Category Archives: Monthly Horoscope

Monthly Horoscope

Once Upon a Time in Boston

Planet Waves

New York Times from April 20, 2013, shows SWAT team about to enter the home of Watertown residents without a warrant or probable cause. None dare call it martial law. Photo by Eric Francis.

Dear Friend and Reader:

I walked into Dominick’s Cafe to buy some newspapers on Saturday, April 20, and Dominick asked me: “What the heck just happened in Boston?”

That’s the question, isn’t it. And it’s a good one.

The fairytale version goes like this: Terrifying, mysterious bombers attacked the crowd at a great athletic event. The nation spared no expense, used its best technology and figured out who might have done the terrible deed, then sent its bravest fighters in to catch them. Everyone helped with this effort. One suspect was killed; the other took flight, was hunted down and was caught.

Planet Waves
Bag at the exact scene of one of the explosions was not a backpack, as police claim the bombs were contained in. Was this really the bomb? What about the backpacks?

Then all the people of the kingdom came out in the streets and cheered the brave warriors who had saved the day, joyful that they were now safe again.

Alternate versions go like this: we witnessed a vast over-reaction by public officials; or we saw a planned event designed to insure the budgets of federal agencies against sequestration.

Or, people who federal anti-terrorism authorities knew about and were supposed to be watching went overlooked.

Or like many other events, this was a Shock Doctrine event designed to destabilize society in some way, and force yet another take-away of individual rights, complete with a martial law drill/mass psychology experiment conducted in the virgin target of Boston. Depending on what country is eventually blamed, we may be looking at an excuse to go to war. One problem we have now is that what I call the “false flag meme” is extremely popular — that creates a lot of noise when trying to sort out the truth behind the official story.

I heard about the bombing of the Boston Marathon shortly after it happened Monday afternoon April 15 on a flight from Portland, Oregon, to Chicago. Fortunately, it was a flight with WiFi. However, the first thing I did before reading any of the news reports was to cast the chart. In doing forensic astrology (if possible), I prefer to see the chart before I know the facts, then make some observations and perhaps come up with a theory. Then I study the facts to either dismiss or support my hunches.

What I noticed first about the chart was that Neptune is looming on the western horizon. Also called the 7th house or descendant (opposite the ascendant, which is to the east), that angle of a chart gives a picture of the environment and describes one’s relationship to one’s environment. Neptune’s themes cover illusions, delusions, denial and deception. Neptune also includes inspiration, a talent for fantasy, music and photography and in a natal chart, it can point to one’s taste for drink and drugs.

Planet Waves
Many photos of the scene were accused of being fakes. This turned out to be a real photo of Jeff Bauman, who in fact lost both of his legs in the bombing. Photo by Charles Krupa, AP.

Neptune in the 7th is a warning to be especially discerning about what you see, hear and think. My sense was that everything we were about to be told would be distorted, incorrect or made up.

Moments after seeing the chart, I posted to Planet Waves: “Nothing says ‘don’t trust the story’ like Neptune on the 7th. It’s like looking into a fog, and you need special vision to see through it.”

So began a week of misreported facts, misidentified suspects, conflicting versions of the story, government officials offering facts, then taking them back, photos circulating around the Internet featuring scenes that could have come out of movie studios, plus all the usual stories of selfless heroism, love of country and determination to go on. The bombing happened not just at the Boston Marathon but also on a day venerated in Boston — Patriot’s Day, commemorating the start of the American Revolution in 1775.

It was a perfectly strange week in every other way. Just 48 hours after the 200 people were hurt in a domestic bombing incident, the Senate voted down a series of measures designed to keep assault rifles out of the hands of known felons and terrorists. This is newsworthy on a galactic scale. Now the next time we have a mass shooting incident, we’ll know it was officially endorsed by the United States Senate, in the name of keeping us all safer.

Letters laced with the poison ricin were allegedly sent to the president and a senator, and a suspect was arrested and charged with the crime. He was later released because there was no evidence against him. There was a massive explosion in a fertilizer plant in West, Texas, close to the anniversary of another fertilizer explosion in 1947 that killed nearly 600 people. There were many, many other horrid anniversaries in American history the week of the bombing.

Then early in the evening of Thursday, April 18, the FBI released photos of its proposed suspects in the Boston incident, beginning one of the strangest days in modern American history — the 7-Eleven robbery that may or may not have been part of the scenario, the MIT campus officer shot for no special reason, the carjacking and the midnight firefight that allegedly killed Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, a suspect in the bombings. These developments are what we’re told turned Watertown, Massachusetts, into a war zone.

Planet Waves
Did these men really do the bombings? Did they have help? Were there additional suspects? Many times people are accused falsely in high-profile cases, and other times they have assistance.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, after casually going to school the day after the bombing, allegedly went on the run. Boston metro area was put under martial law; Harvard, Brandeis, Boston University, MIT and other campuses were shut down.

We witnessed the most impressive show of force aimed at a civilian population on domestic soil ever, as the new Homeland Security militarized police apparatus was rolled out before our eyes, with its robots and X-ray vision. A terrifying door-to-door search ensued. I have a friend in Watertown who was horrified as eight “heavily armed men” searched her condo without a warrant or any actual reason, as she and her kids watched. I have heard next to no commentary or questioning whether this was a violation of the 4th Amendment right against unreasonable search of one’s home.

The suspect was then discovered unarmed, outside the police perimeter thanks to a neighbor who noticed blood on the white tarp covering his boat, looked inside and thought he saw a dead body. The reason that didn’t happen sooner? Everyone had been ordered indoors.

That person, we’re told, was Dzhokhar, who was bleeding so badly he was barely alive. He had, by some miracle, allegedly engaged hundreds of military police in a prolonged firefight without a gun. I was watching at around 7 pm last week just before he was captured, and heard the ongoing gunfire. Exactly what was happening? Who was shooting whom? Was this pure theatrics?

As for his injury: one version of the story goes that he tried to shoot himself in the neck, but missed. One of the purported SWAT team members at the scene said in an interview his neck injury looked like it was inflicted with a knife.

Planet Waves
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was allegedly so weak he could barely move. How did he wage a firefight with dozens of SWAT team members only to be found without a gun? Image: CBS News.

Through the week, many rumors surfaced — the InfoWars and Natural News disinfo distribution stations were running around the clock like overheated mimeograph machines, calling foul. Working with collaborators around the ‘net on my Conspiracy Response Task Force, we debunked various theories and attempted to assemble valid facts. It felt like swimming up a waterfall of lies. For example, the FEMA event in town that day, supposed proof that the big bosses were all in town for the show, turned out to be a previously scheduled class at Harvard.

The athletic coach running in the marathon who heard an announcement that “this is a drill” was the only person who described that; a second witness would have made his account more plausible. But there does seem to have been some use of the “drill” rumor that day. Then there was the one about the Boston Globe tweet allegedly predicting the incident. That tweet came out an hour after the fact, not in advance, and referred to something else. We do our best to trace these kinds of rumors and ideas back to the source, to cut down on the noise.

Yet as we went through the reported details, no part of the story came out intact. It was like adding a list of numbers from the bottom and the top, getting different results every time. All of these major crime scenes have an element of chaos, and there are always unresolved issues, but it’s not usually like this, with the “facts” changing every hour. There was a lot of sloppy news reporting, but that seemed to magnify a problem that already existed.

Then as the week progressed, we learned that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older brother, was the subject of an international terrorism inquiry in 2011. The Russian government had asked the FBI to look into him; the FBI investigated and interviewed him, and said it had no reason to suspect him of anything. This is at best bad police work and at worst a cover story. Later in the week we learned that he was also known to the Department of Homeland Security and the CIA. Who was this guy? Was he really a threat who the government ignored, or was he an asset?

Planet Waves
Sunil Tripathi, falsely accused of the bombings, had gone missing in March and was found dead this week in waters off India Point Park, Rhode Island. Family photo.

What is true and what is not? Neptune indeed. The sense of chaos, confusion, slippery facts and squirming versions of the truth are all attributes of Neptune.

But Chiron is also in the 7th house, close to Neptune, and that suggests that clarity is available, and that it will come if one focuses on documented information first and honors intuition second. (This order of operations is not only true — it’s my reading of this particular chart. In almost any chart, however, Chiron will emphasize the idea of tracking what we know and how we know it — one of its themes is documentation.)

The chart for the Boston Marathon bombing has several plot lines that unfold simultaneously. Charts often have that attribute, and it’s necessary to sort out the significators as carefully as possible — that is, to have a clear sense what planet represents whom, or what. This can take a little time to sort out, but with patience, it happens. The chart has proven to time the events well and describe them accurately. Let’s take a closer look and see what it says.

Orcus is Rising

Planet Waves

Minor planet sort from showing Orcus rising in the chart for the Boston bombings. This represents the lurking fear that was used to terrorize the whole metro area and indeed the country. Ophelia is an asteroid delineated by Martha Lang Wescott: “A point of over-reaction and counterproductive reactions (linked to mistrust of one’s value to others and concern about deception).”

This chart has Virgo rising, and right in the exact degree rising was a newly discovered planet called Orcus. Essentially the twin of Pluto, located in the same region of space (the inner Kuiper Belt), Orcus was named for an early European prototype from the Hades/Pluto cycle of myths.

Planet Waves
Chart for the Boston Marathon bombing. Though it’s not shown in this chart, the ascendant is occupied by Orcus at 3+ Virgo. It’s a planet similar to Pluto, named for an older god of death and the underworld.

He’s an underworld god, and he has a famous namesake in modern literature — J.R.R. Tolkien named his monstrous, smelly orcs after Orcus. Orcus in the ascendant is an image of the troll under the bridge; the lurking factor of which we must be very afraid.

Virgo rising suggests something meticulously planned by intelligent people. The bombs went off less than 15 seconds apart, and they performed as designed. Indeed, one thing Virgo rising tells us about this plot is that it was meticulously planned. Even though the end decayed into chaos, that, too, appears to have been planned, since it seems so ‘destined’ by the chart, and Virgo leaves little to chance.

Here’s where we see that. When Virgo is rising, the next place to look is the planet that rules Virgo — Mercury, and that turned out to be an influential planet as the event unfolded. Mercury in a world chart like this can represent a person, and it can represent an idea or a message — whatever message comes out of the incident, whatever is taken by the public.

Mercury was newly in Aries, after months in Pisces. In the bombing chart it is on the Aries Point, indicating the intersection of something deeply personal with something widely collective. (By the way — I underestimated the power of the Mercury sign change to Aries, after it had spent more than two months in Pisces. I knew enough to read this one, but I missed it: it was as if Mercury was gathering energy in Pisces and then released it all moments after it got into Aries, making contact with the Aries Point.)

Plus, at the time of the bombings, Mercury was about to make a conjunction to Uranus in Aries — and pass through the Uranus-Pluto square that defines what I call the 2012 era — approximately 2011-2016, with a few years on either side as a warmup and cool-down. Mercury made that pass the weekend of April 21-22. What we witnessed was a generational event. It was an event that sent us a message about the nature of the times in which we’re living.

Planets as People

Early in my inquiry, I saw Mercury as representing a young person. My take is that Mercury represents Dzhokhar, the younger brother, in the capacity of one who seems to have been haplessly drawn into this plot. As Mercury made its exact conjunction to Uranus, the scenario seemed too crazy, Dzhokhar was on the run and Boston was under martial law.

Planet Waves
Focus of the action in the bombing chart. Notice Neptune, the blue trident, on the 7th house cusp. Nessus is right below it, indicating a culprit that is out of sight. Mercury, in green, is about to make a conjunction to Uranus, in blue.

In a terrorism plot, there’s also the matter of a secret enemy — the behind-the-scenes perpetrator. We find information on that in the sign and planet that rule the 12th house. Leo is on the 12th house cusp — and that says to look at the Sun (the ruler of Leo). This character in the story is dramatic and important-seeming. The Aries Sun is about to make a conjunction to Mars, which has the image of dying violently.

I believe this represents Tamerlan, the older brother. Tamerlan is also the international connection — Sun/Mars is on the 9th house cusp. There is some involvement with a foreign government or other large influence, or the scenario will be portrayed that way.

We don’t know his actual involvement in this, and the chart portrays him more as a victim, that is, as a scapegoat, than as a perpetrator. Now he’s dead in the style of Lee Harvey Oswald, and we won’t ever hear from him.

There’s one last plot line to cover. The 7th house, where Neptune is looming, is also the house of open enemies (as contrasted with secret ones). We know that Neptune is sitting there in Pisces, warning us that nothing in the official version of events may be true. Pisces also has a traditional ruler — Jupiter. Jupiter will tell the story of who the open enemy really is, once we look past the movie-like illusion of Neptune.

Where is it, and what story does it tell? Jupiter is in Gemini, and also the 10th house of government. It’s in a strange condition — called intercepted, which means that Gemini has no house cusp running through it (this doesn’t happen in every chart, and it can happen anywhere when it does).
Intercepted Gemini is like a house hidden within the 10th house, which you can think of as the inner sanctum of government, the intelligence establishment or black operations of some kind.

There are a number of scenarios that fit, but the most basic reading is how various ‘intelligence’ agencies of the U.S. government knew that he existed. What their actual relationship to him was has yet to be exposed. We just don’t know, and we may never know — though the influence of Chiron and other factors in this chart suggests that the truth may yet come out. At this point, I think that there is no basis for ruling out anything. We know that the federal government has been involved in bomb plots before.

This chart has many alignments with the chart for the 9/11 incident. That Jupiter is conjunct the 9/11 Saturn to the degree, and Saturn is one of the most influential planets in the 9/11 chart. The Moon is within two degrees of the 9/11 Moon. There are many other alignments — the charts fit together like puzzle pieces.

Planet Waves
Gemini, above left, doesn’t have a house cusp running through it. That’s called an interception. Jupiter and other planets are tucked away in a ‘house within a house’ and represent a subplot to the story. The government is represented by the 10th house in most charts.

In closing I will say this. If you’re thinking that two bombs justified the house arrest of more than a million people, please think more slowly. These ideas would best be phrased as questions rather than as statements. Was that governmental response justified? What was the emotional cost, and the price we paid in our freedom?

What is the agenda that will ultimately be served? Seeing who benefits is the best way to understand something; in that sense, the truth of whodunnit matters less than the truth of who exploits something.

Many people who lived through having their homes searched are emotionally traumatized. They may never think of the concept of ‘home’ the same way again. Yet as gun advocates push their strict reading of the 2nd Amendment, they miss the point of the 4th Amendment.

Our social contract in the U.S. is clear. “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…” Was the response we witnessed reasonable, in the moral and legal sense of the word? We need to have a long conversation with our neighbors about this.

We also need a national conversation. What we witnessed in Boston, from the improvised explosive devices to the firefights in urban areas to the door-to-door searches, sound a lot like what the American government has been involved with in Afghanistan and Iraq for more than 10 years. The war literally came home to Boston and its suburbs and raged in the streets and door to door. Every aspect of life was disrupted.

We don’t like bombs going off in our public places and I hope we on’t like armored vehicles in our neighborhoods, SWAT teams in our homes and high-powered rifles being fired in the streets.

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The new concept of ‘police’ is different from the beat cop casually swinging his baton. It’s paramilitary force that was put on display in Boston last week. Photo: The Boston Globe.

It’s also time to ask when we’re going to stop doing this to other countries, and using everything as an excuse to ramp up militarization, constantly preparing for threats.

James Madison, one of the most beloved fathers of the American Revolution, cautioned us at the 1787 Constitutional Convention: “Constant apprehension of War, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.”

It’s also time for ‘non-political’ people to raise questions about the conduct of our leaders, both at home and abroad. It’s time to learn not to feel like an asshole for actually caring — and for being willing to speak up, including when it’s considered socially inappropriate. Which is usually.

And this is the heart of where the political intersects with the personal. To what extent are your views shaped by what is acceptable to society, including to your friends? When you begin to consider other ideas, and they start to threaten the worldview you’ve had since childhood, how do you feel and what do you do?

This is where the Boston Marathon bombing becomes a deeply personal question; indeed, a spiritual question.


Thanks to my Rumor Debunking and Crisis Reporting Team: Fe Bongolan, Liam Carey, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck, Carol van Strum, Lizanne Webb and many, many Planet Waves friends on Facebook who helped us track this story the past two weeks.


Planet Waves

The Perfect Chart: Citizen Hearing on ET Disclosure

Beginning Monday, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is set to take place at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. The format is a congressional hearing, though featuring six former federal lawmakers who will question a wide diversity of witnesses and take 30 hours of testimony.

Planet Waves
View of the ‘cantina’ scene from Star Wars, featuring critters from hither and yonder, directed by George Lucas.

The hearing takes place just a week after the release of the film Sirius, which purportedly exposes the use
of alien technology and its influence on the economy, as well as the government coverup of UFOs.

I’ve been waiting for something like this for years. Though it’s being mocked as a “mock hearing,” what exactly do people want, if a “real” hearing is not going to happen anytime soon? It’s not a mock hearing if there are real witnesses, and the witness list includes many retired military and government officials, including former Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell and many other retired officers with the rank of captain or colonel.

Stephen Bassett, executive director of Paradigm Research Group, which has created next week’s Citizen Hearing, said in a recent interview that “credible evidence for the extraterrestrial presence is overwhelming.” He believes that Congress and the media intentionally suppress the story, which is obvious since we have all either seen a UFO or know people who have had an encounter of some kind. Two U.S. presidents have reported encounters as well — Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.

Featuring many of the world’s top UFOlogists and ET specialists, the hearing is designed to raise public awareness of the issue and get the media to cover it, though so far that hasn’t worked well.

Planet Waves
Lynn Woolsey, who represented California to the House of Representatives from 1993-2003, will chair the hearings.

Retired U.S. Rep. Lynn Woolsey of Petaluma, California, who represented Marin and Sonoma counties for more than 20 years, will preside over a panel of six former federal lawmakers. The entire event will be webcast live in English and Spanish, and then archived in several additional languages, including Hindi and Mandarin. The event reportedly has a budget of $600,000, which was provided by an anonymous donor.

And it has a very impressive chart. Casting for the official start of proceedings at 9 am Monday in Washington, the first thing that jumps out at me is that the chart’s relationship angle — the western horizon or 7th house cusp — is pointed right at the Galactic Core, that is, the heart of our Milky Way galaxy. That is the perfect image of reaching out for ‘the other’ and potentially making contact.

The chart has ever-populist Pisces on the 10th house cusp — the government angle. The highest planet is Neptune. Much like we’ve been seeing with Neptune on the 7th house cusp of the Boston Marathon chart, this indicates some kind of denial trip, distortion or coverup on the part of the government. It also describes the idealism of the organizers of the conference.

Chiron is also high up, also in the 10th house, suggesting that there’s the potential for clarity and a breakthrough. It’s a potential moment of healing on this issue. But Neptune is powerful, and it’ll be necessary to cut through the confusion and paranoia first.

Two other things. Do you see all those planets packed into the house on the top left of the chart? That’s the 11th house of the citizenry — the people. There’s so much there, it looks like the cantina scene from Star Wars. Everyone is there. It represents the vast, diverse public willing to listen and get some perspective on this issue. Uranus standing right outside the 11th suggests that there’s a kind of revolution possible, though Eris right inside the 11th is warning against the intellectual chaos that usually surrounds this issue.

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Chart for the start of the Citizen Hearing on ET Disclosure.

Yes, some people will think the whole thing is too weird, but as Ellie Arroway said in the film Contact, Hollywood has been making money off of aliens for years. Everyone knows the phenomenon is real. But the stone dead silence of the government and corporate community is enough to drive anyone mad.

One other detail. The chart has the Moon newly arrived in Capricorn. It arrives in the new sign just an hour before the proceedings begin, and spends the first half of the conference in that sign. The Moon in Capricorn means that it’s square the Aries Point (in this case, to less than one degree), and that is about public contact. It also describes a vibration that aligns with the retired government sources who are speaking at the event.

The Moon in early Capricorn, about to make a conjunction to Pluto, tells us that the Moon passes through the Uranus-Pluto square during the early part of the conference. That’s the 2012 aspect — the standing wave pattern that’s behind so much of the current changes we’re experiencing. The Moon is another descriptor of ‘the public’, which to me looks like some kind of a breakthrough is actually possible. A lot of people have been waiting for something like this, and in its own way, this event is a statement of the times in which we’re living.

I, for one, plan to be listening to the testimony eagerly. — efc


Planet Waves

May 2013: Moving Heaven and Earth

The story of May 2013 continues a story begun in late April — that of eclipses along the passionate Taurus/Scorpio axis. This comes simultaneously with a large grouping of planets in Taurus, which will include Mercury, Venus, the Sun and Mars all contributing heat and action, plus the asteroid Pallas Athene contributing a cool, reflective and intellectual quality that will come in handy.

Planet Waves
The partial lunar eclipse in Scorpio was Thursday, April 25, the first eclipse in a series of three. The Sun was conjunct Mars and the Moon was conjunct Saturn. Mars and Saturn are still in an opposition aspect. The energy of the eclipse is still cooking. Glyph legend here.

This is also the season of Beltane — the time noted by the Old Religion when the connection between sex, fertility and prosperity comes to the forefront. That is exact May 5, though for several reasons this year has an extended and unusually powerful Beltane season. That is related to the eclipses that have found their way into our current region of the zodiac.

May is also the month of the third of seven Uranus-Pluto squares, which span from June 2012 through March 2015. I call this the “2012 Era Aspect,” and it’s the thing that — whether we see it or not — is shaping our world into the next world we will inhabit. I’ll come back to that — let’s start with the eclipses.

Eclipses are about making progress — they take us from one region of our lives to another. They are like rifts in the landscape of time, dividing one kind of territory and experience from another. They help us shift and create patterns, that is, let go of old ways of living and evolve into new ones. Spring is a perfect time of year for a series of eclipses, as the energy is already rising up out of the ground.

In the time of eclipses, it’s necessary to project your life in the direction you want, and in a sense, to look where you want to be. It can be easy to be caught up in the drama of the moment, though there is enormous creative power in these events.

Most of the time eclipses come in pairs; the current run is a group of three. The first of these was Thursday, April 25, and was a partial lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Think of that as a very precisely aligned Full Moon, but not quite aligned enough to have a dramatic visual effect.

Planet Waves
Taurus New Moon annular solar eclipse. Look at all those planets stuffed into Taurus! It’s a regular herd of bovine critters, including Mercury, Mars, Pallas and the South Node, along with the Moon and the Sun. The eclipse is exactly conjunct Pallas, suggesting a thoughtful approach to unbridled passion. Glyph legend here.

Such eclipses can, however, have a significant spiritual influence, and this one is about draining old, clogged-up or sticky emotions. It’s about letting go of attachment to the past, since the eclipse is conjunct Saturn in Scorpio. It’s the first necessary step in the process. Saturn in Scorpio (which lasts into 2015 if you include its retrograde) is about clearing out our antiquated, ancestral, past-life values about the mysteries of existence, principal among them sex and death. There’s a need to unravel the taboos on these topics, and to dissolve the emotional plaque that is clogging the conversation.

Next up is a solar eclipse in Taurus. This is an annular eclipse (what would be a total eclipse, but the Moon is too far from the Earth to block the Sun fully) in Taurus. This is also the Taurus New Moon. It happens as part of a cluster of planets in Taurus that includes (in order of degree) Mars, Mercury, the Sun, the Moon and Pallas Athene. The whole arrangement is loosely opposite Saturn, but implying that we can indeed be free of any emotional blockages, or we have them out of the way for now.

What’s unusual about this eclipse is that it’s conjunct one of the first-discovered asteroids — Pallas Athene. She has a diversity of themes, including strategy, law, government, guardianship and one’s relationship to one’s father. In a sense this calls attention to our relationship with Big Daddy — the government — which is increasingly becoming a spiritual theme.

There’s also something here about living with a conscious strategy. It’s true that various forms of psychology and spirituality are suspicious of having a strategy; it’s often equated with one’s heart being closed. However here on the physical plane, it’s necessary to direct one’s life with intention, and I think this is what Pallas is saying in the most personal sense.

Planet Waves
Penumbral lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. This is an exciting chart. The Sun and Moon are both square Neptune, which is dreamy and idealistic, even a bit visionary — and Mercury and Venus are in a conjunction. That’s about using the full spectrum of your intelligence — physical, mental and emotional. The ‘spiritual’ angle enters through Neptune, though that’s the one that’s more challenging to grasp, being elusive to many but accessible to some. Glyph legend here.

Finally, there is a third eclipse — a penumbral eclipse of the Moon — that takes place May 25. This is four days after the Sun has ingressed Gemini, so you might think of it as being on another slice of the orange. It’s the last eclipse on the Gemini / Sagittarius axis for several years.

By this time, much of the sky will have shifted into Gemini — including the Sun, plus Venus and Mercury (in a lovely conjunction), all of which are joining Jupiter. The eclipse has an idealism and optimism to it — it’s exactly square Neptune, the planet of dreams. The Mercury-Venus conjunction is saying: use the whole spectrum of your intelligence. That means mental, emotional and intuitive.

Remember your independence. Remember that you’re free to adopt another point of view than the ones the people around you might be taking. Don’t be surprised if you see the world a particular way and others don’t quite get it — that’s temporary.

There’s one last feature for May, and that is the Uranus-Pluto square, part three of seven. As I’ve written before, this is the first major Uranus-Pluto aspect since the 1960s. Indeed, what we think of the 1960s was all about such an aspect — the conjunction, in Virgo. Nearly half a century later this has evolved into the square, which reaches across the cardinal signs from Aries to Capricorn.

Uranus is about revolution and Pluto is about evolution. Uranus in Aries is encouraging radical self-awareness and expression, and Pluto in Capricorn is provoking deep questioning of ‘the system’, the family system, society and our role in it. Who knows what sense of progress will be in the air, as Uranus and Pluto meet up for the third time in the midst of these glorious, intriguing eclipses.

The spiritual path tells us that all progress starts within. This aspect is the perfect blend of self-consciousness plus a deep need to work the interior, the shadow side, the structures that we’ve internalized unconsciously — and set ourselves free, always mindful of the necessary balance of liberty and responsibility.


Planet Waves

Alleged Sarin in Syria: Another Day, Another Rumor of War

The White House said Thursday that it believes the Syrian government has used chemical weapons in its civil war, an assessment that could test President Obama ’s repeated warnings that such an attack could precipitate American intervention in Syria.

Planet Waves
Not good for critters — test rabbit is used to check for leaks of the toxin in a Colorado sarin facility, 1970. Photo from Wikipedia.

It is not encouraging that this development coincided with a lunar eclipse, as the issue emerging this day may indicate that it will become a persistent issue. It also raises the potential that some people in the defense establishment are pushing for yet another war in the Middle East. The story is likely to develop rapidly as Mars makes its exact opposition to Saturn on Wednesday. That is likely to bring a key turning point in the issue.

The White House, in a letter sent Thursday to congressional leaders, said the nation’s intelligence agencies assessed “with varying degrees of confidence” that the government of President Bashar al-Assad had used the chemical agent sarin on a small scale. The “varying” part seems to be about conflicts in reports from different agencies.

Sarin is a powerful neurotoxin and is one of the most potent acute poisons known to science. It kills people by paralyzing the nerves that regulate breathing, essentially suffocating them. It was manufactured widely during the Cold War and stockpiled by both the USSR and the United States, and is banned by a major chemical weapons treaty that Syria has not signed onto.

The administration said more conclusive evidence was needed before Mr. Obama would take action, referring obliquely to both the Bush administration’s use of faulty intelligence in the march to war in Iraq and the ramifications of any decision to enter another conflict in the Middle East.

“Given the stakes involved, and what we have learned from our own recent experience, intelligence assessments alone are not sufficient,” the White House said in the letter, which was signed by its legislative director, Miguel E. Rodriguez. “Only credible and corroborated facts that provide us with some degree of certainty will guide our decision-making.”

That meticulously legal language did not disguise a thorny political and foreign policy problem for Mr. Obama: he has long resisted the calls to arm the Syrian rebels and has expressed deep doubts about the wisdom of intervening in an Arab nation so riven with sectarian strife, although he has also issued pointed warnings to Syria.

— with New York Times reporting


Planet Waves

A Sex Ed Activist in the Making

Let’s say you’re a high school senior somewhere in the Bible Belt who can think for yourself. You understand that what passes for sex ed these days (abstinence-only ‘indoctrination’) is basically abusive — and you do not want to participate. What are your options? Apparently you need to be strong enough to take legal action, as West Virginia teen Katelyn Campbell discovered.

Campbell’s school, George Washington High School, had invited abstinence-only ‘educator’ Pam Stenzel to give her scare-tactic talk in a school assembly. Among other things, Stenzel is known for telling kids, “I can look in your eyes and tell if you’re going to be promiscuous,” and “if you take birth control, your mother probably hates you.”

Campbell, who is student-body president, wasn’t interested. Not only did she refuse to attend, she filed a complaint with the ACLU over the “slut-shaming” Stenzel uses to make students uncomfortable.

Furious, her principal called her into his office, calling her a “backstabber” and threatening to tell the college where she’ll be attending this fall about her “bad character.” Apparently he’s not familiar with Wellesley College in Massachusetts, which was founded with the intention to prepare women for “…great conflicts, for vast reforms in social life.” Ha.

Campbell has not backed down. She filed an injunction, blocking the principal from contacting the college and protecting her First Amendment right to advocate for comprehensive sex education.

“West Virginia has the ninth highest pregnancy rate in the U.S.,” says Campbell. “I should be able to be informed in my school what birth control is and how I can get it. With the policy at GW, under George Aulenbacher, information about birth control and sex education has been suppressed. Our nurse wasn’t allowed to talk about where you can get birth control for free in the city of Charleston.”

Obviously high schools in such repressive social climates are not going to start holding Beltane assemblies for students anytime soon, passing out free condoms and lube to students as they leave the building to frolic in the fields, celebrating fertility and sexual pleasure. But, ’tis the season — and Katelyn Campbell is well on her way to championing “vast reforms in social life.” Look out, world: this month, she’ll have some eclipse power propelling her as she leaves high school behind.


Planet Waves

Finally — Labeling of GE Food Moves Forward in U.S.

“The Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act” was introduced Wednesday by U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and U.S. Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR).

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This is how it’s done in Europe. Does that look so hard?

The bipartisan legislation introduced Wednesday would require clear labels for genetically engineered whole foods and processed foods, including fish and seafood. The measure would direct the FDA to write new labeling standards that are consistent with U.S. labeling standards and international standards.

Groups advocating for food manufacturers to inform consumers when packaged food contains genetically engineered ingredients welcomed the labeling bill.

“Americans want to know more, not less, about their food,” said Katey Parker of Just Label It, which has more than 650 partner organizations. “More than 90 percent of Americans want the same rights as consumers in 64 countries around the world.”

More than 1.5 million Americans have petitioned FDA to require labeling on packaged food containing GE ingredients, according to a press release from Sen. Boxer.

The legislation is particularly crucial now with the Monsanto Protection Act on the books, since that legislation prevents courts from stopping farmers from planting GE crops, even before it rules on their safety. Purchasing food other than that with a certified organic or Non-GMO Project label is now truly a case of ‘buyer beware’.

Here is the Senate version of the bill; here is the House version.


Planet Waves

Climate Activist Speaks Out, as CO2 Level Nudges 400 ppm

As if to punctuate Earth Day with a huge exclamation mark, on Monday Hawaii’s Mauna Loa Observatory measured CO2 levels in the air of 398.36 parts per million (ppm). Scientists believe that soon carbon dioxide, the main gas driving climate change, will reach 400 ppm for the first time in human existence.

A 2009 article in Science reported that when CO2 concentrations were sustained at this level 15 million years ago, it was 5° to 10°F warmer and seas were 75 to 120 feet higher, said a recent ThinkProgress article.

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Model of allosaurus in Baltow, Poland. CO2 levels have never been this high, and some are concerned humans could end up like the dinosaurs as a result. Photo by Jakub Halun/Wikimedia Commons.

Climatologist Chris Field told the AP: “It’s an important threshold. It is an indication that we’re in a different world.”

The Scripps Institution of Oceanography has set up a website and even a Twitter feed, @Keeling_curve, that will tweet out the CO2 level every day. The Keeling Curve is the graphical representation of the rising CO2 level; it can be seen on the website.

Though it may seem futile with news like this to try to reverse CO2 levels, climate change activists such as Tim DeChristopher still fight the good fight. The founder of the climate justice group Peaceful Uprising spoke to Democracy Now! in his first interview after being released from 21 months in federal custody.

He was convicted of interfering with a 2008 public auction that disrupted the Bush administration’s attempt to sell off oil and gas exploitation rights in Utah. Posing as a bidder, he won drilling lease rights to 22,000 acres of land, trying to save the property from oil and gas extraction.

DeChristopher’s defense attorneys were prevented from telling the jury that the auction itself was later overturned and declared illegal.

When asked what climate change activists need to do now to succeed, DeChristopher said, “I don’t think anybody knows what needs to be done now. And I think that’s something that we shouldn’t necessarily shy away from telling people, from telling other activists, and especially from telling young people, that, there’s a lot of things that we’ve tried, most of which hasn’t worked, especially on climate change, and especially on trying to get our government to do something about climate change. So, mostly we need people taking action, and nobody can really tell you what that action should be.”

His case is the subject of the documentary, Bidder 70, which screened nationwide Monday to mark Earth Day. Itopens for a week’s run in New York on May 17. Maybe now that the Sun, Venus, Pallas Athene and Mars are all in Taurus, we can dig in our heels and push a little harder for the sake of the climate — and all life on Earth.


Planet Waves

Syrian Electronic Army: 1; Associated Press: 0

The Associated Press’s twitter account was taken over by hackers this week, and a false tweet caused a stir at the White House, on Wall Street and beyond. Minutes after the hack the AP’s account, with over two million followers, was suspended.

The attack happened on Tuesday, April 23 with a tweet that stated: “Breaking: Two Explosions in the White House and Barack Obama is injured.”

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Screen grab of the fake AP tweet.

Minutes after the report, White House press secretary Jay Carney informed reporters that President Obama was “fine, I was just with him.” Shortly after that an Associated Press White House Correspondent, Julie Pace, stated that their account had been hacked. The AP media relations director wrote in a blog post that other AP accounts were suspended, “out of a sense of caution.”

In those sparse minutes between the attack and the announcement by the White House and Associated Press, potentially $136 .5 billion worth of value was lost from the S&P 500, which dropped 14 points; the Dow Jones industrial average dropped 143.5 points. Both bounced back and by the end of the day reported overall gains; however, one trader described the reaction of Wall Street as “pure chaos.”

The group the Syrian Electronic Army claimed responsibility for the attack through another tweet of their own that stated: “Ops! @AP get owned by Syrian Electronic Army!”

The same group claimed responsibility for recent twitter hacks of NPR, CBS and the BBC. The Associated Press reported that this group often attacks publications based on their displeasure with coverage of the situation in Syria — which has been engulfed in a brutal civil conflict since March 2011, claiming upwards of 70,000 Syrian lives to date (and possibly involving the use of chemical weapons, as reported yesterday).

The initial 2011 uprising was part of the domino-like Arab Spring revolts in the Middle East that heralded the Uranus-Pluto square. Uranus and Pluto meet for their third of seven exact contacts May 20.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Video still from Jimmy Be Free’s video for “Lost in the Rocks.”

Meet Jimmy Be Free

If you’ve listened to the last couple broadcasts of Planet Waves FM, you’ve heard the fun, soothing, invigorating sounds of violinist Jimmy Be Free. Using an electric violin and a looping pedal (and often other instruments), he’s able to create layered compositions in real time. You can watch his video and learn more about Jimmy here; among other things, he’s a sound healer and lifestyle coach committed to aiding “the transformation of ourselves and Gaia to enable us all to live here on Earth a life that more closely resembles life as it is in Heaven.”


Planet Waves

Boston continued, and this week’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio

Here’s your new edition of Planet Waves FM, in which I question how it’s possible that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is going to be represented by the public defender. He needs a real attorney, and if he cannot get one in Boston, that may be suggesting he cannot get a fair trial — since a fair trial depends in part on competent legal counsel.

My musical guest is once again Jimmy Be Free, who I met in the Portland Airport last week. He’s a brilliant violinist, composer and singer. I play two different pieces this week, one called “The River” and the other called “Fragile.”
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Please read the amazing client comments on the Invocation of Spring reading, which we sent to our members yesterday. Note — the price of the Invocation of Spring report will be increased Monday, to $39.95.

Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The May monthly extended horoscopes are published below in this issue. Inner Space horoscopes for May will be published Tuesday, April 30. I recommend reviewing the previous month’s horoscope at the end of the month; you can see April’s monthly horoscope here. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Scorpio Full Moon and eclipse on Tuesday, April 23. Note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; a new Inner Space is generally emailed on the following Tuesday.


Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for May 2013 #947 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Just the concept that something is or even that it may be valuable is enough to make it so. It works the same way in how we feel about ourselves. Consider the effects of the value you put on yourself. I don’t mean your monetary value, though that will come up eventually; I mean whether you think you matter to others, or whether what you do and offer to the world makes a difference. You’ve had a way of thinking about this theme for a long time. You’ve tried to work out the equation a number of times before, with only limited success. It’s as if you know your own value intuitively but cannot quite articulate it to yourself. Yet there’s a vital piece to the puzzle: values are only valuable to the extent that we act on them. Once acted upon, there’s greater tangibility to what is, in essence, an idea. The dividing line I see in your chart seems to involve making an actual decision about what you say is the most important to you, and then sizing up the effects based upon what happens. We do a lot of jabbering to ourselves about what is so important, though rarely put ourselves through this simple test. Well, it may not be so simple, and you may need to persevere through what seems like an inordinately long time to get your results, though it’s only long in your perception. Assuming you keep at it, you may not have your answer until six months from now.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You are surrounded on all sides by potential, and by people who believe in you. Yet you may have an ominous feeling, as if something is brewing that you don’t understand and cannot discern clearly. Yet consider all that you’ve learned about yourself the past few weeks — how many things you would not necessarily have considered, and were probably not expecting. These have worked out well, and many situations are still developing. The ominous feeling is an eclipse of the Sun in your sign on May 9. This is profoundly meaningful astrology that will deliver a clear message to you. You may not be certain if it’s a sign from the distant past or something entirely new; in a way, both are true. What this eclipse signals is a kind of growth checkpoint. There are two questions that I see. One is: what do you ‘take on’ when you engage with someone in an intimate relationship? There’s something suggesting that you become like that person, at least a little, and I suggest that you decide consciously the extent you want to do this. Another image in the chart involves your father, and your tendency to want to live up to what you perceived as his expectations of you, or his image of you. It’s more likely that your highest vision of yourself would take you in another direction entirely. It will help if you notice this negotiation process with full awareness rather than having it run in the background.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves

Hello Taurus! Your 2013 Birthday Reading will be ready soon. We’re now between two eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis: this week’s partial lunar eclipse, and then a Taurus New Moon solar eclipse in two weeks (the third eclipse this season runs through different signs). This is making for a potent birthday season for you, packed with potential. Also, Saturn in your opposite sign may feel challenging, but can ultimately be a useful tool if you learn how to work with it. I’ll be covering these major influences and more in a two-part astrology reading about an hour in length, plus a special tarot reading using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless. You can pre-order your birthday reading here for just $19.95 and we’ll email your access info to you once it is ready.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Have you ever heard someone say they don’t want to go to an astrologer or a therapist because they might find out something about themselves they don’t want to know? Please don’t let that be you. No matter how much you may have to discover about yourself, you have nothing to fear in those discoveries. If you resist potential self-awareness, though, that’s likely to have the effect of echoing around your mind and seeming ‘worse’ than it is. I suggest you go right for clear information as soon as you have a question, and then make sure you persist and work through three or four layers of inquiry before you pause. The idea here is not to go through the motions, but rather to bravely seek self-understanding. If you do that with sincerity and an open mind, you will learn something about yourself and about existence that you’re unlikely to ever forget. This is likely to be something that you already knew but went to some length to deny, for reasons that you might not want to know. In other words, part of the story is why you might have denied this thing that you’re discovering or rediscovering. By why, I mean your actual motives for doing so, since this doesn’t seem to be mere happenstance. There is intent at work on every level, and that’s the thing to track: what is driving the story in any particular direction that it might go, and what is driving you to go any direction you might go.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re about to seem like a ‘different person’ or a ‘changed person’ to many people. This is due to an eclipse in Taurus, your 11th house. From the size and shape of the chart, it looks like you have many options for ‘different’, and I suggest you figure out what they are and see if they are viable options. One reason many people refuse to change or resist change is because they don’t want to be perceived as having done so by their friends. Sadly, most people feel a need to live up to who people think they are. You now have a moment of cover where you can make a significant adjustment not just to how you project yourself but to who you actually are, in substance. People will either not notice or not care, or they will forget that anything was different; or who you’ve developed into will seem natural in the context of so much else that’s changing. The way this looks is something like, you manifest in a revised form as one determined to succeed at what you feel the most called upon to do. You can be much more assertive than you usually are, and you can count on being supported in that, if you remember your charm and charisma and your natural magnetism. Establish your goals, align with your collaborators, then align yourself with the resources that you need to get the job done — and you will.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You remain in a position of leadership, and it looks like you’re collecting some valuable skills as you mature into your calling. There’s a skill I’ve noticed that’s largely missing from the population around us — that of politics. The dysfunction and cruelty we see career politicians dramatizing is not really political — it’s more like anarchy. What I’m describing is the ability to help facilitate mutually beneficial outcomes; to make sure that collective resources are used in a way that benefits everyone; and to stand guard over what is right and true. You’re refining these skills and you may be feeling a calling to put them to use. Yet there is an essential idea contained in your chart: what you’re doing is not about power; it’s about benefitting people as a kind of public servant, in a way that is also supportive of you. By one reading of this astrology (using only traditional planets), you might be super ambitious to the point of not caring whose head you step on. When we add the influence of the asteroid Pallas Athene exactly conjunct the May 9 solar eclipse, you show up as someone deeply concerned about fairness, and proceeding in a way that is honest and grounded in your real values. The world needs more examples of this, and you are setting such an example in your local world. A Course in Miracles reminds us that “everyone teaches, and teaches all the time,” and you are being called to be a teacher of integrity by example.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your charts are calling for you to develop a longterm strategy — and to let go of a set of plans that are no longer valid based on your new goals. You may have a specific goal that keeps slipping out of your mind, something you know you want to dedicate yourself to, then you go back to an old scenario. You probably know exactly what this is; the challenge is that it would lead you to make many other changes, which you don’t necessarily know how to make, or have the energy to initiate. In order to slip out of the gravity of the past, begin with your mind. Begin with the idea. Then take some step to bring the idea into form. Then, size up your life and your environment and begin to sketch out your plan. Overall, you need a slow, steady and extremely persistent approach. Yet the key factor is remembering what you want to do, and then doing it, and remembering what you no longer want to do and not doing that. Getting out of old patterns and into new ones takes some persistence, and fortunately you have that going for you. The sooner you start — no matter how modestly or slowly — the more time you will have to establish the new pattern. Then when the coming eclipses do their work, events will help you not just focus and develop that pattern, but also cultivate the essential ingredient of faith in yourself. That’s the thing; that’s the skill you want.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’ve likely been through an unsettling or perhaps tumultuous month or two. Events have challenged you to be flexible, tolerant and to make some peace with the fact that many people are different from you. This also means that you are different from they are. However you look at it, you’re in a position where you have to find common ground with others. You cannot set the agenda exclusively, and obviously you cannot have others set the agenda for you. Without some form of negotiating your way into territory you can share with others, you’ll find yourself at an impasse. This happens when people have intractable values. I suggest you look at your values and decide which are flexible and which you cannot compromise on. Then see if you can encourage partners to do the same thing. You are in a situation where something has to give, and where your flexibility will be called on as a bottom line. That’s why I suggest you decide what you’re willing to give, though while you’re at it, you may want to assess your concepts of ‘mutual’, ‘reciprocity’, ‘exchange’ and ‘understanding.’ In the end you will need to reach a consensus. And any honest consensus always starts on the level of values, which are the fundamental elements of who a person really is. So, said another way, this is about you revealing who you truly are — which implies admitting to yourself who you truly are. And yes, that might be a little intimidating.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — To what extent are you invested in a close partner, and have you considered whether you might be over-invested? This isn’t necessarily an easy question, though you may be getting some new information on this topic in the near future. This is, however, not a new story. Indeed, it’s the latest step in the process of your rewriting what may be a very old story, and that relates to certain fixed patterns of how you tend to think of yourself, your relationship partners and your mutual role in one another’s lives. This question is valid whether or not you currently are with a partner. The underlying material remains the same. The question gets more relevance if you tend to repeat patterns in your relationships. It gets even more relevance if you tend to come up against certain emotional issues and then skip them over, expecting a different result from last time. The current astrology is, to use a strong word, demanding that you be real with yourself. You know it’s also time for you to be relating to others on real terms, and call nothing less than that intimacy. I know there is a temptation to have the pleasure, security and emotional contact of relationships without taking the risk of vulnerability. Yet it’s never long before this runs out. If you’re someone who does value depth and intimacy and who takes emotional risks, the next few weeks promise to be a daring, meaningful and beautiful time in your life.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Isn’t it time to get over the feeling that if you get close to someone, or allow yourself to connect to them deeply, that your life is going to run out of control? Imagine that the ‘out of control’ factor is really an unknown. That’s not what it literally is, it’s just your equivalent of X. You could, under that scenario, revise the story: “if I connect to someone deeply, something of which I’m not sure may happen.” That is another way of saying that if you make contact, something will change — and it will. Both people will change. That is what happens when humans interact: they learn from one another, influence one another, and often become a little (or a lot) like one another. I suggest you list the reasons you have to trust and not trust the situation; to trust and not trust yourself. From the look of the astrology, you’re the person who is the most likely to have a profound or life-changing influence on someone you respect or admire, though you may not be up to believing how that’s possible. Well, it is possible; making friends with a kitten is enough to have a life-changing influence on many people. This isn’t something you have to try to do, plan on or expect. The most helpful thing you can do is trust, which means not throwing your fear in front of your path as a stumbling block. Said another way, you can use your power for or against your own best interests.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Sometimes I get the feeling that some people are finally figuring out that sex is a form of play, and sometimes I get the feeling that there’s so much fear that most people are totally in the dark. So I’ll put the question to you: how do you relate to sex as a form of play? Don’t answer too fast — I suggest you ponder it. If you don’t come up with sex as a form of play, then what is it? What kind of activity is it, or what does it represent? If you answer yes to the play question, how does it contrast with other forms of play (music, golf, paintball, finger painting, ultimate Frisbee)? The ‘serious cast’ that sexuality gets is almost always based on a moral trip of some kind. It’s also based on possessiveness and attachment. The play aspect is often drowned out by the fear of what might happen if the attachment is in some way threatened. The current aspects are calling on you to do a few things. One is to relax the sensation that you possess someone. Another is to allow your curiosity to come to the front of your awareness. Yet another is to allow yourself to change. Yes, it’s time to change. If you resist what you know are necessary, timely and even overdue changes, that’s likely to manifest as the sensation of pressure, anxiety and tension. You could just as well invest your passion into something or someone creative.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You seem to be trying to balance concerns about your home against professional matters that you know are just as significant. You’re more likely to work them out together than separately, as the two are directly related. Yet there seems to be another factor, which is a relationship on which you suspect much will hinge. Well, it could be a relationship or it could be your idea about a relationship — I suggest you sort that out, on your own and if possible with anyone who might be involved. If you leave the matter hanging below the surface of your awareness, it may have a way of running your life from the back seat. If you raise the question consciously, you will take away the negative manifestations of its power and begin to engage the more constructive ones. There’s one theme that comes right back to you: how in contact with your needs and desires are you? How well are you able to articulate them to yourself? By articulate, I mean the kind of thing you can put into sentences that another person could understand. That’s how clear you want to be, starting within your own mind and then extending out to a real discussion with others. One word comes to mind: marriage. What does that word mean to you? What is it about? What did you believe when you were younger and what has life taught you? What would it truly mean to be a partner, and to have one? How flexible is this idea for you?

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A storm of change and progress passed through your life recently, which rearranged your orientation on existence and seemed to redirect the course of your life. All the fast-moving planets have come and gone; you’re now left with the slow-movers, the deeper influences, remaining in your sign. The changes you make from here on out are less about circumstances and more about the deeper alchemy of your consciousness: that is to say, what you do with your mind. You will get what you tune into. You will make more of what you are aware of, so I suggest you make conscious choices where to focus that awareness; remember that it’s a magnifier. Though Pisces is often described as being dreamy and ethereal, you have a mind that is capable of handling practical, tangible material — and of persisting with an idea or thought process for a long time. You’re about to see some unusual results, which combine many different factors into a focused moment of evolution. It’s as if your whole perspective suddenly changes, and in hindsight, you see all the factors that led up to this. One thing that would help you immensely now is to practice making decisions. It doesn’t matter the scale, though attention to the smallest choices means a lot right now, because you’re in a situation where many seemingly innocuous factors will add up to something unexpectedly significant. I don’t suggest you practice rosy-eyed optimism as much as remain faithful of your ability to guide your life competently.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two product



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A Fire in Aries; Be Cool, Don’t Just Act Cool

Dear Friend and Reader:

With the recent equinox, the sky continues tipping from water sign Pisces into fire sign Aries. The spring season began in the Northern Hemisphere Wednesday, with the Sun joining Mars and Uranus in Aries. This is the beginning of the astrological year — the metaphorical clock resets to midnight.

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Nautilus stairway at the old 59 Rivoli artists’ squat, in downtown Paris. Photo by Eric Francis.

This is being followed close on its heels by an unusual Full Moon on Wednesday, March 27 at 5:27 am EDT. The Full Moon is a Moon-Sun opposition stretched across Aries and Libra. The Moon is on its own in Libra, though it’s meeting the Sun, which is conjunct Venus, Mars and Uranus.

This setup is a reminder not to let yourself get knocked off balance by your environment, or by people you perceive as overpowering you in some way. Your environment (which means people and circumstances) is offering you options, and to a real extent it’s showing you a reflection of yourself (illustrated by the Full Moon reflecting all those planets).

It’s worth recapping that Mercury stationed direct last Sunday afternoon (March 17), ending a three-week retrograde phase. That retrograde is still working itself out, and it will be for about two more weeks as Mercury re-traces the degrees where it was just retrograde (this is sometimes called the second shadow phase, or second echo phase).

Some people are more sensitive to these Mercury retrogrades than others, whether psychologically, emotionally or through experiencing those odd events like computer crashes, lost keys and missing envelopes. There were a lot of planets in Pisces during this retrograde; that gives some people the feeling of emotional resonance and others the feeling that they’re drowning. Mercury will remain in Pisces until April 13, when it joins the rapidly developing Aries grouping.

Speaking of: Venus was the most recent planet to move from Pisces to Aries. Venus is happy in Pisces (the two have a natural affinity) and it needs more love than it’s often willing to offer in Aries (the sign of Mars, so there can be some tension). It’s a prickly spot for Venus, but with the promise of a conjunction with Mars in early April, there may be some fiery action in the sex department at that time. Do your best to find the balance between going after what (or rather who) you want, receiving what is offered by a partner (or someone who is not one yet, but whom you’re interested in), and remembering to be extra-conscious of the other person’s experience (known as empathy) — and what you can offer them in return.

We are entering a phase with a lot of Aries happening, and empathy really is the name of the game.

Now, as for why the planets in Aries are big news. As you may know, there is currently a generational aspect happening — Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn. These are two slow-moving points that are meeting in a major aspect for the first time since 1965-66. What we think of as the Sixties was mainly the combination of three major factors: a conjunction of Uranus and Pluto; Chiron in Pisces; and Neptune in Scorpio.

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Brooklyn’s beloved Cyclone roller coaster, the oldest, meanest, fastest (and safest) wood and steel contraption in the business. It occupies one city block in Coney Island. Photo by Eric Francis.

We now have the first Uranus-Pluto (major) aspect happening since the Sixties. Chiron is back in Pisces. And Neptune is in a water sign. Let’s stick to Uranus and Pluto. They are early in cardinal signs — Aries and Capricorn. Their square aspect is a five-year (or more) project, of which we’re now in the middle. These longterm aspects heat up when other planets get involved, and now a lot of other planets are about to jump into the mix.

Friday, Mars makes a conjunction to Uranus. Soon after on March 26, it’ll make a square to Pluto. That’s going to add a lot of energy to what is already a high-potency alignment, which is lurking just below the surface, waiting for something to come along and do just that. This tells a story in natal charts. In my old series Born in the Sixties, I describe how aspect patterns of certain birth charts emphasize the astrology of that era, and certain ones play it down. Anyone born under the current astrology is going to have Uranus-Pluto emphasized for their whole lives because there are so many planets involved, just as certain people born in the 1960s do.

At the same time, the Sun will move through Aries, form a conjunction to Uranus on March 28 and a square to Pluto on March 31. Venus will do the same thing (on the same days as the Sun — the Sun and Venus are moving in tandem right now), and then Mercury will do the same next month (April 20 and 21). So, over and over again, inner planets — the ones we feel and see — will be making conjunctions to Uranus and squares to Pluto.

This is a series of events that can change the world, and can also wake us up to how much the world has changed before our eyes in just a few years. The thing is, we may see what seems like a ew years’ worth of changes in a matter of weeks. It’s impossible to predict what this will bring, though there is likely to be some ‘personal is political’ effect in the world. When astrology like this heats up, many people get the urge to participate.

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Fire spinning in Krakow, Poland. Photo by Eric Francis.

For some, it’s like you spent four years studying in the library, then the spring of your senior year, protests break out on campus and you want to participate — and you may feel like it’s too late. If you experience something like this, remember that social movements are not a thing, they are about people. So go outside, and meet the people who are involved. Do your part to make what you’re witnessing into something that is personal and immediate. In many ways this is the story of our our whole era in history. We have the opportunity to take chances on what is happening now — or to let the era slip by.

And while the Uranus-Pluto square, the defining aspect of our time in history, seems to last for a while, it will go by faster than you think. Now is your moment to dare; now is your moment to make a difference, in your own life and that of the larger culture.

As for the personal being personal: do your best to stay cool and keep your head through this astrology. This is the time to be cool, not just act cool or ‘play it cool’. Cool means reflective, aware and clear. It means being aware of time and timing, and knowing when you’re ready to make your move. There will be moments when passion is called for — you will know them when you’re in them. Even then, make sure you’re aware of your emotional temperature at all times.

Mars and Uranus, which are conjunct today, describe a clash between personal and community interests — therefore, orient yourself on cooperation and don’t try too hard to stand out. Be real, be yourself, and notice (and feel) what’s going on around you. Do your best to be part of what you say you belong to. Offer yourself a little more generously than you think you need to, or are being asked to.

Everyone will feel better.


Planet Waves

This is a 12-sign audio report about relationships and sex. Each of the signs gets half an hour of attention — half the length of a long podcast. You can listen to your Sun, Moon or rising sign, and those of people you care about. Visit this link to pre-order.

Planet Waves

Lunations of April Rock the World

New and Full Moons this April are potent astrological events that will continue the fiery theme that has been brewing through late March. One by one, planets have been transitioning from Pisces to Aries, tipping the feeling and experience of the astrology from water to fire. The New and Full Moons of April also bring us into the first of two eclipse seasons in 2013.

Let’s start with the Aries New Moon. That takes place April 10. For this event, there are six planets in Aries, five of them concentrated into a narrow band of sky with the new planet Eris at the center. You could call this the Eris New Moon. We’ll have a ‘proving moment’ for Eris (discovered in 2005, named in 2006), when we get another example of how this planet works. Sometimes a New Moon close to a newly discovered planet will bring a revelation about what that planet is here to show us.

Aries New Moon conjunct Eris

Let’s run through what’s in Aries as of the New Moon on the 10th. Uranus is in there, about to make its third of seven squares to Pluto (that happens on May 20).

Planet Waves

Then, we have that grouping of five planets right around Eris — the Sun and Moon to one side, and Venus and Mars to the other side.

Eris is the sensation of ‘all chaos, all the time’. It’s the times we live in. I trace this back to the Sixties, though it’s been ramping up exponentially year by year since then. Eris describes a state of global chaos as well as a personal sense of being overwhelmed. It’s also about the persistent question ‘who am I?’ Yet one is fortunate to be in a position to ask that; typically, it’s experienced as confusion. And there is plenty of that going around lately.

Young people in particular have little in the way of structure they can hold onto, and if they do, they are also witnesses to a world that seems to be falling apart day by day.

The twin conjunctions on either side of Eris seem to represent two possible states of relating. To one side is the Sun and the Moon — an image of mother and father, or a traditional concept of relationship. To the other side is a conjunction of Venus and Mars, which is at least a meeting between two peers. However, in this equation Venus is in Mars’s sign — it’s out of character. And while Mars rules Aries, it’s not always feeling so confident there.

This describes many modern relationships where men and women are out of character, or where people of the same sex are sorting out gender roles. So it’s a little of the old and the new, side by side — with a kind of chaos membrane between them. In reality, human relationships have more in common than social activists would like us to think. We are all people, alive at the same time, participating in the same society, doing our best to meet our emotional needs and offer what we can to others.

Scorpio Full Moon – Partial Eclipse

The Aries New Moon is followed by the Scorpio Full Moon of April 25. The Sun ingresses Taurus on April 19, and soon after is followed by the Full Moon. Planets will be ingressing Taurus through the month, and by the time of the Full Moon, Mars, the Sun, Pallas Athene, Venus and the South Node will be collected there.

Planet Waves

The Scorpio Full Moon has two different feeling tones. One is indicated by the concentration of personal planets in Taurus — including Venus and Mars. That has a passionate feeling to it; a desire for physicality and connection.

The Sun is conjunct Mars, which lends passion and drive, as well as a need to express energy physically. I think this will be meaningful to honor, despite the possible distractions. That is the whole point of focusing passion — to be able to keep your focus sufficiently to power through the noise, static and obstructions of the world.

Taurus also has a mental quality that evades the very physicality that it represents. It can be lost in fantasy or lost in an idea of how things should be, or should have been. The mental quality of this event is hinted at by Venus conjunct asteroid Pallas Athene. Pallas was the goddess born directly from her daddy’s head, in a full suit of armor, ready for action. That seems to color her whole delineation — the notion of nonsexual birth, from dad, seemingly as the product of his mind. Just imagine her bursting out with her helmet and spear.

Pallas therefore has a distinctly mental quality. We have an image of getting lost in one’s head, doing too much to plot strategy or striving to impress others with one’s intelligence. Pallas has a theme of daddy-pleasing, something we do more of than we think. In many ways the world is a story of daddy worship, from fussing over the pope to thinking the president runs the country to adherence by nearly everyone to patriarchal ways of organizing society — even though we know there are alternatives.

For this event, Mars is opposite the Moon. And the Moon is conjunct Saturn. These two aspects lend a reflective, heavy and at times frustrating quality. Fortunately this chart is an eclipse, and that’s suggesting a theme of letting go of that which is frustrating. It may be necessary to take things from the mental level to the emotional level in order to work this out. It’s not always obvious when your mind is tied up that your real situation is emotional in nature, which could imply physical — emotions tend to be closer to the body than is the mind.

This eclipse is the first of three. It’s followed two weeks later by an annular eclipse of the Sun in Taurus. That happens May 9, in the season of Beltane. And then May 24-25, there is another lunar eclipse on the Sagittraius-Gemini axis. I’ll have more about those charts a little closer to the events.


Planet Waves

House of Representatives Needs Better Drugs

The House of Representatives Thursday approved a group of measures that would keep the government running through September, but which preserved the ‘sequestration’ of federal money designed to starve all the programs that Republicans don’t like. That is not a partisan statement — this was the third version of the Paul Ryan budget, the same Paul Ryan who lost the election last November.

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I beg you, please. Michele Bachmann pleads for the repeal ofObamacare. Screen shot from C-Span.

The bill “underfunds key elements of the president’s health care law, as the administration builds up health insurance purchasing exchanges. And it makes permanent four formerly temporary gun-rights provisions just as Senate Democrats prepare a final push on gun control legislation,” the New York Times reported Thursday.

[Meanwhile, the Senate this week failed to pass a ban on assault weapons; Democratic leadership withdrew the measure, saying it didn’t have the votes to carry.]

The Republican budget law passed by the House Thursday is supposedly designed to balance the budget, but Ryan himself two weeks ago admitted that his budget was more of a philosophical statement. Still, that didn’t stop the House from approving it. It has not gone to the Senate, and it would never pass there, so the House vote is a kind of token gesture.

“We want to balance the budget. They don’t,” Ryan said Thursday. “We want to restrain spending. They want to spend more. We offer modernization, reform, growth and opportunity,” he continued. “They want to cling to the status quo, more taxing, more spending, more borrowing.”

What you have here is a longterm issue — the national debt — being treated like an immediate problem. It would be like waking up one day realizing that you’re $150,000 in debt and need to pay it off all at once, rather than just paying your mortgage on time.

Ryan’s proposal depends on repealing the Affordable Care Act to balance the budget,
which this week the Republicans tried to do for the 34th time. Michele Bachmann, the wannabe presidential candidate, introduced yet another law to repeal the ACA, saying, “That’s why we’re here because we’re saying let’s repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. Let’s not do that. Let’s love people, let’s care about people. Let’s repeal it now while we can.”

Don’t miss the video of Bachmann’s diatribe on the House floor Thursday. It’s really worth 33 seconds of your time.


Planet Waves

Assault Weapons: Losses and Wins

Unsurprisingly, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein’s proposed ban on assault weapons was too tough a sell for NRA-cowed Democrats in the U.S. Congress. Had it already been part of the gun-control package moving forward (which is undefined at this time, but could include universal background checks), it would have taken 60 votes to remove it.

At least, that was Feinstein’s argument; that voting it out of a package would be harder to do than passing the entire package in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut massacre late last year. Senate majority leader Harry Reid saw things differently, explaining to reporters that the necessary votes just weren’t there.

“I’ve worked 40 years on these issues — guns. I’ve seen so much violence,” a shaken and frustrated Feinstein told reporters Tuesday. In 1978, while working as the San Francisco County supervisor, Feinstein found the body of Harvey Milk after he and Mayor George Moscone were shot by Dan White. In 1994, following a mass shooting at a San Francisco high-rise, she successfully pushed for the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. That ban expired in 2004.

Meanwhile in Colorado, home of last summer’s movie theater shooting rampage in Aurora, there is more gun-related success and sadness. Earlier this week, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed legislation enacting gun control laws with some actual teeth. Ammunition magazines will be limited to 15 rounds (not exactly paltry); background checks will be expanded; domestic abusers must surrender their guns; and online concealed-carry permits will be banned.

Almost as if to prove some kind of point, on the eve of the gun law signing ceremony an unknown assailant shot and killed Tom Clements, the head of Colorado’s prison system. Clements had answered the doorbell; police there do not believe the shooting was random. No shit.


Planet Waves

UPDATE: Monsanto Protection Act Moves to Obama’s Desk

Food Democracy Now! announced late Thursday that Congress passed the Continuing Resolution spending bill, HR 933, that contains the dangerous Monsanto Protection Act (Section 735) we reported on last Friday. Section 735 strips the important concept of “judicial review” from our courts and allows GMO crops to be planted while appeals to stop them are still being heard.

The bill now moves to President Obama for his signature. If you want to stop the bill from becoming law, here’s a petition to the president.

Grocers Say No to GMO Frankensalmon

Retail grocers representing some 2,000 individual stores and food chains, today said they would not carry AquaBounty Technologies’ GMO salmon, regardless of the FDA’s future decision on its approval. This is the first organized grocer boycott of the genetically engineered [GE or GMO] salmon.

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What kind of salmon is this, real or Frankensalmon? We can’t tell from the outside but it makes a big difference. Photo: Wikipedia.

Retail chains including Trader Joe’s, Aldi, Whole Foods and regional chains Marsh Supermarkets (with stores in Indiana and Ohio) and PCC Natural Markets in Washington state, plus co-ops in Minnesota, New York, California, and Kansas have joined the “Campaign for Genetically Engineered (GE)- Free Seafood.”

“GE fish only advances if there is a market to buy it. Today’s announcement of a huge number of seafood retailers stating their refusal to buy the fish shows that FDA approval won’t be the last word on this important debate about what consumers want their future fish to be,” said George Leonard, a scientist with Ocean Conservancy who testified before Congress on the GMO salmon.

Concerns include whether the salmon is safe to eat and potential escapes from the farms where they are raised. The offspring of wild salmon that crossbreed with them could be exposed to unknown genetic consequences, harming the species and contaminating them as a food supply.

The Campaign for Genetically Engineered-Free Seafood is being led by consumer and environmental groups, including Friends of the Earth, Center for Food Safety, Food and Water Watch, and Consumers Union.

No other genetically engineered fish is on the market, but according to the Center for Food Safety “at least 35 other species of GE fish are currently being developed around the world, including trout, catfish, tilapia, striped bass, flounder, and many species of salmon.”


Planet Waves

War on Iran Delayed Til 2014

In a rather ambiguous announcement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that it will probably take Iran about a year to manufacture a nuclear weapon, if they decide to do so. President Obama — making his first trip to Israel as president of the United States — seemed to concur that this was enough time to wait before taking military action against Iran, saying:

“We prefer to resolve this diplomatically. And there’s still time to do so. Iran’s leaders must understand, however, that they have to meet their international obligations. And meanwhile, the international community will continue to increase the pressure on the Iranian government. The United States will continue to consult closely with Israel on next steps. And I will repeat: All options are on the table.”

It’s a nice little mitzvah for Israel right before Passover, what with Obama citing an “unbreakable bond” with the country and vowing to extend billions of dollars in annual U.S. aid. The two men displayed a friendly, avuncular joking relationship during the press conference, and Chuck Todd of MSNBC got in four questions when he’s only allowed one. Clearly these world leaders were feeling pleased with themselves.

But if you read between the lines, it sounds rather like Netanyahu and Obama have agreed to delay war on Iran until at least 2014. And, glaringly, Obama has made no mention of the illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

Obama is now touring the West Bank for talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. We’ll see if he notices the new tent camp aimed at stopping the expansion of West Bank settlement that a group of activists erected ahead of his visit. Said Palestinian lawmaker Mustafa Barghouthi, “It is [Obama’s] duty to see the Israeli apartheid system and the system of segregation that his ancestors suffered from.”

It remains to be seen whether Israeli forces will raid the camp now, or after Obama leaves.


Planet Waves

Small Cause, Big Effect?

The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant said Wednesday it believed a rat was the cause of an extended blackout that disabled the plant’s cooling system this week — a disturbing reminder of how very little it can take to bring on catastrophe.

Tokyo Electric Power Company’s engineers found the charred body of a rat inside a faulty switchboard. They believed it had short-circuited the switchboard, perhaps by chewing on the wires.

The power failure began Monday, cutting off the flow of cooling water to four pools used to store more than 8,800 nuclear fuel rods. All of the affected pools were expected to be cooled by Wednesday, according to a New York Times article.

Last week Fukushima and the people of Japan (indeed, people around the world) marked the two-year anniversary of a triple meltdown at the plant in March 2011 after a huge earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems.

“The spent fuel pools have been a particular source of concern because they contain far more radioactive material than the three reactor cores that melted down two years ago, forcing the evacuation of 160,000 people,” the article said.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves
Part of “Modern Movement,” the latest installment in museum security guard Todd Balthazor’s comic strip, “It Is What It Is.” Todd is a security guard at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis.

When Life Imitates Art Imitating Life…

A recent New York Times feature on the secret lives of museum security guards introduced one Todd Balthazor to the world beyond Minneapolis: art school grad, cartoonist, on-the-job yoga practitioner and cultural satirist.

“I’m stretching all the time,” said Balthazor. “You have to do that, or else you are going to stiffen up. We have some elderly workers, and they just walk like trees.”

He also keeps his sense of humor and his drawing skills limber by drawing the cartoon It Is What It Is, based on his encounters working at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Walker features the strip on its blog about twice per month. Hopefully that’s more often than Balthazor has to resort to memorizing museum visitors’ outfits and holding his breath to stay mentally sharp, surrounded by people ‘photo bombing’ major artworks for their hipster Facebook profiles.


Planet Waves

Equinox, Iraq War and the Founder of Monsanto

In this week’s edition, I cover the chart for the Aries equinox and the forthcoming aspect Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries. Then I look at two anniversary charts — the beginning of the Iraq war 10 years ago today, and the death of John F. Queeny, the founder of Monsanto, 80 years ago Tuesday.

In the Iraq war discussion, I mention how this scam grew out of a bigger fraud, which was the Sept. 11, 2001 incident; here’s a recent article from the member archives studying that event.

I also mention an International Astrology Day celebration hosted by Kepler College, the only college in the U.S. devoted to astrology.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The March monthly extended horoscopes were published Friday, Feb. 22. Inner Space for March was published Tuesday, Feb. 26. We published the Moonshine Horoscope for the Pisces New Moon on Tuesday, March 5th. Note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; a new Inner Space is still emailed on the following Tuesday. The Moonshine horoscopes for the Libra Full Moon will be published Tuesday, March 26. Your April Monthly Horoscope is below in this issue.


Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2013 by Eric Francis
(standing in for weekly horoscope #943)

Early Aries Birthdays (and Early Aries Rising)


You have more change in your chart than a bootblack has coins in his pocket, but what will it take to make lasting progress? Remember that change comes from you, not from anyone else and not as a magical factor of any relationship. The planets hold incredible promise at the same time they make it difficult to know what you want. Current aspects suggest it would be good for you to pause and decide what is right for you, before you make any spontaneous decisions. True, that’s not very Aries, whose motto is often leap before you look, think or know you’re leaping. Sometimes that works for you — but you have so much energy and leverage right now, it would be wise to use your considerable human intelligence. Set an agenda for yourself, which you take one step at a time. No matter what, the planets are promising you an exciting year ahead, with many surprises. You don’t need to invent excitement — it’s coming your way. Note to Aries readers: your birthday reading will be ready next week. Please check your email for an announcement when it’s available.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — I suggest that you not get ahead of yourself. You may feel that there’s nothing you cannot accomplish, but certain recent events may also demonstrate that there’s no guarantee that impulsive decisions actually work out to your benefit. When life is moving unusually fast, and when there are so many unpredictable factors that it seems impossible to use logic and scheduling to solve your problems, you may be tempted to throw all organization to the wind. This is the time to pause and ask yourself what it really is that you’re doing, and why. Have you thought this through? Well, it’s not too late, though you may have to slow down and take the pulse on a relationship or partnership that seems to have taken on a life of its own. The astrology is suggesting that the most challenging thing is listening. That includes you listening to others, and them listening to you. Yes, it seems elementary that such a basic level of exchange could be missing in a situation so significant in your life, though I suggest you check this carefully and make sure that you and those close to you are truly willing to hear one another out. Doing so will not threaten anyone’s existence, importance or role. What a sincere (and extra-length) exchange of feelings or ideas will do is to re-incorporate the human element into this endeavor, before you encounter challenges that depend entirely on that one very thing. In a word, that would be trust.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may want to put on a logical face and take a reasonable approach, though it seems to be passion that’s driving you and direct physical experience that you’re seeking. It’s as if there is a storm blowing inside of you, and the wind, thunder and rain want to escape from you any way they can. You don’t have to let this out all at once; it would be helpful if you could actually tune into what you’re feeling, and consider what some of its possible sources are. Astrologically, here is how it looks: It’s as if you’ve been living a fictional version of your identity, and the real thing is starting to rise up in rebellion against the facade. This involves the roles you’ve been given, or assigned to yourself, such as with your family and in your relationships. By one reading of the chart, there’s a lot to say about the ways in which you’ve tried to impress your father with what a good person you are. The real you has no such political motives. Your relationships don’t need to be based on any kind of a purity standard, but rather on what is mutually good for those involved. If you find yourself seeking someone’s approval, that’s the time to go to a new level of maturity. You would be wise to consider the influence and impact of your relationships on the community that surrounds you. If you’re inclined to say, “what relationships?” or “what community?” then please look more closely.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Focus on getting along with people — especially if you want things to go smoothly at work, and especially if you want to accomplish the great things that you feel destined to do. I would interject with a question: do you consider yourself to be in a position of leadership? Is it possible that you are, but are in denial about that fact? Leadership has formal manifestations, such as they call you the ‘team leader’ or the CEO. And it has informal manifestations (such as being the one who does the dishes in the break room, facilitates communication among those who might not ordinarily get along, or sets a good example in other ways). Now, your leadership role may lean toward the informal, which would actually be easier. You are in a position to blend your concept of rebellious with everyone else’s concept of what works. Said another way, you’re the one who may have the kind of weird idea that turns out to be the perfect solution to the riddle everyone has been staring cross-eyed at for six months. You are in the perfect position to reconcile both sides of the equation (such as practicality and innovation; doing what is legal and understanding what the law does not cover; getting the right result for the money that’s available). From the look of your chart, I would describe you as the master of resolving the unsolvable paradox. Just remember — many people love to be stuck. Know who they are and don’t waste any time banging your head against them.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Get clear on what you want to accomplish. Your goals may have changed recently, and they’ve certainly changed since you last made big changes in your life. By big I mean really big — the kind you thought you could never make. At this stage in your life, you’re likely to have a whole new vision, though you may be living under the results of the prior vision. The difference now is that you have something to lose, and some of that is worthwhile and serves you well. Keep your mind on the continuity factor, at the same time ensuring that you’re not a slave to the past. Be sensitive to what works and what does not work in your life. Be aware of what you want and what you do not want. One thing is clear: this is a time in your life when you’re ready to have more responsibility than you’ve ever had, and when you’re ready for it. Part of the benefit of living with a sense of duty is that it’s compelling you to assert yourself. That, in turn, is compelling you to know yourself well enough to take authority and get the results that need to be gotten. Remember, we live in a world where few people want to take responsibility for anything outside what immediately impacts them. That’s why the planet is in the state it’s in. You have a different path in life. It may be more challenging, but it’s a lot more meaningful.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The age-old traditions of superficial, self-centered and boring won’t work for you this month. They never did, but they are currently at an all-time low ebb. Therefore, you can plan on events that take you deeper, that involve you with others, and that are genuinely interesting. As you do, you may encounter the temptation to distract yourself with appearances, glamor and the desire to ‘be known’ for something. I suggest you succumb to nothing of the kind. Do what you do for its inherent value, rather than some secondary result. This leaves you plenty of room to focus on excellence, and to remember that a meaningful attribute of your karma is to focus groups of people into conscious coordination. As you do this, one thing to be aware of is anyone who does not want things to work. Some people on the planet have a not-so-funny way of reacting negatively when energy starts to focus in their proximity. They can be jealous when people succeed, seemingly not needing them. The first thing to do with anyone exhibiting this kind of attitude is to notice, and notice soon. There are a few ways to handle this kind of value; one is to include the person and keep him or her busy. Help them feel needed. Or, you can find a constructive use for their competitive spirit. Ask everyone involved what they need and what their expectations are. When you get your answer, set goals and make adjustments.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You have learned a lot about how other people perceive you, and you’ve learned just as much about how you perceive them. Have you got the message that it’s all just perception? One thing that’s clear is that being able to perceive from multiple viewpoints is better than perceiving from just one. A moving point of view is at least a reminder how tenuous the senses and one’s opinions can be. Yet you’re always better at least paying attention, and being sensitive to the perspectives of people close to you. You’re likely to have many occasions this month to use what you’ve learned all through this year. You’re also likely to forget what you learned, so I suggest you pause and think carefully if a relationship situation, financial deal or some matter involving any form of shared resources heats up. You’re likely to perceive those involved as being impetuous and self-centered, and you may be right. But to get past that, you will need the information that you’ve learned and the strength that it gives you. True, it’s a subtle form of strength, but knowledge is indeed power. If someone is asserting their will on you, or playing a kind of hardball competitive game, you’ve really got two choices. One is to go blow for blow. The other is to use your mind, study and understand the situation in a whole way, and begin negotiating. You have the ability to turn the whole scenario not just in your favor but also into a situation where everyone comes out ahead.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — What can you do to place yourself onto some solid emotional ground? You have to live with the situation you’re in, at least for a while; this is not one you can easily evade, run from, or redesign to suit your fancy. And why would you want to? There are so many ways you’re benefiting, and you both understand and want the power of commitment. It would be healthy to account for the ways that you contribute to any emotional situation in your life. Indeed, I suggest you list yourself as a direct co-creator in any and all of your relationships. I know that there’s a way they seem to be thrust at you. I know you don’t understand how or why some things happen. However, taking a passive approach is only going to accentuate that feeling. The more you step up, the more you will feel like you’re able to influence your various life situations. I am not suggesting that you try to take control. I am not suggesting (as you may be tempted to do) that tit-for-tat or “an eye for an eye” is an appropriate response, even when you’re treated unfairly. I am saying claim your space, stand in your responsibility and be true to yourself and to those with whom you’re journeying. That might include asking for what you need, expressing gratitude to those who have helped you or having a dialog about how to improve circumstances for everyone.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Recent events may have left you feeling heavy or uncertain about existence. I often wonder how anyone manages to be optimistic or positive, given the prevailing state of the world. Still, your chart is urging you to make sure that others know you care about them. Having faith in your ability to help will strengthen your faith in humanity. The other thing I suggest you do is remember that your creative spirit is alive and flourishing. By this I mean you are feeling passionate about your desire to engage fully with life, and whatever has been happening has had the effect of guiding you to do so with greater strength. I suggest that you make your choices for how to invest your mind, your senses and your hands based on what you want now — not what you wanted in the past. Be aware of a tendency to live in your memories, or to gravitate toward the feeling of nostalgia. A little of that may serve you, but not much more. There is so much that the present moment is offering you that it never has offered before. If you can look beyond your ‘latent past impressions’ of everything around you, you’ll see that this is a perfectly unique moment of existence for which you are ready and, I suspect, willing. Many people on this planet struggle with one thing only, which is letting go of the past. With a little courage, there’s no need to fight.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — As a Sagittarius, you have a reputation for being one of the most daring signs of the zodiac. I would say from my experience as an astrologer, that’s more packaging than product — except for now. By now, I mean in recent years, and I especially mean now as in this month. Every possible factor is encouraging you to be bold and do what you would not normally dare to do. Start with what you want to do the most, and which is available to you. Could this be as simple as calling up someone you like and letting them know that? Could it be taking up someone’s offer for an adventure, romantic or otherwise? Going down the list of possible reasons you might hesitate, one of them shows up as ‘something in your past’ that you’re afraid might come out. This feeling might be so subtle you haven’t given it a name, though if you’re feeling like you cannot bring yourself to do something and you don’t know why, you will benefit from investigating invisible influences. For example, do you feel like you have a commitment to someone (from the past) which is preventing you from being fully in the present? Is there some lingering unresolved matter, potentially involving a sexual relationship, that is weighing on your conscience? You may think that this is some kind of permanent installation in your psyche; I assure you that if you want to be free in the moment, you actually can resolve it and move on.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may not know where to focus your energy, or where the main issue is. Your perception of what you’re working on may keep changing, evading your understanding. Yet you know there has to be an energy source when you’re feeling so much, and to such extremes. First off, I suggest you investigate your environment for any factor that aggravates or even annoys you. This may be a challenge if you feel like someone has coated every surface in your house with hot pepper oil, or like there’s a high-voltage quantum wave machine down in your basement. There will however be certain factors that you can identify and address. I also suggest you experiment with removing two or three foods that are not serving you (or anyone). To give one example, high fructose corn syrup is an irritant, a toxin and it burns too hot for your current constitution (which at the moment is dominated by fire sign Aries). Your chart suggests that food or some ingredient in what you eat may be related to anything that currently troubles you. Deeper in, however, I would propose that there’s some kind of emotional matter that’s influencing your self-image. Are you feeling like you’re getting old? Do you feel like others don’t take life as seriously as you do? Is the memory of some authority figure weighing on your spirit? Self-image is a complicated issue to work on. In the end, how you see yourself comes down to a choice.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You seem to be struggling with some persistent doubt about yourself, which may work out to be a positive thing. I say that because if you’re grappling with an issue, you’re less likely to be in denial about it — and denial was very likely how you addressed it in the past. Now you have another challenge: framing any issue in a way that actually has the potential for progress. If you’ve described something the same way for a while and you’re not getting results, I suggest you take a different approach. For example, if you’re asking ‘how do I solve this problem’ and that’s not working, maybe ask, ‘why do I need this problem?’ Then once you address the need, the situation will change. Speaking of needs, this would be a great time to learn how to express yours. That may involve finding language; it may involve deciding it’s OK to speak up; it may involve facing the fear of rejection from someone close to you if you dare to write yourself into the story. Actually this has a lot to do with relationships, and what you were told your role was supposed to be. That relates to what you expect (and were told to expect) others would do for you, and be for you. Reality is always different from theory, especially where the BS that we’re fed about relationships is concerned.
Commitment does not mean commitment to another person, but rather a shared devotion to a higher principle than oneself.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Planet Waves

Hello Pisces! So many planets in Pisces means this is a brilliant moment for you, and your 2013 birthday reading looks at this astrology carefully. Chiron, the planet of healing, Neptune, planet of inspiration, and Mercury retrograde are all included. You now have the ability to develop a gift for business and financial success, if you focus your creative talents and work cooperatively with others — and I explain how to do that effectively. This reading is two 40-minute sessions of astrology, a tarot reading and an extended written description of your astrological sign. I’ve also included access to last year’s reading so you can review the past 12 months and check my accuracy. Here is a link to that affordably priced reading — which is like an extended, personal meditation on your life. You will love it — promise.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s not all about money, though you don’t need someone to tell you that. What you do need is someone to remind you that money is a legitimate pursuit, if connected to what you consider to be a worthwhile goal. I suggest you work with that equation, and make sure that your values about money and how it is attained are clear. You have what you need to break new ground in this area of your life; you no longer need any form of the idea that money is somehow unspiritual, uncreative or evil. It is a form of highly versatile energy that can be converted into anything. Yet confidence around money has many precursors, one of which is your sense of your own presence in the world. That is likely to be running strong right now, though you may also feel unstable if you focus too much on that sensation. This is a kind of paradox that many people face on the way to tapping their strength — there’s a lot of vulnerability involved; there is a risk involved; there is the possibility of failure. You might get to a point where you’re absolutely confident of what is important to you, and then that’s scrambled by one thing you learn, or one experience.
Yet you may notice that one thing is consistent beneath the surface, which I would describe as initiative. You have a pioneering spirit, and there are few times in your life, if any, when it’s been stronger than it is today. Lead on.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


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Mercury Retrograde, Full Moon and Biophilia

Dear Friend and Reader:

The sky is focused on Pisces these days, with some significant natural features in the landscape approaching. As a reminder, this is no ordinary Pisces time — currently the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Chiron and Neptune are collected there. And Venus is on the way.

It does happen from time to time that quick-moving inner planets collect in Pisces or any other sign; what we now have is a mix of inner planets and two slow-movers — those would be Chiron and Neptune. These are still relatively recent arrivals, and as the sensory, visceral, emotional inner planets move through Pisces, they accentuate the slow-movers’ presence.

Planet Waves
Clearly Jupiter, which rules the sign
Pisces, was invented by a Pisces. Here, the Great Red Spot and other features in the planet’s southern hemisphere are revealed by Voyager 1. Contrary to popular belief, Jupiter is actually denser than Saturn.

You could say this is a moment of recognizing when the ordinary has a touch of the cosmic to it, the multidimensional, the unusual. There is so much happening in Pisces that you may feel a little overwhelmed by the emotional bath, the psychic input and how absorbent you are. When in doubt, take a hot Epsom salt (or sea salt) bath.

Saturday, Mercury turns to retrograde motion in Pisces. Mercury retrogrades happen three times a year, and they occupy a span of about three weeks or about eight weeks, depending on how you measure (I tend to take the long measure for most purposes).

This particular one is suggesting strongly to allow information to come to the surface before you make major decisions or take action. It is organized in many layers, and there will be a long series of revelations over the next six weeks or so.

This is the first of three Mercury retrogrades in the water signs this year.
I covered these in an earlier article called Water Sign Theater. The fact that all three retrogrades of Mercury happen in water signs is just one aspect of the emphasis on water in the charts for 2013, the Year of the Water Snake. This seems designed to teach us something about bringing our thoughts into harmony with our feelings, and to learn how to distinguish them.

Most people need to learn how to do both: to harmonize and to differentiate. It’s rare that intellect and instinct align; it is often that emotions cloud over the process of reason. In these seasons, and particularly over the next few weeks, we get to sort that out.

Mercury then turns direct on March 17, a few days before equinox, though the retrograde process will still be working itself out until April 6, when Mercury leaves the degrees where it was previously retrograde and enters new territory.

Virgo Full Moon is Monday

We also are sailing into a Full Moon on Monday, Feb. 25. This is the Virgo Full Moon, with the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo (at the Full Moon, the Moon and the Sun are always in opposite signs; that’s why it’s the Full Moon). This one is loaded — the Moon and Sun are both square Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces.

Planet Waves
Chart section for the Virgo Full Moon (full chart here) showing planets in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. The Moon is exactly opposite the Sun. Notice Mercury about to retrograde into a conjunction with Mars, and Venus about to change signs. See glyph legend here.

That’s a lot of collected energy, looking for a place to go. It may manifest as the sense that I have to do something; I have to put this energy somewhere. Given the many factors involved, the key will be to consciously devote that energy to some constructive, creative and life-affirming purpose. It will be easy to slip, such as to emphasize something that does not help you.

One thing to be aware of is that retrograde Mercury is about to form a conjunction to Mars. Mars-Mercury is ‘fast thinking’ and ‘pointed words’ — and the retrograde cautions a careful check-in before letting the arrow fly.

Checking in means considering whether you really want to communicate what you’re about to say, or whether you’re saying it because it feels good. This is about considering the consequences before you speak or publish something.

In this chart, Venus is conjunct the centaur Nessus, which has taken many conjunctions in recent weeks (the exact conjunction is Saturday, though it is still well within range Monday). This is the last of them for a while, and it may be the most potent. To me this looks like Venus encountering the fixed ideas of our society that have shaped the lives of women — including the fixed ideas that women may hold about themselves. These might be the internalized fixed ideas of participating in a society that seems to be biased against them, which suddenly manifest in some tangible, physical or emotional form.

To me this chart overall represents a situation (or many situations) that have to be dealt with; a decision that must be made. It’s a highly aware kind of squeeze point. The thing to remember is that you’re likely to have an option that you’re not noticing. If you feel cornered or like all the pressure is on you, look for the opportunity for a win-win that is lurking just off to the side of your thoughts. It’s a clever solution that utilizes existing resources, and it IS available.

The presence of Jupiter can act as a magnifying influence. That can be a distortion; the planets seem to be saying: keep your perspective. Remember to see the bigger scenario and to maintain a sense of scale and proportion.

Looking Ahead at March

Venus ingresses Pisces on Feb. 25. It makes a conjunction to Neptune on Feb. 28 and a conjunction to Chiron on March 5. Venus-Chiron, especially in Pisces, to me is about biophilia. This concept suggests that there is an instinctive bond between human beings and other living systems, which one might think is obvious — except for how most humans act, as if they are separate from nature.

Planet Waves
Coxing Kill on the Grandmother Land in Ulster County, NY. Photo by Eric Francis.

Sociologist and living systems philosopher Edward O. Wilson introduced and popularized the hypothesis in his 1984 book, Biophilia. He defines the idea as “the urge to affiliate with other forms of life.” He also describes it as “the innate tendency to focus on life and lifelike process” — the affinity for life. Venus-Chiron can also point out the ways we have denied this simple fact of existence. In other words, you might find yourself noticing the pain of separation from nature and the longing to make contact.

In Pisces, this might be a deep and full-spectrum feeling. You may experience it on the cosmic level, for example as the yearning for a feminine experience of existence or of divinity. I’ll come back to the idea of biophilia when this aspect is closer.

The Pisces New Moon is March 11. This is another very exciting chart with plenty of tension coming from Pisces planets making squares to Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces. The New Moon shifts the tension within, instead of encouraging outward projection (as the Full Moon seems to do).

In this chart all but two of the traditional seven “lights in the sky” — the planets of antiquity — are gathered in Pisces, with the exceptions being Jupiter and Saturn; and these latter two are included in the aspect structure. Many planets in the Pisces group square Jupiter and trine Saturn.

My impression is that this is a deeply introspective chart. Many factors call us inward: Mercury retrograde in Pisces being one of them; Mercury square Jupiter for another; and that retrograde Mercury in a long conjunction to Neptune. Yet there is also the feeling of going in deep and expressing something that you feel profoundly.

Planet Waves
Critter poses for a photo on the Grandmother Land in Ulster County, NY. Photo by Eric Francis.

Mars ingresses Aries on March 12, crossing the ‘personal is political’ Aries Point — the dependable conjunction of the individual and the collective. Mercury stations direct on March 17, and the Sun ingresses Aries at the vernal equinox on March 20.

The movement of Mars through Aries will be noticeable, particularly because this highly energetic planet will be making a conjunction to Uranus on March 22, followed by a square to Pluto four days later. Late March is likely to be one of those contentious times in world events, when it seems like everything is happening all at once.

As these events unfold, there remain many planets in Pisces — urging a realistic perspective on what’s happening in the world. Mercury, newly in direct motion, will be making many conjunctions and other aspects through this whole phase. And it seems to be asking the question: what have we learned from the past?


PS, If you’re on Facebook (we know that some of you despise the thing) would you please ‘like’ the new Planet Waves company page? There are excellent discussions, frequent news updates and generally a fun experience of microblogging.


Planet Waves

Sequestration: Pholus, Eris and the Big Casino

Things are remarkably calm given that the latest game of fiscal chicken is down to its last week. On Friday, March 1, automatic budget cuts approved by Congress in 2011 take effect. This is called “sequestration.” It’s basically the next installment in the debt ceiling / credit rating hostage crisis that we have been living through. In case you’re super-duper curious, here is the New York Times FAQ on the topic.

Because Congress has not done certain things it said it would do, sequestration (which means “withholding money,” like when they lock a jury into a hotel, only different) would begin with cutting $85 billion to domestic and military programs starting one week from today.

Planet Waves
This is the chart for when the current sequestration law takes effect. The 4th house (which is really the 5th by whole sign houses) is pretty interesting — it’s like a combination of trying to get one’s financial house in order while being a compulsive gambler. Tune into Tuesday’s Planet Waves FM for more. Here is a glyph key.

That’s part of $1 trillion in spending cuts over the next decade — equivalent of about five months of federal tax revenue. Yes, that is what I said — the current fuss is over saving approximately five months’ of revenue over the next 10 years, beginning with $85 billion in cuts that take effect in March.

One reason this is stupid is because it takes effect in the middle of the year. The Times reported, “The cuts would equal roughly 5 percent of nonmilitary programs and 8 percent of defense programs. Because they would hit almost halfway through the fiscal year, the White House Office of Management and Budget estimates the true impact for the final seven months to be closer to 9 percent for nondefense programs and 13 percent for defense programs.”

Layoffs and furloughs affecting hundreds of thousands of federal employes and those of government contractors would begin immediately. That will put additional strain on federal unemployment resources as well as local assistance programs.

So, what of this game of economic suicide? You know, mixing pills, alcohol and playing with the stove during the fragile economic recovery? Since I don’t have my Nobel Prize in economics, I must resort to astrology. Here is how I would sum it up. This chart is a combination of trying to get one’s financial house in order while being a compulsive gambler.

I’ve cast the chart for midnight Friday, set for Washington, D.C. There is a lot here. I will do more in the new Planet Waves FM on Tuesday. But here are the basics. The chart has Scorpio rising. That’s good for some kinky edge play. (I wish these guys would stick to sex clubs with that stuff.)

Saturn and the North Node are in the 12th house — there is some baggage that’s being dragged along, and the suits you see on TV, looking like charming midwestern ministers, are more frightened than they are letting on.

The Moon would be void of course (technically, it is) except that it’s making aspects to three minor planets — it just opposed Eris; it is at that moment sextiling Pholus; then it squares our old friend Juno; then it trines Nessus. Then it changes signs and enters Scorpio, where a new story begins. So we have some centaur action, not shocking given the conduct of the politicians involved. And little Miss “state your needs” Juno is in the picture. Clearly, she is not doing so, but she may yet.

Mars is the ruling planet of the Scorpio ascendant, and it’s in Pisces, in the 5th whole sign house — the house of games. Venus is in Pisces, conjunct Neptune. Mercury is retrograde. Looking at this chart, I am left wondering: who profits from this gambling racket?

What is the big lie involved? Looking at that part of fortune in the 8th, this looks like a lucky day for someone.


Planet Waves

Monsanto and the War on Nature

The Supreme Court on Tuesday heard arguments in the case of Monsanto v. Vernon Hugh Bowman. Bowman was originally sued for patent infringement by Monsanto.

In 1999, Bowman purchased Monsanto’s costly Roundup-resistant soybean seeds directly from the company for his first planting of the season. For using these seeds, he had to pay a “Technology Fee” and sign a “Technology Agreement” prohibiting him from saving and replanting seeds.

For his second planting — to circumvent paying the fee again — he purchased soybeans cheaply from a grain elevator, and obtained a mixture of many different types of soybeans, some of which are the genetically modified Monsanto products. Soybeans are themselves seeds, and he planted them, an action which Monsanto claimed in its lawsuit against him violated its patent.

In 2006, Monsanto investigated Bowman, and the farmer cooperated, telling Monsanto that he thought what he had done was legal. Monsanto sued him in 2007.

The case first went to a federal district court, and then to a federal appeals court. Bowman lost both times. The court awarded Monsanto $84,456.20, according to media reports. Bowman appealed and the case is before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Bowman’s lawyer, Mark Walters, argued Tuesday before the court that a patent holder “exhausts” his rights after selling the product, according to a Los Angeles Times article. Patent exhaustion means that after an initial authorized sale of a patented item, the patent owner has no more patent rights to that item.

The justices, in the discussion — not a decision — refuted that argument, saying the patent also applies to successive generations of seeds, not just the first crop.

The case is being closely watched by universities, researchers, biotech companies and software firms, who are concerned that a finding for Bowman would leave the door open to losing patent rights for their own inventions. It appears that the justices are siding with Monsanto.

So is the Obama administration. It urged the Supreme Court not to hear the case because of the implications on research regarding DNA molecules, nanotechnology and other self-replicating technologies.

Melissa Sherry, a lawyer representing the United States, said, “The exhaustion doctrine has nothing to do with this case.” Otherwise, a company’s 20-year patent protection would expire after “one and only one sale.”

And the presence of Justice Clarence Thomas on the bench doesn’t hurt Monsanto’s fortunes, either. Thomas was a high-level attorney for the company from 1976 to 1979.

Thomas was head of the company’s regulatory affairs legal counsel in 1976, when Monsanto was closely involved with Industrial Bio-Test Laboratory, a testing lab that produced fraudulent studies in support of registrations for Monsanto, certifying that chemicals that caused cancer were perfectly safe.

Despite this conflict of interest, Thomas has never recused himself from any case involving Monsanto, including those involving Agent Orange, and including this one.

— additional reporting by Carol Van Strum


Planet Waves

Women Making America

We would like to recommend Makers: Women Who Make America, a PBS feature premiering on Tuesday, Feb. 26 (check local listings for airtime; view the trailer at that link). The special program details how the women’s movement of the 1960s and ’70s not only shaped the U.S., but amounted to the most sweeping, world-affecting social movement in American history.

The presentation features friend of Planet Waves, sex educator Betty Dodson. This is tremendous recognition for someone who has spent her life as a sex educator, teaching women to orgasm. Others featured in the presentation include Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Judy Blume, Gloria Steinem and other household names. This is highly unusual recognition for a pro-sex and gender-queer activist, particularly to be put on par with some of the most successful women of our lifetimes.

Planet Waves
Betty Dodson, photo by Eric.

Makers also includes women who opposed the equal rights movement, such as Phyllis Schlafly — women who considered it to be an attack on motherhood and family. In fact, one of the activists notes that in waking up American women, feminists also “woke up the Moral Majority.” That backlash has worked to shape the America we’re living in today as well.

At least one daughter of an activist profiled notes that her mother never really detailed the nuances of the struggle to balance career and family. How much does ‘having it all’ (career, family, hobbies, sex) get trotted out as simply being ‘what a woman does now’ — just like getting married, having kids and baking cakes did 50 years ago?

How much do today’s young women understand what their mothers went through — and how tenuous certain advancements may be (consider the current war on women’s health care and abortion access)?

The ‘next generation’ of American women featured in the trailer point out that while they won access to the work force (beyond making great secretaries), women’s lives still are not balanced. Working a full-time job while also doing all the laundry and buying most of the groceries is not an even split of household responsibilities with a spouse. But in addition to male spouses being willing to take on more at home, women have to be willing to let them.

If you cannot catch the premiere on PBS on Sunday (or if you live outside of the U.S.), note that the DVD is for sale. If you’re part of a women’s group, lead a Girl Scout troop, teach history or women’s studies classes in high school or college, or simply have daughters or nieces, this is an incredible tool to keep the next generation moving women forward — and understanding why it matters.


Planet Waves

Lessons from Poly: Social Science is Catching Up

Can engaging in polyamorous relationships actually be good for you? Obviously that’s a personal question dependant on many factors, and poly is not for everyone. But social scientists engaging in new research on the topic are finding that polyamorous relationships offer some real benefits well beyond ‘sex with more people’ — including tools and approaches that can be used by those who prefer monogamy.

Planet Waves

In fact, given the way that poly situations challenge people to think more consciously about commitment, jealousy, love and communication, the recent traction poly is getting in the mainstream media could actually work to help people improve relationships of all kinds.

“People in these relationships really communicate. They communicate to death,” said Bjarne Holmes, a psychologist at Champlain College in Vermont, in a article. Holmes added that people in poly situations are potentially doing many things that people in monogamous relationships could adopt. Many skills, such as how to negotiate boundaries, are completely transferable.

It might not be news to some, but this field of study is challenging traditional psychological research in such areas as how jealousy works.

“It turns out that, hey, people are not reacting with jealousy when their partner is flirting with someone else,” Holmes said of his study of jealousy in poly situations. “Good science tests theories and predictions … you need to see if it holds up even in extreme situations.”

Since the study of consensual non-monogamy in its many forms is still a fairly new field, there is not a lot of hard data, but researchers are beginning to catch up. In fact, last weekend the first International Academic Polyamory Conference was held in Berkeley, Calif. It may just be a matter of time until poly makes it big — or at least garners more respect.


Planet Waves

If You Cell Your Sole, Be Careful When Answering

As one British reader of Planet Waves put it, “It’s Sun in Pisces, so talk to your foot.” Pisces may rule the feet, but clearly practicality does not rule quirky U.K. design company Designworks.

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Designer Sean Miles of Designworks answers a call on his silver Welly. Image: video still

The BBC recently featured a video clip about their prototype shoe phones. It’s not a new idea — the late-’60s American TV show Get Smart, a spoof on the secret agent genre, featured one for protagonist Maxwell Smart. Designworks’ current rendition is fully functional, and intended to be ecological and fun (even if not terribly convenient):

“As an experiment in wearable tech, and to highlight the possibilities of recycling old mobile phones in an imaginative way, designer Sean Miles of Designworks was approached by O2 Recycling to integrate mobile phones into shoes,” according to the BBC. The wingtip Oxfords and Nike sneakers are one thing; but the stiletto phone actually looks a little dangerous — especially during a Mercury retrograde.


Planet Waves

In an Octopus’s Garden…

With so many planets in Pisces, it’s almost as if the world is underwater and we’re sprouting gills and fins for a brief time. Underwater photographer Jason Isley has gone one step further, creating tableaux with miniature figurines and live sea creatures in the wild.

“The entire series follows a surreal theme of humans living underwater once the planet is completely flooded and of course miniature in size! At first there is resistance from the marine creatures but once the soldiers fight back there is peace and all live in harmony.”

You can view the fun, humorous series at Jason’s Flickr stream. Be sure to check out the most recent images: a series calling attention to underwater pollution featuring miniature public works and HAZMAT crews taking on common debris left by real humans — and startling facts about the trash. (Did you know it takes a cigarette filter 15 years to decompose?)


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Britt Arnesen, getting ready to take her show on the road.

Of Meteors and Religion

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the symbols associated with the meteor striking Russia, the asteroid flyby, lightning striking St. Peter’s Basilica twice and the Roman earthquake — all in the aftermath of the pope’s resignation.

My main theme seems to be: what do we do with what we’ve been learning about the atrocities of the Roman Catholic church? How do we assess the damage and where do we begin the healing process?

I also go over the upcoming confluence of astrology: the Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces, Mercury stationing retrograde in Pisces and the Virgo Full Moon square Jupiter. In true Mercury retrograde (in Pisces) fashion I have a few extra details to include — though I do cover the basic territory at the top of the program.

Our musical guest is Britt Arnesen, a recording artist originating in Alaska and now living in Montana. She is a force of nature, a magnificent singer, a talented guitar and banjo player and a great writer. Yes, Ms. Arnesen has it all, and she spent today in the recording studio working on her new CD.

You can find her on the Internet here, at her 907Britt website.

Here is her Facebook page.

One thing I neglected to do is read the meteor strike chart. That was silly; here is the rather striking chart. This whole pope deal has been all about the centaurs Pholus and Nessus.
Well, they are ALL OVER this chart — Pholus as the highest planet, and Nessus rising in a conjunction with the Sun.

Planet Waves

Meteorite strikes Siberia last Friday morning.

Planet Waves

Here is a dash-cam photo showing a time stamp just as the meteor entered the lower atmosphere. The Sun had not yet risen, even though it was 9:20 am local time. That part of Russia is in a weird time zone and is permanently on daylight savings time. So it’s six hours ahead of GMT/UTC.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The March monthly extended horoscopes are published below in this issue. The February monthly horoscope was published Friday, Jan. 25. Inner Space for February was published Tuesday, Jan. 29; the March Inner Space will be published Tuesday, Feb. 26. We published the Moonshine Horoscope for the Virgo Full Moon on Tuesday, Feb. 19.

Pisces Birthdays: Within, Without

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

There are two simultaneous trends in your solar chart right now. Many factors are guiding you within, including Mercury retrograde and a diversity of planets square your ruling planet Jupiter. This is prompting some soul searching, as well as reaching within for your best ideas and the motives that connect to them. It will be the connection of these two things that keeps you ‘in gear’ and driving forward, making progress through the year. Yet the Full Moon is seeking some form of expression in the world, and the concentration of planets in your sign is making you into a kind of magnet. So there may be tension between inner and outer reality, though as I suggested rather emphatically in LISTEN, the imperative is for you to honor your introverted, introspective side — the one where you make contact with the you nobody else knows. This is the inner space where you’re in alignment with yourself and the sources of your ideas and energy. I am not suggesting that you become a recluse — indeed, getting out a bit more will be a lot of fun and more interesting than usual, since you’re more visible than usual. I am saying honor your inner self and you will feel stronger and be much happier.

Note to Pisces and Pisces rising readers: Your birthday reading will now be ready Monday, if all goes well. We are offering it for pre-sale and will tell you when it’s done.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2013 (standing in for Planet Waves Weekly #939) | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Confidence is everything on this planet — if you want to do things, that is. I know there is wisdom in insecurity (borrowing an idea from Alan Watts), and that humility is a necessary ingredient of trust and truly being human. Yet these things must feed confidence rather than erode it. At a certain point, you must take action, and that works best from a place of faith and trust in yourself. I am not talking about swagger, but rather a hunch that you’re doing the right thing by trying, rather than knowing that there will be a perfect outcome. Making peace with the uncertain outcome is a big part of the confidence or trust that I’m describing. You have many reasons for that trust, but it’s time to go beyond any form of rationalizing or mentally establishing your validity. Connect with the feeling of substance within you. I reckon that sensation will be pretty strong, perhaps stronger than ever, if you allow yourself to tune in. Don’t distract yourself with appearances, particularly with any form of glamour. There’s an old expression — don’t let your confidence come from your feet. The place you want it to come from is your heart, and it will, if that is where you focus. Feel the fullness of your soul, the richness of your imagination and the hyper-charged sense of potential. Then get ready to take your first step on a journey that’s likely to lead you in an entirely new direction.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You have more friends than you imagine, and ‘friend’ is not a word I like to use casually. I mean that many people are available to you, they are looking out for your interests, and they like and respect you. I suggest you tune into that ocean of goodwill and give yourself permission to participate in a more direct way. You also have more dreams and desires than you may imagine, though considering them may have the effect of escorting you out of what you have previously thought of as your comfort zone. The current astrology is an invitation to come out of just that zone, and to find not a fixed point of stability. You’re being invited to move, to dance, to encounter something different every time you tune into your senses. The idea ‘psychic mobility’ comes to mind. Yet you could easily be overwhelmed by the kaleidoscopic possibilities. In the midst of them all is one particularly interesting undercurrent that is drawing you into your deepest desires. All the other stuff still exists — then there is your awareness of the one idea, experience or person that you want the most. It might manifest as an attraction, a curiosity or some kind of introspective journey that does not involve an activity or another person. Yet ultimately, your life is not about ‘the world’ or your friends or your potentials — it’s about how you experience them, and choose from among them. Now that you have options, you can set priorities and have a lot of fun.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — This could be one of the most interesting moments in your ‘professional life’, though you might want to drop the first word in that phrase if you want to understand it more clearly. I know that there is plenty of counseling to ‘keep your work and your life separate’ and about ‘how you should not mix business and pleasure’ and most of all to keep your work and personal relationships separate. These ideas might work for some people who are not really living, and who are not desiring a life wherein they express their true existence in their daily activities. I’ve been listening for a while and what I hear is most people yearning, craving, sometimes positively mad to spend their time doing something meaningful, creative, productive and loving. That is exactly what is calling you now. I suggest you start modestly. Do not think in terms of an end destination — that’s the old method, the one that almost always goes stagnant. As you may know, Mercury will be retrograde the first half of the month. And it will be retrograde in the house associated with your professional activities and reputation. I can sum that up briefly: you’re here to do your thing in your way — which may be different from the way you thought of in the past and certainly different from what others have expected of you. Therefore, if you feel inclined to do things differently, to follow an intuition and to go against the grain, that is the way to go.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — More is going on behind the scenes than you may recognize, and you may be feeling this as anxiety, potential or a mixture of both. Your charts have a sense of mystery to them, of something that is soon to emerge — and it will, soon enough, and when it does you will be ready for the changes. I suggest you refrain from making too many plans. If you’re going to address the future, stick to a very few of the most meaningful things you want to do or create, including some travel plans around which I suggest you organize your time. Get clear where you want to go and why you want to go there, organize your ideas about time around them, and then start to put your plans into action after the Sun changes signs to Aries later in the month. A few long-distance trips you take this year can have a profound influence on your perspective. If possible, try to include one trip overseas or to a country other than where you live now. Travel is the kind of experience for which there is no substitute. Nothing can show you what a journey can: immersing yourself in a foreign culture, seeing people and places you’ve never seen before, and looking back at your life from that point of view. Meanwhile, consider the places you’ve always wanted to go, and develop your short list of potential destinations. The chances are you know exactly where you would go, if you could go anywhere.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’re fully invested in what you are doing — and if not, now is the time to give yourself that freedom. This is about depth, and it’s about connecting with others who have a similar sense of mission or similar vision. You’re being invited into a collaboration or ‘conspiracy’ of some kind, and it will be most pleasurable if you bring your full attention and true willingness. Indeed, your whole life may be vibrating with this feeling right now. This is very much a matter of relationship; most of life is, though when people join for a purpose, that can be especially meaningful and beautiful. Unlike most people, you don’t need to worry about losing yourself in your relationships, at least not now; your sense of who you are is too strong for that. I would remind you how this fear can and does keep many people from doing what they feel called to do, which is the fear of ‘getting lost’ in that very thing. Make contact with when this may have influenced you in the past, when you were far less steady on your feet. Free from that anxiety, the collaboration you take part in may have a ‘it’s time to change the world’ feeling to it. Remember, that’s exactly what you’re doing, even if in subtle ways. What you believe may challenge what others believe, though I would remind you that you’re not alone in your passion. And what others may think of you is far less meaningful than what you know to be true.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You could easily be overwhelmed by the astrology that seems to be making you the focus of attention, or drawing others to you as if you’re some kind of human attractor beam. You might feel an urge to resist or rebel against this, preferring instead to maintain your sanctity. I would encourage you to do nothing of the kind, but instead to pass through this creatively rich territory willingly, absorbing the nutrients, the experiences and the diversity of the people around you. Indulging in the pleasure of people and of life is often a matter of trust as much as it is of willingness. Many miss out on numerous one-time opportunities due to their unexamined fear, which can be mistakenly thought of as ‘not being ready’. It’s true that you often prefer to keep a lower profile and have your life be less chaotic than you think it would be were you to open yourself fully to existence. I suggest, however, that you ask yourself sincerely whether this policy has served you well. Now is the time to advance rather than retreat. It’s the time to relate, even though you always have the option of being a hermit. You may worry that some aspect of your purity will be compromised by doing this, which is exactly the point. You are creatively fertile, and some potent creative forces are willing to fertilize with you. When that happens, something new will be born — something in you and in the world.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’re the one who brings people together. Though you may not recognize this, many see you in a kind of authority role. You tend to be so soft-spoken or at least careful that this fact might surprise you. Yet you’re a stabilizing force for those around you. This is a special kind of leadership. It involves respecting what is becoming known as healing process, and availability for service. This is different from being ‘self sacrificing’. Indeed it is everything but a sacrifice; mutual gift would be a better description. Yet at times this can be demanding, and it’s necessary to maintain your equilibrium. This is not the same as a perfect balance; Equilibrium is about staying in contact with who you are, even when you cannot fully express those aspects of yourself. That means staying in communication with yourself, monitoring your feelings and being aware of your own needs. I would strongly suggest you take care of yourself, by which I don’t mean long, luxurious spa treatments but rather making sure you get enough rest when possible, eat actual food and maintain your physical space. Make sure you devote some time to other interests at least every couple of days. This is all in service of something larger. You are being called upon to fulfill some truly profound aspect of your purpose, and there’s really no way to tell where it will lead you, except to say deeper into yourself. I would offer one thought, courtesy of A Course in Miracles: everyone teaches, and teaches all the time.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — What are you worried about? I mean what exactly? Make a list; spell it out. Nobody has to see this list. Include not just your worst nightmares but also what you might think of as personal anxiety, such as about how you’re perceived by the world. Next, what do you want to experience or create? I don’t mean accomplish — I mean dive into for its own sake, to celebrate the beauty of existence? Make a list of those things as well. Question one, which list is longer? Question two, do your fears have any connection at all to why you’re hesitating on certain, or all, of your desires? There seems to be some tension between your anxiety and your creativity, though it’s not exactly rational. The issue seems to be bound up in your self-image — what will people think of you if they know you did or wanted to do this or that really fun thing? I would go so far as to say that most of your actually debilitating fears are connected to how you think people will perceive you, if they only knew. In my philosophy of art and growth, that’s exactly where to pitch your tent — in the spot where you fear others would be most likely to look at you askance. You don’t know if they will, and if they do, it’s most likely because you’re the one who will dare. Yet here’s a clue: there really isn’t a ‘they’. This is all about you.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — To what extent are you allowing your relationships to be dictated or even influenced by your family? This includes your early childhood situation, as well as what these people seem to believe is right for you. One manifestation could be the ‘relationship for security’ equation, which might translate to the one who has money, or the nice appearance, but which has nothing to do with what you actually want. I suggest you sort out your own need for feeling safe from your need or desire to be in relationships to others. Having the right company can help you feel more grounded, though it’s better if that is not the one thing you depend on for a sense of feeling safe or belonging on the planet. Meanwhile, there is this potential matter of how you relate to the expectations of others, and what you perceive as their expectations (whether ‘positive’ or ‘negative’). This situation will summon you to awaken to emotionally-rooted values that guide your life. You may get your buttons pushed, and if you do, I suggest you stop and listen to what is coming up for you, and notice who was involved. The purpose of all this seems to be to get you to pay attention to what you really want, and to claim what is right for you. You are under no obligation to relive anyone else’s past, or your own for that matter. This can be a significant challenge, though it’s one to face boldly if you want to have happy and healthy relationships.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — I suggest you investigate the ways you may be blocking people from participating in your life. I’ll give a few potential examples. One might be alcohol. This is a substance that starts off social and has a way of ending up isolating people. Another is a sense of inferiority or not being able to stand up to the perceived power or authority of others. Another is not being able to state your needs, or feeling like for some reason you cannot do so. This, in turn, may involve suppressed anger or a self-esteem struggle. Usually we think that expressing anger or refraining from ‘bothering’ others with our needs is enhancing contact. Yet I think that an authentic exchange on the level of necessity is much better for enhancing contact. Honesty has a benefit all its own — it’s the substance of intimacy. If you state an honest need or desire and notice how someone responds, you find out where you stand with them, which is information that will benefit you. I suggest you notice when you find yourself thinking that you would rather not know where you stand with someone, which could fall under the general heading of denial. There is a way out of insecurity, emotional struggle and what is commonly called lack of self-esteem — and that begins with acknowledging what is so. When you do that, you can open up to a whole new level of contact. As someone once wrote, “only the truth is erotic.”

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Planet Waves

Note to Aquarius and Aquarius rising readers: Your birthday reading is ready. I cover entirely new territory from what I did in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition. I review the ways in which Aquarius itself has been changing and evolving. I describe your process of discovering your sense of mission; of opening up your inner life; and relationships based on creative exploration first and ‘commitment’ second. It’s two sessions of astrology plus tarot, with an extended description of your sign coming soon — and access to last year’s reading so that you can verify my accuracy. You can get instant access here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’re going through a process of exploring your depths and your shadow side, all as part of a search for something within yourself. It looks almost as if you’re searching for self-respect in spite of something, some feeling or idea to the contrary. Yet is this really an approach that you have to take? At a certain point, you must accept and claim your own assets, despite any doubts about yourself that you may have. You will use what you have going for you, despite whatever you might think you lack. While this is not strictly a matter of self-esteem, a habit of doubting or even questioning yourself can in fact block your awareness of your gifts. This is really a choice of whether to focus your awareness on a sense of loss or doubt, or on the incredible wealth you have access to within yourself. If you’re not aware of that wealth, let me be the first to tell you it’s there, and it’s available. You have access to resources — creative, emotional, financial and many other kinds. Some may belong to others, some may belong to you, some are collective resources. The most precious among them is your ability to feel your worth on a planet where so much is not valued, where so much is plundered and where everything seems to be running out. Having a lot in a time of scarcity could be intimidating, you might want to check in and see if that thought form is influencing you in any way.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Planet Waves

Hello Pisces! Your 2013 birthday reading is almost ready. I plan to have it done Monday, in time for the Full Moon. We are making the report available for pre-order now. If you purchase early, we will let you know the moment it’s ready. Here is the link. Thank you! — Eric Francis

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’re a magnet for attention right now, and you may have a feeling of confidence that is truly unusual for you. It’s fair to say that you have the power to create yourself into anything that you want, as long as you can envision it in some tangible form. So I suggest you practice that vision, amidst much other activity surrounding you and within yourself. Regardless of who may be drawn your way, and how strongly you may feel about others, I would encourage you to practice the yoga that your primary relationship is with yourself. This will facilitate a kind of strength and stability that will make it much easier to keep your relationships with others in context, and to actually be present for the people you care about so much. Which leads to a nice way to sum up the theme: your life right now is not about being occupied or busy or involved; your life is about being present, as much as you can, all the time, if you can. You have some truly stunning opportunities and shall we say potential that is becoming ripe and ready. When you make contact with that potential, you will unfold in ways you might have known were possible but may have never suspected were actually real. On occasion of which, I will leave you with a few words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.”

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


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Leo Full Moon on Saturday (and a conjunction)

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Sun, Mercury and Mars are in Aquarius, and the Moon is heading for Leo. That means we will have the Leo Full Moon on Saturday at 11:38 pm EST. The Full Moon is a peak of emotional energy, though with Leo and Aquarius involved, it might be the clear, bold emotional quality of courage, awareness, or the desire to do your thing.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis, Brussels, Belgium.

Mars has been keeping Aquarius hot for a while (Mars arrived on Dec. 25). This transit might manifest as the desire to stand out from groups, or the conscious use of collective opinion to influence an outcome. (Mars in Aquarius was prominent in the chart for Sunday’s official though private inauguration of Pres. Obama.)

A small, meaningful planet named Nessus is also in Aquarius — that’s a longterm visitor (10-year trip or so) and Mars is about to form a conjunction with Nessus on Jan. 26, a few hours before the Leo Full Moon. Nessus is a centaur planet (discovered in 1993, and similar to Chiron) that includes the theme of consequences. It also includes the theme of potentially inappropriate sexual contact.

I think of it as the cycle of karma having its influence — that is to say, it’s an indicator to look at the theme of cause and effect. Aquarius is the sign of groups and collective mentality. This is about cooperation, and it’s also about how several nice people can, collectively, become a jerk.

We may see the emergence of the dark heart of groupthink; you may notice the effects that pressure from peers and social groups has had on your life (a lot more than you think, probably).

Mars conjunct Nessus has an angry, rebellious feeling, yet it might also represent the drive to break away from any group mentality that is not working for you, or that has hurt you in the past. If material comes up, on any level (some might be deeply personal) this is a fine opportunity to seek resolution or healing — but don’t expect others to go along with you.

This may be the individuality piece of the equation; that you seek the support and assistance you need without the need for others to approve of you. This would be especially true if the whole issue is centered on alienation.

Aquarius is also the sign of ideas. As a fixed air sign, it can be the sign of fixed (as in stuck) ideas and the insistence that one is right. Mars conjunct Nessus in Aquarius is a caution to be on the lookout for ways in which ‘being right’ is toxic. It often is; not always, and sometimes it’s a matter of approach. But this aspect is about noticing any way you may insist you’re ‘right’ when you’re really no such thing; you’re merely stuck.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis, Utrecht, Netherlands.

If you’re noticing that, this is your chance to get unstuck. It’s your chance to rethink, or to actually start thinking. Much of that stuckness may involve what you think other people want you to think, which may be significantly different from your real opinion.

Get clear. Step out. Act in ways that conform to your conscience, not the one that others try to impose on you.

One approach or perhaps antidote to, or opportunity available from, the current astrology is to talk about your taboos. This is the ‘missing thing’ in society — not talking about the taboos of others but rather, your own. When we focus on the alleged petty social transgressions of others, it’s called scandal. This is a way of avoiding being real about our own feelings, desires, conflicts and the ways we don’t personally fit in. It’s a way of participating in all of the suppression that we complain about. Scandal is a way of avoiding truths about ourselves and our collective experience.

At its most creative, grounded and authentic, Mars conjunct Nessus is an image of a bold assertion of one’s own reality, including the ways that we’re influenced by the dramas of scandal and also what is left out of the conversation entirely.

There’s other support for this in the current and developing astrology. One is that Jupiter and Chiron are holding a long square, from Gemini to Pisces. This is about the focused and pointed use of knowledge. Jupiter to Chiron aspects can have a crusading spirit, including an impassioned need to get some form of information out.

Just make sure you check your facts and really account for the validity of your point of view before you go too far with that; Jupiter in Gemini might not care much for accuracy, but Chiron surely does. To my thinking this aspect has two immediate peaks of action — the first is Jan. 30, when Jupiter stations direct, and the second is March 27, when there’s an exact square between Jupiter and Chiron; this is the last of three.

Planet Waves
Peace protest outside the European Commission headquarters, Brussels, Belgium. Photo by Eric Francis.

Mars changing signs from Aquarius to Pisces is reason for care and awareness, though it’s a richly creative aspect. That happens Feb. 1. Soon after, on Feb. 4, Mars makes a conjunction to Neptune. This can be pleasure-seeking to the point of being self-destructive (this is not a good time to drink all the liquor in the house so you can get rid of it and quit drinking, though for sure a few people will try).

It can also be a lavish time for the imagination, though there’s a need for self-control, particularly where the mind enters the fear/paranoia spectrum. Things that are not real can seem real; things that are safe can seem dangerous and vice versa. It would be helpful to know what you’re actually dealing with if your fear suddenly acts up.

You will find out one way or the other when Mars makes a conjunction to Chiron on Feb. 12 — the second conjunction to a centaur in a short time; much of what you experience during Mars-Nessus may start to make additional sense during Mars-Chiron.

The Sun ingresses Pisces on Feb. 18.

Mercury is retrograde from Feb. 23 through March 17. This is the first of three Mercury retrogrades this year that take place exclusively in the water signs; this one takes place in Pisces, the next (during early summer) in Cancer and the last (in the autumn) in Scorpio.

Naturally, this is a comment on learning what we’re feeling — to actually notice and be aware of what we’re feeling. Mercury in these situations is less about thought and more about awareness of emotions. Though Mercury and Venus are currently in airy Aquarius, it’s always a good time to monitor and be aware of your emotional realm.

Much of what motivates you comes from there, so if you want some answers to the elusive question of why (as in, why am I acting this way?) this is where to tune in.


Planet Waves

To purchase the signs individually please use this link.

Planet Waves

Hillary Clinton’s Swan Song

Hillary Clinton gave her final performance as secretary of state Wednesday morning, finally providing testimony about the Benghazi incident to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. It’s amazing that anyone took her seriously and unfortunate that her only skeptics in the media are on FOX News.

Planet Waves

In that incident, on Sept. 11, 2012, Christopher Stephens, who was the U.S. ambassador to Libya, and three of his guards were killed in an ambush on what is being called a diplomatic mission or consulate. We covered that in detail in an edition titled Not Just a River in Belgium.

Clinton testified first before the Senate foreign relations committee, followed by testimony before the House of Representatives. During the climax of her Senate presentation, Clinton, gesticulating, pounding (gently) on the table, raising her voice to an incredulous pitch and doing her best to cover Obama’s ass, replied to Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who pressed for an explanation of what happened.

A political appointee of the president, she did her best to cover for her boss. “With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans,” she snapped at the senator.

“Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, senator.”

Did you catch that? It doesn’t matter what happened because it already happened — we just need to figure out precisely what happened so we can do what we must so that it won’t happen again. Just as long as we never quite say what happened.

Planet Waves

Whether you call this doublespeak, triplespeak, chicanery or evasion, the translation seems to be: don’t go there.

In response to the suggestion that Stephens had cabled for additional security support in advance but was not aided by anyone, Clinton said the message never got to her; 1.4 million cables a year are sent to the State Department, all of them addressed to her.

She didn’t mention that her vast staff of analysts processes and prioritizes those cables, as does the CIA in many cases, nor that they would have been keeping a special eye on a hot spot such as Benghazi. Libya had recently ousted its leader, Muammar Gaddafi, after an uprising that began in early 2011.

The chart for her Senate testimony has Pisces rising, with Neptune close to the ascendant and with Chiron conjunct the ascendant to the degree. Neptune so close to the horizon says pay attention for what is not true. Chiron rising says there is something distinct about this, and to pay attention for that distinction. Transcripts of her testimony deserve careful scrutiny.

In September, the week of the attack on the mission, I commented: “This incident, we are told, was sparked off by an American-made video called ‘Innocence of Muslims’, mocking Mohammed as a womanizer and child molester. This was promoted by Koran-burning ‘minister’ Terry Jones and his publicist, an Egyptian expat blogger named Morris Sadek. Word got out that this was not merely a file on YouTube, but allegedly a blockbuster hit film in the United States. This reminds me of the butterfly flapping its wings in the Alps causing the hurricane in Texas.”

Planet Waves

In other words, this came off like a ridiculous, too-quickly thought of, completely implausible cover story for something else. Incredibly, Clinton in her testimony was still claiming that parts of the disproven story with the protest over the video still might be true.

My impression was that all of her testimony was a dance around the truth. Far as I can tell the story is a coverup, most likely for a CIA black operation, involving the purchasing and redistribution of weapons, that went bad. She cannot say that, of course. When the CIA or other powerful intelligence agency tells the president or his staff what to say, that’s what gets said.

I guess that’s how it is, in politics, and so far they have done a good job of deflecting accountability from Obama himself. However, that’s not the job of the news media, which seems determined not to rock this particular boat (like so many others).


Planet Waves

The Best Contraception You’ve Never Heard Of

In the lead-up to this past Tuesday’s 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade — arguably the highest-profile legal treatment of women’s reproductive rights — an article was making the rounds heralding what may be the greatest advancement in birth control in decades. And it’s contraception for men.

Planet Waves
Magnified image of a single sperm.

In a relatively simple procedure, researchers have been able to inject a non-toxic polymer gel into each of the vas deferens tubes (which carry sperm from the testicles to the urethra) in a man’s scrotum. Over the next few days, the polymer thickens, lining the walls of the vas deferens — but it does not block the tubes. Instead, the polymer’s positive/negative polarization tears the sperm apart on a molecular level as they travel through the vas deferens tubes on the way to eventual ejaculation.

The gel then remains in place and effective for up to 10 years — with no hormonal disruption to either the man or his partner. (Though it should be noted that if both partners are not completely monogamous, a barrier method such as condoms is still wise to protect against STIs.)

If a man decides he wants to have children after getting the procedure, the polymer can be flushed out by a doctor using a simple baking soda solution. Within three months, full fertility is restored. Oh — and get this: the gel is generally even less expensive than the syringe used to deliver it.

Unfortunately, the low cost is likely a major reason why most people have not heard of this revolutionary technology. Called RISUG (reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance), it has been tested extensively in rats and more recently on men in India, and solid findings have existed since at least 2009. Move over, Occupy Wall Street — it’s time people of both sexes concerned about reproductive freedom make some noise about male contraception, and Occupy Vas Deferens.


Planet Waves

Public Commenting Open on Impending Frankenfish Proposal

While the ears of the world waited for the apocalyptic Big Boom last December 21, a quieter — yet ultimately more deadly — boom occurred, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released its favorable environmental assessment of AquaBounty AquaAdvantage transgenic salmon, otherwise known as Frankenfish. A 60-day public comment period on this assessment ends on February 25, when the FDA is expected to initiate formal approval.

The impending approval comes amid many environmental, health and ethical concerns. What makes Frankenfish different from all other genetically modified food is that its genes were combined in a laboratory from two different animals. This raises questions on the ethics of creating new life forms and the safety of eating them — without labels to identify them. The salmon is just the first of many proposed transgenic animals.

The hazard to wild salmon is ominous. Although AquaBounty insists its salmon will be kept in pens and will be unable to escape into the wild, a study by the National Academy of Sciences found that a release of just 60 GE salmon into a wild population of 60,000 would lead to the extinction of the wild population in less than 40 fish generations. Farmed fish routinely escape into the wild from conventional fish farms.

In a strange twist, AquaBounty’s salmon was evaluated as an animal drug, not as a human food, because the modified DNA is present in every cell of the fish’s body.

“If approved, the AquaAdvantage salmon would not only be the first GE animal approved for human consumption, but also the first animal drug that’s theoretically capable of swimming off into the ocean and reproducing,” according to an Alternet article.

And, since there have been no longterm studies of humans after consuming Frankenfish, scientists have no idea what it might do to every cell of our own bodies.

You can tell the FDA what you think of its findings online here, or sign apetition against the approval here.


Planet Waves

What Your Doctor Should Check If You’re of Childbearing Age

Echoing the theme of ending familial and ancestral abuse patterns that the Mars-Nessus conjunction in Aquarius suggests, featured a story this week detailing recommendations that all women of childbearing age be carefully screened by their primary care physicians for domestic abuse.

Women (plus children and elderly or disabled people of both genders) can find themselves in abusive relationships at any age, but a panel of national experts has determined that women are particularly vulnerable to abuse during this specific time in their lives.

Planet Waves
“When he controls your life, it’s no longer your life.” Anti-abuse ad from Citizens Against Spouse Abuse.

“We have made significant progress in building the evidence base to effectively prevent violence against women,” said Dr. Virginia Moyer, chair of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, in a written statement. “We now have the primary care methods and the means to help prevent violence against women in their reproductive years.”

Screening for domestic abuse — also called inter-partner violence or spousal abuse — is not easy, and requires perception and sensitivity; for a woman to leave a violent situation often takes time and multiple attempts. The abuse can encompass sexual abuse, emotional abuse, intimidation, stalking and even economic deprivation, in addition to physical aggression or assault.

A tremendous amount of abuse goes unreported; hopefully that tide will begin to turn as more and more health professionals make screening a priority during office visits and become more adept at helping women find solutions that work for them.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Prospector Nicholas and Planet Jumper Ema land on Mercury — complete with boom box.

Prospecting for Humanity

When you were a kid, did you dream of uncovering the secrets of the planets as a…prospector? (Bet you thought I was going to say astrologer.) An interactive game called NASA Prospect lets you do just that. It’s the story of “planet prospectors, left behind by NASA to recover the golden objects of humankind scattered across the solar system by a global disaster,” according to the game’s creators, a group of student designers and their professor at University of South Dakota. Join Prospector Nicholas and his sweet robot-friend Ema in digging for gold (containing secret messages) on alien landscapes (to a great electro soundtrack), or just watch a speeded-up recording of the game here.


Planet Waves

Leo Full Moon; Mars conjunct Nessus

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I cover the Leo Full Moon that’s approaching this weekend. This happens simultaneously with the conjunction of Mars and Nessus in Aquarius.

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Brian Eno, left, and David Byrne — two Bulls of a Feather. Listen to their music and you will want to make art.

This conjunction has implications for all kinds of sexual healing subject matter, particularly in the social arena. Much of what we do is in a sense dictated by the supposed opinions (and insecurities) of others, and this conjunction may bring up some of that material. I look at Alice Bailey’s take on the sign Aquarius as well. Here is the page from Alice Bailey about Aquarius.

Later in the program I talk about the Roe v. Wade decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, which I covered in Friday’s subscriber edition. I’ve opened up that issue to pre-subscribers — it’s at the link above.

Our musical guests are David Byrne and Brian Eno, who have released two tracks from their My Life in the Bush of Ghosts project under a Creative Commons license.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The January monthly horoscope was published Friday, Dec. 21. Inner Space for January was published Friday, Dec. 28. We published the January Moonshine Horoscope on Tuesday, Jan. 22.
I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; a new Inner Space is still emailed on the following Tuesday.

Aquarius Birthdays: Mars-Nessus, Desire, Light, Shadow

If you have a birthday anywhere in the neighborhood, you have the Mars-Nessus conjunction in your solar return chart. This is an invitation to embrace your whole self, including the darker shades of your emotions. You must go below the public relations image you have of yourself and recognize that you have many deeper layers and that you’re being invited to focus on what you’re learning there. One question is, how do you deal with desire? Do you feel good about it, or do you go into conflict? There’s likely a mix; I suggest you get to know the diversity of your inner responses. These may relate to circumstances or events from your early environment that were imprinted on you, got lost beneath the surface, and are now coming up for resolution. Meanwhile as the year develops, you’re likely to feel increasingly passionate about who you are and what you believe. This is a real breakthrough for you, though remember that you’ll probably run into moments of “the brighter the light, the darker the shadow.” Move through the shadow consciously and you will keep returning to the light, which is the faith in who you are.

Note to Aquarius and Aquarius rising readers: I will have your birthday reading next week. Till then I suggest you check out your reading in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves.

Note to Capricorn and Capricorn rising readers: Your birthday reading is ready. It’s a whole new thing, separate from LISTEN, covering different subject matter. It includes two sessions of astrology, a tarot reading, an extended description of your astrological sign, the charts and spreads used in the creation of the work, as well as access to last year’s reading so you can check for accuracy. You can order that here. If you’re a subscriber to LISTEN, check your email later today for a reduced price offer.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2013 #936 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may find yourself drawn into social environments, though I suggest you take a strategic approach — spend only as much time there as it takes to meet your objective. That might include meeting the one person you know you were ‘supposed’ to meet, having one conversation, making a cameo and moving on, or hanging out in the back room during your own party. I say this for two reasons, besides the fact that the social realm can be a waste of time, energy and aspiration. One current reason is you need to be careful of group dynamics, and conscious when you’re in their midst. I would encourage you not to surrender your power to a group. Another is that small shifts in trajectory will take you in significantly different directions from the one you’re currently moving in, and it’s necessary to be aware of when you feel that change. Last is that you have deeper pleasures waiting for you than those you can have in public, hence, the social realm is merely a means to something better, and that something better is the thing you want. Part of creating it will involve setting up the environment for it to manifest; the idea that comes to mind is containment, a kind of world apart. Make sure that your home is prepared, with various libations and the implements of pleasure (soft lighting, clean sheets, phones disconnected, suitable music) and then go with the flow.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your charts indicate some unusual progress in your career, though if you’re part of an organization, remember that you’re not in this alone. I suggest that your real success is about being a positive, professional influence on the people around you as well as on the creative flow. There’s something about understanding the nature of how choices and actions turn to consequences, and the ways that process can be intervened in early on to create better outcomes. That’s another way of saying be proactive and what, to you, may feel like vigilant. If you’re working with others in their leadership capacity, remember that you have extra influence because of that contact; use it judiciously. The theme of this moment is that it’s not all about you, and in connecting with that, you may discover a realm of personal satisfaction that you’ve never felt before. Many people fear that they will have to ‘give themselves up’ to be part of something larger than they are, though if that’s true, then there is some other problem. Your current astrology is about discovering, encountering and fully engaging who you are, within a context. If you use your sense of perspective and maturity to see that context, you may notice that you have the sensation of being a visitor, not just to this particular situation but to the world itself. The nice thing about being a visitor is that you can exchange a sense of ownership for a sense of stewardship. I think you will like it.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Take care handling your professional affairs this month. Your chart indicates the possibility of some authentic success or breakthrough, particularly in matters where your creative life intersects with your work life. You could discover a bold, vivid sense of purpose. However, if you are not 100% impeccable on matters of communication, that will come back to you. Therefore, begin now making sure that your intentions are precisely aligned with your words. Keep people up to date about what in your life influences them. I suggest you be careful about any tendency you may have to yield to your doubts and change your mind. I know that change is in the nature of the universe and you in particular have a mental state that’s constantly on the move. Often you decide that there’s something that just looks like it might be better. However, you and the people around you will benefit from your consistency through any relatively brief phase of doubt, challenge or adversity. Being a pro means sticking with things through moments of uncertainty, and being true to your vision. Therefore, trust your original intentions, and I strongly suggest, honor your original commitment, at least through the Mercury retrograde from Feb. 23 through March 17. You may have the sensation of swimming upstream during this phase, or meeting some inner resistance, though the real rewards are on the other side of this event, if you give yourself the gift of consistency.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Some of the most appealing people you meet this month will resemble you the least. As one born under the sign Cancer, familiarity is something you treasure, understandably enough. I suggest that this month you place an enhanced value on what is different, interesting and which challenges your emotional perspective. For example, if you have a tactile approach to contact, or if you like affection demonstrated openly, you may experience some unusual pleasures from someone who takes a more detached approach. Overall, actually, a bit of detachment would be a good approach; I suggest that you sidestep any urge to make a ‘permanent’ bond with someone at this point. The wheel of your life is spinning pretty quickly, and there’s still no telling where it’s going to stop. Therefore, this is a good time to place a high value on your freedom of movement and your freedom to choose. Leave your options open — particularly if you feel pressured to make a decision by your friends (or by some other social pressure) to make a commitment you don’t feel right about making. It’s not always obvious when these kinds of influences are applied, or when we’re falling for them; I suggest you pay careful attention. The idea here, as I’ve suggested, is to leave some options open for the near future, when many other options are likely to manifest. Chances are you’ll discover that you can have worthwhile experiences in the moment, without clinging to them.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Don’t be too hard on yourself, and make sure that you depend on the presence of others in your life to take care of you as much as you take care of them. They are there and they are willing to help. However, don’t expect anyone to read your mind. Be as clear as you can be about what you want and need. This may bring up some interesting emotional dynamics for you. These in turn may include various shades of wondering whether your environment really is friendly, whether you can trust people to support you, and so on — most of which have no reality in the present, but are more like relics from ancient history. It can be challenging to see these relics for what they are, as they tend to show up in consciousness as something real and immediate. It’s just not always obvious that they are some kind of memory fragment bubbling to the surface, pretending to be real now. The thing to watch out for is projection: for example, ascribing your own fears to someone else. You may need to be vigilant about claiming what you own, so that you can be clear about who others really are and what they are offering you. If anything gets in the way of an authentic exchange, check for projection. If you can keep this boundary clear, an unusual alignment that happens around the 10th of the month may represent a meaningful turning point not just in one relationship but in how you experience all relationships.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Planet Waves

To purchase the signs individually please use this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The planets seem aligned to reveal just how much someone in your life means to you, despite any challenges that may exist in the relationship. The situation looks like the perfect setup for healing, though if you miss that particular point (for example, by getting caught in any drama, or by misinterpreting someone’s desire for you as a form of aggression), you may find yourself in an unnecessarily complex situation. It will be helpful if you use your intuition and anticipate someone’s needs in advance — or use your experience with them and remember where they are coming from. It’s not up to you to fix anyone, but it will serve both your purposes and theirs if you hold open the space for their emotional process. This may feel like you’re going against the grain of your personality, though that’s exactly what you need to do for the benefit of making space for your own emotional process. By offering your empathy to someone you care about, you’re learning to offer your empathy to yourself. This really is a case of ‘you cannot give what you do not have’. In this situation, trust will be one of the most meaningful forms of empathy, including allowing the space for someone to change their mind a few times without deciding that they are trying to deceive you in some way. I don’t think that’s true; there are deep, potentially ambiguous feelings involved, though this does not dampen your love in any way.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your creativity may, at the moment, be in service of something else, something besides your personal creative aspirations. From the look of your solar chart, that could work well for you, as a way of deepening your talent, establishing yourself professionally and as a satisfying way to express yourself. Creativity is often confused with something personal. At times, that is true, though this attribute is over-emphasized in our romanticized, glory-oriented notions of what it means to express oneself. You are playing a pivotal role within some organization or group structure. Your devotion is providing stability to guide others around you through various everyday challenges and the occasional unusual challenge. This is a situation where the more you put in, the more you will get back, though you don’t have to think of it that way; rather, the more you put in, the better things will go, for you and for everyone. If you maintain awareness of how there are certain challenges inherent in human nature, you will see the way those challenges can be subverted, minimized or even resolved through creative thinking. You seem to have ideas that are ahead of the crowd or the curve, and I suggest you not hold back. Say what you’re thinking. Be clear when you notice a problem, even if you don’t have a solution for it; your mere acknowledgment of the issue will set the creative process and the group mind into motion. But that’s not enough; make sure you follow through.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You’re headed for a passionate month, though you’ve likely already noticed this developing. The sign Pisces, one of the most dependable sources of pleasure in your life, is gradually filling up with planets, which will reach a peak in the coming weeks. You may find yourself taking emotional and erotic risks you’ve only dreamed of, though never imagined you could make real. This is a healthy, creative place for you to hang out. I would caution you about one thing, though, which is a potentially slippery aspect of emotional communication that might appear late in the month. No two humans ever agree on everything. It’s up to us to find and honor the common ground that we might share. You will be able to help matters considerably with your willingness to listen, and to really understand where someone else is coming from. This will help you identify the mutual space you can share with someone, based on actual intimate knowledge. Remember that you have more flexibility than you credit yourself for, and more than you generally like to offer. I suggest you go the whole distance being generous with yourself. The pleasure you may share in this time of your life is a luxury and a privilege, though some would say it’s a basic human need. These things all may be true, and you can still offer your life to the improvement of the human condition, starting with the people you care about the most.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — What you think and how you feel are related, though they are two different things. Listen to both your thoughts and your feelings and you’ll get a dialog going, and get closer to a deeper level of personal truth. If you can reach that level of awareness of what’s actually real for you, you will discover that it’s a lot easier to get along with others. Said another way, honoring your inner reality opens up a capacity for intimacy that would decidedly not be there otherwise. Once you’re clear with yourself, any ambiguity that someone else may feel is a lot easier to work with. Once you have that inner dialog going, it becomes easier to set priorities that apply both in the world that exists within your personal space, and the bigger world outside your home. Speaking of, you are currently in contact with what is, in truth, a significant professional goal. You may doubt your ability to fulfill this one, and as the astrology has been developing, it tends to appear and then disappear from your radar. I suggest that you put this into manual mode. This particular goal may seem to fade away, though that’s an illusion; it will be back soon enough, and I would urge you to focus on it even when it’s not a priority knocking on your head all the time. Part of the sense of relief of not having it annoy you is the feeling of not being up to the task, though I assure you that is not true.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Planet Waves

Note to Capricorn and Capricorn rising readers: Your birthday reading is ready. It’s a whole new thing, separate from LISTEN, covering different subject matter. It includes two sessions of astrology, a tarot reading, an extended description of your astrological sign, the charts and spreads used in the creation of the work, as well as access to last year’s reading so you can check for accuracy. You can order that here. If you’re a subscriber to LISTEN, check your email later today for a reduced price offer.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have a rare opportunity to both tidy up your finances and take a significant step toward increased revenue from your profession. As for the tidying up, this is a matter of intention, discipline and structure. In the current version of the world I recommend that anyone serious about earning money from professional activities get a professional accountant on their team. Money flows toward structure. But it also flows toward purpose, and this is a time to focus your purpose. It’s not a time to drift and see what the future may hold; it is, to say it simply, time to get real. There is a purpose you are here to fulfill, and though you may live a while, you’re not going to live forever. That’s part of honoring the fact that things take time to develop and generally do not develop ‘on their own’. What you are doing seems to require actual planning, as well as cooperation and the cultivation of a niche market of some kind. It also seems to depend on the involvement of friends or associates with more experience than you have. To benefit from that knowledge base, you will need to open the side of your mind that is not inquisitive for its own sake, but rather focused on learning toward a specific goal. This is a new method of gaining understanding, one that may make you feel submissive to your subject matter for a while. I would rate that as a positive development.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Remember what is the most meaningful to you. You might forget, or take it for granted. Who you value, what you value and what ideas you hold dear are worth not only contemplating, but acting on. Love in any form is an active process, though as frantic as the world is (and as your world gets at times), what you crave is love in action. I would add that this is not a magical process, but a human experience of making your way through an uncertain world; it’s the very opposite of taking anything for granted. In this spirit, I would propose that for you, failure is a means to success. Willingness to make mistakes is a key element of what is called ‘correct action’ that can lead to a good, whole and wholesome destination. You are a person who loves ideas, though fully engaging in the beauty of being a creature of blood and flesh and feelings is essential to your participation in the human family right now. Spirit is our home, though you are an incarnation, and that has a purpose — to embrace the complexities and challenges of existence rather than to avoid them in any way, and that includes embracing what you care deeply about but which in some way challenges you. You’ve probably thought of all of this before, though in my reading of the planets, now is a poignant moment for getting it from the realm of theory to that of tangible reality.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — An unusual alignment is gathering in your sign, which indicates an atypical, as in truly special, time in your life. Find a balance between moving with the flow and guiding yourself toward the destinations that you choose — and note that choosing is key. You may be tempted with moments when pushing the river seems like the thing to do, and others when drifting seems like the thing to do; consider this consciously so you do the right thing at the right time. Mars, Mercury and Chiron (among other influences) in your sign are saying focus on what you want, who you want and what you want to create. For a while you may feel like you are merely fantasizing, or asserting yourself into an energy field that is not exactly responsive, but I would urge you not to fall for that. You’re in one of the most workable environments you’ve ever been in, with lavish resources available to you. Rather than getting caught in the opinions or intentions of others, take what they say under advisement and allow it to inform you without any obligation to act. The complications of others are not yours, and you provide plenty of help, guidance and support merely by being yourself. By the time the Sun ingresses your sign on the 19th, you will feel the strength of your presence on the planet, and recognize that you’re an attractive, creative force, as well as one to be reckoned with.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


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We’re About to Go Off the Map

Dear Friend and Reader:

The third week of December has been, at least, the last week of the Mayan 13th baktun — a span of time within the Long Count that dates back to 3114 BCE, or 5,125 years. By human standards, that’s a vast reach, encompassing 1,872,000 days. A baktun is 144,000 days, though it’s not the longest measure of time that the Mayans used; there are several longer ones documented, including a piktun, though there is a controversy — we don’t know for sure if a piktun is 13 baktuns or 20 of them. Either way, time goes on, and so too does the Mayan calendar.

Yet if the 13th baktun, which ends today [see SKY section], is the end of the piktun, which I believe it is, then 12/21/12 was the culmination of a significant cycle, constituting one-fifth of the Great Cycle — the precession of the equinoxes — 25,625 years. The Mayans knew about the precession of the equinoxes, and they knew about a lot of things it took our scientists centuries to figure out, such as the Galactic Core, which had a central place in their mythology. It contained the gateway to the underworld.

Planet Waves

One reason I give the Mayan calendar a little extra weight is because it’s an indigenous creation of the Americas. It’s how the most advanced ancient civilization we know of here thought of time, and devised the elegantly beautiful systems of mathematics to keep track of it. Their ability to end the cycle in a year with a transit of Venus, one of their favorite events (back in June) and to land on the winter solstice is truly impressive and worth taking note of.

I think that these things, whether consciously or not, influenced not just the popularity of 12/21/12 but the subtle respect that many people seemed to feel about it.

In Mayan tradition, the end of an era would be a cause for celebration. A baktun is 394 years, far longer than a human lifetime, and we made it. This era started in 1618, shortly after the founding of the Dutch East India Company, at the dawn of colonial times. [Related article here.]

Since then, we in North America have endured a Book of Revelation-induced mass exodus from Europe, a holocaust of the buffalo and many native tribes, slavery, being pioneers on the prairie, the Wild West, a war between the states, the Dust Bowl, the Great Depression, nonstop war in the 20th century, 140 air burst nuclear bombs over the Southwest, the contamination of our entire continent (and the world) with PCBs and dioxin, repeated nuclear accidents, the rigging of the planet with hydrogen bombs, too many drunk or otherwise incompetent drivers, and the dawn of the GMO era.

Sounds like a good excuse for a party. We are doing fantastic. Today I am baking a cake and finishing up my list of resolutions for the new baktun, and a separate list for the new piktun. This is a special moment.

There is another model called the Mayan time pyramid that says something similar. This is arranged in layers, each layer up being more recent and 20 times shorter than the previous one. The base layer is a little over 16 billion years. The next layer up was 828 million years, the next one up was 41 million years, and so on upward in reverse exponential form. Each time pulse contained a certain amount of experience equivalent to the one that follows, but in 1/20th the span of time.

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The one at the top of the pyramid began March 8, 2011 and lasted 234 days. That might explain why 2011 felt the way that it did: like everything happened all at once. I am not sure where this model comes from or how well it can be verified, but I think it’s a really interesting concept of time, and it helps explain why it does feel like we have exponentially more to do every few years. That helps explain why every new, faster model of computer is slower than the previous one, or why it seems like I have to write the monthly horoscope more often than the weekly.

And this model, too, suggests that we’re off the map; we made that particular jump in late 2011. It does not directly correspond to the Long Count that turned over on Dec. 21, 2012, but it’s close.

As for the Long Count: the last week before the solstice has been a compressed moment; an eternity lived out in a week. It was to be, by any estimation, a special week, a kind of bellwether of what was to come, and an indicator of where we were at. The conditions at the end of one cycle often point to the conditions at the beginning of the next, and vice versa. So these have been seven days worth looking at carefully, and remembering for what we learned during them.

They began on Dec. 14 with the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. This was, said The Nation, the 16th mass shooting in the United States since the beginning of the year. We watched and grieved the burial of 20 kids, ages six and seven, as well as six of the adults whose job it was to take care of them. We got a look into the dark world of the household from where this well of death had sprung.

During that final pulse of the 13th baktun, we saw every problem our society faces flash by before our eyes, through our minds, and weigh heavily on our hearts. The Onion even parodied this: “In Wake of Tragedy, Americans Demand Reform of Everything, Anything.”

The shooting was one of the most appalling ever, killing mostly kids six and seven years old, and it demanded an explanation. Bob Geldof’s line, “And he can see no reasons ’cause there are no reasons” was no longer good enough. Nothing happens for no reason. For every effect there is a cause — which I believe is the spiritual lesson that we in the United States need to learn more than any other. So, I went looking for the cause.

After so many other shootings with the same MO, the lone gunman version of events was starting to feel implausible. Over the summer, after the shooting at the Milwaukee Sikh temple, I had begun to consider the potential for a relationship between the events. That’s usually, or nearly always, what it is, right? A solitary nutcase who, of his own accord, with no help from anyone, ruins everything.

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Therefore, I spent a good part of the following weekend researching the basic facts and many different conspiracy theories about the most recent incident, in Connecticut. I don’t like speculative constructions of events, but I had a reason to check them out as best I could, after ironing out the basic facts. Even the basic facts proved to be challenging because details of the story changed a number of times during the first few days.

Meanwhile, the astrological chart for the shooting, set for 9:35 am the morning of Dec. 14, was not, so far as I could read it, the chart of a ‘lone gunman’ at work. The planets were concentrated in the public sectors of the chart, the 10th and 11th houses, and there was a strange cluster in the house of secrets and secret enemies — the 12th. There seemed to be collaboration.

And, there were theories of people working together. The most outrageous of these linked the shooting in Aurora, CO, back in July, plus the killing of two kids by a nanny who then killed herself, to the one in Newtown, CT, by way of men involved (in all cases, fathers) purportedly being “about to testify” before the U.S. Senate about the vast, far-reaching and underreported LIBOR scandal, said to be one of the biggest financial heists ever. This link seemed beyond any possible credulity.

However, 1) people do kill over these things and 2) the astrology presented a question. It was easy, following basic rules of reading a chart, to see a government and/or corporate connection. There were financial connections and corporate connections indicated in the chart as well.

Every planet seemed to have a relationship to every other planet. There seemed to be a secret co-conspirator, which doesn’t fit with a lone gunman. The cause of death included meticulous planning and was not a spontaneous act; yet once it started, it was an uncontrolled release of energy. The chart, with a prominent Mercury (similar to the chart for Sept. 11, 2001), described a message. That message seemed to either come from far away, or be global in nature. In short, you could read this chart in such a way that could encompass any of the darkest possibilities, including being a false-flag event: that is, something with a cause bearing no resemblance to what we were being told.

Planet Waves

At the same time, the chart also supported the psychological health issues that were coming out in the official version of events, the sense of wounding and the isolation of the alleged gunman; there is a mother, who shows up in the chart as recently killed, but also as a collaborator. There was the involvement of drugs. A New Moon the previous day was conjunct planets that I had summed up as describing the unmitigated release of evil that shattered the family structure, a valid description of this event on the most basic level.

In other words, both versions of the scenario fit: some deep, dark and sinister conspiracy, as well as an eminently private set of circumstances involving individuals with really serious problems. The scenario fit something happening in a deeply secretive space, a description which we learned was true of the perpetrator’s household. Working with a researcher, we dismantled both the official version of events and the various theories, and at the end of this process, the official version is what withstood the scrutiny better than the theories — that is, based on the available facts. There are still a few things I am questioning, based on the fact pattern and my knowledge of history.

It started to occur to me that the public’s obsession over conspiracy theories — which was impressive in this situation — serves a psychological purpose: distraction from the serious issues at hand, and abdication of responsibility. If this was a government hit, that implies this was something we have no control over, no power to do anything about. Yet investigating the theories pushes the mind open and compels objectivity.

After a while, the official version started to make more sense; the element that pulled the whole scenario into focus for me was that the shooter’s mother was a Prepper — that is, a doomsday survivalist whose preparations for civil disorder included a small arsenal, complete with a .223 Bushmaster, the equivalent of an M4 assault rifle. The psychology of the shooter seems to have emerged from a world of fear and pain and spiraling paranoia.

Planet Waves

Yet I was still left with a chart that described something vast, where all the parts were interrelated; a chart that described something much larger. Then a wider scenario began to emerge.

On the most obvious level, it included government policy that allowed these weapons in the hands of people. This in turn contributed to a state of paranoia that, if not culture-wide, is characteristic of a vast subculture, where these powerful weapons are presumed to be kept at the ready for use against the government in some kind of presumed defensive episode or insurrection.

The emerging scenario from within the alleged shooter’s household included the possibility, indeed the high likelihood, of prescription meds used by the killer, which points directly to the pharmaceutical industry. These meds can make a person extremely sick, and switching from one to another can do genuine damage to a person’s neurology.

Next, we have what typically happens to young people, especially young boys: they are exposed to a lot of violence through every possible avenue, from movies to television to news programs to video games. To grow up today is to see tens of thousands of simulated deaths, and not Wile E. Coyote falling off a cliff.

Then there was the angle of a government that kills a lot of people, including children. The United States’ 22-year war against Iraq comes to mind — the one that began during Bush I, continued through Clinton, was escalated again through Bush II and extended into the Obama administration. During the Clinton years, the U.S. and the U.K. regularly bombed Iraq, including water treatment plants, the loss of which caused children to drink contaminated water and contract cholera.

Then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was asked on 60 Minutes whether the resulting loss of 500,000 Iraqi children on her watch was worth it, and she said that it was. When the government sets an example like this — and there have been many of them — it’s not surprising when that example extends into the well-armed population. Indeed, from an honest look at society, it’s sincerely amazing that these kinds of massacres don’t happen every single day of the week.

Planet Waves

With a little perspective, the systemic level of the problem became obvious. There was a conspiracy, composed of many facts of our lives.

And, remarkably, I heard that being discussed. I saw, at least among the people I know and the public that I serve, the awareness emerge that the killings must stop and that part of that involves gun control, and part involves raising awareness and addressing all the other problems that contributed to this school massacre, and other related crimes. It involves seeing the ‘unintentional conspiracy’ of the society in which we live. And that has started to come into focus.

Said another way, what seemed to emerge during the last week of the 13th baktun was the awareness of a relationship between an effect and the cause that preceded it; as well as an awareness of the problems that we face on a systemic level.

The world, so far anyway, has not ended on Dec. 21, 2012. There was not, that I could discern, a merger with the 5th dimension, inducing spontaneous enlightenment. But there seemed to be, on a level that to my perception was more than vague or ephemeral, a clear look at the process of karma — an understanding that the conditions of society have consequences in society, for all of us.

I don’t believe in panaceas, and I may not be spiritually advanced enough to believe that deeply entrenched problems, whether personal or cultural, will just work themselves out spontaneously. I do believe in starting places, and if we got there, if we got to the point where we can see the interrelation of complex causes, and understand that there is a result that manifests, that’s a really good place to enter a new era in history.

Assuming we keep hold of this thought, it’s all we really need to go forward in the direction of a future different from the past.


About the Images Above

Illustrations above are from the Dresden Codex, a Mayan document and the oldest known book created in the Americas. It originates to the 11th or 12th century of the Yucatecan Maya in Chichen Itza. This Maya codex is believed to be a copy of an original text of some three or four hundred years earlier, made during the classical era.

It contains astronomical tables of great accuracy. It is most famous for its Lunar Series and Venus table. The Lunar Series has intervals correlating with eclipses. The Venus Table correlates with the apparent movements of the planet. The codex also contains almanacs, astronomical and astrological tables, and ritual schedules. There are no advertisements.

The Dresden Codex also includes instructions concerning New Year ceremonies as well as descriptions of the Rain God’s locations.

Text design and selection of codex details is by Sarah Bissonnette-Adler.



Planet Waves

New Baktun Eve: 13th Baktun Ends Today

Friday is the last day of the 13th baktun of the Mayan Long Count. A baktun is 144,000 days long; the one that ends today began in September 1618 [see related article]. Today may also be the end of the next longer measure of time — a piktun, which I believe to be the measure of 13 baktuns or one-fifth of the Great Cycle — the precession of the equinoxes, or 25,625 years.

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Painting using a color archeologists call Mayan blue, which is very bright and lasts for centuries.

Note, the new cycle has not begun; the old one ends today. This is similar to 2000 being the last year of the 20th century. The ’20’ in ’20th century’ manifested in the form of 2000 in the last year of that century.

Long count date was Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012 CE, and is Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 CE. In the tzolkin count, this is 4 Ahau. The new baktun begins on Long Count date, which is Saturday, Dec. 22. In the tzolkin count this is 5 Imix. (I will invite the daykeepers I know to comment on the tzolkin dates, which are part of the 260 day short count or spiritual calendar that’s become pretty popular the past 25 years.)

The Cancer Full Moon happens Dec. 28, with the Sun in a close conjunction to Pluto — a fitting end for 2012, with the Sun aligned exactly in the 2012 aspect (Uranus square Pluto) and Mercury aligned with the Galactic Core.

The yod pattern in the 12/12/12 chart continues for months, which will hold the energy pattern of the solstice. This consists of Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Gemini. These three points form an isosceles triangle (two sides having the same length) that points to Jupiter in Gemini.

Looked at one way, this is about the evolutionary process (Saturn and Pluto) that will lead us to revise our story of who we are, what we know and what we are doing here. Jupiter in Gemini says: get along with your neighbors, or nothing else is possible.

This message is emphasized by Mars being in Aquarius (the sign of groups and collective ideas; it arrives there Christmas day, just in time to stir up the group dynamics of the family).

Mars in Aquarius is a reminder that cooperation is a matter of initiative. In order to work together, people have to want to do so. Usually it doesn’t happen spontaneously. Mars will be square Saturn through the first week of the month, so we need to get below any emotional resistance to doing that, which would include this thing we need to deal with known as authority issues.

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Reproduction of Mayan art from Palenque, Mexico 590 A.D. Surrounded by hieroglyphs, an ancient ball player demonstrates his skill and strength. The player’s ability to manipulate and move the ball into stone rings, without the use of hands, was played to honor the gods with skill — just like we think of soccer today.

The Capricorn New Moon is Jan. 11. For that event, Mercury, Venus, Juno and Pluto will also be in Capricorn. The lunation is conjunct asteroid Requiem, indicative of all that we will simply have to leave behind as we enter a new era in the history of the Mesoamerican calendar tradition.

The Sun ingresses Aquarius on Jan. 19, in a conjunction with Mercury, and we enter the sign that is at the peak of the season, featuring Imbolc (Midwinter holiday) two weeks later.

Mars will be working its way toward a conjunction to the third centaur planet, Nessus, exact on Jan. 26. This is a reminder to pay attention to the way that groups influence individual thinking in potentially cruel ways — people will do things as part of a group that they would never consider doing as an individual (it’s a long, ugly list). We need to be aware of these matters of unproductive social conformity, and address the individual integrity matters, as well as the leadership issues, that facilitate them. Just take it easy when you’re in group situations; keep your head and rather than be bossy (that as so 13th baktun) try to work with where people have common ground.

Late that day (or on the 27th in the UK and Europe), is the Leo Full Moon. The Full Moon’s axis is square Saturn, indicating that it’s a point of restructuring. It is trine Jupiter, indicating that the energy reserves to do this restricting work will be available, if you remember that those energies will be liberated by communication, which in turn is facilitated by a clear state of inner communication.

On that day, Jupiter is the only retrograde planet; it stations direct a few days later, for a rare moment of all planets moving in direct motion.


Planet Waves

That’s OK: No One Will Need Social Security After Dec. 21 Anyway

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Ida May Fuller receiving a Social Security check in 1940. Photo: Social Security Administration.

On Monday, the Obama administration disclosed that it has offered to Republicans to cut so-called entitlement programs for the elderly in exchange for a slight increase in taxes on the wealthy. In continued attempts to avoid the ‘fiscal cliff’, Obama has suggested cutting $130 billion from Social Security spending; $30 billion more than would be cut from military spending.

Obama has already offered to begin taxing those earning more than $400,000 (the original threshold was $250,000), and promises to veto the latest Republican plan to raise the threshold to households making more than $1 million annually.

Despite being named TIME magazine’s Person of the Year (even though his administration continues to authorize drone strikes in the Middle East, killing many civilians), Obama can’t seem to get past Republicans’ personal grudge against him. Are they opposing the president’s plans “just for the heck of it,” or are they hoping something will happen on Dec. 21 to eliminate the fiscal cliff for them? Or more likely, is this a bipartisan game to cut social programs, dressed up as a looming fiscal crisis?


Planet Waves

LIBOR, Liars and Conspiracies

The latest banking scandal, concerning the manipulation of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), is taking some twisted turns — a massive fine and a rare prosecution against a corporate giant.
The scandal involves fixing the interest rates on interbank transactions worth tens of trillions of dollars, and is considered the most massive banking fraud we’ve heard of so far. The banks inflated their interbank interest rates, which were then passed onto customers of loans, credit cards and other financial products.

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John Cole / Scranton Times Tribune.

The Swiss bank UBS has been ordered to pay a $1.5 billion fine for its role in the scandal. LIBOR provides the basis for rates on trillions of dollars of global transactions and its manipulation over five years forced borrowers to pay the wrong amount on their loans.

Part of the settlement also involved a criminal charge, with UBS admitting to wire fraud, through its Tokyo branch, in LIBOR rates in Japanese currency.

What’s unusual here is that the prosecutors broke a taboo by bringing criminal charges against UBS. Authorities are loath to press charges because they feel it would doom the banks and crash the financial system. However, three former UBS traders have already been arrested in the United Kingdom and more arrests are coming in the U.S., according to the Huffington Post.

There is a pervasive rumor on the Internet that three different crime scenes — the Aurora shooting from July, the killer nanny suicide from Manhattan in August and the Newtown crime scene, are linked by LIBOR.

The rumor is that the fathers of the two mass shooters, and the father of the kids murdered by the nanny, were ‘supposed to testify’ at LIBOR hearings before the U.S. Senate (though obviously there should be hearings, and it would be the job of Sen. Elizabeth Warren to make it happen). But we’ve been able to document the existence of no such hearings, much less a connection to the crime scenes. This does, however, tell us something about suspicion related to LIBOR and how big the scandal is.


Planet Waves

Going Out With a Bang, New York-Style

Some lusty New Yorkers are seeking a hot friend for the end of the world, and are turning to Internet dating sites and Doomsday parties to facilitate the hook-ups — though it’s probably a trend in your town, too.

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Niki Ghazian. Can you believe she can’t find an apocalypse date?

Bars and clubs there are throwing apocalypse-themed bashes, including an “End of the Funking World Party” at B.B. King Blues Club in Midtown.

Singles posted ads on and, seeking Doomsday-themed dates, “casual encounters” and even “end of the world sex.”

“If you’ve got no plans for the apocalypse, let’s get together,” wrote a 30-year-old single guy from Midtown.

He added, “Send me how you’d like to spend your last hours on earth — and a photo.”

“Everybody should go out feeling satisfied,” said swimsuit model Niki Ghazian to The Post. “If the world’s gonna end, why hold back?”

Then again, why hold back even if the world isn’t supposed to end? ‘Feeling satisfied’ sounds like the perfect New Year’s resolution for the next Mayan baktun — whether the Mayans calculated it or not. After all, they did have a thing for Venus.


Planet Waves

Village of the End of the World Closes Up, Cashes In

As thousands of tourists bent on surviving The End descend on the 178-person town of Bugarach, France, its mayor closed the town and the mountain above it, Pic de Bugarach, to further traffic on Monday. Seems the End of the World was a little too busy for them.

Rumors began circulating two years ago on the Internet that the hamlet, in the foothills of the French Pyrenees, would be miraculously saved from Doomsday.

One theory holds that its inhabitants will be whisked away by aliens purportedly long housed in Pic de Bugarach. Others believe the tiny town will somehow survive an impending crash with an incoming planet — hence the onslaught of the survivalist-minded.

The locals — on whom the meaning of carpe diem has not been lost — have been cashing in, selling ‘Apocalypse Pizza’ and ‘End of the World’ wine. If there are any lucky survivors there on Dec. 22, they can toast their good fortune with a ‘Survivor’ vintage. One resident is renting his house, where one can eat, drink and make merry for $2,000 per night — or do it up in a no-frills camping spot for $400.

He reportedly told the local paper, “I possess a rare asset, the land of immortality.” And the rare asset of opportunism, to be sure.

Dealing with Doomsday the Capitalist Communist Way

Is it a good sign or a bad sign that Doomsday paranoia is not limited to Western cultures?

Authorities in two Chinese provinces have rounded up nearly 100 members of a so-called Christian cult for spreading rumors about an impending, Mayan calendar-based apocalypse. The “Almighty God” group has been going door to door proclaiming that only they can save peoples’ lives when the Sun goes dark and electricity fails for three days beginning Dec. 21, 2012.

Almost 100 people have been arrested so far according to the state-run Xinhua news agency, and police have seized a variety of the group’s materials and equipment. Established in 1990 in central China, the cult requires that members relinquish all personal property to the group.

It’s unclear what three days of no electricity has to do with the Mayans — or Christianity, for that matter. Then again, the psychology of embracing Doomsday thinking is not exactly logic-based in its effort to bring existential threats into the realm of the predictable — and therefore, paradoxically, the comfortable.


Planet Waves

Finally: Some Common Ground on Guns

Alt-media outlet Daily Kos had the pollsters at Public Policy Polling take a look at national attitudes towards various potential gun safety reforms. (You can see the full results, including crosstabs, at that link.)

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Sculpture titled ‘Non-Violence’ by Swedish sculptor Carl Fredrik Reutersward outside the U.N. buildings in New York. Photo: Brian Dubé.

In short, a majority of gun owners and Republicans agree with gun control advocates on gun safety measures currently being discussed to prevent future massacres like last week’s Sandy Hook shootings. Among the findings:

–92 percent of Americans support requiring a criminal background check when buying a gun, including 92 percent of conservative respondents.

— By a 63-28 margin, respondents supported requiring a mental health examination before the purchase of a gun. This measure was supported by conservatives by a wide 59-31 margin, and gun owners 52-38.

— By a 63-32 margin, respondents support banning assault weapons, including conservatives by a 50-43 margin and gun owners by 51-44.

— By a 69-26 margin, respondents support banning the sale of guns and bullets over the internet, including 61-34 among conservatives and 59-36 among gun owners.

— By a 71-23 margin, respondents support closing the gun-show loophole, the huge, ridiculous one that allows the suspension of all of the rules at once, including 71-23 among conservatives.

54 percent of respondents in this poll said they owned a gun, which far outstrips the 32 percent that the University of Chicago’s General Social Survey estimated in 2010. So if anything, this sample is skewed more heavily toward gun owners than the nation at large. But it doesn’t matter — on every question that was asked, a majority of gun owners — and people of all political persuasions — agreed with the position of gun control advocates on these basic reforms.


Planet Waves

Anonymous versus Westboro?

Someone claiming to be the vigilante hacker group Anonymous released a video this week warning the members of the Westboro Baptist Church to stay away from the funerals for the victims of the Newtown, CT, school shooting. The Westboro group has gained notoriety by protesting (and threatening to protest) funerals for anyone whose life has had anything to do with being homosexual, having AIDS or even living where gay rights legislation has been passed (as is the case in Connecticut).

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Anonymous usually targets governments and corrupt corporations with their activities, yet the transcript posted with the video states in part, “[We have witnessed you] desecrating the name of God by protesting in the proximity of churches and synagogues, and mangling the biblical text to conform in accordance with your malevolent cause.” It continues, “You are self-appointed servants of God who rewrite the words of His sacred scripture to adhere to your prejudice.”

We’re questioning the idea that a bunch of anarchists have become defenders of the ‘purity’ of Christianity. A lot of people, including mainstream media outlets like CNN, took it on faith that it must be Anonymous, demonstrating how much we collectively wish for masked avengers to protect us — and how much life has become a twisted cartoon for many. In the end, unmasked citizens, including the biker group Good Samaritans, made a showing in Newtown to protect the funerals — and Westboro stayed in the shadows.


Planet Waves

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View of the Mayan city Chichen Itza from the Maya 3D animation for TimeTours.

The Mayans Definitely Did Not Predict This:

Just in case you’re not completely burned out on the Mayans at this point, here’s a way to see what their buildings may have actually looked like — and imagine more vividly where all the fuss started. Maya 3D, a small group of media designers from Ger­many who spe­cial­iz­e in 3D anim­a­tion and web design, have parlayed their com­mon interest in Meso-American cul­ture and its archi­tec­ture into a series of interactive 3D apps for iPhones and iPads in cooperation with TimeTours. So far, they have digitally reconstructed Uxmal, Chichen Itza and Palenque, all in Mexico, as well as the Dresden Codex. No need for a time machine to roll back the baktuns — just a little imagination.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

In This Last Week of the Mayan Cycle

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the issue surrounding the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. First, I cover the Sun’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, as well as the details about the Mayan calendar that raise the question of whether we’re at the end of the piktun or not.

Planet Waves
Eric Francis.

In other words, how important is Friday’s turnover, to date And does Saturday begin a new cycle entirely (, or do we totally reset and start over at This is about the Mayan long count that ‘ends’ on Friday morning.

The diagram above is a similar concept; it involves time pulses, which begin with a 16 billion year pulse and end in a short one. By either account we are off the map, or soon to be. I try to read some figures from the above diagram during the program but I keep messing up, so I’ve included the thing so you can see it for yourself.

Then, I comment on the chart of Friday’s shooting and account for why the thing looks like it supports every conspiracy theory in existence. The chart is included in this article on Planet Waves called Connecting Cause and Effect.

Here is that article by Shelley Ackerman on the discovery of the Galactic Center. Here is a panel of photos of many kinds of galaxies, with ours on the bottom right; this is the 2007 annual edition called The Spiral Door (anyone can dive in and read).

My musical guest is Renee Blue O’Connell, with one selection from the Grateful Dead.
Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The December monthly horoscope was published Friday, Nov. 23. Inner Space for December was published Tuesday, Nov. 27. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. The January monthly horoscope is published below in this issue; after today, we are taking a break from regular subscriber issues to work on the 2013 annual edition. The next full edition of Planet Waves after the solstice will be Friday, Jan. 11. The December Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Dec. 18. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; a new Inner Space will be emailed on this coming Tuesday.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2013 | By Eric Francis

Capricorn Birthdays This Week

If your birthday is this week, this will be a pretty special year. In the Mayan long count system, we begin a new baktun of 394 years, or a new piktun of 5,125 years. That’s the image of a bold new beginning and it is, in truth, an honor. You can shift your priorities to bigger and better things than you’ve been concerned with, or obsessed with, in the past. Your process of evolution has put you in contact with something much larger than yourself. You can stop thinking of your relationships as a matter of life or death, and more like a matter of life: the thing about existence that puts you in contact with a broader field of reality. You are in truth free to relate to anyone you want, on any terms you want. Your one requirement is to honor your growth process first; take care of yourself and be your own devoted friend. Then it will be possible to engage in relationships with others that are shorn of fear and help weave the integrity of the world.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have the potential to accomplish great things, and you know it. You also know that discipline and focus are the keys to doing this. You can no longer depend exclusively on exterior structures to keep your goals or work pattern in place. And it would seem that the reputation you worked so hard to cultivate now translates mostly to experience. Yet that experience, if nothing else, can remind you that you have what it takes to get the job done. The question really comes down to who will keep you focused — you, or some force outside yourself. If you depend on your own inner resources to build your structure, you will have the creative freedom that you want. If you depend on something outside yourself, you will be compromised in what you get to express. I realize that the high-temperature, erratic nature of your idea flow doesn’t lend itself well to focus, but that is precisely the point. You want to maximize your qualities of initiative and originality, and in order to do that, you need your own management structure. This will give you a sense of ownership of your ideas, and help you take full responsibility for their use. Whatever you’re saying, doing or developing has more influence than you think, and you may have at least one experience this month of seeing the potentially negative impact when you pretend they don’t. This will remind you to align with your intentions, which means knowing what they are.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Over the coming seasons, I suggest you go light on ambition and put your energy into the quality of the work that you do. You may feel a temptation to climb, compete or socially orchestrate your way to the top. It would be better to keep your focus on the integrity of what you’re doing, as well as an actual emphasis on ethics, even if you have to overdo that a little. You don’t need ambition because you’re already visible; you have a viable role. Your current astrology describes a question of what you’re known for, and you have a lot of influence over that, though this process works from the inside out. This is why I’m suggesting you keep your emphasis behind the scenes, with a focus on content and conduct, rather than appearances. It’s your direct impression on your closest collaboration partners that matters. Whatever ability you have to exert leadership or bring a message to an audience will be better effected by setting an example for others. It may seem that they have undue control over you at the moment, but the truth is, you are depending on their guidance, and they are intimately involved with your learning process. That’s a journey that never ends, and anyone who decides they don’t have any more to learn would be someone wise to avoid — but if you ever catch yourself thinking that, I suggest you pause and reflect. Your ability to learn is now intimately linked with your success and your contentment with that success.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Relationships always present challenges of growth, communication and understanding. And when we’re involved with someone, it helps to know who that person is, their circumstances and their intentions — which can take time. For you, it’s essential to know your environment. By that, I mean your physical environment and who inhabits it, as well as your inner mental environment, which colors your view of the world. We all have our points of view and our biases; that’s a fact of perception. Yet you need to be acutely aware of what those are at all times. This will help you sort out what is a verifiable fact from a belief that you have. There may be some conflict between how you see the world, and how certain intimate partners see the world, especially those in parental-type relationships or those you perceive hold power over you. Remember that you don’t have to prove your point in order to be free of their judgments. If that were a qualification, you would never free yourself, because they are unlikely to ever agree with your reasoning or your point of view. The truth is, you’re less invested in those situations than you may think, and you’re under no obligation to get into any new ones. Proceeding forward, having clear agreements will help, whether in writing or at least in words spoken and understood. When an agreement is broken you may never be able to convince the person or get redress, but at least you will recognize a fact that you might otherwise have missed.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You don’t need anyone else’s permission to succeed. You don’t need to build consensus. It’s nice when people agree with you and support you, though that’s meaningless unless it’s based on having mutually respected values with another person. What I suggest you do is gently exert your leadership, which is to say, be clear what you are doing when it impacts the lives of others, and live by example. A significant part of that leadership now involves listening, without challenging what you hear. If you do that carefully, you may notice that any position taken by another, that angers or frustrates you, is coming from some intersection with your own sense of injury. That’s the place to start the resolution process within yourself, and when you do, remember not to let it affect your confidence. What you are experiencing is part of learning leadership skills. That involves walking a straight and narrow path, but it’s essential that you not let others dictate your route. We all influence one another, and it’s clear that you’re being influenced by your social environment at the moment, though this much is essential to know: leadership is not about popularity. It’s about respect, and that begins with self-respect. We can break that down to a few ideas. One of them is, do you have a clear enough understanding of yourself not to be swayed by the views of others? Can you listen to what people say, and take that information on board without being pushed around? You will likely find out this month.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — One root of the word integrity is in the concept of wholeness, and another line stems from untouched or pure. Yet we have all been touched and none of us is pure in any meaningful sense of the concept. Is it possible for anyone to have their wholeness, after having been through as much as we have on Earth? That is your quest. As you reconstruct, recover or possibly create your wholeness for the first time, you’ll encounter the feeling of being through much that has threatened it. If you know that, you’ll experience an easier and more satisfying journey. Wholeness for you means connecting the person you are on the inside to the person you show the world on the outside. This implies revealing some of what has previously been contained in the shadows, so that you can make peace with it, and have some evidence that you’re loved and lovable despite any perception to the contrary. This is a year when you will be making contact with your deepest sensitivity, and that means bringing your healing process into every aspect of your life. It means recruiting everyone you consider yourself close to as allies, and understanding that there’s a connection between your relationships and how you feel about yourself. Nobody can ‘make’ you feel safe, though people can assault your sense of safety. You need, therefore, to be selective about who you let into your life, and more precisely, why you invite them into your heart or your home.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Cooperation is supposed to be the hallmark of human society, though in our time of distract, divide and conquer, that’s becoming increasingly challenging. Your job for the seasons ahead is to be the facilitator of group effort. I don’t mean people pleasing, or politicking, or diplomacy, though you will need all of those skills. What you’re doing is more along the lines of asserting yourself, and taking a central role in the process of organizing others. It’s more the Virgo style to be organized; that remains true. Worrying yourself with what all these other people are doing, or must do, can be a bother. You may have the temptation to be bossy, but that will only work on a few occasions, and it might get you into some trouble. What will work a lot better is facilitating communication. This will require listening first, and speaking second. You may have the impulse to do the opposite, and I suggest you keep it in check. Before making a statement, ask a question. Make sure you know the viewpoints of everyone involved, and make sure you take them under advisement. That doesn’t mean do what everyone says; it means know what they are saying, and how you feel about it. The key element, however, is holding the vision. This may take some extra focus for you — especially if you have two sets of goals that seem to conflict. It’s okay to have two sets of goals — as long as they are in harmony with one another.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Self-confidence is ultimately an emotional phenomenon. It doesn’t matter how much you know or what risks you’re willing to take; those are different qualities. True confidence in yourself, that is, the feeling of belonging in your body and in the world, and possessing faith in your ability to handle your circumstances, is a feeling and it emerges from your emotional presence. You may be figuring out the ways that you were taught not to trust yourself, which you then tend to project outward into an environment you think you cannot trust. You may be discovering the ways you’ve been taught to live within the constructs of the past, rather than in your true desires. I would call that a good thing, because if you see your adhesions to the past for what they are, you’ll be able to address them. That can set the template for your whole approach to growth: be glad you see an issue for what it is, then take steps to work it out. Through this process, you may at times feel a deep, burning desire to be independent. You may find yourself making decisions that compel you to indulge a deep autonomy that you’ve never felt before. Take this as far as you can, but not so far that you isolate yourself. If you lean in the direction of emotional self-sufficiency, you’ll figure out that it’s easier to build healthy relationships from that state of being than from any other. And that’s what I would call true confidence.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If you’re feeling burdened by responsibility, then exercise an option. The sensation of burden is your cue to make a choice. Easier said now then remembered later; I’ll remind you in the future, but please remember now. Saturn will be in your birth sign for two more years. This is a blessing, though few people see it that way at the time. It’s a get-serious phase of your life, and you’re about to go deep. Yet that seriousness, even in the form of focus, can be heavy, and it can come with a sense of being powerless. You may feel hemmed in by situations you feel you cannot control; you may be caught in the density or fixity of your own ideas. This is when to put your options out right in front of you. The expression ‘claim your power’ means seeing your options — and I assure you, you have them. Making this move is the shift from passive to active mode. I suggest you play a game and notice how long it takes for you to go from recognition of your situation, to making a decision, to taking action. Is it a matter of minutes, of weeks or of years? Saturn will teach you that in the life of a person, time is not infinite. If you find yourself acting as if you have all the time in the world, or if you’re going to make your important decisions ‘eventually’, then you have your most meaningful growth agenda laid out for you in clear, useful terms.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The question is, are your feelings about yourself your own, or are they the collection of everything that everyone said about you, projected onto you and conditioned you to believe about yourself as a child? You’re probably thinking: Well, I wish it was the first possibility, but I have a hunch that it may be the second. The question is one of context. Everything new that you’ve learned was fit onto shelves and into compartments that were established by the first few layers, and also by ancestral patterns. When you try to put new information into the context of old information, it’s often hard to tell which is which. That, in short, is the beauty of the current moment of your life; the old context is being dismantled (which can feel like falling apart, disintegrating or being shattered, depending on the day). When the structure of your mind is changed so radically, that can feel disorienting, and give you the sensation that you don’t know yourself, and you don’t know what’s really important to you. The thing is, you do. Yet what you’re doing in this era of your life is learning how to perceive that self-knowledge outside the framework of what has been done to you, said about you, or sold to you. It matters not how well-meaning anyone was; the framework is a root of your loyalty to the heritage that you’re freeing yourself from, and the truth is, you will be a lot happier with your own original self-understanding.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — I suggest you be vigilant for ‘survivalist’ thoughts and ideas, which may show up as Pluto reaches a new peak of activity in your sign in 2013. Capricorn has that gritty quality of being able to get through anything, but it’s not serving you now. In fact, if it flares up, it’s likely to be a response to an inner sense of instability, of a particular kind: the sensation of not knowing who you are. Yet you would be wasting your energy if you tried to defend yourself against that. There’s truly beautiful creative energy in not knowing, because then you leave the space open to find out. I must credit a therapist and teacher named Joseph Jastrab for pointing this out, in one mention that I heard and thought about for the next 20 years: it’s powerful to hold open the space of not knowing. I mean powerful in that it connects you with the strength of your quest for self-understanding. If you think you know, you cannot find out. If you fill in missing knowledge with false information, you clutter the space where the truly meaningful wisdom could come in. This is partly why ‘quick answers’ are so perilous to growth: they prevent it. If you honor your lack of knowledge, the discomfort of admitting that you don’t know who you are will, fairly soon, give way to the experience of your authentic quest. And that is an expression of your commitment to yourself — a commitment which now moves to front and center in your life.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you haven’t figured out that it’s useless to keep secrets from yourself, now would be a fantastic time to come around to that discovery. Indeed, the essence of your life is all about self-discovery, which implies a courageous inner quest. To go there, you will need to learn how to work with fear. Though it’s usually put down as unnecessary, that’s of little consequence when you’re confronted by it. The question is, what, within yourself, do you have to fear? Well, there is a source, but it’s a lot older than you. It’s so old you would be shocked, and that’s precisely the point of why you will benefit from a conscious embrace of the issue. Think of yourself as dancing with it instead of running from it. Or, perhaps, as a kind of homing signal back to its source, which may be one single ancestor whose thoughts and feelings got a grip on your entire lineage, or on you personally. You’re on a kind of search and rescue mission, to search out the fear and rescue the substantial piece of your soul that’s being held hostage by it. This has been going on for a while, but through the next few seasons you have the benefit of knowing what you’re looking for, and how it feels. You’re closer than you may think, though I can suggest a kind of secret portal into the place you want to get to: if you carefully consider any idea, thought, or relationship that involves authority, your use of it or its use on you, you will have big clues.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may not be sure if you can create yourself, but in that case I would ask who can. You must assume one way or the other — and your own creativity is far more trustworthy than anything anyone might impose on you. You have full access to all the resources you need to do this; tune in and listen. And you’re called to do one other thing: engage with what may seem like opposite or competing psychic currents. One is inviting you to open up and experience the full flow of inspiration. This allows you into the realm of vision, phantasy and empathy with the world and the cosmos, with no special agenda. (That’s one description of Neptune in your sign.) The other is focused, purpose-driven and oriented on your relationship to yourself. You will find yourself needing to stand apart or stand out, and to know yourself in a way that calls for deep acceptance of who and what you are. (That is one description of Chiron in your sign.) These two cosmic forces are more than you may have ever experienced as direct influences, and they are significantly different from what you have lived through in many recent years. Note the changes in your inner and outer climate. Speaking of outer: there is suddenly a lot more room in the world for you to be yourself. Walls have turned to doors. What at one time demanded formality now welcomes originality. Try and see.


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Something About Juno

Dear Friend and Reader:

The long-anticipated winter solstice of 2012 is now just weeks away. I may be one of the few people who has been considering the 2012 issue for 25 years who did not make a religion out of this event, which marks the end of the 13th baktun of the Mayan long count. I have a prediction for you: the world will not end.

Planet Waves
Wedding cake ornament courtesy of Deising’s Bakery of Kingston, photo by Eric Francis.

I was first introduced to the 2012 idea when I was living in a spiritual community in 1986, in my first year as a professional news reporter. My year in the community — Miracle Manor in Piscataway, N.J. — ran from Sept. 1, 1986 through Aug. 31, 1987. That August was the Harmonic Convergence, a global event orchestrated by Jose Arguelles, author of The Mayan Factor.

Twenty-twelve is coming, he said, and we better get ready. By ready, I think he meant centered, focused and connected with others around the world who are setting their intensions on peace and healing.

Arguelles did not come up with all of this himself. Credit to introducing Dec. 21, 2012 into public consciousness goes to the brother act of Dennis and Terence McKenna in their 1974 book The Invisible Landscape. Yet it was Arguelles who, with some collaborators, took tangible, worldly action and helped us establish an anchor at one end of what some came to know as the 25-year span, from the Convergence to winter solstice 2012.

We are now on the exit ramp from that span, completing a cycle that has stretched on for 5,125 years, or more than 1.89 million days. It will deposit us right on the winter solstice of a year that included one of the Mayans’ favorite things ever, a transit of Venus (that was the big news back in June). There was also a transit of Venus in 2004 (the first of the pair). Whatever the implications of 2012 for you, there is another connection or turning point to be found in 2004, particularly June of that year.

The Mayans calculated this and plenty else besides without the benefit of the U.S. Naval Observatory’s ephemeris or the Cornell supercomputer. They were amazing at math and astronomy, and worked with numerous calendars simultaneously. They also dealt with a lot of the same problems we now face — climate change, war and political strife. In all likelihood they were not transported back to the Pleiades aboard the Mothership. It is probable that their civilizations were scattered and they became refugees, long before the arrival of Magellan.

From the beginning of my astrology studies, I cast the chart for the 2012 winter solstice over and over, and I could find little that was distinctive about that particular day. It’s true that every day is different and has something special; this chart does not especially stand out.

However the era we are now in was daunting to consider. Many outer planets would be changing signs in the years leading up to it (they have all done so — including Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). In the last years before 2012, there have been many planets discovered orbiting our Sun. Many interesting stories are being told in the sky in these years, and these very days.

Yet no matter how carefully I looked and how many new planets I brought into the chart, I could find no special ‘winter solstice alignment’. When the Sun sets that night, there will not be an eclipse or a string of planets glowing in the sky, harkening the New Age. The Sun will make no special alignment to the Galactic Center. I could not find one of those theories that checked out against the actual astronomy that was supposedly involved.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

The one thing I kept noticing involved an asteroid called Juno, which was discovered in 1804. When the Sun arrives in Capricorn on Dec. 21, there will be a little planet waiting for it on the solstice point, one that most astrologers associate with marriage and jealousy. Juno, the third asteroid discovered, was named for the Roman equivalent of the goddess Hera, wife of Zeus and the queen of heaven. She was notoriously jealous and thought nothing of spreading all the emotional grief, despotism and clever revenge she could dish out.

“Well, her husband had a lot of affairs,” her apologists always say, as if that’s vindication for all the agony she wrought. Here is evidence that jealousy is rarely perceived to be the issue of the jealous person. It’s usually blamed on the person who is ‘making’ them jealous. The thing is, planets when used in astrology can develop themes that go beyond a literal reading of the mythology of the name.

Juno in a natal chart also describes potential marriage partners and tendencies around marriage, particularly the first one. A Sun-Juno conjunction in Capricorn looks like it’s describing the ‘institution of marriage’, since Capricorn addresses all things corporate in nature. This would include the institutionalization of relationships: their tendency to be rigid, to follow old rules and traditions, and to be excessively materialized (all properties of Capricorn).

Yet does this aspect cut it as the ‘2012 alignment’? The thing is, that’s what’s in the chart. Not only is it in the chart, it’s right at the winter solstice point, the focus of this whole business we have been describing as the [Northern Hemisphere] winter solstice of 2012. Even speaking as a minor planet specialist, I kept looking at the chart, seeing that Sun-Juno conjunction, and thinking, well, that can’t really be important enough to be the 2012 alignment.

It was one of those weird astrological games of hide and seek. I would look at the chart, see the Sun aligned with Juno, and then keep looking for something that seemed to be more important. Then I would come back to Sun-Juno and wonder what it was about.

It wasn’t till weeks before the event itself that I actually questioned whether that really is the central message of this momentous time in world history — something about marriage, or at least something about Juno.

Well, as it turns out, relationships are one of the most significant issues of our moment of history. Marriage remains a central goal of many people, as well as one of the biggest sources of profit for lawyers. Marriage itself is at a historic turning point. Same-sex couples can now marry in many places, even in the puritanical United States. This is an evolution not just in the history of our particular culture but also since the time of the Old Testament, when a man lying down with a man meant that he had to be stoned (now in Colorado and Washington, he can be).

Ideas about new relationship models are starting to percolate into our various communities, and have been covered by nearly every major print or Internet media outlet. Anyone who looks can find good information. Some people are starting to get the news that they have options. Others are starting to figure it out. Some figured it out a long time ago. This is still almost always ‘controversial’, though the seeds of progress have been planted.

Planet Waves
Photo of found photo by Eric Francis. Model is Kit Brown, holding a wood cut by Suisse Moroccan at 59 Rivoli.

Here in the U.S., we’ve finally backed off of the Defense of Marriage Act, a ridiculous concept. The whole issue is about to get to the Supreme Court. Europe is already on board with this; we are at a significant turning point in world history where the fact of relationship diversity is being admitted.

One thing about the first degree of Capricorn — the winter solstice point — is that it relates to all of the other cardinal points, one of which is the first degree of Aries. The whole cardinal cross resonates with the Aries Point, which has the theme ‘the personal is political’.

Fifty or one hundred or five hundred years ago, who would have predicted that marriage and personal relationships would be one of the most contentious issues at this time in history? Who would have imagined that we who live in the capital of the free would be fighting for the right to have a relationship with the person we love, or trying to explain the obvious?

Yet we’re not talking about Juno by herself here; the Sun is in the picture, and it is the Sun’s movement that completes the 5,125-year cycle. In astrology, the Sun is one of the most vivid symbols for self. A Sun-Juno conjunction so prominent in the chart can be read as a kind of alchemical union with oneself.

This is the thing that our relationship-obsessed culture so often overlooks: that a relationship to oneself is the basis of all of the bonds and associations we form with others. It seems like just about all the time, every other relationship topic gets the attention, the books and the courses. There is still significant misgiving about the topic of self-relating. At least in the U.S., we have a taboo on the topic, concerned that it will be conflated with vanity, narcissism or being egotistical.

A great many relationships are about a narcissistic infatuation with ‘the other’ rather than recognition of the other. It’s possible to fall in love with oneself through another. It’s possible to fall in love with love. None of these options help us get our basic needs for contact met; they dry up quickly. And there is still what seems like a vast, orchestrated game to avoid intimacy and vulnerability.

This is one reason why our relationships are in such crisis. There are many other drains on intimacy, including the time shortage and an attention deficit, but if yourconsciousness is not centered in yourself as self-awareness, and if you are unable to recognize the value of someone you care about, that does not bode well for clear relating.

So to me, Sun + Juno on the Aries Point on this momentous day suggests that we really do need to get right with ourselves before we can be right with anyone else. That, or we need to go into our relationships honestly admitting that we’re also working out an inner relationship, and leave the bond with the other flexible enough to accommodate some self discovery.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Sadly, we are taught to do precisely the opposite in our intimate bonds. In order to preserve a relationship, it’s considered reasonable to subvert one’s own process of growth and change — or that’s what often seems to happen. The relationship is elevated to supreme status, and the life quest of the individuals involved seems to become its disciple.

The 12/21/12 chart — and the current relationship crisis — is suggesting we take the opposite approach. It’s time to ask honestly if our relationship structures, including our concepts of relationship, actually serve our growth. Are they flexible enough to allow the space necessary for the people in them to continue their process of being individuals? Or do the people in highly structured relationships gradually individuate in spite of them?

We seem to do a lot of growing through the process of forming and then cracking bonds with others, rather than creating flexible, sustainable associations that recognize who and what a person is, and allow for that ‘who and what’ to evolve naturally.

In part because I have a dialog with the public on relationship themes, I know that the discussion of evolving our relationship models is controversial. The seat of the controversy seems to be the unwillingness to confront jealousy, a theme deeply connected to Juno. This in turn reflects some deep insecurities that it’s simply not fashionable to confront, nor is it easy without a brave heart and some social support.

One thing that nearly everyone who tries to make their relationship more flexible comes up against is the crisis of what their friends might think. Juno is obsessed with playing a social role, relative to another. This indicates that our tendencies in relationships tend to be driven by a conformist obsession with what we pretend is the only socially acceptable way to relate. Yet another odd delineation of Juno involves the quest for social justice. The relationship issue is one that’s subject to activism and a bit of eduction.

Planet Waves
Photo by Book of Blue Studio.

And everyone knows that people will do what they do, regardless of the rules. As we’ve been approaching the end of the Mayan cycle, one of the last big stories in the news was an extramarital love affair by someone considered a great war general. Everyone knows that perhaps half the time, the supposedly monogamous marriage is a kind of public relations position.

In my reading of the 2012 chart, this group of themes emerges as the culminating spiritual quest of our era. It’s time to guide our obsession with relationship toward an actual union within, which is to say, healing the many schisms that we take for granted.

As we commit openly to making peace with ourselves, we can form relationships that nourish and respect this most basic journey of existence. Then as we allow our curiosity to be set free, we can explore the infinite mystery of the other, from a grounded place of loving (which means accepting and appreciating) ourselves.

Here on the eve of the winter solstice of 2012, I envision a world where our relationships are built more of mutual support than of jealousy or competition.

More sympathy and less control.

More appreciation and less guilt.

More devotion and less obligation. More fidelity and less obsession with monogamy.

Where living sincerely takes the place of worshipping at the altar of our insecurities.

A world where we encourage curiosity and set aside expectation. A world where a creative approach to loving is embraced, and where there is less emphasis on ‘doing what we’re supposed to do’.

A world where we see the pain that deception causes, and recognize that only the truth is erotic.


Planet Waves


Planet Waves

Sun in Sagittarius: Across the Universe

The Sun entered Sagittarius Wednesday, Nov. 21, commencing the last month before the winter solstice of 2012. To be clear, there is no Mayan prophesy — or any credible prophesy — calling this the end of the world, or anything other than the end of the 13th baktun, a span of time (13 baktuns of 394 years each) that has lasted 5,125 years, or about 1.89 million days. Nor, so far as I can reckon, is enlightenment about to seize the population, in one radical moment. We can agree that day of the Mayan calendar arrives on the southern solstice on Dec. 21.

Planet Waves
Looking toward Sagittarius, this scene includes the Lagoon Nebula (M8), the Trifid Nebula (M20), and NGC 6559, in the crowded, dusty starfields of the central Milky Way. Photo: PS1 Science Consortium/NASA.

Would it serve any purpose to hype this event up any more than it already has been? In many respects, 2012 has been a year like many others, though perhaps with a few extra positive turns in the story. Yet the year is ending with many record climate events (for example, the hottest year on record, with one of the biggest storms ever witnessed), another war in the Middle East, another sex scandal in the top echelons of government and a trip to the edge of the fiscal cliff.

If this is the ascension, I would rather go play in Amsterdam. So, let’s consider the astrology of the Sun’s trek through Sagittarius. Note that there are plenty of events still unfolding in Scorpio, including the current Mercury retrograde that began on Nov. 6 — Election Day in the United States.

Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio until Monday, Nov. 26. The same day, Venus and Saturn form a conjunction in Scorpio. And the next day, Mars and Pluto — the ancient and modern rulers of Scorpio — form a conjunction in Capricorn. These three events work together, revealing some deep shifts in our emotional orientation toward sex, and a depth of truth coming out. Scorpio represents not only our visceral, emotional desires, but also all of the values that surround what we want, and our perceptions of the opinions that others might have about them.

One common factor is the idea of power exchange associated with sex, whether conscious or not. Mars-Pluto aspects and Venus-Saturn aspects both describe this, and now we have simultaneous conjunctions. Done unconsciously, the result could be a struggle for domination. Done consciously, the result could be the intentional exploration of authority, domination and submission, whether in fantasy or reality, for the purpose of pleasure and sharing. These dynamics could spill over into any area of life where human interaction is part of the story.

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Summer view of the Milky Way by Anthony Ayiomamitis. To see an overlay of deep space objects captured in the photo, visit Anthony’s website and scroll over the image.

Coupled with Mercury stationing direct (‘the truth comes out’), these aspects may manifest as a personal discovery that surprises you, or embracing something about yourself that you’ve known for a long time. Contained within this grouping of aspects is the image of having options — something that we don’t usually consider too often, particularly where sex and relationships are concerned.

One suggestion is to consider the role that you give to structure (illustrated variously by placements in Capricorn, and the presence of Saturn in the equation).

Options are also described by the fact that Mars and Pluto are occupying a sign that is ruled by Saturn; at the same time, Saturn is occupying a sign co-ruled by Mars and (in modern astrology) by Pluto. When you see this kind of setup, it’s a suggestion to consider the ways in which you feel trapped in a situation, and the options offered to you by that same scenario. If you look closely I think you’ll see that either may be true, yet that exploring an option you would not usually consider can offer you an innovative way forward.

Meanwhile, Venus and Mars are not in the same place getting it on — rather, each is conjunct another planet. Venus is conjunct Saturn and Mars is conjunct Pluto. This is another illustration of options or of unconventional ways to express yourself.

When the Sun is in Sagittarius, it means that when we see the night sky, we are looking out into intergalactic space. During the summer, the night sky faces into our Milky Way galaxy, a familiar, reassuring sight. This time of year, the sky we see at night points toward deep space, meaning that the Sun aligns with two points that have emerged as significant to astrology — the Great Attractor (with which the Sun aligns on Dec. 5) and the Galactic Core (with which the Sun aligns on Dec. 18). Both of these are concentrations of dark matter and massive gravity.

When the Earth and Sun align with these points, the result can be overwhelming influences, which can feel like getting flooded with cosmic rays, as the Sun gathers and condenses their energy. I think these conjunctions are partly responsible for the sense of time compression that we experience in these weeks of the Sun’s trek through Sagittarius. It’s true that in the Northern Hemisphere, we have short days and long, cold nights.

As the Sun nears Capricorn, we approach the famous solstice of December 2012, day That is the x-factor, the thing that is in truth still up for grabs.


Planet Waves

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Warrant

In a strike against U.S. citizens’ right to privacy, Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy from Vermont bowed to pressure from law enforcement agencies and his own internet security bill, originally designed to protect our email privacy more strongly. If passed in its new form, it will actually give several agencies more surveillance power than they possess currently. After receiving an onslaught of criticism for his reversal, Leahy said Wednesday that he would not support the bill when it comes up for a vote next Thursday in front of the Senate Judiciary committee, which he chairs.

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‘Yay privacy! Boo privacy! Yay privacy!’ Patrick Leahy flips flops on email privacy in the Senate. Photo: U.S. Senate.

As rewritten, Leahy’s bill grants 22 federal agencies authority to access Americans’ e-mail, Google Docs files, Facebook wall posts, and Twitter direct messages without a search warrant. In some cases, it would also give the FBI and Homeland Security more authority to gain full access to Internet accounts without notifying either the owner or a judge. Originally, Leahy’s bill required police to obtain a search warrant backed by probable cause before gaining access to the contents of e-mail and other electronic communications.

“There is no good legal reason why federal regulatory agencies such as the NLRB, OSHA, SEC or FTC need to access customer information service providers with a mere subpoena,” said Markham Erickson, a Washington D.C. lawyer. “If those agencies feel they do not have the tools to do their jobs adequately, they should work with the appropriate authorizing committees to explore solutions. The Senate Judiciary committee is really not in a position to adequately make those determinations.”

If the bill passes congress and is signed into law by Obama, it’s a disturbing setback for private citizens — and an inconvenience for a coalition of Internet companies. If users’ data is safer on personal hard drives than in cloud-based services, the shift to use of those services could be greatly slowed — though if you’re in the CIA and having an affair, it may not matter where you store your emails.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

I discovered an awesome audio presentation visiting the website of my soul-twin, Bjork. To hear the audio, go to and let the animation end. The audio is at the bottom. She describes a concept that I’ve introduced in Planet Waves — biophilia. This is about your whole body and soul resonating with existence. Bjork didn’t come up with the concept, though she describes it well, as part of an offering for some music software she’s developed (which I have not looked at). — efc


Planet Waves

Scorpio to Sagittarius and Back

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I cover all of the ongoing super-interesting astrology in Scorpio developing even as the Sun ingressed Sagittarius Wednesday. Check this out — Venus is now ingressing Scorpio, and will soon make a conjunction to Saturn.

Mars and Pluto, the ancient and modern rulers of Scorpio, are now in a conjunction in Capricorn. And Mercury is about to station direct in Scorpio. All of this comes into full focus Monday and will be gathering strength all weekend. I also offer my thoughts on Thanksgiving and gratitude as a way of life.

Our musical guest is Seth Davis, with two songs from his new CD Morning Songs.

I also mention that I have a 2012 book — an e-book called Light Bridge: The 25 Year Span.

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Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The extended forecast for December is published below in this issue. There is no weekly horoscope today. Inner Space for November was published Tuesday, Oct. 30. The November Monthly Horoscope was published Friday, Oct. 26. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. The November Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Nov. 20. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis

Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

Sagittarius Birthdays This Week

What you don’t know can hurt you, and what you do know can empower you. This is not the year to have “Ignorance is Bliss” as your personal motto. This is a time in your life when questioning assumptions, particularly about yourself, will advance your growth more than anything. You seem to be standing in a blind spot, particularly when it comes to understanding your own creative power. You may feel like your vital force, or at least your good judgment, is being weakened by something. Please notice if this is true, and don’t take it for granted. Make sure you know what’s going on within your home and with your own family. There is just as much wake-up energy in your charts, though the sequence of events looks like you drift off and are then called to awareness by some inconvenient factor. If you push or even accentuate the awareness part, you will reduce the inconvenience factor. Meanwhile, note if anything has been trying to get your attention over and over. It could range from a physical symptom to something troubling your conscience; from a creative desire to a kind of spiritual mission; it may involve how you relate to your physical space or people in your household. Be mindful of any patterns. The sooner you notice them, the better. Note, I plan to have your Sagittarius birthday reading early next week. Check this space for more info. — efc

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Being weird is not enough. Having no fear of being perceived as weird is essential. This will help insulate you from any misguided impulse to sacrifice your individuality or conform to what some authority figure wants you to be, and I assure you that the temptation will be there. Yet experiencing the tension between ‘rebellious’ and ‘conformist’ is not enough to guide you, on its own. You must do something subtler, which is trust that your self-guidance is more effective than anything any ‘leader’ could provide. Worship of authority is one of the most common forms of the mommy/daddy drama that adults, by definition, have resolved and put behind them. Getting clear about these things will allow you to step into the bold place of being an actual creative person, rather than an iconoclast. Of course, one persistent icon does need to be taken off of the altar, and that is your self-image. Remember that actual self is stronger, more influential and more beautiful than any mockery of it could be. Therefore, avoid glamour, fashionable trends of belief or doing anything for the sake of appearances. If you can do this, you will guide yourself deeper into the confidence that you are the only leadership you need. To many this will seem like a dangerous place, and it just may be. I suggest you equip yourself with a few more tools. The most important one is honesty, by which I mean the willingness to know yourself, and call something what it is.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s easy to turn relationships into a religion. It’s also easy to group with others based on a structured belief system. Having the two in the same place is a hazard to your growth. Intimate relationships do not need to be grounded in materialized form, in ideology or in commitments that extend far into the unforeseeable future. If humanity is to proceed in a way that could vaguely be called progressive, enlightened or honoring of human potential, relationships need to be a flexible meeting of individuals who support one another in getting to understand themselves. Please don’t underestimate the extent to which relationships as we’re taught to think of them are designed to undermine that very process. The problem you may face is that stepping into actual individuality is so daunting. The reasons for this go back as far as the first person who declared himself king, and demanded the loyalty of others; they extend into the present day, when most people fully expect to be punished for authenticity. I don’t think that either of these are the real issue. For you, it’s about diving into the unknown, and by that, I mean consciously entering the space within yourself where you actually don’t know who you are, and where nothing can substitute. If you can embrace what you don’t know about yourself, you may catch a glimpse of how much you have to discover, and what beauty the mere willingness to meet yourself would release into the world.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Actively cultivate your vision, both for your own life and for the world. Then hold that vision gently, and take a conscious step every day in the direction of expressing it. To do this, it will be necessary to look beyond what you think of as the potential in your current relationships. Whether you think of that potential as limited or extraordinary, whether your relationships are inspiring or distracting, there is something more that you have access to. At times this thing I’m calling a vision feels so subtle you can barely bring yourself to admit that it exists, much less to accept that you can manifest it. Other times you may engage directly in the controversy and sense of difference that seizes the world. And at yet other times you can feel the actual power contained in your vision, including the subtlety and the controversy. They are all part of the same thing. What I am saying, though, is that to bring this in fully, you need to look beyond the parameters of your current relationship involvements, whether personal or professional, friendly or hostile. Those relationships may, at some point, factor into what you do, and they may provide you with suggestions about what you want or don’t want. To attain your potential, you must be willing to take leadership, and for a while, that may mean accepting being misunderstood, or perceived as a threat to the security that others usually enjoy in your presence.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The world is your mirror. It is therefore the place to extend any compassion or appreciation that you have discovered on your journey to wholeness. Selflove emerges from your center, though if it’s to be meaningful — indeed, if it exists at all — it will extend beyond you into the gentle embrace of the people around you. One indication that you’re doing this is that you find yourself treating people on equal terms. The usual hierarchies and pecking orders of life give way to the understanding that we are all on the same journey, that we all contribute to one another’s lives, that we all reflect one another. While I am not suggesting that there is absolute equality among all of your relationships, they are a lot less different from one another than you may imagine. And the one thing they all have in common is you. In this way, the compassion that you offer to yourself extends out to others the moment that you feel it — unless you feel threatened and choose to hold back. I suggest you notice if you’re doing that, because when you hold onto defensiveness, attachment, fear or guilt in ‘someone else’, you’re really holding onto it within yourself. They want to be free from their pain, and want to be close to others, just as much as you do. For anyone to feel secure in this world is as meaningful as your own need to. If you think you take risks, consider that others may take even greater risks. If you want the privilege of vulnerability, extend your hand. Take off your glove first.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Nobody in this world should be excluded from healing, and in the end, nobody is. Yet you may need to balance your desire to include everyone with the understanding that some resist, some go kicking and screaming, and others have another agenda entirely. The most significant theme to focus on is your own healing agenda; if you’ve ever wondered when the perfect time would come to do this, you’re standing right in it, right now. Here are some themes as I see them: how do you handle your need to belong to the world around you? (Some options are: conforming, collaborating, communicating or coveting.) How do you relate to the past? (Some options are: destroy it, reinterpret it, regret it or learn from it.) How do you handle your obsessions? (Some options are: self-control, hyper-focus on your immediate environment, or eating your brain alive with anxiety.) How do you handle your violent tendencies? (Some options are: take them out on yourself, collect weapons, play sports, argue with everyone.) Most significantly, what is your concept of relationship? Does it include or exclude others? Are you basing your conduct on a commitment to freedom, or retreating into jealousy? The implication of your chart is that relationships are the most significant focus of your healing process right now, which will, sooner or later, include providing both an example and a safe space for others. In this regard you are far more influential than you may suspect.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.

Planet Waves



Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — If you are hesitating, make sure that it’s not to avoid provoking the insecurities of someone else. There are many reasons to pause, reflect and to use your power judiciously, though one of them is not acting out a childhood fear that someone more powerful than you will be scared by your potential. I have a suggestion. Try on the world from two points of view. In the first, imagine that everyone around you is threatened by your existence. Make no exceptions — imagine that every response or reaction is the result of a threat that someone else feels, and it’s all about you. In the second, imagine that nobody is threatened, that everyone embraces you, and that anyone’s apparent response or reaction to you is all about who they are and has nothing to do with you. Practice this for a little while and the difference will start to become stark. I suggest you develop sensitivity to when you’re trying to compensate for what you think are someone else’s potential reactions to you. Notice when you cut yourself off and therefore don’t give yourself a chance to get anywhere near full expression. Notice when this whole dynamic is influencing your decisions. There is another way to be — though it calls for a mix of self-awareness and bravery. If at any time you feel yourself compromised, add one or better yet both of these ingredients, and see how this shifts things. Note, there is an efficient way to access both in one gesture: curiosity.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) —
Are you feeling confident, or afraid that the ground is going to drop out beneath you? Is it time to embrace the people in your life, or are you making more excuses to keep them at arm’s length? What you’re going through is certainly deep, and it’s stirring up some old questions, some fear and many of your old reasons to keep people at a distance. That said, I don’t think there is a time when we’re actually ‘ready’ to be close to others. Rather, I would say there may be a time when we understand that everyone is a work in progress. Part of that progress is the willingness to accept your insecurities, not as a permanent part of who you are but rather something you experience. To accept your insecurities implies revealing them in intimate situations, which in turn implies giving people power over you. Here’s the problem with this point of view: if you see your life as a power dynamic, you’re living in the world of politics rather than human emotions. Part of your Libra karma is to understand what one professor at my university called ‘the politics of love’, which includes the politics of your early-childhood environment. That may have been a rigid world, based more on expectations than on compassion. You have the awareness and determination to see the implications of the past on your life today, and to work them out. I would ask: what’s that inside your velvet glove? Is it an iron fist, or a warm, loving hand?

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link .

Planet Waves



Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The time has arrived to distinguish you from your ideas about yourself. You may not be the first kid on the block to succeed at this, so don’t expect a keg party in your honor. Yet what is likely to happen is that by experiencing yourself differently, you will see the world differently. This is most of the issue, right? The willingness to see, to envision and to experience the world as different (particularly, as different from the one that our parents imposed on us)? Yet to embark on this requires consciously embracing instability, uncertainty and the unknown — not the flavors of the month these days. Both your ‘ideas about yourself’ and ‘yourself’ are powerful concepts, though they are different kinds of concepts and need to be distinguished from one another. For some, this is about sorting out the appearance of something from the underlying reality — the press release from the contentious meeting where it was written, and where much else was said. For others, this is about distinguishing where you are now from where you want to be in the future. And for others, this is a question about how the past weighs on you, and may drag you back to a time and place that no longer exists. All of this would be much easier, were you willing to take the risk of rejection. That implies having little to no influence on what people think of you. Then, you could be honest with yourself, and proceed on that basis alone.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If there is nothing holding you back, then what is holding you back? At this point, it’s likely to be the feeling that you’re not on solid or stable ground with yourself. So I would ask, can you get accustomed to the fact that the Earth is moving? Can you accept that as a fundamental truth of existence? (The Earth really is moving beneath you, literally and metaphorically.) Many factors in your astrology suggest that there is no certainty, and that nobody can hand it to you. Yet this also means that you are standing in a rare, and beautiful, opportunity to embrace the potential contained in an actual review of what you think, what you feel and what you value the most. In other words, questions are more valuable than answers, in part because they lead you to an open-ended place. If your phase of questioning is to end before you embark on your experiment, that’s a little like buying a set of paints, putting them in the closet and waiting for them to dry out before you make a painting. The uncertainty you feel is an experience of your potential — as is any self-doubt, or anger at yourself, at your past, or for that matter anger at your parents. You seem to be pulled between the desire for total, radical independence at the same time you’re aware that every aspect of your life contains subtle or overt interdependencies with the rest of existence. This is less of a paradox than it seems.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — “Become the change you want to see in the world” may be getting old as a slogan, but not as the thing to do. The 2012 phenomenon — day of the Mayan calendar (marking the completion of a 5,125-year cycle of time) — happens when the Sun ingresses your birth sign in December. What is the message, to you personally? It’s a resounding cry for social justice, which can only be answered in the embodiment of leadership by example. It’s the only kind that works, whether intentional or not, and whether the example is of corruption, truth or love. Therefore, be conscious of the example you provide. Be conscious of the alignment of your words and of your actions. What you say, what you do and who you are has an impact on the world. You may not feel that way, yet. One thing that will help you notice your influence is to pause in trying to live up to what you think others would have you be. You do not need to be anything but who you are. In our particular world, the fact that this may not be acceptable to some people is evidence that you’re doing what is right, and popularity may be a sign that you’re wasting your time. Express your passion for justice by being just. Include people rather than exclude them. Make nobody conform to your point of view. Offer your empathy and consciously, vocally refrain from trying to control anyone — especially yourself.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — I would suggest you take a less somber and more celebratory approach to life, to sex and to work. Remember — you’re not in this alone. That would be your worst fear, and thankfully it’s not vaguely possible. Yet something equally daunting is. In order to work with, bond with and grow with others, you must be willing to do these things with yourself. At first, deep self-embrace can feel like reaching for someone’s hand in the darkness. Yet imagine this hand in the darkness is grasping for you, though you cannot see where it is, or be sure that it’s there. It’s far easier to reach for someone else, but less meaningful until you’ve embraced your fear not of being alone but rather that you might not show up for yourself. The nice thing is that unlike in an interpersonal relationship, you get to decide what you’re going to do; you have all the influence and you make all of the decisions. When you get to the place where you’re entirely certain that you’re going to meet yourself, and know that you will never abandon yourself, that gives you a lot more freedom in everything you do, particularly in your relationships with others. The world has this one backwards, as the usual logic runs, “I will show up for myself when someone shows up for me.” By now you’ve seen the futility of this — and you’ve tasted the essence of nourishing yourself, which is your prerogative every moment of this life and beyond.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have come a long way to get where you are. It’s taken you a long time and impeccable patience, and for years you’ve sorted through your mind with the approximate feeling of sifting through a box of pottery shards. You are finally starting to get a sense of your wholeness — and the strength that this offers you. One gift of wholeness is the benefit of being able to see the world from many points of view. Your psychic mobility is your best asset, and it’s in full bloom right now. Don’t worry if those who lodge themselves in one point of view find this disorienting. In this moment of history, nobody can really afford to be rigid, or convinced of their rightness. And you cannot afford to have the idea that there is no truth, or that the truth can never be known. As you shift from viewpoint to viewpoint, observe the world and notice what changes, and what the different perspectives have in common. After a while, I think you will start to see the obvious, and then you will be able to express it in a way that entices others to embark on their own healing process as a matter of free will. Any fool can spot differences; it takes a perceptive person to notice common ground. You may wonder, however, why others don’t see it. The answer is because they have not looked. In truth there is so little we don’t know — about our problems, or about our solutions.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


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Ohio (or: the Election Gets Personal)

Dear Friend and Reader:

We keep hearing that the election may hinge on the results of one state — Ohio. There are several close states, but for a number of reasons, Ohio stands out.

Planet Waves
On the Electoral College campus / L.M. Glackens. From the Library of Congress. This is a joke; there is no campus and the college never meets as a group. But it picks the president.

FiveThirtyEight, a blog project of The New York Times, has been running computer simulations of the many permutations of what might happen during the presidential election — specifically within the Electoral College, which it covers as its primary focus. (There are 538 votes in the Electoral College.)

Earlier this week, they ran 40,000 different combinations of scenarios based on the latest poll results, and half the time, the results in Ohio picked the winner.

Right on the other side of all the stagecraft and the debates, the billions spent on the campaigns, the 24-hour cable news analysis or outright fictionalizing, is an often-overlooked fact.

Beyond the battle over reduced polling times, voter roll purges and other attempts to block participation in the election is the reality that the United States has a representative, or indirect, electoral system, in which the loser of the popular vote can win or ‘win’ the presidency.
That’s what happened in 2000 (when Bush lost the popular vote and took office), and what nearly happened in 1968 (when Nixon won the his first presidential election by just half a million votes, and the Electoral College was nearly abolished as a result).

In the Electoral College game, some states are more meaningful than others — particularly the ones where the polls show the state could go either way (sometimes called a battleground state, a swing state or an undecided state). You’re probably getting sick of hearing about Ohio as being one of these. There are scenarios wherein a candidate can lose Ohio and win the electoral vote, but Ohio does seem key (especially for modern Republicans, who always win Ohio when they win the presidency), and I want to start this week by offering three reasons to pay extra attention to what happens there.

First, there are two different voting machine scandals that come back to Ohio, one involving a company that the Romney family essentially owns (through a series of subsidiaries), and the other involving an Ohio-based company called Diebold.

Planet Waves
Your stuff is safe with us! One of Diebold’s original products.

Voting Machine Scandal One involves a Romney-held private equity fund called Solamere, which invests in H.I.G. Capital, which in turn invests in Hart Intercivic, the nation’s third largest voting machine manufacturer. (This is the electoral equivalent of the expression, “Freedom of the press belongs to those whose subsidiaries have one.”)

Numerous Solamere/H.I.G. staff are represented on the Romney campaign, including its two top finance people. Hart Intercivic machines are used in two Ohio counties — one of which includes Cincinnati, home to two million voters.

Voting Machine Scandal Two involves good old Diebold. This company was big news in the 2004 election, when Wally O’Dell, then its CEO and a fundraiser for George W. Bush, famously wrote in a solicitation letter to mega-donors: ”I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.” (Those electoral votes were in fact delivered. O’Dell was later forced out of his own company during the federal investigation of an insider trading scheme. Researching this article, we noticed that there is a disturbing pattern of execs of voting machine companies being involved in various fraud scandals.)

Diebold is now two companies, one called ES&S and the other called Dominion — and between them, they control the rest of the voting machines in Ohio, particularly, those lovely touch-screen, tree-friendly machines that leave no paper trail and where no actual recount is possible. Basically, all of Ohio’s voting machines are in Republican hands.

Next, by now you’ve probably heard that Ohio’s Republican-held office of the secretary of state, which controls voting hours, has been attempting to curtail access to the polls in a way that’s designed to block communities that predominantly vote Democratic. Jon Husted, the secretary of state, has tried to block early voting, including the “Souls to the Polls” program where black voters go from church to their voting places — but the federal courts have repeatedly stopped him.

Planet Waves
Delivery Man: Wally O’Dell, high-level fundraiser for Bush and then-CEO of Diebold, promised to deliver Ohio’s electoral votes for Bush in 2004 — and he did. Photo from

Along with this, there’s a dirty tricks campaign going on that would have been a real knee-slapper for Nixon and his boys, if only they could have peered into the future. My favorite (so far) was putting the wrong election date on voter literature in a county where Obama won in 2008 by a close margin.

So far that’s two reasons — and we know that Ohio has had electoral problems in the past.

As I’ve written before, Mercury stations retrograde on the night of the election, an event typically associated with technical problems, reversals of various kinds, inaccurate reporting (news, data), miscommunication, delays and a general state of confusion. Between the Republican-possessed voting machines and attempts to cut back voting hours, the setup in Ohio is spooky enough even if nobody means any harm, and nauseating if someone has a plot brewing. The atmosphere of any Mercury retrograde — though this one in particular — is the perfect festering pool for fraud.

Part of why I say that the retrograde that begins on Election Day is especially murky is because this Mercury retrograde involves three squares to Neptune. The first is on Monday, Oct. 29, with Mercury in the first shadow phase. Then there’s another one during the retrograde on Nov. 13, then the last one is Dec. 11, during the second shadow phase. Mercury square Neptune makes it extremely challenging to discern the truth. The series of three Mercury-Neptune squares means that as the facts and fact pattern emerge they will be in layers, blended with layers of deceit — and anyone trying to navigate the territory must use extreme discernment.

The Natal Horoscope of Ohio

The last reason to be concerned about Ohio is that bells are going off in the natal chart of that state — and I mean warning bells. Mercury retrograde presents a kind of climatic condition that affects everyone, everywhere. But when you focus on the astrology of Ohio itself, the place looks like a crime scene — or at least the scene of an attempted theft of the election.

Planet Waves
The chart above is the statehood chart for Ohio, cast for March 1, 1803, set for the old capital. You can see Neptune in the ascendant on the left side. Neptune is the blue trident on the left, which aligns to within a fraction of a degree of the ascendant, indicated by the dark horizontal line. View more detailed charts here.

The first thing to know about Ohio is that the state has Scorpio rising, and there is a planet exactly in the ascendant (the rising degree, aligned with the eastern horizon). That is Neptune, the planet of illusions, deception and denial. True, Neptune is also associated with beautiful music, dreamy fantasies and spectacular cinema, but it’s drawing on the same basic properties in both its toxic and creative expressions.

When a person or an entity has a planet very close to the ascendant, it can take on the identity of that planet. People with Neptune rising tend to have fuzzy boundaries, right down to the locks on their doors not working correctly. They are easy to infiltrate. Events that take place with Neptune in the ascendant can have the property of ‘the truth is never known’. This situation blends properties of both.

Neptune was retrograde at the time Ohio became a state, meaning (in this case) that its presence and effects are veiled (which can involve being perceived as ‘this was an issue in the past, but not today’). There is added potential for duplicity. This is astrology calling for some grease cutter, an audit team and a few alert investigative reporters on the scene. In fact, in Ohio and many other places, things are so bad that the ACLU and other civil rights organizations have called on UN inspectors to observe the election. We need them. Neptune has a way of camouflaging itself, and the best disguise is the denial of someone looking straight at something.

This placement — retrograde Neptune in Scorpio, exactly rising — gets some emphasis right in the wake of whatever happens on Election Day. There is about to be a total eclipse of the Sun conjunct Ohio’s Neptune, just two degrees away from Neptune and the ascendant. Think of that as pointing to that Neptune, ramping up its power and creating a kind of vortex into which we could get vacuumed.

The total solar eclipse happens in Scorpio on Nov. 13, a week after the election. Regardless of the Ohio chart, if the results are not agreed to by that time, then the lack of certainty could persist for quite a while. Eclipses have a wide orb of influence, with effects long before and long after they actually occur, and this eclipse so close to the election adds gravitas to whatever happens. Eclipses have an Aries Point-like quality: they often come with an intersection of personal and collective events. What happens to Ohio happens to all of us.

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Black voters stood in line for hours to vote in Columbus, Ohio, in 2004. This line doesn’t look bad, but it actually extends twenty miles, almost to the next county. Photo: Chris Hicks.

Meanwhile, the coming Mercury retrograde directly involves the Ohio chart. There is an axis in the chart where Mercury gets hooked right in, and around which everything seems to turn — the axis of the chart that involves governmental affairs, called the meridian (the 4th/10th house axis).

Envision Mercury flying along like a Frisbee and then the cool looking dude with the tan sticks his index finger up, and catches it, spinning at full speed, and does a little dance. This is how the Ohio chart snags that Mercury retrograde, many times over, because Ohio has a lot of points concentrated there close to the 4th house cusp.
For example, among the points that Mercury retrograde will make squares to three times include Ohio’s natal Mercury; its Part of Fortune; and its lunar nodes. Mercury will come close to squaring Ohio’s Pluto and 4th house cusp at the start of the retrograde — and finally reach Pluto on Dec. 15, by which time things may seem finalized, for good or ill.

Mars in the Atlantis Degree

There is one last thing about the Ohio chart that I want to point out, relating to a theme that you may remember from my earlier coverage of Sept. 11 false flag attacks, WikiLeaks, Fukushima and a number of other events. I covered this in an article last year called Here at the Edge of the World.

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The degree that shows up too often — the Moon (gray crescent, top right of chart) at 28+ Gemini in the 9/11 chart. This degree shows up too often in too many weird events, including Fukushima and the natal chart of Ohio.

This involves a single degree of the zodiac — 28+ Gemini. This one degree ties together many of the strangest, most scandalous historic developments of our lifetimes — and one organization that has consistently tried to expose the truth. (WikiLeaks has this degree rising.)

I call it the Atlantis Degree because it seems to show up with a reminder about how our technology is creating us more rapidly than we are creating it. There is a fixed star right nearby, called Betelgeuse, which Bernadette Brady associates with things going very well.

This seems to include disturbing things, as we’ve seen so many times, and which William Lilly associated with what he termed “rare engines of war.” As my colleague Tracy Delaney quipped when she told me about that, “Pretty good, considering that neither jet liners nor skyscrapers were invented in the 17th century,” when Lilly wrote his astrology textbook. She was referring to the accuracy of his delineation, given that this fixed star shows up in a conjunction with the Moon, in the chart for the 9/11 incident.

As mentioned, the Ohio chart has Scorpio rising. Scorpio is ruled by Mars. Mars appears in that degree in the Ohio chart. And it appears in the 8th house of secrets, shared resources, money and sex. In many respects, the 8th is the house of all things scandalous, and Mars sitting there gives me chills. It has a violent, two-faced quality, and the word rape comes to mind first, and denial comes to mind second.

Notably, that Mars is trine Ohio’s natal Mercury in Aquarius (which is itself retrograde) to less than half a degree. Mars and Mercury work together in this chart, and to my senses, they are up to mischief. And now, every time the forthcoming retrograde Mercury makes contact with Ohio’s natal Mercury, it’s also talking to Mars in the Atlantis degree of Gemini.

Mars is the planet of maleness, of warfare and of aggression. In Gemini, it will conceal its real agenda, behind a second agenda. With the air signs involved, the use of language and law are involved. And as it turns out, this is an election all about maleness and warfare, as well as the use of the law, in particular, by men.

Next week I will deal with the military issues involved in the U.S. government and in this election in particular. Today, taking a hint from that Mars in the Ohio chart, I want to conclude with a commentary on the gender issues in this election.

More Politics of Rape

Earlier this week, Mitt Romney endorsed a Tea Party-backed Senate candidate named Richard Mourdock, who is running in Indiana [see video here]. Romney touted him as the potential 51st vote against government health care (even though ‘Obamacare’ is a corporate health care program). Rachel Maddow said that Mourdock was the only candidate for Senate endorsed by Romney in this election cycle, so he stands out a bit. The very next day at a debate against his opponent, Mourdock said that he was against a woman’s right to have an abortion, even in the case of rape — because the pregnancy was a “gift from God.”

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Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock said Tuesday when a woman becomes pregnant during a rape, ”that’s something God intended.” See the full video here.

“I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from God. And, I think, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen,” Mourdock said [see video here]. He struggled with it? Are we to assume he got pregnant?

Mourdock became the second GOP Senate candidate to wax philosophical about rape and pregnancy in recent months. Rep. Todd Akin, running for U.S. Senate from Missouri, said during a television interview in August that women’s bodies have ways of preventing pregnancy in cases of what he called “legitimate rape.”

“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something: I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child,” he said. I am sitting here wondering by what logic, or precedent, a fetus has more rights than a sovereign citizen — unless one does not count women as such.

As if it’s not enough that abortion rights, which are long-settled case law, are somehow a central issue in this campaign (Romney has promised to sign the so-called Personhood Amendment if it lands on his desk) and as if it’s not enough that even the right to birth control is coming into question (Romney has promised to do his part to have the Supreme Court’s Griswold v. Connecticut decision repealed), now we have to hear about rape on a regular basis. Rape is about an attacker taking total control over the victim, in truth, one step shy of murder. Until recently, it was subject to the death penalty in many American states. Now it’s being associated with a “gift from God.”

The official platform of the Republican party states its opposition to abortion under all circumstances, including in cases of rape and incest. The official platform! I have been reading comments like “This is how Jim Crow guys in the south were during the Sixties — very loud,” implying that this kind of misogyny is a kind of death rattle for their point of view. I am not buying that argument, at all. I am not willing to take that chance. There are too many forces pushing in the same direction, and to me this seems more neo than retro.

However you may feel about voluntary medical abortion, making it into a crime presents a problem: abortions and miscarriages happen spontaneously, and would be subject to criminal investigation and prosecution as potential murders. The central question here is, should women have autonomous dominion over their bodies, or should every pregnancy be government property, subject to investigation? In essence, this is a discussion about making every uterus a potential crime scene.

It’s easy to cast this as opposition to something distasteful, painful and often considered a necessary evil. It’s easy to cast it as a moral issue, and blame God. There really is no secular, scientific or medical argument in opposition to a woman’s right to choose the destiny of a pregnancy, especially early in the term — all of the arguments are religious, or emotional.

American political discourse has degraded to the point where it’s now considered legitimate to claim, in public, that women have no rights whatsoever over their bodies, or their reproductive destiny. If you have studied any feminism at all, you know that for women, reproductive rights are the same thing as human rights. And now we are even hearing politicians advocate for the parental rights of rapists. I really wonder why there is not a bigger outcry. Is it because this seems too weird to be true? Or is it about a conscious giveback of both rights and their corresponding responsibilities?

For the past three decades, many American children have been subjected to abstinence-only indoctrination in public schools, which is basically a taxpayer supported campaign of ignorance and shame. This is the perfect state of mind for such a vicious, actually insane conversation to flourish. And, one would think, anyone who wanted to see fewer abortions would be in favor of family planning and conscious pregnancy prevention. But that’s not the way things are going — which puts women in an extremely dangerous double bind.

The slide or even downward spiral of how women are treated, and how women assert themselves in society, is a complex scenario and I think that each of us would be wise to take the inquiry inward, and into our relationships as well.

We have to look at this in the context of the conscious assault on the rights of women, as well as the voluntary abdication of those rights; the dumbing down of the population via abstinence indoctrination; the proliferation of sexual imagery; and the rise of homophobia, which also influences relationships between the sexes as well as intrapersonal relating. That is to say, all of this influences our most intimate situations, and how we feel about ourselves.

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Natasha Richardson as Offred in the 1990 film adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, the story of a totalitarian theocratic society where women have no rights. See trailer here.

There are other contexts to consider, including the hormone chaos issue (plastics, pesticides, PCBs and other chemicals acting as hormones), which is potentially influencing any and all things sexual through contaminated food and air.

Women’s issues are often presented as ‘special interests’, which is part of the scam. The more pressing issues of our day seem to be the planet heating up, the power of the arms industry, total corruption, the abuse of technology and corporations thinking they have the rights of humans, enabled by the courts. Yet these all may be byproducts of the condition of human rights, and deep at the core, this is about the treatment of women, by both men and other women. What I am saying is the first human rights issue is how we treat one another — and this seems to involve gender more often than not.

Sex and gender issues are not boutique items. I believe they are the center of the cyclone. If the prevailing, real-life story of the human race is one sex oppressing the other, that’s going to reflect in every other way, influencing everything that happens on the planet — including how we treat the Earth.

The central political question of our day, in my view is: To what extent have women and men learned to recognize one another as people? To what extent have we learned to recognize ourselves as people? The political is indeed as personal as it gets.


Additional research: Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck. Photo research: Sarah Bissonnette-Adler.


Planet Waves

November: Mercury Retrograde and Scorpio Eclipse

Two events dominate the astrology of November — Mercury retrograde and a total eclipse of the Sun. There is also a corresponding lunar eclipse, though it’s a penumbral eclipse, which some would say is not particularly strong; but to me this gentle eclipse looks like a special opportunity. Let’s take these events one at a time (and I suggest you review the October stars piece from last month).

Planet Waves

The Mercury retrograde that begins Nov. 6 is a particularly interesting one. Apart from the fact that it begins on the day of a U.S. presidential election, Mercury makes a number of challenging aspects. Fortunately we have astrology so we can see them in advance. These include a series of three squares to Neptune — one during the forward shadow phase (the weeks leading up to the station retrograde), one during the retrograde and the last during the second shadow phase, with Mercury again direct.

Mercury square Neptune can be slippery. It is difficult to discern the truth under the influence of this aspect. It is therefore essential that you not act on what you know or suspect to be incomplete information. Also, I suggest you raise your standard to pausing and seeking additional information if you should know something; you are responsible for both what you know, and acting on that information.

When in doubt, the thing to do is pause. Lost opportunities during these aspects are unlikely to have been opportunities at all — and if they were, they will still be there in late December or early January when things settle down. One potential issue is that decisions made under these influences can have substantial staying power, mainly due to the involvement of a total eclipse of the Sun, which will have a pattern-setting property (eclipses almost always do). Therefore, get in the habit now of making sure that you’ve got your facts right, and pausing if you fear that you do not. This might not be the time to act on a suspicion, but it’s definitely time to pause for more information.

Planet Waves

The first Mercury-Neptune square happens Monday, Oct. 29, just two hours ahead of the Taurus Full Moon. (The Full Moon is exact Monday at 3:49 pm EDT.) We are under the influence of the square and the Full Moon now, and there is considerable momentum (in part because the Sun is in Scorpio and in part because we are close to one of the cross-quarters of the year, in particular, an old holiday which we how commemorate as Halloween).

The second Mercury-Neptune square happens two weeks later, very close to the total solar eclipse of Nov. 13. So the first two Mercury-Neptune squares are combined with lunations, meaning that emotional pressure is likely to influence your already slippery intellectual process. Emotion is not subject to reason and, while it may be good at guiding you in certain circumstances, you cannot expect a rational result, especially under this astrology. Therefore, do a kind of ‘therapy check’ when making decisions — question one is, how do I feel? Question two is, what are the facts? Beware of wishful thinking and selective inattention.

The last Mercury-Neptune square is Dec. 11, when Mercury is direct but before it’s entered new territory after the retrograde. This is the moment that may come with the feeling of, “I should have known.” Therefore, starting now, I suggest you take it slow and recognize that you are responsible for what you do not know.

Planet Waves

As for the usual “don’t buy, don’t sign” influence happening during part of the holiday shopping season, I recommend buying modest gifts, and if possible, doing your holiday shopping once Mercury has stationed direct on Nov. 26 (give it a few days). Yes, there will be residual influences hanging around, though they will be easier to handle after the station direct and after the stormy phase close to the end of the retrograde settles down. You don’t need to fall for the compulsive behavior associated with holiday shopping. It really is the thought that counts.

Last, here are a few thoughts about the eclipses. The total solar eclipse in Scorpio is the first eclipse in Scorpio for nearly a decade (eclipses run on a nine-year cycle). Eclipses stir up the psychic territory, wherever they are — and Scorpio is challenging for many people because it brings up taboo subject matter: sex, desire, death, money and all the various shades of secrets associated with these things.

Saturn is also in Scorpio, in a sense compelling that discussion. I suggest you have it sooner rather than later, though due to Mercury retrograde, please do not expect “the truth” to arrive in a neat bundle. If ever the truth be known, it’s usually something we put together from many points of view, with the occasional revelation.

Planet Waves

Last, there is a penumbral eclipse of the Moon in Gemini on Nov. 28. (This is also the Gemini Full Moon.) For this eclipse, Venus, Saturn and Mercury are all in Scorpio, so there will be plenty to talk about — under the influence of a talkative Full Moon. By this time, you may notice that it’s become a lot easier to handle taboo topics. Here is the message of this eclipse: You are what you talk about. Therefore, choose your subject matter, your point of view and your language carefully and consciously.

Changing how you feel can begin with changing your mind, and that often starts with how you choose to describe your experience. Listen to yourself.

All photos by Anthony Ayiomamitis.


Planet Waves

Lawrence O’Donnell: Third Party Worth a Vote

A rare instance of a major network anchor championing third parties in a presidential election — and an equally rare instance of real journalism on television — graced MSNBC Wednesday night courtesy of Lawrence O’Donnell.

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O’Donnell pointed out that Larry King, the moderator of a third-party debate in Chicago Tuesday night, reminded the nation that the two major-party candidates have refused to address America’s failed War on Drugs and other significant issues that four third-party candidates were more than willing to tackle. All but one said they would legalize cannabis.

O’Donnell then called out the blatant corruption of the U.S.’s two-party system, and slammed the public, the media and even Mitt Romney for not holding Obama accountable for signing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). NDAA — which none of the third-party candidates would sign — allows the government to detain, interrogate, prosecute or just make people who it suspects to be terrorists (including American citizens) to disappear without a trial of any kind. With such an outburst of truth to power, O’Donnell may qualify.

The next third-party presidential debate will be between candidate Jill Stein and Gary Johnson on Oct. 30, streaming live on Free and Equal.

It’s Not Easy Being Green (Party)

Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party nominee for president, has filed a lawsuit against the Commission on Presidential Debates, Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee, together with the Federal Election Commission and Lynn University.

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Jill Stein (far right) and Rocky Anderson (second from right) in their virtual debate with Romney and Obama. Image: Democracy Now!

Stein, who along with running mate Cheri Honkala has been barred from participating in the official debate process, claims that the organizations named in the suit have deprived her of her constitutional rights to due process, equal protection and free speech, as well as her statutorily protected civil rights. The lawsuit, which was filed Monday, also sought to enjoin the last CPD presidential debate from taking place that night.

Unlike the League of Women Voters, which ran highly transparent presidential debates for nearly a decade, the CPD allows ‘secret contracts’ between the two main parties that specify things like which moderators and topics are allowed. If you’re curious how Stein and Justice Party candidate Rocky Anderson handle the same questions Obama and Romney faced Monday night, you can watch an expanded version of the debate hosted by Democracy Now!

CIA Whistleblower Meets Saturn in Scorpio

Retired CIA agent John Kiriakou, who served from 1990 to 2004, pled guilty this week to leaking classified information. Kiriakou is best known for describing the torture of al-Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah in a 2007 ABC News interview.

Kiriakou renounced the waterboarding of Zubaydah that he had previously condoned, saying that it was not something we should be doing, “because we’re Americans, and we’re better than that.”

The news of Kiriakou’s plea and sentencing arrived with the Sun’s conjunction with the asteroid Arachne, which has been bringing light to our interconnectedness as well as webs of secrets. With Saturn, which rules Capricorn (institutions, structure, government) also in Scorpio taking a conjunction from the Sun, we’re getting a reminder of how our government deals with secrets when they’re leaked (depending on who leaks them; remember Valerie Plame?). Kiriakou admitted via plea bargain to a single count of revealing the identity of a covert officer, which carries a potential sentence of up to 30 months.


Planet Waves

The Solution to Pollution is Commodification

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Satellite view of Chesapeake Bay. Image: NASA.

Much like how some industries have figured out how to abuse the carbon credits system to pollute more and profit, the financial market has turned toward public resources such as water as a way to make a buck off of environmental measures.

“Market-based ‘solutions’ to the problem of pollution are based on a system of credit accumulation that allow polluters to amass the ‘right’ to pollute and trade that right as if it were a commodity,” reports Food and Water Watch. By creating a market for pollution, these schemes actually promote it.

For example, in 2010 the EPA established a Total Maximum Daily Load, or TMDL, for nitrogen and phosphorus pollution discharged into the Chesapeake Bay. Unfortunately, market-based offsets that polluters can use or trade are more likely to increase pollution to the Bay. The EPA and the Obama Administration are promoting the plan as a model for other waterways. Food & Water Watch has joined with Friends of the Earth to file a joint lawsuit challenging the legality of pollution trading under the Clean Water Act.


Planet Waves

Scorpio Sun Shines Light on Abuse at the BBC

The Sun’s ingress of Scorpio continues to illuminate the sexual, financial and death-related taboos we keep in the darkness. The BBC, one of British television and radio’s most-respected institutions, is being rocked by a sex abuse scandal that came to light a while ago, but has really come under full steam with the current astrology. Jimmy Savile, the U.K.’s celebrated version of Dick Clark who died last year, is at the center of an ever-growing web of revelations accusing him of sexually abusing girls and boys.

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Inquiries into the BBC’s knowledge of Jimmy Savile’s abuse of minors is the biggest scandal the organization has faced in decades. It points to a culture of sexism and secrecy in one of Britain’s most highly-trusted social institutions.

Savile, a DJ and television host for the popular “Top of the Pops” and his children’s program “Jim’ll Fix It,” allegedly used his BBC programs as easy access to the kids and young teens he abused and coerced into silence. Police have identified upwards of 200 potential victims, whose accusations span several decades. Other suspects connected with the alleged abuse are under investigation.

An obvious theme in the story is how Savile used his enormous fame and popularity to gain power over his victims, who assumed they would never be believed. This is common to almost all situations of sexual abuse, and a major reason why survivors often do not come forward until many years later — if ever. Particularly disturbing is the fact that Savile, who involved himself in children’s charity events, was allowed access to a number of hospitals — including a high-security psychiatric hospital where he worked as a volunteer and had keys to the wards.

The BBC is now the subject of two independent investigations combing through internal communications to determine who knew what when. As with the abuse at Penn State, there are indicators it was not completely secret — and the money the BBC was making off of Savile surely influenced those in authority.

Last year, the BBC’s flagship current affairs program “Newsnight” had begun an investigation of Savile but dropped it. It remains to be seen how far the web extends of people turning a blind eye at the BBC. As the light of the Scorpio Sun shines into these old, dark corners filled with pain, Chiron in Pisces is offering the tools of awareness, acknowledgement and documentation in the quest for healing. It’s a long road, and Savile is not alive to take responsibility for his actions. But this is a start.


Planet Waves

Wait — Who Said What?

In a seeming moment of reversal the 21st-century American ideological landscape, a well-known TV ‘conservative’ and his supposedly ‘liberal’ counterpart took surprising stances on the killing of civilians in drone strikes overseas, noted the FAIR website. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe television show, right-leaning Joe Scarborough criticized the idea that the loss of life (sometimes called collateral damage, and less politely, murder) incurred with drone strikes is ‘clean’ warfare. Meanwhile, Time columnist Joe Klein, oft-identified as left leaning, was shockingly content to paint the collateral deaths of young people overseas as taking out ‘bad guys’ in the making.

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Drone aircraft launches missiles on a beautiful day.

Klein, impressed that drones can kill ‘cleanly’ using just a joystick in California, met with Scarborough’s indignation:
“You have four-year-old girls being blown to bits because we have a policy that says, ‘You know what, instead of trying to go in, take the risk, get the terrorists out of hiding… we’re just going to blow up everyone around them’.”

At least Scarborough gets that indiscriminate killing is not okay on some level. Klein, on the other hand, replied:

“The bottom line, in the end, is: Whose four-year-old gets killed? What we’re doing is limiting the possibility that four-year-olds here are going to get killed by indiscriminate acts of terror.”

Whose four-year-old gets killed is the bottom line? Is he serious? This is more than just bad foreign relations. It’s chillingly devoid of empathy.


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Promotional photo for The Yes Men Are Revolting.

The Yes Men Launch Kickstarter for New Film Project

The Yes Men, famous for their social-justice hoaxes that champion people and the environment while ‘punking’ big, unethical corporations, are making another movie, their third. (Their most recent was The Yes Men Fix the World.) And they need our help. They’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a documentary aimed at inspiring and equipping us with what we need to get involved in creative, revolutionary acts. How Uranus square Pluto, no? [Eric donated his astrological services to help them select the best time to launch the Kickstarter campaign.]

They write on their Kickstarter website, “Energized by our involvement with the Occupy movement, we came to realize our true role in social change. Now, we’re hatching our most ambitious plan ever: a human-staffed platform to help every inspired viewer of our film — or anyone at all — get active as well. This ‘Action Switchboard’ taps our 100,000-person database, as well as some much bigger lists, to create fun, meaningful, movement-building projects around the issues we all care about.” With pledge levels starting at just $1, they’re making it easy to be a bright light among many shining through the dark.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves FM :: Sun in Scorpio — and Ohio

Planet Waves

This week’s edition of Planet Waves FM covers the Sun in Scorpio, including the Sun’s conjunction to Arachne and trine to Neptune in Pisces. I describe the inner nature of the sign Scorpio, and its relationship to Pisces.

At the end of the first segment I discuss the case of Amanda Todd, the Canadian teenager who killed herself two weeks ago after being sexually stalked on the Internet for years.

After a song break, I discuss the (Scorpio rising) chart of the state of Ohio, and the factors in that chart which might influence the Nov. 6 election in the United States.

Here is your program in the Old Player. Note, you can download a compressed file of the program on the Old Player page, which also includes a full archive of Planet Waves FM going back to 2010. More recent programs are collected in the category listing at the top of the blog frame.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, weeks that follow. The November monthly horoscope is published below in today’s issue. The new Inner Space will come out this coming Tuesday. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. The October Monthly horoscope was published Friday, Sept. 28. Inner Space for October was published Tuesday, Oct. 2. The October Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Oct. 16.

Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 | By Eric Francis
Scorpio Birthdays This Week

Beware of what you think you know. Beware of the words “I think.” They may be the best indication that you are not really thinking at all. This is a large moment in your life, and I suggest that rather than being eager to make changes, you focus on learning about yourself and letting that information gradually influence the course of your existence. One thing to guard against is the emotional influence of others. This may come in a diversity of forms, such as people trying to impress you with how stuck they are (it’s not really true) or how enlightened they are (easier said than done). If you find yourself in a power struggle of any kind, it’s likely to be a red herring: what seems to be the issue is not really the one, so look beneath the surface. You may not know what the issue is for a while, so take the next month to gently observe matters and see what you learn. If you’re trying to figure out where others are coming from, learn what you can about their relationships to their parents; I could say the same for you. Note to Scorpios: I didn’t get to your birthday reading this week, so it will be next week for sure. Look for an announcement in your inbox.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The time has come to go beyond belief. In fact, I suggest that the moment you find yourself ‘believing’ something, that’s the time to question it. By this, I mean ask yourself a series of questions, check every fact, and persist in going deeper, over an extended period of time. You’re about to encounter a situation where this kind of mental rigor will be essential both to your happiness and your financial wellbeing. The setup is essentially that you’re headed for making a decision that seems good at the time, only to doubt yourself, only then to find out that you have regrets. You can avoid this whole thing by pausing and getting the facts now. I recognize that this kind of attentiveness can be off-putting to others. Having information is a form of power, and refusing to go blithely on belief, or simply to accept others at their word, can be off-putting. You might feel guilty for challenging others. The most important thing you can do, besides having some healthy skepticism, is to be polite. Persist in seeking specific facts and numbers, which will take a few more weeks (into early December or a bit longer). Meanwhile, if you’re moving forward about anything and you still have your doubts, slow down the move. Build in some delays, and hold your cards until your knowledge starts to reach a tipping point. That’s a moment of truth, and it’s better when this happens before you’re committed to something you can’t get out of easily.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Whatever else may be going on in your life — and there is plenty — I suggest you keep your emphasis on your wellbeing, such as maintaining a balance between your work and your personal life. The most intimate aspects of your existence are likely to be compelling, as you rethink your involvement in a certain agreement based on factors you’re unlikely to have considered before. The practical aspect may seem to compete against the emotional aspect, though you’re making progress when you see them as the same thing. It’s essential that you become a highly conscious decision maker, which may be challenging amongst so many unusual factors, events that somehow seem fated, and doubts about your past choices. I suggest you develop the skill of knowing when you’re in denial. Each time you figure it out, consider that a moment of awakening. From there, your first objective would be to remain awake, so you can use your awareness to help you guide your life in a wholly positive direction. One additional challenge is the sense of mystery that may be pervading everything. There are the usual questions, such as where am I and how did I get here? These have answers. The most pressing questions involve you and what you want. You’ve taken some strides on this particular issue; you’ve figured out some of what you don’t want and discovered a few things that make you happy. Yet you remain the most persistent mystery in the room. Sit with that one; don’t rush yourself.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Maintaining one’s independence is challenging in relationships, especially in a world where we seem to have two options — taken and not taken. Taken often involves signing a 100-page contract, and not taken can come with the sense of being a non-person. You’re finally seeing the futility of this, yet there doesn’t seem to be an easy way out of the paradox. It would be a cruel world where intimacy came only at the expense of a hostage situation, though for too many people this is what happens nearly all the time. You seem intent on going beyond this limited reality, or what could less politely be described as an emotional trap where your own needs and desires are used as bait. If you’re seeking your freedom without the corresponding sacrifice of closeness, make sure you notice those moments when freedom seems like a dangerous, unstable state of existence. Those are your best indication that the door is actually coming unlocked. Usually, an overwhelming sense of responsibility and the daunting prospect of failure, contribute to the sense that the fewer options one has, the better. Lately, however, you’ve become aware of a fact that verges on metaphysical: you are a distinct entity in the universe, responsible for the course of your own existence. You may be feeling it as a struggle for survival, and I assure you that your quest is precisely that. Don’t let anyone convince you of what is not true, but more to the point, don’t convince yourself.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you find yourself going deeper than you feel safe in an erotic situation, remember one word: healing. That will help you focus, and it will give you a basis of both purpose and communication. You can pretty much assess everyone and everything on the basis of their affinity with this concept — including yourself. There’s the phase of this experience where pleasure itself is a kind of necessary balm. Yet the experience continues from there. The whole experience is a vehicle to take you deeper into a kind of hidden realm, which may involve dealing with certain matters that (for example) your parents did not address and which were passed on to you. Yet there is something deeper than your immediate lineage that you’re about to address, and that is part of the reason why you may be feeling out of your depth (particularly around the time of a total solar eclipse on Nov. 13). You seem to be dealing with something much larger than yourself, and if you know that, you will both not feel so overwhelmed and you’ll also have a line of approach to the territory. You seem to be involved with a situation that started with the intent for one thing, then in a series of steps you didn’t know you were taking, became something else, as if you encountered a kind of emotional or psychic undertow. To proceed from here, you will need to take one step at a time, making one decision at a time, based on the best available information you have.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Is this a moment of settling down, or of upheaval? The astrology for your sign this month presents two distinct scenarios, and how you respond to it will depend on a number of factors, one of which I will call your density level. This isn’t a concept I’ve used in my column before, so I will explain. Think of increased density as contraction, fear, resistance, denial and the feeling of being stuck. Think of lighter density as expansion, a sense of flow, flexibility, alertness and the sensation that you have the ability to choose. Taken on a denser energy level, the astrology of this month could be jarring, threatening to your security and come with the sensation that changes are being imposed on you by outside forces. As you go to lighter, less dense levels of awareness, the astrology will feel more like being in the right place at the right time, putting down emotional roots, and taking the opportunity to make productive, necessary and long-overdue changes. Looked at in the best light, the approaching combination of astrological factors describes a time of distinction between the past and the present. You’re being set free from negative attachments, seeming obligations and a whole raft of family karma. This is an amazing opportunity for you, except for one thing. It’s entirely too easy to be attached to a low-density level. It’s easy to be attached to the past. Therefore, focus on raising your vibration — and keep your mind focused on a vision for the future.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This month we return to a theme that’s arisen periodically over the past few years: your relationship to your ancestral past. You do seem to be here on a mission, though it’s difficult for you to separate your particular calling from the views of so many others who have imposed their intentions on you. Some of this is from the distant past, some of it’s from your family of origin and much of it is filtering in from various teachings you’ve been exposed to over the years. At the moment you seem poised to do something daring, and that you haven’t quite done before: go beyond all of that theory, and reach your awareness into the core of who you are. You don’t need these other influences, they no longer serve you, and to the extent that anyone thinks they need you to do their bidding, they’ll get over not having you as their agent. Here’s the thing: on the way to finding out something that is absolutely true for yourself, you will go through a process of discovering what’s not true — and that may be a little unnerving, especially as you realize the negative influences they’ve had. Remember you’re doing this in a time when there’s a prevailing philosophy that ‘there’s no such thing as the truth’. There’s another notion that the truth is whatever someone can get someone else to believe. As you’ve no doubt noticed, these become excuses for many to abandon integrity. You have a different agenda.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Use this link to order an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Planet Waves



Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) –You will need to be impeccable with money and resources for the rest of the year. This includes making no commitments you’re not sure you can keep, or that you even suspect you might not be able to keep. You’ll also need to preserve what you have as a conscious act. As you do this, a lot of information is going to come your way. There will be certain specific facts that prove to be useful, though the thing to look for is the overall pattern. This will take some time to develop, and you may find yourself wading through plenty of murky water before you arrive at several moments of clarity. Take these one at a time, and watch the pattern of what you learn from these developments as well. Any sense of needing to rush is entirely artificial. Rather than resisting the urge to push forward, devote your energy to learning, and in particular, learning about the way in which resources are as important as money, or more so. ‘Resources’ includes your skills, your reputation and your ability to relate to others. It would also include your relationships with resourceful people, and all those who care about you and have demonstrated over time that they are willing to lend support to your cause. The communication piece — listening, and learning to speak in a clear, focused way — may be the most significant of all. In a sense, it’s the key to everything else, and the most meaningful tool for establishing both your credibility, and your creativity.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link .


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — On Nov. 13, there’s a total solar eclipse in your birth sign, the first in more than nine years. Though there are numerous other factors influencing you this month, this by far is the most significant. Eclipses are about shifts in continuity, sometimes subtle, sometimes radical. I would say they represent ‘change’, but these days that’s a meaningless word. It’s a special kind of change, involving things that have gone on so long you’ve taken them for granted. This could include emotional patterns, certain facts about your sexuality and most significantly, the ways you communicate with yourself and others. Your charts present an image of you passing through what would normally be a ‘veil of forgetfulness’, only this time, you remember who you are. Not only that, you remember the support, love and trust that surrounds you, much of it coming from far beyond the Earthly realm. Yet in the aspect of your life that’s located here on Earth, one implication is that you’re experiencing the drive to rebuild your integrity. It may be painful, at first, to consider the ways that your words and actions have not been in alignment — then after a while, you’ll figure out that every time you discover one of these fractures is an opportunity to make amends with yourself and by extension, with others. It will help if you come to terms with the fact that, for many years, not everything you’ve believed was true. And that, you will discover, is very good news.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — As the days go by, the forces of society increasingly draw people outside of themselves. Whether people are gazing into little rectangular crystal balls, obsessed with fashion, obsessed with romance, chasing sex or success or fixated on something they despise, in our current era, the prevailing direction of flow of consciousness is outward. For you, the pull is in the opposite direction — into yourself. This may be happening to a degree that is unsettling, though the result will be to make you a more settled person. It’s true that there are still externals to distract you. Yet your inward draw is much stronger, and it’s likely to increase in intensity over the next few weeks until it gets not only your attention, but your full devotion. Of particular concern are resolving any ways you’ve been living a double life, which could include any tendency to exclude people close to you from awareness of what you think or do. Yet there is something else going on, which is being real about your tendency to compartmentalize and hide information from yourself. This kind of detachment can allow you a measure of temporary freedom, and helps you suspend awareness of certain ethical or emotional responsibilities. However, you’re no longer in a position to pretend that these emotional influences or factors don’t exist, or to make believe that you don’t know what you know and feel what you feel. It doesn’t matter how popular you are. What matters is that you’re real with yourself and with others.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — In retrospect, you may decide this was the month you actually woke up and figured out that you’re alive, and that you’re here to live your life, your way. One element of this is the discovery that it’s simply impossible to please everyone, and a miracle when people actually recognize who you are. The message coming through from life and from the planets is: don’t bother trying to please anyone, and recognize and appreciate who you are. Acting on this intention will introduce a shock to your psyche, making you more alert and calling several people around you into focus. Then, you’ll get to have a different kind of conversation. When you feel a real level of trust, take the opportunity to push the boundary of who you are — and by that, I mean not only to stretch but to exceed your comfort zone. The idea is to be realer than you’re accustomed to being, even to the point where it feels a little dangerous. Yet I suggest you do this in a contained environment, not live on YouTube. Perhaps the most significant aspect of this journey is an experiment in revealing what you would have been reluctant to reveal before, or indeed, what you would have never considered. You cannot be comfortable with yourself if you’re not comfortable being yourself and allowing others to see who you are. While you might think that you would feel confident before making any such revelation, your growth will proceed in the other direction.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Note to Aquarians — The answer to last week’s riddle about the secret ingredient to success is that it’s almost always a group effort. Depending on others can be a delicate line to walk — we tend to do it a little too much, particularly in a codependent form. However, professional success is almost always a kind of conspiracy, involving various shades of subtle and substantial help from many people, which you are responsible for coordinating. I suggest you draw consciously on the assistances of others, remembering that while nobody does it for you, nobody really does it alone either.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It was the astrologer Patric Walker (1931-1995) who handed John Lennon the beautiful line, “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.” This is a fair reading of your chart these days, particularly as regards your professional life. It’s true that some people are born knowing what they’re ‘supposed to do’, set about doing it, and succeed brilliantly. Most of the time, the process is an extended experiment, and devotion to one particular path or intention can be altered by a casual conversation at a party, a chance meeting or an opportunity that seems interesting. In those moments, it seems to be the hand of fate that’s guiding you, though what you call it doesn’t really matter — only that you notice when it’s at work. Through this month, there are two forces or factors guiding you. One is your traditional approach to success: set goals, work hard, be dependable. The second factor is the sensation of providence moving in your direction. It’s essential that you recognize this when it happens; it may not come in a form that you recognize, and in truth, everything that happens to you this month is part of a conspiracy to guide you to where you belong, and where you want to be. For this to work, you’ll need to let go of your desire to control your direction or the specific outcome, and muster up just a little faith in yourself. A little goes a long way.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — As the Zen Room of the zodiac, your sign often spawns individuals naturally inclined to live in the moment. This is more neutral than it seems, facilitating pleasure-seeking or spiritual growth, self-absorption or devotion to service. Yet you’re now feeling the need to develop your longterm plan, and to put certain deeply cherished goals into action. Your solar chart suggests that you’re tired of wondering what is possible, or what the universe is willing to cooperate with, and are intent on finding out for yourself. This will take a combination of discipline and risk-taking, which is exactly what this month’s aspects offer. Yet the most meaningful chance you will take is expanding your beliefs about what is possible. It would be best if you could set the whole question aside, focus on your vision and go one step at a time for as long as it takes to get where you want to be. To do this, you need to blend persistence with something even more challenging: believing in yourself, and what you want. And there’s one other factor. To fully embrace your mission, you must accept being different. This includes the potential for standing out, for challenging people, for being thought of as weird, and recognizing that some people will not agree with or approve of what you’re doing. Your spiritual and creative quest is not a popularity contest. However, being willing to take these risks might make you very successful in the end.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


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Stars of October: You Go On

October / And Kingdoms rise
And Kingdoms fall / But you go on…and on…
— Bono

Dear Friend and Reader:

This is a clip-and-save edition of Planet Waves, containing vital information that will influence your life between now and mid-December. This is a time when astrology matters. Please mark important dates in your calendar. Saturday is the Full Moon, which I’ve covered already (in Tuesday’s edition). This is a big Full Moon — the full expression of the 2012 aspect, and a planetary setup to handle with awareness and a measure of caution.

Planet Waves
Star sculpture on playa floor at Burning Man 2012, with the just-past-full Moon in the background. Photo by Amanda Painter.

As you’ve no doubt read, we are in the middle of an historic aspect, Uranus square Pluto. When the more immediate astrology highlights something big (but which is usually in the background), energy, events and ideas previously lurking behind the scenes can emerge into the foreground. The Sun and Moon make the Uranus-Pluto square into a personal event.

Taken in the highest possible light, it’s about creative breakthroughs, awakenings and moving along (or even resolving) situations that have seemed stuck — even for years. Yet many people will be experiencing this event as destabilizing, unpredictable and even a bit frantic. All the usual Full Moon recommendations apply, but redouble the ‘think before you act’ part. Expect the unexpected and remember that awareness and flexibility are your best friends.

Developments of October

The world is watching these last weeks of the presidential election in the United States. Our globe is now global; events that happen in one country can and do influence developments in many other parts of the world. October will be an interesting, somewhat strange month in the ‘international’ department, though each and every development has personal implications. In the event you’re considering international travel in October or November, I suggest you plan carefully and check in with an experienced, qualified astrologer before making your plans.

This is one of those months that begins one way and ends another. You can make all of these changes work for you, as long as you’re aware of the energies involved, and you’re ready to adapt. We all have things in our lives that we want to change — know what that means for you. Look for your opportunities, and if you don’t see them, create them.

On Oct. 5, Saturn changes signs from Libra to Scorpio. The Saturn in Libra phase goes back an unusual three years, to October 2009 (Saturn took its time transitioning out of Virgo). Saturn is now leaving a sign where it’s well suited (Libra, where it is exalted), and entering a sign that it has little in common with — Scorpio. Yet there are many other planets in the water signs right now, and I think that while Saturn may be challenging, it will offer some stability, and it emphasizes the theme of emotional maturity that all of the water signs are resonating with.

Planet Waves
Photo by Amanda Painter.

Mars also changes signs, from Scorpio to Sagittarius, just as Saturn changes signs. So this is a significant shift in the climate, involving two planets that people tend to have the most difficulty with — the one about expressing desire and energy (Mars) and the one about handling authority (Saturn). I also recommend being cautious and alert in all matters involving international travel and international business while Mars is in Sagittarius. It’s not strictly a red light but definitely a yellow light.

One thing about Mars is that in entering Sagittarius, it immediately squares Neptune in Pisces. Aspects from Mars to Neptune (especially the conjunction, square and opposition) require temperance, mindfulness, moderation and most of all, keeping self-destructive and also escapist tendencies under control. Monitor your consumption of alcohol and any drugs that change your mind. Keep them far away from important decisions, negotiations and discussions about emotional and sexual matters.

The problem is that most people tend to open up under the influence of alcohol. That would be fine, except for the ways in which it bends judgment and distorts emotions. Mars square Neptune is not naturally given to integrity and honesty — it’s one of those things that you have to work for, under that influence.

Mercury Retrograde: Real Span is Oct. 18-Dec. 14.

Finally, we are approaching a Mercury retrograde. This one starts in Sagittarius on Nov. 6 (which is Election Day in the United States, covered in this article).

However, its influence reaches into mid-October and extends out to mid-December, so I’m mentioning it now. That will be good for an adventure or two; I suggest you plan around this one, and know in advance that it’s a good idea to put off major purchases, signing contracts and new commitments of any kind under this astrology. Yes, this is astrology 101 but you would be surprised how much grief I have saved my clients by helping them steer clear of the standing wave, undertow and shifting wind known as Mercury retrograde.

Planet Waves
Photo by Amanda Painter.

The retrograde process begins when Mercury enters shadow phase on Oct. 18. This is Mercury entering the degrees where it will be retrograde in just a short while.

Mercury stations retrograde in early Sagittarius on Nov. 6. Mercury stations direct in mid-Scorpio on Nov. 26. Mercury then crawls along through the end of Scorpio, ingresses Sagittarius again and then leaves shadow phase on Dec. 14. That is your ‘all clear’ signal. If you’re feeling rushed about anything during this process, the chances are it can wait.

Mercury will make three squares to Neptune in the midst of all of this (Oct. 29, Nov. 13 and Dec. 11) and this aspect can be challenging to get a handle on. It will require extra discernment, focusing your mind, and striving for honesty. Factor in the interests of everyone concerned, even if you plan to make a decision that only benefits yourself; Mercury square Neptune is a reminder to consider whether there even is such a thing as ‘separate interests’.

Many other aspects say essentially the same thing — so please take this one to heart.


Note to Libra and Libra rising readers — your birthday reading for 2012-2013 is ready. Please check this link for more information.


Planet Waves

Voter Rights Watch 2012: Targeting Latinos

Through this year, one of the most prominent election stories has been the restriction of voter rights to tip the election. Twenty-three states have passed laws that could restrict or deny the right to vote to 10 million Latinos — a number that could affect the outcome of the entire election — according to The Advancement Project, a civil rights organization.

Planet Waves
Don’t miss The Onion’s special feature on the 600-levered, steam powered voting machine that sums up the voting issues in the election of 2012.

The wave of restrictive new voting laws threatens to crash on voters in 16 states that have adopted or are considering voter purges. Most of these target people suspected of not being citizens, plus nine states have new voter ID laws (and two more are considering them). The laws stipulate documentation procedures many people lack the time and/or money to carry out; many are equivalent to poll taxes — that is, making people pay to vote.

Federal protections against noncitizens registering to vote, already in place for ages now, have generally rendered extra measures unnecessary — hence the prevailing view that these new laws aim to disembowel democracy, not encourage involvement.

Democracy Now! reports that in swing states Nevada, Colorado and Florida, where Obama receives tremendously more support from Latinos over Romney, the undertow from these laws could mean sinking rather than swimming for Pres. Obama — and indicates yet another area where Mercury stationing retrograde on Election Day could cloud the waters.

We’ve been warning that Mercury stations retrograde on Election Day. This might have the effect of many seemingly smaller issues coming together and making a large problem. We’ll be following this story.


Planet Waves

Monsanto’s GMO Corn? Nyet!

The French study linking Monsanto’s Roundup Ready GMO corn to increased rates of cancer and organ failure in rats (covered by Planet Waves last week) has prompted Russia to ban the stuff outright. The news broke just as Ceres, named for the goddess of agriculture, entered the sign Cancer, associated with agriculture, the digestive system and its connection to the emotions — thereby engaging the political/personal power of the Aries Point.

Planet Waves

Photo by Achim Raschka/Wikimedia.


Rospotrebnadzor, Russia’s consumer rights watchdog group, has said the country’s Institute of Nutrition has been asked to assess the validity of the study.

In addition, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), has ordered its own review of the research, which is noted for following rats for their entire two-year lifespan, rather than the 90 days common in industry studies. GMO corn is not available for human consumption in Europe, but is used for animal feed.

Monsanto is confident the French study will not impede its take-over of European agriculture; however a number of independent scientists are praising its extensiveness, even though its results must be replicated and confirmed.

“The results are significant,” said Mustafa Djamgoz, the Professor of Cancer Biology at Imperial College, London, who describes himself as a neutral on GMO. “The experiments are, more or less, the best of their kind to date.”

It remains to be seen whether other countries follow Russia’s lead, which might cause an actual dent in sales and international credibility for Monsanto. Meanwhile, France says it will continue to uphold its own ban on GMO crops, and a group in New York City is holding a fundraiser Oct. 1 to help support California’s Proposition 37, which is seeking to label GMO foods in supermarkets. The initiative is up against heavy spending by several corporations, including Monsanto. If you’re in New York, you can get more info and buy a ticket here for the event.


Planet Waves

“Pro-sex. Pro-porn. Pro-knowing the difference.”

When Cindy Gallop, a chic, British-born 52-year-old ad exec (now Web entrepreneur) living in Manhattan decided to test the online dating website her firm was pitching, she had no idea it would change her life — or that it would put her in a position to become a sex educator. Of sorts.

At the time, nearly a decade ago, she was delighted to find young men attracted to her — but not so delighted to find many of their moves were taken straight from the scripted, often-bizarre and highly one-sided world of hardcore pornography.

In 2009 she left her TED talk audience all a-twitter, revealing that abstinence-only sex ‘education’ meant easy-to-access Internet porn was the only source of information for many young people, resulting in insecurities, unrealistic expectations and disappointments; stunting sexual communication; and cutting a whole generation off from fulfilling, loving and genuinely hot sex (whether kinky or vanilla).

Gallop’s solution? To establish the website, which attempts to compare the “porn world” with the “real world” of sex. (The testimonials from 20-somethings on the “About” page are poignant in their gratitude for Gallop’s mission.)

“The issue I’m tackling is not porn,” she explains. “It’s the complete lack of open, healthy dialogue around porn and sex.”

Now, Gallop is taking it to video. Still in an invitation-only beta testing phase (you can sign up to be invited!), the premise of is that real people send in videos of themselves having real sex with a $5 submission fee. Then viewers pay $5 to ‘rent’ a video for three weeks of unlimited viewing, with up to half that fee going back to the person who submitted the video. It’s part sex ed and part sex toy, using social media and a cheeky, DIY-style business attitude to make the world a happier, sexier, more authentic place.

“It’s not about performing for the camera,” Gallop adds. “We’re looking for the comical, the messy, the ridiculous. We’re looking for the real.”

She has made the personal political in a positive way. With much of the Aries Point action lately having to do with trying to suppress women and sex, astrologically this is like finally finding a partner who understands foreplay. And likes it.


Planet Waves

An iPhone a Day Keeps the Riots Away?

About 2,000 Chinese employees at a factory in Taiyuan that makes iPhones rioted early Monday, resulting in 40 taken to the hospital and a number arrested after 5,000 police were sent to end the brawl. Occurring just three days after Apple finally made its highly anticipated iPhone 5 available for purchase, Foxconn Technology Group, the plant’s Taiwanese owner, called the violence a personal disagreement fueled by regional tensions in a dormitory.

Contrary to the official story, employees and their friends have posted messages online that suggest the fighting was spurred by security guards beating a worker nearly to death.

“Clearly there is deep-seated frustration and anger among the employees and no outlet, apart from violence, for that frustration to be released,” Geoff Crothall, communication director at China Labour Bulletin, a labor rights group in Hong Kong, said in a statement. “There is no dialogue and no means of resolving disputes, no matter how minor. So it is not surprising when such disputes escalate into violence.”

This is not the first time that Foxconn, which also makes components for other electronics companies, has been cited for poor working conditions and mistreatment, though reportedly they have been working to improve conditions and wages. Whether or not this takes the shine off the ‘Apple’ for salivating consumers remains to be seen.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Spout ‘Inspirations’, Earn Flags, Become President!

Certain members of the Planet Waves editorial staff were barely able to stop laughing long enough to actually post this item in today’s issue. The Gregory Brothers have created a mash-up of the acceptance speeches delivered by Obama and Romney at their respective recent national conventions, complete with 80s-era Atari graphics and music. Published online by The New York Times, you’ll never look at talking points quite the same way.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves FM :: Jesse Ventura on 9/11; Patric Walker

This week’s edition of Planet Waves FM looks at the Sun in Libra and Saturday’s Aries Full Moon. This is a potent Full Moon, which lights up the 2012 aspect — the Uranus-Pluto square. I covered this in Monday’s daily edition as well as Tuesday’s subscriber edition. I begin with a discussion of the Sun in Libra aspecting Uranus and Pluto, and what this says about the state of our relationships.

Planet Waves
Patric Walker.

My musical guest is American composer and performer Diane Cluck, who has recently ventured into being a full-time professional musician and has offered to share her work with us. I play three of her songs — “Sara,” “Red August” and “Why Feel Alone.”

In the second segment, I look at Jesse Ventura blowing the whistle on the Sept 11 incident, live on the Piers Morgan show on CNN. This is an astonishing moment in TV history, which happened while Mercury was transiting through the Uranus-Pluto square.

I also fact-check Jesse — he gets a few things wrong but in essence he has the right idea — and becomes the first person to challenge the official story, in a vocal, obvious way, in the American media.

Finally, I look at the life and work of British horoscope master Patric Walker (1931-1995), who would have been 81 years old Tuesday. I read some of Patric’s horoscopes, describe some of his techniques, tell some stories and then do a short reading of his natal chart, focusing on his Mercury-Moon opposition — the perfect blend of intellect and intuition. This is a rare look at the life of Walker, who is remembered by his fans from back in the day and unknown to many contemporary astrology readers.

Note to Readers — If you have old Patric Walker columns in your files and would like to add to my collection, please get in touch. Thank you!


Planet Waves

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, the weeks that follow. The September Monthly horoscope was published Friday, Aug. 24. Inner Space for September was published Tuesday, August 28. The September Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Sept. 18. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign (the October monthly is below in this issue); Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays. Last week’s weekly horoscope (#918) covered the Libra equinox in detail.


Planet Waves

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

Libra Birthdays This Week (Applies to All Libras!)

If you have a birthday in the neighborhood, this year is a doorway into a new life for you. The current astrology is about breaking free from any deadlocks and opening up blocked energy. It’s true that you’ve been under many influences that are encouraging you to turn the page, yet there are just as many that are leading you to obsess over the past (and perhaps even the distant past). Yet potent forces are provoking you to face the future with a sense of adventure. Which will win the day, and your year? Well, time marches on, wherever your mind may be — and you continue to make your presence known on the planet. You continue to live every day, as consciously as you want. The key to you thriving is about not taking the outside world, particularly your intimate relationships, too seriously. That is, they are not the ultimate goal, nor the bellwether, of your life. Every outer event or encounter has an inner correspondence that is far more important than the particular circumstances that are surrounding you. Let everything you experience point you deeper into yourself. If you can follow this philosophy for a while, you will get a sense of what it’s like to feel your presence in the world much more tangibly. Meanwhile, Saturn ingressing your solar 2nd house (Scorpio) says that your number one project for the coming few years is working out every possible dimension of your self-esteem questions. While in the past you might have told yourself that you can live with compromised self-respect, that is no longer true — Saturn won’t stand for it, and neither will you.

Note to Libra Sun and rising readers: I have just finished recording your birthday reading, which includes more than an hour of astrology (in two sections) and a tarot reading. The reading develops these and other themes. Check this link for more information.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The time has arrived to carefully consider the role of religion in your life, in society, and in the place where the two meet — which is where you make your most personal choices within the context of society. Your charts tell the story of someone who goes from making their decisions more or less autonomously, to then suddenly making them in the context of numerous outside influences that vie for which of them will run your life. One of those seemingly outside forces is religion, as if you have some kind of stunning awakening, conversion experience or revival of belief. This could be productive, and who knows, it might be, though your charts describe a scenario of both getting high on power and also of restricting your emotional and erotic freedom in the name of purity. I suggest you start with the notion that there is no such thing; even under laboratory conditions, actual purity is rarely attainable. Within the psyche, there is so much churning around and such a mix of elements that denial would be a more suitable word. I suggest you save yourself a lot of conflict and remember that you’re human. As such, you have both sexual impulses and also the impulse to a relationship with the mysteries. We’re basically forced to convert ‘the mysteries’ to some notion of God or higher power, who invariably wants you to be a better person. It’s time to question whether any of this is really true.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Saturn enters your opposite sign Scorpio this month, and that’s a dependable cue that you’re entering an extended phase of housekeeping in your relationships. As with many things Saturn, this is a study in boundaries, which is another way of saying agreements. Part of this experience will be practical: who in your life belongs there? With whom do you have wholesome and healthy connections, and with whom do you have unhealthy or destructive attachments? What are you going to do about them? You may notice that you’re attracting older, ‘more serious’ people who you may recognize have something to teach you about yourself and about life. They will hold up a mirror to the aging process, through which you will be invited to make some decisions about how you want to grow older. Another aspect is conceptual, and even philosophical. What does commitment mean to you? What is bonding? What is the nature of attachment? What does jealousy have to do with any of this? Perhaps most significantly, what role do you allow others to have in your life? One of the most beneficial things you’ll gain from the experience of Saturn in your opposite sign is that of learning how not to give away your power. You may feel like the universe is taking some extreme measures to keep you in alignment with yourself, though remember how challenging it is for you to change in response to any factor besides your own will — and even that can take a miracle.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — One role that Jupiter plays within our solar system is to absorb stray asteroids and comets, and as a result there are fewer that might strike the Earth. Currently Jupiter is in your sign — and there’s boundless energy coming at you from your opposite sign, Sagittarius. You’re subject to these incoming influences, which will arrive in a diversity of forms, and what they have in common is high energy. Some will be obvious and bold; others will be subtle, and change you in ways that you would never have predicted. As for the obvious, this may come in a diversity of offers to play, to engage with different beliefs and to wage a social crusade or two. As for the less obvious: pay attention when others are inviting or enticing you to compromise your ethics or to rearrange your moral structure. Such may come in the form of “well, now that I’ve had you do this [against your ethics], you may as well do this [even more against your ethics].” Remember that you become like the people you have sex with (this is based on a direct transfer of energy), so if you’re wondering why you’re becoming the way you are, pay attention to who you’re waking up with. The thing to remember is that for the next two months, you’re going to be deeply susceptible to influences that come from outside yourself. The key to managing this is choosing which of these influences to accept, and which to reject — at the first possible opportunity.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Heed early warnings, especially where sexual boundaries are concerned. This isn’t about saying no; it’s more like saying maybe, until you understand your environment and everyone’s involvement in your life. Then, do what’s appropriate based on your understanding of your situation. At first this may seem like you’re having a limit placed on your fun. Actually two other things are happening. One is a limit being placed on the new karma you incur based on choices you make. Whatever you encounter is sufficient for a moment of reflection, and to put you on notice where you need to be more vigilant. Second is that you are about to discover ways to channel your vital force in a more structured way. In a sense, you have to get organized about what you want, and make sure you are also aware of what you don’t want — then make your choices using this as your guide. The thing to bear in mind all the time is that whatever theory of relationships we may subscribe to, sex leads to something deeper. That depth could be love, and it could be a diversity of other means of human bonding, connection or entanglement. Saturn is the lord of time, and it’s essential that you use time to your benefit, in order to save time. Taking a little while to test the true nature of your relationship to another person, before you dive in, would be well advised in this moment and for the next couple of years.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Saturn’s ingress this month into Scorpio, your solar 4th house (security, home base, family) is about the use of space, and its relationship to your emotional grounding. Scorpio is a somewhat strange energy to have on your house of security, since it’s all about plunging into the deep dark waters of the psyche, and coming out a different person (something you do fairly regularly, and you’re safe knowing that you can). Seen another way, it’s the image of living with a swamp in the basement of your house, wondering if you’re going to get swallowed, or if the whole house is going to sink — and calling that shelter. Saturn making its way through this region of your chart for the next 10 seasons is about getting onto dry ground. It’s about shoring up your foundations and clearing out inner space. As part of this journey, you’re going to stabilize emotionally, which will be good for you and the people you care about. As part of this emotional stability, you will be doing an inventory of family influences from your early childhood, and making sure that you have them contained and confined to your own inner space — this way, you won’t pass them on to anyone younger than you are. One of the over-arching themes of this transit is learning how to feel safe. The combination of Saturn and Scorpio may conspire to do this in strange ways — but if you work with these influences, you will get the job done.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Click here to order an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — From time to time, you’re subject to bouts of what feels like emotional chaos, insecurity and deep questioning. This can compromise your happiness, and at worst, limit your ability to function in the world. In truth, these episodes are about your inner spiritual life, which means it’s deeper than you may think. If the issues were just emotional, it would be a lot easier to address them. Yet you can count yourself lucky when you have any real insight into your situation, or meet anyone who has an actual grasp on what you’re going through (rather than speculating or guessing). Your sign is said to be earthy, intellectual and focused on rationality, though the truth is that you have your vital roots in the world of spirit, a dimension that most of the world denies the existence of. My sense is that you’ve been processing the issues using your intellectual capacity as best you can. However, to effectively learn from, grow from and actually cope with what emerges over the next few weeks, you will need to go directly into the deepest available level of your psyche: your core spiritual identity, or what you might think of as soul level. There’s a lot of competition for what that really means, though I can say at least this: soul level embraces everything and does not deny anything. Therefore, any feeling or memory that comes up for you is normal. Soul level is oriented on the greatest good for all concerned. And there are no problems that don’t come with solutions — as long as you state the problem in a way that makes sense.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Planet Waves

Hello Libra and Libra rising readers. I’ve just finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. Check this link to listen to your hour-long astrology reading plus tarot. If you’re a Virgo and you missed your birthday report, it’s still available at this link. All other signs, please check our audio store for your birthday reading.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There’s always a difference between theory and reality, and you’re about to find out what it is — in reality and not in theory. Through most of the month, your ruling planet Venus is trekking across Virgo, where you do lots of contemplating, ruminating and a very precise kind of fantasizing. Toward the end of the month, Venus emerges into your sign, where it starts making aspects to planets that have already been stirring a revolution in your life. You’re likely to see how little a real-time experiment has in common with all of your (admittedly) fascinating concepts and plans. You can expect the pace of events to pick up rapidly. You can expect to go deeper into questions that have been nagging you, though about which you have only skimmed the surface. And there is something about allowing your relationships to change you. I suspect this may be a sticking point for you, as one of your goals is stability and change happening only in a controlled environment, and only with your consent. That’s more for the laboratory, and you’ll be there for a little while longer; then comes an extended field experience. As you’re going through all of this, a new theme emerges in your life, which is: understanding the reasons you do and do not respect yourself. Most people know there is something called self-esteem, but what exactly is it made of? How does it express itself, in its positive and negative manifestations? In the long run, everything hinges on this — and I do mean everything.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You are approaching one of the boldest ‘get serious’ moments of your life, a process spanning nearly three years. When you get to the other side, you’ll have acquired additional self-knowledge, privileges and responsibilities of adulthood. This is about Saturn in your sign, which arrives on Oct. 5 and departs in early 2015. I’ve described Saturn in your Sun sign (or in your rising sign) as an extended phase of coming to terms with yourself. Said another way, this transit is about becoming your own inner authority, something that few people ever do — and which is much likelier with Saturn in your neighborhood. One sad story of our society is people refusing to grow up; other people continue to have authority over their choices and even their opinions. Saturn in your sign can feel like authority figures or seemingly more powerful people imposing themselves on you. This is a reminder to take authority over all of those aspects of your life, and many more where you anticipate this kind of involvement by others. There are structured and organized ways to do this. Many people have described therapy as a kind of ‘re-parenting’ process, at the end of which you’ve taken over the role previously delegated to them. This is what I’m talking about, in whatever form works for you. You have to answer to some authority — whether you provide it, or whether someone or something outside yourself shows up and imposes it on you. The choice is yours.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Know when you’re coming from belief, and when you’re coming from knowledge. Somewhere in the high 90th percentile of people live like they have no idea what I am talking about, though you cannot afford the luxury of ignorance. I say this because you run the risk of being driven by belief, at the expense of what is true and verifiable. It’s not any excuse that many believe “there is no such thing as the truth.” That’s a good assignment for students to discuss in postmodernist philosophy class. I mean verifying in the most practical ways what you believe against facts that you can identify. I mean reading the fine print, reading between the lines, and remembering what people say to you. I also mean belief in the biggest sense — for example, your relationship to your cosmology. I’ve only heard about five hundred people tell me they weren’t influenced by religion, while they spend their lives acting out the irrationality, guilt and obsessive conduct that can have few other sources. Therefore, reconcile your ideas about life with the actual facts about how you treat people and how you want to be treated. One thing about beliefs is that they tend to be fixed like epoxy, or change every 10 minutes. I suggest you be suspicious in either case, and engage yourself in a reasoning process of evolving your ideas consciously as new information becomes available. Don’t just move on and forget; remember where you’ve been, because before long, it will become significant.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — This is the time to be responsible not to your own ambitions, but to your community. I know that this idea is pissing into the wind of the privatization, privation and exclusion that is all the political rage now. Greed worshippers can keep their lies; not only don’t they influence you, you must stand up to this false philosophy, both in yourself and in society. Establish a commons in your life: hold the space for an authentic, equitable exchange of resources. This is leadership in action; there are goals and results involved. There are competing interests involved. There are those who will immediately take advantage of any fair system, and you will have to address that factor as well. Note that there are aspects of this that will happen in your ‘official’ capacity (such as your professional role) and outside of any official capacity, and perhaps even out of sight of others. Another way to describe the aspects that are developing in your chart is that you are shifting your concept of self-interest into a full embrace of the conditions of the world around you. Your role is to use your power, your knowledge and your experience to uphold the personal values you have stated many times are precious to you. Acting on those values requires taking a chance, not the least of which is wondering what all those greedy people will think of you when you insist on fairness and integrity. What they think of you is their issue; what you do is yours.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Saturn finally changes signs this month, ingressing Scorpio, where it will be into 2015. This is your 10th solar house, the one associated with your highest ambitions, your reputation and your true professional calling. Saturn through the 10th is sometimes associated with having the golden touch of King Midas; however for you there may be some extra challenges involved. As you hear and heed your calling, expect some adversity. Expect a tempering process, where you refine your goals. Imagine that your life is a theater production, where you do the performance, listen to the director’s notes, rewrite, rehearse and do the show again the next night — over and over again, with no intention of just ‘settling in’ to a routine. Bear in mind that the world does not owe you success: not because you’re a good person, not because you’re talented and not because you choose to develop any useful skill. Success is the product of all of these factors, and something else: your determination, and a commitment to be true to your values. This is the kind of success that doesn’t happen overnight, and to which you must dedicate yourself for much longer than you might think. Most of the early progress will be invisible, and you may be convinced you’re in the midst of a setback. It’s nothing of the kind — though you may see it that way unless one of your top priorities is to use anything and everything that you experience as a resource.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Sexuality has always been your portal into your spiritual side — or rather, sex and the cosmic questions that it evokes, and the inner mysteries to which they grant you access. Yet this organic approach to existence is denied and resisted by many forces in society, including those that would control sex to promote religion, those that use sex for commercial gain, and anyone whose approach to natural human feelings is moralistic (controlling rather than exploratory). Even as adults, we can be constantly entangled in the control dramas and moralizing of others, which include scandal and jealousy. It’s fair to say that unless we intervene, for all our lives, someone else seems to be in charge of our sexuality, and this extends into our creative power, our perspective on life, death and relationships. The time has arrived to live your way of life with full commitment. That means taking charge, and deciding what is right or wrong for you. If you don’t step in and take over yourself, it’s likely that someone else will. This is the Saturn principle in operation: where you lack discipline, boundaries and structure, these things will be imposed on you. If you have discipline, and take a realistic, honest, longterm (and, notably, not a hedonistic) approach to your sexuality, you will have done something that few humans ever accomplish. What would that be? To be the master of your vital force, your creativity and your emotional drives, rather than their slave.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


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