Category Archives: Monday Morning Horoscope

Monday Morning Horoscope #209 for Dec. 30, 2019

AriesAries (March 20-April 19) — Your astrology is prompting me to remind you of something my father taught me when I was a teenager and he was a corporate consultant. I’ve written this a few times; here you have it again. There are basically two kinds of power in the human realm, formal and informal. Formal power is holding office or officially leading an organization. Informal power is what someone draws from their social connections, their relevance to others on the human level, and their ability to lead, as apart from some vested authority. Events of your life at the moment may seem to be about the first kind, though the whole direction you are heading in is the second. Your ability to be with people, to understand them, to connect with them, and to be relevant in their lives, is how your life is developing. You have a few clues now, though they will continue to draw your attention. Remember your true strength. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.

Taurus Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may finally be getting a sense of the extent to which your life has been run for so long by beliefs that are not your own. That is finally starting to give way to something more grounded in verifiable reality. You must still be vigilant when you’re accepting something as true when it has no basis in fact. It does not matter how long the idea has existed; some of the most harmful are the oldest, and the ones passed down from generation to generation. There is also such a thing as wisdom. That can have an old pedigree, though to qualify, it needs to be both time-tested and relevant in the moment. To figure all this out, it’s necessary to think in a creative way. One factor that is changing is your approach to reality (which is what the word “thought” means). I can suggest a simple formula for discerning where you’re coming from: are you motivated by love, by fear or by anger? Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.

GeminiGemini (May 20-June 21) — Whatever you may think is happening, you are in the process of claiming back the power that people seem to have over you. You may think they have taken it, you may think you’ve given it away, or you may be reconsidering exchanges and trades you’ve made in the past. You will need to sort that out. Yet it’s essential that you bring your full awareness to the financial and sexual situations in your life, particularly the places where they seem to overlap. Those gray areas are zones where you can lose considerable authority over your life. As for where to start, I suggest getting a grip on your money. Know what is yours and take control over it. Where sex is at issue, be sure you understand the difference between yes and no, and why you might say (or more likely imply) one when you mean the other. Be bold about knowing when something is just not working for you, and have the strength to do something else. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.

CancerCancer (June 21-July 22) — After many years of enforced changes in your relationships, you are finally looking at an opening. It’s the perfect environment for an exchange. It’s also a moment when some doors will open and others will close; both are essential. The thing you don’t want to do is make any firm commitments before the Jan. 12 grand conjunction in your opposite sign Capricorn. (If you’re curious about that, poke around Planet Waves and you’ll find it.) This aspect is the pivot point. That is where you get a significant clue, and maybe even an answer, to where you stand with many different situations in your life. Therefore, bide your time, which means to abide within time. Do not wait; rather, participate. Yet this is about the present, not the future. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.

Leo Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This is an excellent moment to let go of a bad habit. You can probably think of one you want to rid yourself of. You now have that opportunity. It will help considerably if you replace it with something affirmative and necessary, so that you consume in a positive way the energy it was taking up. The theme of food is developing in your life, though more immediately, I see a focus on time management. Remove something that is destructive or wasteful and direct your energy into what is useful and creative, and which brings you pleasure. You could even skip the “useful” part and go right to wholesome pleasure. You have a lot going on right now; I would not be surprised if you’re overwhelmed with work and family-related material. Speaking as a busy person, I’ve found that it often helps to have a diversion. This will remind you that your time, and your mind, are your own Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.

Virgo Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You are working your way through a series of creative breakthroughs, though it will help to know that they may not feel like some kind of triumph. Rather, what you’re doing is gradually removing inhibitions and, I think more significantly, stoking your desire to express yourself. Strong Virgo types can miss the point that there is something inherently good and necessary about letting your ideas flow, just for your own sake. Yet for many years (back to about 2008) one of your most important quests has been to do just that. This is often a long process, but you’re at a place where some of the most challenging blocks are showing signs of giving way. This always happens under the influence of desire. In a pinch, urgency will suffice. Maybe these are arriving in some combination. Whichever it may be, you’re at the point where inhibition is no longer an option. It never really was. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.

Libra Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Nobody will ever ‘make’ you feel secure, or confident, or like you belong where you are. That has to come from you. Fortunately, you’ve been on this project for many years, whether you were aware of it or not. Pluto in Capricorn has taught you many lessons about your need to stand on your own, and in particular, to distinguish your idea of security from that of your family. The truth is, you cannot rely on them and you are much more qualified for them to rely on you. This, too, is something you need to watch carefully, as unstable people can be a drag on your time, your energy and your ability to thrive. You are in the process of taking a big step in the direction of your independence. Remember, it is more about a feeling than an idea, though certain structural elements — such as your bank account — will make a big difference. Look after your own interests first. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.

ScorpioScorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It is not easy for you to change your mind, though at the moment it is essential. You may not fully recognize the many ways you’re caught in outmoded beliefs about the world. Observe your thoughts and consider your assumptions. Do not be surprised if you decide you had something all wrong. The important thing is that you get with it and understand what is now valid, but without falling for the notion that it’s some kind of permanent and indelible truth. That’s where you’re coming from, not where you’re going. Most of the time an old idea is replaced by a more compelling new one. However, this process is far from over, and it’s essential that you reckon for what you got wrong, rather than take on something new and go on with your life. It’s crucial that you learn how to scrutinize your own thoughts, and honestly evaluate why you believe what you do. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.

Sagittarius Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — How do you get your messages from the gods? Do the forces of nature have some dependable way to get information through to you? Guessing, superstition and bending to your fears don’t count. You are likely to be getting some signals that a particular way of life has reached its natural end, and it’s time to make some adjustments that work out in your favor. These will involve changing the structure of your life, not merely your current activities. In this world, the word “structure” will almost always involve your finances. It’s time to consider your long-range plans, going forward at least 10 years. You need much more freedom than you currently have, and this will involve taking over as your chief fiscal officer. You do have a way of getting by when you wing it, though time and circumstances are calling for a more grounded and realistic approach. It is time — and it is possible. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.

Capricorn Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Pay special attention to when something or someone manifests in the form of mommy or daddy. I mean this in the metaphorical sense, or in the literal sense — including people who have authoritarian roles in your life. Parental influences have only one end result, which is to rob you of your adult autonomy. Be aware that many people consider this a benefit, because it seems to be easier. There’s less to worry about if someone makes the important decisions, or any decisions that impact you. Yet that will not serve you much more than it has, and how much it has is worth questioning. You are heading for a major decision; there will be no delaying this for much longer. This is something you will need to resolve for yourself, based on your necessities and your priorities. You have all the information and experience you require to make the right choice. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.

Aquarius Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The recent solar eclipse took place in the deep and mysterious 12th house of your solar chart. This may have come with a discovery that you soon forgot. However, take note of any shifts in understanding you’ve had over the past few days, and pay attention to your dreams. The parts of your mind that you don’t usually access are trying to get through to you. This is likely to come through “non ordinary” states of consciousness, hence the importance of tracking your dreams and the feelings that come with them. There’s also what bubbles through your imagination, sensations of deja-vu and even persistent synchronicities. However you manage to do it, it’s necessary for you to get the message and act on it. You’re in a zone of your life when the past has in fact caught up with you, and you are responsible for what you know and what you find out. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.

Pisces Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s true that we’re in the holiday season when most people are resting up or having a good time. I suggest you emphasize getting your work done, and more significantly, focusing on projects that are designed to build your future. You’re in an extremely rare window of opportunity to feed your progress and momentum. You can accomplish what you previously thought of as difficult or impossible. Long-planned projects and long-delayed plans are coming to fruition, though none of this is going to happen by accident. It looks like there are a lot of people around you, so help will be available if you ask for it. If people are willing to assist, make sure they can do a task equally well or better than you can; otherwise, do it yourself. Pay close attention to who you can and cannot trust, and make sure you use your discretion and hold the line when you need to. You are on a mission. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #208 for Dec. 23, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — The Sun is entering the career zone of your chart in grand style — in the formidable presence of Jupiter and many of the small, potent new planets. And then there’s the eclipse in a few days, and the grand conjunction on Jan. 12. All of this tells you it’s time to engage your highest aspirations. “Eventually” has arrived. However, you want the feeling of shifting through the gears (if you’ve never done so, imagine the feeling). You start with a lot of leverage but only a slow to moderate speed. Then as you gain momentum, you also gain velocity. Right now you have considerable traction; you can even move uphill if necessary. And as you proceed, there will be unexpected openings; you must know them when you see them. Please don’t let your anxiety or insecurity get in the way. To succeed implies change. Change means facing the unknown. The game is rigged in your favor. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may have to give up something to gain something else, though I suggest you not think of it as a sacrifice. Rather, this is about you doing your part, which means taking leadership in a world where there is a troubling crisis of accountability. At this time, your choices count for more than usual. There are cyclone-force winds blowing many places. People are struggling. And many in positions of power lack any and all sense of duty. Let yourself be driven by what you know is the right thing, even if it’s inconvenient. Stay just slightly detached from your goals, and do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. It’s likely numerous other people are involved, and that you are in some kind of key position. Your great strength is your knowledge, and your ability to apply it. Do not be distracted by emotions — yours or anyone else’s. Focus and proceed. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may feel overwhelmed, as if everyone you know is trying to get a piece of your action, or have their way with you. This could involve some of the most sensitive aspects of your life. It is, however, essential that you set limits and boundaries, and establish your independence. I assure you this can only come when you are fully in charge of your finances, and divested of those who would attempt to control you with money. This problem has very old roots, going back to your childhood and your relationships with your parents. These will transplant over and over again until you decisively take full ownership of your life. That’s what this is about. Yet what may stand in the way is guilt you might feel in response to claiming your existence, your freedom to choose, and ultimately, your power over your life. This is an important topic, though till you understand it, don’t let it stop you. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The astonishing collection of planets in your opposite sign Capricorn tells us that plenty is moving in your life. Important events are developing; there are significant people around you and many options are open. You need to focus your priorities and not be overwhelmed. The two go together. Feeling like you cannot handle your affairs is a matter of focusing on what is important first, and on what only you can do. Be mindful of that; you have enough people around you to spread out some of the work. Yet you cannot delegate your own intelligence. You must keep setting the agenda, and revising it day by day as you proceed. At the same time, seek the counsel of those you trust the most, and factor their opinions and observations into your own decisions. Organize a consultative process, and remember you’re the one who is ultimately responsible for your life and your business. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You must take care of yourself. You have a lot to do and more than your share of responsibility, and it looks like you’re loving that about life. Yet it’s essential that you make sure you manage your time and nourish your body. I’m not talking about “life/work” balance. Fuck that noise. I am talking about maintaining yourself like you’re a high performance sports car in the midst of a road race. Keep everything oiled and keep your fuel tank full, by which I mean: eat actual food. Get as much actual rest as you can. And manage new commitments: you have your hands full. If you get some fantastic prospect but you know you’ll be stretched, tell them to call you in two months. There is certain pressing business you have to complete, and that will lead you in certain new directions you were not expecting. Leave room on your dance card and don’t feign monogamy. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — We all live at a rest stop along the Information Superhighway. Yet with Neptune on its long trip across the relationship angle of your chart, you must be on the lookout constantly for what is not true. I don’t mean be suspicious. I mean be aware. I can offer you some tips from my life as an investigative reporter. One, notice when you’re believing something. I’m not saying the belief itself is good or bad. Rather, it’s dangerous for being a belief. Go right to questioning the basis for your notion. Two, notice when you want something to be true. That does not make it any more or less likely to be true. You need to identify your bias, and make sure you compensate for it. Three, fear is not an argument for truth, though it’s treated like one. Our current cultural equation is: the more frightening something is, the more credibility it has. Learn to see the rank absurdity of this point of view. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You live on shifting ground. We all do, though you’re most keenly aware of the situation. For some this will feel like being in a quake zone. Others will feel their foundations settling in. Others will get the message to “keep it moving.” Pay attention to what signals you’re getting, and see if you can parse them by filtering out your fears. Rather, try to use all information in a constructive way. Times like the ones we are in afford opportunities to those who are enterprising and a little courageous. Sometimes it even pays to be foolhardy, particularly if you don’t fall for the notion that something is impossible. One thing that may be shifting is your relationship to your family. You cannot depend on them like you used to, nor is it healthy for you to do so. That means standing on your own feet, on your own ground, with (at least) a room of your own. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may not know what you think, or how to think; there may not even be time to think. However, it’s essential that you settle down and ponder any situation that calls for action. The stitch in time that saves nine is having correct information pertaining to any decision you must make. That includes working with several viable options and never allowing yourself to feel like you’re boxed into having no choice. This may involve one specific matter that might seem like all or nothing as the next few weeks develop. Any time someone appears to claim power over you, or to exercise your choices for you, stop the show. Be bold about asserting your right to make the decisions that affect your life, and to have some say in anything that might so much as potentially affect you. You must tell yourself again and again that you are an adult, willing to fully take on adult responsibilities. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You must get your finances organized, which can start with something as basic as knowing your bank balances and how much you owe. This becomes the beginning of your financial master plan. Then you want to know the bottom line on your overhead costs, and your probable income — and set about fixing any disparities. Whatever your situation, you have the power to turn it around, turn it to your advantage, or work for radical improvements. Yet you have to know your situation as you stand today. And it will be beneficial if you have someone you can work with who far exceeds your knowledge and experience. The next month may prove to be a turning point you benefit from the rest of your life, if you have the awareness and devotion to make it so. There is a book going around called Know Your Worth. That’s one thing; you also have to establish your worth. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — With the Capricorn solstice, we are now officially, and celestially, in the zone of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. What you may notice about this time is that events have a fated quality (as also emphasized, more immediately, by the solar eclipse in your sign this coming Thursday, Dec. 26). What you will notice, though, is that present events have roots that may go back 10 years, 20 years, or even longer. When sussing this out, pay particular attention to any connection with the summer of 2001, which relates to the present moment rather directly. It is, in part, events from that time in your personal history that you’re in the process of resolving. What is pressing about this time is that from here, you must proceed on terms where you’re fully responsible for your own affairs. There can be no more parental-type authority figures in your life. It’s up to you to level out your relationships with anyone who would hold their power over you. Them days is gone. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The truly unusual astrology we’re living through is calling you to search inwardly, rather than out in the world. The time to expand your horizons will come soon enough; before then, you must be fully aware of your psychological and emotional situation. You still seem to be working out some deep material, and you must take full ownership of that. Otherwise, it’s likely to spill out into your intimate relationships and professional situations, in the form of projections. Do what so few people do, which is to assess and question their role in any controversies that may seem to enter from outside. Stick to “I statements,” meaning, use language in a way that places you in the position of taking personal responsibility for your experiences. Work your stuff out inwardly, rather than on others, with them or through them. Your dreams will be particularly revealing of your true motives. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are well situated to benefit from the same astrology (and related events) that have most people wondering how they are going to handle all the pressure. One benefit you have is that you can witness developments from a safe distance, but still close enough to see exactly what is going on. Be careful and conscious in your choice of what to get involved with, and where to lend your energy. Make sure you take care of personal business first, and pay particular attention to your closest friends and colleagues. You are in an especially brilliant position to establish new business plans, or to develop ones you’ve been working on. Yet your success will depend entirely upon your ability to work closely and cooperatively with people. Know who your friends are. Know who your allies are. Ask for their help when you need it. Keep an eye on adversaries, and remember: there’s no time to hate. There is no time to wait. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #207 for Dec. 16, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Keep in mind the importance of generosity. Your astrology is focused quite sharply on your career and its advancement; it’s worth bearing in mind that there are many types of aspiration, and those that involve being of service in some form have their own way of succeeding. Society may frown upon this idea, insisting that human worth is somehow attached to a number of dollars, though that concept does not seem to forward human happiness much. The fact is everyone has inherent worth by virtue of existing. Forget any thought of trying to distinguish yourself solely via your bank account. You know more fulfilling ways of making a mark on the world. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — We all have our ideals and visions, though it’s not always simple to transform them into concrete plans and achievements. Something is simmering in your mind and evoking restless feelings; it would help at this stage to avoid the temptation to act impulsively. Think through each factor and get a clear analysis of the whole before taking any action. Examine all the facets of your own motivation in particular, though also the interest of others as far as you can make it out. Your ruler Venus entering your 10th solar house later this week will help you focus your understanding, and smooth the way to a more definite forward path. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You know who you are, and your mind this week resembles a diamond-cutter. You can slice through bullshit at the speed of sound. Given the prevalent stench of it these days, especially online, this is a crucial skill. That said, this is not the time to log on to social media and waste hours of your life grappling with professional trolls. You have more important uses for your incisive thinking, and you’re well aware of it. Now is your moment to take up those tasks you’ve been putting off, organize and re-organize, and tackle any puzzling problems facing you. Minimize disruptive influences, then make a plan and stick to it for as long as possible. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Remember that your primary relationship is always with yourself; even if you’re with someone, your personal growth and healing path is still valid. You owe it to yourself and everyone who cares about you not to lose the unique thread of your development in the flow of someone else’s existence, however intimately you are connected. That doesn’t mean you can’t put plans aside temporarily in order to offer help, whether to a loved one or on a wider scale; just keep that back burner simmering away, so you can pick it up again whenever possible. Or, better still, figure out a way to integrate the two, so that your focus is maintained. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It may frustrate you that you’ve recently been obliged to overhaul, or at least review keenly, certain practices that involved you getting in your own way. If you think you’ve worked out a good routine that will help move things along, it can be extra annoying when a snag transpires. This may feel much like assembling a cupboard, only to find at the end there’s a part or two left over and one of the doors is not quite hung properly. However, this phase of deconstruction and rebuilding slowly and carefully is of foundational importance. Provided you see it through, the benefits will be in proportion to the efforts, and you’ll be in a much stronger position. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your charts for this week describe the necessity to pull your focus inward somewhat, and not allow your time and energy to be dissipated by matters ultimately outside your control. Said another way, if you want to change something for the better, begin by looking inside yourself. Personal healing is often treated superficially, and it’s certainly easier to pass judgment on others. Yet we all have to face who we are eventually, and this involves deep, serious and sometimes painful work. Creativity — that is, art of some kind, or anything that helps you think outside the box — is one constructive method of making progress on your healing. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Many people are feeling increasingly unsettled by the continuing build-up of planets in Capricorn. Among other things, this sign (your 4th house) represents tradition in all senses of the word, and Saturn-Pluto is rendering much of that unrecognizable. Everyone is experiencing this to some degree, though for you in particular the sensation may center in home and personal roots. Avoid panicking; instead, take time to process what’s happening, and try to gain a hold on what is worth preserving as well as what needs to change — in your own life, for now, not in the wider world. Cultivate the balanced understanding for which your sign is justly renowned. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Quite a lot that’s happening now is either somber in quality or rage-inducing, whether on the news or on social media. Both humor and good humor, in the sense of cheerfulness, may be of service in the coming weeks. At any rate, you might resist the temptation to join a rumble on your website of choice purely for the hell of it. Particularly with your ruler Mars in your sign, it’s definitely wise to employ conscious diplomacy and watch your language. Remember that those with whom you engage are also human; they too have moods, and might not always express themselves perfectly. In the age of everyone being a public figure, we forget this too often. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.

Everyday Secrets: Sagittarius Astrology Studio

Dear Friend and Reader:

I have now published your Sagittarius Astrology Studio. It covers Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a review of Jupiter in Sagittarius and a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn. I focus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and many other exciting facets of your astrology. My readings are easygoing and easy to follow, and address real-life matters of life, work and relationships.

You may order here for $44 and get instant access. Gift purchases welcome.

Thank you for your business.

With love,



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Different people will react to you in different ways. That’s part and parcel of living among an endless variety of characters, and there’s also not much you can do about it. The part you can control is whether you let others’ opinions have undue influence over you. True, you’re a complex person, and sometimes an alternative view can work as a mirror, held up to a facet you didn’t quite see so clearly before. Yet if you’re receiving several contrasting impressions about who you are, and it’s not clear which seems real, focus initially on what you feel, what you fundamentally believe, and your strongest passions. That will help anchor you to the truth. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — What your astrology looks like at the moment resembles nothing so much as an introvert hosting a house party. It might be fun for a while to share a space with so many interesting personalities; perhaps you’ll have a deep conversation with some of them; yet eventually you just want them all to leave you alone so you can read with the cat on your lap. You may feel busier than you have for a while, drawn in many different directions, and deprived of certain comforts you might have turned to in the past. Yet in all the bustle you are learning things about yourself — especially about your strengths — and this information is of significant and lasting value. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — With so many planets in your sensitive 12th house, to say this moment is somewhat intense for you is probably an understatement. You’ve been doing important healing work, though when in the thick of such experiences it can be hard to remember the healing part is happening. There may be a particular idea you’re finding challenging to accept, or one you want to cling to; that is the very thing you would benefit most from tackling at present. Be gentle with yourself, persist, and know that you are making progress. You’re likely to notice what you’ve achieved in a more tangible way once Venus enters your sign early Friday. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A specific vocation or role in your community is making itself gradually known to you. The term “community” here can refer to your group of friends, your locale or something more widespread. You might, for example, be drawn into the position of counselor, or teacher, or soothsayer (literally “one who speaks truth” — presumably including truths others are unwilling to voice). Regardless of its exact nature, this task is one you’ve earned as a matter of trust, and I would advise treating it with solemn respect and gratitude. What you do in these next months may be a vehicle to future work, and to the next step in your personal journey. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #206 for Dec. 9, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Keep in mind how ridiculously easy it is to wade into a conflict and choose a side implacably, however complex the matter in question actually is. Any subject under discussion can be reduced to soundbites, though generally doing so involves sacrificing much of its nuance and humanity. Resist such temptations firmly, and take extra care with your communications, as Thursday’s Gemini Full Moon approaches. This is good practice for anyone, though for you in particular at this time it relates to your ongoing personal growth. Pay attention to the calling of your higher mind, and resolve to honor the truth no matter what it is. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Recently you’ve been asking some searching questions about your trajectory, which is somewhat due to the ongoing party in your 9th house. Relatively few people end up devoting their whole life to one specific purpose, so there’s no need to feel anxious if you haven’t yet heard a calling in a clear direction. For the time being, it may be most useful to do the work in front of you, and let this lead onward organically, while keeping your ears open for messages and signs. This is not guaranteed to bring fame and fortune, though it certainly answers a desire to be of service in the present, and is as valid a route to self-actualization as any other. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Monday, your ruler Mercury enters your opposite sign Sagittarius; then on Thursday there will be a Full Moon in your sign. Both of these events describe the more profound connections between you and loved ones. That is, how you see yourself as reflected in them, and how their movements and words around you, and yours around them, reveal the shape of your mind. None of this detracts from your sense of self, nor should it; what you perceive merely adds another dimension to what you already know. Recognize your own uniqueness, and that of each person in your life, and notice all the ways you enrich one another’s world. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There is no fast-track route to self-fulfillment. There is no hack, no single action that can be applied in order to bring you in alignment with the divine spark within you. Yet there are many paths from which you can choose. If any one factor unites them, I would suggest it is agape — that sacred, universal love that embraces all alike, and from which derives the Golden Rule. If you’re uncertain where to invest your energies, invoke this love and let it inflame your soul; open your mind to the cosmos, and pay attention for any messages or synchronicities that emerge. This will surely produce some results. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Yours is a fixed sign, which means you sometimes need to watch for stubbornness or a tendency to get stuck in certain patterns. The approach to this week’s Full Moon features themes of this nature. In particular, notice if you’re experiencing reluctance to ask for the help you need, especially if you know your friends would come through. True, doing this means having to admit you’re only human after all. Yet the only person passing judgment on this undeniable fact is you. Take your courage in both hands and speak up. The sooner you get past this point, the sooner you can move ahead at full speed, with the knowledge you are supported. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Remember that the past and its lessons are what brought you here to the present moment, just as what you do now will help forge the future. Even when recalling less pleasant times, how you dealt with circumstances then can inform your understanding of who you are today, just as the strength you’ve gained from past challenges supports you ongoing. Your memories are a piece of the puzzle of you, an essential component of the whole truth as well as a resource to draw on when necessary. From this can come a more complete acceptance of the person you were, as opposed to judging yourself with convenient hindsight. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Though there is still a decided emphasis on the area of your chart reflecting family, home and the past, the Full Moon this week will reconnect you with a desire to look forward and set certain aims. Your encounters with former challenges and emotions have resulted in a new strength, a sort of imperviousness to potential obstacles, and a most healthy determination to celebrate the good things in your life. Why not? Pleasure is no sin; it does not intrinsically harm others or oneself. Spending at least some time enjoying yourself will refresh you, and probably also embolden you to strive for your aspirations more decidedly. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your charts this week describe the multiple healing effects of intimacy and of allowing yourself to be vulnerable with someone you trust. Physical affection can work many positive changes to your body and mind, and you would certainly benefit from gathering the courage to reach out should you need it. One crucial key with any sort of intimate relationship is to walk the narrow path balancing love and independence. This especially means taking care not to lose yourself in another person’s world, nor to absorb them into your own; yet it also requires a willingness to be open and share the light and warmth of your soul. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.

Everyday Secrets: Sagittarius Astrology Studio

Dear Friend and Reader:

I have now published your Sagittarius Astrology Studio. It covers Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a review of Jupiter in Sagittarius and a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn. I focus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and many other exciting facets of your astrology. My readings are easygoing and easy to follow, and address real-life matters of life, work and relationships.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The forthcoming Gemini Full Moon describes you learning something significant about a loved one, and most likely about yourself also. Because close relationships tend naturally to involve at least some projection, we might erroneously assume we know how a partner will respond to a certain scenario. Recognizing this, when it happens, can be of significant help toward understanding who you are, because the projected reaction comes from somewhere within. Should you notice anything like this occurring during the week, use it as a sort of flashlight to help you see more clearly into the depths of your mind. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If this week’s astrology has one particular message for you, it’s that you need some fun. Make sure you set aside a reasonable amount of time, preferably daily, for relaxing and enjoyable activities. Get out of doors in the fresh air, and meet up with friends when you can. There’s a lot of pressure on Capricorn right now, as you are no doubt palpably aware. Yet also present in your sign are both the traditional benefics, Venus and Jupiter; they’re helping you open a curtain in Saturn’s dark hall, so that heat and daylight can flood the room. Let their visit sprinkle a little extra charm into your everyday existence. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — One of the most beautiful things about creative self-expression is its capacity to bring about emotional healing, in a way that’s both organic and constructive. The approaching Full Moon in your 5th house of art and pleasure affords an opportunity for you to experience that blessing. This process requires you to be vulnerable, which usually feels somewhat risky, especially if your chosen work skirts the edge of what’s considered acceptable, or challenges norms. A lot of good art does this in some way. Yet the payoff is like nothing else; you can craft an entirely new relationship to yourself, to your self-image and to your memories. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Thursday’s Full Moon in your 4th house suggests that the facts you already know are more relevant than you might think. When it comes to answering a particularly puzzling question, your lived experience and previously established wisdom can supply what you need. Said another way, it’s your perspective that’s important here. Make sure you give it sufficient weight, and watch out for the appearance in your conversation of soundbites and talking points peddled by others. The truth is almost always more complex than a sweeping or simplistic idea can allow for. And it’s the truth you’re after, no matter how deep you need to dig. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #205 for Dec. 2, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Jupiter enters Capricorn this Monday, joining Venus, Saturn, Pluto and a bunch of other points, and adding its considerable stature to an already massive gathering. For you, this mostly describes a shift in gear toward a more active way of being. This will be especially true in terms of the values you hold. What’s the use of principles if you can’t live by them, act on them, or work with them to create positive change in your environment? In addition, it helps to check your ideas for consistency, by following them through to their logical conclusion and noting the other issues on which they touch. If needs be, examine all of your theories and be prepared to overhaul everything that isn’t fit for purpose. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your 9th house is the zone of philosophy, higher learning and aspirations, among other things, and the planet of expansion is about to arrive there. Consider this an invitation to open your mind, perhaps further than it has been for a long time. You’ll be encountering new and exciting ideas, which is especially interesting with Uranus in your sign. If you want to enjoy this moment to the fullest, stoke your curiosity by every means available. Get off the well-trodden path, which in this era generally consists of social media and banal TV, and find interesting and novel ways to exercise your little gray cells. Creative works count, especially those with a well-defined purpose — as do new friendships and explorations of intimacy. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The increasing number of bodies in Capricorn, your 8th house, is pointing the way to some deep-level emotional healing. In part, this is becoming available to you through personal relationships, specifically intimate ones. That doesn’t necessarily mean marriage or serious commitments — though this house is associated with them. It could refer to close friendships, or any meaningful connection in which you thrive. Regardless of specifics, it’s important that you use these interactions to understand yourself better, and not as a way of losing yourself and your uniqueness. The recent work you’ve done around this alone has given you a sense of who you are, which is invaluable and well worth preserving. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — On Monday, Jupiter (which is exalted in Cancer, and therefore a personal planet for you) enters your opposite sign. Your chart describes this as a revelatory moment, in which the threads of the past year integrate and form a pattern. Lately, events in your life have amounted to a journey through unfamiliar and sometimes rather dark places. Jupiter is about to turn on a powerful flashlight, which will help answer some of the questions you’ve formed in recent months. Look for illumination in particular from other people’s actions, and from your general environment. You’ll benefit from some patience; the explanations are unlikely to show up all at once. Yet each new piece of information will open up more layers to your scrutiny. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — An increasing focus on your zone of daily work and routines reflects the ever more busy period that to an extent we’re all experiencing. Jupiter is encouraging you to consider the big picture, which means strategy and organization. Step back from the fray regularly and check over your plans, to make sure you’ve not overlooked anything, and that you’ve accorded yourself enough space in the schedule to relax and have breaks. Likewise, avoid taking on anything new until you’re sure you can safely accommodate it. Finally, it’ll almost certainly help if you keep your larger goals in mind, in terms of both prioritizing those tasks that forward them, and also remembering why you’re doing all this in the first place. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Part of what makes creative work interesting is its quality of thinking outside the box — or perhaps dispensing with the box altogether, or traveling to a parallel universe in which the concept “box” doesn’t apply. Your artistic or inventive gifts, in whatever shape they come, will blossom most effectively if you allow yourself to relax the rules. Better still to have no rules at all, except for variations on ‘do no harm’. You’ll need to work actively to embrace the feeling of freedom, which includes opening yourself to the inspiring messages of the universe. These appear often in synchronicity, and in small gifts such as the beauty of a flower or the shapes of clouds in the sky. Listen, absorb and breathe deeply. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Current aspects are drawing you inward more than usual, resulting in your attention being necessarily centered in quieter pursuits and also turned to various longstanding matters. As you’re doing this, keep an eye on the temptation to feel frustrated or stuck. Once you see past that, you’ll realize this time of reflection and introspection has a purpose, which is helping you recognize the gifts of your character and the strength you’ve gained through past trials. This is a phase you’ll need to pass through for a while, before your focus can return more completely to forward motion. Follow your instincts, physical and emotional, and allow yourself to slow the pace of events and changes. It’ll pick up again when you’re ready. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your ruler Mars is back in your sign, which suggests a sense of being on more solid and familiar ground, and coming home to yourself. That said, Mars can also manifest as an agitating influence, especially if you have unresolved material to work through. Take extra care with your communications. We’ve all said things in a fit of temper that we’ve regretted, and it’s possible to make amends if sincere in that regret. What’s less easy to recover from is deception — not simply outright lies, but also deliberate skewing of the truth, however small. This sort of action erodes trust; you would be well advised to avoid any temptation to resort to it. Instead, cultivate your honesty and sense of justice as a personal ethic. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Jupiter’s Dec. 2 sign change heralds an opportunity for you to engage with your most profound sense of self in a wholly new way. The structure and groundedness of Capricorn can help you use your divine spark to ignite a flame, and keep it burning. In other words, it’s a base from which you can stoke your passions and direct them into productive works. If you’re in need of a purpose or calling, this will help you find one. If you’re already on to something, this moment could help you refine your methods, expand your goals or broaden your reach. This is likely to transform the way you see yourself, especially in terms of understanding your capabilities. Look for where you may have underestimated your potential. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.

Everyday Secrets: Sagittarius Astrology Studio

Dear Friend and Reader:

I have now published your Sagittarius Astrology Studio. It covers Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a review of Jupiter in Sagittarius and a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn. I focus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and many other exciting facets of your astrology. My readings are easygoing and easy to follow, and address real-life matters of life, work and relationships.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The Solar System’s biggest planet is about to join the already well-attended party in your sign. While it’s already pretty crowded and the intensity is increasing, note that both of the traditionally benefic objects, Venus and Jupiter, will now be present. This implies a more positive environment in general. For you in particular, it’s likely to present some clear signals as to how you could channel the impending Saturn-Pluto conjunction energy. By now you’re already aware of the general direction in which you need to be heading, thanks to the amplified voice of your higher self, which has been gaining in strength. What the next six weeks or so represent is the crystallization of that knowledge into a solid plan. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Let go now of any conception you have that you need to be perfect or faultless, or that you need obstacles removed before you can get anything done. All this does is hold you back, and prevent you from understanding yourself clearly. The pressure in your 12th house is building, though Jupiter’s presence will help you shine a spotlight on certain elements you’ve been hiding from yourself. It’s important that you accept all your feelings — and all your gifts — without judging them or trying to suppress who you are. What you’re experiencing now, and are about to experience, will only be as positive and life-changing as you’ll allow it to be. Which essentially means that if you want to, you can heal and grow from the inside out. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — With your ruler Jupiter’s imminent move into your 11th house comes a change in how you view your aims for the future. One result of Jupiter’s recent long square with Neptune has been an abundance of castles in the air, some of which will now be shown to have structural flaws. Consider re-examining your approach to a specific idea or plan you’ve clung to during the past year, which potentially places heavy emphasis on the importance of one component. Whether or not you’ll need to do some significant rebuilding, or just apply extra paint and a bit of sanding, depends on a number of factors. A few thorough and methodical accuracy checks, however, would certainly come in useful. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #204 for Nov. 25, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you’ve been feeling stuck or directionless, look for any unfinished business that might be lurking in your emotional body. You might feel that previous challenges have shaped your existence and limited your choices, though on investigation you’ll likely discover that this isn’t the case. You have more control in this situation than you realize. Fear can seem powerful, but with courage and determination you can overcome pretty much any amount of it. Don’t set limits on yourself without proof they exist outside of your imagination. Instead, aim as high as you wish to, and get out of your own way. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be undergoing something of a distillation process, which could lead to you tackling some difficult material. Your ruler Venus is about to make a square to Chiron, following a New Moon in the sensitive 8th house of your chart. This is likely to be a gradual affair, so don’t rush — and pay careful attention to any insights you may have. Also, be cautious of any tendency to become too easily swamped by your emotional reactions, especially in contact with others. It’s important that you recognize your own agency. Acknowledging your feelings and then reasserting your sense of autonomy will be helpful in the moment. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Tuesday’s New Moon in your opposite sign is likely to afford more than one opportunity to add some vitality to your connections with loved ones. That said, it’s important that you actually participate in the process by stepping over your threshold and encountering the outdoors. Don’t let fears about risk cloud your enjoyment or hinder your sense of adventure. Everyone’s been burned at least once. It would be a dull world if we all sat at home nursing our wounds, in fear of potential future injuries. The key word there is “potential.” I suggest you exchange the imagined scenes in your mind for real and substantial experiences. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Do you ever experience that phenomenon when cleaning in your home that you wipe down one set of surfaces, or tidy one area, only to notice something else that needs attention? Your daily routines may seem a little like that, this week. That said, you can consider the matter strategically by stepping back and looking at the whole picture, then listing what needs to be done. Begin with an idea of what you ultimately want to accomplish; think long-term, then draw up a scheme for fitting the details into place. This is much easier than the seemingly Sisyphean labor of rectifying one problem, only to be faced with another. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There’s a difference between viewing an artistic gift or impulse as a means to an end — which is what our society currently encourages a lot of — and considering it as part of a higher calling. The latter is about self-actualization, which really means alignment with something larger than yourself — whether you call it God, Allah, the Goddess, the universe, the Divine Principle or something else. In devoting your creativity or skill to this sort of higher purpose, you’re really affirming your journey of personal healing and growth. Regardless of how you ultimately use your abilities, you’ll surely benefit from maintaining a conscious understanding of not only what you create, but how each unique work can teach you about yourself. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Our memories, especially of events long past, are more subject to alteration than we generally give credit for. Specific instances can stand out clearly, for whatever reason, though others will tend to fade into vagueness. Especially as your mind changes and grows, you may reflect on the past with a substantially different view from when you were there. This is, of course, partly owing to hindsight. That said, rationalizing or glossing over some memories could lead to forgetting how far you’ve developed since, or repeating certain errors. If you have old journals or photos, this could be a useful means of setting particular records straight. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — On Tuesday, a New Moon takes place in your 3rd house of learning and communication. If you’ve been feeling a little restless, this event could help you galvanize that feeling into acquiring new knowledge or a new skill. It’s likely that you’ll get a sense of wanting to find out more about a specific subject, and then you’ll suddenly notice yourself thoroughly immersed in your new course of study. It’s worth letting your curiosity and enthusiasm take the lead; you’ll gain some delightfully fresh experiences, and perhaps develop a passion that could keep you hooked for years to come. That, and meet some interesting new people. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — In the past few weeks you have perhaps come face to face with some old troubles; the good news is you have an opportunity to dispense with them once and for all, if you’re willing to. Your view of yourself may fluctuate, though you’re on more solid ground than you used to be, and can let go of the self-doubt that’s been plaguing you. This might at first feel a bit daunting, but it will get easier if you persist. You have resources, both personal and physical, on which you can thoroughly depend. You no longer need to hide behind the barriers of your past. Throw them aside and come out into the light. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Everyday Secrets: Sagittarius Astrology Studio

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Sagittarius Astrology Studio reading will be published tonight. It covers Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a review of Jupiter in Sagittarius and a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn. I focus on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and many other exciting facets of your astrology. My readings are easygoing and easy to follow, and address real-life matters of life, work and relationships.

You may pre-order here for $44. Gift purchases welcome.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The forthcoming New Moon in your sign could help orient you toward a decisive path of development. What might be useful to remember is that this is really an active process, requiring your attention and participation. Letting your mind wander too far risks getting you blown off course. It seems to be a feature of our society that passive morality is encouraged: that is, enduring with resignation what life throws at you, which makes for a conveniently docile workforce. What you’re now being presented with is a different sort of ethics, in which you are at the helm and firmly piloting in the direction of growth. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Venus joining the party in your sign this week, and conjoining Pholus, may offer you an opportunity to release some pressure. It’s crucial that you be honest with yourself and others regarding your emotional landscape, as the big Saturn-Pluto conjunction approaches. In particular, if specific desires are present, don’t let fear keep you from noticing or expressing them. These feelings are an essential guide to what you’re experiencing and who you are becoming, and you need to allow them to exist as part of your reality. A large part of your journey in the next two months comes down to self-acceptance. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Certain friendships may be an important anchor in your life this week. If you’ve been holding something in, it could help to confide in someone you trust. You might feel as if once you start talking it’ll be difficult to stop, though that’s an indicator of pressing need. Avoid the notion that you have to be strong and silent. You’re entitled to be heard as much as anyone else, and your feelings are equally valid. After a while, you’ll probably find that some creative energies have been released, not to mention a considerable weight from your shoulders. Your ideas will flow much more easily as a result. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — In the end we all share a requirement to be servants of the truth: a task often easier said than done, and which many people seem to abandon. You know better. This week, it would be wise to keep a close eye on any feelings of resentment or bitterness. While these sensations are natural and it’s important to acknowledge them, you also need to be aware that they tend to spring from a sense of powerlessness, which is rarely borne out in fact. Honesty can sometimes be about recognizing that your perspective can get skewed, and trying to get a clearer picture of the real situation. As a functioning, self-aware adult, you have choices. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #203 for Nov. 18, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Pay attention to who benefits from any financial transaction involving you, and for that matter, any sexual one. It’s not that you’re looking for something wrong, or that anyone has necessarily been dishonest. That could go either way. However, you want to know the lines of influence involved, by which I mean who is influencing whom and in what way. You’re in a stronger position than you think, though this is contingent on using what you know, which is based on paying attention to what you find out. If something gets your interest, pursue that line of inquiry. Ask people what is motivating them, and then track their words and their actions and see if they align. The thing to be mindful of is whether you actually gain an advantage in any situation of which you are part. “The greatest good for all concerned” includes you.Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Events in Scorpio, your opposite sign (relationships, personal associations), will liven things up over the next few days. Mars arrives overnight Monday, and Mercury will turn to direct motion on the 20th. It is fair to say that a new day has dawned, though that is true each and every day. While you’re inclined to appreciate things as they are, under most circumstances, there are times when change is refreshing. The current change is coming in the form of what you learn about key individuals in your life, and appreciating the reasons that they are drawn to you. These days, we’re conditioned to be repelled when people are direct about their feelings. The alternative is living in a cloud of haze and potential misunderstanding. You are strong enough and adventurous enough to meet people right where they are, rather than where you expect them to be, or want them to be. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The movements of Mars and Mercury this week are encouraging you to take leadership at work. The important thing is to act on what you know for sure, which implies that you will take the time and effort to find out. One risk clearly described by your astrology suggests you will make irrevocable moves before you actually understand what is happening in your environment. This could be personally dangerous to you, whether that comes in the form of animosity or conflict in some form, or emotional stress that impacts your wellbeing. Do your best to gather information quietly, and confirm or corroborate it before you take action. Not everyone will be forthcoming, though it’s up to you to figure out who is being truthful, and what the basis for that truth is. You cannot merely take people at their word. You need to check their facts and check their logic. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Focus on connecting people, in whatever form that takes. It could be in your community, your home, or your online community — though the key is aligning around a mission or purpose that you are committed to. The way your chart is set up (with confirmation from the world in its current state), you are the one who is going to provide the initiative, as well as the creative leadership. This always amounts to being the person with a sense of adventure who is willing to take some kind of a risk with your imagination. It also means taking action. In that nutshell, you have the basic elements of leadership, as meaningfully defined in the 21st century. You get to be the one who has the idea and the initiative. Be grateful if you find collaborators, and jump for joy when you discover people who are willing to step up with some courage to even the basic challenges of life. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun moving into your fellow fire sign Sagittarius will release some of the pressure you’ve been feeling. This is likely to restore some of the energy that’s been drained from your batteries during the past three weeks of Mercury retrograde. If you feel certain you want to move in a particular direction, or like an idea is a winning one, take advantage of that and move while your motivation is hot and fresh. You may feel two different impulses, though — one of which is to take care of your most basic needs, and to play it safe; and the other to expand your horizons and stretch your limits. These are not competing interests. They are compatible, in the sense that you need grounding to do things that take you in new directions. So by all means look after matters of home and security, and let that facilitate some new adventure. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You will need to hold your tongue on an important matter for a short while, and let additional details come out in the wash. That may take a few days, even out to the end of the week. It will be worth acting in a meticulous way, taking notes and keeping track of the different viewpoints of those involved. But by my reading of your solar chart, it’s essential that you not play your hand too soon — and you may be inclined to do just that. So keep a cool head, even if others are running hot and are not inclined to tell or accept the truth. In the end, the actual reality will be known and seen for what it is, though this is dependent upon you acting when the timing is right. You will know when that is; fairly soon, you will figure out that one discovery will lead to another, and again to another. Listen to as many viewpoints as possible, without letting on what you know or which way you are leaning. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You are at the center of a gathering, though this does not mean it’s about you. Rather, your role is to facilitate and to help coalesce a point of focus. An honest conversation, on any level, about any topic, would be a wonderful place to start. You might consider something like a small dinner party of some of your assorted odd and diverse friends. Maybe you could do something on the Friday after Thanksgiving — in person, of course. You are doing quite a bit better than some of the people around you, and in any event, I suggest you check in with your friends and neighbors and see if there is anyone who can benefit from your positive attention. You may be able to assist with ideas, resources, or at least someone to lean on for a little while. One of the best ways to find out how much you have is to share it; you can afford to be more generous than most others think they can be. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.

You may have instant access to your Scorpio Astrology Studio now. This reading addresses the current jolt to your relationships, as well as the profound thought transformation you’re going through. I consider some deep matters of self-identity and where that meets personal healing. Astrology Studio comes with a bonus recording, “Self and Society,” which looks at the astrology describing the busy intersection of the individual and collective. We’ll follow up with a tarot card reading.

You can listen right away to the astrology sessions for just $44. Sample 1 | Sample 2


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Two events of note take place involving your birth or rising sign this week: first, Mars ingresses Scorpio on Tuesday the 19th. Second, Mercury stations direct on Wednesday the 20th. Both of these have a “see what you’ve been missing” kind of feeling. However, until then, you will benefit from missing what you’ve been missing. That is to say, pay attention to what you don’t know, what mysteries you may be confronting, and what you don’t understand. It can take some skill and dedication to get clear about both the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns. One of the things I think defines a mature person is the ability to stand in the face of what you don’t know. You have by now noticed the tendency to fill in the blanks with whatever information seems handy, and this is what I’m suggesting you do not do. Leave them blank for a while. Meditate on an empty bowl. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You know you have to keep it positive and you want to, and you have plenty to be optimistic about — though something may be nagging at you. This is unlikely to be an external factor. Fortunately, your astrology is calling you into yourself and your feelings. You need to follow your awareness in, and not be overwhelmed by the prospect of doing so. You are, at the moment, unusually susceptible to fear. In the course of every person’s life, if they are to be content with their existence, they learn how to deal with this most troubling emotion. Herein lies the challenge. There is one factor I can focus: what are you doing with a second chance you have received? It might be a reprieve, a do-over, a narrow escape, or someone being generous with you when they don’t have to be. It is up to you to keep a positive outlook day by day, even if that is challenging. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may be in dear need of additional resources, and by all indications, help is on the way. Yet it is up to you to maintain your integrity, whether you are in a state of abundance or one of scarcity. Keep doing the right thing, even if it is the more difficult one. It is easy to decide that you’ve been dealt some kind of a disadvantage, therefore anything goes. It is easy to make compromises to stay on the winning side, even if they suck away at your soul. It may feel like you are being tested now. That feeling is likely to increase as the next two months progress. In many ways, this is astrology that seems designed to bring out the best in you. But if you get into the space of compromises, shortcuts and half-truths, it could easily bring out the worst. Astrology this week and for the foreseeable future says to put your public image aside. Or perhaps in the words of Journey Truth, “Aim for being truthful instead of being right.” Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The soon-to-end Mercury retrograde is associated with a review of your professional prospects, and an assessment of how your career has progressed the past 12 months or so. Are you in alignment with the humanitarian and group-centered approach to life that is so often attributed to your sign? Or are you finding it challenging to get off of the hamster wheel or greyhound race, both of which would be taking you in a circle? Mars now entering your 10th house of professional aspirations will bring new ideas and a new surge of energy. Yet you must be mindful to place your values ahead of your ambition. If you succeed at anything, you will be doing a lot of it, and you will be making an impact. You will also be in a leadership role. Now is the time to ensure that this is all associated with ideals and values you can live with, rather than those you supposedly swore off years ago. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your horizons are widening, and it will help you to stretch a little and see how far your imagination can carry you; notice how far your eyes can see; think of all you have not done, and want to do. It is true that the world is in a shambles, though this must not deter you. The condition of the planet can be a source of potential and of inspiration to make things better, in practical ways. But what it must not be is a deterrence against designing the life that you want to live. You may be noticing that certain elements of your current existence are coming to the end of their useful life. That suggests that their creative potential is also dwindling. But new opportunities are opening up fast. Make sure you are in sync with the transitions, know what you want, and keep an eye out for stepping stones as these eventful times develop. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #202 for Nov. 11, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you need help putting the pieces of a relationship back together, you likely have it available right now. The question is, what are you reassembling, and why? What, exactly, is worth preserving for the future? The current mood of society places way too much emphasis on relationships and not nearly enough on the process of growth and individuation. The cultural lie is that a person is complete when they have a relationship, and nothing much else is worth working for. This deserves consideration from the viewpoint that self-actualization is all that matters. Your primary relationship is to yourself, no matter how much you might identify with another person, or the concept you think binds you to them. It often seems easier to “see yourself in another” than it does to “see yourself in yourself.” If you’re going to reassemble anything, you’re the place to start that process: you, as an independent being with your own needs, desires and abilities to fulfill them. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The notion of purity is a difficult posture to balance. But it seems to retain popularity despite the fact that it does not really exist, and is psychologically dangerous. Your primary assignment is to allow yourself the space to be who you are. This would include room to grow, change and experiment. We would do better with a concept like “holistic” rather than pure; that means taking the whole into account. Think of yourself as a space you hold open for a certain experience to happen: an empty stage, a blank canvas, a new notebook, a big open table where you can set up any project you want, and then allow something to come through you. You will have a similar effect on others, providing the reminder and potentially the practical or spiritual assistance that facilitates something new. When you’re doing this with or for someone else, stand back, and subtract your needs from the equation as best you can. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Pay special attention to your dreams for the next few days, as you will get some ideas how best to facilitate the choices you are making. It’s true that plenty is up in the air at this point. You’re not sure how you feel about certain important aspects of your life, your work being principal among them. You do not need to make any life-altering decisions now. And you might take a look at your tendency to think every choice you make is about what you are going to do “with the rest of your life” — relationships included. This would be a good time to embrace the transience of existence, along with its experimental quality. The idea there is to sidestep any dramatic notion of changing everything forever. You might honor the ways in which seemingly small decisions can alter your trajectory. Of equal relevance is noticing how you feel is the single greatest factor that determines what you think is real and valid, and what you think lacks relevance. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You are in an excellent position to be of some public service. It’s likely this will happen whether you intend it to or not. Yet because you are being drawn, pushed or otherwise appearing in public consciousness, you need to stand above the usual polarized mess that this tends to become. That means having a thicker skin than you’re accustomed to as a sensitive person, at the same time thinking beyond your own personal needs, opinions and biases. Remain as neutral as you can in any controversy. This will allow you to facilitate an honest discussion, and be seen as an impartial judge. Meanwhile, you have your own private needs to attend to, which I suggest you keep out of the collective realm. While in the end nothing is really private, you are entitled to your own play space where you’re free to explore and experiment without interference from others. Focus on your own preferences. Leave room for what you really want. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There are times when your professional calling must stand above every other necessity or involvement, and this may be one of them. You will know this is the right thing because it feels good. You can factor money out of the equation; that is beside the point. The idea is to make sure the right thing happens, for the larger purpose you serve. In this, your instincts and your imagination are irreplaceable. Yet above all else is the example that you set. What you say does not come close to what you do as a teaching method, and you can be sure that others are watching your actions for guidance. And as far as that goes, the primary guidance you are offering is commitment. Your concept of devotion, as you are learning it, is rather different from the prevailing norms and expectations of society. The current obsession with “getting ahead” does not seem like it will do much to help. Just keep on doing what needs to be done. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You are entitled to your opinions, though you would be well served not to be too attached to them. Rather, you might think of your point of view as a probe. You have an idea, and then you test it out in some real situation. Does your concept serve you? Does it get a result? Do you learn something new? Keep the process moving. It’s easy to get stuck, or to latch onto a concept without a review process to determine whether it’s really a useful tool. One way to facilitate this is to notice consciously whether and how your perspective includes new material. This might be the response to a circumstance, a person, a development, or additional information. At the moment, there are a lot of people on the planet who are ready to die for their opinion (which could include a belief, including about themselves). Keep the flow of your mind going; allow yourself to be led by curiosity. That would best include sexual curiosity. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — One important question of your life involves mobility. Are you free to go where you want to go, which implies doing what you want to do? What are the ties that bind you? Take a good look at them as you discover them; this will lead you to make some conscious choices about what you want. It seems clear that your commitment to one particular relationship or situation is under real pressure to change, shift or shake itself up. And at the same time, there is something consistent about your involvement that you want to maintain. There is some tension between those two poles, and therein lies the creative potential. If the question were really a choice between staying put and walking away, that might be easier. What is called for, though, is not compromise but rather design innovation — that is, an invention — that gets the whole equation to work for you, and allows you to work for it. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.

You may have instant access to your Scorpio Astrology Studio now. This reading addresses the current jolt to your relationships, as well as the profound thought transformation you’re going through. I consider some deep matters of self-identity and where that meets personal healing. Astrology Studio comes with a bonus recording, “Self and Society,” which looks at the astrology describing the busy intersection of the individual and collective. We’ll follow up with a tarot card reading.

You can listen right away to the astrology sessions for just $44. Sample 1 | Sample 2


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Someone seems willing to offer their support and even their resources. The question is whether you’re in a position to receive what is being held out to you. You may have your own ideas, and seem to be unwilling to give up your agenda for the sake of anyone else. Yet if you look more closely, you may see that you’re not being asked to change much of anything. Everything comes with some conditions, though this situation seems to be relatively free of them. So you may as well have the conversation. This would, however, require you to state your position and your intentions in plain language, and you might not want to do that. You might feel as if it’s too much of a compromise on your individuality. Yet is that really true? If you assert your reality to others, they get to take it or leave it. In any event, there seems to be a conversation you need to have. This will serve the progress of you and of someone close to you. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There is only so much meticulous planning you want to do, even if a voice in your mind is telling you that you need a precise strategy. The problem with that is your plans cannot encompass all of the potential you have available. By making plans, you are likely to be limiting yourself. It would make more sense to have some general goals, and some principles you want to live by. Then, when an opportunity opens up, you can evaluate it, and decide whether it works for you. Under some circumstances, it makes sense to have a tight game plan and stick to it. And there are some where it makes no sense at all. For example, many tourists have a set agenda and checklist for what they’re going to do when they arrive in a country they’ve never visited — and they stick to it. Yet when you arrive in a new place for the first time, you will discover things you had no idea existed, and never imagined possible. Currently you are in such a place. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The recent re-entry of the slow-moving centaur planet Pholus into your sign comes with a reminder: most of “the past” you are dealing with is not your personal past, but rather that of your family and your ancestors. It is still your responsibility and in a sense your possession. Yet whether something is actually about you, or about someone else, can help you determine how to address the matter. The bottom line is claiming yourself from the grip of the past. Yet this implies a confrontation with anyone who might try to hold you to something you did not cause, and which did not originate with you. This is not as simple as a financial transaction, such as taking on someone’s debt. Growth and maturity are involved. Understanding what it means to be emotionally and financially independent are also significant factors. Put simply, you have both rights and responsibilities to take possession of.. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Keep your interests close to home these days. Spend a little time inside your four walls, and then make your way out among your friends. Certain career or professional matters seem to be calling for your attention, though this is time for a review more than it is to take action. Review means pondering the events of the past year, and deciding whether there is something you could do better in the future. One central question is about why power is the only thing that seems to matter — whether it’s about your power over someone, or theirs over you. That is a crude way to view the world, and a political framework that will not serve you. You are a social person, and this is more useful than any concept of might and right. Any benefit that comes into your life is going to be offered to you voluntarily. It won’t be about anyone having to do anything. That said, one foundation of success is taking your responsibilities seriously, to yourself and to others. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your perspective is widening, rather quickly these days. Things you didn’t consider possible are suddenly appearing as potentially viable options. It’s as if some obstruction was moved out of your way and you have a clear view out to the horizon. What is actually happening is that you’re recovering some of your former outlook, and your sense of possibility. So while you’re looking ahead, you’re using resources that have served you well in the past — and you can keep doing that. Take some time and remember what tools and skills you possess. There is another factor propelling you, which is gaining, regaining or recovering your self-respect. An important element of this is what I would call sexual self-esteem. As a Pisces, your sexuality is your most important connection to the wider world and, as it works out, your tap into universal energy. While others would make this topic out to be about power or politics, do not fall for that deception. The pleasure and beauty of experience are not matters of public policy or social justice. They are your personal reality, to experience and share as you wish. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.