy, gluten, etc.). As a celiac person, I assure you that this can become a full-time vocation. You have to scrutinize every bite of food you eat. It’s one heck of a mindfulness exercise. Step two is: knowing what foods you need, and making sure you get them. This is more controversial, though you might start by remembering what your grandparents ate. Generally, nutrients come from food, not supplements. You may need guidance; three trusted human sources would be ideal, i.e., not the internet.

Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Much of the agony of Western civilization involves suppressing sexual feelings. This is flogged into us from a young age, and then treated with suspicion and derision throughout the life of anyone who does not take a personal stand. You will talk to many people who think this is a good thing. Well, it is, if your life goal is to stand at attention and recite the Pledge of Allegiance perfectly. If you want access to your curiosity and your passion; if you want to experience your senses; if you want to deepen your capacity to love and feel and share; well, then, the aperture you want to open is your erotic connection. This will be disruptive to all that is stuck and boring in your life. You may push people around you to wake up, whether they want to or not. You may need to make some new friends, who support your holistic approach to creativity and who may want to participate. Most of all, you will have to confront the feelings of guilt that have stalked you for much of your life, and which can act up whenever you strive to feel good. This is really the thing you want to resolve above all else, but such never comes in the form of deconstructing the negative. Yes, you do some of that, and learn about the subject. What really does the work is your vital force pushing through the barriers. This is most organically accessed through tapping your sexual feelings, which will in turn ignite your senses and your curiosity. Hang loose, relax and, above all, do not judge.

How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The whole world is on shaky ground at the moment. Due to the orientation of your chart, you feel this palpably, and you understand something about your environment. So for you, there is no denying the obvious — only dealing with it. That said, it would help if you tuned into how other people are experiencing this groundlessness. This is what’s behind the feeling of panic that is taking over the world. It’s also what’s underneath this strange idea that ‘there is no truth’ and/or ‘the truth does not matter’. It’s leading people to opt for what seem like easy and expedient solutions to problems that are either misdiagnosed or that do not exist. All of these situations grow out of two things: one is collective early conditions in the family; the other is the ground of reality shifting to the internet. You are in a position to benefit the most from these changes, and you’re also vulnerable to some of their worst effects. You must know the ground that you stand upon. It is not physical ground but spiritual. You have a life apart from all of the chaos in the world, and apart from the physical conditions of your life. The many tests you’ve been through (going back about 10 years) are about to culminate in your discovery of who you actually are, and what your most vital contribution is. This includes understanding that it’s not your job to facilitate the frantic insecurity of those around you. You have a much more important and positive role right now.

RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — We live in a time when the truth has never been easier to find, and when fewer people believe it exists. Then many people are absolutely certain they know what is true, without any basis at all for their beliefs. Yet ignorance (a concept based on the verb to ignore) is not bliss. The prevailing mental state is creating a truly dangerous situation for the world. You are in a process of maturing intellectually. Depending on who you are, this may feel painful and arduous, or it may feel liberating and beautiful. Here is a bit of ancient wisdom, to help you on your journey. You do not need to seek what is true. Rather, you must seek within yourself for what is false, and clear that out of the way. Then you will be much more inclined to see reality as it is. When you discover an untruth within yourself, move it out of the way and ask to be shown what is true. It’s best not to obsess over this exchange, but rather to take it in stride. Remember, though, that untruths exist for a reason. They might be justification for something; they might seem to block something painful from your awareness; you might believe something out of a sense of loyalty to someone, particularly your family. You might latch onto something because it’s trendy and socially acceptable. It will help to know your motive, and pay special attention when it shows up. Be aware of when you’re kidding yourself. You need conscious boundaries and limits where your mental faculties are concerned.

Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You know you must live your life your way, though too often there are questions of circumstance that seem to prevent you from doing so. Frequently that involves the role of others who have a smaller vision for their existence than you do for yours. And, too frequently, their lives can complicate or be destructive to yours. Let’s take this in two parts. First, you have your motives, needs and values, which cannot be changed or modified by anyone else. Nor is it anyone’s responsibility to help you make those real or live them out. Then there is the influence of others, which tends to enter when you feel like you need someone to help complete you in some way. Yet it is that perception which distracts you and allows for the infiltration of influences and values counter to your own. It has a way of drawing you out of your center and, at times, depleting your resources. Which brings me to the point of money: you must become your own master, where your finances are concerned. This is the single most important issue of 2020, and it’s an issue that has been brewing for a while. It’s no great mystery how money works, on the basis of cash-in, cash-out. Where most people get into problems surrounds the issue of maturity. You need structure, and you need leadership, and those are going to come from you. It takes a certain amount of money to maintain your life; there is a way to bring that in, or lower your costs: it must be one or the other.

How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The time has arrived for the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in your birth sign. Whatever is going on now is what this is about. Whatever you feel stands between you and the future is what this is about. In the days remaining between now and this once-per-lifetime event, you must ask yourself what you want to carry into the future and what you want to leave behind. Consider this as if it’s an actual question, with a time cutoff. Make a list of the most important factors in your life and choose what you want and what you don’t want, based on what helps you and what harms you. These can include everything from personal tendencies to relationships to roles that you play in life. Imagine you’re boarding a time ship to the future, but you have more stuff than you can take with you. So you have to determine what you want, and what you need, working within a limit. Since we are talking mostly about spiritual matters, you will need to set the boundary. Please do so carefully. You want as few useless or outmoded ties to the past as you can arrange. That means fewer attachments and obligations. Free up as much of your personal bandwidth as you can claim back. The future is upon you, and it will soon be arriving with more emphasis and intensity than it ever has.

RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may be feeling some inner pressure that you cannot name. You may have the idea that something big has to change, but you’re not sure what. It would be better if you didn’t leap to any conclusions, or make any excuses. Rather, keep your attention focused inwardly and listen. You may not recognize it, though you’re in one of the most formative times of your life. Deep changes are taking place within you, many of which have been brewing for long years or decades. You are impressionable, and I would suggest you orient on people who set an example you want to follow. This involves two things, mainly. One is ethics. Much of civilization is currently being driven by the urge to attain raw power, and you’re not exempt from getting caught up in this trend. The other is the extent to which the tendencies and values of your family are still driving you. You’re likely experiencing this as being moved by “unconscious” feelings and motives. If that is true, it’s time to bring what is in the shadows into the full light of day. Evaluate what you’re feeling based on what you do, how you respond to people, and the responses you get from them. You are approaching the moment when there is no room for needless controversy, turmoil or upset in your life. You have neither time nor energy to waste. And you cannot have loyalties you don’t understand lurking around beneath the surface of your mind. Said another way, you must be totally real with yourself and take responsibility for all that you do.

Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — By now you have a sense of the territory you’re in. You know your surroundings, you can see the forces moving in the world around you, and you have a pretty good idea what you want. You know who you can trust. The time has arrived to go forward in one direction. Prioritize and focus on what stands out as the most important to you. This is likely to be more than one goal or project, though keep a tight grouping on what you commit to. It’s essential that you not over-extend yourself or your resources. Be realistic about time, and over-estimate how long things will take and how much they will cost. Keep up with your most important business and keep your plans close to you; do not talk about your business plans in public or on the internet. It’s also critical that you work with a communication strategy that includes the details of who you are in contact with and when, and how you approach any given transaction. For example, it matters whether something is discussed in person, on the phone, on paper, via email, or some other tool. Think this through carefully on a case-by-case basis: one size does not fit all. You are in a position to experience a series of professional breakthroughs, possibly leading to a major turning point in your life — though you must not take anything or anyone for granted. Keep up with all your important tasks. Be vigilant about staying ahead of schedule. Challenge any and all assumptions, and fact-check everything three times.

How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #208 for Dec. 23, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — The Sun is entering the career zone of your chart in grand style — in the formidable presence of Jupiter and many of the small, potent new planets. And then there’s the eclipse in a few days, and the grand conjunction on Jan. 12. All of this tells you it’s time to engage your highest aspirations. “Eventually” has arrived. However, you want the feeling of shifting through the gears (if you’ve never done so, imagine the feeling). You start with a lot of leverage but only a slow to moderate speed. Then as you gain momentum, you also gain velocity. Right now you have considerable traction; you can even move uphill if necessary. And as you proceed, there will be unexpected openings; you must know them when you see them. Please don’t let your anxiety or insecurity get in the way. To succeed implies change. Change means facing the unknown. The game is rigged in your favor. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may have to give up something to gain something else, though I suggest you not think of it as a sacrifice. Rather, this is about you doing your part, which means taking leadership in a world where there is a troubling crisis of accountability. At this time, your choices count for more than usual. There are cyclone-force winds blowing many places. People are struggling. And many in positions of power lack any and all sense of duty. Let yourself be driven by what you know is the right thing, even if it’s inconvenient. Stay just slightly detached from your goals, and do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. It’s likely numerous other people are involved, and that you are in some kind of key position. Your great strength is your knowledge, and your ability to apply it. Do not be distracted by emotions — yours or anyone else’s. Focus and proceed. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may feel overwhelmed, as if everyone you know is trying to get a piece of your action, or have their way with you. This could involve some of the most sensitive aspects of your life. It is, however, essential that you set limits and boundaries, and establish your independence. I assure you this can only come when you are fully in charge of your finances, and divested of those who would attempt to control you with money. This problem has very old roots, going back to your childhood and your relationships with your parents. These will transplant over and over again until you decisively take full ownership of your life. That’s what this is about. Yet what may stand in the way is guilt you might feel in response to claiming your existence, your freedom to choose, and ultimately, your power over your life. This is an important topic, though till you understand it, don’t let it stop you. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The astonishing collection of planets in your opposite sign Capricorn tells us that plenty is moving in your life. Important events are developing; there are significant people around you and many options are open. You need to focus your priorities and not be overwhelmed. The two go together. Feeling like you cannot handle your affairs is a matter of focusing on what is important first, and on what only you can do. Be mindful of that; you have enough people around you to spread out some of the work. Yet you cannot delegate your own intelligence. You must keep setting the agenda, and revising it day by day as you proceed. At the same time, seek the counsel of those you trust the most, and factor their opinions and observations into your own decisions. Organize a consultative process, and remember you’re the one who is ultimately responsible for your life and your business. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You must take care of yourself. You have a lot to do and more than your share of responsibility, and it looks like you’re loving that about life. Yet it’s essential that you make sure you manage your time and nourish your body. I’m not talking about “life/work” balance. Fuck that noise. I am talking about maintaining yourself like you’re a high performance sports car in the midst of a road race. Keep everything oiled and keep your fuel tank full, by which I mean: eat actual food. Get as much actual rest as you can. And manage new commitments: you have your hands full. If you get some fantastic prospect but you know you’ll be stretched, tell them to call you in two months. There is certain pressing business you have to complete, and that will lead you in certain new directions you were not expecting. Leave room on your dance card and don’t feign monogamy. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — We all live at a rest stop along the Information Superhighway. Yet with Neptune on its long trip across the relationship angle of your chart, you must be on the lookout constantly for what is not true. I don’t mean be suspicious. I mean be aware. I can offer you some tips from my life as an investigative reporter. One, notice when you’re believing something. I’m not saying the belief itself is good or bad. Rather, it’s dangerous for being a belief. Go right to questioning the basis for your notion. Two, notice when you want something to be true. That does not make it any more or less likely to be true. You need to identify your bias, and make sure you compensate for it. Three, fear is not an argument for truth, though it’s treated like one. Our current cultural equation is: the more frightening something is, the more credibility it has. Learn to see the rank absurdity of this point of view. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You live on shifting ground. We all do, though you’re most keenly aware of the situation. For some this will feel like being in a quake zone. Others will feel their foundations settling in. Others will get the message to “keep it moving.” Pay attention to what signals you’re getting, and see if you can parse them by filtering out your fears. Rather, try to use all information in a constructive way. Times like the ones we are in afford opportunities to those who are enterprising and a little courageous. Sometimes it even pays to be foolhardy, particularly if you don’t fall for the notion that something is impossible. One thing that may be shifting is your relationship to your family. You cannot depend on them like you used to, nor is it healthy for you to do so. That means standing on your own feet, on your own ground, with (at least) a room of your own. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may not know what you think, or how to think; there may not even be time to think. However, it’s essential that you settle down and ponder any situation that calls for action. The stitch in time that saves nine is having correct information pertaining to any decision you must make. That includes working with several viable options and never allowing yourself to feel like you’re boxed into having no choice. This may involve one specific matter that might seem like all or nothing as the next few weeks develop. Any time someone appears to claim power over you, or to exercise your choices for you, stop the show. Be bold about asserting your right to make the decisions that affect your life, and to have some say in anything that might so much as potentially affect you. You must tell yourself again and again that you are an adult, willing to fully take on adult responsibilities. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You must get your finances organized, which can start with something as basic as knowing your bank balances and how much you owe. This becomes the beginning of your financial master plan. Then you want to know the bottom line on your overhead costs, and your probable income — and set about fixing any disparities. Whatever your situation, you have the power to turn it around, turn it to your advantage, or work for radical improvements. Yet you have to know your situation as you stand today. And it will be beneficial if you have someone you can work with who far exceeds your knowledge and experience. The next month may prove to be a turning point you benefit from the rest of your life, if you have the awareness and devotion to make it so. There is a book going around called Know Your Worth. That’s one thing; you also have to establish your worth. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — With the Capricorn solstice, we are now officially, and celestially, in the zone of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. What you may notice about this time is that events have a fated quality (as also emphasized, more immediately, by the solar eclipse in your sign this coming Thursday, Dec. 26). What you will notice, though, is that present events have roots that may go back 10 years, 20 years, or even longer. When sussing this out, pay particular attention to any connection with the summer of 2001, which relates to the present moment rather directly. It is, in part, events from that time in your personal history that you’re in the process of resolving. What is pressing about this time is that from here, you must proceed on terms where you’re fully responsible for your own affairs. There can be no more parental-type authority figures in your life. It’s up to you to level out your relationships with anyone who would hold their power over you. Them days is gone. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The truly unusual astrology we’re living through is calling you to search inwardly, rather than out in the world. The time to expand your horizons will come soon enough; before then, you must be fully aware of your psychological and emotional situation. You still seem to be working out some deep material, and you must take full ownership of that. Otherwise, it’s likely to spill out into your intimate relationships and professional situations, in the form of projections. Do what so few people do, which is to assess and question their role in any controversies that may seem to enter from outside. Stick to “I statements,” meaning, use language in a way that places you in the position of taking personal responsibility for your experiences. Work your stuff out inwardly, rather than on others, with them or through them. Your dreams will be particularly revealing of your true motives. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are well situated to benefit from the same astrology (and related events) that have most people wondering how they are going to handle all the pressure. One benefit you have is that you can witness developments from a safe distance, but still close enough to see exactly what is going on. Be careful and conscious in your choice of what to get involved with, and where to lend your energy. Make sure you take care of personal business first, and pay particular attention to your closest friends and colleagues. You are in an especially brilliant position to establish new business plans, or to develop ones you’ve been working on. Yet your success will depend entirely upon your ability to work closely and cooperatively with people. Know who your friends are. Know who your allies are. Ask for their help when you need it. Keep an eye on adversaries, and remember: there’s no time to hate. There is no time to wait. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #207 for Dec. 16, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Keep in mind the importance of generosity. Your astrology is focused quite sharply on your career and its advancement; it’s worth bearing in mind that there are many types of aspiration, and those that involve being of service in some form have their own way of succeeding. Society may frown upon this idea, insisting that human worth is somehow attached to a number of dollars, though that concept does not seem to forward human happiness much. The fact is everyone has inherent worth by virtue of existing. Forget any thought of trying to distinguish yourself solely via your bank account. You know more fulfilling ways of making a mark on the world. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — We all have our ideals and visions, though it’s not always simple to transform them into concrete plans and achievements. Something is simmering in your mind and evoking restless feelings; it would help at this stage to avoid the temptation to act impulsively. Think through each factor and get a clear analysis of the whole before taking any action. Examine all the facets of your own motivation in particular, though also the interest of others as far as you can make it out. Your ruler Venus entering your 10th solar house later this week will help you focus your understanding, and smooth the way to a more definite forward path. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You know who you are, and your mind this week resembles a diamond-cutter. You can slice through bullshit at the speed of sound. Given the prevalent stench of it these days, especially online, this is a crucial skill. That said, this is not the time to log on to social media and waste hours of your life grappling with professional trolls. You have more important uses for your incisive thinking, and you’re well aware of it. Now is your moment to take up those tasks you’ve been putting off, organize and re-organize, and tackle any puzzling problems facing you. Minimize disruptive influences, then make a plan and stick to it for as long as possible. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Remember that your primary relationship is always with yourself; even if you’re with someone, your personal growth and healing path is still valid. You owe it to yourself and everyone who cares about you not to lose the unique thread of your development in the flow of someone else’s existence, however intimately you are connected. That doesn’t mean you can’t put plans aside temporarily in order to offer help, whether to a loved one or on a wider scale; just keep that back burner simmering away, so you can pick it up again whenever possible. Or, better still, figure out a way to integrate the two, so that your focus is maintained. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It may frustrate you that you’ve recently been obliged to overhaul, or at least review keenly, certain practices that involved you getting in your own way. If you think you’ve worked out a good routine that will help move things along, it can be extra annoying when a snag transpires. This may feel much like assembling a cupboard, only to find at the end there’s a part or two left over and one of the doors is not quite hung properly. However, this phase of deconstruction and rebuilding slowly and carefully is of foundational importance. Provided you see it through, the benefits will be in proportion to the efforts, and you’ll be in a much stronger position. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your charts for this week describe the necessity to pull your focus inward somewhat, and not allow your time and energy to be dissipated by matters ultimately outside your control. Said another way, if you want to change something for the better, begin by looking inside yourself. Personal healing is often treated superficially, and it’s certainly easier to pass judgment on others. Yet we all have to face who we are eventually, and this involves deep, serious and sometimes painful work. Creativity — that is, art of some kind, or anything that helps you think outside the box — is one constructive method of making progress on your healing. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Many people are feeling increasingly unsettled by the continuing build-up of planets in Capricorn. Among other things, this sign (your 4th house) represents tradition in all senses of the word, and Saturn-Pluto is rendering much of that unrecognizable. Everyone is experiencing this to some degree, though for you in particular the sensation may center in home and personal roots. Avoid panicking; instead, take time to process what’s happening, and try to gain a hold on what is worth preserving as well as what needs to change — in your own life, for now, not in the wider world. Cultivate the balanced understanding for which your sign is justly renowned. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Quite a lot that’s happening now is either somber in quality or rage-inducing, whether on the news or on social media. Both humor and good humor, in the sense of cheerfulness, may be of service in the coming weeks. At any rate, you might resist the temptation to join a rumble on your website of choice purely for the hell of it. Particularly with your ruler Mars in your sign, it’s definitely wise to employ conscious diplomacy and watch your language. Remember that those with whom you engage are also human; they too have moods, and might not always express themselves perfectly. In the age of everyone being a public figure, we forget this too often. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.

Everyday Secrets: Sagittarius Astrology Studio

Dear Friend and Reader:

I have now published your Sagittarius Astrology Studio. It covers Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a review of Jupiter in Sagittarius and a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn. I focus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and many other exciting facets of your astrology. My readings are easygoing and easy to follow, and address real-life matters of life, work and relationships.

You may order here for $44 and get instant access. Gift purchases welcome.

Thank you for your business.

With love,



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Different people will react to you in different ways. That’s part and parcel of living among an endless variety of characters, and there’s also not much you can do about it. The part you can control is whether you let others’ opinions have undue influence over you. True, you’re a complex person, and sometimes an alternative view can work as a mirror, held up to a facet you didn’t quite see so clearly before. Yet if you’re receiving several contrasting impressions about who you are, and it’s not clear which seems real, focus initially on what you feel, what you fundamentally believe, and your strongest passions. That will help anchor you to the truth. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — What your astrology looks like at the moment resembles nothing so much as an introvert hosting a house party. It might be fun for a while to share a space with so many interesting personalities; perhaps you’ll have a deep conversation with some of them; yet eventually you just want them all to leave you alone so you can read with the cat on your lap. You may feel busier than you have for a while, drawn in many different directions, and deprived of certain comforts you might have turned to in the past. Yet in all the bustle you are learning things about yourself — especially about your strengths — and this information is of significant and lasting value. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — With so many planets in your sensitive 12th house, to say this moment is somewhat intense for you is probably an understatement. You’ve been doing important healing work, though when in the thick of such experiences it can be hard to remember the healing part is happening. There may be a particular idea you’re finding challenging to accept, or one you want to cling to; that is the very thing you would benefit most from tackling at present. Be gentle with yourself, persist, and know that you are making progress. You’re likely to notice what you’ve achieved in a more tangible way once Venus enters your sign early Friday. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A specific vocation or role in your community is making itself gradually known to you. The term “community” here can refer to your group of friends, your locale or something more widespread. You might, for example, be drawn into the position of counselor, or teacher, or soothsayer (literally “one who speaks truth” — presumably including truths others are unwilling to voice). Regardless of its exact nature, this task is one you’ve earned as a matter of trust, and I would advise treating it with solemn respect and gratitude. What you do in these next months may be a vehicle to future work, and to the next step in your personal journey. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.