Category Archives: Horoscopes

Monday Morning Horoscope #157 for Dec. 31, 2018

New sign glyphs are by Lanvi Nguyen.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There’s no better way to start the New Year than Mars arriving in your birth sign. Nothing could possibly better express your desire to be the full-on individual that you are. This is the theme of your entire existence for the foreseeable future, by which I mean the next eight years or so (a story that will be told by Chiron, explained in more detail in the monthly horoscope). This is an experiment. Being yourself is an experiment, in that it always requires bumping or scraping into someone, or having them think you’re aggressive or whatever; and the skill you’ll need to adopt is being at peace with that. If you’re worried about being offensive (which is possible, even for an Aries), the thing to remember is that if you don’t have some degree of social conflict in your life, you don’t figure out who you are; you don’t grow. You don’t need to provoke anything; merely being you will be sufficient. Then, as time goes on, you will become more confident in yourself, and find your way to common ground with those around you. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You have a funny way of forgetting who you are, then remembering right when you need to the most. That would be right around now. You can pretend all you like that the wild, passionate ‘part’ of you does not exist, though you’re destined to discover otherwise. Maybe you can act blasé and then surprise yourself with how hungry you are for life, which includes self-discovery and sexual discovery and fully engaging all of your creativity. This will kick up some turbulence, though most of it will be in the form of thinking other people are judging you when in fact they don’t really care so much what you do with your life (that’s the true nature of judgment; it’s really a form of not caring). So don’t trouble yourself with that, or maybe have fun with it — it’s high time for an insurrection, an overthrow of any belief that does not serve you. This is particularly true of the tired, wilting ideas about life that your predecessors tried to inflict on you, but failed, because you’re too interesting. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your ruling planet Mercury is making a sweep past the Galactic Core over the next couple of days, which will guide you into some interesting situations if you let it. Fortunately, you’re curious enough to subvert the paranoia of our times. Therefore you leave yourself some space to engage with the unexpected and unfamiliar. It remains true that one thing can lead to another, which only means to keep your wits about you and make your decisions sober, rather than being cynical (which means bitter, which is not really you). The thing to remember, particularly as Mercury changes signs to Capricorn later in the week, is that everything is negotiable. So don’t sign away or voluntarily surrender your power without engaging all parties in a discussion. Know what you want, and know what you’re not willing to give up. You can still do that and maintain some flexibility, and keep an honest conversation going. There’s a line from ancient Rome, in vino veritas (“in wine there is truth”). Maybe so, but fact-check using multiple sources before you sign anything. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — While everyone else is busy partying, quietly go about your business over the next few days. You have plans, and through this week you’re in an unusual position to engage them and pick up some momentum. Your agenda should include initiating some new projects, and wrapping up some old ones, in a well-planned transition. The cautionary note is that Mars entering your ambitious 10th house is calling on you to mind your relationships, which in particular means staying on good terms with various authority figures, whether official or unofficial. You can do this and still maintain your independence and your integrity; that is the essential skill in both politics and in business. While it’s inevitable that you will rub some people the wrong way, being polite when you encounter them helps — particularly if you’re acting within your rights and, more particularly, your responsibilities. And where both are concerned, you have an obligation to yourself to be true to your mission. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Pace yourself over the next few days, particularly as the holiday season peaks with New Year’s and then people try to saunter back into the work week. Make sure you’re the one who shows up to work on Wednesday morning well rested and with a clear head. Then, if you’ve paused in the action for the holidays, or even if not, take your time coming up to speed. Don’t try to do everything at once. Prioritize, and use your time effectively. Focus on closure rather than starting new projects. The New Moon in Capricorn on Saturday is suggesting there still may be some residual business from the past 12 months that needs attention. However, as you tidy up and make sure all of the old accounts are closed, you’ll start to get ideas for how to structure your agenda going forward. As you may know, the Sun rules your sign, and its current conjunction to Saturn assures that a methodical approach to getting your work done is the one that will be the most effective, now and in the future. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You will have some opportunities to experiment with new experiences this week, which will call forth the rare combination of being both bold and self-aware. All that really means is knowing the difference between the gas pedal and the brakes. You can ease off on one without using the other; you can go gently on both and get where you’re going on time. Yet operating your vehicle is one thing; where you choose to go is another, and the stars may be guiding you to some unusual destinations, if you’re willing to go. You’ll take that branch in the road when you gently veer in the direction of the unfamiliar. Be alert to a problem that you’re addressing, left over from childhood: that of false caution, which is based not so much on your own safety but rather on addressing the mostly nonexistent dangers perceived by others. Now, however, it’s time to explore the benefits of doing what others are afraid to do, and what may have triggered your fears in the past. You know that’s no way to live — and it really is time to live. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The theme of closure is strong in your chart this year, and you get some added leverage this week as the New Moon takes shape in your 4th house (from ancient astrology, “the end of the matter”). While that’s happening, certain events and people may arise unexpectedly on the horizon, which will spur you to take the necessary steps to tidy up the past, and how you feel about it. Most of what you’re dealing with are indeed your feelings. The central matter seems to be addressing the results of what you did in order to feel secure, but which really didn’t work out. Go back to your original intent: what was that decision supposed to be about? If you didn’t get the results you were planning, you can reverse your decision; however, stick close to the roots, motives and values that were driving you. Those are the things that need attention and adjustment, as you work out new ways to perceive and engage with your environment. Just note, the pace is about to pick up. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Don’t let others lull you to sleep, or lure you into thinking you’re anything other than fully alive. Remember that when you’re really living, that can feel a little odd, as those around you lumber through life or aspire to mediocrity. Therefore, stick to the interesting people, the ones whose fun comes from inside themselves, those who like to think and who are bold about doing so. If you can’t find any of those folks at the moment, then entertain yourself. It would be silly and a waste of some excellent opportunities to settle for spending time with people who are uninspiring. Keep your inner fire burning, keep food on the stove, and focus on what you really, truly want to do. Mars, your ruling planet, makes its way into Aries today (Monday), indicating many new beginnings, and a positive attitude toward meeting the challenges of life. Let this week’s events emphasize your need for meaningful work: a role that gives you room not only to be yourself, but to become yourself. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Listen to the messages of others, no matter how cryptic they may seem. Seemingly external voices are coming from the depth of your psyche, speaking directly to you. They may arrive in the form of an invitation, or an idea, or some pleasant shock to your system that calls attention to your need to be a little more courageous. The one thing you don’t need to do is spend a lot of money. Many factors suggest this would be an excellent few days to dial back your cash outlay and focus instead on ways to improve your long-term financial prospects. One concept could go a long way toward doing that, particularly if you’re willing to make the investment of thought and time. The right idea is the one that harmonizes with your most deeply held values; what you know to be true; what you truly want from life. Most people think this is far more than they can ask, but for you at this stage of your growth, it has to be a bare minimum and a starting point. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Over the next few days, the Sun makes a conjunction to Saturn in your sign, followed by the ingress of Mercury and then a New Moon. That’s a lot of motivational factors acting on you at once, and in total describing your need to get your ass into high gear and focus your efforts. There are no shortcuts along the road you’re on; there are no steps you can skip and, in truth, you don’t want to. While the Sun-Saturn conjunction says that you need to take your time and be methodical, that’s merely preparation. The message coming from Mercury is that nothing is as influential as a single thought. Yet thought requires development, care, collaboration and attention to detail — which punts us right back into the realm of Saturn. If you have an idea, build a little structure around it: a plan or set of plans, a prototype, a test or experiment of some kind. Avoid the temptation of magical thinking, and have faith not just in your abilities but in your necessities. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Few people ever get over their fears, and most people are driven by them. This is not the life you want, and you know it. Yet the world makes such a thing about genuflecting to anxiety that it’s clear our society holds it as a god. One potential reason for this is that fear masks over passion and desire, and distracts us from them. That serves the purpose of “protecting” people from the very elements of their awareness that would be most inclined to set them free. Fear is a scrim; it’s an illusory barrier that seems solid and intractable, but when you touch it, it turns out to be made of gauze. Keep your lights on inside, and orient your reference points inwardly rather than out in the world. Stay in touch with your desires, even if they make you nervous. That’s how you know you really want something, or someone — you get a little agitated at the thought. It’s a clue that you’re tapping into an energy source. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Events this week strongly favor your long-term financial prospects, if you will take the cue and do what’s necessary to set your plans into action. There are two things to bear in mind. One is to consider your changing role within your social circle or community. You don’t need to be popular — you merely need to know what you want to do, and who you actually serve. Your role is coming into focus, as if a niche you started to ferret out over the past year now has plenty of room to move around. You can be visible, though the days are gone when you must be everything to everyone. Which brings me to the second point, involving Mars entering Aries: you will find it easy to be true to your values, so go for it while the going is good. Assert who you really are and what you actually believe; live for what matters to you. We are now counting the weeks until Chiron departs from your sign, a reminder to focus on how much you’ve learned in recent years about why you’re alive, and what you want to do. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 27, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 27, 2018 (#1231) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It seems you have some specific decisions to make in terms of where you will focus your energies. To some extent virtually the whole of the past year has been preparing you for this moment, through your experiences and through the information you’ve picked up, so that by now you pretty much know where you’re at. The remaining analysis may be about how far you’re willing to head in the direction of growth and healing, despite possible temptation to do otherwise. Yet if you listen to your inner guide, you’ll understand perfectly what these choices actually mean. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Comparing oneself to others is among the quickest routes to discontent. Yet we often do this, driven either by envy or — perhaps more commonly — by self-doubt and fear that we are not quite up to the mark. If thought out clearly, however, it’s possible to see how absurd these comparisons are. We are each unique, with our own qualities, flaws, joys and sorrows. You have an opportunity this week to really absorb this understanding; doing so may cause you to notice some unaddressed deep feelings, which you can then analyze and make the initial steps toward healing. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Try to keep an unrushed pace for the next few days, at least, and allow developments to take their course rather than playing an overly active hand. The astrology of the past couple of weeks has been somewhat fraught for many, and there are a lot of frayed nerves about. You would probably do well for now to refrain from committing to any particular course of action, remembering that what is said and done cannot afterwards be unsaid or undone. Instead, stay aware of your feelings as they arise, and do your best to be transparent and honest with yourself, if not with others. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — All relationships tend to contain moments when we’re not happy with a particular circumstance or recognize that an ongoing arrangement needs to be altered. For example, you might feel as if you’re doing too much, and need more support in a certain situation. If something’s bothering you, try to bring it up in an honest discussion — no need to go in with both barrels, but likewise don’t be a martyr and pretend everything is halcyon. That won’t make the issue disappear. In any ostensibly equal partnership you need to be able to communicate truthfully and like adults, rather than parents or children. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Just at present, you might well be fired up with enthusiasm, and wanting to move mountains in your current cause. This is undoubtedly wonderful to behold, yet try to remember that you are only human after all, with finite (if considerable) time, resources and strength. You can honor your limits and your need for occasional rest, and yet still accomplish so much that everyone else’s eyes water just looking at you; especially if you organize your time well and wisely. Your passion is evident, in any case; and it will almost certainly inspire others to emulation within their own lives. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There comes a point when one simply has to take a leap of faith, and move forward from theory into practice. Caution is frequently reasonable and, more often than not, a little pause for analysis can be beneficial. However, it would seem you’ve done all the thinking out that you possibly can on one specific issue. The next phase is experimentation. This is not likely to be a circumstance where dipping your toe in the water inevitably leads to being in deeper than feels comfortable; in any case, stepping outside your comfort zone is a necessary part of growth. I suggest you wade in courageously. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If you’re puzzling over where to go from your current position, or feel as if you’re stuck where you are, there may be help available in the form of certain memories. For example, you might recall specific childhood dreams or ambitions, which perhaps formerly you dismissed as impractical, but are now freer to dust off and re-examine. What did you want to do before, that you possibly now have time to fulfill? Remember that one is never too old to learn new things, and that the world contains an abundance of information; more than enough to discover in one lifespan. So discover away. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You appear to be learning that sincere love has to begin with yourself. This seems counterintuitive in our society, but ultimately it makes sense. After all, love is arguably more complete when there is no need for approval or a return attached to it; and if we don’t love ourselves, more often than not we end up relying on others to do it for us. If you find this something of a stumbling block, which most of us do at times, make it a project of an almost academic nature. There are methods that can help you circumvent self-doubt, and treat yourself with the justice and kindness you merit. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — One of the ways we express self-respect is in the way we treat other people, which means how often we tell the truth, keep our word, help out when it’s needed, and so on. This includes taking responsibility for carrying out our principles and standing by them, or being open to change when we learn something new. Doing all this requires a kind of self-trust, and the more you feed that on a regular basis, the more naturally it comes. It’s also important to recognize whenever you’ve done something you can be proud of to any degree; this helps build confidence. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — We’re in a time when our individual differences are being emphasized, often at the expense of understanding what we all have in common. Love and respect that apply universally are decidedly not in fashion. Yet, while it’s true that we each have a responsibility for how we live, there is surely also a place for compassion that regards only the fact that we exist, we’re alive and we’re human. When you feel sure that you can draw a decisive line (or, perhaps, build a wall) between you and someone else, it may be a useful exercise for you to look more closely at what links you together. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — On the one hand, critical thinking is an invaluable skill. When you experience an intuitive idea it can make a lot of sense to investigate further, ask yourself questions, or put it somehow to the test where possible. On the other hand, as with all things, taking skepticism to extremes will tend to distort it: you might end up dismissing anything and everything, or come up with a potentially baseless theory to satisfy a general sense of distrust. The golden mean usually involves keeping an open mind, and being willing to sit with a little uncertainty until more information can be had. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Gradually, your social milieu seems to be transforming into one that you find more congenial, more supportive, and more reflective of you as a person. Part of this may be down to a realization that you simply don’t have to associate with anyone who makes your life more difficult. I don’t mean in the sense of challenging you when necessary; rather, getting in the way of needed development and healing. Recent experience has taught you that where your principles or integrity are at stake, at no time can there be any compromise in favor of someone else’s convenience. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 24, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have the potential, at this moment, to make a lot of progress on an endeavor that’s of considerable importance to your ambitions. Holiday season notwithstanding, it may well be a good idea to take some time to yourself, knuckle down and get some things done — especially if you’re feeling like there are ideas inside you bursting to come out; it’ll likely be a relief to get them off your chest and onto paper, even if only in raw form for now. You’ll probably be in an even better position to go at this full throttle once Mars enters your sign, though it can’t hurt to get the engine warmed up. Do what you need to do. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — New information can sometimes render it necessary to make changes in a philosophy or practice, which can feel somewhat discomfiting. Yet life is a process of trial and error, and we gain wisdom through experience. It’s also very likely that the habit or train of thought you’re now on the verge of leaving behind was necessary to you in the past. Therefore, don’t be too hard on yourself on the basis of your previous decisions; instead, you might recognize your learning as a sign of development — a cause for pride, rather than regret. The present and future await. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Just now, it would appear your mind is more than usually inventive. You’re already something of a natural at seeing things from a fresh viewpoint, but in the present moment you seem able to tap into your imagination almost at will. You’ll probably benefit from taking it easy over the festive season, albeit avoiding excess; sometimes a break from routines helps rejuvenate one’s mind and allow for ideas to flow more freely, especially if there are fewer stressors or points of doubt. Give yourself permission to enjoy a peaceful and restful week, however you might best accomplish that. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Relationships thrive on trust, and it helps to remember that trustworthiness begins at home. The more you cultivate your own honesty, transparency, integrity and self-knowledge, the more you will tend to attract those who do likewise; good faith seems to possess the power to multiply itself, and those who routinely demonstrate it set an example for everyone around them. Eventually, it becomes clear that there was never any need to be anyone other than who you are, or anything less than entirely open and sincere. Think over what you say and do. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The week ahead promises to be burgeoning with opportunities for enriching experiences, though you may need to find them. One place you can do that is in helping take care of those less fortunate than you, or serving your community in general. Look around for ways in which you can support a local charity, for example; preferably by donating time and effort rather than money alone. Alternatively, if you’re spending the holidays with family and/or friends, perhaps there’s an original activity everyone will enjoy, or an interesting place your group can visit. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — At this time of the year the emphasis is on your solar 5th house, the place where reside your concepts of art, play and pleasure. It’s not easy having Capricorn in this area, and despite the fact that a wellspring of creative or imaginative energy is waiting to emerge from you, you seem at this moment rather hesitant to let it flow forth, or uncertain where you might find it. Perhaps the best thing at present is not so much to take an active part in the process, but simply to relax as much as you can, accept whatever is there, and allow your ideas to shape themselves gently and gradually. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It might be useful for you this week to remember that, while you can’t change the past, you can influence what is to come. You may also be judging yourself rather too harshly for previous events, perhaps assigning blame to yourself where none is in fact due. Take note if you’re doing this; possibly you could benefit from reviewing these matters objectively, as if from an outsider’s perspective. It’s actually a good general rule, if you’re prone to self-criticism, to ask yourself what you’d say if someone else was in the same position. The chances are you’d be a lot kinder. Try that approach. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — When something isn’t quite clear, we can either: seek out more information, sit with the uncertainty, or hazard a guess based on the data we have. Many people choose the latter option, despite the risk of possibly being mistaken. You know better than to make those sorts of assumptions. If there’s something you feel you need to know, it’s likely you can gain a more coherent understanding of the matter, through research and a little detective work. Be shrewd and, where able, keep your ideas to yourself until you can be virtually certain of the truth. Be prepared also to let things emerge over time, when appropriate. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — New Year’s resolutions in our culture are usually an absurd process whereby we make impossible promises to ourselves, and behave with unimpeachable virtue (or, perhaps, prudishness) for a few weeks or so, until we inevitably break our word, shrug and then move on with the business of daily life. Do yourself a favor and don’t bother with any of that rubbish. If you sincerely want to make a change to your life, respect yourself and your intelligence by having an appropriate and accessible goal, and a plan to get there — and resolve to persevere even if you stumble. Accept no imitations. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Though your ruler Saturn has now been in your sign for about a year, you might be quite a way off as yet from any sense of feeling at home. Part of this may be due to certain memories or deep impressions surfacing and demanding your attention. This could actually represent a significant step toward a new phase of embracing who you are unapologetically. It may be a good idea to avoid placing unreasonable expectations on yourself. Instead, work with what you have — the very act of acknowledging and facing what you truly feel is one of courage, and lights the way to healing. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — With the holiday season rapidly approaching, you may be feeling somewhat keyed up, as if you’re absorbing the collective adrenalin rush of shopping and preparation by osmosis. If you still have a few things to do, I recommend you get them out of the way as soon as possible, while you’re in the relevant frame of mind; make a list, so that you don’t overlook anything. If you find you’re saddled with rather too many festive duties, see if you can delegate some, or find a way to simplify some of your plans. The aim is to make a space for yourself to get in some serious relaxation time. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Remember that when it comes to belief systems, emotion and human nature can have a way of tripping us up. Conformity is one way our thought process can be skewed; another is a sense of rebellion against the status quo. There’s a reason the list of logical fallacies is so very long. It’s true that intuition is a thing, and you have that in abundance; however, at times it’s helpful simply to check your ideas for coherence, consistency and rationality. If your instinct is sound, it’s quite unlikely to conflict with logical principles if examined. Don’t be afraid to use these tools. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 20, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 20, 2018 (#1230) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — With the emphasis turning toward your house of career and status, and a powerful Full Moon about to take place right across that axis of your chart, you may well be at least beginning to feel — to borrow from Terry Pratchett — as if your get-up-and-go has got up and come. That’s likely to be a good deal more obvious in the New Year, once your ruler Mars is in your sign. Just remember all the things you’ve learned about yourself recently, especially where you’ve gotten in touch with your sensitivity and empathy. Keep close to your sense of fairness. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be experiencing some tension regarding specifically the question of what holds most meaning for you, and your general philosophy. These are profound questions, which we are in a sense compelled to answer with every decision we make and every action we take. The responses we give can change as we go through life and encounter new situations, though sometimes we stumble upon fundamental principles of such importance that they stay with us for many years. If there is turbulence around you, concepts of that sort are usually a very good anchor. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury, your ruler, finally leaves shadow phase on Monday, meaning it will enter new zodiacal territory for the first time since its retrograde. If you’ve been feeling as if you’ve yet to shake off the sensation of slowing down and of a reflective state of being, there may be more information to emerge on your present path of self-discovery before you’re ready to move back into the active realm. Be as patient as you can, and keep going until you see fit to take a different route. At some point any uncertainty you may feel will most likely wane, and clarity fill the gap. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — In part thanks to the heavy emphasis on the nuclear family, around this time of year there is a culturally driven wave of sentimentality involving relationships and the imperative to Not Be Alone — regardless of whether the available company is worth keeping or not. Thanks to the Full Moon this week, you might be experiencing the urge to commit to a specific arrangement, which you would otherwise probably take your time in deciding. However, there’s no reason to rush anything; use your discernment, and weigh out all the details carefully, before coming to a decision. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The solstices are among the pivotal turning points in the year, around which festivals tend to congregate, and which are globally significant. When they’ve passed, we tend to go back to our routine lives. That said, there is something particularly interesting about tomorrow’s solstice, namely a sense that some of its magic can be carried forward into the workaday world, if we so wish it. There is beauty and meaning and power in every day, though sometimes finding it takes a bit of digging. You seem to possess the key, at present, to doing just that. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — On the face of it, the astrology looks as if you’re about to turn into the creativity-related version of a perpetual motion machine. Yet it’s also possible that what you’re feeling right now is more akin to stress and overwhelm, or confusion regarding what to do next. Keep an eye out if you’re prone at the moment to wanting to push the river, or expecting too much of yourself. You cannot shoulder a level of pressure on the order of having to turn into Picasso overnight. You’re only human, and perhaps could do with remembering that it’s okay to need downtime occasionally. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Pay close attention to your body and emotions during the festive season, especially in social and other interactive situations. This time of year can pile on the stress as well as offering relaxation and general cheer. Take it easy, and don’t feel obliged to participate in any activity you’d rather not. Many people enjoy the parties and celebratory atmosphere; if you prefer a quiet, homely gathering or not much at all, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Stay alert and aware of your instincts, and try to avoid too many excesses, particularly of alcohol. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You’ve probably heard that riddle on what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object. Nothing in our lived reality, fortunately, is quite so absolute; yet there are times when something has to give. When a matter feels important to us, we are apt to let our emotions sway our judgment; yet it can be enormously helpful to take a step back, analyze the situation and ensure there isn’t a factor we’re overlooking. At any rate, if there seems to be an inflexible barrier in the path, it’s probably sensible to pause and try to figure out a way round it. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Awareness is thankfully growing regarding the impact of single-use items on the environment. It seems far too many things are made to be disposable in short order. This can impact our thinking as well; it can be ridiculously easy to decide that a project or an interest isn’t working, and to throw it over for something new without further analysis. Yet what might seem like a blind alley can often have hidden doors. If you think you’ve arrived at an impasse, look around carefully for a way through that you haven’t yet spotted. Chances are there’ll be at least a few. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The focus of the planets is shifting onto your sign, and it would seem you’re about to get a foretaste of what the incredible 2020 astrology might feel like for you. If you’re experiencing apprehension at the idea of being more central in the grand scheme of things, you can acknowledge this and sit with it for a while. To embrace that situation will require confidence — in yourself, and in the various beliefs you hold dear. What you possibly need to realize more than anything else is that there is every reason why said confidence is perfectly justified. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may feel as if you’re currently paying a visit to Wonderland, or a parallel universe in which everything is upside down or exists in ten different dimensions. There are certainly enough Mad Hatters operating on the current world stage, after all. Yet if you listen carefully, you will find the strain of truth running beneath the cacophony like a deep bass line, maintaining a rhythm of solid, reliable tones. Hold that sound in your mind, and allow it to drown out the noise when things seem like they’re getting to be too much. You know who you are, and you can lean on that feeling. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The astrological spotlight is currently on your zones of public visibility, suggesting that you’ll have opportunities to stand out more palpably over the mass of your fellow humans. Small moves in the right direction could cause a surprisingly dynamic response, propelling you into a broader realm of influence. Just remember to keep your sense of perspective; it’s all too easy to let that slip away when the world is changing around us, but you’ve grown immeasurably, and sacrificed far too much to let go of your roots and of the person you’ve spent years becoming. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 17, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You won’t need to be ambitious to make your mark this week. The real issue is spin control, which is another way of saying you must be on-message at all times. Rather than what you do, focus on what you don’t do, and don’t say. Maintain decorum and actual restraint. That doesn’t mean be stiff or austere. Rather, relax and listen more than you speak. Thunderous astrology is approaching, focused in your professional angle, and you will want to ride this wave gently. ‘Tis the season of holiday parties. One of my early political mentors had a rule of staying three drinks behind the crowd. I would revise that this week: no alcohol at company functions. This is not about being pure; it’s about being alert and aware. Most people don’t recognize the homeopathic-level influence that even a sip of alcohol can have. You simply must have your wits about you. Rather than trying to impress everyone, pay attention to your environment, and note your observations carefully. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — A combination of factors will make these last two weeks of 2018 unusually potent, and there’s a peak of energy late this week. Keep your interests focused where your heart is — with intimate partners, or maybe close friends. You don’t need to do the out-in-public thing unless you want to. If your instincts say to keep the socializing to a minimum, you’re right, as usual. Through the week there’s the potential for some brilliant contact between you and someone close to you, an unusual depth of understanding, and ease of communication. You’ve been through a sequence of unusual experiences this year, and — though you will rarely see me use the word — lessons. Some of them exposed the gaps between you and an intimate partner, potentially shaking you up. It would now seem that you’ve used these to your best advantage, and grown closer, rather than more distant. Such moments of contact as you have available now are rare indeed. Call yourself fully present. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The Full Moon later in the week reaches across the personal finances/joint finances angle of your solar chart, and you will want to be careful with money. This is happening in a time of year when a lot of plastic is getting swiped. You might dial this back and, instead, do any shopping that you’re planning after the holiday rather than before. You could easily cut your budget in half and everyone would be just as happy. At least from the viewpoint of your solar chart, there’s the possibility that you will get carried away, then wish you had not. Meanwhile, a partnership situation could seem like it’s up for grabs or entering volatile territory, compounded by several different stress factors that are present this time of year (some are worldly, some are cosmic). Any situation that starts to take a turn for the worse could go out of control, so do what you can to keep the peace until the lunar peak passes on Saturday, and conduct any necessary discussion when your ship is sailing somewhat smoother waters. The point is not to suppress the issues; rather, it’s the greatest good for all concerned. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — On Saturday, there’s a truly unusual Full Moon in your birth sign. This is one to tread carefully, as the full intensity will have a way of sneaking up on you. Through the week, pay careful attention to your emotional state. Be mindful of emotions such as anger, or the nondescript sense of feeling hurt. Be especially mindful of any form of victim consciousness, and if you perceive yourself being treated unfairly, step into a more influential vantage point. It’s wise to avoid making decisions as the Full Moon approaches, because everything is typically in such a state of flux. If you’re in any kind of situation that resembles being at loggerheads or in a deadlock, cut the throttle and allow the scenario to drift in its current direction. The momentum indicated in the astrology is likely to precipitate rapid developments between Friday and Monday, after which time it will be much easier to make well-informed decisions. This is particularly true with intimate or business partners, such as if you notice them leaning toward edgy or zealous. Easy does it. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Keep an eye on one particular situation at work, one that has shown signs of trouble in the past. If you spot it early, you will be able to get control before things go sideways, potentially avoiding any difficulty. But you will need to be both vigilant and creative while others are intent on having a good time. Sure, drop in on the parties, and connect with people you care about, but keep your focus on what matters, and maintain a business-before-pleasure stance for the next two weeks. You must watch your stress level and your overall health this time of year, though particularly now; so avoid anything that you know inflames or aggravates, or anything you’re allergic to, and make sure you do all of your driving 100% sober. Contrary to popular belief, it is legal to drink and drive (it’s just a matter of degree), and the degree that I’m recommending is zero. You may need to make fast decisions that affect other people. By Saturday evening (the 22nd) the energy will have tamped down a bit, though maintain your internal locus of control. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Just in case you still have your options open, do some entertaining at home. Even if you’re burning gas and tolls going other places, at least have one soiree or gathering in your own space. Invite people you like and do it up. Meanwhile, this is a moment of reconciliation for you. Emotional tension with domestic partners or family may not seem like it’s improving much today, though soon there will be a break in the weather and you’ll discover how much you have in common. And the more you work with that common ground, the deeper your relationships will become. However, from another angle, we can read these same aspects as being about you and nobody else — a kind of inner peace is available, despite the din and fray of the world. Yet to have this state of mind and feelings you must want it, and set other priorities aside. In this time of many meetings, be sure to meet yourself once or twice in a quiet place, far from others. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Whether at home or at work, take care of business first: that is, the necessities of life, and your personal responsibilities. This will ease your mind and let off some of the pressure you may be under. If you find yourself pulled in two or more directions, place the emphasis on what you know must be done rather than what you want to do. Then, as your second priority, blow off some steam, in a constructive way. Alcohol will have a particularly detrimental effect on your emotional state, potentially polarizing you into some extreme ups and downs. Instead, do things that cultivate your sense of balance; things that support your stability. You need time and space with your feelings, a privilege I suggest you grant yourself any time you need it. There’s one more thing, though: invest the time to speak with your elder relatives, if they are available. You will learn something, and you may notice they have a message for you. We are in a time when the old tend to defer to the supposed wisdom of the young. I suggest you reverse that trend. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Be reserved with what you say, even if you’re certain you’re right. You may have a tendency to over-share, particularly as the weekend approaches. The chances are you know what you’re talking about, though in the end, there are few who benefit from any form of persuasion. Yet be aware that you might be trying to convince yourself of something you already know is true. If you find yourself inclined to talk, the thing to do is write. Writing is just like speaking, but you capture the words on the page or the screen, organize them, and focus your own mental process in a way you can learn from and refer back to. For most people these days, writing anything longer than a tweet feels like they’re trying to become the next Hemingway. You would find this a daring exercise, and if you stuck with it a little while, it would become more than a self-therapy pastime. You might discover you like it so much, you cannot stop. And that’s where you would be persuasive. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — What happens this week will more than compensate for many points of frustration and disappointment in recent months. You might notice that it’s possible to reconcile differences with people, or at least with yourself. Where a partnership is concerned, the mercurial behavior of someone close to you has been troubling, though you at least are in a position to gain some true clarity. You’re likely to decide that you share enough common ground to make a go of things, or that your differences with someone require you to make adjustments to your way of life. The important thing is that you commit to living your truth and not that of someone else. This would ordinarily be a perfectly Sagittarian thing to do, but you’re more sentimental than you like to let on, and that has a way of leading you to compromise your independence. You don’t need to do this. Commit to being and you will discover that others are happy to let you be. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Friday, the Sun enters your sign, and Saturday the Full Moon takes place in your opposite sign Cancer. This sequence of events looks poised to release an unusual burst of energy, and you’ll be able to do anything you want with it. From the look of other aspects in your chart, particularly a gleaming conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter that’s concurrent with the solstice, it appears that you know what you want, if only you’ll admit it to yourself. It’s your state of awareness that determines whether you will make the most of an opportunity or let it slip through your hands. What could possibly hold you back? Well, do you feel you owe anything to people in the past, such as ancestors or other relatives? Do they still have their strings attached to you, or are you clasping them in your hands? Freedom seems like a dangerous state of being, to those who don’t have it. By that I mean the power to choose can be daunting to those afraid to make decisions. Yet that is a ruse; you are deciding every minute of the day. The question is what. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Developments over the next week or so have the potential to unleash your wildest imagination. This may have a few different forms of expression. Who do you see yourself being in the world? What role do you want to play in the drama of life? Your solar chart describes you as someone whose mission involves gathering wisdom and other resources, and being a kind of benefactor. Yet inwardly, you’re experiencing an unusual kind of reaction that may bear no resemblance to how you view yourself as a participant in society. You may feel a sudden release from fear, or an overwhelming sense of anxiety. The choice really is yours. Aspects for the foreseeable future have you living much closer to the edge than even you’re accustomed to. You may run into the question of whether you can stay in control of your life. The metaphor of a sailboat on the water is salient here. You cannot control the wind, the tides or the weather, but you can stay aware, and guide your craft in a way that respects environmental conditions. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Focus on your professional activities as much as possible this week, including completing important tasks that you have going. Be attentive to your correspondence, as a conjunction of Mercury and your traditional ruling planet Jupiter indicates some unusual success or breakthrough. Because Mercury is involved, you’ll need to be alert and aware of what others are saying to you and what you are saying to them. Opportunities that seemed long gone may land in your lap or your laptop, so keep a positive frame of mind. Aspire to do quality work rather than to deliver quantity. Focus on the central idea, message or purpose that you’re offering, and keep it at the front of your mind, both as a presentation and as an organizing principle. Pay attention at social functions, particularly when associating with people who are in any way associated with your particular field, business, or enterprise. These conversations count for a lot right now. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 13, 2018

Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 13, 2018 (#1229) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — For many, the days are long gone when adhering to a certain religion was compulsory, socially if not legally. Now, when there is such widespread access to cultural ideas and beliefs of every kind, choosing one’s spiritual or ethical path can simply be a matter of what best fits one’s personal values. However, the pressures of family and community do still exist, and it can sometimes be very tempting to accept a dogma unquestioningly rather than face criticism or worse from others. Yet there is a true liberation in recognizing your need to live honestly as yourself, and in committing to that. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Part of the challenge in working through any healing or growth process is that the results often don’t show themselves immediately. It’s all too easy to decide instead to give up and go numb, and sleepwalk through the world. Yet you have too much good sense to consider that as anything like a real solution. One approach that may help is to get more involved with an issue you care deeply about, or are interested in. This needn’t be merely to ‘keep busy’ so that you can put what you’re feeling out of your mind; it could also give you an increased sense of purpose. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — When we really need help, we often discover who numbers among our truest friends. When someone close to us needs help, we can find in offering and giving support that our intimacy with them deepens. Relationships tend to appear at their most profound and wonderful when those involved have the opportunity to express qualities that bring out the best in us: compassion, loyalty, warmth and empathy, among others. Be there for loved ones if they need you, even if you’re not sure what you can do; and if you could use someone’s company or assistance, reach out. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your instincts may be more finely tuned than usual this week. If there’s any kind of interpersonal tension in your workplace or daily life, the chances are you’ll be one of the first to spot the change in the wind. What you do with this information depends on your judgment; you might be able to prevent a misunderstanding, though possibly it’s too early to gauge the best action to take. Don’t rush into anything, therefore, and wait for more to unfold if necessary. You may figure out a creative and friendly way to resolve any problem that does emerge, once all the pieces are in place. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Little unexpected events happen relatively frequently in these lives of ours, and usually it’s fairly easy to adapt to them. With those of greater significance, some time can be required, and perhaps it’s also necessary to take a more active role in readjusting. This week, you may be visited by an inspiration out of the blue, or may discover that it’s time to step something you’re working on up a gear, or change its course somewhat. You’ll probably be able to meet this alteration without too much difficulty. Make room for whatever arrives, and keep an open mind as to what you’ll do next. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — When it comes to your wellbeing, don’t forget that the mind and the body are connected with and feed into one another. If you’ve been feeling under the weather physically, check how you’re doing emotionally; and vice versa. A holistic approach will probably mean you’re more in tune with yourself in general, as well as being less likely to miss any useful information. Pay attention in particular if any longstanding or old patterns recur; new clues may appear that were perhaps unclear or not available to you before, and which could lead to new ways of maintaining your equilibrium. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Virtually all human responses to a situation contain some form of emotion, even though it’s often subtle or driving from underneath the consciousness, rather than open and out on the surface. We like to think of ourselves as rational, reasoning beings, though going through the full reasoning process actually requires us to be honest and transparent about how we feel. These facets of the character tend to be shamed when on display, or smothered guiltily whenever possible, though there is no logical point to this. In dealing with a specific issue, you’d benefit from being aware of all your reactions. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The state of the world is troubling for many, and the information overload we’re all constantly receiving can trigger certain old stress points. If you’re feeling that way, remember to take however long you need for self-care, and step away where possible from toxic environments, including online, if they’re getting to you. One thing you’ll want to avoid in particular is any tendency toward a narrowing worldview. These are challenging times for people with open and candid hearts, but you owe it to yourself to be real, and not to allow anything to constrict you or shake your courage. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Don’t be afraid to express yourself if you feel your views might not quite fit in among your peers, or be acceptable to those in positions of authority. The uniqueness of a perspective can add significantly to its importance, simply by virtue of presenting an idea unthought-of before, or one that existed but no-one had previously dared to bring to the discussion. Humanity is gloriously messy, and is not designed to slide neatly into perfectly square boxes, though some may wish it so, for the convenience of not having to think too hard. Never mind pleasing them — you have more interesting things to do. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may be feeling somewhat hemmed in at present, perhaps rebelling against what you might see as ponderous duties (which are somehow infinitely more irritating when we’re in the mood just to enjoy ourselves). One possible solution that can help mitigate this feeling is to be as organized as possible, including separating work and leisure hours; this allows you not only to feel in control of your time, but to see the balance consciously. Where possible, organize your spaces as well; see if you can establish a designated area to wind down. Remember that ultimately you’re working with your mind. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Much of the time, it’s possible to follow your passion without treading on the sensitive toes of self-appointed social arbiters. Sometimes, it isn’t. Yet if you have a sincere devotion to something, there might well come a time when you must choose between, for example, staking your reputation and/or being subject to criticism on the one hand, and giving up or making a compromise on the other. At some stage, committing to your vocation may mean accepting risks such as these. However, you might ask yourself what’s so scary about that; after all, few things in this world are more liberating. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s not all that easy to understand the true potential of an ambition; once the necessary research has been carried out, the only thing left is to pursue it and see what results. Often, there will be unexpected and interesting developments, which are illuminating if not always to one’s taste. Just now, though, your ability to gauge probabilities is rather astute. In considering an action, you may well be in a position to measure likely outcomes to an unusual degree of accuracy. By all means cross-check your ideas with whatever is available in the outside world; however, as a rule, you can trust your judgment. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 10, 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — In the creative process — in bringing just about anything into manifestation — the first step is the vision. An inspiration appears, and an idea is formed. How you shape that idea into concrete reality is up to you; just now, however, you seem to be in a good position to receive that initial spark of light from the cosmos, so pay attention to what’s on the edges of your consciousness, including any dreams you can remember. Practice creative thinking as a daily exercise, which means observing the world around you and inventing narratives in your mind. Notice who you encounter in the public arena. What could their story be? Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Healing tends to operate as a function of evolution. That means if you are healing, you are also growing as a person; which is not something that can be rushed. Even — perhaps especially — if you are still mending from very old hurts, it’s crucial that you hold space for yourself and take whatever time you need, without self-reproach. Try to open up to people close to you, provided you feel safe doing so. Those who care about you most will surely offer their support should you need it, as you would do for them. Lovingkindness is one of the most beautiful phenomena this world has to offer, after all. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — One of the most challenging aspects of relationships is projection: because we don’t always know the entire contents of our own minds, we tend to imbue others with those characteristics of which we’re not aware. Then we are surprised or disappointed when they act like themselves instead of the person we’ve created in our head. Mercury’s recent backwards trip, however, has likely helped you with any difficulties in this line you might have been experiencing. You’re much more aware, now, of who you are, and where the boundaries sit between you and others. Hold on to that knowledge as much as you can. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — These past months may well have been enlightening and inspiring for some; they were decidedly frustrating or strange for many. Our culture is not used to long periods of virtually compulsory slowing down and re-evaluation, such as we have known with these days of one retrograde after the next. However, with Mercury now direct and the year almost behind us, we can begin to move forward again. The path of growth and service you have kept on all this while stretches out before you, hopefully somewhat more smoothly and with fewer brambles, and there is much to be said for continuing in this direction. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Dedication to an art or a craft, or simply to living as oneself, is a sacred thing. When you bring the energy of your devotion to your chosen field, the universe answers with a power all its own, giving you the tools you need. This week, if you’re a little stuck or just need an extra boost, try opening yourself up to the gifts of the cosmos. Do whatever is necessary to rekindle the passion you may have felt when first committing to your vocation — or, if you are waiting to be called to something new, do what you can to be able to receive that message. It should arrive soon enough. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — After such a long spate of inner planet retrogrades, it might seem that the last thing anyone could possibly want is yet more reviewing of the past, or introspection. Yet what you may need to do now is more along the lines of tying up loose ends, and decisively dispensing with elements of former times that no longer have a place in your life. This might be best done in a structured, methodical way, possibly with support from others. The point is to free yourself once and for all of certain challenging influences, so you can get on with the business of living in the present and planning for the future. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There are times when the only appropriate response to a situation is a fully mature one — and then, often people don’t quite succeed at that. However, there are other times when it’s helpful, if not necessary, to act more like a big kid. I don’t mean having a massive tantrum in the middle of the supermarket, of course. I’m really referring to: doing something because you want to do it, or because you always have and the opportunity’s arisen; playing, or making playful art; or enjoying the feel of the sun on your face or the wind on your skin, almost as if for the first time. Let out your joie de vivre this week. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It really is true that the only thing to fear is fear itself. Once overcome, fear becomes meaningless. This does not require you to rush into facing what frightens you head-on. In fact, these things are mostly best tackled using gradual, incremental, planned exposure. The other approach can work, if you’re in the mood — but it must be up to you. On the whole, though, confidence is something that cannot be forced. It’s built lovingly, one brick at a time; and the foundation must be thoroughly fixed in place before anything can be positioned above it. That way the structure is hardy enough to ride out all weathers. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — One of the things that would seem to characterize this next phase of your life is working with, or transforming, your spiritual dimension. Sagittarius has an inherently spiritual element in part through your ruler Jupiter, and perhaps also through Chiron, which has a special association with your sign. Yet when the outside world beckons, there isn’t always much time to look within and quietly observe. True, you’ve just had a whole year to get acquainted with your deeper nature, and in the process probably learned a good deal. Now you’ll likely want to bring at least some of that into the sunlight for everyday wear. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It may take a while yet for some of the progress you’ve made recently to make itself clear. In fact, you might be thinking you haven’t got very far at all, or that you’ve taken some steps in the wrong direction. Take heart. The developments have all been happening beneath the radar of your immediate perception. If you look closely you’ll see the pattern; however, it will probably emerge of its own accord soon enough. In any case, take it a little easier on yourself, and remember that we all hit choppy waters once in a while. Under those circumstances, perseverance can itself be a major accomplishment. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It’s possible that we’re all best off treating life as somewhat like an experiment, in which we learn by trial and error. It’s tempting to apply judgment to the ‘error’ part of this equation, especially nowadays, and considerably less easy to respond with compassion, whether to our own mistakes or someone else’s. Yet it is always worth the try. In addition, doing so would probably help you to ensure that what you’ve learned in the past few months is preserved somehow, and within your reach, and that you’re fully aware of its value. This should help you avoid regressing into old habits, and establish more constructive ones. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’re more than ready to take your career to the next level, whether through stepping up a structured ladder or expanding your reach. Only be sure that you’re doing what you love, and that your work keeps you in touch with the cosmic, or spiritual, consciousness that forms so central a part of your existence. This does not seem to be a moment for devoting the majority of your essential energy to anything other than what is paramount for you. If that means you need to be cautious and circumspect before making any definite commitments, take all the time you require. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2018

Planet Waves

My Chart for December Monthly Horoscope

Chart for the December 2018 monthly horoscope is the Cancer Full Moon on the winter solstice. Extra points include asteroids, centaurs, Kuiper belt objects and several hypothetical points.

For a Full Moon chart, the place to start the search for relevant extra points is what makes an aspect to the Moon or the Sun. Notably, they are in the first degrees of Cancer and Capricorn; the Full Moon happens just as the Sun is at its southern solstice, with its rays shining directly onto the Tropic of Capricorn.

A lunation on a solstice is a significant event, packing abundant energy. The Moon-Sun cycle reaches a peak just as the celestial machine is reversing directions. Many people will be brought into whatever events occur; this relates to how both of the luminaries are making an aspect to the Aries Point (the first degree of Aries).

The energy of this Full Moon is also illustrated by the Sun’s conjunction to the centaur Pholus (the second-ever planet in this class, discovered in 1992). Pholus is the energy of the uncontrolled release or the runaway reaction. Think of it as letting a genie out of a bottle. The other side to Pholus is the small cause with a big effect. [Here is my best Pholus article.]

Remember that Capricorn is the sign most associated with government and the stability of society. It’s under quite a bit of pressure to change right now. Whatever world events or political events this chart represents, they seem to happen right in the run-up to Christmas weekend.

For those interested in my personal-level interpretation, the monthly horoscope is below.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2018, (#1228) | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Certain professional aspirations seem destined to take off, and take you interesting places. Yet you must not be led by ambition, blind or otherwise. Rather, guiding forces such as ethics and wisdom will serve you much better. That’s a lot to ask these days, when it appears we live on crumbling structures, of intellect, of identity, and of tradition. There now no longer seems like a right way to do things; a right way to live. This is part of a larger problem where it looks like nothing actually matters. However, in times of radical change and instability, such as we live in now, you must have a code that you live by. At the moment, the focus of astrology is on the responsibility and reputation angle of your chart, which is Capricorn (your solar 10th house). There are two seemingly competing drives at work. One says push all limits and don’t worry about the rules. The other says keep your focus, respect boundaries, and use a traditional approach. Included here is honoring the flow of time, and not being in too big of a rush to make something happen. You will do better following this approach. The rapid-action placement (Pholus in Capricorn) will be a factor no matter what. It’s a kind of accelerant, in the sense of both time and fire. Under those conditions, it’s essential that you be able to apply the brakes and maintain some control over your own development. Other factors are guiding you to tap into the wisdom of your spiritual path, and remember that there is a difference between right and wrong, and that difference matters. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — If you want to make changes, the place to start is with your mind. One would think that thought is the most flexible element of all, though humans struggle with this. Yet at the moment, curiosity is driving you to see the world in new ways, to question your preconceptions, and to take chances with ideas. This is not something that you’ll be doing in an intellectual spiritual vacuum, like a yogi sitting in a cave. Rather, others will play a role in seeding your thoughts, through their example and through open-ended conversations. Have as many of those as possible, where the purpose is not to drive to a conclusion or a point, but rather to go in through the narrow end of a funnel and come out the wide end. Consider possibilities that might not be true, or that might be absurd. Consider ideas just because they seem interesting or beautiful. You’re someone who respects what scholars call canonical thinking — established wisdom. This is one of your strongest suits, and something people depend on you for. Now you get to experience something else, which is pushing the limits on what is already known and accepted. As for the “already known and accepted” angle, that’s sometimes called consensus reality. It has a way of blocking perception of deeper, wider or otherwise more relevant levels of thinking. What you want is to perceive existence as it is now, not as it was believed to be in the past. Bring some courage to the adventure. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — When people meet and connect, there’s that transcendent moment — and then the details need to be worked out. Those might be the arrangements of a partnership, or of a business development, or of a family. Often, when the relationship is vibrant and daring, the sticking point is addressing the inhibition that seems to haunt humanity, and which often gets in the way of your dreams. What is this about, really? Well, we have a lot of resistance programmed into us. It might come across as guilt, as fear, as “commitment” blocking one’s ability to act on desire. It might feel like moralism or virtue or the desire to conform to someone or something seemingly outside yourself. These tendencies are transmitted many different ways: environmentally (often in childhood, and many other times), through our genetic code, and through this elusive thing called karma. Yet it all comes home to roost in the here and now, where we experience our feelings, make decisions, and seek to explore creativity and desire. One thing is sure: we hear a lot of “I wish I had not held back.” Many people wish that in the past they had not resisted so much. At the moment, there are seemingly competing internal factors influencing you. One is striving to push you past your boundaries. The other appears to be applying the brakes, and compelling you to slow down, lest you go out of control. Here’s a question. Do you get any pleasure from holding back? Is this in some way an expression of your desire? If so, how is that serving you? And what would happen if you surrender to your desire, and it works out beautifully? Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Many of the questions of your life involve who is willing to take responsibility for what. These, of course, begin with you. And your perspective is subjective, from your point of view. You see the world as you see it, and you’re mature enough to know that other people see the world differently. However, to get anything done, different people have to agree on what needs to happen and what to do about it — and this is currently leading to a global crisis. This is starting to feel a little like what’s called a Texas League hit — a fly ball that lands between two outfielders, who both either thought the other one had it, or were afraid to collide. Yet there is much more going on. These days, taking a little responsibility implies taking total responsibility. We are told, over and over, that failure to do our part (recycle, conserve fuel, vote) will result in global disaster. For many people, potentially you, this weighs heavily on their conscience. Yet we also know that our individual actions don’t really matter, because the world and its problems are so big. People are more likely to think they will win the Powerball than they are to develop a technological or spiritual breakthrough that solves some seemingly insurmountable world problem. In fact, it would seem that most people need heaps of encouragement to think they might solve a personal problem. I am here to tell you that you are part of the solution, and that it doesn’t involve your recycling bin. It involves making a discovery about how you relate to others, and how people relate to one another. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Here are two questions that are really the same: What is sex, and what is art? We could ask another way: what does it mean to be human? What art and sex have in common is that they change the world in ways nothing else can. They change us, each of us, in ways that nothing else can. By change, I mean create, recreate, and draw into new territory (in both senses of the word draw). For everything that exists in the human realm, there is a drawing; and for everything that was created, the draw of sex was in the picture at some point, since that is where we all come from. The source of your consciousness and the source of your ideas are the same mystery, which point us inward toward the same source. And this source is burning brightly now, urging you to consider new possibilities, to express yourself from the inside out, to follow your curiosity, and to experiment. This is, however, so terrifying to so many people that it’s often avoided. I don’t mean to overstate the case; when you tap into your inner source, you let go of what you “know for certain” and something unfamiliar enters your awareness. Something within you is born and takes on a life of its own. At the moment, one of the undefined crises of the human race is the misuse of creative power. Too often, it’s used destructively and maliciously. Here is where your freedom of choice enters; here is where your personal ethics must guide your ability to make the world. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may fear that once you start to let go of your inhibitions and dive into your feelings, you won’t be able to stop. You might have this sensation that you’ll unleash the furies or start a fire you can’t control. Yet to really be alive is a kind of runaway reaction, and that may be just what you need to get beyond the various bindings and attachments that seem to hold you back. This is the same stuff that prevented you from having the kind of fun you wanted as a child. It’s related to the feeling of having grown up too soon. This is the same place your true inner artist and lover may feel trapped; and where you feel your curiosity is inhibited. You’ve made more progress setting yourself free than you may imagine. One thing to bear in mind is that whatever it is you’re liberating yourself from is old, by which I mean many generations old. If you don’t think of it as your personal material, but rather as something you inherited, it will be easier to handle. Think of it as a house you inherited, with all its stuff in the attic and ghosts running around and liquor bottles in the closet, with a few drops left in each. You can do anything you want with the place, though it helps if you remember that you didn’t build it, and you didn’t put all that stuff there. You also don’t have to live there. Then there’s the other side to this: there will be things of value that you want, though you will need to do some rummaging to find them. That will be worth your while. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — In the matter of whether you feel safe on the planet, you are tapping into family material that goes back to the dawn of time. If you feel it’s up to you to bring an end to many issues that have been a problem going down the generations, you’re on the right track. Yet your mental posture is essential to your success. You must decide for yourself that healing and resolution are actually possible. If you have some idea that the problem is unsolvable, or that you are impacted in a way you cannot reverse, you’re unlikely to succeed. That’s the place to begin to work out whatever you may be facing, particularly issues that have some origin in your family and which impact you directly. How you define the problem will be key to the solution. To solve any problem, it must be expressed in such a way that it’s subject to your intervention, so spend some time doing this. Notice where your language is self-defeating; study the words you use to describe yourself. Pay attention to the role guilt and shame may be playing. This could be the very binding that is holding everything together. Study where alcohol has played a role, and how it may be influencing you, whether directly, or indirectly through others. Above all else, monitor and work with your state of mind. An open mind is a channel for intelligence. Use time wisely; don’t expect to resolve everything immediately. Some things will take years; some will take days; some will take a moment, because the thing that matters most is a decision. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You’re finally starting to get a grip on your finances, though this has other implications. Your money is an expression of your power, and what you do with it is a statement to yourself about your priorities. This is not as complicated as you often make it out to be, though one essential factor is that you be in a position where you’re not drowned by the opinions of others. Your values must guide you. You will recognize what’s really your idea because it’s intelligent, it’s relatively simple, and it feels good. If you experience anguish, the chances are that you’re trying to live through someone else’s priorities. Let that be the sign to back off and re-evaluate what you’re doing and what decisions you’re making. You’ve spent much of this year in a process of untangling or at least in some way distinguishing yourself from the values of your family and possibly other communities or groups as well. You know what you value, and you also have a sense of where others are coming from. These things matter. Your ability to stand apart from others is one of the most crucial strengths required for being an honest person. Integrity means that you are true to yourself, based on careful evaluation. There are no shortcuts here. And it will never suit you to have to deceive others about the most intimate aspects of your life, your healing process, or your deepest needs. If you must, leave people out of the conversation. But when you speak, speak truly. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You have more in common with close partners and loved ones than you may think. Yet where it seems like you don’t, there may be specters from the distant past haunting you. There may, for example, be some tendency in your family line for people to deceive themselves for what seems like the sake of convenience. One place this deception might take hold is in the aspect of desire. What do you want? Who do you want? Can you make clear, simple and assertive statements to yourself about that? Not conditional statements; not complex ideas, complete with rationales and counter-arguments, but rather, expressing yourself in short, cogent statements. Sure, you may have misgivings. You may be protective of your space, and your independence, in ways that are so distinctive of your sign. Those are other matters. Here’s what I’m getting at: your life is both powered and directed by what you want. To the extent that you have any influence at all over the direction of events, desire is your most important guide. Over the next few weeks, as Mars forms a conjunction to Chiron in Pisces, you will have many opportunities to get clear with yourself, including confronting your doubts. The way to do that will be, again, through being honest about them. This will help you sort out any mixed signals you are sending (or sending yourself), and help you figure out that what you perceive as a weakness or a liability is in fact a strength and an asset. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your solar return chart for this year embodies the tension between cut loose and hold back. You might experience this as approach-avoid, which is a sign you may want to step back from the action and determine just what is bothering you. It might go like this: you want something, so you move toward it, but when you get a sense of what it is, you hesitate and back off. Then you want it again, and the cycle continues. I’m curious about a few things, though. Choose one such matter, if this applies to you. How do you feel when you’ve had a couple of glasses of wine (assuming that you drink any at all)? What do you think your mother would think, and how does that influence you? What are you concerned other people might find out, whether we’re talking a close partner, your friends, or your social network? Use these factors as thought exercises and you’ll get a feeling for the push and pull of your emotions. There’s one other factor: the control thing. You may equate the idea of really being yourself with some loss of control; if so, the remedy would be self-control, though that prevents you from being who you are. However, when you’re true to your wants and needs, you’re unlikely to run wild in the streets. You will feel the pleasure of taking a breath without having to count. Anyway, you cannot really control your life; the best you can do is influence your own choices. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Borrowing from Martin Luther King, appearances do not matter; the content of your character does. You’ve had a wild ride this year where your identity is concerned, and the emphasis is now more firmly on your inner being. This is an extension of a process that goes back a decade, and which you may have named and recognize. It involves coming to terms with your deepest fears, which is another way of saying that you understand you’re larger than they are. This is true even if you recognize how much of what you may need to confront was transmitted through your DNA and is in fact ancestral property. The central metaphor from your solar chart is that all that stuff is contained inside of something, and you may feel like you need to open the lid and see what is there. Here is the crucial factor: if you do this, do it yourself, for yourself, not at the bidding of someone else. Enter the attic of your family history not out of idle curiosity but rather with the intention of learning something, solving a specific problem, or recovering something you suspect was lost. Remember that you’re dealing with collective property, not individual. The rules differ greatly. What you can claim as your own is knowledge. You are entitled to information; though, to make it your own, you will need to validate it and place it into the context of your own experience and your own needs. In this and related matters, proceed consciously; proceed carefully; be conservative; be sober. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — One result of cosmic movements the past four seasons has been a tremendous release of pent-up energy. This does not always work to one’s advantage — earthquakes, tsunamis, fires and melting ice caps are also energy being set loose. Usually, unless energy is harnessed, it turns destructive. How did you do in this regard? Were you able to direct the flow of events in a constructive way? There was one other effect: now you know something that you didn’t know before. And while there is no turning back the clock to some previous time or situation, you possess both awareness and opportunities you didn’t have before. You have a clear space to work with, and some extra bandwidth, because so much pressure has been released. You also have a new sense of both inner and outer reality. This is valuable information, and you would be well served to put it into some form you can remember. Work with the new social order of your life, rather than trying to reconstruct the old one. This corresponds to changes within your awareness that no longer align with the past. However, you will need to create a new world that is based on your newly revised inner reality. There are people you don’t know who you will soon meet. There are places you’ve never been, where it’s time to visit. There are things you’ve never imagined that you will soon be doing. Remember, though: how you are seen is not who you are. Reality transcends image. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.