Category Archives: Horoscopes

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 27, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 27, 2018, #1220 | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — As Mars continues to retrace the area where it was retrograde, what you learned and experienced during that period is still producing revelations, some being of a deeply profound nature. You seem to be coming in contact with alternative ways of viewing the world, and are in a unique position to listen to and understand what might not otherwise come naturally. Close partners or friends may assist here. Remember that seeing the proverbial forest for the trees can be an especially challenging feat when you’re surrounded by a thick cluster of conifers. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The world can sometimes seem a pretty chaotic place; what might look like the perfect plan can be subject to delays, hindrances, challenges or changes of mind and mood. Our limited perspective means that finding the best way forward is often a matter of trial and error. Yet, with persistence, you can reach a goal even if that involves taking one step back for every two or three forward. First, be sure you know what you want. Then do what you can, as frequently as you can. And every time you get distracted or waylaid, just keep returning to the path. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Juno, an asteroid that refers to committed relationships, is about to do something pretty rare. It will enter your sign, and then station retrograde within two weeks while still in the first degree. This could give you an unusual chance to consider your attitude and beliefs on this topic, including asking yourself what you truly want from a partnership; sorting your needs from your desires; and figuring out where you end and others begin. You have the opportunity to deconstruct certain ideas on a deep level and toss out what isn’t useful, so that you can concentrate on your real priorities. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Many people have it pretty tough at some point during their lives; we often face challenges and opposition to being ourselves, in whatever way that manifests. This process tends to start in the childhood home, but can appear in adulthood as well, especially if you dare to be different. You seem to have come through a time of trial, whether rooted deep in the past or more relevant to today, which you’ve experienced with dignity and grace. Keep expressing your unique qualities, regardless of anyone else. Your moral courage is more than likely being noticed. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — When your spirited and charming manner is paired with that determination belonging most obviously to the fixed signs, you can accomplish almost anything you desire. That’s a wonderful power to possess, and only really causes difficulties when you fix on getting something that’s not entirely healthy or wise. This week, examine any impulses carefully, and don’t let them turn into immediate, less conscious action. Instead, if you want to get somewhere, I recommend following a more logical path and keeping an eye on how well it works for you.Get your full reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — When we describe people as ‘wed to their career’, or to their art, in many cases what this really means is that they’re particularly independent, autonomous and complete within themselves. This isn’t a more valid path to one’s truth than being invested in a relationship; rather, it shows that it’s possible to feel and be whole without depending on one specific person. Knowing this can be tremendously empowering, not least because it offers the full gamut of options for living your life precisely as you choose, without the need to follow a societal narrative. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:
Instant Access to Your 2018 Libra Astrology

“Eric’s uplifting, thoughtful commentaries and imaginative cosmological worldview gave me great comfort during the depths of an extremely painful episode. He was my friend in absentia, as I am his in spirit. Thanks for all you do at Planet Waves.”

— K.S.

Dear Friend and Reader:

This past weekend, Eric recorded the two astrology segments of your 2018-19 Libra Astrology Studio (previously called the Libra Birthday Reading) — and they’re available for instant access.

You can hear Eric discuss some of your reading’s themes in this audio sample.

And if you give the 2018 Libra Astrology Studio to a loved one as a gift, they’ll get instant access to the two astrology sections — and we’ll send them an email when the tarot portion is ready.

Wishing you an amazing year,

Amanda Painter


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It is often wise to seek advice and pointers from others, especially experts in their field; it’s not incumbent on us to take said counsel to heart, but we can give them a hearing. Yet it’s also true that we are the ultimate experts on our own thoughts and feelings. In seeking to resolve a certain issue this week, be open to recognizing and respecting your own knowledge. You have a clearer and better-informed perspective than you realize. Even if it seems others’ opinions contradict your own awareness, bear in mind whatever ideas you’re forming. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You’ve undergone a process of reviewing certain decisions and opinions; which is probably putting it mildly. You might consider Venus about to station retrograde in your sign as phase two of this operation, which is likely to be a lot gentler and less apparently disruptive. Venus will help you guide the rivers of your emotional strength to flow more easily and freely; you can assist by paying close attention to your well-honed feelings and instincts, and not ignoring or attempting to suppress your wishes and desires. Let your soul dance and breathe. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — In terms of a particular skill set or understanding that you’re developing, you’ve now reached the stage where you’re beginning to see the fruits of your labor. Hopefully this is encouraging enough to boost your self-confidence: if you’re not quite there yet, take a glance back and note how far forward you’ve moved. If you’re truly passionate about what you’re doing, don’t allow anything or anyone to dampen your enthusiasm or enjoyment. There will always be opposition to whatever is worth striving for; you’ve faced down too much of that already to stop now. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Life is almost always a string of ups and downs, and it’s an unfortunate (if once useful) quirk of the human brain that the descents tend to make a more profound impression than the climbs. Perhaps this is what helps us to keep striving for improvement; certainly it seems comforting to think that the situations we find ourselves in are often better than they first appear. When all is said and done, you have plenty of resources, including within yourself; and a worthwhile aim in mind, which you have every reason to continue pursuing. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There are times when it’s necessary to say and do what seems most beneficial to everyone involved; there are other times when you have to express your views or feelings, even if it appears discomfiting to others. The right course isn’t always easy to see, which is why philosophers have such trouble grappling with the question of ethics. In the present case, it looks as if you need to be true to your values, regardless of whose sensibilities you might offend by so doing. Indignation is easy; nuance is harder. Give people something to think about. Get your full reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The word ‘namaste’ is an acknowledgement that there is a divine part within all of us, though we don’t always notice it in ourselves or each other. During the next few weeks, it’s likely that you’ll have an unusual number of opportunities to encounter certain individuals on this high level, and for your soul to communicate directly with theirs, as though the cosmos is talking with itself. Of course, this will work best if you’re willing to be open to this perspective, and to trust that what you’re seeing is for real. After all, you already have the requisite sensitivity. Get your full reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 24, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — The goal of many people is to “fit in.” For two reasons described by your astrology, this is not going to work for you. The first is an immediate situation: Mars is making its way across Aquarius, an important zone of your chart associated with your social interactions. Mars does not take any bullshit, and the combination of Mars and Aquarius will bring out your most individualistic properties. Second is a long-range transit, which is Chiron in your birth sign. This has been in effect for about six months; after one last retrograde into Pisces, it will continue for another nine years. Chiron is the maverick: the one who stands apart. This is less about individuation and more about profound necessity. As Bob Dylan once wrote, if you try to be anyone but yourself, you will fail. When you look around at all of the struggle, the strife, the jealousy and (to use Bob’s word) failure, consider how much of that is about the refusal to be oneself. As I said: not an option for you. Get your full Aries reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Venus, the Taurus planet, is now in your opposite sign Scorpio. This describes an unusual opportunity in all of your relationships, which is for you to see things from the point of view of those who experience you. Yet as this process moves deeper, with the retrograde of Venus from Oct. 5 through Nov. 16, the theme changes, to others seeing the world from your point of view — and this may be intense for them. People tend to seek completion in their relationships. There is often the search for the “missing piece.” Sooner or later, everyone arrives at the realization that their missing piece is within them, not held by someone else. There will be a little of this in all of your exchanges with others. Here’s a simple way to work with this energy: ask yourself what you seek from others, and how you can get some, most, or all of it from yourself. Get your full Taurus reading here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Are you struggling to make something? To build or create something? If so, remember: that which you’re creating is yourself. When you’re actually in a space of self-creation, that pushes the entire environment that surrounds you, because you’re part of your world, and your world is part of the pattern of your life. This is about you coming out of your comfort zone, which to some extent will give everyone around you a little push, whether you’re doing it intentionally or not. And herein lies the problem of conformity. Most people you meet refuse to engage this process and emerge as themselves specifically because they are in fear of this knock-on effect: when you change, everyone else has to, even if just a little. And this has a way of keeping everyone petrified and calcified into their “place,” which means state of mind. For you at least, those days are over. Get your full Gemini reading here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Monday’s Full Moon illuminates your professional potential, in that distinctive style of Chiron. However, at this juncture, let’s note the difference between a career and a vocation. To career means to run at full speed (it’s originally a verb; we use it as a noun: to have a career). A vocation is a calling, or more accurately, a spiritual calling, as if from God or the Universe. Chiron, now in your solar 10th house, is being graced and, in a sense, revealed by the Full Moon in Aries. Chiron emphasizes the vocational or calling aspect of the work that you do. Chiron is all about the work itself; the process of learning and teaching; the inconvenient but vitally important effort; the delayed result. Given that Aries is involved, remember, this is not about something that you do, it’s about who you are. So to follow this calling is to respond to your own soul inviting you to become. And in truth, it does not matter what you do, only how you do it. Get your full Cancer reading here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You need to spread your wings. You are discovering that the world is a wider, wilder place than you imagined, and you need to see more of it, feel more of it and in a sense, become more of it. This is a distinctly spiritual calling: that is, the purpose is to get closer to God, however you may interpret that. It’s associated with Chiron in Aries, now moving over the first degree of that sign, a spot called the Aries Point. This is a larger-than-life point in the zodiac. While (after the winter) Chiron will spend the next nine years in Aries, and in theory this gives you plenty of time, the beginning of this journey is important. Monday’s Full Moon is conjunct Chiron, which is calling attention to whatever this placement means to you. The Moon is likely to illuminate a desire, a destination, a pull, a craving. Note it carefully, as there is an element of truth to it. Whatever it is, let yourself feel it — and face the direction that you want to go. Get your full Leo reading here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There’s something you’re seeing in its most idealistic potential, and you must be careful about that. Take your time, and be discerning. This is definitely not a time when you can assume that first impressions are correct. Rather, count them as your face-value experience, and then give things (meaning events, and people) time and see what percolates through your reality. In terms of evaluating another person, the most vital thing you can do is size up how you feel in someone’s presence. If you meet someone and, when you’re with them, you find yourself not liking yourself, notice that — that’s your signal. If you meet someone and you feel good about yourself, that’s your signal. I am not talking about comfort. Important teachers, formal or informal, are supposed to push us into new territory. Also, beware of a special kind of ego trip where you might pretend “someone is judging you.” So as suggested above — give it all time. Evaluate slowly. Listen to yourself. Get your full Virgo reading here.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:

Balance and Beauty: A Perfect Reading for Your Year Ahead

“I am absolutely impressed with my Libra birthday reading! It’s like Eric was talking directly to me. Everything he said is what has been happening. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric! Longtime Planet Waves fan.”

— S.R., on a previous Libra birthday reading

Dear Friend and Reader:

Things are about to get interesting for your ruling planet, Venus. In just a few weeks, it’ll station retrograde in Scorpio, and progress slowly back into your sign. For you, this is likely to cover themes such as your identity, values, resources and self-perception.


This rare retrograde phase will be just one of the factors in your solar year that Eric will discuss in your 2018-19 Libra Astrology Studio (formerly known as the Birthday Reading).

Eric’s readings are consistently reliable, high-quality sources of knowledge that you can draw on repeatedly for guidance, delivered in a friendly, accessible manner. Eric uses his 20-plus years of astrological wisdom to get right to the heart of what’s important to you.

“As always, your reading is spot on and validates what I am experiencing in life at this time. The sheer acknowledgment that as a Libra I need balance, beauty and aesthetics in my life to make me tick on was just what I needed to keep going.”

— Ginger Aarons, on an earlier Libra reading

The Astrology Studio reading consists of two audio astrology sessions of 30 minutes or more, an audio Tarot reading of 30 minutes or more (the Tarot Studio), your extended sign description and links to other resources. It’s the perfect primer for your 2018-19 solar year and beyond, and makes an excellent and unique gift — whether for yourself or for the Libra you love.

Pre-order today to lock in the lowest price of just $33 — a great value for a lasting, comprehensive reading.

With best wishes,

Planet Waves

Amy Elliott


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — While Venus, one of the Libra planets, is getting ready to go retrograde in Scorpio, you have the company of the Sun, Mercury and Ceres. Said another way, self-esteem is a practical tool. Imagine you’re rock climbing, and you have to make your way up or across a cliff face. Whether you feel good about yourself is not a question; the task at hand is. Sidestep the issue of “self worth” entirely, connect to your motivation, and do what you need to do. Draw your “worth” from your drive and what you accomplish, no matter how small. There are different techniques for approaching this question at different times, depending on your situation. There are times when you have to throw out the whole issue, and plunge forward, and get the job done. Now is such a time. There is something that you need to do, which you will recognize even more directly by the fact that you want to do it. Grab it with both hands and let it pull you forward. Get your full Libra reading here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Certain family matters that came to the forefront of your life in the spring and summer are back, and you must look at them with fresh eyes. It will be too easy to fall into old patterns, or at least to try to. All of these relationships have been reshuffled and rearranged. Approach the people in your life from a new orientation, and use the information and experience you’ve gained. Yet there’s one more thing: be conscious of, and cautious of, your tendency to think of yourself as subservient to your tribe, to individuals within your tribe, or the ideas that people seem to want you to follow. Take none of that, and meet people where they are, coming from where you are. Stand your full height. Speak your mind boldly. Let people challenge you, and if they have a good point, make sure you tell them that right away. You are shifting your relationships from a parent-child pattern to an adult-adult pattern — and you’re the only one who can do this. Get your full Scorpio reading here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Let yourself experiment. Most people have forgotten how to do this; humans are said to be creatures of habit, which is one of the ways we are made into slaves, mental and otherwise. You must bust out of your thought patterns, and try different approaches to living. As an example, when you go someplace, return by a different route, particularly one you’ve never tried. Then apply this concept to everything. Bump yourself out of routines: what you have for breakfast, what you drink your water out of, which branch of the gym you go to, what you wear, and whatever else you may do habitually. This is a mind-liberating tool, which will have a cascade effect on the rest of your life. Emphasize expressing yourself in writing, and push it a little, letting yourself be as funny as the circumstances allow. Take any chance to have your communication and social engagement be in person rather than via digital means. Then, meet the future boldly. Get your full Sagittarius reading here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It’s worth repeating the words of Lois Rodden, founder of the original index-card version of Astrodatabank, as spoken into my ear: Mars is the money planet. Most of the astrological literature will tell you that it’s Mercury, the planet of merchants. Rodden’s view was that being a merchant is all well and good, but if you want to make money, you need motivation, and that is a Mars thing. You need to focus on goals, and that, too, is a Mars thing. Here’s the hook: you must stop comparing yourself to other people. You must stop deciding that anyone is better than you (or, if applicable, that you are better than anyone). This is not about competition: Mars through Aquarius is about you doing your thing, your way, for your reasons. Being motivated by money, in this case, is not the best way to make the stuff. Rather, hitch your wagon to your creative power and drive, and then figure out the financial thing ongoing, as a constant yoga; as an art of adaptation. Get your full Capricorn reading here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What you are living through is not a replay. You get to experience every moment as a first-time event, if you decide to put yourself there. It’s true that concepts of the past and of the future form a potentially useful frame of reference, though you want to use this gently — that is, for reference purposes only. Speaking astrologically, your role is to emphasize the individualistic aspects of Aquarius rather than the conformist ones. This is not rebellion for its own sake, but rather actual original thinking. You will know you’re there because others might find it somewhat abrasive or irritating. You will have further confirmation as you evaluate any potential feelings of guilt for overstepping your bounds or “offending” people. Don’t take this too seriously. It’s a barometer more than anything else. A little conflict is essential, with Mars making its way through your sign: essential, that is, for finding out who you are. This is not about being aggressive; it’s about being real. Get your full Aquarius reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The Aries Full Moon conjunct Chiron is prodding you to spring into action where your finances are concerned. You have your special distinctions that give you unusual value. You have your personal mission, which drives you to succeed in decidedly individual, personal ways, that don’t apply to others. And you have the motivation provided by Aries on your money house (the 2nd solar house). All you need to do is pluck up some extra confidence, and do the things you need to do. One thing to remember is that with rare exceptions, money does not “come to people.” They go out and get it; they sell what they have; they enter into meaningful agreements with people who value them. The thing you must remember, now, forever and anon, is that you have something of value to offer the world. That is the one thing never to doubt. One of your life missions, for the foreseeable future, is to establish this basic fact in your world, and the world. Get your full Pisces reading here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 20, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 20, 2018, #1219 | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Over the past few months, you’ve made some significant discoveries about your role and identity as part of society, and as a unique being. As the zodiacal emphasis now shifts to the zone of your one-to-one relationships, you can apply this new information in that realm also. Even in romantic partnerships where we’re encouraged to merge ourselves with the other, it’s becoming clearer to you that you’re nevertheless a whole person in your own right, and with no missing parts. Get your full reading here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — In the age of indifference, rudeness and lack of compassion, you have the power to remind people, through your actions, what considerate behavior looks like. This is less about superficial manners — though politeness is an art that’s getting lost amid all the trolling — and more about empathy, and caring for those who are struggling. One important thing to remember is that just about everyone is struggling these days, yet most seem to have limits to their kindness. Make a point of having no exceptions to yours. Get your full reading here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The Sun and Mercury are entering your 5th house of creativity and pleasure, in a powerful opposition to Chiron. During the next few weeks, it would be worth making a point of visiting some of your favorite places and people, and of enjoying those moments. Indulge your love of life, for its own sake. If you produce art of any kind, keep your creative tools with you and take as many opportunities as you can to work on your projects. Any and all of this can result in profound healing and growth. Get your full reading here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Brains can be tricky old things, and sometimes events can have an impact on them via a rather circuitous route. That said, with effort it’s usually possible to trace the steps. In understanding how recent experiences may have played out for you, there’s likely benefit in following this trail carefully. Notice what factors might lead to similar responses, and what you’re extrapolating from the event. The result you’re going for is a deeper and more thorough understanding of how your mind operates; this would perhaps help you change anything that doesn’t quite work for you. Get your full reading here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You have something beautiful to say, and as of this week you have the floor; or rather the stage. If you feel a bit rusty and need to get some practice in, grab yourself a blank notebook and write about anything that comes to your mind. Don’t worry if it sounds nonsensical to you; perfect first drafts are extremely rare, which is why editors exist. One thing that helps is if you write what you know; another, if you write on what you care most about. Passion infuses just about anything with light and color.Get your full reading here.

How would you like to start your solar year with some of the most useful, most accessible, most empowering audio astrology available online? Your Tarot reading for the year (called the Virgo Tarot Studio) will be published later — but you’ll get both the astrology and the tarot for just $44 if you order today. Please be aware that the price will increase again when Eric publishes the tarot segment — order soon to receive the Virgo Astrology Studio (which includes the Tarot reading) at the current price.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This week’s astrology for you has a certain gravitas. There’s a specific matter on which you’re being called to step up and make a commitment of some kind, even if only to yourself. Part of this relates to your most strongly held values, and how they inform your character. You’ll likely be required either to stand by them, or to review them. Just remember that you’re the only person who can really know what’s best in your own life. You can also, at least in this instance, choose a path that’s a win-win for everyone involved. Get your full reading here.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:
Balance and Beauty: A Perfect Reading for Your Year Ahead

“I am absolutely impressed with my Libra birthday reading! It’s like Eric was talking directly to me. Everything he said is what has been happening. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric! Longtime Planet Waves fan.”

— S.R., on a previous Libra birthday reading

Dear Friend and Reader:

Things are about to get interesting for your ruling planet, Venus. In just a few weeks, it’ll station retrograde in Scorpio, and progress slowly back into your sign. For you, this is likely to cover themes such as your identity, values, resources and self-perception.


This rare retrograde phase will be just one of the factors in your solar year that Eric will discuss in your 2018-19 Libra Astrology Studio (formerly known as the Birthday Reading).

Eric’s readings are consistently reliable, high-quality sources of knowledge that you can draw on repeatedly for guidance, delivered in a friendly, accessible manner. Eric uses his 20-plus years of astrological wisdom to get right to the heart of what’s important to you.

“As always, your reading is spot on and validates what I am experiencing in life at this time. The sheer acknowledgment that as a Libra I need balance, beauty and aesthetics in my life to make me tick on was just what I needed to keep going.”

— Ginger Aarons, on an earlier Libra reading

The Astrology Studio reading consists of two audio astrology sessions of 30 minutes or more, an audio Tarot reading of 30 minutes or more (the Tarot Studio), your extended sign description and links to other resources. It’s the perfect primer for your 2018-19 solar year and beyond, and makes an excellent and unique gift — whether for yourself or for the Libra you love.

Pre-order today to lock in the lowest price of just $33 — a great value for a lasting, comprehensive reading.

With best wishes,

Planet Waves

Amy Elliott


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You are capable of a powerful love that can spread into the wide corners of the universe. Indeed, you know — perhaps better than anyone else you know — what it means to love universally; if owing to nothing more than your innate sense of fairness and justice. The world could use some more open hearts right now; it’s necessary somehow to buck the rather dangerous trend of feeling ‘these people are mine, and I will care for them; these are not, and I will ignore them’. Ultimately, we are all children of the same Earth. Get your full reading here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s not been long since your classical ruler Mars stationed direct; your modern ruler Pluto will soon follow suit, while Venus is preparing to turn retrograde in your sign. This is likely to be a potent time for you, and it’s possible you’re processing some strong emotional material, mainly through the more instinctual channels. Your intuition will probably be very finely honed, so keep an eye out for any messages it might be sending you, including through dreams. Taking time for reflection may also prove useful. Get your full reading here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Part of the reason why so much feels uncertain right now is that we’re collectively exploring new territory in terms of social codes of conduct. This isn’t necessarily just about etiquette — such as when it’s okay to use your smartphone in public — but covers the wider issue of basic respect, and our duty to one another as humans. Your ability to take a broad view may stand you in good stead here. If you should have specific ideas in this field, by all means share them. We could use some guidance. Get your full reading here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There is a tendency to consider any relationship involving some kind of power imbalance as negating any requirement for civility, compassion or due consideration of the other party as a human person. This seems to be true whether one possesses more or less power in the exchange. Try to emphasize, in your interactions, what you share in common with others rather than your differences; and remember that you are equally complex, unique creatures. Be prepared to bring kindness and respect to the table first. Get your full reading here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The Sun entering your fellow air sign Libra this week provides you a path to restoring your sense of trust — both in your fellow humans and in the benignity of the cosmos. This is difficult for many of us right now, and it’s tempting if you feel like you’ve been through the wringer lately to respond by closing off. Yet while this can be a useful way of coping through stress, it is no more helpful on a permanent basis than cortisol is for the brain. Let yourself receive the love and gentleness that’s offered to you. Get your full reading here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Holistic philosophy bears some resemblance to astrology, as both consider the various elements of a person as interdependent rather than operating separately. Whatever might be challenging you right now, especially if it has an emotional component, would probably benefit from a holistic approach; by giving care or relief to your body, mind, heart and spirit. As part of this, make sure you treat yourself with the respect and love you afford others; at least that, and for now make your wellbeing your first priority. Get your full reading here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 17, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Give yourself room to be a little strange and unusual — or a lot. You will only know how much you can push the boundaries of normal if you experiment. Yet most of the edge we’re talking about is not social, but rather in your mind. Most of life is how comfortable you are with yourself, which translates to how you’re able to move around socially, influence the flow of events, and get what you want. With Chiron so prominently placed in your sign at the moment, that emphasizes difference — in particular, yours, from the people around you. One of the marks of our time is people wanting to be “individuals” but being frantic about actually differing or standing out. With Chiron in your sign, this is not going to work for you. Yet difference starts on the inside and then morphs to your exterior presentation. And that will be the theme of the next few months.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $77 — we will increase the price again soon.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — If you want to be free, study jealousy. This is not a matter of overcoming anything but rather understanding yourself, and your relationship to existence. The first thing to do is stop taking for granted that control and competition are a given, whether you’re feeling them or subjected to them. The second is to recognize that the matter goes as deep as consciousness itself, and some would say, far deeper. Actual jealousy is the feeling of being in free-fall, when your stomach seems to rise up. If there is control associated with it, it’s the kind that quickly morphs into no control. And this is the thing to form a relationship with. In our particular era in history (the Digital Age), the theme of society is control. Everything is expected to run perfectly and predictably. This is a serious problem because it is isolating from the experience of life; to actually live means to change and flow. See if you can find that space, even for a moment, of some thrill in having no control.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $77 — we will increase the price again soon.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — When in doubt, use science. Don’t just guess and hope you get it right. By science, I mean refer to empirical facts that you can write down on a list, track over time, evaluate and prove wrong. In the search for the truth, what is disproved is more important than proof; it’s far more solid material to work with. Then once you’ve eliminated most of the possibilities, the few you have left will be clearer in their intent. What is disproven does not cease to exist. What is demonstrated to be ‘not a possibility’, or unlikely to be so, forms the architecture of what we know. Then come the connections. The way to enhance your intuition is to assess clues without coming to a conclusion. The rush to assign meaning is the antithesis to your creative mind seeing interesting patterns in the facts. Stand with the unknown. Or sit with it, and sketch in your notebook in fine pencil, and curved lines.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $77 — we will increase the price again soon.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You are gradually learning the ways of power. And the first law of power is that influence is preferable, requiring much less energy, being subtler and overall more effective. It’s based in the realm of ideas rather than of force. And rather than applying new amperage, influence carries itself along the existing pathways of mind and society and colors both experience and perception. This is the medium to be working with now. Consider the value in every contact you have with others. Recognize that you are making an impression. Rather than letting that hamper you in any way, or back off because you don’t want to stand out, be aware of the basic psychic conductor you are, and let your ideas flow. The feeling you’re reaching for is akin to the experience of meeting a dog or cat: you open your heart and allow them to feel how friendly you are.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $77 — we will increase the price again soon.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You are getting two simultaneous new callings, and may be wondering which to follow first. Under that theory, here’s how I would describe your charts: One calling is a pull to do something new and radical with your career. It looks like you want to bust free from conventions and habits you’ve had for a while, and like you want to get out of your comfort zone. The other is subtler, and it’s a calling to align with all of existence. You might be picking this up as spiritual, though I would say a better word is existential. The latter means being aware of your sense of time and place, and using your precious mind to align with the conscious universe within you and without you. This approach will give you the guidance you need; then, what to do will be obvious. Chiron is here to help you tune in. Uranus is here to set you free from the past, and make the unknown feel liberating.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $77 — we will increase the price again soon.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You will have your most meaningful moments alone over the next few days, so make sure you designate space and time where you can be quiet and receptive. This may take a little extra effort here in the digital deluge. A few evenings, a day, a 24-hour span with no interruptions will do you good. Even if you can plan a whole evening with nothing structured, nothing capping your time and no special reason to get up the next morning — that, by the way, is how to have a “free” evening. Then bring your journal and a candle and let your mind open up. Let yourself drift to the place where you can feel how creative your thoughts are. Swim within to the spot where you contact your ability to experience feelings and make choices on so deep a level you can feel yourself healing, harmonizing and designing. As Dr. Arroway’s father said, small moves, Ellie. Small moves.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $77 — we will increase the price again soon.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:

Balance and Beauty: A Perfect Reading for Your Year Ahead

“I am absolutely impressed with my Libra birthday reading! It’s like Eric was talking directly to me. Everything he said is what has been happening. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric! Longtime Planet Waves fan.”

— S.R., on a previous Libra birthday reading

Dear Friend and Reader:

Things are about to get interesting for your ruling planet, Venus. In just a few weeks, it’ll station retrograde in Scorpio, and progress slowly back into your sign. For you, this is likely to cover themes such as your identity, values, resources and self-perception.


This rare retrograde phase will be just one of the factors in your solar year that Eric will discuss in your 2018-19 Libra Astrology Studio (formerly known as the Birthday Reading).

Eric’s readings are consistently reliable, high-quality sources of knowledge that you can draw on repeatedly for guidance, delivered in a friendly, accessible manner. Eric uses his 20-plus years of astrological wisdom to get right to the heart of what’s important to you.

“As always, your reading is spot on and validates what I am experiencing in life at this time. The sheer acknowledgment that as a Libra I need balance, beauty and aesthetics in my life to make me tick on was just what I needed to keep going.”

— Ginger Aarons, on an earlier Libra reading

The Astrology Studio reading consists of two audio astrology sessions of 30 minutes or more, an audio Tarot reading of 30 minutes or more (the Tarot Studio), your extended sign description and links to other resources. It’s the perfect primer for your 2018-19 solar year and beyond, and makes an excellent and unique gift — whether for yourself or for the Libra you love.

Pre-order today to lock in the lowest price of just $33 — a great value for a lasting, comprehensive reading.

With best wishes,

Planet Waves

Amy Elliott



Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Money is not about luck. It’s more about skill, drive and passion. It’s said that some people attract resources to them; that may be true, though more often people who apply some tenacity and set concrete goals are the ones who tend to be better funded. Then there is the role of partnership; any economy involves an exchange. One of the things that makes yours a sign associated with relationships is the presence of Scorpio on your 2nd house of resources. This is not about “what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours.” Far to the contrary, what you have is what you gain through involvement with others. This must be managed with a little shrewdness and a lot of compassion. You also need to know what part of the equation you bring, and that only you can bring. This will help you understand your value in any exchange. Right now you have more to offer than you may imagine.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $77 — we will increase the price again soon.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Venus in Scorpio emphasizes the female from an angle that our society tends to deny entirely: the biological, hormonal, instinctual, pheromone-based level of existence. We spend a lot of time, energy and money trying to blot this out, cover its scent, and pretend it does not influence us, and try to substitute it with something wrapped in plastic. The extended visit of Venus to your sign associated with the forthcoming Venus retrograde, which extends through early January, presents you with an opportunity to go deeper into your awareness of this dimension of who you are. Retrogrades ask questions more than they make statements. They point us toward the past rather than toward the future. And most of all, retrogrades point us within ourselves, on a quest for some deeper inherent reality. This is about the need to disconnect from the outer landscape and reconnect inwardly, and upgrade your self-awareness and self-value. This is about you and your interests, not others, or their business.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $77 — we will increase the price again soon.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Accept the protection that you have, and use it to offer the gifts you want to share. The world is a harrowing place at the moment, and so far as I’ve read from history and heard from my elders, it’s always been pretty strange. Yet you are blessed with guidance, with drive, and with a kind of buffer around you that protects you from most of what the world dishes out. Make sure you work with at least one or two tangible goals or desires, which will provide you the seed crystal for direction. And make sure you allow your energy to flow. That means your passion, your desire and your curiosity. These are the biological power sources for your imagination, and giving life to your idea of what you want your life to be. Ideas are not enough. Concepts are not enough. The magnificent vehicle that you are needs fuel and needs a driver. Both come from you.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $77 — we will increase the price again soon.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There is something you have that you won’t value until you share it. You may hardly notice it, or think it’s a thing of the past. And it would seem that you feel a kind of evolutionary calling to bring this personal quality or asset into your relationships. Yet that will require you to open up and take a risk, which is another way of saying be vulnerable. This also calls on you to accept the possibility of rejection, and to hold that possibility open long enough to actually be accepted, which is not an instantaneous process. And whatever it is that you’re offering is in its own process of change, and growth, and self-creation, just like you are. Current aspects may have you being a little more bold than usual. Take advantage of that, and do your best to treat others exactly like you want to be treated.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $77 — we will increase the price again soon.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Mars has re-entered your sign after a few weeks in Capricorn at the end of its recent retrograde. This will give you an opportunity to reframe certain issues that you’ve been confronted by all spring and summer. To reframe means to see something in a new context, and maybe look at it in a new way, in a different light, and from another angle. Make sure you do all of these things actively. They might happen on their own, though at minimum you must actively bring your awareness and perception, and take a light touch on judgment. This especially includes self-judgment, which you may have a tendency to do a little more harshly than usual. There are many days when it might seem difficult to proceed in a spirit of love. Yet that option is always available, and will feel good and be the most helpful to everyone.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $77 — we will increase the price again soon.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — What do you want from your relationships? Do you know, and do you acknowledge it? I am speaking in plural terms because we all have many points of relational contact, though also we often want everything from one person, an ideal situation. When those efforts are frustrated, typically the strategy is to take a fallback or compromise position. I suggest you be more practical, less idealistic and less romantic. What do you need, what do you want, and what’s the underlying motive? Know when you’re trying to fill in a lack, and when you’re wanting to build something new. These things can masquerade for one another, and it would be helpful if you were to sort them out. Once you start asking questions, you may discover that you’re uncertain, though this is not the floor falling out beneath you. Hang out with your inner unknowns. Then look around at the world, and you may notice something new.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $77 — we will increase the price again soon.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 13, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 13, 2018, #1218 | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You seem to be discovering that there is a sacredness in service for its own sake, which feels quite unlike anything else. The more spiritual element of giving yourself freely is related to pursuing your life calling: often they are one and the same. Recent weeks have perhaps taught you much about yourself, and what the next phase of your life might need from you; now you can concentrate on providing it. Remember that when you bring the “small willingness,” the divine principle supplies the means. Have faith in the power of both.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Venus has now entered your opposite sign, where it will station retrograde in a few weeks. This will likely have the effect of bringing your relationships, friendships and collaborations into focus in some way, especially in terms of how they influence, and are influenced by, your current life trajectory. You might ask yourself questions about what sort of dynamic or energy would support this path, and where it can be found. In addition to that, there may be ways in which co-operation with others is to your mutual advantage.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Take a moment this week to look back and notice how far you have recently progressed. Likely it’s farther than you realize, and you will probably have some achievements to celebrate. Part of this is about giving your own perfectly sound principles their due, and not judging yourself by the demands of others. You know what you can and should expect of yourself, better than anyone else possibly could; especially if you extrapolate from what you have already performed. Get clear with that, and then keep moving onward.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It might be worth keeping a close eye on your inner compass this week, especially if you’re uncertain how to react to a particular situation. Let yourself feel through the options and try to understand where your thoughts and motivations are coming from, at every level possible. You have a naturally strong sense of what is right, and what is due to yourself and others; as human beings, we tend to slip up from time to time, but we can still do our best. You might consider this as a rule of thumb: when in doubt, try being kind first.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — During these past weeks while the Sun has been in your house of resources and values, what have you learned regarding each? Do you, for example, tend to make full use of the materials you have at hand? Do you call on the help or the wisdom of friends or family when you need it? Do the rules by which you abide, other than the basic ethical ones, assist you to live your best life; or are some preventing you from receiving something you want or need? It might be worth reviewing how you truly feel about these facets of your world.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

How would you like to start your solar year with some of the most useful, most accessible, most empowering audio astrology available online? Your Tarot reading for the year (called the Virgo Tarot Studio) will be published later — but you’ll get both the astrology and the tarot for just $44 if you order today. Please be aware that the price will increase again when Eric publishes the tarot segment — order soon to receive the Virgo Astrology Studio (which includes the Tarot reading) at the current price.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You seem to have a clearer perspective this week than last, and probably some time before that. Certain points that appeared fuzzy or incomplete are now easier to understand; some information formerly missing may now be in your possession. It could take time to sift through what you now know, and to reach a conclusion that makes sense to you. Be gentle with yourself as you do so; and remember that though others can offer input and advice, ultimately you are the person who must direct the course of your life.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Libra Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:

Balance and Beauty: A Perfect Reading for Your Year Ahead

“I am absolutely impressed with my Libra birthday reading! It’s like Eric was talking directly to me. Everything he said is what has been happening. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric! Longtime Planet Waves fan.”

— S.R., on a previous Libra birthday reading

Dear Friend and Reader:

Things are about to get interesting for your ruling planet, Venus. In just a few weeks, it’ll station retrograde in Scorpio, and progress slowly back into your sign. For you, this is likely to cover themes such as your identity, values, resources and self-perception.


This rare retrograde phase will be just one of the factors in your solar year that Eric will discuss in your 2018-19 Libra Astrology Studio (formerly known as the Birthday Reading).

Eric’s readings are consistently reliable, high-quality sources of knowledge that you can draw on repeatedly for guidance, delivered in a friendly, accessible manner. Eric uses his 20-plus years of astrological wisdom to get right to the heart of what’s important to you.

“As always, your reading is spot on and validates what I am experiencing in life at this time. The sheer acknowledgment that as a Libra I need balance, beauty and aesthetics in my life to make me tick on was just what I needed to keep going.”

— Ginger Aarons, on an earlier Libra reading

The Astrology Studio reading consists of two audio astrology sessions of 30 minutes or more, an audio Tarot reading of 30 minutes or more (the Tarot Studio), your extended sign description and links to other resources. It’s the perfect primer for your 2018-19 solar year and beyond, and makes an excellent and unique gift — whether for yourself or for the Libra you love.

Pre-order today to lock in the lowest price of just $33 — a great value for a lasting, comprehensive reading.

With best wishes,

Planet Waves

Amy Elliott


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Some relaxation and refreshment may be in order at present. Look after your wellbeing as needed, and try to take a fairly easy pace throughout the week; get away somewhere for a day or two, or even a few hours, if you can. Some information would seem to be coming in from the direction of your intuition, and you may need to slow the record down sufficiently so as to catch any relevant messages. Review carefully any important decisions before making them, including checking in with your emotions and instincts.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Beliefs can be shaped by many different factors, including cultural context, social pressure, religion, and personal perception. It’s not altogether common for us to examine these various influences. Yet I would suggest you do just that when evaluating theories this week. Consciously avoiding speculation and sticking to the facts is a useful exercise, especially where the former seems to be rife. You have a knack for getting to the deeper issues, and for seeing through the fog of misinformation. Use those fine detection skills.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’ve likely made more than a few discoveries recently about where you wish to invest your energies for the foreseeable future, and may already have begun taking the next steps toward fulfilling some important goals. There may be benefit in communicating at least part of what you’ve realized, and what your plans are; you could receive a useful suggestion or two. You certainly seem to have a pretty good idea of where you’re at, however; and once you’re clear on your destination, you only need to start moving.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — A specific process of revelation or realization may be coming to a peak, in terms of your higher ambitions. You might benefit from going over briefly what you’ve learned during the past few months, though there is almost certainly more to come. Your understanding of your relationship to the distant past is changing also, and is offering you a greater sense of power in your own life, and of freedom to make your choices. The more you persist in working through this material, the more autonomy you’re likely to gain in the end.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Following what might have seemed like a protracted period of slow motion and possibly frustration, you’re now starting to pick up speed again, and appear to be fired up with all sorts of energy and new ideas. There should be very little preventing you from putting those ideas to good use, especially where this involves being helpful to others. Making positive changes, in particular those of which you can clearly see the results, could be decidedly healing for you. Getting friends on board might add an extra dimension of fun.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’ll probably feel most comfortable in productive activities this week, though be careful not to translate that into pushing yourself too hard. Make sure the space you’re using is maintained and continues fit for purpose. Keep close to your long-term goals, also. After the interesting season we’ve had, you might need to invest some conscious energy in reminding yourself exactly where you want to be heading, and what it means to you. Do that until you recall the original fire and passion from when you first had the thought.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 10, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’re ready to be more socially adventurous, after what may have been a series of misadventures. I suggest doing this with a new definition of friend, one that’s based on loyalty more than it is on any other form of affinity. As you’ve probably learned, this needs to be in a lighter and less structured environment than you may be accustomed to. You also need to take special care with people you only know through digital environments, as these can contain extreme distortions, all of which seem to exist in a blind spot. Your conscious process of building trust needs to include in-person experiences, experiences in different types of social environments, one-on-one and group encounters, and some understanding that is based more upon eye contact than it is on words. Also, study the ways that different people resolve conflicts, as that is a vital element of friendship.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — In your personal and business relationships, there will be the obvious level and the hidden level. Pay attention to both. The hidden level will more likely address your insecurities. The obvious level will be where you relate to your desires, and what you perceive as available to you. The two are related in that your insecurities will tend to rule the day, if you leave them where they cannot be seen, or if you don’t admit to them. It will be much easier on the people you’re intimate with if you state your fears out loud. By intimate I mean situations where love, sex, food and money are concerned. It may seem like the most terrifying thing in the world to be honest about what you fear the most, though you will likely find it to be both liberating and grounding. It’s true that this calls for some genuine vulnerability, and that, too, will serve you in many productive ways.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Work with the idea that everyone is connected to everyone else, though you may not be able to see or understand the lines of contact. When they make themselves known, they may be subtle and easy to miss. You may also see things that don’t check out. If you’re trying to solve an important problem, I would offer my most basic tool for investigative reporting: make written lists of what you know, what you don’t know, and what you think may be true. This will pretty much get you to the bottom of every mystery, especially if you take that important step of only putting in the first column what you can factually verify, and connect to a reliable source. Each entry within your three lists will probably be connected to someone specific. Then, from there, follow the connections, without being suspicious. Take it easy and let the facts speak for themselves.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Over the next month or two, you will discover many things that were previously concealed from your awareness, kept secret, or were lurking in the shadows. Trust that you’re going to find out what you need to know, when you need to know it. You don’t need to poke and prod so much as you need to keep your ears on, and listen to what people say, and notice who told them what. There are answers to the mysteries you’re confronting, and you will have them soon enough. The most important thing you can do is be cool, get along with people, and try not to reveal your irritation when you feel it. That will only get in the way of your information-gathering process, which is essential to your success right now. Nothing is too trivial to note or observe. Go deeper and get a handle on where people are coming from and why, and how they influence one another.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You must be realistic about money where partners are concerned. You might have practical ideas for how to be more efficient, and in order to please a partner or loved one, you might allow them to be subverted. Be wise with your money now, and don’t spend your resources in an effort to impress anyone. And if, on the other hand, a situation genuinely calls on your generosity, make sure you give from the heart, without concern about whether your gift is received in the same spirit in which it was given; it may not be. This week’s New Moon happens along what you might call the “resources” angle of your chart. This includes your own resources and the ones that you share. The emphasis is partly on the material aspect of things, though mostly on the spiritual aspect. Look closely at whether an important relationship is in balance, and whether everyone feels like they actually belong there.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Virgo Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:

A Perfect Reading for the Virgo New Moon

“Eric’s readings have helped me so much over the years, to overcome insecurities, difficulties and hard times. His readings have helped steer me through some of the roughest days and beyond. I have appreciated his calming, positive and practical counsel. I am amazed at his ability to do what he does.”

— Mici B.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today, Sept. 9, there was a rather fantastic New Moon in your sign. The chart suggests you could really get the ball rolling on just about any project or activity that means a lot to you — though your grander ‘life goals’ could make for a fitting focus.

And what better way to gain some clarity, insight, focus and inspiration than by listening to your Virgo Astrology Studio (previously called the “Birthday Reading”) — with the Sun fresh in Virgo, and just before the Pisces Full Moon.

Eric recorded the two segments of audio astrology that are currently available just before the Pisces Full Moon two weeks ago. You can get instant access to those parts of the reading for just $44 — and as soon as Eric records the tarot portion of the reading, we’ll send you an email to let you know.

“I have found Eric’s accuracy to be spot-on, have felt many times a deep connection to his soul. I know that the pureness of him speaks volumes and am grateful to share his intelligence with my friends.”

— Roni Perlut

Eric designs his readings to work beautifully for both Sun signs and rising signs — and the 2018 Virgo Astrology Studio is an ideal gift for a Virgo loved one. Plus, if you order it before the tarot reading is recorded, you’ll lock in the current price.

Wishing you all the best for the year to come,

Amanda Painter



Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Take a more relaxed attitude toward planning, and make peace with the basic fact that not everything is under your control. You seem to have your mind riveted to a set of plans that’s growing narrower and narrower. You need to take the opposite approach, and look at the world through your wide-angle lens. Look at the subject you’re focusing on, and the background behind it. Turn the lens around and look at yourself, and the background that surrounds you. Experiment with whole-system thinking: what is sometimes called synergy or biophilia. This is the idea that life is greater than the sum of its parts; and that every living system is part of something greater than itself. This is another way of saying keep your eye on the context of your plans, your needs and your desires. Consider their impact and their influence. Know what it means to be broad-minded, and guide yourself in that direction. To do that, you may need to set aside certain strategies, particularly if they don’t get you any results.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Venus has entered Scorpio, and you may be getting some vibes associated with the forthcoming retrograde of your ruling planet, which begins on Oct. 5 and lasts through Nov. 15. The theme is the value that you put on yourself and your existence. Borrowing some of the most efficient language found in A Course in Miracles, remember, “Every decision you make stems from what you think you are, and represents the value that you put upon yourself.” Let those words be your guide through the process of Venus retrograde, which will, at first, serve to ask many more questions than it answers. Yet don’t assume you know the answers, particularly if you think that they in some way will reflect negatively on you. The passage concludes: “Believe the little can content you, and by limiting yourself you will not be satisfied. For your function is not little, and it is only by finding your function and fulfilling it that you can escape from littleness.”

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — One theme of the forthcoming Venus retrograde is experiencing the world from the viewpoint of others. I mean this emotionally more than from any other point of view. How does it really feel to be someone else? You might be surprised to learn that people struggle more than you think. It’s not just you. The world is challenging, and there are very few certainties to grasp onto. At least as one born under the sign Scorpio, you have an idea that life is in a constant state of transformation, evolution, breakdown and rebuilding. This process is not as natural to others as it is to you. Once you tune into this, you will have a better idea how to handle people when they are quaking about the intensity of life — or your supposed intensity. It does not help that we live in a world where nearly everyone wants nearly everyone else to dial it back, or where asking a question is considered a confrontation. Sometimes a question is just a question.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Confidence in yourself is rarely perfect. I would even suggest that when you are feeling perfect confidence, without any hesitation, that is the time to pause and reflect. So if you’re about to move forward on your plans and you’re not feeling like you’re 100% on solid ground, count that as a positive sign. There is wisdom in insecurity, which most of the time we miss in the effort to plaster it over with something seemingly more solid. As Alan Watts put it, “The desire for security and the feeling of insecurity are the same thing. To hold your breath is to lose your breath. A society based on the quest for security is nothing but a breath-retention contest in which everyone is as taut as a drum and as purple as a beet.” So the best thing you can do is to breathe and to begin; to commence your plans despite any uncertainty, knowing that you don’t find out where you’re going until you get there.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — As you may be aware, the recent Mars retrograde mostly took place in Aquarius, but the station-direct happened in Capricorn, your sign or rising sign. Mars has what the old astrologers called “dignity” in Capricorn — it’s exalted there, and helps explain what is underneath the reserve and caution that you rely on to feel grounded and secure. The presence of Mars is suggesting that you take another approach: being bold, and in your own way, throwing caution to the wind. This involves taking some risks. Doing that involves the potential for what some call failure, but more appropriately, the willingness to experiment with potential outcomes. Said another way, rather than having “a goal,” think of this as a time of embarking on both new ideas and new methods for developing them. Dial back the control factor, and open up the aperture on your willingness to experiment with what you want. Let desire and curiosity drive you.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Motivation. What is it? How about this: it’s always speculative. What motivates anyone to do anything is a mystery. It is, however, worth asking: why am I doing this? And keep asking: Am I driven by an outcome of some kind, or by the experience? Who else is involved? Are there any matters of image or appearance involved? Is there something involving repairing the past, or getting any form of retribution? Am I seeking profit, power or pleasure? Those are some good checkpoints with motives, though they’re still likely to remain a mystery for you. Given the complexity, you might be exceedingly cautious in assessing what you think motivates others to do what they do, or say what they say. When in doubt, ask, and take their response as a form of fiction or philosophy. If you take this looser, lighter approach, you will be less likely to fall for any ruses, or desire to have some kind of status, or to be seen a certain way. You want the inside story. And remember: it is a story.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Stick to the facts, and your intuition will take care of itself. That’s another way of saying don’t act on hunches or suspicions or your gut or whatever. Pay attention to what you know, and how you know it. Then assemble the facts various ways, and notice that you may get different versions of the scenario based on the same basic elements of data. This is inconvenient to some; it’s just good sense to others; for you, it’s a necessity at the moment, with so much Neptune active in your chart. Neptune works best when you have the technicalities taken care of, and the collection of planets in Virgo is saying that you need to do exactly that. You might avoid drawing any conclusions, and rather think of everything as an inference, suggestion or potential. Ultimately intuition will come into play when you have to work with the whole fact-pattern, though given time, the truth will have a dependable way of speaking for itself.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.
Planet Waves
Eric may be on hiatus, but we are still running the Four Winds Almanac every day. Sign up free for your comprehensive guide to daily astrology, calendar, birthdays and more.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 6, 2018

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 6, 2018, #1217 | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Mars has now been direct for over a week, though it doesn’t re-enter Aquarius until Monday evening, and will take a little while longer to retrace its steps completely. You may feel as if you’ve yet to emerge from the retrograde-phase headspace, or are perhaps unsure of what you have to show for the summer’s endeavors. Close partners could well be able to help, this week; sometimes it takes the benefit of another person’s eyes to see our own achievements clearly. Don’t be afraid to draw on that assistance, should you need some.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Human progress is often slow, including in our individual lives. This can feel quite frustrating, especially when we’re desperate to see some kind of payoff for our efforts. Yet this need not stop us from striving. Art is arguably best when created for its own sake, or as a spiritual gift of deep self-expression to the collective of souls around us (this also goes for ingenuity of any kind). With this approach, it helps to remember that if you have certain passions, talents and interests, it must be because you’re here to nurture, cultivate and share them with the world. If you’re having trouble trusting that idea, it may be time for a heart-to-heart with someone who always sees your gifts clearly.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may feel a sense of confusion or doubt this week relating to your career development or ambitions. It’s likely, however, that what you’re experiencing is a temporary revisit from a past episode of self-questioning. This can happen when one is on the threshold of a step up in life. Keep the faith. Hold on to what you know to be true, remember all your accomplishments up to this point, and understand you are more than capable of taking that leap forward. Persevering here could really bolster your self-esteem.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may feel the urge to delve into creative projects, or possibly a course of study, over the next few days at least. Whatever else you have going on, be sure to set aside some time to investigate whatever piques your interest. The blessings of art and of self-development give a richness to life that it otherwise lacks, and you have every right to pursue those blessings; in a way, expanding your mind is as important as air and water. Forget what others might think: do what brings you joy, edification and a sense of freedom.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — When interacting with those close to us, it’s possible to become confused as to where we end and they begin. Expect some blurring of that line this week; be cautious about what you project onto others, and take note of how they project onto you. We all do this to a degree; less so as we grow to know ourselves, and discover that we are complete in ourselves. If things are getting a little intense somewhere in your life, it might be helpful to step back and examine the situation from a distance, while tuning in to what makes you ‘you’.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Happy Virgo New Moon!

How would you like to start your solar year with some of the most useful, most accessible, most empowering audio astrology available online? Your Tarot reading for the year (called the Virgo Tarot Studio) will be published later — but you’ll get both the astrology and the tarot for just $44 if you order today. Please be aware that the price will increase again when Eric publishes the tarot segment — order soon to receive the Virgo Astrology Studio (which includes the Tarot reading) at the current price.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Relationships of all sorts require boundaries; and as the Sun in your sign opposes Neptune, you may be inclined to strengthen yours. On the one hand, it’s always useful to know where you draw the line. On the other, it’s possible to be too rigid, and to hem oneself in with complicated sets of rules. Overthinking is a difficult habit to shake, and it can stifle creativity. Be prepared to flex and bend a little; if you try to confine yourself too much, you will only rebel. Leave plenty of room in your world for enjoyment and new experiences.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This week even everyday life may have a touch of the surreal and magical to it. If you’re an artist, you might want to keep some tools of your trade close at hand; record any dreams you remember, also. The results of this will likely take some time to emerge, but it’s worth having patience with yourself, and with the universe, and letting things transpire as they become ready. Meanwhile, don’t forget to take care of your earthly vessel; there is no reason why you cannot eat, sleep and move around as normal.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If you wish to understand those with a different point of view from yours, this requires a certain amount of empathy, open-mindedness and willingness to apply logic. There are often hidden reasons why we might take umbrage at someone or their stated opinion. If you find yourself reacting with unexpected animosity (or even passionate agreement), it helps to figure out why, and to remember you’re human rather than machine, meaning that it’s okay to feel emotions. Honor yourself by acknowledging them ingenuously.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your sign has a close relationship with Chiron, who among his other exploits was a renowned healer. I’m wondering how far, and in what ways, you identify with that quality. There are many methods by which we can bring about healing in the world: from actually working in the medical professions, to smiling at strangers in the street, to endeavoring to improve the daily lives of those around us, and so on. This week’s astrology is inviting you to weave this association, by whatever means, more deeply into your existence.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — With so much going on in the world, anyone can be forgiven for feeling distrust in people or in the universe, and developing a case of the grumps. If you’re annoyed about something, however, it might help to give that some form of expression more concrete than occasional muttering under the breath. Venting your emotions in a safe manner might be a way to restore your faith in the cosmos and in your fellow humans, especially if there is someone to whom you can speak confidentially, and know they’ll listen with generosity.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your sign is famous for its supposed ability to detach and set itself apart, though at present you might be finding that’s not quite the case. The desire for intimacy is there in all of us, to a greater or lesser extent, and it’s part of what makes us human, alive and in the flesh. Should you discover that you’re opening up to someone, or opening in a more general sense, try to avoid the temptation to shut that process down. You could learn a great deal about yourself and others by allowing a connection between you to flow freely.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — At present you might be feeling as if you’re something of a blank canvas, onto which others paint their ideas of you, and on which they see their own reflection. You’ve perhaps long felt like a conduit for the journeys of those with whom you come into contact. Yet you too have a story, which should not be set aside. However dearly held other people’s notions are, the only one who can truly describe your sentiments and thoughts is you. Don’t be afraid to be communicative in laying down your own narrative sequence.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 3, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Consider where your social constellations were at the beginning of the year, and where they are today. Who did you consider a friend? What networks were you part of then, and which are you part of now? This story is not over; Mars, which was retrograde in Aquarius most of the summer, is about to retrace its steps giving you both second opportunities and new ones. It is vital that you assess carefully what the idea of a friend means to you, and who you consider one. I would propose that there be one consideration, mainly: whether you feel comfortable being yourself. Breaking that down a bit, a friend is someone around whom you don’t have to hide any facet of your reality. You also won’t need to conform. Some people think they need friends to call them out or slap them down, though I think that true friendship is gentler than that. Most of all, it involves trust. This is something to observe carefully. Is your idea of trust more like walking on thin ice, or more like walking on solid ground? Notice how you feel, with everyone.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Be cautious of any notion that you can make some improvement in your life by competing with others. It’s true that our economic and social systems are based on a concept of winners and losers, and it’s true that this works only for the “winners” in such a system. Yet that’s not how existence really works. We all get to take part. Nature is based on the holistic principle, which is about how the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. One of the most useful concepts in all of biology is symbiosis, which describes the various modes of cooperation that are possible between species. Depending on your upbringing and other factors, you may be more or less competitive by nature, though I suggest you treat this topic carefully. Be observant. Be cautious even of “competing with yourself” to do something better than you did last time. There are other approaches, which are easier and more humane. And at the moment, there may be a hint of bitterness to competing. You just don’t need that. Be supportive instead.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’re not the “fit in” type though you’re excellent at faking it. You can mask your differences with others using several worthwhile assets you possess, one being that you’re a person who is conversant and funny. Additionally, your ability to see two, three, or more sides of any person allows you room to be less judgmental than many people give themselves permission to be. A factor of your newly emergent life, though, is going to be about being sincerely different. It will be more challenging to set aside your talent for masking or finessing difference and stand out. Yet you’re not just dealing yourself a disadvantage in doing so. You are only removing a scrim, a veil that shields your true self from exposure. You don’t need to be “extra blunt” to do this; you merely need to say what you mean, and mean what you say. There will be some repercussions to this. There will be people who don’t like it, and who don’t get it. And there will be people who most definitely appreciate your approach, and the essence of your being, and you have to know exactly who they are.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your professional success requires that you be willing to stand out in ways that are not, at the moment, considered acceptable. This is the whole point of your current career trajectory: to do what needs to be done, in a time when that is especially challenging, and to do so in the spirit of pioneering leadership. Inconvenient as it may be, your success and indeed survival depend on your accepting this assignment, even if you do so reluctantly. The operative symbol is Chiron, which is at the beginning of a long trip across your 10th solar house, Aries. Beginnings are the time to set the agenda, to aim your trajectory, and to harmonize with your environment. What you’re about to do will require that you understand the dynamics of actual power, and respond accordingly. The recent Mars retrograde in Aquarius has been preparation for this journey, teaching you plenty about the ways that groups behave and are influenced, particularly when under stress. Through late summer and most of the autumn, Mars will provide you with a kind of summary and review of what you’ve experienced. Note carefully what you learn, as you will depend on it for a long time.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — For months, Mars has had a presence in your opposite sign Aquarius, which has likely dug out some difficult truths, and old animosity. Yet you’re also more determined than ever to live your life your way, no matter what other people may say or believe about you. Even in good times, the human experience is laced with adversity, contention and competition. Your challenge is to handle these things gracefully and, moreover, intelligently. One way you will do this is to see everyone and everything as part of the wider social context in which they occur. Mars will have you inclined to see what stands out, or what yells the loudest. Don’t let that distract you. Look to the background for your most vital information. Listen to as many points of view as possible. When you see a phenomenon of some kind, ask yourself what is supporting it. Notice the ground from which events emerge. That is where the really interesting action is, and where you will find the most valuable information.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Virgo Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:

Get Your Year Started Right, Virgo — and Leo, and Libra!

"So deeply helpful and encouraging, Eric; confirms my experiences recently and over the past 10 years. Thanks so much for your care and guidance.

— Lisa

Dear Friend and Reader:

Did you hear the news? Eric recently recorded the two segments of your Virgo Astrology Studio (previously called the "Birthday Reading") — with the Sun fresh in Virgo, and just before the Pisces Full Moon.


How would you like to start your solar year with some of the most useful, most accessible, most empowering audio astrology available online? Your Tarot reading for the year (called the Virgo Tarot Studio) will be coming along in a bit — but you’ll get both the astrology and the tarot for just $44 if you order soon. Please be aware that the price will increase again when Eric publishes the tarot segment — these are the final days to purchase the Virgo Astrology Studio (which includes the Tarot reading) at the current price.

Along with this year’s other most influential transits, Eric spends some time in this reading discussing Saturn’s journey through your fellow earth sign Capricorn over this year and next. Since this is happening in your 5th house, there’s a strong theme here of reclaiming your childhood. Virgos have a way of growing up early and getting lost in the joys of work and service. But what are you discovering about pleasure for its own sake?

In addition to your two astrology segments and tarot, you also get access to an extended description of your sign. If you’re new to Eric’s audio readings (or just need to review your past year), you’re invited to listen to last year’s reading as a gift from us.

I don’t think I have read anything so achingly beautiful in my whole life as this Virgo reading. I say this not out of drama, but rather out of the way it reads contextually in this particular moment, inviting me into the deep territory of full expression. Masterpiece! Equally terrifying and great fun! Much GRATITUDE. Big LOVE."

— Rev. Jody Lotito Levine, on last year’s Virgo annual

Wishing you all the best for the year to come,

Amanda Painter

P.S. Show your favorite Virgo how much they mean to you: give the 2018 Virgo Astrology Studio and Tarot reading as a gift. They’ll get instant access to the astrology segments, and an email when the tarot portion is ready.

P.P.S. If you only want the tarot portion on its own (called the Virgo Tarot Studio), you can order the Virgo tarot reading individually here. (Please note: this is the same tarot reading as what’s included in the full reading.) 

P.P.P.S. You can also still order the full Leo Reading (Astrology + Tarot) — or get the Leo Tarot Studio on its own. Plus, you can now pre-order the Libra Astrology Studio and Tarot here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This week, the Sun in your sign is making a long opposition to Neptune in Pisces. You need to be on the alert for what is true and what is not. I would say that under this astrology, first impressions don’t count for as much as they otherwise might. Appearances count for very little, since Neptune can come with a glamour that tends to conceal what lies beneath the surface. It will help if you suspend judgment and rely on multiple sources of information to make your decisions. And with both Mercury and Mars so recently having been retrograde, the more time you take to make important choices, the better. A useful point of orientation would be next week’s New Moon in your birth sign, which takes place Sunday, Sept. 9. Give yourself that much time to work through the questions you’re facing. Stand face to face with mystery, with deception and with any isolation you may be feeling, and refuse to back down or submit. Understand your own personal truth and what it means to you, as all else flows from there.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — For the next few months, Venus (the Libra planet) and Mars (the one associated with your opposite sign Aries) will be in a square aspect, which comes into full focus on Oct. 10. This represents both tension in a relationship, and the need for action. Yet you don’t want to make any decisions too soon, or more accurately, without complete information. Note carefully whether you’re at a breaking point or boiling point; that would require a different kind of response. Assuming you are not, though, the forthcoming Venus retrograde will offer you several opportunities, including the occasion to reassess your financial situation and its connection to your relationships; and the opportunity to determine the extent to which your own matters of self-esteem are complicating your situation. Those would best be identified before you make any major moves.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The primary impact of the recent Mars retrograde was in the angle of your chart associated with family relationships, particularly on your father’s side. We might take the metaphor and say, relationships as defined by patriarchal thinking. And what, exactly, is that? Well, what have you been dealing with, struggling with, or working your way through? Events have challenged your concept of what a family or community is, and revealed something of the underlying structure. It is fair to say that authority is not distributed in the ways that you suspected. You may have experienced some blowback for your desire to be independent, or been confronted with someone determined not to play by rules that don’t work for everyone. This might have been a turbulent summer for you, emotionally, which could have spread out well beyond yourself. The order of reality and organization may have been challenged by influences outside your control. What happened? I mean, what really happened? It’s now time to do the forensics.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’re on something of a mission to think differently, and to see yourself as part of a wider world. They are related. Put bluntly, small-minded people live in a small world; broad-minded people live in a wide and expansive world. There’s something about the arrangement of the Sagittarius solar chart that makes this effect especially palpable. You will find, as you open your mind, that your environment also opens up. Or that, at least, is the experiment you can try for the next couple of months, as Mars tracks back over the degrees where it was retrograde, and traverses the rest of Aquarius as well. Freedom of movement begins with freedom of thought. The ability to do or create something is preceded by the ability to imagine it. One’s freedom of movement is preceded by a free mind, the ability to plan logistics, and the flexibility to imagine something other than your current circumstances. This is your quest.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Self-esteem is such an important issue for you that it may seem like the third rail. You cannot touch it without getting a shock. And it would seem that’s what’s happened in recent months, as Mars retrograde worked its way across your solar chart, asking more questions than it provided answers. Now, Mars has stationed direct in your sign, providing a point of orientation or poignant discovery. You now have the opportunity to use what you know, and apply it in different ways to the different levels of your reality. For example, you might use the formula, “If this is true, then what else is true?” Or, “If I’ve made this discovery, what are the implications in this other area of my life?” Or seen another way, don’t exclude from your awareness the full implications of what you have learned. One of the most significant items might be: your self-worth is not related to your ability to conform to what others think or want. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You have recently been through a once-, or at most twice-in-a-lifetime astrological scenario, of Mars retrograde in your birth sign. It’s likely this has run roughshod through your life, leading to a substantial, valuable discovery. You now know something that you did not know before, about yourself, and about something much greater. You might say that you’re exploring the intersection of you and everything else: the most important boundary there is. Yet you’re also seeing that this is not a firm line, dividing white from black. You are now getting to hang out within a gradient of experience that has many sublime expressions. From your current perspective, you can study what is you and not you, and the ways those seemingly different things interplay. It’s been said that character is destiny. You are in an unusual position to shape your character right now. While you always can, your current opportunity is a limited time-offer, with unusual ease.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s unlikely you will ever forget the events of this summer, though it’s more important that you remember what you learned. This has come in a few shades: what you’ve learned about yourself, that you never would have previously imagined; what you learned about how others feel about you; what you learned about how people relate to one another, as apart from you. While you’re not necessarily an idealist, you certainly have strong streaks and shades of humanitarian in your personality makeup, and you believe that people really should be able to get along, or at least leave one another alone. Most of the strife in society originates with people’s families, which is also the source of whatever you experienced. It is indeed amazing how much influence dead people can have, though it will be more amazing to see yourself notice their influence and consciously choose what you do not want. Then, remember to be mindful of what you want, say it out loud, and go in that direction.

Venus will be retrograde in Scorpio and Libra from Oct. 5. In his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy-Pathos, Eric will review recent astrology, and open up the territory of Venus. Pre-order this 12-sign audio reading now for just $57 — we will increase the price again soon.
Planet Waves
Eric may be on hiatus, but we are still running the Four Winds Almanac every day. Sign up free for your comprehensive guide to daily astrology, calendar, birthdays and more.