Category Archives: Horoscopes

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Chiron in Aries (2018-2027) represents a maturing process for you. Chiron takes the slow approach, sifting through every grain of personal experience, and encouraging you to search yourself in every mirror. You have plenty of those, though the current place to look is in everything you do in the digital environment. How is your digital personality different from your in-person one? Have you accounted for the impact that participating in the digital realm has had on your overall state of mind, psychic health and productivity? The astrology most closely associated with the digital realm, Uranus conjunct Eris in your sign, represents all of society being pushed out of its body and taking up residence on what you might think of as an electronic astral plane. Chiron arrives with a focus on reality, observing and documenting what is so. To the extent that you’ve shifted your reality as a consequence of investing some portion of your life in the digital realm, Chiron is here to bring you back into your body and back into your self-awareness. Additionally, Uranus leaves your sign after seven years on May 15, and its shift into Taurus will come with some kind of prod or jolt that reminds you that the place you belong is in your body, paying attention to what your senses offer you. The rest is froth, fluff and nonexistent pixels.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.


Taurus Birthdays 2018:
How Will You Dance with the Unexpected This Year, Taurus?

“Awesome, so uplifting and so ‘IT’ — a wonderful birthday message.”

— Eryca Willinger

Dear Friend with Taurus Sun, Rising or Moon:

In just three weeks, Uranus will enter your sign. As Eric described in your Taurus annual reading for this year, “Uranus transits are exciting and a little nerve-wracking. There can be the sensation of a constant buzz running through your mind and your feelings, along with an ongoing dance with the unexpected.”

Planet Waves
Eric Francis.

He goes on to explain that, “the alchemy of Uranus and Taurus will create some interesting, exciting effects. If you allow it to, it will bring out the best in you. It seems that to do this effectively, with the least struggle and the most adventure, you need to identify as an agent of change rather than as one who resists changing.”

As you might imagine, in your 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading Eric will be doing his best to get you prepared, limbered up and excited to meet Uranus on solid ground — the kind of ground upon which you can move and think with agility, respond to the unexpected with grace, and initiate new adventures with confidence.

In two segments of astrology (at least 30 minutes each) you’ll get the motivational coaching, insight, reassurance and practical tools you need to get this new phase of discovery and growth started on the right foot. You can download the audio to listen as many times as you like, and you’ll also get an extended description of your sign.

“It’s like Eric was talking directly to me. Everything he said is what has been happening. The last year has been a tremendous challenge in pretty much all areas of my life, but the birthday reading gives me hope that I really am on the right track. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric! Longtime Planet Waves fan.”

— S.R.

If you’re new to Eric’s audio readings or would like an in-depth review of your last year, please accept the gift of last year’s Taurus Reading here.

Also, please note that when you pre-order your Taurus Reading early, you secure the lowest price we offer. The price will increase as publication nears — and then again after it’s published.

Wishing you the best in your role as an “agent of change,”

Amanda Painter

P.S. As always, the 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading makes a fantastic gift, sure to be valued by your favorite Taurus friends and family members.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Yours may be the sign most resistant to change, and now you’re about to have Uranus, the very agent of revolution, with you for the next seven years. This will shift your relationship to progress, movement and, most of all, your attachments to the past. What astrologers call “Uranian energy” has one outstanding property: it’s unpredictable. So this transit means opening yourself up to more possibilities than you might normally consider, including the potential for discovering new things about who you are, and who you are becoming. Uranus is high-voltage, inventive, spontaneous and lacking in all morals. It has a way of provoking the best and the worst from the human spirit. To get the Taurus connection, we need to go deeper than conventional astrology, and check out the work of Alice A. Bailey (1880-1949). She goes beyond the cool, impeccable presentation of Taurus, and describes your sign as the “blacksmith shop of the soul” — the dark and smoky place deep within, where growth actually happens. It would seem that this is the place to tap into your potential, and the place to focus your identity for a while: on your capacity to shape yourself, using the forces of nature and your own nature. The notion of stability takes on a different role, where you now may be relying on the people you love to create a safe container for your process.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It’s good that you’re so adaptable, because the conditions of your life, and of society, have called on you to use that gift. This is especially true in social situations, where you’re at your best and tend to be a natural leader. Yet the social ground has been shifting beneath your feet. As versatile and as open to new modes of communication as you are, you’ve probably noticed the way in which necessary structures that would ordinarily hold a community together have been shifting rapidly. Were you to go back just five or 10 years, and actually remember the way people treated one another, communicated and got together, what is happening today would seem toxic and insane. You may be noticing this, seemingly all at once. When Uranus leaves your 11th house mid-month, you’ll have a clearer view of your environment, and you’ll be able to perceive things more clearly. And when you do, you will want to make some adjustments to the way you interact with the world. You may feel a strong need to pull in and focus on yourself rather than your outer environment. You may decide you need to be more selective about who you engage with, even on the most casual social level. You might need to set some limits on “social” media, and perhaps commission a thorough review of how it’s changed not just your life but who you are.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Two rare transits are influencing the most public angles of your solar chart — Chiron has entered the responsibility and reputation 10th house (Aries), and Uranus is about to enter your 11th house of social experiences (Taurus). Taken together, these represent a realignment of your public profile, most likely in ways that you were not expecting, and which are compelling you to take a close look at your life. Yet the initial results of these transits will be something quite apart from how they develop over time; and it’s in the long run that you have the most influence over the course of events. For now, the thing to do is to move with the changes, and to pay attention to your environment, meaning your physical and social surroundings. It will help to keep your house in order, though this is likely to be something you already do. Chiron in the 10th house, in particular, has a way of putting a person under a spotlight, and subjecting them to greater scrutiny than may seem to be useful, practical or fair — but you can take it. What you must remember is that while you have some ability to present yourself to the world, you cannot determine how other people respond. Mainly, you have the ability to document your own life, and to be fully accountable at all times — to yourself.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — New developments in your solar chart are calling on you to take authority. Yet you must do this in a way that’s distinct from the world’s top-down models of leadership, which seem to care little about right and wrong. In a world that’s ruled by power, where people do things just because they can, there’s a special necessity to suspend ethics. You, however, must make ethics your first — and, in some cases only — priority. Primarily, this means being in alignment with your own ideas about what is correct and true, and acting only in accordance with them. You have the power to do pretty much anything you want, regardless of whether it works for you or anyone. This is similar to driving a car. You make the choice of how fast you go, what side of the yellow lines you stay on, and your state of mind while operating your vehicle. You can do anything you want; and in what you do, you’re guided by some principle — for example, obeying the law, not wanting to harm anyone, or wanting to get home safely. The time has arrived to apply this kind of idea to your whole life. You need to know where you stand with yourself, and how that sets up the parameters of your choices and actions. The wide world is not watching: it’s you.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’ve been maneuvering through some complex territory, both in your personal life and in your profession. And as the month develops, you’ll start to get on top of your game. You’ve had the gift of brilliant strategy, though now you’ll get to discover the power of charm and persuasion. You cannot be all warrior, manager or litigator. It’s essential that you harness the power of informal leadership and authority rather than the more structured and official kinds. This will necessitate bringing your feminine side into what you’re doing, which is easy enough for you to leave out these days. To feel, to receive, to express care in tangible ways, all leave you open and what some would describe as vulnerable. Yet if you want some love in the dream, this is where you’ll need to go. You might make peace with one thing: nobody does anything for you because they have to. Those who serve you do so because they want to. You would be wise to set aside any pretense of ‘power’ and embrace the reality that humans are social beings. We share a strong impulse to take care of one another, to protect the brood, and to ensure that everyone has enough to eat. With those things covered, there’s plenty of work to be done. And as one looked to for leadership, those are the only planks in your platform.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Chiron has now moved into your 7th house of relationships; by mid-month Mars will be in your 5th house of pleasure, play, creativity and curiosity. Uranus is about to move into your 8th house, representing sexuality on the deep bonding level, and as a product of relationships with shared finances. For now, let’s consider Chiron, the planet of healing, which will be in your relationship house for nine years. No matter which way we look at your charts, the story told is deepening intimacy, addressing the fears associated with doing so, and taking a more mature approach to your sexuality. Society remains obsessed with that which is salacious, which takes 7th grade emotional development and projects it out over the entire population. Though it may not be obvious now, the maturing and healing process (same thing, basically) will gradually bring this point into focus. It may take time; Chiron always taps on the door before it knocks and then thumps. In any discussion, whether about a private experience you may be having, or some public issue, I suggest you make room for healing, and the potential for any party to the subject to grow and mature. No matter who or what you’re talking about, there is no “it” or “them.” Your life, what you perceive, experience and believe, is all about you, and nobody else.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Uranus taking up residence in your opposite sign will keep you on your feet, dancing the tango and the twist. Lasting seven years, this transit will present you with the kinds of situations you might like to avoid, yet which will be impossible merely to dodge or wish away. Such experiences may span from whatever is happening in society that will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls, to your most intimate ties that bind. Taken on the deepest personal level, one message of this transit is to make sure that you give your intimate partners space to change, to learn and to grow. This would also embrace creative and business partners; and it would describe your environment in general. You’re being summoned to take a more daring, inventive and even revolutionary approach to art, to love and to life; and the more you resist, the higher the stakes will seem. Here’s one way to consider the shift in dynamic: One of the ways you typically deal with change is to get others to do things your way; you use your considerable gravity to bend things in your direction. Uranus will have none of that. You will therefore need to master this energy, and do something we both know you’re capable of: be flexible; and when challenged, come up with a better idea — much better.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There’s about to be new emphasis on your work life: not your career or profession, but rather the actual work that you do. Those born under your sign tend to walk a narrow path between striving for total creative freedom, and wanting to monitor and control every detail. This is the source of tension for you, and it’s time to burst that bubble. Ultimately what must count for you is your idea and its expression. You’re also the steward of going from one to the other. You will need more room than you currently have, in your current workspace or mental field. You will need to be more experimental, and give yourself the liberty to make mistakes. There will be various gambles involved, where you will embark on projects and opportunities, consciously willing to take a loss. Those are really the only conditions under which you stand to grow in your work, and to profit from it. This process will push you up against your boundaries. First you will discover where they are, then you will evaluate whether they work for you, and finally, you’ll have the opportunity to make adjustments. Yet you cannot plan any of this in advance, without the specific knowledge and experience you’re presented with in any situation. You will need to play by ear, which means listening to the music, and adding your own individual statement.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’re the kind of person who wants to do everything right, though too often this is about what you think others believe. Worse, you can be a slave to convenience, or to bend in the direction of what you might call the current administration. For you who want to grow into an actualized human being, relate to others from the heart, and perhaps make your mark on the world, those are not sustainable strategies. There may soon come a time when you’re subservient only to your own creative impulses, your curiosity and your desire. Once you accept those factors as your guides, authority will lose its appeal, the opinions of your relatives will be laughable, and conforming for the sake of convenience will feel, rightly, as a form of cowardice. Your true strength will flow from connecting with how your body feels, who you love, and what your soul wants to make. Though you yearn for family connection, Chiron and other factors are calling you deeper than the tribal level, deeper than race or personal creed, and onto the level on which humanity exists as a distinctive entity. The human experience and all of its drama is a vast experiment. Can we take on the creative power of the cosmos? Can we honor and hold space for the distinct entity that each of us is? Do you admit that you exist?

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Be sure to keep your emotional responses proportional to reality. It will be possible to overreact, and equally possible to keep a handle on how you perceive your reality. Much of this will require that you focus on the present and the future, and use the past for context. Speaking of: the mystery of certain events that have transpired the past month or so will reveal themselves when Mars enters your sign on the 16th. Yet, despite what you learn, you must react slowly rather than quickly. Mars in your sign will make a square aspect to Uranus, which arrives in Taurus on May 15. That is a potential formula for radical misjudgment, so be sure you interpose a delay, and that you consult with the older and wiser people in your life. Any decisions you make must be well thought out, though the most significant theme of the summer will be figuring out what you want. That’s mostly a process of being honest with yourself, because you know the truth of that, though sometimes you struggle to admit it. That, and you’ve been living much of your life in a blind spot. Suddenly, you’ll be able to see, and to see what you want. Just be willing to listen, particularly to what you find the most irritating. There’s valuable information contained in anti-social viewpoints.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Pay close attention to who your friends are. Your usual policy is to presume the best in people, then give them a chance to prove you right. I suggest you take the opposite approach for a while, which is to assume nothing, and give people a chance to fail. Rather than extending your trust, make sure people earn it, through their actions and not just their words. Then, take care that your actions and words are exemplary. Powerful forces are at work in your life, and it will be your ethics and commitment to truth that puts you on the correct side of nature. This month’s sign change of Uranus from Aries to Taurus will help you stabilize certain aspects of your life, and radically reinvent others — in particular, the message that you send to the world in everything you express. It’s time to up your game, to reach inwardly for the very heart and soul of who you are, and to express only that. Don’t be surprised if you shake things up a little bit; the seemingly simple act of telling the truth or describing reality as it is can cause an uproar. Yet it’s your integrity that will protect you, and will help ensure that whatever you have to say is both received and understood, regardless of any position people may take.

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the current pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.
Planet Waves

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 23, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Having a new planet in your sign, especially a slow mover like Chiron, can have a similar feeling to starting a job, or breaking in a pair of shoes. It requires you to stretch and wiggle and flex and possibly make the occasional misstep while you adjust to the differences. Chiron will be hanging out for nine years or thereabouts, so it’ll probably help to take things one day at a time, with frequent stops to look about and note what’s changed. The Sun’s recent move into Taurus should divert the glare of the spotlight a little, and help give you the space to make yourself at home. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Planet Waves

Taurus Birthdays 2018:

Here Comes the Sun, Taurus!

“The Taurus horoscope is so perfect, it’s poetic — but that doesn’t say much — so many of yours are, Eric.”

— Dorothy Rodriguez

Dear Friend and Reader with Taurus Sun, Rising or Moon:

On Thursday, April 19, the Sun entered your sign. No matter how confusing, frustrating or surprising some of the recent astrology and events in your life have been, having the Sun in Taurus should help you to take things at your own pace and feel more like yourself — even if you’ve been growing and changing in unexpected ways.

Planet Waves

Of particular note is that when the Sun arrives in your sign, it will be in a beneficial aspect to Chiron, which just arrived in Aries earlier this week.

We have yet to get a sense of what Chiron in Aries is like, but this aspect looks like it’s offering you a point of inner orientation to help you get your solar year started right.

Your upcoming 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading will flesh out the details. In the two astrology segments (at least 30 minutes each), Eric will also give you the lowdown on how to cultivate the flexibility, and openness to adventure, that Uranus — which enters your sign in just a few weeks — will call for.

In addition to the astrology segments, you’ll receive access to an extended description of your sign and last year’s Taurus Birthday Reading (which you can listen to here, as an early gift) — all of it in pro-quality audio you can download and listen to on any device, at any time, as often as you wish.

“I am listening to it again now, and there are so many more gems coming to me. Profound, deep and so thought provoking….inspired!”

— Rhonda Benson

Even better, you’ll get the best of Eric’s decades of astrology experience, therapy training, and investigative curiosity — all in accessible language. In other words, this is more than an hour of some of the most motivating, inspiring, practical, reassuring and perspective-broadening astrology coaching you can find on the internet — personal resonance at a fraction of the cost of a personal consultation.

I hope you won’t take your sweet, Taurean time in pre-ordering (I can say that because I’m a Taurus, too!). When you pre-order before the 2018 Taurus Reading is published, you secure the best value: an expert reading at its lowest price. The price increases the closer Eric gets to publishing the reading.

May the Sun shine on you and within you.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. Even though all the books say Taurus likes material things, any Taurus you care about would love to receive their 2018 Birthday Reading as a gift. Remember, you can always set up your order by phone: (877) 453-8265, or (206) 567-4455 if you’re calling from outside the US.



Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Chiron has now taken up residence in the most mysterious house in your chart, kicking off a nine-year adventure into the depths of you. The Sun’s recent entrance into your birth sign may offer a moment of valuable insight regarding what that journey might specifically mean for you. One suggestion arising from your charts is the concept that facing uncertainty head-on can eventually bolster your sense of identity, and strengthen your beliefs through refinement and challenges. This might be a good time to remember that flexibility is itself a form of power. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — What is meant by the word ‘community’? Recently it’s often applied to a specific demographic, or a group that has a particular trait in common. This can help people find a sense of identity, belonging and common cause. Yet it also carries the risk of dampening our ability to see all of humanity, or all of life on Earth, as our neighborhood. Some esoteric lines of thought hold that there is an etheric web connecting everything to everything else, which strikes me as ringing profoundly true. Either way, you now have the opportunity for your concept of community to be broadened considerably. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Sun in Taurus should bring a more relaxed atmosphere all round, which may come as something of a relief after the momentous astrology of the past few weeks. For now, I suggest you take a little time to relax where you can. Be especially kind to your physical body, and pay attention to any intuitive messages you receive. One lesson of Chiron’s move into your 10th house is likely that you must be prepared to stand apart and be answerable only to yourself; do what you think you ought to, rather than what other people believe you should. Your conscience suffices as an authority. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The word ‘ambition’ tends to call to mind worldly successes: wealth, position and prestige. It would seem, however, you’re now receiving a challenge to understand ambition in a broader sense; in particular, how it can be applied to spiritual and personal growth. Capitalism ensures it’s possible to make big material gains without reference to these more ethereal matters. Whether one can be happy doing so is another question. I suspect you’re already aware that path probably won’t work for you, and that there are forms of success better worth your efforts. In these, you can aim high. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Despite the various manifestations of organized religion, spirituality is a deeply personal part of our lives. I suspect there are in fact as many creeds as there are people, and that belief is more often than not informed by hopes, fears, passions and experience as much as by doctrine. This has the advantage of allowing for changes of heart, and for our spiritual systems to grow with our growth. The ideals you hold dear should ultimately encourage this development as opposed to fencing you in. Over the next month, you will likely discover how much this can free you. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — During the next month, you may discover some new ideas about commitment in relationships. In particular, you will perhaps come to understand why a tie that initially offers security can eventually become the sort that restricts, and makes us want to burst free and run off somewhere. This isn’t inevitable — it happens because people can be uncomfortable with their partners, relatives or employees growing and changing, and try to hold them back. You know, however, that the way you’re developing is necessary and important. Do what you must, and don’t let anyone hinder you. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — With the Sun in your opposite sign for the next month, there should be at least a few opportunities to enjoy a bit of romance, as well as a focus on partnerships in general. One factor I suggest you look at is how you communicate your desires, and how well you hear others. Particularly while Mercury is still picking up speed, it’s worth taking the time to be clear. In addition, you may need to be careful with time management. Plan ahead, and make sure as far as possible that it’s in your power to get away from your desk when you intend to and, most importantly, when you’ve promised to. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — A big theme of Chiron in Aries overall is standing out, irrespective of pressure from others; for you, this may well translate to standing out creatively. You likely have the innate gift of unique expression; to some degree you can’t help but be honestly yourself. What could transpire over the next few years is a chance to bring something special into manifestation through that uniqueness. If you’re not sure what that might be, consider first what you’re passionate or curious about. With the Sun in practical Taurus, some possible first steps will no doubt soon present themselves. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It’s necessary to review the past from time to time, if only to see how far you’ve come since and to deal with any lingering issues. Over the next few years, you’ll have what looks like a kind of mini-project, the aim of which is to put some aspects of the past behind you once and for all. That doesn’t mean you have to borrow a flux capacitor and head back there. On the contrary, it’s imperative that you continue living your present life, developing and blossoming into the future. The whole point of this exercise is pretty much to ensure you can do precisely that. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This week you may go through a process of reviewing certain events and considering whether you’re doing the right thing, or have done so previously. You might be tempted or pressured to do this publicly, though I suggest you don’t yield to that. Speak with a confidant if you need to; but really this is much more about checking in with your internal compass, and adjusting your direction, if need be, for the road ahead. Remember that you are a whole person, deserving by that right alone of compassion and basic respect. You can give yourself at least that. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It would seem you have a message to disseminate — an important one, which involves something fundamental relating to who you are. Yet you may still have some refining to do. It’s likely that as Mercury picks up speed more information will appear. Pay attention to what’s happening in your immediate environment, hour by hour, and to any instinctual feelings you receive. As you assemble the full image from these pieces of data, remember to keep in mind the purpose of your mission; and when the picture is complete, you will surely know from how the threads draw neatly together. — by Amy Elliott

The Sacred Space of Self, our brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. It will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries and Mars retrograde in Aquarius. Please note that the lowest pre-order price will only be in effect for a short time — and then it will increase.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 16, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — There’s been one major event after the next in your sign over the past several days, and Mercury is in direct motion. There’s a New Moon tonight (Sunday); and through the week, the Sun is conjunct Uranus, the bringer of ideas and revelations. Yet something truly momentous happens with Chiron’s entry into your sign Tuesday, a cycle that last began in 1968. We are entering an enormous time in history, as are you, in your personal journey. Chiron in one’s own sign is a radical time of awakening self-awareness, and all these other events are preparing your energy-body to be wide open enough to accept the experience. Chiron is deep medicine for the soul, and an agent of change like no other. On a deeper level, you are now embarking on an initiation process: you are an initiate. That is a distinction, though a humble one. One step at a time, plant your feet upon The Way.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Planet Waves

Taurus Birthdays 2018:

Are You Ready to Surprise Yourself This Year?

“I’ve known Eric Francis and his work since 1997; we did a phone reading. He was my lifeline, which helped through 15 years of raising two boys solo, and he’s still helping me through life/identity crisis, post children. His vision is uncanny — he seems to know Taureans better than we know ourselves.”

— Leo L.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Are you ready for this year? Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, arrives in your sign in less than five weeks. And Chiron — raiser of awareness — begins its transition into the most veiled part of your chart in less than one week.

Planet Waves

Translation: how you experience yourself — both consciously and unconsciously — is about to change shape. Or to put it another way: get ready to surprise yourself.

Speaking as someone with her Sun in Taurus, I am well aware that unexpected changes, particularly the kind that seem to happen forcibly through outside factors, can be incredibly challenging. Yet, I’ve also discovered that the more I initiate doing things in a new way, or allow a new part of myself to emerge and develop, the happier I am. I’m actually curious to see how that unfolds when Uranus arrives in my Sun sign.

You can bet that Eric is going to cover this dynamic and the sign changes of Chiron and Uranus in your 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading.

If you read your annual reading for Taurus (The Art of Becoming), you have some sense of what to expect. But Eric creates the birthday readings fresh; and when he records your two segments of audio astrology (at least 30 minutes each), he’ll have the benefit of Chiron’s first weeks in Aries to draw from.

When you pre-order your 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading, you lock in the lowest price we offer. As the reading nears publication, the price increases. If you’d rather place your order by phone, you may call us on (877) 453-8265 from within the U.S., or (206) 567-4455 internationally, during Eastern business hours.

“Ah Eric — just listened to your reading. I was moved to tears by your closing words. Your passion, deep care and love always shine through; and you have the gift of all great teachers, of making one feel that one is being personally addressed, respected and taken care of.”

— Liz Glanville

Wishing you all the best for the upcoming Taurus season,

Amanda Painter



Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You have a passport to experiment with some of your boldest visions. You seem to have a few of those at the moment; from the viewpoint of your solar chart, your future looks like a busy metropolitan airport. And right behind that airport is a kind of spaceport, which most people are too busy getting their flight to notice. However, there’s just one of you, and you can only be one place at a time, or have one experience at a time. So go from one experience to another and live the experience fully, whether it’s working, creating art, sharing time with loved ones or exploring sex — all of which are favored for you at this time. Or said another way, you have this beautiful opening to really and truly be you all the time. The world is a little uptight right now, but don’t let that stop you. You have the charm and the Teflon to keep the flow going and any bad vibes sliding off of you.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — One of the strangest Mercury retrogrades in modern history ended Sunday. Over the next two weeks or so, you’ll get a kind of debriefing on everything that’s taken place, and you’ll be able to see it from a different point of view. Note the contrast between what you observed the first time and what you observe now — about yourself, about others, and about the nature of recent events. You will get to rewrite some patterns and shift some expectations, which nearly all involve the way you handle yourself in group situations. The thing to remember is that you’re not responsible for anyone else’s feelings but your own. This can be challenging to see, to understand and to accept, though there’s a boundary issue involved — that boundary being the one between you and everyone else. Do not take on the projections or expectations of others. Hand them right back to where they came from.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It’s time to pivot in the direction of certain professional plans that you’ve been brewing for a long time. This involves a shift in your assignment, your responsibility level, and your point of view. Your natural tendency is to live in such a way that you’re responsible for yourself: you want to be your own authority, and you’re willing to do the work involved in having that be real. Often this will entail asserting yourself against existing structures of authority, and persisting until such time as there is either a mutual understanding, or at least agreeing to disagree. You, however, must always be in accord with yourself, which means working out your inner differences before you take a position on something. Here’s a clue about that: your opinions must be based on facts; and certain key data points are about to emerge, as well as a template for seeing the pattern — and a plan.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’re getting one idea after another about different ways to take your life, including places you want to visit, and great things you want to achieve. At the same time, the here-and-now is calling you: you have plenty to do, plenty to keep you busy. In the midst of all of this activity, it’s essential that you focus one primary task, and work every day on a long trajectory that will arrive at a completion point around April 26. This is the one thing you must come back to every day, and aim for finalization several days ahead of your actual deadline. Make sure you use old drafts, drawings and plans as the basis for your new ones, or at least as the basis of not making the same mistake twice. You’ve already thought through most of what you need to do. Your plan requires slight modifications, but not many.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There’s a cool term called “sapiosexual,” which means, “someone who finds intelligence and the human mind to be the most sexually attractive feature in the opposite sex.” This is a real thing, and it’s likely you’re feeling it these days. You’re also likely to draw to you someone who’s smart enough to keep and hold your attention. Apart from any immediate scenario, you must always remember that for you, brainpower is the bottom line, though you must take care because many people who seem smart have also managed to cut off their feelings. So you need a blend of a truly receptive quality, kindness, sensitivity to beauty — and intelligence. The downside of this is that it’s not an easy combination to put together, and you will have temptations to make compromises. Just don’t expect too much if you do.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’ve had to divide your attention between a family situation and an intimate relationship, though the two have certain elements in common. One involves communication and how certain ideas come across. Remember that, as evil genius Frank Luntz wrote, “It’s not what you say, it’s what people hear.” However, there’s another side to that, which is, “It’s not what you say, it’s what others might say, and a lot depends on whether it’s true or not.” Forget what you’ve read on the internet — there’s such a thing as true; there’s such a thing as the truth, and not in some abstract philosophical sense but rather the most practical: that which can be verified, preferably from two or three sources. The whole world needs to up its game on verification and fact checking, and so do you. Don’t just accept what you hear. Verify, verify, verify; and document your facts in writing, on paper.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — With work presenting fewer challenges, easier solutions and more rewards this week, you can focus on an intimate scenario that’s been developing in your life. If there’s a new (or newly developing) relationship in your life, don’t rush matters; don’t push the river. The dominant energy is Taurus, which cannot do anything but move at its own pace. So all you need to do is allow for that movement, and then notice if it happens to be in your direction. If so, fantastic; if not, let the person move along and notice someone else who catches your fancy. You are, at the moment, a powerfully attractive force, though what attracts can also repel (think of a magnet). Be aware of that. Also, you’re currently serving to change the trajectory of other people in your environment, seemingly having nothing to do with you in the end. That might mean introducing someone to someone, and it might mean influences that you’re not aware you’re having.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — In most horoscopes for your sign lately, I’ve been emphasizing the creative process. Now, not everyone thinks this applies to them, such as if your passion is working in an insurance office. I would, though, apply “creative” not just to art and music but also to anything that’s self-creative, adventurous, amorous, or otherwise bold. Yet it’s your creative side, or rather, creative core, that will benefit the most under current conditions, where you’re being encouraged to dive in and bring up the pearls and treasures you find deep within yourself. This time in your life is about taking creative and expressive risks. It’s about following your curiosity. Most of all, it’s about becoming yourself through what you express to the world. You should know that this is the bottom line for Sagittarius, now and forever.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — At the moment, I’m tracking eight points moving through Capricorn, more than any other sign. These include Mars, Saturn, Pluto and a few so-called minor points that are anything but. You have many choices for who you get to be. They all stem from the same basic material of your soul or psyche, all from your same basic mission on Earth. Think of all the many diverse forms of life, all of which sprout from the mountains, fields and oceans: infinite modes of expression of the same basic thing: the vital force as it manifests physically and to the senses. Despite all the many options you have and perhaps the seemingly overwhelming pressure to become what you need to become, this is always an experiment. If more people knew this, they would be a lot happier and more easygoing. As Joni Mitchell sang, “I’m not sure who I am, but life is for learning.”

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Remember at all times that your life springs from inside of you. Your inner life is your point of origin, and that is the place to focus. When you get there, you may notice that you’re within somewhat of a labyrinth. Only you know how complex you are inside and, ultimately, what your true point of simplicity is. However, the thing to do is to be aware of your interior mental and emotional space, and leave the light on for yourself. Imagine there’s a fireplace in your mind, and your job is to tend the flames at all times. Stay with yourself. Keep the fire burning at a steady pace — not a bonfire, but never allowing the flames or embers to die out. You want a constant, steady flow of warmth, enough to make your mind an inviting place to hang out. From there, you get to emerge and explore and play in the physical world, though always honoring your inner reality.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is the week to make some financial moves, in particular, to launch a new plan of some kind. You might be ready to apply for jobs, or to initiate a new project, launch a marketing campaign, or develop a new business plan. You have a rare window of opportunity between now and early June to make some progress, and set yourself up for the rest of the year. One of the most vital and essential elements of your long-range growth work currently involves your relationship to money. There’s a line from A Course in Miracles that I just love: “Every decision you make stems from what you think you are.” The implied message is to think big, and to connect your sense of being solid with yourself into doing something solid in the world. Chiron is involved, and its message is that you must always be true to yourself. First and foremost, this applies where values meet money.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 12, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — With lots happening in Aries this week, including the grand entrance of Chiron into your sign, you might expect to be dashing about like a dog on a mission. However, the changes need time to shake and settle themselves into place, and so do you. Mercury is stationing direct; and a New Moon is taking place amid the conjunction that’s defined the last couple of years. Both events are suggestive of pausing and reflecting on the recent past, in terms of how that’s been for you. Doing so should enable you to move on when you’re ready, with a clear focus on the path you need to take. Note that Chiron in Aries will pose certain questions surrounding identity for all of us; this is true of you in particular. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.
Planet Waves
Your Aries reading is ready; read more about it here (including special combo offers).

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Uncertainty and sudden change are not much fun for human beings, as we’re more often than not creatures of routine. You’ve just experienced about seven years of Uranus moving through an area in your chart associated with your inner life, and your deepest emotions and thoughts; essentially turning you inside out and bringing you face-to-face with the most secret parts of yourself. Now Chiron is about to cover the same ground, which likely heralds a phase of rebuilding after the chaos. You might be tempted to reinstate old habits, especially if they meant stability for you. Be careful not to let that happen. You’re free to establish an entirely new order of operations. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Taurus Birthdays 2018:

Are You Ready to Surprise Yourself This Year?

“I’ve known Eric Francis and his work since 1997; we did a phone reading. He was my lifeline, which helped through 15 years of raising two boys solo, and he’s still helping me through life/identity crisis, post children. His vision is uncanny — he seems to know Taureans better than we know ourselves.”

— Leo L.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Are you ready for this year? Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, arrives in your sign in less than five weeks. And Chiron — raiser of awareness — begins its transition into the most veiled part of your chart in less than one week.

Planet Waves

Translation: how you experience yourself — both consciously and unconsciously — is about to change shape. Or to put it another way: get ready to surprise yourself.

Speaking as someone with her Sun in Taurus, I am well aware that unexpected changes, particularly the kind that seem to happen forcibly through outside factors, can be incredibly challenging. Yet, I’ve also discovered that the more I initiate doing things in a new way, or allow a new part of myself to emerge and develop, the happier I am. I’m actually curious to see how that unfolds when Uranus arrives in my Sun sign.

You can bet that Eric is going to cover this dynamic and the sign changes of Chiron and Uranus in your 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading.

If you read your annual reading for Taurus (The Art of Becoming), you have some sense of what to expect. But Eric creates the birthday readings fresh; and when he records your two segments of audio astrology (at least 30 minutes each), he’ll have the benefit of Chiron’s first weeks in Aries to draw from.

When you pre-order your 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading, you lock in the lowest price we offer. As the reading nears publication, the price increases. If you’d rather place your order by phone, you may call us on (877) 453-8265 from within the U.S., or (206) 567-4455 internationally, during Eastern business hours.

“Ah Eric — just listened to your reading. I was moved to tears by your closing words. Your passion, deep care and love always shine through; and you have the gift of all great teachers, of making one feel that one is being personally addressed, respected and taken care of.”

— Liz Glanville

Wishing you all the best for the upcoming Taurus season,

Amanda Painter



Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury stationing direct in Aries is likely to reveal some fundamental truth about the way you relate to your community. Chiron entering the same sign will probably follow this up more slowly and in a wider context. Your sense of identity has natural roots in your social environment, which can vary considerably in terms of breadth. In a way, what you can do in the world depends on how open-minded you are about what constitutes your community; that is, who is included, and who is not. Chiron’s presence in this region of your life may well, over time, help you to stretch those borders — and likewise your potential for growth. But you must be willing to receive the ideas. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — With Chiron entering your house of career and ambitions, it’s possible that over the next few years your understanding of your life’s work and direction will open up in ways you might not have thought possible. If you’ve placed any kind of limit on your imagination, this may well represent an opportunity to remove the guardrails and stretch your wings. This is especially the case if you’ve been inclined to allow other people, or the wish for their approval, to define your boundaries: it’s natural to want to be accepted, but you can’t live your life on that basis. Standing out and being boldly yourself regardless of reaction may be scary; but you’re about to discover that nothing else will do. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The ultimate point of any spiritual endeavor, ranging the whole gamut from one divination session to a decades-long committed path, boils down to two essential questions: who you are now, and who you can become. We each contain a universe within ourselves, and therefore our potential remains infinite. To a degree, you know this intuitively; yet sometimes it’s not easy to find the thread, because of the myriad ways our culture works to contain us and place us into neat little demographic boxes, the easier to manipulate and control. With Chiron about to enter the realm of your personal faith, you have the opportunity to grasp at the real truth, and maintain a firm grip. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This week’s events in your 8th solar house shed light on how you sometimes invest most, if not all, of your self-worth in the concept of usefulness. That’s to say, you tend to consider yourself almost invalid unless you are helping someone else, and consequently might feel that your identity and purpose are bound up in that work. It would perhaps help you to understand that you are, in fact, a separate entity, and that you have a mission all your own. Chiron entering this delicate space in your chart should better reconcile you to this idea. Caring for others is an important role; it’s essential, however, that in carrying it out you find rather than lose yourself. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your sign has a unique perspective on relationships; you can understand, as if innately, the tendency we all have to project onto others in various ways. Chiron entering your opposite sign will probably help you fine-tune that skill. It should also, through your observations of others, help you to turn the searchlight of your gaze inward. Mercury stationing direct in the same sign could very well kick off this process; revealing a key truth about where you place yourself in the context of your interactions with others, and what that means regarding your sense of self and independence. Over the next few years, you may find you’re the one setting an example in terms of relating without compromise. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Uranus moving through your region of work and daily habits undoubtedly caused fundamental alterations to the way you view and spend the majority of your time. In the best-case scenario, the details of how you work and live would be an accurate reflection of who you are and of the values you seek to uphold. Uranus can often feel like an electric jolt in its influence, and it may have been a Herculean task to form any kind of stable working regimen. Chiron’s energy is much better suited to the focus this process requires. While Mercury is still changing direction, it might help if you first spend some time meditating on where you want this next phase of your life to go. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your sign would rarely be considered to have any trouble with frankness or honesty. If anything, your penchant for saying what’s true can get other people rattled. Yet Chiron’s forthcoming change of sign might address the question of what you don’t express when it comes to your deeper desires. Sometimes we can be almost blunt on some matters in order to mask our feelings about others. Chiron is a congenial planet for you. Its presence is likely to open you up increasingly to what you really want, and assist you in removing any vestige of shame you may feel about owning the unique desires and creative urges that make you who you are. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Part of the reason early experiences can be so powerful an influence on our lives is because the younger you are, the more your brain is like a blank canvas, and the greater the range of potential. Youth is impressionable, and so what we learn growing up is important. It’s also true, however, that you don’t have to settle into a fixed perspective as you age. The adult brain is surprisingly elastic, especially if you keep actively learning. You’re almost certainly about to develop a fresh outlook on the people and events of former days, and especially on the restrictions these may have placed on you. Give this process the time and effort it needs, and the result could be incredibly liberating. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — In popular culture Aquarius is often portrayed as something of a maverick, owing to the influence of your sign’s modern ruler Uranus. It’s true that you generally bring something fresh and lively to the conversation. Yet Saturn was the original ruler, and it shows: in uncertain times, you may cling to what you’ve always known for safety. Recent events have been guiding you slowly to detach your grip, and embrace the potential in your Uranian side. Chiron, which also contains both facets, is offering you the chance to work with them together in a purer harmony. Understanding how each is important to you is the first point. Once you’ve accomplished that, the potential for what you can do is almost infinite. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The big moment of Chiron leaving your sign and entering your 2nd house finally arrives Tuesday, and the chances are you’re more than ready. The past few weeks have likely afforded you key information on what feeds your self-esteem and self-concept; the eight years of Chiron in Pisces have underpinned all of that, by refining your sense of identity. During the next year or so, as Chiron completes its transition, be prepared to focus and hone that sense to near-perfection. You’re in the process of bringing something truly beautiful into the world, the more so because it is bathed in the essence of you. With Chiron’s aid, you will hopefully come to realize just how true that is. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.
Planet Waves

Don’t forget to take advantage of this special gift: Eric’s Daily Horoscope can arrive in your mailbox by 7 am ET, containing great astrological guidance for all 12 signs. You can sign up with our compliments, though we welcome donations.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 9, 2018

Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Reader:

I’ve finished the Aries reading, and thought I would share a few short notes. Sometimes I go into the reading with a loose plan, and then something new comes through. That happened here.

I began with a discussion of the “inner life,” which has pretty much been eviscerated from our contemporary existence — turned inside out by being inundated with electronic media. This shows up for Aries as Uranus having been in your birth sign for seven years, along with the many events involving Uranus (seven passes of the Uranus-Pluto square, three of Uranus conjunct Eris, and others).

Planet Waves

Yet while this was going on, Chiron was present in your 12th house, providing a point of inner orientation, which was indispensable. Chiron in Pisces offers direct spiritual access; and for you, a tap into the inner light.

Now Chiron, fresh with all that energy, is going to infuse itself into Aries, and bring this soul growth up and out into the conscious level of your personality awareness.

Soon after this happens, Uranus leaves your sign and enters Taurus, which will ground you in your body, cool off that Uranian energy, and give you a break from the relentless pressure you’ve been under.

The other angle of your chart that’s unusually active is your career house, Capricorn — where, last night, Mars and Saturn were still in a conjunction.

Based on this and other factors, I describe the unusual openings that will be available to you, allowing you to both challenge existing norms and authority, and to work with these things to further your own ends. The reading is about 80 minutes in two parts. I have not added music yet; I will do that soon. I felt it was more important to get it into your hands.

You may get instant access here. For more options, please go to this link. You can also purchase by phone by calling us at (845) 481-5616.

It’s been excellent to do this work for you.

With love,


PS — Here is access to last year’s audio reading, and last year’s written reading from The Book of Your Life.



Aries (March 20-April 19) — You don’t need to make the same mistakes twice or three times. It’s far better to make new mistakes, because this demonstrates that you’re learning from the old ones, and gives you some evidence that you’re stretching into new territory. And that new territory will be exciting, unpredictable and an adventure — just like you love your life to be. Looked at one way, the world is in a fragile state where everyone is freaked out that just about anything could happen. Looked at another way: all bets are off, the rules are suspended, reality is full of wormholes, and just about anything can lead to anything. You can, in fact, get there from here, though you will most probably end up somewhere other than where you planned. This week will bring something of a wild tour of reality and its many possibilities. Keep your schedule loose and your mind open.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Venus, the Taurus planet, is now in your sign, which happens for just a few weeks every year. This is an invitation to connect with your love of luxury and comfort, whether that means eating in your very favorite restaurant three times in one week, or getting a new set of bed sheets. The deeper experience is about enjoying your life without any guilt. This is not easy. We live in such a way that there’s always something more to do. It’s like owning a farm, only more abstract; since much of what we feel pressured to do can wait, or doesn’t need to happen at all. Taking pleasure in your existence, taking time for yourself (every hour counts), and granting yourself some freedom, are commitments for you. It’s the difference between your life living you, and you living your life. You may encounter how challenging this is, at the same time as a revolutionary spirit rises in your heart.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — We have one more week of Mercury retrograde. In some ways, it will be a less ridiculous week than last, which was adorned by Mercury getting mixed up in the path of Mars and Saturn in Capricorn. Thankfully that whole affair only happens once, though I suggest taking careful notes on what you learned, specifically for that reason. This week comes with another type of intrigue, beginning with Mercury slowing down to its station-direct position (which occurs Sunday, April 15). While this is going on, the Sun passes through the Uranus-Eris conjunction — that once-in-a-lifetime astrological sigil of our extremely weird era in history. The Sun will align with Eris on Friday, April 13, and with Uranus on the following Wednesday, April 18. The net effect here is that we’re all going to get a concentrated revelation about what it means to be alive at this time in history.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you’re the kind of person who fancies yourself having a career, mission or vocation rather than just a job, this will be an exciting week. Action in the casino of life is moving fast. Several games are going on at the same time. New plans and goals are arising before you, and you’re able to set previous aspirations aside. It seems like you want to do something different, or do what you currently do in a whole new way. Either of these works — it’s your choice, and you’ll feel guided one way or the other. This is the week to push your luck, a little or a lot. Aim for something higher than you think you can achieve. Place a bet on some seemingly impossible odds. Be bold about being yourself: fly that freak flag and smile warmly at everyone who wishes they could. Then do what you want, and what you must. Make your presence known, particularly with the top dog.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’re making a choice between the past and the future, whether you recognize it or not. This is a week of reorienting. And that means focusing on what you want. The planet involved is Venus, which has reached a balancing point with elements in your sign and your opposite sign (the lunar nodes). You have the energy of a tipping point to work with; and since the focus is Venus, that means desire. This can be a real area of conflict for many people, who don’t feel it’s their prerogative to ask for what they want. You may also feel that it’s too soon to commit, with so many parts of your life in motion, and the world in such an unkempt state. However, that has nothing to do with what you want, particularly what your life mission is. Here’s the thing about one’s true calling or vocation. It’s not subject to style. It’s an inherent part of you, if you choose to notice, and to respond.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mercury is continuing to move retrograde in the region of your chart that addresses shared financial matters, contractual matters and sex. Yes, those are all in the same house, and it’s one where you tend to seek your identity (Aries and the 8th solar house). You may be feeling an odd mix of confident and edgy. You may be wishing you understood your most intimate situations better, and why you’re in them. I suggest you collect your questions, and let them stand, without trying too hard to answer them. In fact, let them multiply, as the Sun continues to move through this region of your chart, and Mercury slows down and stations direct. There is clarity coming, in the form of Chiron (a planet with deep resonance to Virgo) entering Aries on April 17. The most likely effect of that event is to take you deeper: to help you ask better questions, and to seek more relevant answers.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your relationships may be hot or a hot mess at the moment. Your best role will be to see your part in everything you’re experiencing. Mercury retrograde is about to make a conjunction with Hebe, an asteroid that’s about enabling behavior and which represents the “drama triangle,” represented as a martini glass. Yes, there is such a symbol. Unraveling anything even vaguely codependent is about seeing your role in the process, and altering that first. The trap is trying to change, or even understand, someone else, apart from acknowledging what they say and what they do. So you may as well start with that. The thing is, keep it on the most basic level: don’t seek to understand motives, which is almost always a pretense; and the spiritual level need go no further than forgiveness. Your most necessary role is to live your own life, and to take care of yourself.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It may be difficult for you to focus on your work these days, though you need to muster up some extra discipline and focus. You might not get as much done as you want to every day; the most important thing will be attending to one or two top priorities and making sure those happen. Be sure to evaluate in the morning when you start work, and then again with enough time at the end of the day to take action on anything you may have overlooked. Keep a schedule and make sure that you’re running 15 minutes ahead of all appointments. Then, do your best. There will definitely be some surprises at work this week; however, nearly all of them will have either the quality of setting you free from some idea or routine that you’re not interested in keeping, or jolting you into a creative solution to a problem that seemed impossible to solve. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Focus on the big stuff.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Few question the role that sex plays in their lives. Driven by pleasure seeking and the desire for contact, sexuality is often fraught with conflict. Its source is rarely seen for what it is — and the payback, in terms of pleasure and contact actually attained, often falls subject to the law of diminishing returns. We all deserve better than this. You deserve better than this. Your solar chart this week is a setup for a series of discoveries and revelations about your desire nature. This will tie into your creative life. For example, one question that might arise is: do your sexual relationships support you as an artist, or do they detract? Do they provide energy and inspiration, or distraction? If you’re an artist in any form, you want the partner or the lover who thinks that’s hot: who loves that you’re an actor, or the sound of you practicing bass, or that your hands are always covered in paint.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The tensions of the past week may have left their emotional mark on you, and you may be feeling a little shaky. Yet in an odd way, you’ve found some strength and built some confidence, if only you’ll tap into it. This may feel like a razor’s-edge kind of thing. The bottom line is your autonomy: your ability to assert your desire, to make decisions and overall to be real with yourself. This may cause you some insecurity on what I think of as the tribal level of Capricorn — the way you are drawn to identify with family or a group as your primary means of seeking your identity. Now that is being challenged. You may be seeing the ways that you don’t fit in. You may, at the same time, be feeling uncertain about invoking the power of making your own decisions. Yet the bottom line truth is: nobody can make your decisions for you, and you can never actually conform to someone’s expectations.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There are some deep forces at work in your life, and in your psyche. You may not have control over them, though you have some room for how you choose to respond. It does not help that everything seems to be occurring behind a scrim or a veil, where you can’t even perceive most of what’s taking place. Yet you do have the ability to perceive what’s in your own mind, as long as you’re aware of where it’s happening. It will help if you stay in contact with supportive people, particularly ones who know you intimately. Also, writing will help. It’s an activity that’s naturally introspective, and will keep your focus inward, where it needs to be.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Mars, Saturn, Pluto and other planets moving through your 11th house of public contact and exposure may be stirring the pot for you socially. In our tribalized world, there hardly seems to be a “safe” space except among one’s own group, though even that is so heavily conditional that in the end, everyone has to go their own way — or so it would seem, where true friendship is not a factor. And that is the matter at hand. There are many false uses of the word friend, and common and accepted manifestations such as a frenemy. You don’t need any of those in your life. You have actual friends, people whose trust you’ve earned, and who have earned your trust. That is your foundation: the trust itself. The most important thing in all of this is that you be your own friend, and that you trust yourself. Then, this makes it possible to expand into the world around you from a place of fidelity and strength.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 5, 2018

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 5, 2018, #1196 | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You seem to be taking matters pretty much in your stride, with something of a determination to move forward in career-related ambitions regardless of pesky little things like the present Mercury retrograde. To a large extent you may feel that you’re somewhat of an open book. There’s a deeper revolution taking place, though it’s not yet quite visible; this may be unsettling, but take each day as it comes and stand firm in who you are. It’s certainly necessary to communicate consciously and carefully for a while; this need not, however, compromise your essential honesty. People will know you by your actions. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Your Aries Reading is Ready for Instant Access. Right Now!

Dear Friend and Reader:

I’ve finished the Aries reading, and thought I would share a few short notes. Sometimes I go into the reading with a loose plan, and then something new comes through. That happened tonight.

I began with a discussion of the “inner life,” which has pretty much been eviscerated from our contemporary existence — turned inside out by being inundated with electronic media. This shows up for Aries as Uranus having been in your birth sign for seven years, along with the many events involving Uranus (seven passes of the Uranus-Pluto square, three of Uranus conjunct Eris, and others).

Planet Waves

Yet while this was going on, Chiron was present in your 12th house, providing a point of inner orientation, which was indispensable. Chiron in Pisces offers direct spiritual access; and for you, a tap into the inner light.

Now Chiron, fresh with all that energy, is going to infuse itself into Aries, and bring this soul growth up and out into the conscious level of your personality awareness. Soon after this happens, Uranus leaves your sign and enters Taurus, which will ground you in your body, cool off that Uranian energy, and give you a break from the relentless pressure you’ve been under.

The other angle of your chart that’s unusually active is your career house, Capricorn — where, last night, Mars and Saturn were still in a conjunction. Based on this and other factors, I describe the unusual openings that will be available to you, allowing you to both challenge existing norms and authority, and to work with these things to further your own ends.

The reading is about 80 minutes in two parts. I have not added music yet; I will do that soon. I felt it was more important to get it into your hands.

You may get instant access here. For more options, please go to this link. You can also purchase by phone by calling us at (845) 481-5616.

It’s been excellent to do this work for you.

With love,


PS — Here is access to last year’s audio reading, and last year’s written reading from The Book of Your Life.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The deep work you’ve been doing for a while now is likely to pay dividends this week. The astrology describes you having a flash of insight, as if several disparate things suddenly fall into a neat pattern; and a clear-sighted vision of future potential, of the sort that’s usually shrouded in a murky fog somewhere in the distance. You may find you’re abruptly aware of your power and your abilities in a way that’s never been quite so evident before. Write down your sensations; you might need to refer back to them. Make a commitment to yourself to take them seriously. You deserve the freedom to pursue your dreams. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may find yourself, if somewhat reluctantly, revisiting old ground in terms of the influence someone has had on your life. This would be part of forging a fresh commitment to your independence and to the things that help you feel free to be yourself. If a close relationship has changed, you might need to restructure your routines and habits. Take advantage of the moment and seek to accommodate the kind of activities that really make you happy, whether that be something creative, fun with others, or whatever. Feel free to experiment for as long as you need to, and to enjoy yourself in the process. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This week may develop a new feeling of devotion or purpose in terms of your relationships. To some extent this may be working on the intuitive level for a while: you’re likely to sense it before you understand it entirely. You might benefit from paying close attention to any particularly strong emotions you experience over the next week or two; consider it research, which may lead to your growth as a person. You could feel more strongly identified than usual with your partnerships and those you love, though remember that you are a whole entity, whose needs are separate from others’ — though they often overlap. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — We often live for the great moments when our grandest plans come to fruition; that sense of fulfillment, and of faith in our power to bring it about, are among the beautiful experiences that bless life with a touch of romance. Yet between the dream and its shaping into concrete reality, there’s a large quantity of work. Hollywood often glosses over this with a montage, which has the unfortunate effect of making such things seem easier than they truly are. However, the challenges of perseverance bring their own reward. Stick at what you’re doing, even if you don’t get instant results. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — It might be a good idea to keep a check on any desire you have to be useful to just about everyone on the planet, or an expert in everything. You’re usually in some danger of spreading yourself too thinly, and just now this risk is enhanced. Slow your pace; take one thing at a time, and be sure to delegate wherever appropriate. Your artistry is blossoming to a new level, and you need time and space to think, plan, dream and create. Convincing yourself that you deserve said time and space may be a challenge, but make the effort anyway. It’s possible to be of service in terms of quality as much as quantity. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Over the past few weeks, you’ve likely been observing with unusual clarity in what measure your past experiences inform and affect your relationships today. You may also have noticed how this can work in reverse: how connections with those you love as an adult can gently alter your perspective on former times. Try working a little more intensively with that idea this week. It helps to remember that your feelings and needs are just as important as everyone else’s — something many tend to forget — and that a home in the truest sense is something you create. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Current astrology seems to be urging patience and to some extent forbearance in your communications. This doesn’t mean clam up, put up or shut up. It’s more a case of understanding the effects of nuance in what you want to say. Putting yourself in the shoes of others will undoubtedly help immensely. You’re a natural at empathy, even if you’re not always confident of your skills; though it’s vital that you be kind to yourself, if you want to shine your brightest at showing compassion to those around you. That includes being alert to the nature of your feelings, especially what you might be reluctant to admit. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Astrology has it that there’s a relationship between self-esteem, deeply held values, and resources, centering in the concept of integrity. Examples include bestowing your time and money on a cause you really believe in, which in turn can boost your self-confidence. This week would likely be a good one to apply some discernment around what you do with the majority of your energy and will. That should help you redirect your efforts from anything that’s wasting or draining your strength, however appealing it might have seemed once, to work you can endorse right now with all your soul. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — To try and be the best person you can be is a useful plan at any time. Particularly now, though, you could actually develop a clear view of what that looks like for you. This will probably take a while to forge itself into a definite shape; be patient, and don’t force the issue. Just hold in your mind a sincere desire to grow into your vocation. Pay attention to what’s happening in your environment, which is likely to provide some clues. Understanding how you make your choices could also prove valuable. Above all, trust your judgment. This is a decision for you alone, and no-one has the right to narrow your field of options. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Our social framework seems not to favor entirely honest communication, including with ourselves. There’s a weirdness to the way that plays out in the present atmosphere of posting unfiltered trivialities on social media. Learning to be clear with oneself can be complicated with a temptation to broadcast one’s findings immediately, and discretion becomes a fine line to tread. What might help, this week, is for you to insert an obligatory break between having a revelation and sharing it. If you do discover something, chances are you’ll need time to decipher its full import. Treat it as delicately as an archaeological dig. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There would seem to be rather a heavy emphasis on your social world at present. If you enjoy this sort of thing, by all means let your hair down and have a good time. Be wary, though, of any indication that it might be getting too much. If you feel as if your energies are being diffused, consider which activities you can cut out. Prioritize real-world encounters over virtual; the former are more likely to be satisfying, relaxing or grounding. If necessary, take a break altogether until you feel ready to re-engage. You are most likely to benefit just now from your contacts being of the deep and thorough sort. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.
Planet Waves

Don’t forget to take advantage of this special gift: Eric’s Daily Horoscope can arrive in your mailbox by 7 am ET, containing great astrological guidance for all 12 signs. You can sign up with our compliments, though we welcome donations.


Monday Morning Horoscope for April 2, 2018

Planet Waves

Aries Birthdays 2018

On the Cusp of a New Journey

“I love that he does not just give ‘information,’ like what planets are coming and going, but also what that means for my sign, and how to make the best use of that transit or placement. Like having the issues that might be a challenge, and he offers insight on how best to work it for my highest good. Always informative! Presented with humor, and sensitivity.”

— Laura Garrity

Dear Friend with Aries Sun, Rising or Moon:

Not only is this your time of year, but this year marks the beginning of a uniquely dynamic time in your life. Just a couple days before the Sun leaves your sign, Chiron arrives for a nine-year journey.

Planet Waves
Snapshot of objects in Aries when Chiron arrives. Top to bottom: Chiron, Mercury (in direct motion), Eris, the Sun and Uranus (which is getting ready to leave).

As Eric recently wrote to Aries readers, “It’s time to pull your life into focus, and to devote yourself to the changes you know you have to make,” adding, “It represents an extended opportunity to devote yourself to a concentrated, meaningful healing process.”

Whether you anticipate Chiron’s arrival with eagerness to get started on what’s coming next, or you’re feeling nervous about the changes and challenges in store, one thing is clear: beginning the process with Eric’s 2018 Aries Birthday Reading in your pocket could make all the difference in the world.

Eric designs these readings to provide encouragement, reassurance, and actual information about your transits — in language you can understand, and with ideas you can put into practice immediately.

In the two astrology segments (each at least 30 minutes long), he’ll walk you through the opportunities you can expect in your relationships, career, finances, family dynamics, self-esteem and healing process, to name a few typical areas. When you pre-order your 2018 Birthday Reading early, you lock in the lowest price we offer: just $33 for the downloadable audio, the extended description of your sign, and all supporting materials.

Please note that the price will increase the closer Eric gets to publishing your reading.

“Today I was listening to last year’s reading and I kept feeling that I needed to get this year’s reading; I’m so glad I did. It answered everything, or at least helped me to realize I’m okay and actually very excited.”

— Rhonda Benson

I hope your solar year has begun with a surge of energy and creative ways to use it.

Wishing you the best for your Chiron journey,

Amanda Painter

P.S. You can listen for free to last year’s Aries reading here, to review Eric’s accuracy, before you pre-order the 2018 Aries reading — for yourself, or as a gift for a loved one.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — On Monday Mars and Saturn align in Capricorn, which is your 10th house of achievement, reputation and responsibility. Part of what makes this aspect so unusual is that both Mars and Saturn are well placed in Capricorn (possessing what’s known as ‘dignity’ in ancient astrology). Therefore, this points to a rare opportunity of some kind. But it will require that you go beyond a concept of yourself that says you’re only capable of so much commitment or responsibility. And you’ll need to work through certain authority issues, as you must be the one who takes charge and at the same time is able to coordinate with others who have some power. Your actual goal, as I see it described, is to accomplish something real without compromising your integrity. And the way that works out, you will need to break a few rules — and get away with it, too.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Venus, the planet associated with Taurus, is in your sign at the moment, which you can consider a rare blessing. In particular, the degree placement of Venus is aligned with a famous degree of the zodiac, one that has the image “the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” This is about joining the “earthly” and “celestial” orders of existence; or, said another way: you’re being encouraged to define your idea of heaven on Earth. The chances are, this will be a modest vision, where at least you have your basic needs met. Yet there’s something else: being free to seek your own truth, which means declaring yourself liberated from the oppressive ideas of others that are so easy to get trapped within. If our predecessors on this Earth actually understood the nature of reality, our planet would not be in the mess that it’s currently in. Therefore, question everything.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — How is this Mercury retrograde treating you? They’re all different. The theme of the current one, which lasts through April 15, is exploring the different ways you can present yourself in public. This can range from how you dress and what you claim you do (among the many possibilities), to something deeper, like your chosen role in your community. You’re already someone who is known for going against the grain, and doing things your own way. That’s an advantage, particularly in a world where most people are worried about standing out too much. There are other factors in your chart about standing apart, including making sure partners and loved ones know that you’re your own person. You don’t need permission, you merely need to put people on notice and then live your life your way. Anyone who loves you will endorse your freedom and your creative pursuits.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Monday there’s an alignment of Mars and Saturn in your opposite sign Capricorn. This is likely to relate to a longstanding stuck or sluggish situation that has finally reached the point where it’s ready to move. You won’t need to apply force; just firm, gentle persistence. It’s probable that others have points that are worth taking on board. If you can do that, you may discover that people who seemed intractable in the past are now willing to be flexible, and even of service. Bring the discussion around to common ground, shared interests, and the higher principles involved. And remember that you are appreciated for what you do, and recognized for who you are. You don’t need to say that out loud; just remind yourself of something that is obvious on its face, and don’t forget it. In the event of an impasse or inability to come to an agreement, you are free to move on.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You can avoid conflict and controversy at work by taking the higher ground. Part of that will include making sure you get the job done, and that you help organize the people around you in support of this. Nothing speaks as boldly as competence, and running on time. Yet the one thing you don’t need to do is assert your authority. That would probably backfire, and there are much better approaches. Instead, use charm and charisma. Ask for anything you need. Call in favors or let people know you support their plans. Do whatever it takes to get people cooperating. While you’re on the “making things happen” patrol, if you can align current developments with a long-term plan you’ve been brewing, you could be planting the acorn that will grow into the mighty oak.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Anything that depends on creativity has two main properties: it will be at least a little messy, and it will change you in the process. These facts alone account for why so many people avoid actually indulging themselves in anything genuinely evocative of art. It’s considered easier to stay the same, and preferable to keep things tidy. However, that’s not what your chart is about right now. It’s all about churning things up, breaking routines, violating rules, staying up too late and actually doing something satisfying. You have plenty of discipline; that’s not an issue. What you need to allow yourself to do is have the feeling of going off the rails, and maybe risking dropping a can of paint or blowing a circuit breaker. While your chart is describing some kind of project with a creative result, this whole scenario is equally applicable to a sexual endeavor of some kind.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Are you done feeling safe and secure? Has this obsession gotten you — or the world, or anyone in human history — anywhere, really? You don’t need to court danger. You don’t need to take stupid risks. All you need is not to put safety and security as priorities above all others. For example, if you’re writing comedy, the goal cannot be to “not be offensive.” The goal needs to be having fun, relating an idea and entertaining your audience, which may indeed involve pissing someone off along the line. If your goal is to have a secure living space, ask yourself if you’re really free to do what you want to do there; and if you feel like you might not be, you should try it and find out. You will only feel some form of safety when you know that you’re actually willing to be who you are, and to a real extent, to do what you want to do.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If you’re angry about something, find a creative way to express it. You don’t need to rage, and you don’t need to harm anyone. You’re the natural psychological master of the zodiac, and you have a dry, clever sense of humor. Those are talents you need to keep close to you at all times. At this moment, you clearly have something to say, and you want to get your point across. Start with a plain expression of the known facts. Then when it comes to interpreting them, go for understatement. You may need to work at this for a little while, and it will be worth the effort (even if it takes five rewrites over the next three days). This is likely to get you started on a new phase of expressing your ideas, and also participating in your community. You’re a natural-born spokesman for the truth, and we need you.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may think you have to renovate your entire financial life, though there’s just one decision you need to make. It’s the kind of decision that provides the groundwork for many others (on the level of values). Yet if you see it as one choice and not as many, it will be easier to grasp, and easier to see with the necessary contrast that will make the choice easy. Remember that you’re in a special phase of growth where you’re arranging your life around what is truly right for you. You’ve always leaned in this direction, though you know that you need to work your way up from your bottom line. Not everyone has the strength to do this, and you may raise some eyebrows along the way. All you’re really doing is taking leadership in your own life, and providing an example for others to do the same.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — On Monday there’s an alignment of Mars and Saturn in your birth sign. If you know something about astrology, you know that there’s a Mars-Saturn conjunction about once every two years. Yet it will only happen in your sign once for the next 29 years, and that day is Monday. So whatever this represents, it’s a kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity or opening. The thing to remember is that Mars is exalted in Capricorn, and Saturn rules your sign. So if this is a matter of “what can one person accomplish?” you would be wise to set no limits on the possibilities. One other thing: when you truly define yourself as who you are, through your actions, you will almost surely be going against what you presume are the wishes of your family. And then, once you go your own way and do your own thing, maybe you can meet back up with them — this time as equals, on level ground.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The world is in a frightful state right now. Sometimes it seems like fear is the only emotion, and the only thing that people genuinely respect. Yet it’s not the only experience available; and when people respond from anxiety, fear or terror, that has nothing to do with respect. You seem to be undergoing a kind of initiation now, where you decide what role fear is going to have in your life. There can be no doubting that we’re all being influenced 24/7 to have panic attacks. Yet you’re intelligent enough to know that this cannot be what rules the world, or your world. Even so, you cannot ignore the problem. One thing I can assure you is that there is a better way. There is a solution. There are other approaches, and if you keep your attention focused inwardly, and observe what is happening, you will take a giant step toward that better way.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — One of the boldest statements being made by your solar chart is that it’s time to improve your income. This is not about a windfall or temporary gain; it’s about your standing in society, which is as much about participation and involvement as it is about money and resources. However, you’re at a stage of your development where you’re likely to find all of these things in the same place, in the same role, or the same activity. You’re close to breaking through a seeming barrier or obstacle — so close you may have already done it, and you don’t realize it yet. So the thing to do is to work your agenda, don’t be intimidated by anyone or anything, and proceed as if you’re already in what might seem like a new role — but is really your most natural expression of your soul’s mission.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2018

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2018, #1195 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Planet Waves

Aries Birthdays 2018
On the Cusp of a New Journey

“I love that he does not just give ‘information,’ like what planets are coming and going, but also what that means for my sign, and how to make the best use of that transit or placement. Like having the issues that might be a challenge, and he offers insight on how best to work it for my highest good. Always informative! Presented with humor, and sensitivity.”

— Laura Garrity

Dear Friend with Aries Sun, Rising or Moon:

Not only is this your time of year, but this year marks the beginning of a uniquely dynamic time in your life. Just a couple days before the Sun leaves your sign, Chiron arrives for a nine-year journey.

Planet Waves
Snapshot of objects in Aries when Chiron arrives. Top to bottom: Chiron, Mercury (in direct motion), Eris, the Sun and Uranus (which is getting ready to leave).

As Eric recently wrote to Aries readers, “It’s time to pull your life into focus, and to devote yourself to the changes you know you have to make,” adding, “It represents an extended opportunity to devote yourself to a concentrated, meaningful healing process.”

Whether you anticipate Chiron’s arrival with eagerness to get started on what’s coming next, or you’re feeling nervous about the changes and challenges in store, one thing is clear: beginning the process with Eric’s 2018 Aries Birthday Reading in your pocket could make all the difference in the world.

Eric designs these readings to provide encouragement, reassurance, and actual information about your transits — in language you can understand, and with ideas you can put into practice immediately.

In the two astrology segments (each at least 30 minutes long), he’ll walk you through the opportunities you can expect in your relationships, career, finances, family dynamics, self-esteem and healing process, to name a few typical areas. When you pre-order your 2018 Birthday Reading early, you lock in the lowest price we offer: just $33 for the downloadable audio, the extended description of your sign, and all supporting materials.

Please note that the price will increase the closer Eric gets to publishing your reading.

“Today I was listening to last year’s reading and I kept feeling that I needed to get this year’s reading; I’m so glad I did. It answered everything, or at least helped me to realize I’m okay and actually very excited.”

— Rhonda Benson

I hope your solar year has begun with a surge of energy and creative ways to use it.

Wishing you the best for your Chiron journey,

Amanda Painter

P.S. You can listen for free to last year’s Aries reading here, to review Eric’s accuracy, before you pre-order the 2018 Aries reading — for yourself, or as a gift for a loved one.



Aries (March 20-April 19) — You do exist. If you consider that long enough, and carefully enough, you will cause an earthquake. Much of the crisis of our society, its sickness and its violence and its obsession with identity, is all about a struggle to acknowledge existence. There are many ways to do this. Marshall McLuhan, the brilliant and infamous media theorist of the Sixties, said that identity is always established through aggression. I would say that’s true, when other more elementary biological factors are missing, such as living passionately, and engaging your sexuality. Chiron is about to enter your birth sign and, after a brief phase-in, will be there for the next nine years. Along with Chiron is a potent, more recently discovered point called Salacia. Representing all things salty, you might say that Salacia offers the opportunity to grow and evolve through understanding and exploring your sexuality. When you combine this with Chiron — which will be the case for the next few years — you get an extended, though once-in-a-lifetime, opportunity to focus on an aspect of healing that everyone seems to understand needs emphasis, but few know how to approach. And how do you approach it? You just start; and keep reading, having conversations and exploring physically till you catch on to the rhythm. There is a world awaiting you, and the taboo is rapidly falling away. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Inner awareness is a gift, and it’s one you can cultivate for yourself. This month, the very search-beam of consciousness — the minor planet Chiron — moves into the most sensitive and, in truth, amazing angle of your solar chart: your 12th solar house, Aries. I am always amazed when I hear about the lack of personal association with the notion of inner life or inner awareness, as if the whole universe exists outside of us. You, however, are aware that your reality is mostly within you; and though at times you may feel like a hot mess (particularly in recent years, with Uranus passing through Aries), you are very much awake and alert to your existence within yourself. Chiron is going to focus this for you, and make your quest for identity feel like a natural process — if you are willing to cooperate. People tend to cling to ideas about who they are, rather than seeking to understand what exactly they are drawing up out of the Earth, and synthesizing into the fabric of their soul. This is not a conceptual process. It’s not an intellectual exercise. You are a cosmic being, co-creating yourself with the universal creative force that sustains all life. You bring your absolutely unique approach to existence. Chiron will help you let yourself grow, and let yourself shine. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Yours is one of the most social signs. This is partly about your being willing to converse with anyone, such as gangsters, monks, fromageurs, philosophers and space aliens. Yet the more interesting thing is why you do that: you establish and stabilize your presence in the world through social means. It would be nice if everyone did that; we would have more potluck dinners and fewer school shootings. However, there is an astonishing social phobia in the world, which is fueled by an obsession with elitism that is just torturing many, many people. Psychologists have studied ingroup/outgroup phenomena for years, and that has not helped matters much. You can, however. Your healing role through the extended run of Chiron in Aries (which will last into 2027) is that of social ambassador. You are excellent at subverting absurd social rules, mainly by walking up to people and talking to them. In everything you do, you will be helping usher people through the barriers, the security checkpoints and the glass walls of our world. This is the work of a master healer; and if you don’t qualify today, you will embark on that path. At the outset, consider that what benefits others benefits you — and that the secret to your magic is self-acceptance. A fairer, more open and communicative world, without absurd social barriers, will be a much happier world. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Chiron in Aries is the transit you’ve been waiting for. You will either discover your true calling or, more likely, confirm that you’ve been following it all along. The added factor of Chiron is one of leadership. You must be willing to be visible, and to be an example and mentor to others. And it’s essential that you venture into some new territory every single day. You may not think of yourself as a pioneer, though at least you tend to be an early settler in new and unusual country. You are counted on as someone who establishes basic norms, roles and protocols, because your mind works well that way. You might think of these as family traditions. There is more, though. Chiron moving through the 10th has been described in the early literature as taking on the mantle of power. This may be subtle; it may be overt; though one thing is for sure: our world and our society needs a new concept of authority; one that is responsive to people’s feelings, needs and personal gifts, and is not strictly centered on profit as its concept of the greatest good. If all this sounds appealing, the potential downside will be the need to live as if you have a TV camera trained on you at all times. In terms of your ethics, you will have zero wiggle room. You don’t need much anyway. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The notion of “God” or even “god” has been so abused over the centuries that it’s warned many people off of their natural spiritual quest. Then, looking at things from the other direction, the notion of religion has been turned into a kind of mental virus, turning everything from Coca-Cola to the Republican Party into an act of worship. Yet you have a relationship to existence, and your sense of being and your relationship to the world depend on it. Enter Chiron into your 9th house, which is the astrological sigil of the spiritual quest. This is not about theory or armchair travel: it’s about gaining experience. It’s about the genuine practice of Know Thyself, seek and ye shall find, and learning as discovering that something is possible. There is an aspect to your journey that will benefit from reading and study, though I suggest you go to the old books rather than the new ones. You want literature written by authors, not marketing execs, and that never came close to the New York Times bestseller list. The way to travel places is by yourself, not with a group. You want the independence to spend three days somewhere that a group might spend three hours. Most of all, you need to seek your own understanding of reality and of existence. This is the beginning of a great adventure. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Barbara Hand Clow, author of one of the original books on Chiron, said she had very few clients with Chiron in the 8th house, because they were so secretive. Now, Chiron is about to enter your 8th solar house; after a nine-month transition in, it will remain there for almost a decade, which is similar to a natal placement. One thing we can say for sure is that this will take you on a journey through the mysteries of sex, death, transformation, rebirth and money — all usually cloaked from view or considered too taboo to discuss. Your most vital task in these years will be to practice self-disclosure. Virgo has a way of acting conspiratorially, concealing your plans till the last minute and conducting your life on a “need to know” basis, like in a spy novel. While this focuses your sense of your own power, it limits your capacity for intimacy. It has a way of isolating you, and making you seem self-centered in a way that you don’t want to be. Revealing the truth of your reality, especially to the people you consider intimates, is the very essence of what will set you free. Allowing yourself to transcend any fear that might block you from doing this will help you learn how to be vulnerable; which, contrary to popular belief, is the only way to feel safe. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Have you been able to make any sense at all of your relationships during the past seven years or so? There have been nonstop changes, genuinely odd people coming and going, various misadventures, and perhaps some who have stuck with you through thick and thin. With Chiron entering Aries, your mirror house of partnerships, you will soon feel drawn to engaging in a healing process where close partners are concerned. This will apply to relationships in general, and the way that you see and experience the world (all of which also count for your experience of your environment). Chiron is going to drop a lens in front of this facet of your reality, and all at once you will see what you’ve been missing. I propose one discovery you’ll make is that you’ve learned things you would never give up or do over, even if it meant your life being simpler or more stable. One of the crucial things you did during this phase is a kind of unlearning of patterns and tendencies that may have ruled your life in the past. You now get to re-focus, and redesign your relationships in a way that works for you. Or, at least, you get to set some goals and boundaries, and experiment with whether the people currently in your life are interested in playing along. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Work is a vital part of your life, your growth, your wellbeing and who you feel you are. This is sometimes said to be an American phenomenon, though anyone who likes going to work is extremely fortunate. Seen another way, such people are not wasting their lives — and this is something that you of all people cannot do. Your work must be meaningful to you, and you must be the person you really are, when you’re in your day job. If this does not apply to you, you can still have a good long (or maybe short) talk with yourself about what you really want to do with your precious time and your precious mind. You have a calling. There is something you want to spend your days doing. Does it pay as well as what you do now? If it does not at the beginning, there’s nothing blocking your success in that regard, since you happen to be good with money. However, money is not the issue. Your ability to live with yourself is. Your ability to thrive is. Whatever you do, you will find a way to identify with it. Therefore, invest your energy into what you value, what you can be proud of, and what you can actually love. There is a word for this: Dharma, acting as if to hold the world together. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’re in something of a personal renaissance. That’s a beautiful thing. From the look of your solar chart, you seem open to all kinds of experiences, which you want in actual, physical form — not in virtual form. You can afford to push your courage, and try things you never would have done, as long as you remember that life is an experiment (which I like to call an experi-o-ment, because it’s about gaining experience). Now, Chiron is about to enter Aries. This is going to push the matter more than it already has been, which is quite a lot, over the past few years. If you’ve been living out your astrology during that time, you may have made a decision similar to my Sagittarius bandmate and music teacher Daniel Marc: you quit being the assistant manager of a little club in upstate New York, so you can play music all the time. This is the moment when your art has to take over your life. Your art is the thing you do where you stay awake and alive the whole time. Your art is where you want to keep extending your awareness, creativity and consciousness into existence, and you don’t want to pull back because it gets too intense. Your art is your passion, your true erotic connection, your sense of personal quest, and validation that you’re alive for a very good reason. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The theme of your life these days involves understanding your family connection. Family is tribe, in the closest sense we as members of Western civilization can get to the hunter-gatherers roaming around Africa eating magic mushrooms a million years ago. You identify strongly both with family and with the concept of the tribe; though, with Chiron’s arrival in Aries, you may start to question that. The thing with a tribe is that it tends to subjugate, or outright ban, too much individuality. And it would seem that the thing you want the most is to live life as a discrete being rather than as a member of a hive or collective organism. One way to do some reality testing is to consider all the things you cannot say to your family of origin or your family of choice (including your closest friends). What you cannot say may be something you’ve stuffed so deep under the surface, in order to conform, that you’ve lost track of it. If you retrieve that feeling, thought or idea, you get a little panicky about whether you’ll still be acceptable to those you seemingly identify with so strongly. Pick the thing that would potentially be the most offensive, shocking or embarrassing, and imagine having a little coming-out party. Could you actually do it? Could you say what you really say, do, feel, want, or know is true? For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Yours is somewhat famously the sign associated with inventors, inventions and technology. That’s another way of saying that Aquarius is one of the signs most associated with ideas. This appears astrologically for you as Aries, the sign of identity, in your 3rd solar house of ideas. You are your ideas; you cannot help yourself. Others may think you’re into abstractions and concepts for their own sake, but they are like food and water to you. Later this month, Chiron will make its first foray into Aries since the late 1960s. Your experience of life as mind as idea as invention will find a new peak and, in particular, a point of focus. Here is a clue: apart from any intellectual pursuit you may spark up, or deepen, the 3rd house is also about your community. It has its origins in describing the little cluster of homes that starts as a family farm and then becomes a hamlet and then a village. This is not community as in all the nurses of the world, or people on a Facebook group; this is the community where you can walk around, open doors and visit people face to face. It’s the community that can have potluck dinners and Scrabble night or contra dancing, or a political event; that can get together and solve a vexing problem requiring the brainpower of intelligent people. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Chiron has been in your sign since April 20, 2010. That was a long time ago. In a certain way, despite much other astrology going by, this one transit has been a defining factor in your life. Chiron (a not-so-minor minor planet discovered in 1977) has a way of doing that: it makes itself known, and the more you acknowledge the subject matter that it’s presenting, the more productive that is. Chiron can also bring crisis (or one after the next), which would be especially possible if you were born between 1960 and 1968 and experienced your Chiron return in recent years. Yet despite any inconvenience, the role of Chiron is to help clarify and resolve the past, and to put you in contact with your deeper being. It is fair to say that in these past eight years, you have made significant discoveries about who you are. Now that Chiron is entering Aries, you’re being called to invest these ideas into yourself, with full commitment. Aries is about taking action, based on what you have learned. You’ve been experimenting with this for a long time, since there’s been no shortage of planets in Aries, going back many years. Yet Chiron’s change of signs will enhance your focusing power, help you identify your priorities and, most of all, guide you to connect with the resources (both inner and outer) to make things happen. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.
Planet Waves

Don’t forget to take advantage of this special gift: Eric’s Daily Horoscope can arrive in your mailbox by 7 am ET, containing great astrological guidance for all 12 signs. You can sign up with our compliments, though we welcome donations.