Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 12, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — With lots happening in Aries this week, including the grand entrance of Chiron into your sign, you might expect to be dashing about like a dog on a mission. However, the changes need time to shake and settle themselves into place, and so do you. Mercury is stationing direct; and a New Moon is taking place amid the conjunction that’s defined the last couple of years. Both events are suggestive of pausing and reflecting on the recent past, in terms of how that’s been for you. Doing so should enable you to move on when you’re ready, with a clear focus on the path you need to take. Note that Chiron in Aries will pose certain questions surrounding identity for all of us; this is true of you in particular. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.
Planet Waves
Your Aries reading is ready; read more about it here (including special combo offers).

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Uncertainty and sudden change are not much fun for human beings, as we’re more often than not creatures of routine. You’ve just experienced about seven years of Uranus moving through an area in your chart associated with your inner life, and your deepest emotions and thoughts; essentially turning you inside out and bringing you face-to-face with the most secret parts of yourself. Now Chiron is about to cover the same ground, which likely heralds a phase of rebuilding after the chaos. You might be tempted to reinstate old habits, especially if they meant stability for you. Be careful not to let that happen. You’re free to establish an entirely new order of operations. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Taurus Birthdays 2018:

Are You Ready to Surprise Yourself This Year?

“I’ve known Eric Francis and his work since 1997; we did a phone reading. He was my lifeline, which helped through 15 years of raising two boys solo, and he’s still helping me through life/identity crisis, post children. His vision is uncanny — he seems to know Taureans better than we know ourselves.”

— Leo L.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Are you ready for this year? Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, arrives in your sign in less than five weeks. And Chiron — raiser of awareness — begins its transition into the most veiled part of your chart in less than one week.

Planet Waves

Translation: how you experience yourself — both consciously and unconsciously — is about to change shape. Or to put it another way: get ready to surprise yourself.

Speaking as someone with her Sun in Taurus, I am well aware that unexpected changes, particularly the kind that seem to happen forcibly through outside factors, can be incredibly challenging. Yet, I’ve also discovered that the more I initiate doing things in a new way, or allow a new part of myself to emerge and develop, the happier I am. I’m actually curious to see how that unfolds when Uranus arrives in my Sun sign.

You can bet that Eric is going to cover this dynamic and the sign changes of Chiron and Uranus in your 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading.

If you read your annual reading for Taurus (The Art of Becoming), you have some sense of what to expect. But Eric creates the birthday readings fresh; and when he records your two segments of audio astrology (at least 30 minutes each), he’ll have the benefit of Chiron’s first weeks in Aries to draw from.

When you pre-order your 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading, you lock in the lowest price we offer. As the reading nears publication, the price increases. If you’d rather place your order by phone, you may call us on (877) 453-8265 from within the U.S., or (206) 567-4455 internationally, during Eastern business hours.

“Ah Eric — just listened to your reading. I was moved to tears by your closing words. Your passion, deep care and love always shine through; and you have the gift of all great teachers, of making one feel that one is being personally addressed, respected and taken care of.”

— Liz Glanville

Wishing you all the best for the upcoming Taurus season,

Amanda Painter



Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury stationing direct in Aries is likely to reveal some fundamental truth about the way you relate to your community. Chiron entering the same sign will probably follow this up more slowly and in a wider context. Your sense of identity has natural roots in your social environment, which can vary considerably in terms of breadth. In a way, what you can do in the world depends on how open-minded you are about what constitutes your community; that is, who is included, and who is not. Chiron’s presence in this region of your life may well, over time, help you to stretch those borders — and likewise your potential for growth. But you must be willing to receive the ideas. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — With Chiron entering your house of career and ambitions, it’s possible that over the next few years your understanding of your life’s work and direction will open up in ways you might not have thought possible. If you’ve placed any kind of limit on your imagination, this may well represent an opportunity to remove the guardrails and stretch your wings. This is especially the case if you’ve been inclined to allow other people, or the wish for their approval, to define your boundaries: it’s natural to want to be accepted, but you can’t live your life on that basis. Standing out and being boldly yourself regardless of reaction may be scary; but you’re about to discover that nothing else will do. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The ultimate point of any spiritual endeavor, ranging the whole gamut from one divination session to a decades-long committed path, boils down to two essential questions: who you are now, and who you can become. We each contain a universe within ourselves, and therefore our potential remains infinite. To a degree, you know this intuitively; yet sometimes it’s not easy to find the thread, because of the myriad ways our culture works to contain us and place us into neat little demographic boxes, the easier to manipulate and control. With Chiron about to enter the realm of your personal faith, you have the opportunity to grasp at the real truth, and maintain a firm grip. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This week’s events in your 8th solar house shed light on how you sometimes invest most, if not all, of your self-worth in the concept of usefulness. That’s to say, you tend to consider yourself almost invalid unless you are helping someone else, and consequently might feel that your identity and purpose are bound up in that work. It would perhaps help you to understand that you are, in fact, a separate entity, and that you have a mission all your own. Chiron entering this delicate space in your chart should better reconcile you to this idea. Caring for others is an important role; it’s essential, however, that in carrying it out you find rather than lose yourself. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your sign has a unique perspective on relationships; you can understand, as if innately, the tendency we all have to project onto others in various ways. Chiron entering your opposite sign will probably help you fine-tune that skill. It should also, through your observations of others, help you to turn the searchlight of your gaze inward. Mercury stationing direct in the same sign could very well kick off this process; revealing a key truth about where you place yourself in the context of your interactions with others, and what that means regarding your sense of self and independence. Over the next few years, you may find you’re the one setting an example in terms of relating without compromise. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Uranus moving through your region of work and daily habits undoubtedly caused fundamental alterations to the way you view and spend the majority of your time. In the best-case scenario, the details of how you work and live would be an accurate reflection of who you are and of the values you seek to uphold. Uranus can often feel like an electric jolt in its influence, and it may have been a Herculean task to form any kind of stable working regimen. Chiron’s energy is much better suited to the focus this process requires. While Mercury is still changing direction, it might help if you first spend some time meditating on where you want this next phase of your life to go. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your sign would rarely be considered to have any trouble with frankness or honesty. If anything, your penchant for saying what’s true can get other people rattled. Yet Chiron’s forthcoming change of sign might address the question of what you don’t express when it comes to your deeper desires. Sometimes we can be almost blunt on some matters in order to mask our feelings about others. Chiron is a congenial planet for you. Its presence is likely to open you up increasingly to what you really want, and assist you in removing any vestige of shame you may feel about owning the unique desires and creative urges that make you who you are. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Part of the reason early experiences can be so powerful an influence on our lives is because the younger you are, the more your brain is like a blank canvas, and the greater the range of potential. Youth is impressionable, and so what we learn growing up is important. It’s also true, however, that you don’t have to settle into a fixed perspective as you age. The adult brain is surprisingly elastic, especially if you keep actively learning. You’re almost certainly about to develop a fresh outlook on the people and events of former days, and especially on the restrictions these may have placed on you. Give this process the time and effort it needs, and the result could be incredibly liberating. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — In popular culture Aquarius is often portrayed as something of a maverick, owing to the influence of your sign’s modern ruler Uranus. It’s true that you generally bring something fresh and lively to the conversation. Yet Saturn was the original ruler, and it shows: in uncertain times, you may cling to what you’ve always known for safety. Recent events have been guiding you slowly to detach your grip, and embrace the potential in your Uranian side. Chiron, which also contains both facets, is offering you the chance to work with them together in a purer harmony. Understanding how each is important to you is the first point. Once you’ve accomplished that, the potential for what you can do is almost infinite. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The big moment of Chiron leaving your sign and entering your 2nd house finally arrives Tuesday, and the chances are you’re more than ready. The past few weeks have likely afforded you key information on what feeds your self-esteem and self-concept; the eight years of Chiron in Pisces have underpinned all of that, by refining your sense of identity. During the next year or so, as Chiron completes its transition, be prepared to focus and hone that sense to near-perfection. You’re in the process of bringing something truly beautiful into the world, the more so because it is bathed in the essence of you. With Chiron’s aid, you will hopefully come to realize just how true that is. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Read the story behind the creation of The Art of Becoming — your magnificent annual readings, which will help you navigate through this year’s unusual, challenging astrology. Or you may visit our most beautiful website ever, which has lots of free features.
Planet Waves

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