Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 20, 2018

Posted by Amy Elliott


Awareness is thankfully growing regarding the impact of single-use items on the environment. It seems far too many things are made to be disposable in short order. This can impact our thinking as well; it can be ridiculously easy to decide that a project or an interest isn’t working, and to throw it over for something new without further analysis.

Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 20, 2018 (#1230) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — With the emphasis turning toward your house of career and status, and a powerful Full Moon about to take place right across that axis of your chart, you may well be at least beginning to feel — to borrow from Terry Pratchett — as if your get-up-and-go has got up and come. That’s likely to be a good deal more obvious in the New Year, once your ruler Mars is in your sign. Just remember all the things you’ve learned about yourself recently, especially where you’ve gotten in touch with your sensitivity and empathy. Keep close to your sense of fairness. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be experiencing some tension regarding specifically the question of what holds most meaning for you, and your general philosophy. These are profound questions, which we are in a sense compelled to answer with every decision we make and every action we take. The responses we give can change as we go through life and encounter new situations, though sometimes we stumble upon fundamental principles of such importance that they stay with us for many years. If there is turbulence around you, concepts of that sort are usually a very good anchor. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury, your ruler, finally leaves shadow phase on Monday, meaning it will enter new zodiacal territory for the first time since its retrograde. If you’ve been feeling as if you’ve yet to shake off the sensation of slowing down and of a reflective state of being, there may be more information to emerge on your present path of self-discovery before you’re ready to move back into the active realm. Be as patient as you can, and keep going until you see fit to take a different route. At some point any uncertainty you may feel will most likely wane, and clarity fill the gap. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — In part thanks to the heavy emphasis on the nuclear family, around this time of year there is a culturally driven wave of sentimentality involving relationships and the imperative to Not Be Alone — regardless of whether the available company is worth keeping or not. Thanks to the Full Moon this week, you might be experiencing the urge to commit to a specific arrangement, which you would otherwise probably take your time in deciding. However, there’s no reason to rush anything; use your discernment, and weigh out all the details carefully, before coming to a decision. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The solstices are among the pivotal turning points in the year, around which festivals tend to congregate, and which are globally significant. When they’ve passed, we tend to go back to our routine lives. That said, there is something particularly interesting about tomorrow’s solstice, namely a sense that some of its magic can be carried forward into the workaday world, if we so wish it. There is beauty and meaning and power in every day, though sometimes finding it takes a bit of digging. You seem to possess the key, at present, to doing just that. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — On the face of it, the astrology looks as if you’re about to turn into the creativity-related version of a perpetual motion machine. Yet it’s also possible that what you’re feeling right now is more akin to stress and overwhelm, or confusion regarding what to do next. Keep an eye out if you’re prone at the moment to wanting to push the river, or expecting too much of yourself. You cannot shoulder a level of pressure on the order of having to turn into Picasso overnight. You’re only human, and perhaps could do with remembering that it’s okay to need downtime occasionally. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Pay close attention to your body and emotions during the festive season, especially in social and other interactive situations. This time of year can pile on the stress as well as offering relaxation and general cheer. Take it easy, and don’t feel obliged to participate in any activity you’d rather not. Many people enjoy the parties and celebratory atmosphere; if you prefer a quiet, homely gathering or not much at all, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Stay alert and aware of your instincts, and try to avoid too many excesses, particularly of alcohol. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You’ve probably heard that riddle on what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object. Nothing in our lived reality, fortunately, is quite so absolute; yet there are times when something has to give. When a matter feels important to us, we are apt to let our emotions sway our judgment; yet it can be enormously helpful to take a step back, analyze the situation and ensure there isn’t a factor we’re overlooking. At any rate, if there seems to be an inflexible barrier in the path, it’s probably sensible to pause and try to figure out a way round it. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Awareness is thankfully growing regarding the impact of single-use items on the environment. It seems far too many things are made to be disposable in short order. This can impact our thinking as well; it can be ridiculously easy to decide that a project or an interest isn’t working, and to throw it over for something new without further analysis. Yet what might seem like a blind alley can often have hidden doors. If you think you’ve arrived at an impasse, look around carefully for a way through that you haven’t yet spotted. Chances are there’ll be at least a few. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The focus of the planets is shifting onto your sign, and it would seem you’re about to get a foretaste of what the incredible 2020 astrology might feel like for you. If you’re experiencing apprehension at the idea of being more central in the grand scheme of things, you can acknowledge this and sit with it for a while. To embrace that situation will require confidence — in yourself, and in the various beliefs you hold dear. What you possibly need to realize more than anything else is that there is every reason why said confidence is perfectly justified. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may feel as if you’re currently paying a visit to Wonderland, or a parallel universe in which everything is upside down or exists in ten different dimensions. There are certainly enough Mad Hatters operating on the current world stage, after all. Yet if you listen carefully, you will find the strain of truth running beneath the cacophony like a deep bass line, maintaining a rhythm of solid, reliable tones. Hold that sound in your mind, and allow it to drown out the noise when things seem like they’re getting to be too much. You know who you are, and you can lean on that feeling. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The astrological spotlight is currently on your zones of public visibility, suggesting that you’ll have opportunities to stand out more palpably over the mass of your fellow humans. Small moves in the right direction could cause a surprisingly dynamic response, propelling you into a broader realm of influence. Just remember to keep your sense of perspective; it’s all too easy to let that slip away when the world is changing around us, but you’ve grown immeasurably, and sacrificed far too much to let go of your roots and of the person you’ve spent years becoming. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

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