Category Archives: Horoscopes

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 16, 2019

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 16, 2019 (#1246) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your ruler Mars is now in the realm of your family and ancestral roots, from where it will form a series of potent aspects to a variety of major and minor planets. As it begins that journey, keep in mind who you’ve become more recently: the personal growth and significant achievements you have gained — and who you are developing into. Certain recollections or people may tend to make you feel as if you’re back in the past, emotionally speaking; remember you’re an autonomous adult, and that you have the power to face them down and remain firmly in the present.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Keep the rational part of your mind in the driver’s seat over the next few days, particularly in any situation where you don’t have all the information you need to solve a question or a puzzle. Emotions may run high, and could interrupt your thought processes without necessarily showing up openly. Be especially wary of fear and of rage, and if you find yourself feeling them, that’s a sign you probably need to slow down and investigate what you’re experiencing, before moving on. There is no rush, and denial will only cause further delays down the line. Be honest and forgiving with yourself, and take what time you need.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Take a pause before deciding your next steps. Some fruits of recent labors are about to make an appearance, and you’ll want to ensure you’ve gathered in the whole harvest before deciding how to distribute it. Some meditation (in the general sense) may be useful in terms of checking in with your more profound feelings, and steering in the direction you’re being called toward. Although you might be tempted to dismiss or avoid such guidance, it’s likely to offer some valuable insights in a way that normal waking consciousness usually cannot. Ideas and viewpoints abound; for a while, try being open to all.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars in your sign is likely to afford you access to a wellspring of energy and dynamism, which would seem to be pretty much at your disposal. Embrace it with a sense of adventure. This may mean entering the spotlight somewhat, and being at the front and center of events in a way you might not generally be used to. Yet there’s a side of you that’s all about pioneering and leadership, and it’s these qualities that will support you in the forthcoming weeks perhaps more than any other. Let go of any superstitions, habits or fears that tend to keep you stuck in the same old routine, and spread your wings.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Cultivate your faith in the concept that much in this world is still benevolent and good. This will be especially useful if you can’t currently see how a particular situation is going to pan out; even more so if you are feeling inclined to suspicion or distrust. There may be good reasons for a dose of healthy skepticism relating to some elements of the process; however, you should be in a position to take any necessary precautions without despairing of the whole thing. When in doubt, make contact with your internal compass, and keep an eye out for signs from the cosmos.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Changes in the dynamic of certain friendships or social groupings may well be worth paying close attention to over the forthcoming week. Be cautious of where unseen motives could come into play on specific issues; notice if someone is framing a request or subject of discussion in a particular way, and if that gives you the impression of your choices being limited. You may have more freedom in this scenario than currently appears. Think for yourself, and consider a broader variety of viewpoints, including any instincts you have. Do not allow others simply to persuade you into acquiescence.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — With Mars now in your zone of career and ambition, you may feel energized and inspired to press on with a certain project. Just be careful not to rush ahead too fast; there’s no need to be obsessive about checking every minute unimportant detail every ten seconds, but at each stage make sure you are clear to proceed before doing so. There may be one or two unexpected hitches, though in any case being organized and prepared will serve you well, and allow you to move at a steady enough pace without essential points of accuracy being jeopardized. This is too important not to get right.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The power of reflection and (re)consideration in the human mind is a really remarkable quality. While it is becoming increasingly clear that our species is not so markedly distinct from others as previously thought, it’s still an impressive trait. When choosing how to act on received information, it allows us the freedom to adjust our responses consciously rather than reacting autonomically to an instinct or impulse. That power also conveys responsibility: there is an ethical duty of sorts to use what we have and cultivate it. Make sure your higher mind and values are holding the reins this week.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you are feeling things rather intensely of late, go easy on yourself, but also be honest about your emotions. Those two concepts really go hand in hand. Denying or minimizing one’s experiences and carrying on regardless is a common enough tactic; yet it may be best if you consider this method as a non-option for now. You need to slow your pace, and take some time exploring the various complex layers of your internal landscape. Among other things, addressing this matter will give you a far clearer sense of what you really owe to yourself, and an accurate location for your lines in the sand.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Some people enjoy immensely the thrill of a surprise adventure, for example, or a blind date. Others are more apprehensive. Yet every new experience involves some element of the unknown, and these can be immensely enriching to our lives. A loved one or close friend may have some ideas or plans that could open your eyes to an entirely new perspective. Taking this up may require you to muster some courage; however, your horizons should grow exponentially. This is probably ideal, especially if you’ve been feeling somewhat stuck in a rather humdrum existence, and in need of refreshment and stimulus. It won’t be lacking.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Keep a check on any tendency you might have to give in to anxiety about certain issues, however pressing they appear at present. The worrying could get out of hand relatively easily. Instead, try to investigate solutions and channel the nervous energy constructively. You can almost certainly achieve a great deal in a small passage of time, if you have the mind to. What you may now view as an irrefutable crisis should, before too long, be revealed as containing far more nuance than is now evident. At any rate, it’s unlikely to present a challenge you don’t already know how to surpass. Have faith in your skills.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Acknowledge the true scope of your creative or innovative abilities, along with the breadth of your accumulated wisdom, and do not seek to impose limits for which you have no tangible evidence, whether by yourself or at the behest of others. That includes not trying to fit inside a pigeonhole. Hold the space of liminality: this is a region rarely occupied at present, and thus an increasingly sacred charge, rather like tending to a stray cat whom no one around appears to feed. In turn, what you discover is likely to inspire and enrich your ideas in a way nothing else quite can. You could, so to speak, wind up with a new pet.

Monday Morning Horoscope #176 for May 13, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Write yourself a memo tonight. TO: Myself. FROM: Myself. RE: How not to overreact this week. Mars, your ruling planet, is about to enter Cancer; this happens overnight Wednesday to Thursday. It’s been in Gemini for a while, and is also in a condition called out of bounds, which means potentially skating out of control. This condition lasts into midsummer, so it’s time to practice anger management and also desire management. And with Mars entering Cancer, we could add insecurity management. This week and going forward, pay attention to any tendencies you may have to overreact to emotional situations. It’s all the rage and vogue these days to forgo the need for limits. Yet underneath general issues like that, there is something specific developing for you, which is overdoing your concerns about integrity to the point where you have no fun. What is the relationship between holding yourself down emotionally, and containing your sexual desire, based on a mental-level excuse? Pay attention to what you will and will not allow yourself to do. Pay attention to what you do anyway, and how you feel about it. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Venus and Mars both change signs Wednesday (see Aries for the details on Mars, which can describe certain factors of your intimate relationships). Venus enters Taurus, and begins a conjunction to Uranus, still new in your sign — and that means adventure. Yet this is about the adventure of who you are becoming rather than where you go. Your sign is not famous for its love of change. We all depend on you for your consistency and your persistence, but you can take things too far sometimes, working for stability above all else. Even if that usually feels good to you, aspects this week are encouraging you to hang loose. That’s not easy these days; there is so little trust, and so much anxiety. One message of this transit is that you have the ability to reinvent yourself, in ways large and small. That may not happen in a day or a week, though you may get the idea for what you want to create for yourself. This is likely to come with some instructions for how to put your plans into action, which is best done one step at a time. This week, one may be quite enough. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Be careful not to get caught in anyone else’s web of intrigue or deception. Check carefully the claims people make, particularly about financial matters that influence you directly. It will be easy for you to slip into a space where you’re guided by unseen and unconscious forces if you don’t follow the visible, obvious signposts. In any event, you would benefit by pausing on any important decisions until next week, after Venus and Mars change signs. Yet be aware that there will be many moving parts in your personal environment even after these transits take hold, and you’ll need to re-evaluate where you stand with the people around you. That will take a few days, because many of them are experiencing shakeups and being reoriented in ways large and small. The emotional environment is in flux, which means it will feel like people are making decisions based on different values than usual. This includes you; make a study of what is motivating you. Then look around and see if you can determine what’s motivating others — when relevant. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars enters your sign this week, and begins a trek through the most intriguing territory of the zodiac. I’ve described this in the article above. It’s a lot to relate, though in summary form: over the next few weeks, Mars makes aspects to numerous high-potency planets in your relationship sign Capricorn and your career sign Aries. There are additional points in Libra that help complete the picture. I’m not talking about asteroids, I’m talking about “minor” planets in the category of Chiron and Pluto that describe the innermost healing our struggling society needs to work on. We see all the outer stuff, the politics and other madness in the news, with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. The deep, personal material is addressed by planets including Chiron and Pholus. There’s no way to overstate the energy contained in this aspect pattern, and now Mars is about to get into the picture. So I am instead using understatement. Pay attention. Any aggressive moves you make are likely to flash right back at you, so monitor your thoughts, your speech and your actions carefully. Tread lightly on the Earth. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There is no point keeping secrets. Everything is already known. However, it is your prerogative to choose with whom who you want to discuss any facet of your life. What will not help you is carrying around an aura of being cloaked, like you’re on a secret mission. This will only stoke your anxiety, and hint to others that you’re not trustworthy when in fact you are. The next few days are likely to arrive with positive turns in your professional or vocational developments. You may receive an unexpected offer of some kind, or see an opportunity you had overlooked at first. The way the astrology plays out, you may be able to give some tangible form and substance to something that was only a wild concept. Everything about your professional or vocational life is pointing you toward something exciting, intriguing, different from the past and a little strange. At minimum, you need to invest yourself in what you find to be exciting, what feeds you, and what makes you want to get up every day and do that thing. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Be mindful about what you say and do in the public eye. There are elements of your most intimate and personal life that could be punted into the public sphere — and few people understand the problem with this. We live in times when we’re stalked by cameras and GPS, and we know that anything we type into the field of a seemingly private text message could end up going viral on Twitter 15 minutes later. The living hell of having no inner sanctuary is not fully recognized by most people alive today; the memory and the feeling has been practically erased. But imagine if you could sequester yourself in a nice hotel room for a few days, with no access to the internet, with only a good book, a notebook or sketchpad, a few pens and pencils, and maybe a musical instrument. How would it feel to have an interval of nobody monitoring your thoughts, nor you broadcasting them to anyone? How would you feel? Can you even imagine not being interrupted? Who would you become? This may be what you’re searching for. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Be sure you’re the one who speaks for yourself this week. You don’t need any proxies to represent you. Don’t send anyone anywhere to do your bidding. You are the person best suited to advocate for yourself, and to stand up for your own values. Yet consider this: you don’t need to do anything other than be who you are. Your example is what teaches, and what makes the strongest statement about you. With Mars so prominent in your chart right now — and undergoing a kind of initiation process (see above article) — the best thing you can do is notice how you influence your environment. By that I mean: when you walk into a room, feel your own presence and how others respond to you. Most people are insensitive to this; I suggest you become a student of your own aura, what you project and how others respond. Watch their faces. Listen to what they say. Observe who notices you, and pay attention to whom you are attracted. And listen carefully before you speak. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — What do you believe? Do you even know? Belief is a strange thing, because usually it’s veiled as certainty. When you peel back the surface of certainty, what you usually find is that people merely believe something, with little basis for understanding why, or what that belief implies. However, be it known that such a removing of the layers reveals many things that are not usually visible, and which it may be inconvenient to find out. For one thing, you might discover you were wrong about something significant. Then you would need to learn the truth. Fortunately, you’re in an excellent position to do just that. But it starts with recognizing that you merely believed something you thought you were certain about, at which time curiosity and hunger for the truth would supplant any disappointment. Whether you take part in this process or not, something of this nature will become a central feature in your life in the coming days and weeks. You can benefit and even profit from the process, though it may be a little weird. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’re probably getting the message that it’s time to be honest about your need for intimacy and your sexual desires. You might also be figuring out there is something that irks you a little about being too close to people — some element of your individuality that you might have to sacrifice, or your urge to have space around you. In truth, you can compromise neither. So you will require some other method of preserving your personal integrity while getting the human contact that you need. One question it will be worth asking is what role sex plays in your ideas and direct experiences of intimacy. Said another way, how do you relate to your own sex drive? Do you own it fully, or do you let others own it for you, partly or fully? This is a topic too complicated for many people to go into today, though I suggest you open up the discussion with yourself. Aspects over the next few weeks are likely to put you in contact with your deepest feelings, including some inner conflict that will be looking for a way to resolve or express — not itself, but you. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You will need to measure your words and your responses this week, particularly with intimate partners and those with whom you do business. Mars enters your opposite sign Cancer, and begins to make a long series of complex aspects that may get you into emotional water that is over your head. However, you are equipped with a warning system that will help you know when you’re in the right place and when you are not. It comes down to one thing, really: are you having fun? You are inclined to identify many aspects of life as duty or responsibility, and allow the fun aspect to be subtracted. But right now, this is your canary in the coal mine. It’s true that your life is somewhat complex at the moment, and you may not see a way through the maze, or out of the past. Yet one sensibility will serve you: your ability to experience pleasure, which means to laugh, to be curious, and to create your life, if only in seemingly small ways. For your purposes now, they are all equal. It is the feeling that counts. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You have work to do. You may face some seemingly daunting tasks. Yet you will be well served to engage in two yoga practices that will be helpful. One is to remove obstacles from your path. With many decisions you make, you will have the choice to add a block of some kind, or to get it out of the way. Second, prepare for the future. I don’t mean the distant future so much as the immediate one, weeks or months ahead. Know what responsibilities and challenges you face, and prepare your life to meet them. Make sure you’ve allocated resources to take care of certain important situations you know you will have to address. Consider your time and your health as your most valuable resources, and use them wisely. If you have to push to get something done, do your best to remove other commitments from your schedule. You cannot get up early and stay up late every night. Remember that anger is a vast waste of energy. You don’t need it, and there are more efficient and creative uses of your personal resources. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are a Pisces, which is presumed to be the most pleasure-seeking sign. Would you really want your life to be an exercise in hedonism? Probably not. Pisces can be the most self-sacrificing tribe of the zodiac, the least realistic, and the most driven by a nagging sense of responsibility. Then there is the infamous guilty conscience. You must keep all of those factors in balance now, beginning with a healthy dose of bold honesty with yourself. Then, make sure your basic responsibilities are met from day to day. At the same time, keep the level of pleasure, recreation and creativity flowing in your life. Call this the Pleasure Principle — the thing that greases your wheels or floats your boat. Use it to guide your way through the world. If you find yourself faced with work, focus on doing it in a way that is fulfilling. If you’re concerned about money, find the sweet spot between what works financially and what works creatively. You need both. Most of all, be real about who and what you want, and what you want with whom. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 9, 2019

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 9, 2019 (#1245) | By Victoria Emory

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your need to restructure something related to your public role has brought with it a focus on material security. If this has triggered frustration or irritation, try not to stress it. The truth is you’re actually freeing yourself from outgrown limitations, in order to express yourself more authentically and expansively in the world. Revelations and revolutions in your personal values, and how to manifest them, may require going back over old ground, cleaning up old business. Continue gathering information, but make every effort to focus and shut out distractions this week. You’ve got an open stretch of road ahead, with opportunities to make considerable progress toward creating the stronger foundations you need. Carpe diem.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Most people don’t examine the beliefs that drive them, even if they theoretically understand the creative power of thought and belief. But individuation, an ongoing process, requires a conscious engagement with what we believe about ourselves and about the world. The Great Awakener Uranus in your sign will continue prodding you to release previous restrictions to your freedom and identity. Certain beliefs or goals, perhaps plans related to travel or education, may require revision, but The Force is very much with you this week to make powerful, necessary adjustments that will serve your end game. Pay attention to intuitive promptings related to resources and values, both personal and material. Listen with your whole body to your own higher guidance.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — After a month of firing on all cylinders, you may notice some easing of pressure and pacing this week. Increased activity in less than fully conscious areas of your chart invites you to tune in to the ‘short wave’ for information; your intuition may be especially heightened now. Clues to resolving emotional pressures of long standing may come through the language of dreams, so pay attention. As Mars wraps up its transit through your sign, continue to assert yourself in the outer world and fight for your needs, however: your highest integrity is called for as the week begins. Steer clear of potentially underhanded opponents. Use your energy to engage the stimulating, refreshing social opportunities available, instead.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — For one so acutely sensitive, you’ve exemplified strength under pressure for a long time running. Responsibility and the requisite maturity to rise to the occasion remain fundamental themes for the foreseeable future, but this week some well-earned assistance is available via supportive allies. You’ll need to reconfigure elements of your relational environment over the next few months. Make every effort to communicate with friends, colleagues and members of your community in the coming days — there are moments when the right connections make all the difference, and this may be one of them. In the words of that great community leader, Winnie the Pooh: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’ve put in the hours and carried the weight, now it’s time to shine your light out into the world like never before. Regardless of your chosen field, own your power as a creative leader. This may require enlisting worthy helpers; take advantage of the excellent opportunities available to do exactly that, over the next ten days or so. Follow up on potential job opportunities. If you need to hone some skills to fulfill your ambitions, this week is perfect for nailing down practical avenues to get that started. Readjusting your strategies and/or daily routines ties directly in with career goals at the moment, so if you’ve put off what needs to be done, the time has come and it is now.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — At the heart of any quest lies a spark of inspiration, arising from that part of you that knows. You’re embarking on the quest of a lifetime, a journey to grow your soul. A Yes-To-Life homing signal is trying to lock onto your wavelength. You may have been too focused on worldly responsibilities recently to notice, but tune your dial. Make time this week to intentionally entertain the fertile interplay between the search for higher knowledge, inspiration and playful expression. Breaking up established routines in some way will help. If you’ve had creative projects on hold, this week is prime for revisiting them. Banish doubt with the power of make-believe. Your inner child will remind you how.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’re more sensitive than most to your environment: the literal, physical space you occupy as well as the emotional undercurrents present. Overdue changes you’ve wanted to make in your living space, domestic situation, or with respect to lingering family issues may feel increasingly frustrating lately. Nothing is so liberating as a decision, and initiating transformations on the home front should be easier over the next several days. If concerns related to jointly held finances are a factor, just wading into that territory will help diminish psychic pressure. Clearing out old crap has to start somewhere, and it’s essential that you open up space, literal and emotional, in which to let your highest creative work take form. Your future demands it.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — When you assume you know the answer, it’s harder to discover the truth. This goes double when the question involves relationships, triple when your desires, fears and the personal history behind them are less than fully conscious. You’ve entered a period of accelerated learning; your teacher(s) will be partners, intimate or professional, and your relational environment in general. Significant openings for truly meaningful communications are available over the next ten days, possibly long past due. New connections may be found through literal establishments of learning, or local networks. Take an emotional inventory of your own agendas and strive for genuine self-acceptance, to clear the path. Then follow wherever it leads.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The quest to expand your world and explore new terrain has brought with it the need for grounded, responsible planning, in terms of material resources. You’re building on the physical as well as philosophical planes, which is exactly as it should be, but pace yourself. Maintain healthy routines as demands on the job settle in for a month of sustained effort; the two go hand in hand. Doors between work and reward swing wide open over the next ten days, so take advantage of favorable winds to revisit projects or renegotiate contracts of some kind. Make those calls. Relationship tensions should dissipate soon, but filter out distractions and channel your considerable powers toward enhancing security and self-worth.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — “A person’s maturity consists in having found again the seriousness one had as a child, at play.” Keep this Nietzschean nugget of wisdom in mind; now and in the years ahead. Long-lasting transits demand maturity and have felt so heavy that serious, burdensome concerns may have dominated your outlook. Yet you’re at a point where your evolution requires a re-awakening of creative, playful expression. You need some fun. The more you can release rigid, linear mental habits, the greater your power to seize opportunities over the next ten days for creative problem solving. Remind yourself that masterworks go through stages of creation. You are the artist; your life is the canvas. Inspired breakthroughs are possible now.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Planets activating your emotional and historical foundations urge you to let yourself withdraw and turn inward for a while. Dive down; follow the taproot of your secret self and regroup. Make every effort to free up some mental bandwidth this week, and tune in to the loud and clear signals broadcasting from your deeper consciousness. Powerful insights, guidance and fuel for an important psychic re-boot are trying to get through. This will help you orient, as Uranus makes itself at home in Taurus. Your attention may be on your base of operations, family or physical living space, but remember that ‘where you live’ is infinitely more than an address. It’s who you are wherever you may be.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’ve reached a stage where freedom of perception — expanding beyond old concepts and mental constructs — is necessary, to fulfill your highest potential. It’s time to start sharing your unique, personal expression; experiment, reach out! The world needs your voice. Timing is everything, and you’ve got a big, cosmic green light to connect with friends and colleagues, perhaps after falling out of touch. Communicating with members of your community will help nourish your mind and feed your confidence. Follow up on intuitive impulses to pursue avenues of learning. If writing is on your agenda, use the coming days to get thoughts on paper. You’re learning to see with new eyes. Remember that wonder is the beginning of wisdom.

Monday Morning Horoscope #175 for May 6, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s helpful to treat every day and every opportunity as a new start. Old habits and outmoded values only have power because we give it to them, often by tuning them out and refusing to be conscious of our motives. Many of these are inherited from our immediate ancestors, which is something to be aware of on a day-to-day basis. It may seem a little strange walking around thinking, “what would my great-grandmother do in this situation?” particularly when she was your age. That is, however, the question to ask and to ask meaningfully. If you give yourself a few points of orientation on the past, it will be easier to find yourself in the present. Meanwhile, be aware of the temperature and pointedness of your words. Mars remains in Gemini, and with that going on, it’s possible for you to come off a little more harsh and driven than you may feel inside. Know your priorities. Know that you don’t have to argue for them, defend them or even talk about them. You only need to be true to yourself. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The recent New Moon in your birth sign took place on the backbone of the fixed signs, right at the midpoint of Taurus. This placement suggests strongly that no matter what doubts you may have about the world and about existence, you have faith in yourself. You might need to find it. You might need to remind yourself of it. Faith in yourself means being present for your feelings, your desires and your needs, rather than denying them in any form. That will lead to being present for your ability to see your options and make decisions. Think of it this way: You don’t need to find your power, your love or your truth. Rather, look for the blocks to your awareness of their presence, and focus on removing those obstacles. It will help if you don’t put new ones in your way. This is one of the most important life skills of all. It can take training to know when you’re doing it (for example, spotting thought forms such as, “Unless that happens, this cannot happen”). Stop and trace your logic. Mars in Gemini says you may be seeing one option when there are really two, or seeing two when there are really many. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars in your sign is aligned with Jupiter, Eris and Pluto today, opening awareness of some opportunities that were present all along. You may suddenly have the feeling that you’re able to connect. It’s possible that you’ve discovered a way to connect with your strength in the face of what has, at times, felt like overwhelming power, or some influence you cannot get away from. The first issue to address is the extent to which your belief upholds its supposed potency. The second is to notice the ways you tend to hand over your power and influence over your life; then stay aware enough before it happens to not do it. There exists a question of whether you think you have to negotiate for what is already yours, or for the right to want what you want. While other people are in the equation, the content of your thoughts, and your basis for decision, is your business. The challenge you face is not letting anyone blow you off course, and that means being in accord with yourself first, and with other people second. To some degree both are necessary, though there is an order of operations. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You are stepping out in the world. This is a big time in your life, potentially a brilliant time, for that reason. You are being summoned to distinguish yourself, and to exercise a level of freedom, that you’re unlikely to have ever experienced before. (You may, however, know something about this if you were born between 1935 and 1942, though current developments are a pattern all their own.) This transit will gradually shift the way you live, and how you relate to the world. At times, it will be anything but gradual; there will be days when you will wake up and feel like another person, as you make choices different from any kind you’ve ever made. How you present yourself to whatever you think of as your “community” or your “public” is one of the main frontiers of this experience. One vitally important factor is that you do what you can to shift these concepts away from the online environment and into the physical one. This will take some discipline, as to some extent all of this digital involvement and exposure have made us aliens to actual physical space and existence. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If you had to choose any role for yourself, what would it be? That’s another way of asking, who do you want to be — rather than what do you want to do? Don’t worry if you don’t know how to be that person or be in that role. For now, work with your desires and your intentions. You will discover a sense of freedom in doing this, and that is the freedom to explore and to exercise. Remember, it starts in consciousness, and then expands to your choices. Sometimes you will be the one who takes initiative; other times, you will be presented with an option, or with a situation, to which you must respond in some way. Most definitely interpose a delay if you can, by which I mean take your time taking action; not forever, just enough to be close to your deliberation process. Move slowly enough to observe your thoughts and consciously take the available facts on board. Even if you find yourself having to move more quickly than you would like, still work with this process as best you can. Stay fully involved in your own decisions. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — I propose that it’s time to take a close look at the issue of “belief.” This seems like the most garden-variety thing, like breathing. But when you start taking yoga classes, you begin to figure out how much you have to learn about air going in and out of your lungs. Something similar is true of belief, which is a kind of invisible issue. The problem as I see it is that belief, for most people in most situations, is used as the sole arbiter of truth. As such, it’s a terrible device or tool. Belief measures nothing except whether you’re persuaded, which generally means guided by some external factor that you accept as true. What this typically does is suspend the search for truth rather than foster it. You are unlikely to challenge what you believe, especially if you want it to be true. So the first step in this process would be to identify what you accept on the basis of belief, and then challenge it. You could start anywhere. What is most critical to the process is knowing when you are believing, and when you are doing something else. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Life is holding up quite a mirror for you lately. You may like some of what you see, you may not like some of what you see, and you may be totally confused by some of what you see. Ideally, you will step back and observe, as if you’re watching a movie. Do what you can to avoid getting overly involved in any drama, and even if you do, make sure you’re in contact with the part of yourself that some spiritual traditions call “the observer.” Watch yourself while you’re doing whatever else you’re doing. Listen to your thoughts as they go by. You are currently undergoing a shift in your approach to relationships, and there are some things you’ll need to let go of in order to allow in some new approaches to life. You might watch for the thing that’s the most difficult to observe: your expectations. This includes both of yourself and of others; these thoughts and behavioral patterns tend to disappear into the mists, though they also tend to run your life — and are currently being shocked into awareness. This may come in the form of disruptions to the normal flow of events, which will provide you with opportunities to discover how things got that way, and to explore how you want them to be. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s crucial that you make a point of seeing all sides of any issue or situation, and then come up with a few more possible viewpoints. This is not a specialty of the human race, and it’s not one of your strong suits. However, it will serve as a real asset if you can get it going. Seeing other viewpoints means suspending your skepticism about whether they are right or wrong, and accepting things for the sake of discussion. You may feel that if you take someone’s point of view on board, and really consider it, you will become an automatic convert. This, I observe, is one of the main reasons people have for not even considering one another’s views. But you will not be swallowed by an opinion or perspective merely for treating it thoughtfully. Anyway, this is not about ideas as much as the people you care about. Ideas are irrelevant compared to people, though by being a careful listener, you show your respect. It’s fair to ask questions, and to inquire how people arrived at a certain belief or conclusion, but be gentle. Your temperature is running hot these days. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — This week, Mars makes an opposition to Jupiter in your birth sign (or ascendant, if you’re Sagittarius rising). You might think every idea that comes your way is designed as a challenge to what you believe. What if that is true? What if everything you learn disrupts what you previously knew? Jupiter retrograde in your sign is an indicator that you might be clinging to your beliefs, or your notion of reality, and may be closed off to new information. If that is true, then you’re likely to experience nearly anything as an unwelcome challenge. If you’re feeling that way, it’s time to lighten up and remember your sense of humor. If you’re interested in discovering the truth about anything, you need a gentle touch, and a generous helping of curiosity. Some of your best observations will come from considering odd or awkward points of view, and you will learn the most from people you disagree with. Beware of looking for facts that only support your opinions. Take the opposite approach: listen the most carefully to what challenges you. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — All three planets working their way through your sign are in retrograde motion, which suggests you’re getting some relief from the pressure you’ve been under lately. Saturday’s New Moon (May 4) has also opened up a vent that is allowing you to blow off some steam and take life (and yourself) a little less seriously. You have a way of getting lost in your own woods, and you could find your way out by being a little more pleasure-seeking and a lot less perfection-seeking. One of the deepest purposes of Capricorn in the world is learning humility. That doesn’t mean accepting inferiority; it means moist (humility comes from the same word root as humid). To be fair, Saturn and Pluto in your sign are a little bit dry. Along the “hum” train of thought, we could add humor. That does not mean sarcasm; humor is about feeling safe. Once you can laugh, you are signaling to yourself that the danger from your environment is gone. So you might use that as a metric for how safe you feel, in whatever contest you happen to be in. There will come a time when, with any luck at all, you decide, “I was so much older then; I’m younger than that now.” Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your creative and sexual enterprises are likely to go against the grain of the culture, and to challenge accepted wisdom. That’s not so hard these days, since the grain of the culture consists mostly of splinters, and accepted wisdom is like drinking a Coors Light that was left out all night. However, the idea is to have fun rather than to piss people off. Sure, some people may find you annoying, though I suggest you make a point of being kind to your friends. Focus on your artwork, whatever that means to you, whether it’s building ships in bottles, gardening, tap dancing or learning the cello at age 77. Whatever you do, notice inside when you feel like you’re violating some rule or policy — that’s the place you want to go; that’s where to invest your energy. As you test what seems to govern society, you will need to come up with your own codes that you live by. Your actual ethics are your responsibility and yours alone. You take the risks; you get the benefits of the results, or address the consequences. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Many changes on the home front are facilitating progress in ways that will prove to be helpful and profitable. Focus your energy within your four walls. Mars in the domestic region of your chart is providing you with plenty of energy to make the adjustments you need to make. Doing this will liberate energy that will serve you professionally, so really dig into your domestic situation and make it work for you, particularly paying attention to physical space as one of your most valuable assets. Keep a close eye on your cash flow, and look for new opportunities to bring in more income — they are there, though they, too, will come from the results of effort, focus and discipline. In many different ways, you’re being challenged to be the master of your environment, your image, your personal space and the way that you relate to people. You may be feeling more hard-edged than usual, which is a useful posture for you to learn. Make sure people know exactly what you mean when you have something to say. There is no room for misunderstanding now. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #174 for April 29, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — These days, your life is about what you have to offer, rather than what you get. It’s true, the whole world is set up to accept credit cards, and it seems like half the people you meet wear a UPC or QR code on their forehead, the better to keep inventory of themselves. What you’re being called to do right now is not part of the economy. Rather, it’s an aspect of the global healing process, where you must essentially offer yourself for free. One challenge is that this happens entirely off the spectrum of the usual motives, and muggles tend not to understand that. The good news is that you don’t have to do much to be helpful. One thing is to provide a sense of home, a refuge for certain select people who come to you seeking such assistance. They may not know it themselves; it may not be an established part of your relationship. You might know the person well; you might have never met them. You might not even like them. It does not matter; you are the place they can feel safe and welcome. So keep the home fires burning. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The way most people are dealing with sex these days is to not deal with it at all. Count yourself fortunate if you have a lover or intimate friend you can communicate with, and with whom you share mutual affection and goodwill. It’s a jungle out there, and we’re living in a strange, grievous time when any form of eroticism or affection can be weaponized. Notice this when you see it happening. By all means do what you can to never get involved with the games, and to never make sexuality, love or attachment a matter of power. The challenge is that when it’s fair game to turn anything at all into a matter of power, it’s difficult to make an exception. You don’t need to be part of this whole trend or obsession. You have it in you to be impeccably balanced, honest and fair-minded. This is about serving a purpose larger than yourself, and it may feel that way. With Uranus in your sign, your role in the world is to be unequivocally true to your values, and not let anyone, anything, or any seeming social cause push you around. Note to Taurus and Sun and rising: I just recorded your Astrology Studio reading; here is how to get instant access.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars in your sign has just made a series of challenging aspects that have compelled you to honor your truth, and to speak the truth. Usually this is considered an act of charity or extreme courage. For you, it’s a matter of basic survival. That comes down to a few elemental facts, one of which is that you cannot split your character. Yes, it seems to happen a lot — people are one person at work and think they are another person among friends and yet another at home. It’s possible, for a while, to hold two competing sets of values: for example, to believe in truth and integrity, and then toss those values aside when convenient. Integrity means integration. That means being the same person all the time. The challenge here is that so many people are wearing masks, and most of them are terrified of or angry at anyone who has the gall to be sincere. That, however, is not your business. What other people do is what they do. What you do is what you do. Bank on that. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your charts have a visionary quality early in the week, as if you will be able to glimpse the future, or see through certain situations that would otherwise be foggy or opaque. The question is what you will do with the information, and when you will act on it, if you do at all. Knowledge has potency, even if you don’t specifically use it. Just by maintaining awareness of your environment, you will be stronger and more influential. When it comes time to use your strength, be forthright and persistent. That does not mean pushy, impolite or angry. The truth has momentum, and that is what you want to let carry you. Do not play your whole hand at once. This is a “one card at a time” kind of situation. You will need to be aligned with the deeper elements of your spiritual path, values or commitments. It’s crucial that you listen, and assess all of the available information that you have before taking action again. Context is everything. Keep a wide view, and know when to zoom in and look at the details closely. Then, zoom back out. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — On May 4, there will be an unusual New Moon in the vocation and professional angle of your chart. This is where the new focus is in your life. It’s been brewing for a while, and the time — this time — has finally arrived. One caution first. You may seem like you have to make snap decisions, or seize opportunities the moment they arise. This is unnecessary and it can be detrimental. When an opening presents itself, get all the information you can, be open to residual facts and observations that come in, and then pause and set the scenario on a timer. Use the spontaneous manifestation quality of Uranus, while also using the patient, wait-and-see attitude of Taurus (that is the placement involved). Be sensitive to when something does or does not match your aesthetic. This may seem superficial — to consider whether an office is beautiful enough, or how a person impresses you with their appearance or the sound of their voice. Even if someone or something is a bit eccentric, you need to have a sensory alignment; the situation must feel good, and that will take some time to determine. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mars in Gemini is moving across the most ambitious angle of your chart. Over the weekend, it passed through a foggy stretch of mental terrain, which you can now see a lot more clearly. If you’re still struggling a little, the thing to get out of the way is anything that seems like a “matter of survival.” Those are almost always exaggerated, and are often the result of a distortion. Step down the urgency and ask yourself what you really want, most probably in the form of what you want to do. The drive of Mars is a little more than you’re accustomed to (being born under a Mercury-ruled sign — the approaches are rather different). There is, however, a Mercury angle: it’s about collaborating. This begins with observing and seeking to understand where a partner, colleague or investor is coming from. You have the ability to do that, though make sure it’s in words and not in some form of acquiescence or tacit agreement. Use language like, “This is what I hear you saying. Am I correct?” and, “Am I missing anything here?” Make sure you’re understood as well. Feel free to ask people to state back to you what they think you just said. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Pallas Athene, the asteroid of politics and diplomacy, is making a long visit to your sign, and is fully engaged at the moment. There are a number of situations you’re in or about to encounter where your skill as a negotiator will be exceedingly helpful. However, you’re going to need to dial this in as a fully conscious act, rather than as something you can just count on happening. You have to ask for help, and access your skill intentionally — and then use it. There are many people in your life right now, probably too many, and it’s been difficult to discern what they are doing, what they want, or what their role is. My suggestion is that you maintain silence and not reveal your opinion or point of view. You may feel like everyone knows what you think or believe; however, you’re far more inscrutable than you may imagine. Just set aside the notion that people can hear your thoughts or that your opinion is written all over your face. The idea here is not to be secretive, but rather to give yourself some space to be objective, and to listen well even to those you disagree with vehemently. Eventually, you will see a point where you may need to speak up, but it’s unlikely to be for a while. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may be struggling with the question of whether you’re leveling with yourself. You may be wondering whether others are acting in good faith. You learned something, maybe a few significant things, over the weekend, and it will help if you take some time, pause, and evaluate what you now know. Matters that were murky and uncertain may have become more transparent. You may have a better idea where you stand with someone. One potential factor is sexual feelings and feelings of attachment crossing and overlapping. It will be helpful if you sort this out. Another potential factor is that you may feel two ways about a person or situation. While this might seem normal, it’s a sign of inner conflict or denial, and you would be wise to address it. You actually do have underlying feelings that point to one position, not two contradictory ones. You may need to work through some layers to get there, though not if you’re honest with yourself. That is the place to start, and the place to keep your focus. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Take a creative approach if you feel challenged or like someone is stirring up conflict with you. First, though, consider whether that is really their intent, or whether you’re just perceiving it that way. A lot of controversy is in the eye of the beholder, and we live in tense, contentious times. Set aside the expectation of being attacked in some way. Dial that back and get yourself off of hair trigger. Yes, notice what you’re feeling, and pay attention to clues for how others are feeling, but slow down your reaction time, and go more into a responsive emotional frame. One thing I’ve noticed again and again is that people who are oriented on conflict are generally not being productive. The first thing you can do about that is make sure that you, at least, are doing your work or your art. If you’re in a position where you have influence over the choices of others, guide them in this direction. In intimate situations (and some others), sexual frustration is also a factor. Note this if you observe it in yourself. And though you may not be able to say much to someone else, if you think it’s a factor, address it appropriately. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Pluto recently stationed retrograde in your sign, and Saturn is about to do the same. This will set the advance of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction on pause for a while, and give you some room to address certain pressing situations in your life. Make sure you use your time well. Address any important plans that you’ve set aside during the past six months, and do your best to catch up with yourself. It’s less important that you invest your energy in relationships and more important that you emphasize the meaningful tasks that you have at hand right now. Please don’t allow yourself to be distracted by people and their agendas. You need far less socializing than you may think. It’s irrelevant what people think of you, or what you think they think. You can use your time productively if you keep your priorities in order. Some of them may involve your family, though beware: those, too, may be a major distraction. Stick to what you know you simply must do. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The most significant forces “outside of your control” are the ones in your own mind. And while you may not be able to control your mind or your feelings, you can have an influence. That influence begins with focusing your awareness inwardly, and being honest with yourself about your motives. The inner process work you’re doing, most of which involves certain family and ancestral situations you’ve inherited, is directly connected to your ideas about power, and in particular, how it was wielded over you and certain people you grew up with. Yet this is on a primal level (like one of those apes discovering he can smash a skull with a stick in 2001: A Space Odyssey). That’s the problem: on the core level, the level of what you might think of as machine language, this is all rather crude. The responses that people had around you, and that they may have displayed, were associated with their feeling of powerlessness. Most of the “reasons” they felt that way don’t apply to you. You have many more resources to work with.. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — For the past week or so, Mars has been making a square to Neptune in your sign, which has been something of an antagonizing influence. This may have challenged your confidence. It’s probable, though, that you’re feeling like you’re on much more solid ground. Now, at least, you can see someone or some situation for what it really is. There is likely to be a financial factor involved, and coming from a place of perceiving reality, and knowing the actual, underlying facts, you’re in a much better position to negotiate a fair result. Yet do not falter in your position. Be persistent and insist on above-board communication. This is particularly important in all matters where your home or security is concerned. Don’t fall for the delusion that you are in any way threatened. It’s not that simple, and you have more potential influence over the situation than you may be aware. This is one of those scenarios where, after we address the essential topic of honesty, that it’s all about money, so keep your eye on the facts and figures, and make sure they add up to the same total calculating up the column, and down. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2019

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2019 (#1244) | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have a right to exist, and you do exist. A series of recent transits involving Chiron in your sign may have pushed deep questions onto you, or taken you places within yourself that you’ve never been before. Yet even the most seemingly ordinary questions are probes into the way you relate to your existence. Each comes back to what you’re free enough to feel, do or say. I reckon more people wander around with this type of concern in their minds, lurking right below the scrim of consciousness. It’s just masked as something else: a sense of not belonging, apprehension or anxiety, guilt, judging oneself or feeling judged — among others. What if all of these were about permission to be? One of the zeitgeists of our moment in history is that so many “causes” feel it’s their role to tell people they have no right to be who they are — even if who they are is not harming someone. Others tell people what they must be, even if it’s not true or they don’t want to be that way. Chiron often focuses on the most poignant kind of existential crisis. Make the most of it. Be aware that your feelings may represent questions — particularly any that comes along with tension, discomfort or irritation. They are your friends. Inquire, explore and seek understanding. Some may take you to a deeper level by way of a mental or emotional adjustment. Most will require you to experiment: to take action, and then notice how you feel.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The key is to give yourself permission to do or not to do anything; to be or not be with anyone; to be open to any and every possibility. Then, from that place, choose the obvious thing to do. This is a thought exercise in giving yourself the freedom to be yourself. However, you don’t need much of the stuff; in reality, you just need the ability to make each decision in accord with your true being. If you start by granting yourself a very wide berth, and feel out many different potentials (whether they seem available or not), making focused decisions won’t seem so daunting. This is a little like reading the whole menu before you choose what to eat, only making sure you consider many things that are not listed. At this stage in your astrological development, you need to be aware of two things. One is the human tendency to be afraid of freedom and one’s own potential (the two are related). The other is the fear to look and feel within and arrive at an understanding of what one really wants. The typical result of this is living a narrow life, lacking both worldly vision and inner vision. And thankfully for you, Uranus in your sign is encouraging you to take a wide view of life and notice things you would usually consider revolutionary or ridiculous. This will loosen up the grip that you and seeming reality have on one another. Chiron in Aries, set within the house of your inner experience, is encouraging you to be impeccably observant of yourself. If you can do both at once, you will discover how much is possible.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Whatever you’re doing, be sure to take care of your needs first, and then consider the needs of others. Often they are intertwined, though your present situation calls for you to unravel this. Mars remains a present force in your chart, which is giving you extra power to manifest what you want. Yet this same factor is putting you into contact with much larger situations: when you want something, other people seem to be impacted or influenced. It may also be difficult to sort out what you want from what others want. In such a situation, change the emphasis from desire to need. I recognize that there are various schools of thought that consider this kind of thinking selfish. And there are plenty of conceited people who blur the lines and make their own priorities out to be the only ones in their environment. If by any chance you have such tendencies, get a grip on them. I am primarily speaking to those who tend to be squashed out of the way, or to have their needs subverted to more assertive people. It’s necessary to act before you feel yourself revert to resentment or frustration, and if you are there, address that situation first, beginning with identifying your basic needs (rest, food, time to yourself, time outside, space to do your work, whatever). Then take an inventory of who around you is making what demands, and begin to sort things out and make decisions. Your partnerships must function as such: be assertive about asking for help and delegating responsibility. Pay attention to who is helpful. Notice who keeps their commitments, to you and to others.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Saturn’s station retrograde in Capricorn, your opposite sign, will take some pressure off of you, though it does not change the basic fact that you’re going through a personal restructuring of some kind. What you get, though, is time to plan your moves, and set up certain contingencies such that you’re never backed into a corner. Give yourself space, and time, and take as much of each as you need to handle your own affairs responsibly. And this is about responsibility; meaning your ability to respond in a way that is self-sustaining, in a time when everything in the world seems to be going sideways. At the same time, it’s true that many old and outmoded aspects of life, both your own and in the wider environment, are falling away. That is one process; what they are being replaced by is another, and for you, this is something best not left to chance. Take a fully conscious role in determining what you want from life, making sure your priorities are not being dictated or even shaped by past expectations, experiences or disappointments. This will take a conscious yoga-like practice of monitoring your thoughts, and turning them toward creative ends. Let every day begin with what you want to accomplish, in terms of meeting your responsibilities but more significantly, creating something new for yourself. Be specific, and set tangible goals that are within reach. Have in mind larger goals that may seem out of reach, though set yourself moving in their direction. Ideally this will include at least two very long-range objectives that you’ve been considering for a long time.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your solar chart is bursting with the theme of expanding your horizons, both personal and professional. By personal, I mean a true evaluation of your long-term goals, your spiritual condition and where your self-concept intersects with who you actually are. What is the story-arc of your life? Where do you want to be on the planet? By professional, I mean doing something exciting and different — and taking an inventive approach to what you’re doing now. You tend to be stable in your work commitments, and making changes does not come easily to you. This same astrology also suggests that you tend to hold patterns for a long time before you realize that you need a change — and you most definitely do. This will begin with a new approach to your current involvement, and then develop into scoping out the possibilities for the future. And, plan as you may, it’s possible that you’ll need to make some rapid adjustments that are based on opportunities that come your way, or circumstances that seem beyond your control. Therefore, lighten your load, and take on only new commitments both that you like, and that have a reasonable exit plan. More than anything, be open to progress, and remember that progress not only implies change — it necessitates change, movement, adjustment and flexibility. These things are not happening for their own sake. Everything you do, and everyplace you go, is in accord with new revelations and discoveries you’re making about your purpose on Earth. You have one; and you made it all the way here to get it going and bring it into full expression.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your astrology through late April and early May focuses what I consider to be the essential Virgo question of how much you see yourself in others. By that I mean identify so deeply that it’s possible to lose track of yourself. However, the series of jolts you may have recently experienced have called on you to awaken from just that situation. It is a kind of dream. It worked for you for a while; it may still work for some people, though it’s not an effective or valid path for you at this time. Within your relationships (of all kinds, from intimate to family to business), you have encountered a necessity to be yourself and express yourself. You can no longer use your encounters with others as a way of finding yourself. One distinction is that there will be a more even-handed distribution of responsibilities, including maintenance of awareness that is so vital to healthy exchanges. Leadership is a core necessity in any relationship, and this, too, must be divided if not equally then equitably. You need to know that you have some influence over the flow of events. When you feel like you don’t, the answer is not to accuse anyone of overpowering you before you make a list of everything you have not said out loud. The dialog in your mind does not count. Letting others guess what you need is irrelevant. Thinking you should have said something in the past does not count. Actually speaking for yourself is the only thing that matters. This takes some courage, because you can’t really plan the outcome. But you can stay present for the whole conversation, and the next one.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may feel like you’re in an exceedingly complicated situation where you have no control over your circumstances, or of major decisions. Yet the exercise would seem to be discerning just where your influence is, and how to access it. In these matters, astrology offers you a few clues. One basic matter is to pay attention, and to study the situation. There seem to be quite a few people involved, and there’s a lot of jockeying for power going on. How did things get to be this way? How long have they been so, and when did you first notice? The “noticing” aspect is an important element of its own, perhaps the most significant of all. You can only see with your eyes open; you can only drive at night with your headlights on. So your awareness level, and where you direct your attention, is the single most meaningful variable you are working with. Rather than addressing the specific circumstances that seem to be in front of you, the time has arrived to address the deeper questions, ones you may have pondered for a long time. One goes right to the purpose that relationships serve in your life. How much is about love? How much is about companionship? How much is about sex? How much is about money? How much is about conforming to your parents’ notion of what is right, or right for you? If you spend some time with those questions, and develop your responses sincerely, you will find yourself feeling like you have a lot more power in your situation. We can add one more factor: are you expected to be a good boy or a good girl? By whom, for what purpose, and at what cost — to you?


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — None of your old relationship strategies are likely to be effective any more. All you can do is be in the moment, listen honestly and speak honestly. That means gently, without judgment. Perhaps there seems to be a contradiction here, in that if you’re judgmental, you should be honest about that. Perhaps. And there’s a way to do it that facilitates communication rather than shuts it down. For example, claim when something is your opinion, or your perception. Moreover, do your best to see several sides of every issue. Even if you baldly disagree with something, understand where someone is coming from if they think it’s true, or true for them. This does not need to be from an intellectual point of view; our beliefs are often motivated by emotional reactions. You’re at a point in your growth when all that will really work for you is a mature state of understanding, which may mean admitting that you were wrong about something, whether in the past, the present, or if it happens some time in the future. For you right now, much of what seems like a mental position is driven by something much deeper. It will be helpful, and save you considerable time and energy, if you make contact with the underlying motive driving your point of view. To succeed at this is genuinely liberating, like dropping armor or taking off clothes that fit too tight. The way to peace is not agreeing on the mental level, or even emotional. It’s coming to a place of shared values and priorities that can be applied to all situations. Either those shared values are there, or they are not. You won’t know till you get there.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — A Course in Miracles has an annoying comment about how we have the choice to be right, or be happy. Rather, it’s annoying until you see it work, and you have an excellent opportunity to experiment: let everyone else be right for a while, and keep your opinion to yourself. Keep your mind open and consider the possibilities, but don’t worry about whether you’re right, or wrong, for that matter. There are a few ways to do this, one of which is to maintain a position of always being open to more data, or more interesting perspectives. It’s likely that certain people in your environment are going to be rather opinionated for the next few weeks (this may have started a while ago, but it will be more obvious now). That in itself is likely to be a turnoff at worst, or entertaining at best. Don’t let it become offensive, though. Keep your sense of humor as an underlying foundation of your self-confidence. If you can laugh at something, you rapidly diminish the power it holds over you; in a real way, you set yourself free from its clutches. Seeing the humor is also a form of humility, which means moist, like the earth. I’m not talking about sarcasm, which is dry (and there is a place for it, which you may encounter from time to time). Here is the thing: You are bigger than any opinion that you or anyone has. When your mind is open, your creativity engages, and you see many possibilities, when before, you may have only seen a few.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Saturn turning retrograde in your sign will give you some room to breathe, and time to make decisions. In recent months and years, you’ve learned to function under pressure, as if time is running out, and you just have to deal with it. But how much of that is an illusion? How much is you noticing something that’s always true, which is that time (for any individual) is a finite resource? That’s the thing it would be helpful to consider, as it’s a key element in the kind of maturity that you’re reaching for, and that is reaching for you. It’s fair to call this time in your life an extended phase of enforced growth, so you may as well get with the program. Another element is having the correct relationship with your family of origin, for you. How dependent or attached do you want to be? How much responsibility do you want to take on, and how much is appropriate? This is related to the wider question of the past. Part of your challenge (and at times struggle) is to let go of what is not working. Yet to do that, you will need to be honest about it. This is not about making a run to the local transfer station. Rather, you’re at the stage of clearing closets, basements and attic spaces, and making fully aware decisions about what you want and don’t want. From the look of your solar chart, you will be retaining quite a bit less than you’re letting go of. Keep a consistent, steady pace as you proceed.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There are indeed hidden factors driving and in many ways dominating your life, though the truth is they were always there. What’s happening now is a struggle to bring them to full awareness and see them for what they are. One thing revealed by astrology is that a substantial portion of this material (what some would call karma) is not your own. It belongs to other people, and you have in a sense inherited it. When you feel yourself driven by forces outside of your control, pause and investigate. Look carefully for matter that is secretive or taboo. It may be related to sex, death or money. It will have the feeling of a trove of family secrets that are gumming up the works not only of your existence but some larger one as well. The days of these conditions running your life are numbered, though your full cooperation is required. When you encounter something that reminds you of this business, push the situation as far as you can, until some new information comes out. Do not be deterred by people keeping a poker face, making denials or telling you how wonderful they are. You will need to summon some extra courage to do this, since you’ll be exceeding a limit or cultural norm. You may risk offending or angering people who seem to wield power for its own sake. This is the whole point. Then notice what you dredge up. Part of the exercise is claiming what is yours. First and foremost, this means your personal truth.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There is no stopping you from thinking your own way, but don’t stop there. The point is to live your own way, to express your own views, and therefore to be free from ideas that are not your own. Revolutionary Uranus in Taurus is driving this project, and it will not relent. You can proceed in a way that is more or less creative, but you will proceed. The way to keep some sense of order in your world and in your mind is to stay a few steps ahead of yourself. Do what you can to be organized, particularly in your ideas. From there, maintain some order in your personal paperwork, your workspaces and your communication devices. You won’t get this perfect, but a little will go a long way, and help you smooth over the process of expressing yourself in bold, emphatic ways that get a result. If you’re in a creative role of any kind, be aware that part of what you’re doing is specifically altering the remnants of the past and creating something new. This is not new for its own sake but rather for the purpose of liberating energy and pushing back on the robotic patterns that seem to be taking over known reality. That you can feel, and respond consciously, and stretch your capabilities, and crave the truth, are all evidence that you are actually alive and conscious. This may not make you a popular person, as the prevailing ethos of our times is to get in line, do what everyone else is doing and wear a button that says “unique.” You are much, much greater than that. Letting your light shine may make you feel vulnerable, though that’s the cost of true happiness.

Monday Morning Horoscope #173 for April 22, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You survived the Sun’s run through Aries and the first expression of the 2020 alignment that directly involves your sign. This portends a year with many relevant turning points — and some inevitable ones. You’re under astrology unique in all the world, though there is a worldly theme: reaching escape velocity from the influence of your parents and your family of origin. You are at the point where you have no choice but to be who you are, which is easier said than done. There is always the temptation of retreating into some old-fashioned not-self pattern of fear, resistance, resentment or frustration, and using that as an excuse to stay put. But the more you hold fast, the faster the forces of your own nature will pull you free. There is one essential ingredient that is almost mandatory to overlook these days, and I don’t know if anyone understands what I mean when I say it, but it’s time for you to live your sexual truth. This will be equal parts healing, experimentation and understanding where your experience of love matches your biological experience. One clue I can give you is that it has nothing to do with what you see in the movies. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The Sun has arrived in your sign, in grand style on the heels of last week’s Libra Full Moon, and with the Sun making a conjunction to Uranus. You are in all-new territory. It would be fair but not entirely accurate to say you are becoming a new person. Closer to the truth is that you are taking the chance of discovering who you are, which if it’s working always comes with some surprises. No matter how old you are, you contain a continent or two of unexplored territory, which you’ve always had inside of you. You’ve felt this many times, though there is something about Taurus that tends to resist the kinds of energy flow that Uranus represents: difficult to control, unexpected, erratic, shocking and brilliant. Uranus comes in fits and starts, but it’s a constant and continuous presence. You don’t need to imbibe this influence all at once. Take it one day at a time, one season at a time. A reader named Alison wrote to me and said, “Uranus seems to be about burning through convention to see what remains, like the alchemical calcination phase, and using what’s left to (re)build something new.” She said the influence started in May 2018, though, “At that time, I didn’t know what I was heading towards, just what I was leaving. It began to emerge over the summer but didn’t really gain momentum until earlier this year and is still becoming clearer by the day.” Note to Taurus and Sun and rising: I’m planning to record your Astrology Studio reading on Monday; here is how to pre-order.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury is now in Aries. Your ruling planet is in the process of passing through several different levels of full-strength astrology, so you can reasonably expect unusual developments, deep experiences, and a tour of various forces outside of your control. Yet the choices you make are all your own. How you respond to your environment is your decision. Be aware that the more force you exert, the more pushback you’re likely to get. When you articulate your energy, and refine your thought process, and make your choices carefully, you will get a better result. Because Mercury is involved, your use of words is a critical factor: how you express yourself, how you describe your situation, how you speak to others, and what you choose to discuss. My suggestion is to keep your responses on the level of what you can build, weave, make or create. Stay off the level of ego, personality and conflict. If you have to wrestle with something, let it be your conscience. If you must tackle something, let it be a real problem, not a made-up one. Live by one standard: the truth is true, and nothing else matters. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Developing astrology puts you further into the public eye. Since we’re talking about the Sun-Uranus conjunction, don’t try to be normal. It’s true that part of your usual strategy is to dress well and present yourself like a professional. You tend to be understated and well-spoken when you know people are watching. You can relax that standard, and allow yourself to be as different as you want to be. You don’t have to flaunt convention for its own sake. You are free, however, to be as eccentric as you really are. You are free to experiment. You’re welcome to be a little shocking and to call it like it is. Though we’re talking about Uranus, we’re also talking about Taurus, which is a reminder to make sure that whatever you do, you bring an aesthetic quality: emphasize beauty. My work-a-day motto for American life (applicable elsewhere) is that you can do anything you want, as long as you do it well. For you, doing something well always includes a touch of class, and of elegance. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Uranus in Taurus, and the Sun’s conjunction to it, are invitations to open up new horizons in your professional life. This is the time to shift from “career” to “vocation.” A vocation is a calling, that you answer with your whole being. Career is (for example) when your parents tell you to be an accountant, or they won’t pay your tuition. Vocation is (for example) when you want to be a bass player and you do so with no thought of making a living at it, only doing it for its own sake. This will call for some inventiveness, which Uranus grants. Fortunately, the world has become flexible enough to accommodate these kinds of choices more easily. When I was in my 20s, someone once told me I was too weird to be a freelance writer. We’ve all been offered that kind of horseshit advice, and it’s best to leave it in the compost pile, so maybe it will become something more useful. The technological environment will be your friend and ally, opening up many possibilities, though ultimately it’s the quality of your ideas, and your dedication, that will get the result. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This week’s astrology ignites a kind of alchemy between the spiritual, the erotic and the artistic that just about everyone is passionately determined to avoid. And why would that be? Well, for one thing, investing yourself in these primal forces of consciousness calls on you to be open to change, from the inside out. This is not the kind of change that comes from making decisions but rather the type that comes from lighting yourself on fire. If you move your life in this direction, you take the risk of total involvement, which means surrendering your expectations about the future, about yourself and, in many ways, about the world. It’s why so many people so often take what they perceive as the safe path, of seemingly little risk. Yet what is sacrificed is existence actually having some meaning that comes from deep within you. That, too, might result in some temporary but palpable sense of disorientation. In any event, whatever you choose to do with it, your transits are pointing you away from the familiar and into the unknown. You might want to board the next flight to Greenland or South Africa. Or you can admit how much you don’t know and begin right where you are. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — At this stage of your life, there is no place for secrets or denial. Both are serious hindrances to your wellbeing, your spiritual health and having full access to your wisdom and potential. Yet for many people they are ways of life. Often that is because everything else seems so scary. After all, if the truth were known about you — who you are, what you want, what you’ve done, and how you feel — do you think that your current relationships could withstand the shock of that awareness? That remains to be seen, though what would surely happen is that any disruption would call everyone present to their actual reality, their feelings and desires. This would lead to a reorientation of awareness and the need to make some decisions. Whether you desire this or not, something about you is likely to shift this week that compels you to reassess your intimate situations. And though you may not think of it this way, it involves all you have not said to the people close to you. Perhaps make a list of what that includes. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — People are full of surprises. If someone close to you presents you with something you just were not expecting, slow down and consider where they’re coming from. Most people you will meet, or even know well, are not so good at expressing their healing needs. Here is what I suggest you keep in mind. When someone says what they need, or even is honest about how they feel, that creates a vulnerability. And more times than not, on our particular planet, there’s always someone waiting to either turn that need into an advantage for them, or to exploit the vulnerability. This is not about you personally; it’s just the way things usually are. Do your part by not allowing this particular circumstance to turn into that, in any way, shape or form. Do not let your intimate exchanges be about power. Go in the other direction — guide your purpose toward healing, service, and what you have to offer. It’s essential at this time in your life that you allow the people close to you to be who they are, recognize their needs as be valid, and give them space to exist. You need the same things. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Keep your temper, particularly if you run into frustrating circumstances early in the day Monday. Mars moving through your opposite sign Gemini can have a combative feeling, and you may be living with the illusion that you don’t really know where anyone is coming from. For now, you will have to take them at their word, while at the same time giving them space to evolve their views and correct statements that turned out to be inaccurate. If you try to hold people to absolute consistency, you’ll only burn up what good faith the situation includes, and there is plenty. How you handle self-destructive tendencies, whether your own or those of someone else, is another question. And they are likely to be a factor as Mars makes a square to Neptune over the coming week. You may feel a tendency to go into retreat or reverse, though that’s not what your situation calls for. Rather, you are being invited to take a new kind of risk, where you allow yourself enough vulnerability to create something new for yourself. You will know you’re really doing that because it feels dangerous in a way you can’t easily describe. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Saturn stationing retrograde between now and the 29th will help take off some of the pressure you’ve been feeling, and cool off your sense of imminent change (or doom). Yet it remains true that you have important matters from the past that you must address before you can guide your life forward. Commit to doing that this spring and summer, starting immediately. Begin with what is the easiest: for example, addressing unfinished business with people you’ve been close to recently. Then go deeper into the past and sort out a few situations about which you may have some misgivings, or where you wish you had handled things differently. See, for real, how people respond to you when you reach out to them. Americans in particular have a tendency to try to blaze into the future and bury the past before they’ve come to any real closure about what occurred there. Saturn’s presence on the South Node in your sign says that you have little choice but to confront your personal history, though you’re also protected from the worst results of certain less than helpful decisions you’ve made. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you’re experiencing a shakeup involving your home base or sense of personal grounding or security, take it as an invitation to new and better things. In particular, it’s clear you need to design living spaces that are more suited to your state of mind, and that are more accommodating of the future. That likely means some combination of lightening your load and also giving yourself room to work, to grow and to play. If you’re flexible and have even a mild sense of adventure, you can work any situation to your advantage. Make sure your strategy includes plans A, B and C. In the end, you’ll borrow a little from each of them and come up with a synthesis that works for everyone. Note that Venus, a vitally important planet for you, is making a conjunction to Chiron and other sensitive points this week. To me that says keep a handle on your emotions, choose your words wisely, and emphasize expressing yourself in a creative way rather than a self-centered or combative one. To get out of the trap of “self,” stick to the topic at hand. You are a reference point, though there’s something much larger than you at work and at play. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Keep calm and keep cool. Don’t play it cool; relax and be aware, of your surroundings and the flow of your thoughts. Both are likely to be rather adventurous in a number of ways. Two of the most personal angles of your chart, Aries (house 2, values and value) and Taurus (house 3, words and immediate surroundings) are illuminated by powerful conjunctions, both exact Monday. Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries is about tapping into your deepest well of self-worth and staying rooted there. Don’t let anyone shake you, fool you or trip you up. You’ve been through a lot, and you know who you are. The Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus is encouraging you to be a little outrageous. You can drop your filters a little, and be dauntless if you feel the need to provoke someone, or say something that’s out of character for you. Actually, you are beginning to inhabit some very new personal tendencies and explore your inner territory in an unfamiliar way. Therefore, push the edge, take some risks, and allow yourself the freedom to get in the face of anyone who tries to tell you who you are. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 18, 2019

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 18, 2019 (#1243) | By Amy Elliott

This is Amy Elliott’s take on tomorrow’s powerful Full Moon in the last degrees of Aries and Libra. Eric also covered the Full Moon in his Monday Morning Horoscope, which you may review here.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Tomorrow’s Full Moon in your opposite sign may signal a good time to take stock and notice any changes in your thoughts and emotions, especially within the two months since Chiron re-entered your sign. This may give some clue as to your trajectory and the challenges you might face going forward. Be receptive also to messages in your dreams and through those closest to you: it’s your prerogative to decide what to take on board, though at this moment it may be wise simply to hear all voices — at least those you can trust to have your back.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your inner transformation, which has been taking place mostly behind the scenes, is now about to show some of its results in the conscious realm. That is, you’re likely to begin doing certain things differently to a noticeable extent. This may also represent a gain in maturity; an awareness, at least, of the scope and potential consequences of your choices, especially in the ethical sense. You may well have some big decisions to make, though in the main this is likely to be about the small moves you make every day. Get into good habits.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Efforts you’ve made in terms of getting your work seen by a wider audience, or of giving it a broader perspective, should now begin to bear fruit. Keep taking opportunities wherever they arise to expand your network of contacts, of all sorts. Be open to synchronicities as well. All this relates to making strides along your dharmic path, and furthering the cause most important to you at this time in your life. That means you need to both keep your focus and cultivate trust in the universe to deliver in matters outside your immediate reach.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — A Full Moon falling in the last degree of the respective signs involved is sure to generate at least a little tension. You may already have experienced some or most of the turbulence, though take it easy over the next couple days until the terrain has stabilized. Try to postpone major decisions where possible, and don’t assume you know anything for certain unless it’s obvious and incontrovertible (on the level of ‘rain is wet’). With everything else, you’ll want to leave room for doubt. Also, pay consistent attention to the wellbeing of your body and mind.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Use at least some part of the next few days to get outside, enjoy yourself and recharge. Certain aspirations you’ve had for a while are almost ripe for the work of harvesting. This could well involve a period of long and steady application, in which case you’ll want to be ready to jump to it when the moment arises. That moment is likely to consist of a profound realization regarding your work and your plans, as they are connected with your deepest sense of identity. You may trust yourself to see through what needs to be done.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — During this latest phase of your life, you probably asked yourself several challenging questions, and perhaps lived through an emotional struggle or two, to say the least. Now you may be awakening gradually to a specific revelation that cuts to the heart of who you are, and how your philosophy is intrinsically connected to your personal healing path, and to your dharma. This marks the next stage in a long-term growth process; engage in it consciously, and you may be able to catapult yourself through a lot of territory in a short time.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — With the Full Moon Friday morning in the last degree of your sign, certain questions will probably emerge about your unique sense of self and how far it is distinguished from that of significant others. You might have noticed the boundaries shifting in a particular direction. Now the time is coming when you must steer the ship with your fully conscious mind. First ask yourself whether the changes are for the better; and, as a significant part of that, whether it is making you happy. If you are unsure, you need to give yourself time to figure it out properly.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — One of the better developments of the modern era is the widening recognition that everyone should be treated with respect as human beings, regardless of any accidents of birth. However, there is also a growing tendency to see grounds of offence where perhaps nothing of that nature was intended, or through projection of earlier wounds onto others. This week, if you feel someone has been disrespectful or unkind, first establish the truth — you might ask what they meant, for example, and also consider if there is anything deeper going on for you.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Keep in mind the reason you are working on your current project and use that to carry you through the days when the routine sort of task prevails; you can create the fun you need, and have periods of downtime. You know well that what you’re doing is worthwhile to say the least, even during those moments when you need to correct a mistake or clean up a spillage. Be wary of the insidious kinds of doubt that can get inside your head and disrupt your flow; should they appear, deal with them firmly, in the name of truth as well as self-validation.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Brace yourself. A highly probable result of the current Full Moon is that you’ll become a good deal more visible, whether or not you were actually planning on that. This is very likely to be a good thing. It’s time more people see and understand who you are, and appreciate your unique gifts. That means giving yourself the space to exercise those gifts fully, hone them and gain further expertise. Bringing witnesses into the picture can aid that process exponentially, especially if you view praise and criticism alike as simply more tools in your kit.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Over the course of this week, you may find the strands of the past few months drawing together and suddenly fitting into a coherent pattern. This may be a good moment for a deep and thorough review of all that you have learned, what you’ve gained, what you’ve let go, and how all of this has informed your ongoing path. There may be profound healing especially in recognizing how your strengths have shown themselves. It’s also worth remembering that, regardless of any official status, each of us has intrinsic power that can never be removed from us.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — If you have something to say, grab the microphone; though before you do, make sure your reasoning is clear and easy to follow; and above all, that your facts are checked down to every letter. Even if hyperbole, exaggeration or lying by omission is tempting — and may even appear to secure results at first — only demonstrable, transparent truth will gain you what you seek. To borrow a phrase from Charlotte Bronte, show a clear front. Standing by one’s principles regardless of any response by others is a great act of courage that brings its own rewards.