Category Archives: Monthly Horoscope

Monthly Horoscope

Planet Waves Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2017

Love this horoscope? Read all Planet Waves horoscopes by Eric Francis. You can sign up monthly or for the full year.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2017 #1135 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your bold experiment in who you are will be more fun if you take it out of the house. You’re under no obligation to be the same person every day, which is a good thing because that’s about how frequently you get a new idea. To really find out, you must explore more openly in your relationships. The people closest to you must be on board with your project; this is about co-creating rather than shocking anyone. Gender roles, artistic pursuits, your professional goals, how intense you want (or dare) to be and what you’re willing to reveal: it’s all fair play. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Given how much you work, it would be excellent if your work were truly fulfilling. This is about your state of mind, and you’re about to make a discovery here. Aligning your hour-to-hour activity with your larger goals is the key. Often this seems impossible, though there are just two elements: knowing what you aspire to, and understanding what you’re actually doing and why. See the meaning in the details. Gather small things you may learn into something larger and more relevant. And make the human connections: know whose life is influenced by what you do, and remember that in every moment. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You know that you don’t quite fit into society like you’re expected to. Now, the truly mature thing is to be at peace with that fact. Then you’ll discover who your true friends really are. Conforming is a matter of faking it. You’re doing something bolder and braver, which is choosing to be real no matter what anyone may think. This is the path to respect and self-respect. Fit your image to what you feel inside rather than what you think is expected outside. The less you try to impress anyone, the more beautiful you will reveal yourself to be. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’ve been on a roll getting your finances in order. You’re proving to yourself how much merely being aware of money helps that process. Yet being aware of what really matters to you goes even further. Once you know your priorities, it’s easy to follow them. The deepest discovery is yet to come: that the better you feel about yourself, the less you have to spend. An ocean of money changes hands every day because people carry self-doubt. Confidence is efficient and affordable. Then you have resources to devote to whom and what you really value. It’s a win-win situation. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You don’t owe anyone anything. Nobody has a right to be your judge. Remind yourself of those facts every few hours. Once you can hum those ideas like a familiar tune, you’ll make an even more important discovery: it’s useless judging yourself. Yes, you want to be the best person you can be. Here’s a surprise: that’s a gentle process, not a harsh one. When you make an assessment, remember the whole idea is that you can grow, change and evolve. Seeing yourself as a work in progress will make room for more progress. You can feel good about that. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The most important lesson of this time in your life is how to exist independently from your intimate partners. That’s another way of saying that you’re a whole person, not half of a relationship. Now, the thing to do is act that way. You can make more decisions that factor your own wellbeing exclusively. You can learn to compromise in a way that does not cheat you out of your goals and desires. Best of all, you can cultivate a way of relating to others from the position of being an individual with your own agenda, and attract others with the same idea. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It’s possible to help people, but not to save them. Understanding the difference is a core element of maturity. When assisting others, it’s best if you understate your role, and think of yourself as being one part of a process. And it will help significantly if you don’t have too much investment in the outcome. That can be the challenging part, but think of helping someone as a gift: once you give it, forget about it, unless the other person brings it up. This allows you to pass the goodwill forward in a way that’s clear with no strings attached. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Pay attention and you’ll see the connections. If you see the connections, you’ll know which ones to keep and which to cut; which to explore and which to ease back from. Remember that, in some way, everything and everyone is related to everything and everyone else. This is a more enlightened worldview than thinking that people and situations exist in isolation. The internet has taught us that everything we say, we say to a network rather than to an individual. Proceed as if that’s true no matter to whom you’re speaking, then work it to your advantage. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your chart is a study in how seriously you can take life, and how much fun you can have at the same time. This is not a contradiction; and if it is, it’s the kind that produces the talented and creative people you respect the most. Current aspects are offering both discipline and a sense of adventure. It’s your focus and dedication that make the adventure possible. This is the line that separates the Brownies from the Girl Scouts. It’s true that there are times when pleasure comes before responsibility, but when it does, you’ll know you earned it well. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Attention Sagittarius Sun, Moon and rising folks: You can get instant access to your two segments of audio astrology, and the tarot reading will be ready shortly! The entire Birthday Reading can be yours for only $24.97. But hurry: the price will increase again when the tarot publishes.



Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may worry that you lack the self-confidence to do your best work, or to accomplish truly great things. It turns out that being sure of yourself is not a prerequisite for success, and that insecurity can sometimes be the best motivation. It would seem that you’re reaching upward when you feel uncertain of your foundation or your ability to stay in balance. The higher you reach, the more you may question whether that’s the right thing to do. There’s plenty of voltage in that equation. It will help you ensure that you do the best possible job, and present yourself impeccably well. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Attention Capricorn Sun, Moon and rising folks: You can get instant access to your two segments of audio astrology, and the tarot reading will be ready shortly! The entire Birthday Reading can be yours for only $24.97. But hurry: the price will increase again when the tarot publishes.

Ongoing Inspiration for an Unpredictable Year

“Planet Waves readings have always been exceptional, illuminating my interior landscape. They provide ongoing inspiration for those times throughout the year when I feel curious about circumstances of the moment. Bless you, Eric.”

— Zlatka Sirakova, on a previous Aquarius reading

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today the Sun entered your sign, beginning a new solar year for you. As Eric explains in one of your upcoming readings, your true calling is leadership. But if you don’t currently feel like a leader, what do you do and where can you find sound, inspirational guidance?

Planet Waves

In two segments of audio astrology and a tarot reading using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, Eric will guide you through the major themes and subtler points of your next 12 months in your 2017 Aquarius Birthday Reading. Your reading also includes an extended description of your sign.

“I never gave Sun sign astrology much credence until I opened myself to your readings. Thank you!” — Mary, on a previous Aquarius reading

If you have an Aquarius Sun, Moon or rising sign, you have some significant options now and going forward. But you’ll need to activate them consciously. This might mean focusing on your self-esteem, your sexuality and relationships, your career, your spiritual health and healing, or another facet of your life. Your Aquarius reading will touch all the most important bases.

You can lock in the lowest discount price Planet Waves offers (only $19.97) by pre-ordering your 2017 Aquarius Birthday Reading here, and step into your new year.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves Astrology Editor

P.S. Your audio Birthday Reading makes a perfect compliment to the written readings of the 2017 annual edition — in fact, Eric approaches the two types of readings very differently — and it makes an amazing gift.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Know when you don’t know. Rather than assume, or skip over the missing information, take the time to find out. Intelligence is not based on how smart you are; it’s based on seeking understanding, making connections and practicing your devotion to truth. This is also known as keeping your mind open. It’s the opposite of doubt and skepticism; affirm that anything can be known or discovered, and that you have the intelligence and persistence to find out. Above all, read carefully, and listen even more carefully. Even rumors may give you a clue you can follow up on. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — No matter how well you’re doing financially, be conscious about money. The more successful you are, the more awareness you will benefit from. That’s the formula for getting to the next level. You are in an excellent position to improve your lot in life, through the most honest and highest-integrity means. Of course that will not happen by accident. It’s a matter of natural talent, spotting advantages and planning ahead so you can get through the lean times. Mostly, though, financial success is about having drive and motivation. Turn up the juice and stand firmly in your right to be ambitious. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Short Monthly Horoscope for January 2017

Love this horoscope? Read all Planet Waves horoscopes by Eric Francis. You can sign up monthly or for the full year.

Short Monthly Horoscope for January 2017, #1133 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your power to achieve great things this year is only limited by your imagination, which means no limits at all. Yet you need to make a conscious choice to dream of the possibilities and then take action. You can see potential where nobody else can. You can feel your talent, though others might not notice at first. Yet you would be wise to focus your goals into something that you understand and can explain to another person. Many things are possible, and many possibilities are appealing. Concentrate your efforts on your most cherished priorities and you will be unstoppable. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s time to challenge your beliefs. Your unquestioned ideas about life hold you back or slow you down. It takes special vision and sensitivity to see beyond what was always so, and right now you have that in abundance. So what is your attachment to the past? Sure, it’s familiar. Yet the thing about the past is that it doesn’t require you to think so much. You don’t have to take risks or change patterns or consider what needs to be reshaped and revised. Look around and imagine that everything is subject to improvement. Then dig into the corners and get busy. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — One central question of your life is how much energy to invest in relationships versus how much in your independent activities. Right now it seems like you really need to liberate yourself and invest some long overdue attention in your career. If you have to remove yourself from the distractions and excesses of other people, make sure you leave the door open for when you want to come back. And remember, when you encounter a person you don’t need to take on all of their problems. Remind yourself to keep some objectivity, no matter how much you care. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your working relationships must take precedence over personal relationships at the moment. If your working relationships are personal, then you’ll need to balance the emotional aspects with the practical ones, though pragmatism and attention to taking care of business will get you far. You will need to be the one who sets that agenda, and maintains it. The easiest way to proceed is that everyone agrees on what must be done and why, and then does their bit. You can think of this as an organizing principle that focuses hearts, and leads to tangible results. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Stay away from making ‘final’ arrangements until the end of the month, particularly on matters involving contracts and financial agreements. A diversity of factors are clouding your view, namely of what’s really your responsibility and what is not. Under current conditions, you might be persuaded to pay, or do, far more than your fair share. A few weeks from now you’ll have a much clearer view and deeper understanding of why you need to be on the receiving end of the agreement rather than the one paying. This theme will come up again — pay attention. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — If you’re feeling insecure, focus on your wellbeing rather than leaning on someone, or thinking that a relationship is going to transform your life. You would benefit from considering the ideas of several people you trust, though with some detachment. If you’re setting yourself free from one thing, it’s a fixed point of view rather than considering all the possibilities. The solution to whatever puzzle you face is not intellectual; that is, not an idea about what’s right for you. Rather, you need a bold experiment in what you might find fulfilling. Go beyond opinion and give yourself direct experience. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — People, circumstances and issues that might have rattled you just a few months ago are suddenly no big deal. In fact, what was previously an annoyance may now be an inspiration. What seemed incomprehensible may now make sense as necessary and helpful. What has changed is that you’re accessing deeper wisdom than ever before. You’re able to reach a new level of understanding and see connections that eluded you in the past. This gives you access to people, to resources and to ideas that you might have ordinarily missed. You possess a transformative power. Use and offer this gift generously. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You clearly have something to say, though you might try pictures rather than words, or better, music. Your chart is so rich with creativity right now that words might detract or distract. Your solar chart is more about dancing than it is about writing; more about painting than arithmetic. This is an invitation to get out of your head and into your feelings. The moment that you do, a whole world of potential will open up, and you might find yourself in the company of painters, musicians and revolutionaries. You might decide you’re one of them after all. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’re on a quest to increase your value, which is to say, to get paid more for what you do. That’s admirable; yet you need to ensure that despite your wholesome motivation, you’re thinking clearly. Pushing a lot of motivation into an uncertain mind is like shining light into a fog. You need to develop some clear strategies, one of which is to sustain your drive for financial success over the long run, a little bit every day. Don’t confuse greed with the kind of organic success you’re seeking. You are gifted and that deserves creative and spiritual rewards. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Attention Sagittarius Sun, Moon and rising folks: You can get instant access to your two segments of audio astrology, and the tarot reading will be ready shortly! The entire Birthday Reading can be yours for only $24.97. But hurry: the price will increase again when the tarot publishes.

Capricorn Birthdays 2017:
Get Instant Access to Your Capricorn Audio

“Remember this: the central transit of your life, the master transit, the planet that’s the central processor of your astrological computer, is Saturn in Sagittarius in the 12th. For the next two years, everything is playing a supporting role, or in some way modifies, describes or elaborates it.”
— Eric Francis Coppolino in Vision Quest for Capricorn

Dear Friend and Reader:

Are you getting the hang of having Saturn in your 12th house now? It’s a tricky place to have it, but expert assistance is available.

Planet Waves

Eric has published the astrology segments of your 2017 Capricorn Birthday Reading, in the midst of his work on this year’s annual edition.

He designs the audio birthday reading so it takes a different approach to your astrological forecast — making it an amazing complement to the annual.

“Great audio as usual. Thank you for brightening my little attic rooms with your lights, Eric!”

— Catherine Pape

The birthday reading includes two audio segments of astrology (at least 30 minutes each) plus a tarot reading — which will be recorded a little later — along with an extended description of your sign. You can access all parts of the reading as many times as you wish throughout the year.

You can still order your 2017 birthday reading at a discounted price of only $24.97. Once the tarot portion of the reading publishes, the price will increase again.

Still not sure?

Feel free to review last year’s Capricorn Birthday Reading (as a gift from Planet Waves). It’s a great way to check Eric’s accuracy and integrate what you learned in 2016, so you can focus your vision for the year just beginning.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Take your time. There is no rush. You might feel like you have to arrive at some clear conclusion on short notice, though that’s unlikely to be true. If you pause, observe and listen, you’ll gather some essential information that will give you an advantage you might not have had otherwise. This information may seem like it’s coming from the world around you, though it’s really a personal revelation, a discovery about yourself, around the time Mercury retrograde ends on the 8th. Inner discoveries are the ones that change everything, because the world you live in is the one in your mind. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There’s only so much you want to be influenced by the opinions of others, particularly where a business or creative project is involved. Yet there’s only so much you want to filter out. It’s the oddball, unusual people who will give you the best information and provide the keenest insights — those whose opinions you might ordinarily dismiss. As the old saying goes, God watches over drunks, fools and little children, and those are the people to listen to the most carefully. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There are so many planets in your sign right now that you might wonder how they all fit. Well, you have a lot of space inside you, and you contain all that potential and much more. It seems the thing you’re craving the most is an exchange with people you care about. Stay open to that, no matter what other factors or commitments might distract you. So mix it up. Get with people, and hang out long enough for something interesting to happen. They have something for you, you have something for them, and this adds up to plenty more than double. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2017

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2017, #1131 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Integrity means integration: aligning your outer life and your inner life. Your charts draw a stark contrast between the two, describing a world within you that bears little resemblance to what you present to others. This worked for a while; though to facilitate your sanity and your growth, you will need to bring them into alignment. Perhaps what you’re experiencing inwardly has no easy expression in words. It may be so deep as to elude your awareness, or feel so private that you could never reveal yourself. And it’s easy to choose an appearance or persona and express that to the people around you, who may have no idea whatsoever what you’re really going through. Yet you’re past the time when you can abide the pressure that this causes. Start by being truthful with yourself, and then take steps each day to live uncompromisingly in that reality. Invite people you care about into your inner world. Let your face match your true feelings. When asked, or when you feel moved, give your real opinion. Let your actual needs and desires guide your decisions. Most of all, you would be wise to avoid putting on appearances or what the esoteric literature describes as ‘glamours’. From these experiments, you will tap into your true strength, which is about standing in your most honest reality as a day-to-day, hour-to hour journey. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may not consider yourself a public person, though you are in that you set an example for so many people. You do this in ways that may often be invisible to you and that others may feel more than they notice consciously. It’s therefore essential that you strive to feel good, to be productive and to keep your sanity in our obviously insane times. You are the one among the people you know who embodies your values in your daily actions, and that’s the quality to strive for. There is, as well, a spiritual dimension to you that is profoundly influential to others. Spiritual questions, which abound and for most people are vexing, come down to matters of sex and death. Everything about being a ‘good person’ or ‘better person’ is brokered through these two bottom-line issues, and they become the root of all uncertainty. It happens that you actually have some strong footing on these aspects of life. Listen to the problems that people are describing and let them inform you. When you’re given the chance to help, you would be better off helping people formulate intelligent questions rather than providing answers. Focus on stating problems in a way that they can be solved. Restate the seeming problem, and rework the form of the question, so they lend themselves to resolution. This is essential to the art of healing. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It’s essential that you think strategically, which at the moment includes thinking methodically. It’s one thing to have a plan; it’s another thing to have some sense of the steps you must take to enact that plan, with an ongoing review to make sure you’re actually making it happen. You have extraordinary manifesting power right now. You also have considerable room for error, so you want to document your progress and review it ongoing. If you do that for a while, your thought process will open up into an expanded creative space. That is to say: the idea that comes to you might far exceed where your methodical process was heading. In musical terms, a melody is more beautiful than scales, but practicing scales gets you to the melody. You might doubt what you discover when you arrive, or question whether your inspiration is valid. Try to suspend judgment, or the need to explain away creativity. Rather, use your disciplined approach and make something beautiful. This whole description might apply to negotiations with another person or with a business. Your astrology is reminding you to persist, patiently and with goodwill, through a process that might take a few weeks. The breakthrough point is after the current Mercury retrograde, when that planet forms a conjunction to Pluto on Jan. 29. Slow and steady till then. Check your work, then take the next step. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Keep an open mind. Practice being circumspect, which is to say: circling around your own thoughts and experiences to get as many points of view as possible. One influence is pushing you to focus and at times be narrower in your thinking. Another describes ideas, feelings, images and messages from remote parts of your consciousness flooding in. You don’t need to explain this away, rationalize it or pretend it’s not happening; you are opening up, and that’s an invitation to take a gentle approach to what you perceive as reality. What you are learning, you need to know; and remember, true understanding takes time. One of your deepest needs is to stand on level ground with others, rather than to experience them as so much more powerful than yourself. The most potent evolutionary movement is coursing through your experiences of relationships. People around you seem to be changing; though really, the ground on which your relationships stand is shifting and moving. Rather than clinging, this is inviting you to be open, vulnerable and sincere with the most intimate people in your life. The only power they have is the power that you give them. You get to decide how vulnerable you are. Yet you also know that if you don’t open up, you cannot experience the closeness that you crave. In choosing whom to do this with, it’s essential that you be thoughtful and selective. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This will be a highly productive year if you don’t allow yourself to get enmeshed in the problems of others, no matter how close they are to you. To accomplish this may take all your discipline, though it will be worth it. The place to start is the agreements you have with others. Every agreement is a contract and every contract is a map to the future. When you make any arrangement with another person, you’re involved in an envisioning process. There are some currently existing agreements that need to be brought to full clarity. This will indeed have an impact on the relationships; some people may resist clear understanding, and you may find pockets of resistance in yourself. Be honest with yourself about those feelings, and investigate them even as you work through them. Most of what you want from life, be it intimacy, creativity or wealth, is shrouded in some fog and confusion, and you have the power of spirit to penetrate the mists. You might use a strategy of choosing the most difficult material and going there first. This will deal with the intimidation factor. Once you’ve resolved what seems like a difficult problem, you will be dauntless about the easier ones. One last thought: note early and often the fact that you cannot change others. They can only change themselves, if they are actively willing; and that is out of your control. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Actual creativity is not exactly straightforward. It often leads one through a maze toward an unknown and unexpected destination. This is much more interesting than paint by numbers or Guitar Hero. And the results, though less predictable, are more fun and more interesting. The generative process, that quality of mind or soul that brings forth ideas, ultimately happens inside you, though others can have interesting roles in your process. Some might arise through conflict. Others might arise through the process of mentorship. Allow yourself to be provoked. Be eager to find the flaw in your thinking and don’t blame the messenger no matter how much they may annoy you. Take the information you get and make the most of it. Learn from people you disagree with. In personal relationships, your planets suggest being open to people who desire you. Currently the way of the world is to bob, weave, avoid and rebuff. Yet you have actual options for intimacy, and you seem to be burning with curiosity. The only thing that could stand between you and what you have available is courage. The thing to remember is that you don’t need to control every facet of the outcome in order to feel safe or allow yourself to take a chance. You might have more fun if you experiment with situations where the outcome is open-ended and uncertain. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You are continuing to shore up your security base: that is, your emotional foundations, your independence and your ability to rely on yourself. This calls for accessing a level of depth that is currently out of fashion. You’re being prompted to ask questions that don’t have easy answers. And you must summon courage that people around you are unlikely to have much interest in. Yet you cannot delete your deepest needs, and you cannot pretend that you have ideas about life different from many of the people around you. This is calling on you to stand apart from your family and their viewpoints. This is not a new story, though you’ve reached a point of urgency. You need closure on the past, and you need to stand on your own feet as a full-fledged adult. As you do this, two things are likely to happen. First, you may get resistance, whether active or passive. Summon the courage to define your own reality and to stand apart, no how much pressure others may put on you. Once you reach escape velocity, it will feel amazing to embrace your desires and your needs. Second, you will gradually start to see the actual common ground you share with others. Shared values and common needs are the only basis for real relationships. But your own independence comes first and foremost. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It goes without saying that Scorpio is the sign most associated with sex; even electrical engineers know that. Yet the depth of your current involvement with this subject matter is impressive, even on a lifetime scale. You are in a moment of maximum growth potential, peak creative potential and an unusual ability to facilitate the process of others. Few have made contact with the nexus that joins their personal creativity, their sexuality and healing. When this nexus is disrupted, bad things happen. When it’s allowed to be what it is, when your energy flows and you are open to change, positively beautiful things happen. Therefore, persist with your experiment into the ways that loving eroticism is a form of healing. One thing you may stumble into is the fact of sexual and emotional abuse, whether it happened to you or to someone you care about. It’s a fact of our current landscape; both because it actually happens, and due to our society’s refusal to address the issues honestly. That’s your job. You are the one with the courage, strength and knowledge to stand solidly in your truth. Focus the discussion on what exactly is created by procreation. The actual healing force comes through love and pleasure, not obsessing over problems. Keep shifting the flow of ideas and feelings in that direction and you will be told everything you need to know. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You seem to be taking possession of yourself. Yet you don’t want to be any more attached to yourself than you prefer other people to be attached to you. You like space, and the freedom to define yourself. These are the same ideas that can guide your relationship to yourself. The one thing you might look at carefully is the influence of your family. Physical distance from them does not resolve that on its own. You might review what they taught you about money and see if those ideas serve your growth and happiness. Where emotional matters are concerned, pay careful attention to anyone or anything that makes you angry. Though it’s usually considered a ‘bad emotion’, the transformative power of anger is real; and because there is so much anger in the world, using it for some wholesome purpose is necessary. Your conflicts will teach you who you are. Once you figure out their message, you don’t need to overindulge them. Rather, pay attention to your feelings and how you respond to others. What seems to be a slight annoyance might be concealing something deeper and more passionate. There’s a reason that both Tantra and Buddhism respect anger, which is that used consciously, it has the power to transform your life. The key is awareness, and the desire to grow. These you have, and can offer in any situation. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Attention Sagittarius Sun, Moon and rising folks: You can get instant access to your two segments of audio astrology, and the tarot reading will be ready shortly! The entire Birthday Reading can be yours for only $24.97. But hurry: the price will increase again when the tarot publishes.

Capricorn Birthdays 2017:
Begin Your Year Beautifully, Capricorn

“The last year has been a tremendous challenge in pretty much all areas of my life, but the birthday reading gives me hope that I really am on the right track. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric! Longtime Planet Waves fan.”

— S. R.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Yesterday was the Capricorn Solstice, when the Sun entered your sign. Whether it was the shortest day of the year or the longest day where you live, it’s the beginning of a new season — the last season of the astrological year.

Planet Waves

Hopefully there have been many points of healing and growth for you to celebrate, along with any trials and tribulation that came your way this year. And it’s hard to think of a better way to celebrate a new year of life and learning than with a Birthday Reading by Eric Francis.

Eric offers easy-to-grasp yet nuanced ideas: practical insights you can put to use immediately in your life. Yet he always has one eye on the longer-term energies shaping the story-arc of your experience.

“You covered all the bases of relationships, sex, career and general energies with great balance. Thanks for your work.”

— Sherry-Lee

For the discounted price of only $19.97, you can pre-order your Capricorn Birthday Reading today.

This price includes two segments of audio astrology (at least 30 minutes each), a tarot reading using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, and an extended sign description. You can access and replay the reading as many times as you wish. Note that the price will increase as publication nears.

May you find some inner stillness and peace of mind amidst the world’s chaos as you celebrate the solstice. Thank you for being part of Planet Waves.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. This reading is designed to work for Capricorn Sun, Moon and rising, and makes a thoughtful gift.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have more impact than you may think — in ways that have not necessarily occurred to you. You must measure your words carefully, which means being aware of your thoughts and saying what you mean. Yet as the evil genius Frank Luntz suggested, it’s not what you say, it’s what people hear. It would be fair to say that you cannot take anything for granted. You cannot assume you are understood; you cannot allow others to guess what you’re feeling, nor allow yourself to speculate about their feelings. It may take all your discipline to clear this particular fog, though the results will be worth the effort. A measure of consistency is called for, though given the pace at which you’re growing, you’re not the same person every day. To compensate for that, you must at least be aware of your positions yesterday, today and tomorrow and at least admit that you’re changing your mind on a fairly regular basis. Admit your own contradictions, lest others feel that they’re going mad or that you don’t care about them. It would serve you well to be verbal and demonstrative about how much you care, and to do that rare thing of backing your words up with actions and decisions that reflect your point of view. This will teach you that you draw your true power from the strength of others, not from their weakness. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What good is fear? It has a purpose. It can be useful, for a moment. Yet that purpose is not to run your life. We live in such fearful times that this fact alone is frightening: the way so many people are paralyzed from taking the meekest action, or allowing themselves to feel or be vulnerable. I know you’re concerned about this, mainly because you feel it. Your example to the contrary is starting to make sense to others. Think of yourself as a messenger of courage. You’re starting to find a place for yourself in the world, in a way you never have before. You’re accomplishing this in a quintessentially Aquarian style of knowing when to apply firmness and when to use flexibility. Yet the best progress you can make would best be thought of as internally, out of conscious awareness of others. When you experience fear, resentment, hostility or aggression in any form, turn your awareness inward and address your feelings through prayer, forgiveness or process work (all of which leads to forgiveness, so you may as well start there). You may find that this is far more effective than your usual practical, reasoned intellectual approaches. Inner work matters, yet it’s often misunderstood: the first thing to do is to reach into yourself and ask for help. If you bring the small willingness, spirit will respond with the Great Rays. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Let yourself feel the truth of what you want. When you do that, you might recognize that desire is complex. There’s no easy explanation for who and what you’re drawn to, and I suggest you not try to simplify or rationalize. Most of all, I suggest you not try to ‘pathologize’ — that is, come up with some explanation that says there’s something wrong about who you are or what you want. Among the experiences you’re inescapably drawn to is healing. The hotter your feelings, the more deeply you admit to your own needs; and the more you exchange with others, the more you will make contact with your desire to feel better. That translates to expressing your unfettered desire to explore your psyche, your creativity, the world around you and the people who show up willing to play. You’re reaching a point where you simply must be more expressive. That means discovering, allowing and sharing a range of feelings on a wide range of subjects. It means exploring your inner reality, where you may find things that seem to make no sense, until you hang out with them for a while. Do your best to suspend all judgment and allow yourself to be who you are. Allow yourself to go to your full depth. No, not everyone will be able to go with you, but at least one person understands. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Given the high-voltage planets in your sign, you may have wondered if you’re too intense for a normal social life. You would be wise to err on the side of asserting who you are rather than trying to hide or tone down. Jupiter is now boldly working its way through your relationship sign, Libra. That’s a way of saying that people will not only accept who you are, they will benefit and thrive on your energy and your wild streak. The coming year will be one of great meetings. Be real, look people in the eye and welcome them into your life. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You possess your own connection to the cosmos and to spiritual wisdom. You don’t need anyone to tell you what’s true, what’s right or what is holy. Rather, all you need to do is listen to your internal voice and respect what you hear. This is a revolutionary act because it’s so rarely done, and because you may get information that contradicts conventional wisdom or your usual values. Yet there’s nothing conventional about who you are right now, and your role in life is not about meeting the expectations of others. If you need an authority figure, consider yourself it. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — State your expectations clearly, whether you’re speaking to relationship partners, business partners or the representative from your cellular provider. You are the one who must set the tone of all of your communications, and not for a moment allow yourself to be intimidated. When in doubt, stick to the facts and figures. This is your most important hedge against being swayed by the emotions, power or charisma of others. Keep your language simple and make sure that people understand what you mean, and that you understand what they say. The result of every discussion must be a clear agreement. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your relationship life has been heating up lately, and the pace of events has been increasing along with it. You would be wise to take things slowly for the next few weeks, and take a wait-and-see approach to decisions. Planetary conditions insist that you seek genuine mutual understanding, which might be a challenge if people seem to keep changing their minds in ways that influence you. However, if you read between the lines you will have a good idea of where people are coming from, and you can respond accordingly. Your long-practiced independence will be a useful tool. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This will be a phenomenally productive month at work for you, if you know when to back off and let things work themselves out. You might encounter a diversity of traps that could lure you into wasting your time. The moment you feel like you’re not being productive, ask yourself whether the thing you’re doing actually needs to happen. Review your schedule daily. Be decisive about revising and simplifying your plans, and adjusting your goals. The world goes into a frenzy trying to get stuff done before the end of the year. Set clear priorities and stay off the proverbial treadmill. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’re likely to be feeling more confident about money now that Jupiter has entered your house of wealth and resources. However, you would be wise to avoid firming up business plans or major commitments until the New Year. There’s too much shifting to have a clear sense of where people stand. You need time to read the fine print and have a handle on what is expected of you before making any promises, or decisions that you cannot reverse. Get the specifics and make sure people demonstrate that they can keep a promise before making any promises to them. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — What some call luck is on your side now, though use it wisely. Your main advantage is how much you know, though that only has a genuine worth if you put it to conscious use. Another edge you have is stability. This comes in handy when you’re among the brilliant but erratic types. You might try on the feeling of being a tad larger than everyone and everything around you. Adjust your sense of scale and imagine you’re a foot taller than you are. That doesn’t make you better, it just enhances your perspective and levels out the game. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Even if you don’t keep a diary, you might want to this month. Repeatedly, this year, you’ve been put in a position to review your past and to understand why things happened the way they did. You’ll see this is less a matter of opinion and more about analysis of known facts. What is more significant is why you respond the way that you do, something you seem committed to changing. It’s about time you had a handle on where you’re coming from and where you’re going. Committing your thoughts to paper, and reading them back, will make that a lot easier to track. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

2016-17 Sagittarius Birthdays
Your Own Personal Journey, Sagittarius-Style

“Great audio as usual. Thank you for brightening my little attic rooms with your lights, Eric!”

— Catherine Pape

Dear Friend and Reader:

What potential does your next year hold? Are you starting to set your intentions and envision what you want, or are you feeling desperate for a sign that your life can get better?

Planet Waves
Hubble Space Telescope image of the Lagoon Nebula, located in the Sagittarius constellation. Photo by NASA/ESA/J. Trauger/JPL

This has been quite a year. And while Eric will not exactly predict the future in the 2016-17 Sagittarius Birthday Reading, he does offer a useful framework that you can build on and explore — one full of tools, inspiration and reassurance for your relationships, your healing journey, your career and creativity questions, and more.

If you could use someone to shine some light in your life, look no further.

To remind yourself of just how heartening and empowering these readings are, you’re invited to listen to last year’s Sagittarius reading as a gift from us. Check Eric’s accuracy, and chart out just how far you’ve come this past year.

“About a week ago I went back and listened to last year’s Sag report and was blown away by how it seemed to describe my personal journey.”

— Sagittarius customer via email

The price for the new reading is only $24.97 for two segments of nuanced, yet accessible, audio astrology and a vibrant, intuitive tarot reading — but it will increase at least once more when it fully publishes.

This reading works for Sagittarius Sun, Moon and rising folks, and makes an amazing gift. You may pre-order it here.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves Astrology Editor


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — People cannot read your mind; even a clairvoyant would have a hard time figuring out what you’re thinking. Therefore, come in a little closer to the people around you and tell them what’s percolating. Slow down and explain your viewpoint step by step, including how you got there. This is not on the usual Sagittarius menu of options, though your relationships will go more smoothly, and you will feel more confident, if you trust that people understand you. Listen long enough to get their opinion as well. There will be a few crucial moments you’ll be very glad you took the time to do this. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may need to assemble the truth in small bits rather than getting it as a fully assembled picture. This might require comparing information from different sources over a period of time, perhaps five or six weeks. As you do this, be as methodical and objective as you can be. Then you will have that moment when reality comes into focus. Tempted though you may be, don’t rush to conclusions. Your ultimate determination might be entirely different from what your initial response or reaction was. What you call intuition must be backed up by concrete and provable data. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It’s time to start thinking about your longer-term future. It’s as if you’ve had a lens in your mind replaced and can now see ahead more clearly. Yet this involves what you consider possible as much as anything else. Therefore, start from the position that nothing is impossible, and that anything gains potential as you visualize it. This is not about magic; visualizing is how discoveries are made, movies are created and bridges are built. You might be considering a long-distance move, or entering a whole new line of work. Let yourself dream. Love or a partnership may factor into this equation. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have excellent ideas and others have the means to make them real. This could result in a brilliant collaboration, and cultivating this will be worth your time and thought. Refine your presentation to something clear, beautiful and a bit idealistic. Show that you’re capable of managing your affairs, and that you make wise use of your resources. Treat everyone as a potential business partner, without saying a word about it to them at first. There are people who are more excited about your talent than you are. Pay careful attention and you’ll know them when you see them. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2016

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’re not through finding yourself, though you’re less lost than you were at this time last year. You’re adapting to the idea that you wake up a slightly different person every day, in a different world every day. This means embracing being less certain, though what you’re giving up is a fragile or even false concept of who you are. You now have more space to maneuver, and less need to prove to yourself or anyone who you are. It’s through action and interaction, live and in real time, that you will make your most significant discoveries. Life is not a matter of theory that you or the world must live up to; rather, your experience will have a way of hinting at who and what is real and relevant to you. It’s then up to you to extract the potential from all of this, and create something for yourself. You may still be inclined to ask for permission from others; you may still think you need the approval of authority figures. You may still think there’s a matter of morality involved, especially if someone is trying to impose their morals on your choices. There is no argument to have. It can be challenging to grasp that merely existing sends a stronger message about your intentions than anything you might say. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You’re seeing the benefits of taking the long view, and the slow approach. Pace yourself, and use your plans as a kind of guide to the possibilities rather than as a firm commitment. One thing you’ve learned is that you must leave room for variables. Taurus is perhaps the most steadfast of all the signs, and you bring tenacity and integrity to all that you do. That includes your relationships. Remember, the safe container you are seeking starts with your confidence in yourself. It almost goes no further. When you have confidence in yourself, you can create, contain or handle anything, and you’ll believe people love you when they do. When two people get together to share anything more than lunch, they have to work out understandings and power-sharing agreements. Those are always cultivated over time, and become the ‘container’ of the relationship. They are based on the discovery of common values that can be built on: common reasons for living. No matter how clear anything may be in the beginning, these understandings evolve, flow, are adapted and adjusted with the nonstop flow of time. We live in the world of forever changes. No house or concept can protect us from change; we don’t need to be protected. To truly live, we must dance with life and death and experience existence outside of any concept about it. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Everything about your charts is saying go deep: that you want to, and that you need to. This means having the real conversation sooner rather than later. No matter how apprehensive that may make you feel, you’re the bold person in the equation, the one who has a feeling for what you need to say, and what you want to know. Once the discussion is going, though, you don’t need to push any particular point. Take it gently and allow the momentum of truth to carry the subject forward. You will know you’re having a real conversation when it takes on a life of its own, when things come up that surprise you, and when you end up in a completely different place than you may have intended. You seem to be climbing around on the wreckage or artifacts of the past. If you get that feeling, think of it as the unresolved remnants of past commitments. In the midst of all that, you might find one or two things you can still stand by, though not much else. To actually live, you must clear out of your way any promises you’re no longer able or willing to keep, and free others from the same things. Be aware that most of the time, most humans try to live in the past; that’s why so little of actual relevance ever seems to happen. Your way is different. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The thing about love interests is that if you’re alive and friendly, there are likely to be a few of them around. This is true regardless of whether you consider yourself monogamous, polyamorous or something in between. Regardless of your orientation, you cannot really endure jealousy for long; you feel how controlling it is. Though you’re a loyal person, you can be loyal to many people; indeed, to anyone; which is rooted in your commitment to your own purpose. Therefore, you need a way to engage with people close to you and deflect the issue until you can have a real conversation. It’s possible that you’ve attained a state of harmony among the people around you, or that you’re on the way to doing so. You thrive on collaboration and cooperation. Competition does not feel good, and it has limited use. Yet you also need to love whom you love, which is a privilege rarely taken with an open heart and clear conscience. You owe yourself at least this much. This is true in all aspects of your life, from the (seemingly) most private to the (seemingly) most public. What you strive to do in life, the impact and influence that you have, all stem directly from you. You are the primary person who will benefit, who will notice and who will give yourself credit for what you’ve accomplished. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’re growing and changing in ways you may not understand; don’t let that stop you from appreciating them. You may, for instance, have noticed that the ground seems to be leveling between you and those you previously considered powerful or daunting. It’s a sign of maturity when you can meet people on the human level, irrespective of any rank, status or power they may seem to have. Learning to see people eye to eye, across level ground — including everyone you encounter — is going to be the essence of your life for the far foreseeable future. To do this requires commitment and practice. It’s a form of karma yoga that you can do all the time, and from which nobody you encounter is exempt. By this I mean the great and the mighty, the poor and the infirm, plants, animals, skyscrapers, sacred ruins and all the great achievements of culture. All of the above: train yourself to view this as all being equal to you. This would also include the tragedies you witness, and the desolation that is becoming prevalent in our benighted world. In the most immediate, practical and day-to-day approach, this ‘level field of reality’ reaches first into the agreements that you make mutually with others. You must hold yourself to those agreements, and do what you can to hold others to their commitments to you. That is the beginning. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — When you are honest with yourself, the feeling is akin to tapping into a hot well of your own strength. If you swim down into yourself in the direction from which the heat is flowing, you can make many discoveries about yourself. They are all part of the same thing. Your chart right now looks like the rocks have cracked open at the bottom of your personal ocean, and light and heat and love are flowing out into your emotional body. You can trust this process, even though it might be frightening at times. That part passes, and you will be left with the deep feeling of being whole within yourself. Your astrology suggests that you’ve been experimenting in this territory for years. Yet a new factor has entered the equation. This, you might say, is an ability to hold space for yourself, as you go through your self-discovery. Your holding open of inner space has many effects. One of them is to wipe out your tendency to be lied to, or to get confused by the self-deception of others. The current of your personal, visceral truth is more potent than any deception or misunderstanding, anywhere. Another is to point you on a trajectory into yourself. You are gradually aligning with an opening that you’ve been seeking for a long time. In that unusual space, all self-judgment releases itself into love. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There seems to be some complex family situation brewing in your chart, and you have the ability to entirely subvert this from becoming a drama. As you do that, you have an opportunity to shift your perspective on your family history and all the ways that it relates to both your past and your present. There seems to be a lot to unravel here. Yet I can tell you from much experience in therapy that sometimes the simplest observation can reveal the whole pattern, and once you see that for what it is, you can let go of it — if you choose. Here’s a story for you: Many years ago I was in therapy and brought in my father. I was frustrated that he did not seem to recognize who I was, but he was willing to come in. It was a form of Gestalt therapy (which gets right to the point). Joe, the therapist, had us stand face to face about half a step apart. He said, raise your hands and press them together. We stood there like that for a moment, and he said, on the count of three, push. One, two, three — and I went over backwards. My father had just pushed me over backwards. I caught my balance, though in that moment I understood the total dynamic of our relationship. I got it, just like that — and I was set free and never forgot. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Points of transgression often contain powerful sexual energy. This is one of the core paradoxes involved in any form of sexual healing. There are often mixed feelings, of being violated and of being turned on. This seeming split can be painful and confusing until it’s seen for what it is. It seems to be a universal spiritual principle that when a person sustains an injury of any kind, it creates a crisis. That crisis can simmer quietly, it can fester, or it can accumulate power. Think of this as the ‘shamanic wound’ or ‘power wound’ that demands healing and in the process, focuses your ability to heal. This is not so much dangerous territory as it is shrouded in taboo. When healing is activated, when that commitment is made, real power is summoned; power that you might call cosmic, or genetic, or rooted in the miracle of evolution. And when that strength is contacted, it can be so amazing and so profound as to be frightening. Now is your chance to stay with yourself as you make friends with this gift. You’re dealing with something in the human condition that is very old; it’s ancient, and it’s ancestral in that it harks back several generations. See if you can align yourself with the way in which a sense of injury can lead you directly to the strength that will activate your healing gift. Stay present for yourself. Healing is your birthright. It’s natural, and will set you free. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Dear Scorpio Sun, Moon or Rising: Your audio tarot reading is now ready, along with your two audio astrology segments. You can get instant access to the 2016-17 Scorpio Birthday Reading here.


Travel Into the Future with Your Sagittarius Reading

“You are investing events with energy, vision and momentum, and that means infusing them with the power to travel into the future, to develop and to grow.”
— Eric in the Vision Quest reading for Sagittarius

Dear Friend and Reader:

Does the thought of investing your actions with energy, vision and momentum excite and inspire you? Or does it sound intimidating, because you’re not exactly sure where to direct your journey next?

Planet Waves

Wherever you are on that spectrum, it’s not too late to engage with your primary astrology and get things going. Your 2016-17 Sagittarius Birthday Reading will point you in the right direction.

Saturn halfway through your sign is only part of the picture. And nobody puts the pieces of that picture together quite the way Eric does, to show you the opportunities, challenges and points of liberation you may encounter.

“I’m looking forward to the Sag birthday reading as well as the annual. I always appreciate your advice and unique point of view.”
— Josh

Made up of two audio astrology segments of at least 30 minutes each, plus a tarot reading using the vibrant Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, this reading can now be pre-ordered for the significantly discounted price of $19.97.

Note that the price will increase in stages between now and when the final section (the tarot reading) is published. The earlier you pre-order, the better the deal. Our regular customers understand its value:

“About a week ago I went back and listened to last year’s Sag report and was blown away by how it seemed to describe my personal journey.”
— Sagittarius customer via email

This reading works for Sagittarius Sun, Moon and rising folks, and makes an amazing gift. Pre-order it here and save.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter
Planet Waves Astrology Editor



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The past year of your life has summoned a level of discipline in you that’s been most unusual. Yet the results have been worth it. You have come into a state of balance that has brought maturity, progress and some actual achievements. Keep in mind that the most important of those are internal: your ability to make decisions, to get along with others, and to set the course of your life. It’s true that you’ve had to make some sacrifices, though in hindsight you will likely see that what you’ve given up you actually exchanged for experiences of greater value. If your chart describes one necessary growth task at this time, it involves a lingering attachment left over from early in life, which you now have an opportunity to identify and resolve. There are few people who have not endured some kind of abuse or neglect, and most of them underestimate the degree to which this affects their lives today. Even a relatively small unresolved emotional condition can, at times, turn into a reactive state that is projected onto others, who have absolutely no connection to the original situation. Should something like this happen over the next few weeks, you have the ability to stop the show, and get a handle on what’s really going on. Those now in your life will be open to your healing this; you can let it go. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There’s a story developing in your chart about devoting your attention to those who are less well-off than you are. If you follow this story, it will become a calling, an invitation to do what you can for whomever you can. I recognize these are instincts that must be followed carefully. It’s easy to burn out or overextend yourself. It’s also easy to listen and hear the seemingly small ways you can be of help, and take action in a way that is harmless to everyone and helpful in the intended way. Noticing that people exist is an excellent place to start; being noticed can be of profound significance for someone who lives their life feeling invisible. And there may be more tangible ways you can help, whether in the moment or in the long run; for example, making introductions between those who have a need and someone else who might be able to fulfill it. The wider theme here is the cultivation of your compassion and empathy. This comes at no cost to anyone, and does not take up your time. What these qualities do call for is vulnerability, and the recognition of human frailty. Once you make contact with that level of your existence, you will tap into a deeper strength, perhaps deeper than you’ve ever known. And you will discover yourself to be a messenger of faith. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — In addition to being one of the most mentally intelligent signs of the zodiac, Aquarius can have a tendency to outsmart itself. This is the result of overemphasis on analysis as a means of answering questions or solving problems. Reason and rationality are essential tools, and they must be balanced by what is sometimes called emotional intelligence. We might reframe that as physical intelligence, a kind of clairvoyance that comes directly through your body. Your body does not usually speak in words, and it’s easy to drown out its intelligence with too many of them. That said, your intuition seems to be developing a new language. You might think of this as a language conveyed in light rather than in sound or the alphabet. The light you ‘read’ may be experienced internally, or you may gather a feeling or sensation from visual illumination. Look carefully at the edges of things, of people and their auras. There is a message for you, though it will be subtle. It may be filtered and/or doubted by your rational mind. Work with that: doubt is a kind of affirmation and acknowledgement. If you experience any negative emotions directed at yourself, tune in to the spiritual level in this way. The purpose of these communications is healing your self-doubt and past injuries to your self-esteem. Ease back and let the love flow to you, and through you. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The coming year is the last full year of Chiron in your birth sign. That journey began in April 2010, and represents a series of initiations that you’ve been through. You are no longer an aspirant. You’ve had little choice other than to rise to the occasion of whatever Chiron has offered. This complex little planet has many facets; here are three of them. Perhaps the very essence of Chiron is training your ability to turn what has harmed you in the past into a source of strength and wisdom today. Talents and healing gifts can collect around these injured places, which can have a way of transforming your life and your sense of purpose. Second, Chiron has taught you that it’s necessary for you to be as different as you are. Continue the process of burning off any awkwardness or uncertainty about this. You simply must stand out and be who you actually are, even if there seems to be a price to pay for that. Last, perhaps the least acknowledged theme of Chiron, is that of mentorship. This is a form of teaching where the flame of knowledge and power is passed directly from one person to another. Note the few people in your life who have stayed with you through this journey. Note as well your own state of devotion to those who seek out your leadership and guidance one-on-one. You teach what you most need to learn. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Planet Waves Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Progress means change. Sometimes progress happens quickly, and that can be unsettling. Yet given your potential, it would seem that ‘settling’ is the last thing you want, in any sense of the word. You’re in the perfect position to take advantage of this restless, unpredictable moment. Circumstances that might work against other people are opportunities and resources for you. You have the ability to respond to new circumstances quickly, though you must keep an open mind and be willing to take the opinions of others on board. The keys to success are listening and conscious collaboration. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You must keep the lines of communication open in your relationships. It’s easy to pass this off or think that someone else should be responsible. Being intimidated is not an option. Claiming lack of experience does not help you, when experience is the very thing you’re seeking. Put any differences in age or maturity to work for you as an asset. You’re being called to serve as a facilitator of human connections, both in your personal life and your professional affairs. This is not something that just happens; it will take focus and mindfulness — and will be worth the effort. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — All work is creative work. If for some reason you’re feeling bored or overwhelmed, bring more passion and soul into what you’re doing. You might be saving that for some perfect future scenario, yet it’s your own life-force energy that will get you from here to there. Your talent, vision and love are needed where you are, right now, even if you don’t always feel appreciated. Rise to the occasion of every circumstance in your life. Then take the chance to rise above and get some perspective. From there you will see that each seemingly small, loving gesture contributes to much greater progress. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — When you look at a brilliant three-minute music video or clever one-page ad, remember that it took months of effort, and the talent of many people, to pull it together. Then consider your own development in the same light. To get the result you want, you will need to focus your resources, and blend artistic talent and passion with patience, persistence and elbow grease. The good news is that this combination of factors is especially potent now. Maintain your focus and you will actually accomplish something unusual. You’re most of the way there already. Keep going — nice and steady. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Only you can allow yourself to be free. You don’t need anyone’s permission, nor will it be helpful. Your inner consent is on the emotional level, rather than as some idea or concept. For you, the line between free and un-free involves trusting yourself. You have no more important task or personal mission at this time in your life. You don’t need to be fearless, but rather know how to keep making decisions, and taking action, despite any anxiety you might feel. Hope is one thing, though you might remind yourself that there no guarantees. Life is far more exciting without them. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’ll feel better if you let your feelings out, rather than bottle them up. Recent months have come with one inner revelation after the next, and you’re learning to take a positive approach to who you are. You’re not the sum total of your self-critiques. You are, rather, someone on a mission, with many skills and talents, who must be willing to make mistakes to get anything done. Therefore, count any errors as a sign of progress. You can and must put everything to work for you, and be bold about asking for any help you need. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You have many advantages going for you, and you may as well use them. Upcoming developments in your life will more than compensate for any struggles you’ve been through lately. If there is such a thing as luck, you have it on your side. Yet you need more than that. You must be the master of your own motivation, and take action based on what you know to be true. When you put your abundant knowledge and insight to work, you get solid results. You can trust what you’re feeling now, and what you feel inspired to do. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Planet Waves

2016-17 Scorpio Birthday Reading
Illuminate the Year with Your Scorpio Reading

In less than a week, on Nov. 14, the Moon in Taurus will oppose the Sun in late Scorpio for a Full Moon. What will it show you?

That remains to be seen. But what you don’t have to wait for is the first two segments of your 2016-17 Scorpio Birthday Reading. Eric recorded the two audio segments last weekend — which means those portions are ready for instant access when you order the full reading for $24.97.

That price also includes a forthcoming video tarot reading for this next solar year. When the tarot reading publishes, the price will increase again, so don’t wait too long.

If you’re on the fence (or you’re new to Eric’s audio-video readings), you can listen to a short, complimentary audio preview here.

Note: Eric designs these readings to work for anyone with a Scorpio Sun, Moon or rising sign — and they make a beautiful, practical, inspirational gift — one that’s transformative in the best possible Scorpionic sense.



Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You’ve made your way challenging ideas that others hold dear. You’ve also questioned many of your own beliefs, which has helped build your confidence. You no longer need to be in a comfort zone; you don’t need sacred cows or taboos. If something you choose is truly right for you, then those around you must accept that fact. This will help you grow and develop personally like few other things. If you’re direct, sincere and somewhat formal in your challenges of others, they’re likely to respond positively, especially if you show up with a workable plan of action. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — People or circumstances you thought could never work together will get you some unusual results. That could be some blend of old and young, serious and freewheeling, traditional and future-oriented. There’s some alchemy happening in your life, and it has nothing to do with what’s worked before. If something is unprecedented, that’s a sign of its potential success. There’s some powerful mojo working behind the scenes of your life, and it will reveal itself in these unusual blends of energy and people. You want to do something new, and that calls for new approaches to what may in truth be very old puzzles. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your sign has a dual reputation: one for being reserved and cautious on the one hand, and another for being bold and courageous. Lately, your confidence and self-assertiveness have surprised even you, and there’s no turning back from the path you’ve chosen. In life it’s necessary to push back against the world, and get people to move over and make room for you. As you do this, you’ll remind yourself that you actually exist, and that you have desires, and that you seek success and fulfillment. These things are made real in action, not in contemplation. Courage is a muscle — flex it. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’re having an impact. That much you can trust. It just may not be what you think it is, which includes the potential that you’re reaching further and wider than you imagined possible. You’re a person with a mission now, one that’s close to your heart. Therefore, let nothing stop you. You will do yourself a service by having total faith in what you’ve set out to accomplish. This may not be the easiest road to travel. You are finding out how thick people can be, though this is leading you to develop new ways of getting your message across. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This year has been about making real gains on the career front. You’ve set your mind to this task, you’re committed and you’re making progress. Yet as a great poet once wrote, “Without love in the dream, it will never come true.” You want your dreams to come true, so include the people you care about in your aspirations. Get their views, involve them, and honor your collaborators like the vital life partners that they are. There’s something special in the air, a sense of abundance that is activated through mutual agreement. Take as your motto, “Let’s do something brilliant, together.” For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Nov. 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Fighting chaos is like trying to smooth out the surface of water with a canoe paddle. You may be facing some challenging situations at work, though it won’t take much for you to turn them into opportunities. The first thing to do is take a different approach to any turbulence or conflict, which would begin by stepping back and observing. You may not be noticing how your influence in the situation is stirring up your environment. The best way to figure that out is to step back, observe and listen. The thing to study is relationships. Notice where people’s loyalty is invested, without judging it or saying anything about it. This is a matter of facts, not of opinion. The only way to get anything done — whether it’s a project of some kind, or your own professional advancement — is to work with others. And that is entirely based on who is loyal to whom, and why. What I suggest you remember about this thing called ‘work’ is that for most people, it’s merely the one means they know of to the end called eating. For a few other people, work is a creative endeavor that gives meaning to their lives. For a few others, it’s a political game or power trip. Know where you stand, and know who you’re dealing with at any time. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Consider sincerely the challenges your partners are facing. This isn’t some special treatment you would be offering; rather, it’s the essence of companionship and collaboration. Your own astrology has been compelling you to mature and take on more responsibility; not just for your personal life, but also for the world around you. You might feel like you’re being asked to give something up. You will no more miss whatever you think that is than you miss your childhood toys. As you expand your attention to the details of the world around you, you’ll close the distance between yourself and the people you care about. Indeed, you may make vast discoveries about how much you care. You’ll also feel a greater sense of satisfaction in knowing that you’re integral to creating a better, saner world for everyone. In many ways, doing this is a matter of perspective. You’ve experienced looking at something on the horizon and thinking it’s one thing, and as you get closer, discovering that it’s something else. This works with all facets of life: the closer you get, the more detail you will see, and the more you’ll understand your appropriate role. At the same time, shift your perspective other ways: look from above; consider how things change from a distance; consider how others perceive them. Factor this all into your own perception. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Gemini is said to be one of the more mental signs, but now there’s no avoiding an emotional situation that’s been vying for your attention for some time. Once you devote yourself to understanding and healing, you will discover a world of possibilities, by which I mean support from others and an opportunity to grow and create. One item to address is your sexuality, from the standpoint of healing. This can be challenging because few people have any concept of sexual healing until they’ve experienced it, and few healers or thought-leaders bring up the topic. You still tend to think of sex as something that must exist inside a social construct like marriage or commitment. Sex came first. The human body and its feelings came before anyone’s notion of right or wrong imposed over basic biology. One element of healing is living by your own personal code of ethics, one that realistically reflects who you are and what you feel. That’s predicated on knowing what you feel and seeking to discover the truth of who you are. This is opposite from trying to fit yourself into what someone else thinks you’re supposed to be. Just embracing that one idea will help you feel better and set yourself free. You might try this as your mantra for a few weeks: “I am not my parents. I am myself.” For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Better things are calling you — creative, amorous, erotic, adventurous. All you need to do is respond. This is usually easier said than done, because the demands of life and, moreover, the habitual patterns of life rarely support those aspects of being. Indeed, they seem designed to prevent them. If there is a key to unfolding your potential, it’s allowing yourself to feel and to be your secret self. By this I mean the self that you rarely speak of or reveal. Both true creativity and actual involvement and investment in your life require this one thing: the risk of revealing who you are; first to yourself, then in the process to the people around you. It’s true that authentic art and focused relating both take discipline. Yet before there can be discipline you must allow the flow of your personal truth to open up. There must be some risk involved in everything you express and everyone you relate to. Safe and predictable situations will not foster your growth. The opposite of safety is not danger; rather, you might say that the measure of authenticity is the sensation of risking something when you express yourself. You want the situations with uncertain outcomes. You want the people who challenge you to rise to the occasion of your own existence. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Belief is fragile. Most beliefs do not stand up to verification. Yet the starting point to getting real is discovering your assumptions and, one by one, popping them like balloons. That’s the big courageous thing involved in growth. Some forms of spiritual training and study give you a pin to do the popping; others give you more hot air to inflate more balloons. You could save yourself time by questioning every assumption you have, and by counting everything you think you know as such. This is not as harsh as it sounds. It’s more like opening up the windows on a cool autumn afternoon, and being grateful that you need neither heat nor air conditioning. Being ‘disillusioned’ is thought of as a bad thing; you might think of it as being shorn of your illusions. The more disillusioned you are, the more open you’ll be to that seemingly elusive thing known as reality. That’s the thing you want. The first benefit will be simplicity. What is so is more elegant and more pragmatic than what you hope is true, or are pretending is true. Yes, this takes commitment, but after a short time the energy that comes back to you will provide ample power for the whole project. It’s like cleaning closets. Once you clean one, going for the rest feels good and ends up being great fun. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — By all rights, being born under Mercury’s most potent sign would make it easy for you to get to the essence of what you want to say. Yet often it’s more difficult than that. Your ideas get mixed up with your emotions, and therefore lost in the sauce. That, however, is the simpler equation to solve. The more complex one is the influence that other people have on you. It’s easy for you to get lost in their notions of what’s supposedly true for you, or what’s true in general. The first thing to do is to notice this influence. It’s not so easy and it takes willingness and perceptiveness. Lately your relationships seem to come with a kind of haze that can fog over your relationship with yourself. It’s possible to address this in a peaceful and productive way. The thing required is a commitment to being clear with yourself. You cannot escape having feelings, nor do you want to; though it will help if you observe your feelings and notice how they change. You will benefit from a balance of reasoning process, intuition and instinct. Check in with all three. Notice when you’re feeling fear. Notice when you want something, or someone, and you’re not admitting that fact. Here’s a clue: when you feel like you might be betraying someone, you’re most likely to be honoring your own will. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You must do something about any lingering inferiority complex that you have, or the present one that’s driving you nuts. First, let’s get one thing out of the way: the world is designed to make us all feel inferior and inadequate. All the advertising and politics and catty, competitive social interactions that seem inescapable: all are designed to erode your confidence in yourself, which then can become a permanent judgment. There are alternatives to inferiority. One is finding people you sincerely look up to, who serve as models. You assign them a ‘superior’ role and then aspire to their greatness. We live in tough times because we silently expect everyone who seems good and decent to be revealed as a fraud. Be careful about that thought form, and take a balanced view of people you hold as exemplars. Another is recognizing that we all have equal potential, and what we get out of life is a matter of what we invest. Let’s put it this way: there are some aspiring guitarists who hear Derek Trucks play and feel inferior and disheartened. Others hear him play and think, “I want to play that well. I know it’ll take practice.” Which of these do you choose? One last bit: take everyone as your teacher. The wise, the nutty, the young, the old, the dogs, the cats and the bunnies. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

2016-17 Scorpio Birthday Reading 

Unmask Your True Gifts

“I re-listened a few times for the deeper nuance and messaging — a good thing because I discovered so many ‘hidden gems’ throughout the reading! This was definitely a worthwhile investment in money and time. Thank you!”
— Dee McCrorey

Dear Friend and Reader:

Everyone knows the stereotypical ‘scary’ traits of ‘intense’ Scorpios. But there is so much more to this sign than that, and if you have your Sun, rising sign or Moon in Scorpio (or love someone who does), you know how truly devoted to a higher cause and transformation anyone born under this sign can be.

Planet Waves

The true calling card of Scorpio is in fact that transformative ability: to bring shadow to the light, integrate it, and alchemize it into an expression of much higher vibration: creativity, passion, fearlessness, courage and the ability to heal deep wounds.

In a political season and general social context that desperately needs these life-affirming qualities, your 2016-17 Scorpio Birthday Reading will help you to zero in on your gifts — including personal power tools masquerading as ‘difficulties’.

You don’t have to wait until the day after Halloween to take your first step in removing the mask: if you pre-order your reading today, you’ll secure the best price we offer: just $19.97. When the two half-hour audio segments are ready, we’ll email you; when the video tarot reading is ready a little later, we’ll email you again. Along the way, the price will increase incrementally.

Sunday is the Scorpio New Moon, at 1:38 pm EDT (17:38 UTC). What will you discover in that richly introspective darkness? How will you bring it to the light and fearlessly transform it?

And if you have a Scorpio loved one, what will you give them for their birthday? This reading will not only let them know you get them, it will be clear you have their back as they travel along an unusual — yet fruitful and necessary — path.

Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter



Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s time to make contact with your drive for social justice. This is a real value that you hold, and it can transcend many other distractions. You believe in the truth, and deep in your heart you want the truth to prevail. You believe in the right thing, and you want the right thing to happen. Taking action on this in small, tangible ways would be more helpful to you and the world than, say, texting money to a charity. Take any opportunity to make the right thing happen. Look around you anywhere and you will see people who need help, who need someone to stand up for them, who need any small advantage. Many times a day you’re in a position to offer that. Make it your business. One benefit of doing this is that it siphons energy from the jealous, competitive and needy side of human nature. You are drawing power from some of the most toxic personality traits and social conditioning and reinvesting it in making yourself a positive force in your environment. Another advantage is that by positioning yourself to be only helpful, you will discover how abundant you are. Notably, much of that abundance is in the form of ideas. Let them lead to action, which will lead to more ideas. Let that ripple out into the world and count it as progress for humanity. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — We all have limited time to accomplish what we came here to accomplish — and we don’t know how much time we have. Making peace with those facts is the first step toward bona fide maturity. The presence of Saturn in your birth sign will be reminding you of this in some way every day. Sometimes this might manifest as a sense of limitation; others times as a sense of urgency. I suggest you take it as an entirely practical matter. You are being invited to take charge of your life, which in the first instance means your time. That’s your single most important resource, and you must treat it that way. By fully embracing the finite nature of time (at least as it exists in our consciousness) you will expand your potential into something wider and vaster than you thought was possible. You’re likely to become aware that there is something far greater than time or this one lifetime, though what you have is now, and your sense of your mission. The more seriously you engage with your mission, purpose or however you think of it, the more wisely you will use your time. The more you recognize time as finite, the more strength you can draw upon to act on your most deeply held values without delay. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’re starting to make contact with your own desire. By that I mean you’re removing the obstacles between what you want and admitting what you want. You might think this is too simple to be effective, but all the complexity — the wrangling over appropriateness and guilt and your fear of personal anarchy if you let go of your precious self-control, even just a little — is all a distraction. Sooner or later, you will admit to what you want, which is another way of saying admit to who you are. Then what, exactly, is the fuss? I would remind you that you no longer have to prove that you’re a good girl or good boy. You no longer have to impress your parents or your teachers. Who you are is in fact none of their business, no matter what they may have convinced you. This extends to partners, friends and people in your community whom you think you have to impress as morally upright. Even if you dispense with all of this mental meshugas, there’s one last point to consider: your need to feel safe. Under your current astrology, clinging to security is the last thing that will give you a sense of confidence. Dancing with the possibilities, with your own potential, and the current chaos of the world will, however, do wonders for you. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Every decision you make stems from what you think you are. When you make contact with who you truly are, you will feel your own grandeur and the beauty of your life. When you feel small, or weak, or inferior, you can be sure you’ve lost contact with who you really are. When you feel that your life has meaning, and like your presence offers strength and encouragement to the world around you, you can be sure you’re in contact with who you are. One theme of your chart is expanding your vision for your life. This story is being told by Jupiter moving through your house of your ‘higher self’. At the same time, Saturn is compelling you to take the opposite approach, and narrow your focus to a specific role. The two processes are not at odds. In fact, this month they join forces, with a rare meeting of Saturn and Jupiter. This will help you prioritize, which is exactly what you need to do. It’s a fact that the possibilities are endless. It’s a fact that you can only embrace and express some of them. It’s also a fact that you need some better possibilities, and those exist if you will see them for what they are. As the month progresses, some key facts will come into focus, and you will be well positioned to take advantage of rare circumstances. Pay attention. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may have noticed that you have more traction than usual: you’re getting things done. You have respect and self-respect. Now it’s time to expand your mission. The past few years of Chiron in your sign (actually, back to 2010) have been a time of profound introspection, dealing with your insecurities and taking care of your healing agenda. The majority of that work is behind you. You have a better sense of who you are than at any time in the past (and you knew pretty well as a kid). I suggest you count those gains for what they are, and embrace the confidence that is available to you. A greater sense of purpose is calling you, though it’s vital that you take this on more than the generic level. Reflect carefully and get clear about what you want to accomplish. Then, without hesitating, move forward and let nothing stop you. The conditions of your chart are supporting you many different ways. The more you step up to the challenge, the more support you will feel and be able to take on board. In a world that is running out of control and that in many ways seems utterly insane, it’s easy to miss the fact that you have actual worthwhile ideas, and the ability to carry them out. Remind yourself every day. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016

Horoscopes worth reading and worth living by are worth paying for. This is a separate post with just the extended Planet Waves monthly forecasts for October 2016, covering all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. Extended horoscopes, and weekly horoscopes by Eric Francis are available on this website to Core Community and Backstage Pass holders. They are also emailed directly to all subscribers, including basic subscribers.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There are those moments when you must give up control over the course of events, and you’re veering into one of them now. You might find this helpful, because there are certain possibilities you may not have fully connected with, and those have a better chance of coming to the forefront if you’re not trying to hold everything together in the way that you have. Said another way, this is a time when you make some chaos work for you. This calls for the one thing that’s in the shortest supply on the planet right now, which is trust. By that I mean trust in the flow of time, in your development and in your relationship to yourself. Those are the most significant factors that will help you align with the world around you, and it’s clear from your astrology that what you’re experiencing is not merely an inner trip. Your relationships, your professional calling and your physical environment are all involved. We are in an edgy moment right now, on many accounts. There is an abundance of fear going around, most of it directed at instability and lack of trust. You are now in the fortunate position of needing to trust yourself, and knowing that your faith in everyone and everything else flows from there. True, this is easier said than done, and you can do it. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — As the next few weeks progress, you may feel as if you’re going to burst. The amount of activity, both physical and psychic, may push you toward the edge, particularly around the Full Moon on Oct. 16. Even people who are not prone to anxiety may be feeling more of the stuff, though there are many ways to manifest and to express the same energy of which fear is made. The main points to remember are that there will be a lot of that energy moving, and that energy has to go somewhere. The more you express what you’re feeling in constructive ways, the better you will feel, and the more likely you’ll be to see the events of this time as an opportunity. The prevailing message is to lighten up and dance to the music. Venus in your opposite sign Scorpio is not exactly light and airy. This has you feeling deeply, and describes your investment in a relationship situation that you depend upon. Yet that’s secondary to your own experience of your feelings and your perceptions. Though this is always true, it’s particularly necessary to understand this now: your state of mind colors and shapes your perception of the world around you more than any other factor. Therefore, work with your feelings as they emerge, and do what you need to do in order to feel good. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You must be careful what you commit to this month. During the Mercury retrograde into late September, you got a clue just how little it takes to create a misunderstanding. You need to be vigilant about this going forward. That means understanding your responsibilities and commitments under any contract you sign or promise you make. To put it bluntly, you must figure out how much power over you any agreement gives the other party. From the look of your solar chart, that power will be lopsided in favor of others. The first step toward claiming it back is not giving any more away. Any situation where there is some question about this is likely to come to a head, so you will want to be prepared for any discussion in advance. You are not the type to submit to anything against your will; you’re too intelligent and you value your autonomy. Yet what’s unfolding in the current scenario involves old patterns that go back to parents and early caregivers, wherein you had to content yourself with having no influence over the course of events. This is no longer true; however, most of your strength and volition will come from knowledge. Therefore, set no limits on what you know about your circumstances, your rights or anyone with whom you’re dealing. For this is indeed your power. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You have been working toward something, though you might discover that it was something other than what you thought. Whatever unusual developments arrive in your professional life, meet them full on and without hesitation. You have been preparing for this moment. It’s your chance to do two things. One is to break free of some pattern that’s kept you living or working one particular way for longer than you have wanted or expected to. The other is to meet people whom you perceive as powerful either on their level, or on your terms, or both. You are done being intimidated by people, only to discover the daunting factor was in your own mind. Said another way, the genuine benefit of this time in your life is your opportunity to even out the field of play. If you remember that this is entirely psychological, it will be easier and more fun. Along the way, you’re likely to see an opening to an expanded reputation or a level of notoriety that far exceeds your hopes or expectations. Yet forthcoming aspects describe you discovering the ability to connect, emotionally and creatively, with something much larger than yourself. That something is usually experienced as intangible or vanished into the landscape. You can feel it, hear it and smell it, and you’re about to see what the heck it really is. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may need to work hard, though that’s also an invitation to work brilliantly. You will save yourself effort and get better results by applying intelligence first to any situation. Get a concept, an overview, a vision. Rather than a sense of direction, what you will benefit from is a concept of what you’re working toward. This might be more or less specific, lavishly detailed or less so. Let that guide you, in a loose and evolving way. It’s essential that all of your plans and even intentions be flexible enough to express themselves in a way that can actually manifest. One quality of our times is the environment changing so rapidly that it’s impossible to adapt. Rather, the thing essential to adapt oneself to is the sensation of constantly shooting the rapids. The beauty of speed is that small moves mean a lot. Momentum is doing most of the work; your role is to guide and direct. That’s the difference between working hard and working smart, as the old expression goes. There is plenty of energy coming out of the ground, and the fire-breathing dragon of time is hot and heavy at the moment. Therefore, settle into your seat and guide your craft; or if it suits you, step outside and walk.  For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

The audio segments of your Virgo 2016-17 Birthday Reading are available for immediate access, and the video Tarot reading will follow soon. You’re about to experience a second eclipse — on Sept. 16 — involving your sign, and its effects will ripple out for months to come. Order your birthday reading today.



Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Somehow recently the financial stakes went up, and it seems that you see more potential for yourself than usual. It’s a fact that you are now in a position to expand your income, though this will take a degree of personal commitment and dedication that you might decide is just not worth it. We live in the age of supposedly easy millions, which looms like a mirage over people’s hopes and dreams. The potential to be suddenly set for life gets in the way of all the steps that it takes to learn a trade, begin a business, work with partners, and manage modest resources efficiently. This is far from poverty consciousness: to the contrary, it’s about maximizing your access to what you already have, so that you can keep your projects going and build them up to a new level. This will invariably involve working with others, though you must be careful about the influence that people with whom you’re involved have on you. It will be easy to get carried away in the values of others, if you don’t keep your focus on your own values and priorities. You are the creative engine that you need to harness and maintain. You are the person with the drive and the passionate curiosity. You don’t need those things from others. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

On Your Mark, Get Set…Get Your Libra Birthday Reading!

Okay, Libras (and that includes Libra Rising and Libra Moon):

Believe me, I know that life has been squirrely and tense lately. But now the Sun has entered your sign, Mercury has stationed direct, and big ol’ Jupiter is just waiting for you to grab the baton and start running with it.

Planet Waves

No more weighing back and forth whether the stars say it’s ‘just the right moment’ or whether you’re ‘ready’. No more talking yourself out of what you know you really want and need, just because you’re not sure what others might think.

If you’ve really been struggling and need help, you may very well find it through the empowering insights Eric will be offering in this reading.

“Wow. Thank you for this moment of clarity, Eric — just one of so many really.”
— Beth Reineke

Pre-order your 2016-17 Libra Birthday Reading for just $19.97 today, and we’ll email you access to the two 30-minute audio sections as soon as they are ready. Then, just as you’re really digesting and integrating and putting those ideas to use, we’ll let you know that your video tarot reading is completed for Part Two.

And with that, you’ll be off and running in a solar year like no other, with Eric at your side the whole way.

“You are a sage of stars and souls and do your work honestly. I love that!”
— Libra Stephani Stephens

Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
Planet Waves Astrology Editor


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You must take the lead in your relationships. By this I mean take a strong hand in setting the agenda in both business and personal partnerships. If you don’t, you could be subjected to the wild swings that other people take you through. Another approach could be to take a step back and be detached. Yet you are way too involved, and your circumstances are too sensitive, for you simply to let go of your control or of your influence. The main thing you will need is a strong degree of self-leadership and self-guidance. This is the only factor that you can count on to help you navigate your environment when the intensity level goes up (which it will mid-month). Let’s put this into terms suited to Libra. You depend on balance, but you cannot depend on others to help keep you in balance. Only you can do that for yourself. It will be tempting to look to others for support when they may be your most dependable source of chaos. This posture may leave you feeling like you’re on your own or out in the cold, but it will work better than any form of toxic togetherness. You have a much deeper agenda: to cultivate and maintain your emotional independence. You’ve been working at this for a long time, and this is the perfect month to practice and learn. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Though it will be tempting to use pressure or force on certain people who seem stuck, that would not help your situation. Instead, do something that’s relatively easy: let them know you want to understand where they’re coming from. Then really strive to understand their viewpoint and the emotional reality behind it. Your persistent focus on what matters will be an orientation point for others, and it will have a clarifying influence. You merely need to apply the penetrating quality of your mind, and keep the conversation low key. Ask questions and really have a sense whether you understand or not. This will be especially important in work situations where groups are involved. Groups can be entirely lost and either nobody in the group wants to admit it, or they are all following one another around blindly. You’re the one who has to see beyond this. That means recognizing patterns as they point to problems and then to solutions. This is closely related to creativity; or rather, it’s identical, only you would substitute ‘puzzle’ for ‘problem’. You are in a highly unusual position to see the potential in all the chaos that the world is drowning in. You might even be able to understand the spiritual crisis of the internet, because currently you have a sense of the scale of both the problem and the creative puzzle that it presents. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Now would be the time to focus on increasing your income. You have the ideas, and you have the motivation, and most of all, you have the opportunity.  It’s rare to put all of those factors together in the same place and time. That’s your direct opportunity to take advantage of what you have available. Most of all, this means focusing on actual tasks. It’s easy to get consumed by meaningless details, abstract plans and list making. What you need to do to get this party started are the challenging, potentially difficult but in any case actual tasks with a beginning, middle and end (with emphasis on the end). Know what must happen, and do that first. Know what you want to happen, and get to that a little later in the day. At the moment, you have the added advantage of some relative calm (particularly after the frenetic madness of the past month). So use that space and mental bandwidth wisely. It won’t last forever — though it’ll last long enough to help you make some progress toward your most valued goals. One last thought: this progress will come partly in the form of building things, and partly in the form of taking some things apart. The level of structure is the one to focus on, that is, the underlying layer: walls and doors rather than the furniture. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’re going through a phase of catching up with yourself. True, you’ve made plenty of progress the past couple of months, despite factors that would have deterred others. Still, you need to gain some essential experience, so that you can focus your direction based on real information. It’s essential that you be willing to get your hands dirty, and essential that you not go into any project with the expectation that it will be easy. Many factors in your chart are insisting that you be willing to go deep, and that you be willing to embark on projects whose destiny you don’t know. And while everything is designed as a learning process, it must never stop there. It’s imperative to engage with the worth in what you’re doing, and to make sure that you follow through to the point where something actually serves a purpose extrinsic to yourself. People are fed up with complication. That’s the mark of our times. Yet you know that getting a result is not as easy as tapping the screen on a phone, but rather more like the work that took to design and create the app. You don’t need simplicity as much as you need a broad perspective. Jupiter is here to help you, if only you’ll remember there’s more to heaven and earth than you may have believed previously. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This month comes in two distinct phases — before and after the Full Moon of Oct. 16. Rather than arrive at phase two and wonder what you were so worked up about, I suggest you pace yourself and turn your squelch knob up to about eight. (Squelch is the thing on a two-way radio that suppresses background noise but allows through strong signals). There is plenty distracting you in your immediate environment, yet despite this you must persist in weaving your vision for the future. You have the added challenge of being motivated by something other than fear. It may well seem that wanting things not to go badly is a more powerful driving force than wanting them to go well. This would be especially true if you don’t quite have a clear notion of what ‘well’ would be. And this is why you will benefit from focusing specifically on that idea. To do this you will need to rise above the fray of daily activity and get your mind to a clear place. I recommend altitude: a tall building, a mountaintop, a cliff side with a view, a bridge you love. Stay there long enough to take in the perspective and allow it to make an impression on you, so that you think different thoughts. You will be tapping into your ‘alt mind’, which knows more than your regular one. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You must be discerning about your ideas, your talents and your possessions. It’s true that you’re in a time of changing fortunes, and you don’t really know what each day will bring. Yet you have plenty to work with. Even so, you need to sift through your resources carefully and select the gems. Regarding your talents: it’s time to get an understanding of both what is worth the most — that is, what you can get paid for, which also aligns the most closely with your values — and what gives you the most pleasure. There are all kinds of things you can do, and might do, though it’s now necessary that you have a better match than ever before. When you come into that alignment, you will notice that others respond by coming into harmony with you. But, as every musician must tune his or her instrument to be in tune with the orchestra, you must maintain focus on yourself, which means feeling and listening to the notes that you play. To use another musical metaphor, there’s a big difference between an electric guitar and an acoustic one. An electric instrument can express more sounds with less effort, and tap into the power grid to shake the stadium or wake your neighbors. That’s the instrument you’re playing right now. Therefore, slow down, center yourself and allow the music (and art, money, love and sex) to flow through you. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
