Category Archives: Inner Space Monthly Horoscope

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for April 2014


Planet Waves

April is the peak month of the ‘2012 phenomenon’. I know 2012 supposedly ended a couple of years ago, but in fact the astrology that began that year is now coming to its peak. By my reckoning that happens the last week of April. With limited space there is only so much I can say, however the clearest message I can offer is this is the time to get real about what you’ve been saying (perhaps for years) that you’ve wanted to get real about. This is the time to not be dictated to by your fears, especially your fear of change, and your fear of vulnerability. Our whole society seems bent on avoiding these two things, and we will individually and collectively need to get past them so that you can become who you truly are — and contribute to the world in the ways that you know are necessary. This may not be the month you complete your mission but it could surely be the month that you begin.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for April 2014 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You are prone to intense reactions, though I suggest you keep a grip on yourself this month. Your emotional energy has more than double its usual power, and the planets are set up in a way that, for everyone, lends itself well to chain reactions. Your own planetary picture suggests that you may make judgments based on a mistaken sense of being unworthy of others’ love. I strongly suggest you research the facts of the situation and account for your own struggle with self-worth before over-reacting or even responding to something you perceive. Between the potential for misunderstandings and for things going out of control, it would be wise of you to put everything on a one-week delay before you make any accusations or decisions.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You can be the voice of balance and reason in a group environment because you understand how the dark side of people can emerge when they get together. While most humans fail to notice this or else choose to look away from it (mostly out of laziness or for fear of being cast out), the fact that you are aware is the best insurance against problems arising. And if they do arise, your understanding the scenario is essential toward finding the solution. Here is a clue: In groups where you might expect there to be a collective gain in intelligence, there is often a collective loss. The whole can be equal to less than the sum of the parts. This is of course the opposite of whole-system thinking, and where your awareness and leadership will become extremely helpful.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may need to push your message a little in order to be heard or even noticed. Don’t go so far that you threaten your own credibility, but rather make sure that your presentation is colorful and clear enough to cut through the static. Communicate in person where possible; that will save you plenty of energy and allow you the opportunity to come across in an emotionally grounded way. That detail will skip the need for the bright colors — you personally possess them. So short of getting on an airplane (unless the matter is of top-level importance, particularly to your career), show up in someone’s presence and explain yourself, making sure to convey your enthusiasm and love for what you are doing. That is the main selling point.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The best professional advice anyone ever gave me was to get my ego out of my writing. By that, I understood that the person meant not to be so invested in the seeming success or failure of my work; and mainly, to be open to changing my own ideas. In other words, don’t be so attached to a concept that it’s not subject to revision and improvement. The more you open up to this notion, the more of that improved vision will come to you. The less you proceed with emotional attachment to what you want to accomplish, the easier it will be. True, this takes some skill, but the bright side is that emoting consumes energy. You will benefit from redirecting that energy into creative options, of which you have many — both personal and professional.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may be uncertain whether to be in a total panic or to have unflinching faith in yourself. I am certain that there is no middle ground here; that if you’re going to take a guess, go right to the side of faith. You have experienced the effects of crippling self-doubt enough to know that it gets you nowhere. That alone might be enough to convince you that it’s useless, but there’s also a spiritual issue involved: whether you think God loves you. If you have any doubt, I would propose that it came from somebody else. It was given to you, rather than being something innate. Your faith and your confidence are your actual property; an innate part of your character. The more time you spend there, the more obvious this will be.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There’s a potent mirror effect going on, though it’s essential that you make sure the reflection you’re seeing is clear and not a distortion. When some element of your character is shown to you by someone else, or through someone else, there will always be a loss of clarity. Therefore, don’t take what you’re shown purely at face value. Engage it in a dialog. By that I mean the people and circumstances that seem to be pressing some point, or not letting you escape some concept about yourself. It may be true in some form, and I suggest you be open to how it may not be valid. Weigh truth and validity against the values of learning and growth and you will clarify your understanding of these very interesting pictures.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Creative process is often seen by outsiders as something hot. That’s usually how it’s portrayed when dramatized in a movie or on TV — as driven by passion or pathos. While there is always some fire contained within the creative drive, and while it may have the occasional solar flare, I’ve found that it’s necessary to be cool, methodical and focused in order to actually get something done. That’s what you’ve got going on right now, if you want it. Yet there’s also plenty of heat and glare to distract you; there’s as much controversy and emotional complication as you can imbibe. Even so, the actual creative productivity thing — that’s about being laidback, alert and self-aware. The risks involved are subtle. Wholesome progress is more likely to come over time, not as the sudden and/or stunning breakthrough.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your fantasies will tell you a lot, especially about who and what you want. So I suggest you open the spigot and really let in the images, feelings and information and not worry about whether it’s right or wrong. There is deep healing potential in being honest with yourself and equal potential for damage when you deny your desires. The purity campaign associated with both desire and fantasy is a ruse. There is nothing pure about it, though the closest you come to purity is when you’re absolutely real with yourself. Yes, it’s also true that the bridge from your imagination to reality might open up — and if it does, it will be for a very good reason, which is specifically about healing something deep and long-denied. And that will feel good.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Don’t mistake emotional confusion for misery. On our planet, to feel at all means to feel some pain — that is why feeling is so unpopular. That said, it won’t help to drink your feelings away. You might feel good for a while, but you’ll miss the opportunity to address something that may on one level be troubling, but that on another level is of profound meaning to you and which holds a key to happiness. I suggest you not cut yourself off from contact with yourself, especially when your self is trying so diligently to make contact with you. You’re not necessarily the ‘get help’ type but this would be a good time to have some competent, non-attached feedback and guidance, from someone who can perhaps assist in figuring out what you’re feeling.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Was there someone in your past who left you with the feeling of being unloved? I am talking about before the age of seven. The way you’ll know that I’m describing what you may be feeling is that it comes with little onslaughts of an irrational sense of worthlessness. You are old enough, and strong enough, to recognize that this is not a feeling that reflects your current reality. However, if you experience anything like this, it may be compelling enough that you believe it means something. That might be an unresolved childhood situation, of which we humans usually carry around a few. This particular one is coming into focus, which is an invitation to set yourself free. Use your mind. Use your spirit. Consider the issue when it’s not bothering you.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You seem to be working with devotion to set yourself free from some perceived authority. I would ask: when you reach a point of breakthrough, do you feel any different? There is a seeming external source of power that appears to be casting a shadow over you. Then there is what looks like an inner haze that has the same feeling but is not as solid. The two are related. I suggest you focus on your inner sensation rather than on struggling against any outer circumstance. Here is one thought to be alert for: the idea that you must organize your feelings a certain way in order to be lovable or free. Other elements of your chart suggest that if you let go of trying to organize your feelings, you will taste the experience of inner freedom.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are becoming aware of many things that you’ve known for a while, but which are taking shape as being immediately relevant and truer now than ever. I would propose that among these is the power of belief to shape and even direct the flow of your life. Whether something is true or not, whether it is valid or not, whether it has any basis in reality, is secondary to the fact that you might or might not believe it. I suggest you recognize this power, and set out to determine what is true for you, and honor that. When you get to that point of honoring, you may notice a feeling of rebellion, though I suggest you work with that in an understated, cautious and serious way. Be a conservative rebel. Do only what you must so that you can be free to do what you want.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


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Hey, Sugar: A Story of Virgo-Pisces

Dear Friend and Reader:

Edges of cities are interesting places. When I discovered Lou Reed, I was driving regularly from New Jersey to Staten Island to visit my cousin Maura. To get there I cruised in my 1972 Dodge Dart along the ancient, strange and beautiful Route 22 and over the Outerbridge Crossing to Staten Island, on the far outskirts of New York City.

Planet Waves
Lou Reed, photographed by his friend Mick Rock.

I often did the drive in the dark hours into dawn, along empty highways scattered with road construction projects lit up like movie sets. That landscape shaped my consciousness with its dark tones and horizons defined by refineries and enormous gantries set along the waterfront, elevated highways and the Manhattan skyline looming in the distance.

I was working as a staff editor for a business newsletter publishing company, in charge of titles like Kane’s Beverage Week and Leisure Beverage Insider, for which subscribers paid hundreds of dollars a year.

I was being flown all over the country to cover trade shows, conferences and conventions. Knowing what I had accomplished by age 25, I was aware that I had a potential career track to be a top editor at The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times. And I was pretty sure I wanted no part of that, or rather that I had already seen enough of it.

I was still in some shock after graduating from SUNY Buffalo, where art and community were everywhere, and where I had my hand in countless activist publishing projects. The spirit of change and collective excitement that pervaded my life in Buffalo was nowhere to be found in New Jersey or New York City, not that I could sniff out, anyway. The energy was depressing, nothing like I remembered the city when I was in high school.

Sometime in late 1988, I don’t remember how, I met my cousin Maura, who became an old friend immediately. In those months I wove in many visits to see her, bringing her my poems, which she would have me read to her. We stayed up deep into the winter nights exploring and considering language and ideas and loving one another like the kindred spirits that we were.

Planet Waves
The Velvet Underground.

One day she handed me two tickets to see a guy named Lou Reed. The tickets were for the opening night of his tour for the album New York. Except for the one song everyone has heard, I didn’t know who he was, so I bought the CD and started listening.

Like phosphorous burning in a black desert, the songs on this album illuminated the political and spiritual landscape of the United States. Lou showed us how dark it all was, a society of people shitting in rivers, dumping battery acid into streams and clubbing one another in pointless race riots. He did not hesitate to point out all the hypocrisy and taken for granted stupidity that pervade American society, and that most people just shrug off.

A thousand times I’ve listened to him say, I’ll meet you in Tompkins Square, the park where a riot had ensued a year earlier after the city tried to clear the park of homeless people.

New York was like the most exciting news report I ever heard. Lou called out world leaders and the pope for their racist viewpoints, listed the names of those who had been hurt in the civil war that was ensuing and called on anyone with a shred of ethics to stand up and do something. He talked about the Statue of Bigotry, the NRA, the asshole driving on heroin who crippled a dancer and countless news figures from that era from Bernard Goetz to Mike Tyson to the Guardian Angels.

The album sums up an an era of history; it was also one of the best post-punk albums ever recorded — composed and performed by someone I had no idea was regarded as an inventor of punk rock 25 years earlier.

Then there was the concert, opening night for the New York tour, a Friday night, performed in a Broadway theater. That means a classy venue with maybe 3,000 people in the house, no bad seats and fantastic acoustics. We were in the last row, which was like having the best press seats for an arena concert. The last row also meant there was a wide, carpeted exit aisle behind us, and nobody seemed to care if we danced back there, with a full view of the stage.

Planet Waves
Cover of the 1989 “New York” album, designed by Spencer Drate and Judith Salavetz with photos by Waring Abbott. It was one of the first album covers done using Photoshop — notice the many different images of Lou Reed morphed into one.

The stage had a designed set, with painted-on glass panels backlit in fluorescent colors. At first glance I looked at it and thought: Andy Warhol’s ghost is in the room, though I had no idea that Warhol had produced the Velvet Underground and been one of Lou’s closest friends.

The show was in two sets. In the first, Reed and his band blazed out the full New York album in order, true to the studio recording but turned up to 11 for the live environment. They went from song to song without a pause as the whole house gathered the momentum of the performance. By the time I saw the show I was already in love with every song on the album and it was amazing to see them done live for the first time, right in New York City.

Then they took a break, came back out, and did a generous, nearly endless greatest hits collection of the Velvet Underground and Lou’s solo work. This was not an oldies show. Every song was performed with an edge of joyous aggression. There is nothing I can compare this show to.

Radical, professional, raw, refined, hot and cool, idealistic and baldly realistic, new and old all at once. Something, some fire, entered my mind that night and has not left since, or perhaps I felt like I had permission to let myself care about what I really did care about.

Soon after, I made a series of decisions, which at the time I did not directly connect to my experience of the music but for which, looking back, New York was the point of demarcation. One day I came to work and saw television footage of the City University uprising of spring 1989 — students getting arrested in tuition hike protests. It was clear the students had experienced no civil disobedience training. That was the actual tipping point. I knew I had to be part of that.

In a matter of weeks, I had sketched out a business plan for a newsletter covering politics and student issues for campus organizations and the student press (New York State Student Leader), applied to grad school, quit my job and came upstate to be an activist and a poet. I was accepted as a fully sponsored grad student at SUNY New Paltz, where I taught English for a year and wrote about many of the kinds of issues that Lou Reed had described in New York, throwing myself in with total commitment.

Planet Waves
Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson. Photo by Guido Harari.

A year later I was covering the 1990 City University protests from the inside, living for three weeks in a seized building at City College of New York.

That was the power of Lou’s music: it woke me up and helped radicalize me. I was suddenly able to focus and choose what to do with my talent and drive. I have never worked a ‘straight’ job since. I went into business and from that point forward, set my own agenda as a journalist. I have never once contained myself based on what some publisher or advertiser might think of the views I took.

I usually own the publications where my work appears, which are always advertising-free, where to this day I strive to perfect the let ’em have it, In-Your-Face, tell-it-like-it-is, put-their-names-in print-style of journalism that Lou Reed made look both easy and worth doing.

I never met Lou Reed, but this week I discovered how many people I know knew him personally. Over the years I figured out that Lou was a sexual revolutionary. The song Walk on the Wild Side, Lou’s one true pop hit, was a daring statement for its time, 1972.

Right around then, Betty Dodson was one of the few women busting the gender queer barrier, and from her stories I know how dangerous this was. At that time, even lesbians were politically sidelined within the official gay movement. “Wild Side” was a bold, beautiful tribute to transvestites, male prostitutes and numerous characters floating around the East Village at the time.

One message of the song: this all may seem a little seedy but these people sure are interesting, they’re real and I think you’ll like them. C’mon sugar, check out the scene.

I wanted to know more about the sexual revolutionary in Lou Reed, so I contacted Billy Name, who was the official photographer and archivist at Warhol’s Factory, where the Velvet Underground was the house band. Billy was friends with Reed continuously from those days till he died this past weekend.

Billy was one of my first astrology clients, and he’s always been generous sharing his eyewitness accounts of history.

Planet Waves
Lou Reed and Nico, one of the vocalists for the Velvet Underground, in 1965. Photographer unknown.

“It’s an overachievement of humanity to make the masculine and the feminine fuse as one and put that forth as your gender,” Billy told me. “He did it not through sexuality but through including all phases of homosexual and heterosexual.”

He said that Lou had a way of making contact with the inner truth in everyone. “He would scratch you and bring out your underground. He never left you alone. He wasn’t trying to scratch you. He was a gem.”

And he added his opinion that Lou would have been a musical prodigy no matter what era he was born into. Rock and roll happened to be an exceptionally good fit.

Spencer Drate is a typographer who co-designed several album covers for Lou Reed’s solo work, including New York and Magic and Loss, and special issues of Velvet Underground albums. He described Lou as a moody, quirky person who was always gracious to him. He said that in his experience, Reed was emotionally transparent and could not hide his feelings. “If he was at a party and he didn’t want to be there, you could see it on his face.”

Drate said the New York album was the first that Lou did post-heroin addiction. The project revived Lou’s drive to live and make music and that his relationship with Seymour Stein, the co-founder of Sire Records, afforded him some faith in the record industry.

Drate said that Reed never asked him to change anything on an album cover and told him directly that he loved his work. Hearing that would mean a lot to anyone, since just about everyone held Reed as a genius.

That theme came up again when I talked to Gary Lucas, the guitarist I featured on a recent Planet Waves FM. Lucas said, “Lou was a friend — I met him in Munich in 1992 at Zorn’s Festival of Radical Jewish Culture and he invited me to hang out and play with him. He told me then: ‘I could listen to you play for hours, Gary’.”

Can you imagine Lou Reed telling you that about your guitar playing? (He was onto something about Gary Lucas, by the way.)

Planet Waves
Lou Reed performs live on stage at Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, Holland, on May 19, 1974. Photo: Gijsbert Hanekroot/Redferns.

My favorite story of the week, however, came from my old friend Rob Norris, whom I knew for about 20 years before recently discovering he’s an actual rock star — the bassist for The Bongos.

Rob sent me the PDF of a music ‘zine that looks like it was from around 1980 or so, typed on an IBM Selectric. In it, he tells the story of a concert in his high school auditorium in 1965, filled with teenage students and their parents. Al Aronowitz, the manager of the Velvet Underground, lived in Rob’s town in New Jersey.

Rob’s best friend was Al’s babysitter, who brought back an ongoing stream of stories about who would visit his house, from Carole King to John Lennon. Al also managed a band called The Myddle Class which for some reason was playing the Summit High School auditorium. Usually for this kind of small, local gig, Al commissioned local opening acts.

However, The Velvet Underground had recently been fired by its club in New York City for not being danceable enough. So for $80 Al put them on the bill to be the opening act for The Myddle Class. The result was one of those true moments of rock history.

“Nothing could have prepared the kids and parents assembled in the auditorium for what they were about to experience that night,” he wrote. When the curtain came up, “There stood the Velvet Underground, dressed mostly in black; two of them were wearing sunglasses. One of the guys had VERY long hair and was wearing silver jewelry. He was holding a large violin. The drummer was standing at a small, oddly arranged drum kit. Was it a boy or a girl?

“Before we could take it all in, everyone was hit by a screeching surge of sound, with a pounding beat louder than anything we had ever heard. About a minute into the second song, which the singer had introduced as ‘Heroin’, the music began to get even more intense. It swelled and accelerated like a giant tidal wave which was threatening to engulf us all. At this point, most of the audience retreated in horror for the safety of their homes, thoroughly convinced of the dangers of rock & roll music. My friends and I moved a little closer to the stage, knowing that something special was happening.”

The next time Norris encountered Lou Reed was three years later, in Boston. Norris was in the meditation group of the eminent astrologer Isabel Hickey, and in that group was a guy named Mitch, who was also the sound man at a club called the Tea Party. Mitch was a friend of Reed’s, and one night at a Velvet’s concert, offered to introduce Norris to him between sets. His friend hinted that “Lou would probably be very different from what I was probably expecting him to be.”

Planet Waves
Photo by Todd Plitt / USA Today.

He continued: “A bit later we went into a big back room where Lou Reed sat, all by himself, eating what looked to be sawdust out of a jar. Mitch introduced us and slipped quietly out of the room. I was speechless. After sizing me up for a few seconds, Lou said, ‘What are you, on amphetamines or something?’

“I mumbled that I was not and asked what it was that he was eating. I was informed that it was a high-protein wheat germ mixture that he always ate before playing. This was followed by a brief lecture on the evils of drug abuse. My mind was reeling! I blurted out something about how much I loved their music and that I had seen them at Summit High three years earlier.

“Lou broke into a huge grin and took me into the other room to meet the band. Everyone was amazed that I had seen the show…It was wonderful to meet them like that. I was impressed by how intelligent, articulate and polite they were. It changed my whole impression of rock and roll stars. They were real people like you and me, after all!”

Norris said he went to many Velvet concerts and afterwards would always hang out backstage watching Reed hold court and answer his fans’ questions about anything and everything. The end result was that he knew he wanted a career as a professional rocker, and he created just that for himself.

Norris pointed out in his article that Lou Reed had in his chart the Pisces Sun and Virgo Moon. He was born just before a lunar eclipse, so it’s an especially strong Full Moon, giving him a chart polarized between the signs Virgo and Pisces — the technician and the artist; the control freak and the dreamer.

“Lou was a member of the Church of Light in NYC, which, like Isabel Hickey’s group in Boston, studied, among other things, the teachings of Alice Bailey,” Norris wrote.

Planet Waves
“Just a couple of weeks ago Lou did a photo session intended to become a print ad for his friend Henri Seydoux’s French audio headphones company Parrot. The renowned photographer Jean Baptiste Mondino took the shots, and this was the very last shot he took. Always a tower of strength.” — Tom Sarig on

“Lou explained how a lot of his songs embodied the Virgo-Pisces opposition and could be taken two ways. ‘White Light/White Heat’ was an obvious drug song showing some of the Piscean suffering and self-indulgent ‘road of excess’ side of things. But it was also about enlightenment, expressing the Christian purity, self-control, ‘palace of wisdom’ aspects of Virgo. Enlightenment was expressed in the feminine on songs like ‘Here She Comes Now’ and ‘I Heard Her Call My Name’.”

In other words, Lou Reed was aware of his astrology and used it as a spiritual and artistic tool. He understood that the Virgo-Pisces opposition that defines his chart is the embodiment of opposites, the great contradiction across which he had to stretch himself.

Hence we get Lou Reed the heroin addict in harmony with Lou Reed the avatar. We get the raw, grimy punk rocker playing the bass and guitar out of the same amp and we get the impeccable technician who played a tight, confident show almost every time. We get Lou Reed the health freak and Lou Reed the heroin addict.

We get Lou Reed the gracious and Lou Reed who would lie to the press regularly, not out of dislike but in my opinion as a journalist because their questions were so stupid.

We get Lou Reed of The Velvet Undergrond that my friend Mike Ackerman described as “an epic commercial failure at the time but a monumental artistic success. It’s been said by many that the first Velvet Underground album launched thousands of bands.”

By putting his contradictions right out where everyone could see them, Lou Reed presented himself as human and was received by everyone as human. Because he was speaking to us across level space, his voice cut through the bullshit, proof that it could be done. He was a friend to humanity, demonstrating how to do it.

I can think of no other celebrity I’ve never even met who felt more like a personal friend. And I miss him like one. Lou Reed was a reassuring presence on the planet, a reminder of what an artist can be and what art can do.


For Lou Reed

To our neighbors:

What a beautiful fall! Everything shimmering and golden and all that incredible soft light. Water surrounding us.

Lou and I have spent a lot of time here in the past few years, and even though we’re city people this is our spiritual home.

Last week I promised Lou to get him out of the hospital and come home to Springs. And we made it!

Lou was a tai chi master and spent his last days here being happy and dazzled by the beauty and power and softness of nature. He died on Sunday morning looking at the trees and doing the famous 21 form of tai chi with just his musician hands moving through the air.

Lou was a prince and a fighter and I know his songs of the pain and beauty in the world will fill many people with the incredible joy he felt for life. Long live the beauty that comes down and through and onto all of us.

Laurie Anderson
his loving wife and eternal friend

Published in the East Hampton Star on Oct. 31, 2013.

You are invited to read additional tributes to Lou Reed at this link.


Planet Waves

The Midpoint of the Uranus-Pluto Square

Set amidst much other astrology, Friday, Nov. 1 is the fourth of seven exact square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. This a rare series of outer planet aspects that spans from June 2012 through March 2015, and have effects that spread at least three or more years on either side.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

After watching this approach for many years (I’ve been reporting on this since at least 2009), we are now at the center point of that series of aspects; which is another way of saying at a turning point in the 2012-era. In many ways, the Uranus-Pluto square is a last, best hope — astrologically, anyway — that enough people will wake up so that we can turn around the problems that are threatening humanity and the planet itself.

Clustered around this meeting of two distant planets (Uranus, with an 84-year orbit, and Pluto, with a 250-year orbit) are Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, Mars opposite Chiron and a powerful eclipse of the Sun conjunct Saturn. These aspects describe the need for introspection, polarized clarity of vision, the need for action and a sober statement about a limit on how short a human lifetime is: an eclipse in Scorpio conjunct Saturn, the old Grim Reaper himself.

The astrology describes both personal material and collective material and as usual these days, the many places they intersect. Looked at one way, the problems of the world are nothing more than our collective problems projected into a gigantic relational system. The dysfunction of government reflects the neuroses and crises of our families.

The sensation of Uranus-Pluto and the 2012 era is similar to a lot of potent astrology going off — everything all at once. It’s difficult to know what to prioritize, or how exactly to handle it, since most of our problems are unprecedented. To give one example, there is a major crisis brewing at Fukushima Reactor 4, where 1,500 fuel rod assemblies are dangling in a building that cannot withstand any further seismic activity. Nobody has ever tried to remove that much nuclear fuel from a damaged, contaminated structure before.

The world is being overrun with genetically modified foods, which are being revealed as increasingly dangerous, but which also seem unstoppable. Is that not the metaphor for our lives at this time in history — what affects us profoundly that we cannot control and can barely influence?

Planet Waves
Full chart for the fourth exact contact of the Uranus-Pluto square this Friday. Notice all the planets with a bold “09″next to them (and with numbers close to that). Those are all planets in aspect to each other this week, and in aspect to the Uranus-Pluto square.

The Uranus-Pluto square set amongst so many other cosmic events is saying to focus on what matters. Take the time to consciously prioritize. Remember that knowledge and thought are useless if they don’t lead to decisions and to action. As you have no doubt noticed, it’s not easy to focus, and we live with the sensation of time running out of control.

That’s nothing more than an invitation to use our minds, remember our priorities, filter out what we know does not matter, and most of all, to honor the passage of time. It is true that all kinds of quantum phenomena are available, perhaps to advanced yogis, 33rd degree Masons and miracle workers; we, however, live in the world of time, and we need to honor time boundaries and focus on efficiency of thought and action.

There are often progressive gains and progress made when Uranus and Pluto get together, but there are two things to consider. One is that is humans, not the planets, who make things happen. The other is that these gains are often fragile. They are subject to disruption, subversion and outright attack. They must be respected and built on, or they are for naught.

The astrology that’s happening now will never come this way again. Other things will — but what we have now is a special opportunity for our truly unusual, critical, beautiful moment. Time is fleeting, and if we don’t focus on healing, madness does indeed take its toll.


Planet Waves

Nuclear Waste Facility Proposed for Lake Huron Town

A Canadian town less than a mile away from Lake Huron — one of the Great Lakes comprising the largest freshwater system on Earth, providing drinking water for 40 million — is being proposed as the site of an underground nuclear waste storage facility for Ontario’s 20 reactors.

Planet Waves
Bruce Power’s A and B sites, home of the current above-ground nuclear storage facility, on the shores of Lake Huron, in Ontario. Photo: Kincardine News.

Ontario Power Generation’s plan is already being hotly debated among residents, grass-roots groups and government officials. A review panel appointed by the Canadian government will issue a recommendation in coming weeks to Canada’s Cabinet, which will decide whether to approve the utility’s plan. If approved, work could begin in 2014.

The facility would be under a layer of limestone, capped off with a 660-foot layer of shale. While handling mostly low-level waste, some would be intermediate-level, “like filters, resins, things that are closer to the nuclear core,” OPG utility spokesman Neal Kelly said in an interview.

Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear Dump has collected 38,000 online signatures from both Canadians and Americans. Last week, Michigan Senators Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry requesting the U.S. government get involved to prevent construction.

Mayor Larry Kraemer of Kincardine, the proposed site, is in favor of it because of 500 construction jobs it would create to replace the above-ground tanks currently used there.


Planet Waves

An Ongoing Saga For Women’s Health Rights in Texas

Judge Lee Yeakel, a federal judge of the United States District Court in Austin, handed down a judicial treat for pro-choice activists in Texas earlier this week when he struck down part of a restrictive abortion law. Then in a disheartening trick on Halloween, a federal appeals court ruled that most of the provisions will stand. The issue will likely go to higher courts in successive appeals by both sides, possibly as far as the U.S. Supreme Court.

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Opponents of the abortion bill (wearing orange) walk in circles around supporters of the bill at the Texas state Capitol on July 2. Photo: Eric Gray/AP.

Yeakel had struck down the provision  that would require doctors who perform abortions to acquire admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, declaring it unconstitutional. Such measures are a way to effectively close abortion clinics without straight-up outlawing them, since many clinics use visiting doctors, who cannot obtain admitting privileges from a local hospital.

With Thursday’s reversal, that provision goes into effect today, blocking about a third of the state’s abortion-providing clinics from offering the service.
Judge Yeakel found that that portion of the law “violated the rights of abortion doctors to do what they think is best for their patients and would unreasonably restrict a woman’s access to abortion clinics.”

Yet both he and the judge who repealed his decision let other distressing provisions stand. Beginning in September 2014 (October according to another source), the law requires all abortion clinics to meet the standards of ambulatory surgery centers, at great expense — likely passed on to patients. The ruling also upheld a ban on nearly all abortions starting at 20 weeks after conception. That took effect Tuesday.

A provision of the law requiring doctors performing “medical” abortions (those induced with drugs, rather than performed surgically) to use an outdated drug protocol also was left standing by Yeakel.


Planet Waves

Mercury Will Have a Field Day During Retrogrades!

California is rolling out a pilot program to put digital electronic “smart plates” on 160,000 cars. The plates will use wireless technology to transmit registration status from the DMV, displaying messages such as “STOLEN” or “EXPIRED.”

Planet Waves

Supposedly those messages will appear only when appropriate, but you don’t have to be an astrologer to see tech glitches down the road — or in the rearview mirror, in retrograde-speak. And what about hackers?

The program is authorized under Senate Bill 806, which contains language crafted to prevent the transmission of location data and prohibit the information being used in conjunction with red-light cameras to issue tickets. Privacy advocates are concerned that those provisions may change, providing the state with more extensive real-time data.

What possessed the Golden State to replace the $7.50 tags manufactured by Unicor with computer screens requiring a power source and wireless module? The bill, introduced by State Senator Ben Hueso, has been the subject of intense lobbying by San Francisco manufacturer Smart Plate Mobile, which holds a patent on the device. Smart Plate was warned in 2012 that failing to disclose that it had hired five lobbyists to push the bill was a violation of California law.

The lobbyists did their thing, and the pilot program is slated to begin in 2014 and continue through January 2017, affecting no more than 0.5 percent of registered vehicles. South Carolina and New Jersey have similar measures pending.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

‘Twinkle, twinkle, little bat; I do wonder how you got where you’re at…’ This portrait is one of many in Nick Brandt’s trilogy of books documenting “the disappearing natural world and animals of East Africa.”

Eerie Beauty, Courtesy of Death

Blood red from bacteria and steaming hot at 140 degrees F, Lake Natron in Tanzania is inhospitable to life, with an extremely high salt and soda content. Unsuspecting animals, lured to the mini-hell by its reflective surface, dive in and meet their death; upon drying they calcify, stone-hard.

That’s one theory, anyway, of the scene photographer Nick Brandt saw around the lake while working on his new book, Across the Ravaged Land.

“Discovering [these animals] washed up along the shoreline of Lake Natron, I thought they were extraordinary — every last tiny detail perfectly preserved down to the tip of a bat’s tongue, the minute hairs on his face.

“There was never any possibility of bending a wing or turning a head to make a better pose — they were like rock,” he said in a Huffington Post interview, “so we took them and placed them on branches and rocks just as we found them, always with a view to imagining it as a portrait in death.”


Planet Waves

Lou Reed, Scorpio Eclipse and Talking About Sex

With a total eclipse coming up in Scorpio, I cover the current astrology in its many dark shades, as well as the life and death of Lou Reed, and I continue last week’s conversation about how to emerge from sexual denial and into sexual awareness. For additional information and resources, please see the full post.


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We are happy to offer once again one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All-Access Pass for 2014. The All-Access Pass is for members who want access to everything we offer in a calendar year. In recent years our product line has grown considerably, and the response from our All-Access subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. You can read about everything that’s included with an All-Access pass here. For those who can’t get enough Planet Waves astrology, it’s an unbeatable value. Plus, if you order now, we’ll include the rest of the readings that come out in 2013, and you’ll save $100.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The extended monthly horoscope for November was published Friday, Oct. 25. Inner Space for November is published below in this issue. Moonshine for the Libra New Moon  published on Tuesday, Oct. 1. We published Moonshine for the Aries Full Moon Tuesday, Oct. 15. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday but for now it’s substituting for one Friday horoscope a month.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for November 2013, standing in for weekly #973 | By Eric Francis

The events of November are the peak of 2013 astrology. Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, which is where most of the action is taking place, though when it’s taking place somewhere else, the Scorpio planets are involved. On November 1, Mercury and the Sun form a conjunction on the same day that we experience the fourth of seven Uranus-Pluto squares. That’s the highly unusual aspect that is defining what I call the 2012 era. Two days later is an unusually potent solar eclipse in Scorpio, which brings up the ‘change in continuity’ quality that all eclipses have, and also the pattern-setting one. On the Planet Waves website (the week of Oct. 20) we covered the themes of denial and codependency that are coming to a head. The moral of the story with the Scorpio eclipse is to tell the truth, especially about sex.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you focus on work, you will be less distracted by an emotional or partnership situation that arises, and will be less likely to get drawn into it in an unhealthy way. The situation has its limits; you must make sure that you have yours as well. Words said without actual intent, misunderstandings and sexual contracts that are not clear are the potential lures into a likely energy-consuming unknown. Though most days I am not the type to suggest taking a purist approach, I recommend that you direct your energy consciously into focused, productive effort or healing. You may be prompted to seek deeper understanding of a partnership issue, though that will be more productive if you seek assistance from a disinterested third party rather than trying to ‘work it out’ with someone whose agenda you may not understand.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — A potent solar eclipse marks the beginning of a new era in your relationships, based on deep inner changes. Two factors tend to cloud our connections with others. One is that many people are dragging around a load of past material, from their parents and other ancestors — stuff that simply is not their own, but which feels like it is. Second is that projection plays a much larger part in relating to others than communication. Projection is assuming that someone else is thinking something, or has a certain intent, based entirely on your point of view — or vice versa. You can go a long way this month calling in your projections, returning those of others and (in a similar vein) recognizing what material that arises in your contact with others has nothing to do with you. This will take some discernment and some practice — and it’ll be worth doing.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’re being invited to address the most taboo subject matter — the things you’ve avoided or don’t want to talk about, and even a few secrets you may be keeping from yourself. You’ll know you’re there because it will 1. be a little scary, 2. feel intriguing or fascinating, 3. have an odd sense of being familiar and unfamiliar at the same time, and 4. have the sensation of an inner quest or challenge. You may only notice one or two of those qualities; check in with the rest to see if they ring a bell. They’re designed to work together, to draw you deeper, to invoke your curiosity and to demonstrate how good it feels to learn things about yourself that you had no idea were possible. The usual way of life is to fear the unknown; that is not your path and it never was.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Many spiritual masters and those with access to the subtler shades of existence have suggested that the life we see is just the surface of existence, perhaps equivalent to more than a movie projected onto a screen, but in truth a form of maya. I am not fully committed to that notion, though I recognize the grain of truth in it — one that might be better phrased as a question than as an answer. Therefore, examine what is real and what is not. What commitments, relationships, ideas and creative processes stand the test of reality — and what does that word mean to you? What influences of the past have no bearing on your life? What is the meaning of an ‘original’ idea? These questions may not have easy answers, but asking will offer you plenty of useful information.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — At times you question whether you’re flexible enough for your own good, and you may be annoyed at how rigid you can feel — though it serves a purpose. You want your foundation to be strong. That requires a certain degree of firmness, and a certain kind of flexibility. Events of the next few weeks will help you determine when it’s appropriate to express one or the other. Notice what environments make you feel rigid, which pull you inward, and which draw you out of yourself. Indeed, how you respond to any environment will tell you everything you need to know about your relationship to it. So if you’re feeling like you need to be strong and inflexible, you can at least notice and ask yourself if it’s the best response, or if another would be preferable. The operative fact is that you have a choice.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mars is making its way across your birth sign, and because it will take a long retrograde in your neighboring sign Libra, it’s moving through your part of the zodiac rather slowly. Where a planet is concerned, slow means potent, and where Mars is concerned, that means your ability to focus thought, intention and action. For part of this journey, Mars will be opposite Chiron, a planet closely related to Virgo; in an opposition, these two points come to full expression — which means that you’re likely to get actual results. Many other factors in your astrology are saying the same thing. It is therefore imperative that you decide what results you want, and focus your thoughts and intentions on them. You’re not accustomed to having this much power available to you, and it requires special handling — a bit like a power tool or welding torch.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — I’ve reminded you before that everything comes down to self-esteem. The way your chart is set up right now, you might alternate between feeling like you’re really struggling with your self-worth at the same moment you’re figuring out just how much you have to work with. There are many ways to tease out the elements of the esteem you have for yourself, though I would suggest that the best measure is respect. Imagine someone you look up to, admire and whose thoughts and ideas you honor because they ring true. Do you feel this way about yourself? What would it take for you to get there? It might seem a contradiction to look up to yourself, though can self-esteem have any other meaning? Whether you have a long way to go or just a few steps to take, now is a great time to focus, explore and most of all seek true understanding of this idea.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.



Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The forthcoming solar eclipse in your birth sign may have you on edge. Saturn is already in your sign, with much the same feeling. Add to that Mercury retrograde in Scorpio and you may be wondering what to do with yourself, how to feel and whether you have the courage to face what you need to face. I suggest you have faith in yourself — enough to take the time and make your decisions one at a time, with precision. The only way you can go wrong is to abdicate your awareness and your power of choice, so no sloppy work. Make small, incremental moves — small enough to know you’re making clean, clear decisions. No matter how minor they may seem, each one counts; each leads to the next; and they all add up to something bigger than you can see at the moment.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may be feeling so much that you want to burst. But it looks like you’re not sure whether to implode or to explode. There seems to be a deep relationship situation in your life, though the way it looks, someone is lodged in your consciousness and in your libido in a way that you cannot shake, but where the person is less than available in physical reality. You might want to question whether this is a fantasy situation or something that you can actually ground in the physical world. Indeed that seems to be a theme of your chart from many points of view: the distance between how much is going on in your imagination versus what you’re actually experiencing in real time and space. Fantasy may seem safer and it may seem more accessible — assumptions I suggest you challenge with direct experience.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you’ve felt in any way involved in a situation with no easy way out, you now have an opening. In the most pragmatic terms, it looks a little like making new friends, particularly where you’ve wanted to go but found to be challenging in the past. However, more significantly, this is about changing your social patterns. New people, new places, new times of day to socialize — get out of your ruts and into the meadow. That’s the theme of your life these days; the past stands no chance against the future that is approaching. Who you were will never compare to the person you are becoming. Most of what you need to do is get out of your own way, though doing things differently, even modest things (like how you drive home from work, or what train you take) will shuffle your consciousness in a friendly, practical way.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your charts are once again calling you to leadership, though you need to be clever about this. Use psychology, which is another way of saying listen for a while before you say anything, or make a decision. You would also do well to bide your time. Events between Nov. 1 and 3 will bring both a series of revelations and also a sense that you’re in new territory — which will call for a new approach to your situation. It won’t be until Mercury stations direct on the 10th that you know fully where you stand, and when the last of the missing pieces will be filled in. That idea about knowledge being power was never truer for you than it is now. Or said another way, knowledge that you use wisely will help you use your power in a humane way.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Refuse to be persuaded by what anyone believes — or by what you think they believe. You know you have access to direct knowledge, which will serve you well as long as you don’t allow other people to distract you from your own inner truth. What you may notice over the next few weeks is that 1. it doesn’t matter if other people don’t believe what you believe or even consider the world as you see it and 2. if you remain true to yourself and set a solid example, others are likely to see the wisdom in your way of thinking. That cannot, however, be the goal — as far as you’re concerned, assessing the intelligence of others is really an estimation of whether they can see the obvious. You can, and don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.



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Quantum News

Dear Friend and Reader:

This is one of those weeks when the lead story — at least here in the United States — seems to be how the world is falling apart. The sensation of everything happening all at once is typical of the 2012 era; it’s also typical of the Uranus-Pluto phase we’re in; and it makes sense when you remember how many of our national leaders are obsessed with creating the apocalypse.

Planet Waves
Diagram shows how mountains above Boulder, Colorado, acted as a drainage system and flooded the valley below them.

I mean that many of these people on the right flank are obsessed with the End Times — so obsessed they are doing their best to make it real. I will come back to that bit; it involves the potential shutdown of the federal government on Oct. 1.

There was also another mass shooting, this time by a mentally ill former sailor who was working as a security-cleared military contractor.

Iran’s leaders, responding to a letter that Pres. Obama sent last month, have stated their intention not to develop a nuclear bomb, in exchange for being able to participate in the world economy. Many people don’t want to believe them — they are, after all, the Iranians, to whom the Americans and Brits have been so vicious during the past century. Persians wanting to buy, sell and trade with the rest of the world is, I reckon, a legitimate motive for abandoning any nuclear ambitions they might have had.

Pope Francis, in an interview released Thursday, said the Roman Catholic Church needs to end its obsession with gays, abortion and birth control. Some welcomed this as a long overdue awakening; others said it was mere public relations spin. It will serve, at least, to ratchet down the level of mania, as many Catholics really do take what the pope says as a message directly from God. We are all waiting for the pope to announce it’s time for the church to end its obsession with young boys and while they’re at it, allow priests to marry and have healthy sexual and emotional lives.

While some religious leaders tried to take a more moderate tone, Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to cut $39 billion in food and nutrition aid to the poor. Among other arguments: it will be good for them to have to work a little harder. Many of the recipients are children, the elderly and disabled war veterans.

Meanwhile, it’s been a week of watery, emotional astrology, which may have infiltrated your dreams, kept you up at night and flushed out old memories, forgotten people and mixed emotions. Venus has been conjunct Saturn in Scorpio (that was exact Wednesday); Thursday, the Pisces Full Moon was conjunct sea-goddess Salacia; all of which combined with a grand water trine that includes Chiron and Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Cancer.

Planet Waves
Flood damaged road on the Colorado front range. Vermont flood experts, familiar with rebuilding after Tropical Storm Irene, are in Colorado to help with reconstruction efforts. Photo by Joe Amon.

That’s a lot of water. Jupiter in Cancer for its part provides the water sign connection to the Uranus-Pluto square (the backbone of the 2012-era pattern). It joins the grand water trine described above with the grand cross in the cardinal signs (currently Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and Typhon — with the Sun on its way in a matter of days). What we have right now is the whole sky working as one interconnected system.

Speaking of watery, let’s focus on what’s been happening in Colorado, which I have not mentioned yet; I was distracted by the smoke and mirrors of warlords threatening us with the Final Battle erupting in Syria.

While all of that was going on, and politicians were laying wreaths in commemoration of the Sept. 11 anniversary, it started raining in Colorado. During the week starting on Sept. 9, 2013, a slow-moving cold front stalled over the Rockies, clashing with warm, humid monsoonal air from the south.

With the storm system stuck in place, it kept raining, particularly along the Front Range — the place many of us have traveled at least once, the region along the eastern edge of the Rockies, which extends from Colorado Springs up through Denver, Boulder and Fort Collins. This is the most developed and heavily populated area in Colorado.

A combination of factors, including the amount of rain in a short time (in some places, a year’s worth of precipitation falling in a matter of hours), the natural geography and widespread pavement preventing proper drainage, created what are being described as some of the most intense flash floods in U.S. history. In some areas this is being described as a 1,000-year flood event.

A statistical summary only begins to sketch out the damage. Flood waters have spread across a range far longer than the 200 miles from north to south, affecting 17 counties in Colorado. But the damage has spread far to the south, including many parts of New Mexico, which is not being reported by the news.

As of press time, 172 people are unaccounted for (in Colorado alone) and six are known to have died. At least 19,000 homes were damaged, 15,000 were destroyed, 50 bridges damaged or destroyed, and miles of freight and passenger railroads damaged, washed out or submerged.

Unless you’ve been through a catastrophic flood, it’s hard to understand what it’s like. And what everyone finds out is that unlike a fire, damage that happens in the aftermath is comparable to what happened in the initial event.

Planet Waves
Happy campers — residents (both keeping a grip on the dog) to be evacuated by helicopter from Jamestown, Colorado, after a flash flood destroyed much of the own Sept. 14. Photo by Rick Wilking.

Case in point: this region of Colorado is densely concentrated with fracking wells — a process used in the extraction of ‘natural’ gas. The fracking process involves many toxic chemicals, which are often stored on-site at the wells, hundreds or thousands of which are or were recently under water. This will spread the toxins across the landscape, into rivers and streams and into homes and businesses.

There are 3,200 permits for open-air fracking chemical pits in Weld County alone, and though most are not operating, this gives you an idea of the potential scale of the problem. In short, it’s impossible to contain toxins in the midst of a catastrophic flood.

Half-full tanks are floating and being torn from their anchors. Diesel and gasoline tanks are being torn loose as well, rupturing and causing oil spills into river systems. If it’s possible to run a fracking operation in a way that’s prepared for such an event, nobody bothered to do it.

Astrologically, how does this look? I’ve started with the chart for Colorado’s admission into the Union, which happened Aug. 1, 1876. Among other features, Colorado’s chart has a grand water trine involving Venus, Jupiter, the North Node, Saturn and Eris. So we’re starting with a lot of water in a state dominated by mountains (not much room for water).

In addition, Colorado has four points in Leo — Mercury, the Sun, Mars and Uranus. For some reason I don’t understand, I’ve noticed that historically, Leo can be associated with very serious floods. (William Lilly even mentions this in his 1647 text, Christian Astrology.) And through all that, Leo was taking some serious transits.

For example, Saturn is now square Colorado’s Leo cluster; as the rain began, Mars was conjunct the Leo cluster; the lunar nodes are involved (square the Leo cluster). So the core of Colorado’s chart is under transits that indicate, at least, some form of crisis. Few would intuitively associate Leo with flooding, but astrology symbols are not always intuitive.

Planet Waves
Perfect use for military equipment — National Guard helicopter and crew at Boulder Municipal Airport assist people they’d rescued from one of the mountain towns. Photo by Mark Leffingwell.

When you do progressions of the Colorado chart, you find out that the Moon is conjunct Mercury in Capricorn, in a close square to the Aries Point — the place where individual events coincide with collective events. Progressions are a way of advancing the natal chart based on a time formula (most commonly, one day of movement per year of time). That means that Colorado was, for whatever reason, destined to be big news this month.

Had I seen this all, could I have predicted floods? I don’t think so, but I now have clues what to look for in the future. There’s also the question of what good it would do, apart from astrology being an interesting parlor game; you cannot base public policy or emergency plans on what an astrologer says. But several people have written to me asking for an analysis.

I think we have to keep this in the context of larger weirdness in weather patterns. Many have noted that it may be too late to slow down or stop carbon emissions. If that is true, then we better get up to date on Plan B, which is really fantastic emergency and rebuilding plans. Heck, many of the bridges that were washed out needed to be replaced anyway. Maybe this is how we’ll get about the task of maintaining our society.

And Another Military Mass Shooting

The guys who hired Aaron Alexis as a Navy contractor now say they would not have given him a job if they knew about his little problems — shooting out someone’s tires with a .45; firing a gun through the floor of his apartment into his downstairs neighbor’s apartment; his problematic disciplinary record in the Navy; and the fact that he was hearing voices and experiencing people sending vibes through the walls of his hotel rooms. Just before Monday’s shooting, he called the police reporting that people were beaming microwaves at him in his hotel room.

Planet Waves
American flags surrounding the Washington Monument fly at half-staff as ordered by Pres. Obama early on Sept. 17, 2013 following the Washington Navy Yard shooting. Photo by J. Scott Applewhite.

Since he was indeed hired and did get security clearance, he was able to walk into Building 197 in Washington D.C.’s famous old Navy Yard — the operational headquarters of the United States Navy — and kill 12 people and injure many others, before the SWAT teams he engaged in a fire fight were able to kill him.

As longtime Planet Waves reader Beverly Spicer summed up on my Facebook page, “This is what happens in a society waging long-term/permanent war in multiple theaters, treating all active duty and vets as disposable, militarizing the home front, and heaving ranting, raving news anchors, pundits, Hollywood fear and loathing at the population 24/7 as standard policy, while regarding the solution to all PTSD and emotional problems as pharmaceutical. It is the new paradigm. And it justifies the ever-growing, albeit ineffective, security/industrial apparatus.”

By my count, this is the third mass shooting involving the military. The first was the Virginia Tech incident in April 2007, wherein 32 people were killed. This happened on a campus directly involved with the military establishment [Planet Waves coverage here.]

The second was the Fort Hood shooting in November 2007, wherein 13 were killed. [Planet Waves coverage here.] In Vietnam one of the signs of the time was fragging — shooting one’s superior officer. Mass shootings at military institutions are an equally disturbing trend.

The chart for this incident reveals that Mercury was involved in the Uranus-Pluto square: it had just made its square to Pluto and was exactly opposite Uranus — exact to a tiny fraction of a degree. Mercury was rising, and volatile Uranus was setting — to about one degree of exactitude — when Alexis started shooting at 8:18 am. Mercury was exactly, precisely conjunct Typhon at that moment — and it was rising.

Planet Waves
Bishops Gerald Seabrooks, right, and Willie Billips stand in front of the home of Cathleen Alexis, mother of Washington Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis. She said she does not know why her son did what he did, and she will never be able to ask him. The bishops are part of a Brooklyn clergy-NYPD task force. Photo by Scott Wenig.

This was a blowing off of steam, it was a message, and it was a warning. I’ve spent a lot of time the past few weeks with the 2014 charts. Starting in December, Mars will be in Libra, joining forces with the cardinal grand cross (Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and Typhon).

Because there will be a long Mars retrograde early next year, Mars will aspect all of those planets three times, first direct, then retrograde, then direct. The peak of this happens April 23, when Mars aligns exactly with Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and Typhon.

If little Mercury getting involved can symbolize this kind of shooting, Mars has a lot more potential to be destructive. This topic is on my list of top three astrological events for the remainder of 2013, and I will be devoting the whole 2014 annual to the topic — it will be called The Mars Effect.

There will indeed be a focus on the military, domestic and international militarism, the gun issue and the one thing they all have in common, which is how we relate to one another (in many respects, a Libra factor).

One more topic for this week: the potential shutdown of the federal government on Sept. 30. It seems like a lot of the Tea Party Republicans elected in 2012 came to Washington with the intent of messing shit up. The racial undertones are undeniable; they seem to hate Obama so much they won’t even cooperate in starting a war. That must have hurt.

We’ve seen a few of these standoffs before; one resulted in the bond rating for the United States being lowered by one of the ratings agencies, with all kinds of global repercussions. The game that certain elements among the Republicans are playing is: hold the country hostage to get something they want.

Here is how CNN put it in an article Thursday. I will interject my commentary in italics.

Planet Waves
John Boehner, clearly an extra-biological entity of some kind (i.e., an alien) is being held hostage by other aliens. AP photo.

CNN writes: House GOP leaders announced their intention Wednesday to pass a bill this week that would only keep the government running after September 30 if President Barack Obama’s health care reform law is fully defunded.

This is a law that was invented by the right-wing Heritage Foundation, passed by Democrat-controlled Congress, signed by the president and approved by the Supreme Court. It is, so far, the only thing that Obama has really accomplished. The House of Representatives has voted between 40 and 50 times to defund Obamacare, knowing that such a provision won’t ever make it through the Senate or be signed by Obama.

CNN: The decision sets up a high-stakes game of political chicken over the next 12 days, as Democrats have repeatedly rejected any attempt to undo the president’s signature legislative achievement.

This is a hostage crisis, which is a form of terrorism. It’s also hijacking the political process — a threat to shut down the government unless one law is repealed.

CNN: “We’re going to continue to do everything we can to repeal the president’s failed health care law,” said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. “The law is a train wreck.”

I wish I knew what he was talking about; I think he’s hallucinating. So far we have not heard about any significant negative repercussions of this law; if they exist, it would be nice if he would tell us what they are. I think Boehner is projecting: he and his caucus are the train wreck.

CNN: “We aim to put a stop to Obamacare before it costs one more job or raises a family’s out-of-pocket expenses one more dollar,” said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Virginia.

Mr. Lean Hungry needs to specify what he’s talking about, lest we accuse of him of lying. He’s offering no specifics; no accounting; no person unemployed by the Affordable Health Care act. He seems to be referring to his own actions and intentions.

Planet Waves
Eric Cantor, the genetically modified House Majority Leader, is in favor of shutting down the government if it will stop Obama’s Affordable Care Act, in his hallucinations. AP photo.

I would be less nervous about this if the astrology starting Oct. 1 was not quite so challenging. I won’t state it as dramatically here as I might say it to my friends; but putting it gently, it’s a gradually building maelstrom, meaning a gigantic whirlpool or spiral vortex.

The Sun is about to ingress Libra, and in doing so, mount the cardinal cross (just like Venus and Mercury just did, and just like Mars will do next year). From Libra, it will make a square to Pluto, an opposition to Uranus, a conjunction to Typhon and a square to Jupiter — all between Oct. 1 and Oct. 12.

Then Mercury stations retrograde, in the midst of which we have two eclipses, one in late October and one in early November.

We’re in a phase of ‘one thing leads to another’, in rapid developing style, starting Oct. 1 and well into January — by which time Mars is fully involved with the cardinal cross as well. And, just as this starts to peak, we have some wacko sociopaths huffing the shoe polish of power threatening to shut down the government, deprive the people of the benefit of their taxes already paid, put the government into default and shock financial markets around the world.

Yes, this is bigger than each of us, but it’s not bigger than all of us. Is the answer really to do nothing and hope for the best? I don’t think so.


Flooding of the Front Range: A Chronology

Rain began soaking Colorado’s Front Range area on Monday, Sept. 9 and didn’t let up. The Front Range is a range of the Southern Rockies that extends from Wyoming into Colorado. “Front Range” is also how Coloradans describe the urban corridor in the foothills just to the east of the mountains, an area that includes both Denver and Boulder and is the most densely populated part of the state.

Some minor flooding was first reported on Wednesday, Sept. 11, near Cascade. The Manitou River was high, as were many creeks in an area called the Waldo Canyon Fire Scar. The Manitou Springs emergency siren sounded twice on the morning of Sept. 11, and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office was making warning calls to Manitou Springs businesses and residents, telling them to be prepared. “Monsoon moisture” was flooding into Colorado from the south. By 5 pm on Wednesday, many flood watches had turned to warnings along the Front Range.

Read more…

This week’s news briefs were written and researched by Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck, Carol van Strum and your friendly neighborhood news editor, Eric Francis.

Planet Waves

Get Ready for the Mighty Equinox

With much astrology behind us, we have plenty ahead of us: the next event on the horizon is the Libra equinox. With this event, exact Sept. 22 at 4:44 pm EDT, the Sun is midway between the solstices, and rumor has it that day and night are of equal length all over the world.

Planet Waves
The Pisces Full Moon over Casco Bay in Portland, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

This makes the equinox a unifying event: regardless of climate, geography or culture, there is some natural feature that we have in common, at least temporarily.

Libra is also about finding a point of balance, which I suggest you take advantage of while it lasts. Pretty soon the Sun begins making aspects to all those other planets on the cardinal cross, with the peak intensity being between Oct. 1 and 12.

Yet even beginning immediately, we’re likely to see things, as in world events, heat up — even more than they already have. Libra is part of the cardinal cross, along with Aries, Cancer and Capricorn. The first degree of Libra is an extension of the Aries Point (the first degree of Aries) — where the individual and the collective intersect; that is a fact of life in our era of history. This can be overwhelming, it can be interesting and it can feel like a call to action.

As the Sun passes through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto-Typhon configuration, the energy will ramp up in degrees or leaps to the next order of magnitude. It’ll be essential, then, that you focus on the individual side of the Aries Point equation.

This is not about shutting out the world, but rather recognizing that in order to participate in anything real at the hectic pace of contemporary life, it’s necessary to have some inner focus, and some authentic space for your most intimate relationships. This needs to be a conscious act now more than ever.

The equinox chart includes several planets in aspect to a highly energetic centaur planet called Pholus. Mercury is sextile this point; Mars is trine it; and Jupiter is quincunx it. Pholus is feeding energy into all those other planets, though the main thing that Pholus demands is intent. Beware of idle curiosity, decisions made under the influence of alcohol and drugs, or anything done under the influence of alcohol and drugs for that matter.

It’s necessary to honor Bacchus and all of the other gods and goddesses; where Pholus is in the picture, it’s necessary to raise your standards of judgment.

As you will read in a fully developed article in next Friday’s edition, we have a heck of an autumn and winter coming up, leading into a most unusual year of astrology ahead. Think of the next few weeks as a practice run.


Planet Waves

We are happy to offer once again one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All-Access Pass for 2014. The All-Access Pass is for members who want access to everything we offer in a calendar year. In recent years our product line has grown considerably, and the response from our All-Access subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. You can read about everything that’s included with an All-Access pass here. For those who can’t get enough Planet Waves astrology, it’s an unbeatable value. Plus, if you order now, we’ll include the rest of the readings that come out in 2013, and you’ll save $100.
Planet Waves

Iranian President Promises, ‘No Nukes!’

Iran’s new president, Hassan Rouhani, made a shocker of a declaration Wednesday when he told NBC News correspondent Ann Curry that Iran will “never develop nuclear weapons under any circumstances, and that he has ‘full authority’ to make a deal with the West.”

In the interview he tells Curry Iran has never tried to build a nuclear weapon. Instead, he explained, “We solely are looking for peaceful nuclear technology.”

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Ann Curry of NBC goes all ‘fan girl’ and snaps a photo of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. Photo: Lance Lundstrom / NBC News.

“Can you say that Iran will not build a nuclear weapon under any circumstances whatsoever?” Curry asked.

“The answer to this question is quite obvious,” Rouhani responded. “We have time and again said that under no circumstances would we seek any weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, nor will we ever.”

Curry conducted the first U.S. interview with Rouhani, ahead of his inaugural trip to address the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday.

Iran has been attempting to reverse its belligerent image in the West, carefully backing away from the reputation gained from former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s wild rhetoric.

“Rouhani’s speech is expected to be the main event in nearly a week of interviews, think tank talks and other appearances meant to showcase a newly moderate, approachable face of the Iranian government,” said an article in Thursday’s Washington Post.

U.S. officials have been encouraged by the about-face, including the public discussion of Iran’s disputed nuclear program. Yet history clearly indicates an abundance of caution is in order, something the Obama administration acknowledges.

“Rouhani’s comments are very positive, but everything needs to be put to the test, and we’ll see where we go,” Secretary of State John F. Kerry said Thursday.


Planet Waves

Fighting the Injustice of Food Insecurity

Republicans in the House of Representatives voted Thursday to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, also known as food stamps), by 5.2 percent ($40 billion over 10 years). That would pull up to 6 million Americans off of food assistance, since, as House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions, R-Texas, said, “There are still jobs in America.” The measure now goes to the Senate.

Planet Waves

Ron Shaich, CEO and founder of Panera Bread (and Panera Cares, full-menu cafes without prices designed to feed the hungry with dignity) on day #2 of the SNAP Challenge.


While the very partisan vote was occurring, the founder and CEO of the Panera Bread chain of cafes was trying eat on just $4.50 per day.

Ron Shaich, who earns about $3 million a year and previously founded Au Bon Pain, joined 26 members of Congress in taking the SNAP Challenge. The SNAP Challenge is part of Hunger Action Month, which strives to spread awareness of the challenges encountered by the 49 million Americans who rely on food stamps to feed their families.

Shaich was been blogging about his experience. In his post for Day #5 of the challenge, he shares some of the real-life stories he has received from people who rely on SNAP, reminding readers that his participation “was not meant to trivialize anyone else’s experience or claim that this week of temperance depicts an authentic representation of food insecurity. … Rather, my intent with this challenge is to learn and, more importantly, to use my position to build awareness about the realities of food insecurity in America.”

Over the course of the week, Shaich has run up against common realities such as having to forego nutritious food for carb-heavy items that fill him up but leave him feeling sick, and obsessing over whether his remaining food will be enough.

Fittingly, the SNAP challenge and the House vote happened as Vesta (sacrifice) is moving into a conjunction with Ceres (grain, agriculture, our relationship with food) in Virgo (service).

Shaich and his colleagues get to return to food security at the end of the week; tens of millions of Americans are not so lucky, and after yesterday’s vote, millions more elderly, children and veterans could join them. For ideas on what you can do to raise awareness around food insecurity, visit
Planet Waves

Pope Chastises Church for Obsession with Dogma

Coming two months after his now-famous remark about homosexuality — “Who am I to judge?” — Pope Francis surprised the world and shocked his followers by saying the church is “obsessed” with abortion, gay marriage and contraception, and has chosen to keep silent on those issues.

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Pope Francis waving goodbye to Vatican hysteria over abortion and homosexuals. Ok, not really — it’s a shot form his inauguration day. Close enough. Photo: Gregorio Borgia/AP.

In an interview released Thursday with a Vatican-approved Italian Jesuit journal, the pope criticized the church for prioritizing moral and dogmatic doctrines ahead of love and service to the poor and marginalized. He cited the church as a “home for all,” a clear break with the views of his predecessors Popes John Paul II and Benedict.

“We have to find a new balance,” the pope said, “otherwise even the moral edifice of the church is likely to fall like a house of cards, losing the freshness and fragrance of the Gospel.”

The pope’s views are likely to have repercussions among conservative Catholic clergy, who have repeatedly attacked abortion, homosexuality and gay marriage. However, liberal Catholics and those who have fallen away from the church may view his remarks more hopefully, as this commenter on a New York Times article said:

“Our pope is making clear to all who missed the lesson in Sunday school and seminary: the central, unique, onlyiest, singular, wonderful, mystical, fantasmogorical definitional characteristic of a Catholic Christian is LOVE. Love is how they will know us; salvation not condemnation; spirit of the law (love), rather than letter of the law, rendering unto God what is God’s and to Obama what is Obama’s; and never, but never, casting the first stone … Francis says we lost the fragrance of the gospel — well it’s springtime in the church and I can smell the flowers again.”
Planet Waves

Bring Your Parents to Work Day?

Increasingly, U.S. companies are turning ‘bring your child to work day’ upside down, involving parents in corporate social events, intern receptions and even hiring interviews, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Planet Waves
“When you support a muscle or tendon for a long period of time and never let it perform its intended function, it will atrophy. The same applies with [young adult] children.” Ben On at

“It’s become best practice,” says Michael Van Grinsven, field-growth and development director at the Milwaukee-based Northwestern Mutual, where some managers send notes to parents when interns have reached sales goals. They’ll even invite parents to interviews and visit them at home.

Parental involvement in employment is much more common in other countries, but in the United States, it looks like an outgrowth of the ‘helicopter parent’ trend: Baby Boomers who have an unusually strong hand in steering their ‘Millennial generation’ children through college.

Young adults born between 1981 and the early 2000s stay in much closer contact with their parents than previous recent generations, partly a result of the Internet and cell phones. But are there deeper social factors at play? And what does it do to a culture when individuation into full adulthood is delayed later and later?

Psychologist Jan Seward, a Planet Waves contributor, notes that in the U.S., we have “no constructive model of aging — how to grow old gracefully, be honored for the wisdom one has accumulated, and how to step aside so the younger generation can assume their natural place in the developmental hierarchy, and you find parents who simply cannot let go of their parental role and children increasingly infantilized and failing to launch.”

Businesses claim to be concerned with making sure there is enough ‘fresh talent’ — a sentiment that rings hollow given numerous reports of the difficulty college grads face in finding employment in their chosen fields.

“Corporations have always engaged in social engineering, creating new definitions of family and community to suit their financial ends — think suburbia, or soccer Moms,” continues Seward. “In this case, even the classification of ‘Millennial’ is as much an advertising construct as it is a sociological reality. In the case of Bring Your Parents to Work Day, I believe it’s an example of leveraging the social realities of family loyalty and filial guilt to maintain the corporate goals of employee loyalty and building a new customer base — all those proud parents — at the same time.”
Planet Waves

A ‘Pound of Flesh’ for Peace of Mind:

Unnecessary Double Mastectomies on the Rise in Younger Women

Awareness about breast cancer has increased exponentially in recent years; everyone knows what a pink ribbon means, and you can buy everything from a pink spatula to pink versions of your favorite NFL team’s gear to show your support of awareness and research for a cure. But has ‘awareness’ crossed the line into ‘fear’?

Planet Waves
They’re ‘breasts’, not ‘ta-tas’ — and fear won’t save them.

Research published online in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that “fear, not facts, may be driving young women diagnosed with cancer in one breast to remove them both, despite medical evidence that says it likely won’t improve survival.”

The research further indicates that, “women younger than 40 who opted for a second mastectomy of a healthy breast did so to reduce the perceived risk of another cancer — even when they knew better,” with 95 percent of them citing the desire for “peace of mind” as the motivating factor.

More than 120 women under 40 with breast cancer in one breast who chose to have a double mastectomy were surveyed, according to a Reuters article.

CBS News reports on its website that “94 percent of the women … said they believed removing the healthy breast would give them a better chance at overall survival.” Sadly, nearly all of the respondents had “overestimated their actual risk of getting cancer in the other breast,” according to the researchers. Only slightly more than half of the women reported that their doctors had discussed reasons not to have the additional surgery, which has nearly quadrupled in frequency since the 1990s.

“The apparent discordance between patient perceptions and realistic expectations provides a teachable opportunity for physicians treating newly diagnosed patients with breast cancer,” write Pamela R. Portschy, MD, and Todd M. Tuttle, MD, MS, in an accompanying editorial.

Cancer is terrifying to most people, and navigating the risks and benefits of treatment options is bewildering and uncertain enough even if fear isn’t running the show. Why are we more afraid of cancer than we are of needlessly amputating parts of ourselves?
Planet Waves

Colorado Floods Compound Fracking Damage

Receding Colorado floodwaters are revealing flooded fracking (hydraulic fracturing) sites, toppled condensate tanks, floating tanks leaking unknown fluid and scattered debris from drilling operations. One pipeline near Greeley in Weld County is broken and leaking. The Weld and Boulder County area is one of the most densely fracked in the U.S. — and now perhaps the most contaminated.

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Condensate tank storing toxic waste from drilling operations displaced by flooding in Colorado. The toxicity of the liquids is largely unknown because they have been exempted from federal environmental laws. Photo: Carl Ericson / Ecowatch.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is urging everyone in Colorado to avoid contact with the water, warning it could contain sewage or chemicals washed away from flooded homes, businesses or industry.

“If people must be in contact with floodwaters, they should wash frequently with warm water and soap,” said CDPHE Spokesman Mark Salley.

All of the major oil and gas companies have shut down their wells. However, open pits and ruptured gas lines are of greatest concern because waste flushed out of pits cannot be seen easily and ruptured gas lines can explode. In Weld County alone, there are 3,200 permits for open pits, according to The Denver Post.

Reports differ on the number of open pits, which can hold about 200 to 400 barrels of liquid (8,400 to 16,800 gallons). Todd Hartman, spokesman at the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, said it was rare for open pits to be used in that part of the state and that most flowback water was placed in closed tanks.

“We are assessing the impact to open pits, including building a count of how many pits may have been affected,” Hartman said.

If you think you’ve seen a leaking fracking site due to flooding, report it to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission here.
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

John Grade’s interactive weather-art installation, “Capacitor,” (minus participants) translates microscopic elements of weather into a 20-foot-tall experience of light, shape and shadow. Image: video still.

Sculpture Lets Visitors Walk Inside the Weather

We all know the saying, “Art imitates life.” A new kinetic sculpture aiming to catch the vagaries of the weather could be described as art imitating astrology, as so many weather effects and global events are being described by watery planetary placements right now.

John Grade’s “Capacitor” is a huge illuminated honeycomb of flashspun high-density polyethylene fabric, light-emitting diodes and wood, connecting to weather sensors on the roof of the John Michael Kohler Arts Center in Wisconsin. It reflects changes in heat, wind, temperature and luminosity, with LED lights embedded in the honeycomb becoming brighter or dimmer depending on weather patterns.

“I was interested in gauging something that was going on with the weather and bringing it into the gallery so that people could experience it viscerally and on a different time scale,” Grade explains in this video.
Planet Waves

 Salacia, Pisces Full Moon and a Red Flag Incident

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I cover Thursday’s Pisces Full Moon, which was conjunct the relatively new planet Salacia. Named for the consort of Neptune and a goddess of the Sea, I think it’s pretty special to have a Full Moon in Pisces conjunct this point — though it’s been difficult to predict what it might mean. That’s why I call these ‘proving moments’, wherein a planet’s properties emerge.

In the second half of the program I cover the Building 197 incident — Monday’s shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington, DC (see chart). First a clarification: the suspect, Aaron Alexis, didn’t have top secret clearance — he merely had security clearance. But the irony is still there — he had security clearance despite a history of arrests, firearms incidents and a ridiculously spotty career in the Navy. What is the meaning of security?

You can see his chart here. I also look briefly at the chart of the NRA.

Here is my initial writeup on the Building 197 incident. Here is a commentary on the emotional onslaught of the news that I wrote Monday night, called Missing the Obvious.

Our musical guest tonight is Vajra, who performed this week at Backstage Studio in uptown Kingston, NY.
Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Inner Space for October is published below in this issue; we will publish the extended monthly for October next Friday. We published the extended monthly horoscopes for September on Friday, Aug. 23; Inner Space horoscopes for September published Friday, Aug. 30. The Moonshine horoscopes for the Virgo New Moon were published Tuesday, Sept. 3. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Pisces Full Moon Tuesday, Sept. 16. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscopes on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.
Planet Waves

Inner Space Horoscope for October 2013 #967 | By Eric Francis
Mercury goes retrograde in Scorpio on Oct. 21 and stations direct Nov. 10. This is the third and last Mercury retrograde of the year, all of which take place exclusively in water signs. This promises to be a particularly interesting phase in part owing to the fact that it takes place in Scorpio (rarely ever boring) and also because there are two eclipses in the neighborhood. The first is a penumbral eclipse of the Moon in Aries on Oct. 18 (the Aries Full Moon), followed by an annular total eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio on Nov. 3 (the Scorpio New Moon). This combination of two eclipses and a Mercury retrograde is strongly implying that it would be best to get ahead on large projects, and to be conscious what details you leave for the end of the year. This phase will also be a proving moment for commitments, which you may discover either deepen or go away.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You will need to micromanage your joint financial affairs. This would include everything from shared bank accounts to shared bills to mutually held investments. I suggest you read everything twice and take notes about all conversations that involve plans or commitments. If there are contracts or major purchases involved, analyze the situation and determine how quickly you really need to move — for now, the slower the better. If a proposed arrangement or deal of some kind encounters delays, use them wisely, and in any event, make sure you feel absolutely confident before signing. If you have questions, make sure you ask them. The subtle point of this astrology involves your most intimate partnerships, and it’s not financial but rather emotional. The general heading is commitment; disagreements over money are quite potentially symbolic of something else that needs to be addressed.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Life is an ongoing conversation, and it always seems to morph into something new. For the next couple of months, however, you may not be able to agree with anyone about too much, particularly about how they feel. Yet in one key situation it’s necessary to have a minimal mutual understanding. Take those words one at a time: minimal, mutual and understanding. To you that might feel like you have to submit to someone else’s will, which you seem to both crave and resist the most. I suggest skipping that procedure and instead understand why it’s necessary to have basic ground rules, and that once those are established you follow them to the letter. Let that be like the bannister that guides you through the dark. Let that agreement be the place where you are certain you’re not compromising your own values, but rather giving and receiving something of value.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — If you’re feeling averse to doctors, I don’t blame you — these days they are more like lawyers than they are like nurses. I suggest you take any medical advice or information as a point of view rather than as it’s usually taken, as gospel truth. Get as many perspectives on any issue as you can. As a Gemini, one of the most significant things you can do to take care of your health is to take care of your lungs. If your lungs are healthy, and if you treat them well, you’re much more likely to experience good health overall. That also means giving yourself room to breathe, which also means room to feel. Notice if you feel cramped in and do something about it. Ultimately breath is one of the most significant connections to your inner nature: spirit, inspire and respire all come from the same root concept.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Get underneath your sex/romance situation — there is plenty going on below the surface that you will benefit from knowing. One layer you’ll encounter is a pattern that seems to be stuck in place from the past. This may involve other peoples’ values that you’ve taken on. They might belong to your parents, prior partners, or social norms to which you think you’re supposed to conform. You may notice that most humans rarely ever break through this layer — and that is all about supposedly honoring authority. To be free enough to experience your own feelings, you will need to challenge whatever authority you seem to have internalized. The bravery involved is not about that challenge; rather, it’s about what you will feel and experience when you get beyond it.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun in Libra means new and interesting adventures in which you’re directly involved rather than a spectator. We live in a world of watchers and exhibitionists; direct participation is becoming a thing of the past, though clearly you have a different path ahead. The main difference between watching and participating is that experience changes one who takes part directly in it. There is a risk involved, and the risk leaves one open to something new. If you’re wondering whether you’re actually part of the scene instead of just looking at it: ask yourself if you’re taking a chance (greater than the price of a ticket). Ask yourself how an experience might change you. Notice whether you must open your mind in order to understand or process what comes your way. Get ready for a stretch.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The Sun’s trek through your sign was certainly more than most people were expecting, and you may have been through more than you were planning. One theme from your birthday season continues — that your relationships are dependent on how you feel about yourself, but cannot properly be the motive for getting clear about your inner reality. That’s a work in progress — by which I mean both. It will be more helpful to your growth and happiness to emphasize relationships that are on level ground (friends, colleagues, creative partners) rather than the ones that involve submission, power and influence. After a while these will seem like two different games with different purposes. At this point in your life, the thing commonly called ‘romance’ may be a diversion — and fortunately, there are much better alternatives.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

Planet Waves

Attention Libras (and those with Libra rising or Moon): To get the best price on your 2013 birthday reading by Eric Francis, pre-order now here. Pre-ordering gets you $10 off the published price, and we’ll email the access info to you as soon as it is ready.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Sun’s movement through your sign into late October will provide a feeling of completion that has either been missing, or passing by in fleeting experiences. Since the Sun is in Libra for just 30 out of 365 days of the year, there are two ways to make the most of this experience. One is to refuse to take it for granted — count the opportunities you have now as rare, if not once in a lifetime. The second is to allow what happens over the next few weeks to reveal what is possible when you engage fully with your life, with the world and with the events that are developing in this moment. You’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time, though there is no longer a need to wait, or to consider every possibility for what might go wrong. Control is a non-issue — what you have is better: the ability to make decisions on the spot and get an immediate result of some kind.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s time to bring some of your true feelings to light. You seem to be in a phase of deciding that you feel what you feel, and it’s none of anyone else’s business. The problem with this line of reasoning is that eventually, you’ll feel like your feelings are none of your business either. So bring those unusual, dark shades to the surface, and see how they look when they get a taste of sunshine and oxygen. The colors will change because the elements of your feelings will react to awareness. I’ll say this another way, in case I’m being too poetic: you may think you feel one way, but once you start to express yourself, you’ll begin to make discoveries about what’s really going on. That in turn will allow you to evolve into new emotional and intellectual experiences, direct rather than theoretical or abstract.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You seem like you’re about to burst, and it’s about time. You’ve been ready to crack your shell for many seasons, though the sensation has been like one of those days where it’s always threatening rain, and the thunder is rumbling, but the sky never lets go. There are precipitating factors in your environment that may bring on a spiritual love explosion; what looks for all the world like a kind of mystical ecstasy experience with no drugs necessary. As for bursting, what you may know is that once you start loving you don’t ever stop. The question is why you would want to. And that is a good question to ask, if you need to — though that would not be about justifying holding back but rather reminding yourself that you’re free to plunge into whatever (or whoever) is inviting you in.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Part of really being yourself involves enduring some unpopularity. This is a fact that is left out of the ‘be yourself’ discussion — or relegated to the fine print. Some of enduring unpopularity involves figuring out how little so many people know, and, sadly, how dull they really are. If you find yourself anyplace you don’t fit in, consider the possibility that you’re too interesting. That leaves you with another challenge, which is finding someplace that actually intrigues you. The fastest way to get there seems to be entertaining yourself rather than going on a search. The kind of interesting people you want are the ones who don’t need too much affirmation of how cool they are; whose minds are creative enough to skip the whole social level of awesomeness but who can have fun with it when they want to. That describes you pretty well these days.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Use your charm as you untangle your latest leadership challenge. I can promise that this will not be your last such challenge of the year — there are more coming, and they get more interesting — and the whole journey will call on you to employ the highest and deepest levels of your intelligence. Yet more significantly, you will need a dependable way to get people working together. Sometimes it’s necessary to use your power and/or authority, but it’s energy consuming, and there is often collateral damage. Being charming and a bit seductive is a way of getting people to do what they want to do anyway. I would remind you that as the next few weeks develop, circumstances, motives and rationales involved in your work (and other) responsibilities will be too complicated to explain to everyone around you. That won’t be necessary, as long as you know what you have to do.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Notice that your long-term vision is coming into focus. Events and circumstances of the past year have conspired to enforce this — with many reminders that you simply cannot ignore the concept of the future and what you want to create with it. That means focusing ideas and making tangible decisions now, such that you are taking solid, measurable steps toward what you’re envisioning. Over the next two months this process will accelerate rapidly: both the information and the points of decision are going to be coming in faster, and you may be enacting your plans long before you thought you would. Keep your mind in order; use your resources wisely, which means being ready to use them when necessary. Remember that you are the only person who can be a visionary of your own life. Notice who supports you in that, and collaborate with them.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

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Backstage: Uptown Kingston, New York

Planet Waves

Philadelphia-based Man Man rocks the house at BSP, spring 2013. Photo by Eric Francis / Blue Studio.

Dear Friend and Reader:

I’m one of those people who needs to get out more.

In fact I need to get out so much that I hadn’t noticed that a music venue had mysteriously appeared down the block from my photo studio in Uptown Kingston, NY — or rather, that it had taken up residence in a place called Backstage Studio Productions, known locally as BSP.

I always thought the place had a lot of potential. It’s a bar with a small stage, connected to a 20,000-square-foot vaudeville house in the back, dating to 1920 or so.

Planet Waves
Boston-based Bujak, Jeff Bujak and Jen Dulong, summer 2013. Photo by Eric Francis / Blue Studio.

The place has needed love, attention and promoters for a long time; it was waiting for something cool to happen. I didn’t discover that something was already happening until I mentioned to an acquaintance at a party that I was looking for a guitar teacher. He suggested that I go see Dan Sternstein, who co-manages BSP and also teaches music there.

I’d seen Sternstein around town for a few months, not knowing who he was. He has this larger-than-life, swashbuckling demeanor, but is also easygoing and charming. Turns out he’s philosopher-in-chief at BSP, and doubles as its in-house music teacher. Not a guitar teacher — a music teacher who works primarily on guitar.

So I started taking lessons. Another teacher, Rusty Boris, had taught me enough of the basics that I wasn’t quite starting from scratch.

What I love about studying with Dan is that in addition to relating the elements of guitar technique in a clear, noncompetitive way, he’s passionate about music theory. As someone with a lot of Aquarius in my chart, I love the theory element of just about everything, from astrology to architecture to art to law. I want to know why someone thinks something works a certain way, how it got that way and what the underlying philosophy is. That makes it more like a set of instructions or guiding concepts, which are delightfully flexible.

Dan was a music major but really his passion is composition theory. He’s 25 years old and I don’t think there’s a song he hasn’t taken apart, figured out and put back together a few different ways.

I started taking lessons weekly and, because I need to get out more and also because my schedule is so over-the-top, I went up to twice weekly to compensate for times when practice is more challenging.

We did most of our lessons in the club’s Green Room — the prep room for performers. I noticed that every time we sat down the room was rearranged. After every lesson he would tell me about whoever was playing that night or weekend, and I started coming out to shows.

Planet Waves
Trap drum setup used in rock music. ‘Trap’ is short for ‘contraption’. Photo by Eric Francis / Blue Studio.

Every time I did, almost without exception, I was amazed. The performers were original and well-rehearsed. I thought it was pretty cool the first time — I could go out and see a hot show, right in the neighborhood.

There was an Oneonta-based Frank Zappa tribute band that turned out to be the creation of a SUNY music instructor named Mark Pawkett, Sternstein’s mentor. What better way to teach college students how to play than get them to learn a whole bunch of Zappa tunes. I’ll get to the Oneonta connection in a minute — the BSP ethos and the scene that’s grown around it is imported from a town two hours away. That hundred miles or so makes a big difference. Kingston is not a college town, and it would benefit from being one. Colleges provide a constant influx of young people, money, cultural events and new ideas. The BSP guys have delivered some of that from Oneonta.

Soon after, I saw a Philadelphia-based band called Man Man — a high-energy ensemble of multi-instrumentalists who rocked a full house. Powerhouses of percussion, keyboards, guitar and various horns, it was hard to believe this was happening in Uptown Kingston.

The next Saturday, a group they inspired, called Grandchildren, also from Philadelphia, was the headline act. Somewhat less known, they didn’t draw as large a crowd, but that was everyone else’s loss. I stood there through the entire set amazed, taking in some of the best live music I’d seen in forever, marveling at the composition, vocals and the astonishing performance by the rhythm section.

That consisted of two drummers, each at one side of the stage, facing one another, who seemed to perform superhuman feats of syncopation and synchronized playing. One drummer played physical drums, which seemed to consist mostly of tom-toms and bass drums; the other played a set of digital pads.

Planet Waves
Dan Votke a/k/a Rusty runs the board at BSP. Photo by Eric Francis / Blue Studio.

The percussionists seemed to stretch a trampoline across the stage and pull it taut for the rest of the musicians to bring in their cosmic psychedelic vibration. After the show I went back into the Green Room, where the drummers were hanging out, and I asked them the only question I could think of: how do you do that?

They said: We know each other really well, we play a lot and besides, Aleks Martray — the front man, who plays acoustic guitar — composes all the rhythm parts.

One night I strolled into the club and saw Melissa Pelino and Haden Minifie of the band Snowbear breathing fire on vocals — in particular, impeccably performed rock and blues harmonies. Once again I stood there watching, astonished. After the show I met the ladies and said, “I bet that took a long time to learn how to do,” to which Pelino blurted out gleefully, “It did!”

I have good music karma. If there were such a thing as A&R any more, I would be the guy for the record company to send out and scout talent. I’ve had fine musicians as housemates, therapists, parents, friends, mentors and two buddies who are fantastic lawyers. All of my astrology teachers have been musicians, particularly David Arner. Some of the best CDs in my collection I bought directly from the artists: Eric Nicholas, Sloan Wainwright, Big Spoon and others.

After a few weeks showing up at BSP and seeing one brilliant show after the next, I figured out that this wasn’t just my music karma. It wasn’t coincidence. It’s not just that there’s lot of young, unsigned musical talent out there. Something is going on at Backstage Studio Productions.

Planet Waves
New Paltz, NY-based Breakfast in Fur sound checks before their show at BSP, spring 2013. Photo by Eric Francis / Blue Studio.

The core crew consists of three guys who graduated from SUNY Oneonta around the same time: Dan Sternstein, Dan Votke (a/k/a Rusty) and Trevor Dunworth. While they were students, they got into creating outdoor music festivals, in particular, one called liveLIVE.

One day they needed some stage equipment, and someone told them that BSP’s owner, Teri Rossin, had some that she might lend them. She did, and when they returned it she asked them if they would consider promoting indoor shows at BSP.

They said yes, and arrived in Kingston in late 2011 and basically took over.
I don’t just mean they took over BSP. They have their hand in just about everything that’s gone well in Uptown Kingston the past few years. If anyone is responsible for the reduced tumbleweed population in Uptown, it’s these guys.

They were instrumental in the creation of the wildly successful 2013 New Year’s celebration that drew hundreds of people into the streets and businesses of Uptown. They created the Kingston Film Festival, featuring unpretentious screenings of movies and shorts (the most recent was in August).

BSP is a major venue for the O+ Festival, a homegrown Kingston event where musicians and artists trade performances and artwork for medical, dental and holistic health care. Each autumn, Uptown is flooded with street art, music, doctors and lots of people who have never been here before. (The third, or is it fourth, O+ takes place in Kingston Oct. 11, 12 and 13. There’s now a corresponding festival in San Francisco Nov. 15, 16 and 17.)

BSP provided the stage and booked the musical acts for Chronogram’s 20th anniversary block party last month. The whole event came off flawlessly; the music was perfectly programmed for a diverse audience, it sounded amazing and people danced into the night.

Planet Waves
Pedro Soler, the renowned flamenco guitarist from France, performed at BSP. Bryce Dessner of The National played the encore with him. Photo by Eric Francis / Blue Studio.

They use the venue to help independent film productions that come to the area; for community meetings; as a rehearsal space; and as a sound stage. There is a dance studio upstairs. And I could not think of better people to entrust with a 20,000-square-foot room where basically anything can be created. (That will be ready for concerts sometime next year.)

It seems like anything that you can do with a large room, a sound system and lights they are experimenting with.

The best thing that’s happening, though, is that they are bringing new faces and constant live music to Uptown Kingston. This includes a wide diversity of styles, spanning from experimental rock to heavy metal to some fantastic folk music. One person behind this miracle is Mike Amari, who specializes in booking many of the club’s musical acts.

They run hip-hop shows several times a year (a recent one featured Al Boges), and dance nights with deejays a few times a month as well. There are heavy metal thrash rock shows; there have been standup comedy nights and another one is forthcoming. The atmosphere is always laid back, giving the impression that you’ve showed up someplace that’s the way things used to be in mellower times.

What I love about all these guys is that they are not trying to impress anyone with how cool they are. They simply are cool, and they are competent, friendly, straightforward, honest and helpful. Anyone who knows the music business knows how rare this is.

I will say this a different way. The crew at BSP embodies the kind of community spirit that everyone wishes ran the world, and that few people can figure out how to get going. At the same time, they are devoted to promoting young musical acts. And they are all musicians, though they’ve put their own projects on hold to open up a little bandwidth so they can do all this business and community stuff.

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Kathleen, harmony vocalist for the Zappa tribute band. Photo by Eric Francis / Blue Studio.

Personally I think it’s healthy that people who have put 10 or more years into learning music, developing material and touring are the ones in charge of a venue. The world needs music promoters who know how challenging it is to get good at being a performer.

Since I get to spend a fair amount of time with Sternstein, I hear the respect and admiration he has for the acts that come through BSP. One of his favorites is a music and dance ensemble called Bujak. This consists of Jeff Bujak, who creates bass and rhythm beds, then performs improvised neoclassical music over them. His girlfriend, Jen Dulong, does a dance routine with electrified hula hoops. It’s quite an effect — and Bujak’s recorded music is equally impressive.

Along this journey, I figured out how to solve the riddle of getting high-quality independent music onto my weekly webcast, PlanetWaves.FM — hang out at BSP. If you listen to the past couple of months of programs you can hear some of what you’ve missed (a recent program featured the astonishing Treetop Flyer from the U.K.). I will be hosting the BSP crew on an edition of PlanetWaves.FM the first week of September.

One Friday recently, I finished my lesson and asked Dan what he had going on that night. “Gary Lucas,” he said. I had no idea who he was; I found out that (among other things) he was the musical mentor of Jeff Buckley. Toward the end of the Kingston Film Festival, they screened Greetings from Tim Buckley, who was Jeff’s father. The film is really about Jeff and his too-short, too-tragic journey.

After the film, Gary Lucas gave a presentation and answered questions from the audience — then he played an absolutely beautiful set, mostly acoustic, partly electric. As Gary blazed on his guitars and soulful vocals, I stood there wondering: Where the f*ck am I?

Backstage Studio Productions in Uptown Kingston, New York.



Planet Waves

Gary Lucas performs at Backstage Studio Productions in Kingston, NY. Photo by Eric Francis / Blue Studio.

This week’s news briefs were written and researched by Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck, Carol van Strum and your friendly neighborhood news editor, Eric Francis.


Planet Waves

Of Earth and Fire

The Sun is now in Virgo, and Mars — at long last — is in Leo.

Mars moving from Cancer to Leo this past Tuesday is one of those palpable energetic changes — Mars is more free to be itself in a fire sign, and less prone to emotional insecurity. Yet it cautions a need for pacing oneself on the way to fulfilling one’s ambitions.

Planet Waves
Jonah Kelly Francis, Virgo Moon and Sun. Photo by Eric.

Mars in Leo is working its way toward three noteworthy aspects in the coming days: an opposition to asteroid Juno (which may be a push for fairness in relationships, and social justice in other forms), a square to Saturn (direct your energy consciously, and work out your emotional insecurities) and a square to the lunar nodes (make your own turning point — one is necessary).

Virgo, the great cosmic computer, is providing plenty of food for thought. The Sun has been there for a week now, bringing some of the caution necessary to temper Mars in Leo. There are actually four major points in Virgo at the moment, including the Sun: dwarf planet Ceres, hypothetical planet Transpluto and Mercury.

That’s an image of thinking on many different levels, including integrating the realm of feelings into your thoughts. That’s another way of saying Ceres in Virgo is about slowing down and noticing how different experiences make you feel, including how you feel when you eat food. Food is psychoactive; it influences us emotionally and mentally. This is an invitation to notice.

The Virgo New Moon is Sept. 5. It makes aspects to many influential and even powerful minor planets — among them Chiron, Pholus, Ixion, Borasisi and Chaos. These are not asteroids; they are centaurs and points in or near the region of Pluto. And they are rather precisely aligned, which means that a clear message is coming through.

Will you get the message? The New Moon chart is about maintaining enough intellectual objectivity so as not to be afraid to ask deep questions, and size up the answers honestly.
Planet Waves

We are happy to offer once again one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All-Access Pass for 2014. The All-Access Pass is for members who want access to everything we offer in a calendar year. In recent years our product line has grown considerably, and the response from our All-Access subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. You can read about everything that’s included with an All-Access pass here. For those who can’t get enough Planet Waves astrology, it’s an unbeatable value. Plus, if you order now, we’ll include the rest of the readings that come out in 2013, and you’ll save $100.
Planet Waves

U.S. and France Push Ahead, U.K. Backs Down on Syria Attack

Despite domestic and international objections, President Obama is pushing ahead on taking military action in Syria. After an informal meeting of the United Nations Security Council failed to reach an agreement Wednesday, White House officials said there is little point trying to go through the UN. [Note, Eric covers the astrology of the proposed Syria war in this week’s Planet Waves FM.]

Planet Waves
NY Times from Friday, Aug. 30, 2013. Photo by Eric Francis.

Numerous military ships are heading to the area, including the Norfolk-based USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier strike group, with 80 bomber jets, and the USS Gravely destroyer.

As this edition of Planet Waves went to press, POLITICO reported: “French President Francois Hollande expressed readiness Friday to push ahead with plans to strike Syria for allegedly using chemical weapons despite the British parliament’s rejection of military action. Washington also was preparing for the possibility of a strike against the Damascus regime within days.

For those following the issue closely, Secretary of State John Kerry will speak at 12:30 p.m. EDT.

British Prime Minister David Cameron had been set to commit military forces in Syria, once UN inspectors have concluded their investigation into the massive chemical weapons casualties this week.

However, Cameron was blocked in that agenda, losing a parliamentary vote on Thursday by 13 votes and surprising many who thought the U.K. would join the U.S. and France in what’s being sold to the public as a punitive, short attack on Bashar al-Assad’s government.

“I get it,” said Cameron, in a short statement to Parliament afterward, remarking that he respects the will of Parliament and the British people. There actually seems to be an understanding that the the public and even politicians are skeptical about military intervention in the Middle East after the disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq. That kind of awareness doesn’t usually last long, however.

Pres. Obama, who seems like he’s not even trying to build public support for the attack on Syria, told PBS NewsHour Wednesday night that a “tailored, limited” military response is necessary to prevent future chemical attacks on Syrian civilians — and also to protect national security.

Planet Waves
Map showing the location of Syria, which borders Israel, Jordan, Iraq and Turkey, at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.

“When you start talking about chemical weapons, in a country that has the largest stockpile of chemical weapons in the world, where, over time, their control over chemical weapons may erode, where they’re allied to known terrorist organizations that in the past have targeted the United States, then there is a prospect, a possibility, in which chemical weapons, that can have devastating effects, could be directed at us. And we want to make sure that that does not happen.”

These are bold words from the leader of a country that took nearly two years to acknowledge the bloodshed in Syria. Per a prior statement, Obama only threatened to use military force when chemical weapons — which the U.S. also possesses in abundance — were allegedly used.

Meanwhile, the official Syrian death toll stands at more than 100,000; over one million children have fled the country.

“Last year around this time, we had 70,000 Syrian refugee children. Today we have reached one million,” said UNICEF Executive Director Yoka Brandt. “And that tells us something about the escalation of this crisis and the problems facing children. It is like, you know, you have two children fleeing Syria just about every minute.”
Planet Waves

Fort Hood Shooter Sentenced to Death

Nearly four years after killing 13 unarmed people at Fort Hood, Texas, Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was sentenced to death by lethal injection by a jury Wednesday. He is one of only a few men on military death row.

Hasan, a Muslim, suggested both in and out of court that he preferred to die and become a martyr, choosing to represent himself in court and refusing to put up a defense.

Planet Waves
Artist Brigitte Woosley sketches Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan as testimony begins in his sentencing at Ft. Hood. AP Photo.

“Do not be fooled,” said the Army’s lead prosecutor, Col. Michael Mulligan, to the 13 senior Army officers on the panel. “He is not giving his life. We are taking his life. This is not his gift to God. This is his debt to society.”

Such reasoning ignores a central question: whether payment of such a debt through execution is something society has a right to exact on an individual.

His sentence raises the question of whether the 13 lives taken by Hasan on American soil are somehow more important than the 16 civilian Afghan lives taken by Staff Sgt. Robert Bales in Afghanistan in last year.

Rather than being given the death penalty, Bales is now serving a life sentence. He was known to be suffering from traumatic brain injury at the time of the March 11, 2012 massacre. This all raises the even larger question why anyone is surprised that people who are trained at great expense to kill people go and do so.

“Major Hasan was the first defendant to represent himself in a military capital-punishment case in modern times, raising a host of issues,” reported The New York Times. “One of them is the conflict between his right to self-representation and the requirement that death penalty defendants be given special protections to ensure a fair verdict and sentence.”

“This was not a fair trial. I’ve lost a lot of respect for the system,” said Hasan’s civil attorney, John Galligan, a former military judge quoted in the Los Angeles Times. There may be a lengthy appeals process as a result.

Presidential approval, considered likely after any appeals, is needed to carry out a military death sentence. Hasan is being held at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where four other condemned military prisoners have waited for years (or decades) as their cases are appealed. The last execution at Fort Leavenworth was the hanging of Army private John A. Bennett in April 1961.


Planet Waves

Pacific Trade Agreement Veils Play for Greater Corporate Control

The most significant international trade agreement in decades is close to being finalized, and chances are you don’t know its name — and neither does your congressperson. And that’s just the way the corporate sector wants it.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), dubbed “NAFTA on steroids,” is a free-trade pact currently comprising 12 participants: the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Peru and Chile. The nineteenth round of talks began last week in Brunei, with negotiations reportedly almost completed.

Planet Waves
Farmers from across Japan protest against participation in rule-making negotiations for the U.S.-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in Tokyo, 2011. Other nations have been aware of this deal for that long. Photo: Reuters/Yuriko Nakao.

Extreme secrecy surrounds the negotiations; the Obama administration has denied repeated calls from legislators to make the process more transparent, while pressing to finalize the agreement this year. Critics say the policy will derail domestic employment growth by exporting even more jobs, and give corporations even greater power to shape domestic policy.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a respected Internet rights group, has other concerns. It describes TPP as a “secretive, multi-national trade agreement that threatens to extend restrictive intellectual property (IP) laws across the globe and rewrite international rules on its enforcement.”

EFF warns, “Leaked draft texts of the agreement show that the IP chapter would have extensive negative ramifications for users’ freedom of speech, right to privacy and due process, and hinder peoples’ abilities to innovate.”

Just five of the 29 draft chapters cover traditional trade matters, according to Ben Beachy, the research director for Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. The rest of the deal, he said, “could rewrite broad swathes of domestic policy that affects our daily lives, from Internet browsing to what we eat for dinner.”

“For corporations, the TPP is a convenient back-door means of undermining public interest policies that they oppose but are not able to undermine through domestic legislation,” Beachy said. If enacted, all existing and future U.S. law would have to comply with the treaty, or the U.S. could face trade sanctions.

A draft chapter leaked last year described a legal structure, called an investor-state dispute settlement mechanism, that would essentially allow multinationals to sue a government if they believe a policy infringes on their rights, according to an article in The Nation. A tribunal unaccountable to any electorate would decide the case and the damages owed, with no option for appeal. Similar investor-state rules have been included in a number of other free-trade deals, including NAFTA, and cases are surging, as are the damages awarded. Last year corporations won 70 percent of disputes.


Planet Waves

Subterranean Clit-Lit Blues (Now Tickled Pink)

If you’re reading Planet Waves, chances are you’re aware of how much more we know about female sexual response and desire than we did even just a few short decades ago. But are you aware that the clitoris has extensive internal components in addition to that little nub of supreme pleasure that shows on the outside?

Planet Waves
What we think of the clitoris is merely the tip of the matter. This computer-generated illustration of the internal clitoris, shown in yellow, reveals how deep things go.

Author “melodiousmsm” notes in a 2011 article for the Museum of Sex website that, sadly, it wasn’t until the 1990s that researchers began using MRIs to explore the internal structure of the clitoris — long after the intricacies of the penis had been explored that way in the 1970s. The Internet, textbooks and even professional medical guides are still rife with misinformation that does not acknowledge the full scope of the clit.

In 2005 The American Urological Association published a report on clitoral anatomy by Dr. Helen O’Connell of the Royal Melbourne Hospital, a primary researcher of clitoral structure via MRI.

The report states, “The anatomy of the clitoris has not been stable with time as would be expected. To a major extent its study has been dominated by social factors … Some recent anatomy textbooks omit a description of the clitoris. By comparison, pages are devoted to penile anatomy.”

For a user-friendly guide on what to do with this new knowledge about your subterranean juicy bits, check out the book Women’s Anatomy of Arousal by Planet Waves’ good friend Sheri Winston.


Planet Waves

Yosemite Providing Glimpse of Future Fire Challenges

The massive Rim fire at Yosemite National Park in California, which has burned 301 square miles over the last two weeks, may indicate things to come in the western U.S., according to environmentalists. Yosemite is considered the crown jewel of the U.S. national park system. Nearly 5,000 firefighters are battling the blaze — the sixth largest in state history. It’s now 30% contained, and firefighters estimate it will be extinguished by September 10.

Planet Waves
Dusty LaChapelle from the El Dorado Fire Distr. at the Rim fire near Yosemite on Sunday. His crew kept flames away from livestock and structures. Photo by Don Bartletti.

Authorities are especially concerned about this fire for a few reasons. First, the fire is close to two of Yosemite’s three groves of Sequoia trees, the Tuolumne Grove and the Merced Grove.

Firefighters have surrounded the 1000-year-old sequoias with sprinklers, and cleared the area of brush to try to keep the fire at bay. Some of the trees stand hundreds of feet tall.

The fire also threatens San Francisco’s water supply. Governor Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency for San Francisco, which gets more than 80% of its drinking water from a reservoir only four miles away from the edge of the fire. Water quality remains safe, according to officials.

In addition, the fire has damaged two of the city’s three hydroelectric power stations, supplying power for almost all city services. Crews are repairing the power stations, and San Francisco is buying energy elsewhere.

Flexibility may become the key to survival for communities affected by fires. Fire season now lasts two months longer and destroys twice as much land as it did 40 years ago, according to Thomas Tidwell, the head of the United States Forest Service, when he testified to the Senate committee on energy and natural resources earlier this summer.

We can expect “as much as a fourfold increase in parts of the Sierra Nevada and California” in fire activity across the rest of this century, said Matthew Hurteau, assistant professor of ecosystem science and management at Pennsylvania State University, in Mother Jones.


Planet Waves

Syrian Group Hacks NY Times, Twitter Accounts of News Agencies

The Syrian Electronic Army, a hacker group purportedly supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, claimed responsibility for several service disruptions beginning late Tuesday that took down The New York Times website. The group claimed the hack was to protest possible foreign military actions against the Syrian government in light of last week’s poison gas attacks.

Planet Waves

“The @nytimes attack was going to deliver an anti-war message but our server couldn’t last for 3 minutes,” the group posted on its Twitter feed at about 9:40 Wednesday morning.

The hackers gained access to a Melbourne IT reseller account using a phishing email and proceeded to change the DNS records of multiple domains, including, according to the company.

In other words, they sent out fake emails and were able to get users with access to the passwords to reveal them. The hackers then edited the code that directs which server a given URL — such as — takes a user.

The site was still experiencing some outages as of early Thursday.

The New York Times Company chief information officer Marc Frons said Tuesday’s attack was more sophisticated than previous SEA hacks.

“It’s sort of like breaking into the local savings and loan versus breaking into Fort Knox. A domain registrar should have extremely tight security because they are holding the security to hundreds if not thousands of websites,” said Frons in The New York Times. If the story is true, it’s another revelation of how flimsy supposedly top-level Internet security can be.

The group also claimed responsibility for hacking Twitter accounts belonging to the AP, NPR, Reuters, BBC and Al Jazeera, as well as links on CNN, The Washington Post and Time. Earlier in the month, the Times experienced an outage that it said was due to “a scheduled maintenance update.”


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Map #19: A map of where 29,000 rubber duckies made landfall after falling off a cargo ship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Some of those little critters were floating for a long, long time…

40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World

If you thought geography was dry and boring, think again. This amazing compilation of maps on Twisted Sifter offers the visual representations of things as diverse as the most dangerous areas to ship due to pirates, countries with and without McDonald’s, the only 22 countries in the world that Great Britain has never invaded, alcohol consumption around the world, vegetation on Earth, average age of first sexual intercourse by country, most popular surnames in Europe, highest paid public employees in the U.S. by state (frighteningly few college presidents compared to athletic coaches) and much, much more.


Planet Waves

I Have A Dream, Syria War and Miss Miley Cyrus

In this week’s special extended edition of Planet Waves FM, I play the full recording of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Then I do the astrology of that day, and also take a look at Dr. King’s chart as well. The charts are below; here is the verified text of the speech. Our musical guest is the Boston-based rock string quartet Darlingside, whom I met at Backstage Studio Productions (BSP) in Uptown Kingston, NY.

In the second half of the program, I look at the chart for John Kerry’s pitch to go to war with Syria. And I investigate the astrology of Miley Cyrus after her performance at Monday night’s VMA awards. If you want to see the video, it’s the second one down on this page at Huffington Post.

I don’t critique the video — rather, I explain its significance as an event in the history of sexual liberation. I also give a good sniff to Miley’s extraordinary chart. Note, I don’t have the birth time but I do know that the published time is wrong. I plan to publish the accurate data when I have it from the state of Tennessee.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

We published the extended monthly horoscopes for September on Friday, Aug. 23. Your Inner Space horoscopes for September are published below in this issue. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon on Tuesday, Aug. 20. We will publish the Moonshine horoscopes for the Virgo New Moon Tuesday Sept. 3 Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscopes on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscopes for September 2013, #964 | By Eric Francis

The Virgo New Moon is Sept. 5. It makes aspects to many influential and even powerful minor planets — among them Chiron, Pholus, Ixion, Borasisi and Chaos. These are not asteroids; they are centaurs and points in or near the region of Pluto. The New Moon chart is about maintaining enough intellectual objectivity so as not to be afraid to ask deep questions, and size up the answers honestly. Next up is the Pisces Full Moon, which takes place Sept. 19. If the New Moon is about going deep, the Full Moon is about going wide — maintaining a global perspective, seeing the impacts of your decisions, and noticing the way that events ripple out into your world, and the world. Finally this month we have the Libra equinox. The Sun changes signs and the Northern Hemisphere summer ends. The three months encompassing Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius can be the most hectic of the year, as the days grow shorter and the holidays approach. Pace yourself — make a plan now.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Calculate your risks. Do not take them frivolously. I know this is not a popular activity but for you it’s a necessary one. You are more inclined to go out on a limb right now; at the same time there are factors in the equation that you may not be aware of. Therefore I suggest you consider worst-case scenarios before you do something that is potentially dangerous. At the same time, some of those scenarios have ways of expressing themselves that come up in your favor. For example, a phase of adversity in a relationship can work out in your favor, by taking you deeper with someone, and helping you build trust with them. Yet it’s essential that you be conscious as you do this. I am not suggesting that you stoke your insecurity — only that you look before you take a soulful, bounding leap.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — A relationship seems to go through a series of tests, and many of them may be centered on what a close partner or someone who’s an erotic interest is going through. Yet these are not tests — they are the experiences of life that are normal for the territory that we’re in. One of the central questions for you is how you handle your own insecurities. There may be a seeming conflict between your boldness and another person’s hesitancy, or between your desire to be spontaneous and your need for stability in the relationship. I think that the key to your situation is recognizing the impact that your feelings have on others, even when you don’t say anything. Your emotions move you and the world around you. They are especially likely to have that influence now. So pay attention and participate consciously.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Keeping things in balance is one thing. Knowing how to respond when situations go out of balance is another. First, be aware that there are some conflicts that will seem dramatic and significant but which do not directly influence your life, except on the intellectual level. Assess each of them on two levels — how does this affect you, and how does it affect your community? That question will provide significant useful information. You are involved in some truly significant assessments of your security base, home and family matters, and you must sort out information that is useful from that which is merely controversial. Pay particular attention to health-related topics, get to the truth and more than anything, notice the role that stress plays in the equation. Carefully consider adjusting environmental factors first before you seek any form of outside intervention that you don’t need.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your ideas have both influence and impact, though it will help considerably if you keep your flexibility. You seem to be bumping up against a fear — it could be the fear of going deeper, or of losing control, or of the unforeseen consequences of acting on your desire. If you run into a situation wherein you feel fully committed but still cannot get your situation to budge, take a gentler approach. Consider the ways in which you can flow around something rather than push it or force some kind of movement. You need to be the flexible one in the equation, and you can count on that talent being available if you remember to call on it. A little confidence will go a long way — that will build as the month progresses, as you learn more and act on what you know.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — In any relationship situation it’s necessary to maintain awareness of your own identity, desires and needs, and those you share with other people around you. Usually we take for granted having to sacrifice one or the other. That is an idea from the distant past, usually advocated by our parents and grandparents, but which is no longer true for you. It’s not a question of ‘all you’ versus ‘all about the other person’. And it’s not a matter of alternating between the two. At this point in human history we face the authentic challenge of being wholly self-present and wholly present for others in your context as a relationship or business partner. Is this more than prior generations can handle, or were they merely lacking that concept? You can handle the stretch, and you have the concept available.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

Planet Waves

The Virgo reading will be ready today! Price will increase at noon EDT. Hello Virgo! the Sun is in your sign now — and that means we will be offering your 2013-2014 birthday reading very soon! If you’d like to save $10 on this in-depth look at your personal astrology and how you can make the most of your solar year, pre-order now for $19.95 and we’ll email your access info to you as soon as its ready. Pre-order ends at noon EDT.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — If a situation seems to be running out of control, I suggest you adjust your perspective till you see it in such a way that it’s workable. You’ll be surprised by how much changes with your point of view. It is therefore essential that you keep your point of view portable, and that you not be driven by fear. If you get stuck, ask yourself what you’re concerned might happen. One thing to be mindful of is discerning fear from intuition. Fear usually describes an outcome you don’t want. Intuition usually describes how to create an outcome that you do want, or at least provides some useful information on how to prevent a negative outcome. Therefore, it’s essential that you recognize that worry is not a form of intuition, no matter how vivid it may seem. Keep a wide perspective — especially about yourself.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You will need to talk about what you’re feeling and what you’ve been through recently — if you want any sense of contact with the people around you. The past matters, especially the past four weeks, and what you experienced will have an influence on your current choices. You’ve just been through another spell of “I can barely believe I’m going through this,” though at least this time around you had the presence of others to verify your experience. Remember how good that felt: you don’t need to go it alone, and the one sure way not to do that is to maintain open communication with people you care about, and those with whom you share common interests. Be real with people and you will have real friends. Stealth and secrecy are not all they’re cracked up to be.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Build up your momentum working on a long-term goal — which implies knowing what it is, beginning the process and focusing your energy. Get accustomed to working through the inner resistance that gets in the way of your most cherished desires for achievement. Recognize the degree to which any worldly goal involves overcoming some inner obstacle or remnant of history. If you encounter a personality trait that consistently holds you back, now is the time to deal with it so that you can move onto truly greater things. If you put your mind to that project, there is little that will be able to stop you. And you will need them when, later in the year, the astrology brings nearly total focus on your sign and you’re in the spotlight in a much bigger way. That’s the future; this is the point of origin.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’re in a situation where you must be both the micromanager and the visionary. This isn’t easy. All the details in the world don’t add up to the larger scenario, no matter how well attended. But they do need to be attended. You also know that you’re one of the few who cannot only understand the grand scheme — you’re one of its most influential authors. Therefore, make sure that the details get taken care of, but don’t let them bog you down. One way to do that is to take care of them well in advance. You know what they are; you know who is dependable and who is not; you have a sense of the timing involved. Keep a grip on this layer of things and you will soon emerge as a leader of the people and the author of a genuine idea or concept.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You might question whether what you perceive in others is your own shadow projected onto them, or whether it’s really some issue they have. It could be a little of both, though in any event there is significant benefit that can come from asking the questions that help you verify your perceptions. Relationships often get tangled in a hall of mirrors, and this is the stuff of which those mirrors are made. If you determine that something belongs to you, it’s that much easier to address. If you determine that something is the property of another person, that at least helps you understand where the lines of responsibility really are. All of us who live on our particular planet have work to do. It helps considerably if we do our own work and allow others to do theirs.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Others may challenge your authority over the next few weeks. It could be some professional situation, or a household-related theme, or your moral authority — and you will need to figure out a way to handle it that works for everyone, or for as many people as possible. Remember that often, when someone is trying to razz you, they’re doing it for its own sake. It may be a form of amusement or a not-so-dangerous way to take a little risk. That said, take a real look at any beef someone has with you and offer them some kind of compromise. Leave yourself room to negotiate; don’t give it all away at first — just enough to send the signal that you’re open to a discussion and that you have a fair mind. This will work anywhere along the spectrum from personal to political.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — All the facts in the word don’t add up to the truth. So where you’re inundated with data, make sure you look at it in a way that tells you something. Now, that something may well be subjective. You may get an opinion confirmed; you may see a pattern and come up with a new theory. The message of your charts is all about seeing patterns and discerning what they tell you. Here is a clue: To do this well, you need to have faith in yourself and in your intelligence. Pisces is good at being circumspect, which is a way of saying taking in a diversity of viewpoints — though you have to trust your own, and give the opinions of others weight only to the extent that they’re presenting something compelling. Just keep that theory in mind — that a lot of information is not necessarily what you need. It’s a coherent point of view and a flexible plan of at least three steps toward the goal.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

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Moving Mountains

Dear Friend and Reader:

Nearly everyone who lives in the Hudson Valley of New York is familiar with the land preservation efforts of Mohonk Preserve. The name has a national reputation, synonymous with forests, trails and the most famous rock climbing area in the Northeast — the Gunks. The Preserve describes itself as the responsible steward of its land holdings, estimated at 8,000 acres and expanding constantly.

Planet Waves
Skytop Tower in New Paltz, New York, symbol of Mohonk Preserve and the Mohonk Mountain House. Photo by Eric Francis.

When lawsuits involving Mohonk Preserve (annual revenue: $3M) occasionally make the news, their standard response is that the Preserve, a New Paltz-based nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)3 corporation, buys only from willing sellers and rarely engages in litigation.

In that light, it’s noteworthy that in late May, State Supreme Court Judge Christopher E. Cahill issued a decision after a nine-year lawsuit that involved Mohonk Preserve claiming title to 75 acres of land that the court held actually belonged to its neighbors, Karen Pardini and Michael Fink. [You may download and read the full decision by Judge Cahill at this link.]

More noteworthy is that Mohonk and its land-acquisition agents have sued Pardini and Fink four times trying to take their land, keeping them tied up in nearly nonstop litigation and appeals for 19 years. In all that time Mohonk has never once won a case against them or had one upheld on appeal; their batting average is zero.

Pardini and Fink’s 300-acre property is the largest privately held undeveloped tract on the Shawangunk Ridge. Located directly in Mohonk’s viewshed and developable as a commercial property, Pardini and Fink’s land is surrounded by the Preserve, which has contested nearly every boundary the two neighbors share.

The Preserve started as the Mohonk Trust in 1963, when the Mohonk Mountain House, a for-profit resort hotel, put the majority of its land into a conservancy, thereby taking it off of the property tax rolls — and with that savings, helping the hotel avoid bankruptcy.

While Cahill’s ruling only addresses one property dispute, there are numerous similar situations that are currently developing. Mohonk variously claims to have between 100 and 250 neighbors along its perimeter, 28 of whom have signed an open letter to the Preserve objecting to its land-acquisition tactics, including the use of adverse possession or squatter’s rights as a means of acquiring property, something commonly done by Mohonk.

“We respect the property rights and boundaries of the Mohonk Preserve,” the letter states. “We now ask the Mohonk Preserve to publicly state their willingness to respect the property rights and boundaries of all of their neighbors.”

Smitty’s Bar and Dude Ranch

Many old-timers in the Hudson Valley remember Smitty’s Bar and Dude Ranch on Clove Valley Road. It was owned by Wilbur Smith, known to everyone as Smitty. For more than a generation, Smitty’s was the place to hang out by the stream, ride horses, camp and go hiking. The bar, located in an old barn, featured live music and dancing in a magnificent rustic setting. Regulars and staff stayed in a little hotel upstairs. Smitty patrolled his land on horseback wearing a revolver on his hip.

Planet Waves
Wilbur Smith, known to everyone as Smitty, was a mythical figure in the Clove Valley from the 1950s through 1987.

The place was a mecca for countless hippies and nature lovers from the 1960s until Smitty sold the property to Pardini and Fink in 1987. In the years before he sold the place he was under increasing legal pressures from Mohonk that dated back many years.

Toward the end of his ownership he was in foreclosure and Mohonk was circling like a great white shark. Mohonk’s documents from that era indicate that they were urgently trying to get his land into the Preserve. Pardini and Fink came up with the funds to buy the place from Smitty, who went on to be a minister.

The couple closed the business and made a project of cleaning up the land from decades of overuse, removing old buses, trailers, campsites, dilapidated structures and 74 dump truck loads of trash and debris the first few years.

After nearly three decades of ownership, their only development of the property has been renovating the old bar and hotel into a home, and planting a garden. They have also maintained the labyrinth of trails and wood roads that spiral through the property, some of them dating back to before the American revolution.

The couple was first sued in 1994 by The Shawangunk Conservancy, which serves as a land acquisition agent of Mohonk Preserve. That suit unsuccessfully attempted to take 136 acres from them. State Supreme Court Judge Vincent Bradley said in his 1997 ruling on that case that Pardini and Fink had standing to bring a fraud action against the Conservancy. Had the Conservancy won, Mohonk said the land would have gone to them.

When I interviewed Mohonk’s longtime in-house surveyor, Norman Van Valkenburgh, about that lawsuit in 1997 as a reporter for Woodstock Times, he told me that he was after “the whole farm, whatever they [Pardini and Fink] own.”

He really meant it. For example, Pardini and Fink’s property includes about 200 acres on the north side of Clove Valley Road. In various lawsuits (including the most recent one), Mohonk or its agents have claimed every acre except for Smitty’s former house.

Fink said in a July interview that he and Pardini have spent more fighting lawsuits by Mohonk and its agents than they paid for the whole ranch. One can only imagine Mohonk’s legal bills.

Which is the Real King’s Lane Lot?

Land in the area where the lawsuit takes place is located within a land grant from 1770 called the Nineteen Partners Tract, which was subdivided into 19 sections or lots in 1799. [See map below — note that northerly is downward, opposite of a normal map.]

In 1841, the property boundary of a farm (called the Curran Farm) was drawn along a ridgeline laterally through Lots 1-5 and has not changed since. The Curran Farm may be forgotten, though a detailed history of its land transactions is lovingly preserved by the county deed office, tracking the details of title transfers going forward to the present.

Planet Waves
Note: Northerly is downward on this map! Section of a 1799 map showing the area where the lawsuit is taking place. South is toward the top of the map, where Clove Valley Road is shown (not marked). The lot numbers are in old script. Note that the old-style 1 looks like a 4. That is really Lot 1. There is a rough line (right above numbers 2 and 3) that divides Lots 1-5; that is a ridgeline that was the boundary of the Curran Farm, which was on the north (on this map lower) side of the ridge. That boundary has not been altered since it was first drawn in 1841. Here are what the red numbers pertain to: 1 is the 75 acres owned by Pardini and Fink but sold by Gloria Finger to Mohonk Preserve, which were never part of the Curran Farm; 2 is the real King’s Lane Lot, 26 acres owned by Gloria Finger, which was once part of the Curran Farm; 3 is lands formerly belonging to John I. Davis, located east of the King’s Lane Lot, and once part of the Curran Farm; 4 are lands currently belonging to Pardini and Fink, which were part of Smitty’s and in the old days were never part of the Curran Farm.

In Lot 1, the ridgeline currently divides the properties of Pardini and Fink (and the former Smitty’s Dude Ranch) from their neighbor, Gloria Finger. The lot is narrow and long. Finger owns the 26-acre tip at the north end of Lot 1, land known since the 1800s as the King’s Lane Lot, because an ancient road called the King’s Lane leads into it. The King’s Lane Lot was once part of the Curran Farm.

Pardini and Fink’s land includes 75 acres at the south end of Lot 1, on the other side of the ridge, close to Clove Valley Road. Their land was never part of the Curran Farm.

In 1994, Mohonk ‘purchased’ for $82,000 a deed for that 75 acres from Gloria Finger, falsely claiming it was the King’s Lane Lot. In other words, Mohonk bought the land from someone who didn’t own it.
The transaction was arranged by Robert K. Anderberg, who served on Mohonk’s board of trustees from 1981-1987. He went on to become general counsel to both the Open Space Institute and the Shawangunk Conservancy.

Anderberg has purchased land from non-owners before. In an earlier land transaction that resulted in litigation, Anderberg posed as a notary and with Van Valkenburgh, ‘purchased’ land from Smitty’s ex-wife Mary Lue Smith long after her ex-husband had sold the ranch to Pardini and Fink.

Knowing that she used to hold deeds in her name for her husband, they told her she didn’t know she still owned some land somewhere up on the ridge and paid her $5,000 for a quitclaim deed, releasing any interest she might have to them. The Shawangunk Conservancy then sued Pardini and Fink, claiming the nonexistent interest as its own. That’s the case where the judge said the couple had standing to bring a fraud action.

Anderberg’s plan to acquire the 75 acres on Mohonk’s behalf dates back to a March 24, 1993 memo from Anderberg to Van Valkenburgh, and Glenn Hoagland, Mohonk’s executive director. In that memo, Anderberg writes, “One of the landowners on Rock Hill, a Gloria Finger, is interested in selling a portion of her acreage to the Mohonk Preserve.”

Testimony from other lawsuits indicates that Anderberg was acting in his capacity as general counsel to the Shawangunk Conservancy, the land acquisition agent for Mohonk.

Planet Waves
Mohonk is in the background of everything in the central Hudson Valley, and is visually synonymous with New Paltz. Photo by Eric.

To complete the ‘sale’, a survey map of the 75 acres of Lot 1 was prepared and certified by Van Valkenburgh, the longtime in-house surveyor for Mohonk, which in effect slices off a flank from Pardini and Fink’s land and claims it for Mohonk.

Finger ‘retained’ the 26 acres she really owned — she gave up no land in the deal.

Mohonk filed the map with the county and used it to get Planning Board approval for a subdivision from the Town of Rochester, ‘dividing’ the two sections of Lot 1 that have been separate since 1841. That is when the Curran farm boundary line was drawn, bisecting Lots 1-5; there have been different owners on either side of that line since it was originally drawn.

The same map was used to secure title insurance from First American Financial of Santa Ana, CA. Title insurance is a form of coverage that protects the buyer in case it turns out the purchased land was not actually owned by the seller.
The Preserve then brought a lawsuit in State Supreme Court against the actual owners of the property, Pardini and Fink, attempting to get the courts to affirm what it claimed was “record title.” The litigation was paid for by First American, which now must either sponsor an appeal or reimburse Mohonk for its cost of purchase.

A First American spokesperson I spoke to in July had no official response but seemed surprised when I informed her that the company was the plaintiff, not the defendant. Title insurance carriers rarely prosecute lawsuits. They are usually the ones sued by others.

While it may seem that Gloria Finger tried to trick Mohonk into buying land that she didn’t really own, it was Anderberg — an attorney — who arranged the transaction on Finger’s and Mohonk’s behalf. This is apparently a routine activity for him. In a recent interview he told a reporter, “I’m involved with conservation transactions and dealing with landowners, many in Ulster County.”

Yet Fink says that Finger knew he and Pardini were the real owners of the land at that end of Lot 1. The King’s Lane Lot is landlocked; it has no road access except for the King’s Lane, which is more like a wide trail. Since she had no other way to get a car onto her property, Finger once approached Fink and Pardini to buy a right-of-way onto her acreage through Pardini and Fink’s portion of Lot 1. She ultimately withdrew the idea because the distance was too great and the terrain too steep to make a driveway practical.

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Ulster County Courthouse, where the lawsuit took place before State Supreme Court Judge Christopher Cahill. Photo by Eric Francis.

Then two years later Finger ‘sold’ that same land, owned by Pardini and Fink, to Mohonk, collecting $82,000 that she reportedly used to cover the legal bills for a prior lawsuit against another neighbor, the Cabral family.

In trying to prove that a smaller 26-acre piece of land was a neighboring 75-acre tract, Mohonk presented conflicting theories that in effect attempted to rearrange the ownership history along that section of the Shawangunk Ridge.

Over nine years of litigation, the court heard from 30 witnesses (eight of whom were Mohonk’s), reviewed 100 exhibits and read 1,299 pages of trial testimony. After all of this, Judge Cahill ruled May 29 that Mohonk Preserve had no claim to the 75 acres in question.

The court rejected every single claim made by Mohonk Preserve and its attorney, John Connor of Hudson. It accepted every fact and argument presented by Pardini and Fink and their attorney, Sharon Graff of Kingston.

The Case of the Moving Mountain

As is true many places, rural land along the Shawangunk Ridge is often described in the deed record by the neighboring properties. These are called adjoiners. Once something is described by its relationship to adjacent lands in all directions, you know where it is and you can follow the deeds to who holds title in the present.

No two parcels of land have all of the same adjoiners; each is unique. This is why adjoiner descriptions are so dependable. Your land describes that of your neighbors; their land describes yours.
Change any one adjoiner description and you have to rearrange the descriptions of every property in the area, since they all depend on one another.

It’s a little like turning a Rubik’s Cube. When you turn any one section, you simultaneously rearrange the patterns on four sides of the cube and shift the orientation of the other two. You cannot just move one square on the cube.

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Smitty’s Bar and Dude Ranch as they appeared in the 1950s. Clove Valley Road was not paved at the time. The structure to the left is the bar and hotel, an old barn now renovated into the home of Pardini and Fink. The structure to the right was Wilbur Smith’s home.

At the trial, Pardini and Fink pointed out that Mohonk failed to explain why its claim to the 75 acres was missing many necessary adjoiners and that it listed others not called for by the deed record.

One example involves land formerly owned by John I. Davis in the 19th century, now called the Davis parcel. The real King’s Lane Lot — the 26-acre one owned by Finger — calls for Davis as its eastern adjoiner.

But Mohonk claimed that Davis was next to the 75 acres owned by Pardini and Fink, which it is not. To do this, they had to pretend that the adjoiners for the real King’s Lane Lot would work simultaneously for that lot and for the 75 acres they were claiming, and where it really was. In other words, Mohonk claimed that the Davis parcel existed in two places at once.

In Van Valkenburgh’s survey of the 75 acres that was used to make the purchase and secure title insurance, he accurately lists Pardini and Fink as the eastern adjoiner.

Then in court, Mohonk tried to claim that the John I. Davis parcel was the eastern adjoiner to the 75 acres, in effect attempting to kick Fink and Pardini off of even more of their land. Davis is nowhere to be found in Pardini and Fink’s chain of title, for a good reason. The Davis parcel is located east of the real Kings Lane Lot, not the 75 acres that Mohonk was pretending was the King’s Lane Lot.

That Van Valkenburgh originally listed Pardini and Fink as the eastern adjoiner to the 75 acres in the survey used for the purchase and title coverage proves he knew Davis was not located there and that he knew who the real owners of the 75 acres were. Doing a survey involves researching the ownership history of each adjoiner. But he had another reason to know the real history: he had been surveyor and expert witness in every prior lawsuit against Pardini and Fink. There are documents in the record demonstrating that Van Valkenburgh has researched the ownership of Lots 1 through 5 back to the dawn of time; he knows exactly who owns them.

At trial, Mohonk failed to present a witness who had actually done a survey of the property it was claiming.Notably, Van Valkenburgh was not called as a witness by Mohonk to tell the story of his survey, which would be pro forma — an expert testifies to the technical work he’s done. Instead, he sat in court nearly every day of the trial and assisted Mohonk’s legal team.

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Coxing Entry to Mohonk Preserve along Clove Valley Road, about a mile from the land involved in the lawsuit. Photo by Eric.

Had he been called as a witness, Pardini and Fink’s lawyers would have asked him to explain how the Davis parcel got up and walked down the mountain.

As for the King’s Lane, the ancient road which seems curiously left out of this whole saga: it follows the ridge along the Curran Farm boundary, leading into the King’s Lane Lot itself — along the north end of the ridgeline and the John I. Davis parcel, far from Pardini and Fink’s land. Its place on the landscape and in history is undeniable.

Presented with these and other facts, Judge Cahill concluded that Finger never owned the land Mohonk had ‘purchased’ from her, and ruled that Pardini and Fink hold both proper title and common law possession of their land, calling theirs the “more coherent” of the two descriptions of ownership history, current title and usage — an understatement on the judge’s part.

In late July, I went to Mohonk Preserve to interview its top leaders — Glenn Hoagland, the executive director, Ronald Knapp, the board president, and Gretchen Reed, a lawyer who serves as the Preserve’s publicist.

They spent an hour and 20 minutes attempting to convince me that it was really Michael Fink who was trying to take their land from them. Mohonk’s execs also claimed that Pardini and Fink didn’t believe they owned the 75 acres that the judge determined were part of the couple’s own property. This is where the interview started to feel like a Saturday Night Live sketch.

Fink and Pardini didn’t believe they owned it? That’s what they said — the logic here being: they didn’t know they owned it, so we claimed it. Or, we claimed it before they claimed it. Or we filed a map that they didn’t know about, so that makes it ours.

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Redwood roots that soaked in the Pacific for more than a century have found their way to the land, transported there by Jim Dowd, who sculpted the elf, too. Photo by Eric Francis.

Throughout the meeting, none of the Preserve’s officials would answer any of my questions about why the adjoiners to the land to which they were claiming to hold a deed did not match known reality on the ground. They claimed not to remember the details and said they didn’t want to “re-litigate” the case in their conference room. They put out enough spin to make it sound like there was another side to the story — one that they could not explain or support factually.

Mohonk recently said that its board of directors had voted to appeal Cahill’s ruling. In a July 5 letter to the Preserve’s members and supporters, Hoagland and Knapp claimed that Mohonk still owns the 75 acres. They trivialized Judge Cahill’s decision as being just three pages long when in fact it’s 90 pages, most of it straightening out the deed history in accordance with what Pardini and Fink’s attorney had presented at trial.

Hoagland and Knapp wrote, “The continuing litigation […] underscores the importance of the Preserve’s critical land protection work, which deals not only with acquisition of land and conservation easements but with the perpetual protection of lands in our care. With your continued support, we will remain steadfast in our 50-year heritage of saving the land for life.”

Sure sounds good.


For the Grandmothers.


This week’s news briefs were written and researched by Karlie Cole, Gale Greenwood, Alison Beth Levy, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck, Beverly Spicer, Carol van Strum and your friendly neighborhood news editor, Eric Francis. Fact checking support by Jessica Keet, Alex Miller, Len Wallick and our Thursday night Fact Checker list. If you want to help with that project, please write to me.

Planet Waves

Stars for August: Fire and Water

August combines the passion of the fire signs with the empathy of the water signs. Let’s start with the two lunations — the Leo New Moon of Aug. 6 and the Aquarius Full Moon of Aug. 20.

The Leo New Moon is nothing short of a magnificent chart. In the Northern Hemisphere, the New Moon takes place at Lammas or Lúnasathe First Harvest. It’s the midpoint between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox, one of the eight most potent moments of the solar year. Those points include the solstices and equinoxes (the quarter days) and the midpoints of those locations (the cross-quarter days).

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Fire spinning in Krakow, Poland. Photo by Eric Francis.

The New Moon is conjunct the asteroid Vesta. The brightest asteroid, and also one of the most complex, it describes some of humanity’s most profound gifts and its deepest shadows. Her theme is service, though when Vesta is in the picture so prominently, there’s the question of whether the needs of one who offers himself or herself are met. Vesta seems to insist on total devotion, though we walk the line between that and sacrifice.

Vesta’s symbol is a chevron with a flame and is symbolic to the goddess Vesta, the Vestal Virgins of Roman times, and the sacred flame they would tend and never let go out. The real devotion that the astrological Vesta represents is to the inner fire that we all carry, the creative and sexual passion at the core of everyone.

Yet because our culture tends to corrupt the topics that Vesta honors, she can represent a diversity of shadow themes — shame, for instance, or the obsession with appearance and glamour — and that in turn can point to where we are distracted from true inner devotion.

In this chart, the Vesta New Moon is square the asteroid Psyche in Scorpio, calling for a real inner investigation of our erotic psyche, which connects directly to our sense of existence. This connection is often overlooked. Vesta is shining a light on this inquiry, opening up access to the sacred space of self.

The Aquarius Full Moon takes place on Aug. 20. It’s the second Aquarius Full Moon, since the Sun and Moon also opposed each other immediately after the Sun entered Leo on July 22. The Sun and the Moon reach opposition at the end of the Sun’s run through Leo, giving the event an edgy quality. This is often true of the Sun’s last days in a sign, though especially if there is a significant solar-lunar event right then.

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Leo New Moon conjunct Vesta, set for Kingston, NY.

Minor planets are involved — the Sun is conjunct Ceres and the Moon is conjunct Nessus. The subject matter here involves the ways in which complex emotions become subject to power struggles. We are so accustomed to this in our relationships that many people will tell you it’s normal: for example, the notion that if you have deep feelings you can expect someone to use them against you.

There is a special caution to be aware of power dynamics between mothers and daughters. These can be difficult to identify, especially if the dynamics have continued unconsciously for generations. Discerning that will take some special honesty or a knack for the obvious. Honoring the independence of young women, including the right, responsibility and necessity to make mistakes, is an essential message of this chart.

In the background of this astrology is the grand water trine. Jupiter is now in Cancer; so too is Mars. Chiron and Neptune are in Pisces. Saturn and the North Node are in Scorpio.

The message: everything has an underlying emotional dimension, and that’s the one that will dominate the experience of being alive. Emotional contact is essential, which means getting these subjects off of the intellectual level and liberating the emotional level from our obsession with obsession.

Water in any form moves; where there is a blockage, look for where it’s necessary to let go and let flow. The grand water trine needs to be handled consciously and carefully — it’s like a whirlpool. It’s easy to get drawn into, and difficult to get out of, so you must be careful as you experience and express your emotions.

I suggest you invest extra energy into understanding what you are feeling and what other people are feeling, remembering that there is a difference between the two. Honoring that difference is called having boundaries, though it’s more often said than done. The month begins with a beautiful New Moon encouraging you to define your own space, set your purpose and recognize that you cannot help others if you don’t help yourself.

That said, being of service to others and to humanity can be a healthy way into a larger world and into true participation. It’s a way to honor the existence that we all share, and the mutual presence we all thrive on.


Planet Waves

Garry Davis: The World is My Country

We don’t care what flag you’re waving
We don’t even wanna know your name
— John Lennon

Most people have not heard of Garry Davis, but many have wondered about the key concept that defined his life: what if there were no countries?

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Garry Davis as an earnest young man, with one of his self-issued world passports.

One spring afternoon in 1948, Davis, a former Army pilot, walked into the American embassy in Paris, renounced his citizenship and declared himself a citizen of the world. He believed that if there were no nation-states, there would be no wars.

Davis died last week at the age of 92 in Burlington, Vermont, which he called home for the past 20 years. He may not have been the first person to ask why we need national boundaries, but he was one of the most successful at transcending them.

He somehow traveled extensively using a self-made passport, and his organization, the World Service Authority, issued more than 2.5 million World Government documents. He lectured on college campuses around the world, spreading the gospel of a world without nationalism.

“The nation-state is a political fiction which perpetuates anarchy and is the breeding ground of war,” he told The Daily Yomiuri, an English-language newspaper in Japan, in 1990. “Allegiance to a nation is a collective suicide pact.” He worked colorfully and tirelessly for 65 years to promote the idea that all persons born on our planet should have the right to travel anywhere on Earth without restriction.

Jailed many times for related, but somewhat innocuous infractions, Davis risked his own freedom to insist that all persons everywhere have universal equal rights and liberties, personal sovereignty, and total freedom to roam the Earth at will and live wherever they choose.

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Noon chart for Garry Davis. Noon charts work really well when you don’t know the birth time. The first question nearly any astrologer would ask about Davis is: what’s in his 9th house? Many, many planets.

He created a manifesto outlining his philosophy and One World doctrine, the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” His best-known book, The World is My Country, was published in 1961. Many others followed.

Davis was born with the Sun in Leo, arranged in such a way that by the time he was 14 years old, he had experienced many, many events that turned him into a worldly person.

He had several events with several planets in Cancer, the sign of home and security. These included Pluto, Mercury, Mars and the asteroid of politics and government, Pallas. These planets represent a kind of grounded self-sufficiency.

He had plenty of Aries, which gives a dauntless, pioneering spirit: a conjunction of Chiron and Nessus, plus the South Node and (though we don’t know his birth time) his Moon in the last degree of that sign.

One of the most distinguishing features of his chart was being born during the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of 1921, which was in Virgo. Big events and big people emerge under this conjunction; each time they happen represents the turnover of a new phase in history.

No doubt he saw his life that way. Read more about Garry Davis in his New York Times obituary, which made page one of the Sunday paper this week.


Planet Waves

Ambassadors to Islamic Countries Gone Fishin’

U.S. embassies in a slew of Muslim countries will close on Sunday due to what’s being billed as a credible and serious security threat, many news outlets are reporting Friday.

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Brings back memories…

The embassies will close in response to “a specific threat against a U.S. embassy or consulate,” according to a senior U.S. official, who told ABC News that there was a “concerted effort” to target an embassy or consulate in a Muslim country. “We just don’t know which one,” the official said.

“There could be other targets, not just embassies,” another U.S. official said. The threat is considered to be throughout the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia.

Some of the biggest U.S. embassies will close, including those in Egypt, Iraq, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait, where tens of thousands of U.S. troops are based. The U.S. embassy in Afghanistan will also close.

So will embassies in Dhaka, Bangladesh; Amman, Jordan; Muscat, Oman; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Algiers, Algeria; Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Sana’a, Yemen; and Tripoli, Libya, according to security warnings issued by those embassies. Two consulates in Saudi Arabia will also close, in Dharan and Jeddah, as will a consulate in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


Planet Waves

Gut Reaction: Why is Roundup Toxic?

Monsanto and the rest of the chemical industry assert that Roundup, also called glyphosate, is only minimally harmful. But new research is demonstrating exactly why the world’s most popular plant killer is seriously toxic — which is less about what it does to people and more about what it does to the bacteria that we rely upon to stay healthy.

This is troubling given the cycle of an ever-increasing volume of crops engineered to withstand Roundup, leading to ever-increasing use of the chemical.

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Bacteria are your friends.

Medical science is finally figuring out how important intestinal flora are to the immune system. The trillions of bacteria resident in our intestines don’t just break down food — they synthesize many nutrients and support the body’s ability to keep disease in check.

Microbes play other vital roles in our biology. A recent New York Times Magazine cover story described them as a second genetic code, one that is fragile, in constant flux and subject to environmental factors.

“Our resident microbes also appear to play a critical role in training and modulating our immune system, helping it to accurately distinguish between friend and foe and not go nuts on, well, nuts and all sorts of other potential allergens. Some researchers believe that the alarming increase in autoimmune diseases in the West may owe to a disruption in the ancient relationship between our bodies and their ‘old friends’ — the microbial symbionts [mutual cooperators] with whom we coevolved,” Michael Pollan wrote in that article.

It’s in this context that Roundup is especially dangerous. While the industry claims that the herbicide has little effect on mammals, it’s designed to kill plants — and the plants that it kills include intestinal flora and other microbes.

A recent study conducted by Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff, researchers at MIT, found clear evidence that glyphosate disrupts gut bacteria. In addition to the amino acid effects that Monsanto acknowledges it affects, researchers found that it also suppresses essential enzymes necessary to the health of intestinal flora. In other words, Roundup disrupts intestinal flora and compromises our immune systems — and does a lot more damage than that.

The MIT study concluded that the consequences of the effects of glyphosate on human gut bacteria “are most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet, which include gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.”

The researchers note that 80% of genetically modified crops, particularly corn, soy, canola, cotton, sugar beets and most recently alfalfa, are specifically targeted towards the introduction of genes resistant to glyphosate, the so-called ‘Roundup Ready’ feature.

That means that the crops will contain more Roundup, particularly now that the patent has expired and anyone can manufacture it. In light of this, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) just raised the allowable residue limits of glyphosate in human and animal food. Under the ruling, the allowed glyphosate level in animal feed will rise to 100 parts per million (ppm) and 40 ppm in oilseed crops.

From Monsanto’s perspective, as ever, the solution is not to lower exposures but to say that more exposure is less dangerous.


Planet Waves

Tiny Plastic Pellets Contaminating Great Lakes

Did you know those little microbeads in your beauty products were made of polyethylene plastic? They are, and enough of them are finding their way from your bathwater to the Great Lakes (and presumably, other waterways) to make them a significant source of pollution.

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It pays to read those labels. Are you using facial and bodycare products with plastic or natural, biodegradable exfoliating ingredients? Photo: 5 Gyres Institute.

Researchers with 5 Gyres Institute, a non-profit California-based environmental activist group, collected samples from lakes Erie, Superior and Huron last summer and found large quantities of round, plastic pellets, less than a millimeter in size. Similar pellets have already been found in ocean water. The pellets are used in products that wash away dead skin, such as body washes and scrubs.

“They matched the same size, color, texture and shape of the microbeads found in popular consumer products,” said the group’s executive director, Marcus Eriksen.

The Great Lakes are the largest surface freshwater system on Earth. Fish in the lakes can easily confuse the pellets with natural food, becoming a hazard to themselves and humans who eat the fish. There’s no easy way to remove the pellets; plastic does not break down, drift to shore, or absorb chemicals that would allow it to drop to the lake bottoms.

The group presented its findings to Johnson & Johnson and Proctor & Gamble Co. P&G plans to phase out the beads by 2017, while Johnson & Johnson told the group it has already begun the phase-out of polyethylene microbeads in their existing products and is looking for environmentally friendly substitutions.

“We won without having to go through a legislative battle,” Eriksen said, “which no one wants to do.” A resourceful use of time and energy all the way around — and a lesson in examining environmental impact before products go to market.


Planet Waves

Not Exactly “Sex and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”

On Monday, the governor of North Carolina, Pat McCrory, signed a sweeping anti-abortion bill into law — measures that had been quietly tacked onto a bill about motorcycle safety. (Planet Waves first reported on this here.)

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Pro-choice supporters try to get passing motorists to honk during a vigil in front of the governor’s mansion in Raleigh, North Carolina on Monday. Photo: Chris Seward/News Observer.

Included among the anti-choice restrictions is a ban of abortion coverage in the state health insurance exchange, effectively eliminating abortion coverage for state employees. State officials will also be directed to issue new standards for abortion clinics that will be impossible for most to meet — a trend in many states.

On Monday, pro-choice demonstrators held a 12-hour vigil across from the governor’s mansion, with at least one other planned for earlier this week in addition to the Moral Monday protests. Activists are accusing Gov. McCrory of reneging on his 2012 campaign promise not to approve any new restrictions on abortion access.

“This law does not further limit access and those who contend it does are more interested in politics than the health and safety of our citizens,” McCrory said in a statement.

Sound like doublespeak? McCrory also contends that the law “will result in safer conditions for North Carolina women.” Sure, if you feel safer having your health care options dictated by someone else simply because it gives you one less thing to have to decide for yourself. Just like being a little girl again.

Across the country, states have adopted 43 new restrictions on access to abortion in the first half of this year. That’s the second-highest number ever at the midyear mark, according to the Guttmacher Institute.


Planet Waves

To View or Not to View “Sensitive” Websites — Who Decides?

If you live in the United Kingdom and sign up with an ISP (Internet Service Provider) next year, be sure to check its filtering system. Otherwise, you may not know what you’re missing.

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Photo by Sally06/Flickr under Creative Commons license.

Major ISPs, at the behest of the U.K. government, in 2014 will be putting filters for legal pornography and other sensitive subjects on domestic Internet connections. The filters will be turned on automatically if you leave a “yes” box checked on the parental controls filter.

The ISPs — which originally wanted no preset defaults, with customers specifying whether they wanted filters or not — will write to their existing customers, asking if they want to turn on filters.

Other types of sites filtered out include websites related to eating disorders, suicide, alcohol, smoking and “esoteric” subjects. (Presumably the definition of “esoteric” is left up to the ISP, and Planet Waves could qualify.) Some smaller ISPs have refused to comply.

The U.K. government claims this is an attempt to control what types of sites children have access to, and to curb child pornography and the sexual abuse of children, according to a BBC article. Yet some groups, such as the Open Rights Group, see it as “sleepwalking into censorship.”

“We know that people stick with defaults: this is part of the idea behind ‘nudge theory’ and ‘choice architecture’ that is popular with [U.K. Prime Minister] Cameron,” said the group’s blog.

“The implication is that filtering is good, or at least harmless, for anyone, whether adult or child. Of course, this is not true; there’s not just the question of false positives for web users, but the effect on a network economy of excluding a proportion of a legitimate website’s audience.”

The Open Rights Group has started a petition you can sign calling on Cameron to drop his plans for default Internet filtering.


Planet Waves

Manning Acquitted of “Aiding the Enemy”

Pfc. Bradley Manning is not guilty of aiding the enemy for his release of hundreds of thousands of military and diplomatic documents to WikiLeaks, including the notorious “Collateral Murder” video, a military judge ruled this week.

Manning was still found guilty of six counts of violating the Espionage Act of 1917 and most other charges against him.

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Big Bad Bradley Manning, dwarfed by his governmental handlers on Tuesday. Photo: Jim Lo Scalzo/European Pressphoto Agency.

But Tuesday’s ruling comes as a strong rebuke to military prosecutors who would like to turn investigative reporting into a form of terrorism.

If Manning was not “aiding the enemy,” then he’s technically not an enemy in the War on Terror, right? If he was not aiding the enemy why has Manning been tortured for what amount to bureaucratic crimes?

The judge’s decision denied “the prosecution’s effort to launch the most dangerous assault on investigative journalism and the free press in the area of national security that we have seen in decades,” according to Harvard law professor Yochai Benkler, who testified in Manning’s defense.

Manning’s sentencing phase began on Wednesday, and could take weeks. Supporters do not expect him to receive the 136-year maximum sentence, given the “lack of actual damage” caused — despite his being an enemy to the War on Journalism.

Ed Snowden Officially Defects to Russia

Edward Snowden, who leaked information about the NSA spying program this spring (which program apparently has only stopped one terror plot), was finally allowed to leave the Moscow airport where he has been stuck for five weeks after leaving Hong Kong in search of political asylum.

Snowden left Sheremetyevo Airport at 3:30 pm Wednesday after his lawyer, Anatoly G. Kucherena, delivered to him a passport-like document issued by the Federal Migration Service. It is valid for one year.
Snowden now has permission to live and work in Russia — putting him out of reach of U.S. prosecutors. It’s unclear whether he will owe federal income taxes to the IRS as a Russian resident.

White House press secretary Jay Carney expressed the Obama administration’s disappointment at Russia’s refusal to kneel before U.S. demands. It remains to be seen whether Obama will cancel his upcoming trip to Moscow in September, which is to say, we have yet to see the extent to which a low-level NSA analyst has single-handedly taken over world superpower relations.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Hard to dance to, but it gets a ‘10′ for its awareness of social-sensory-technological rhythms, and their re-patterning of our existence. “I was, and am, very concerned about how data technologies change the texture of everyday life,” says artist Brian House, “whether it’s surveillance by the state or the commodification of reified time — all these photos and ‘likes’ that drive Facebook.” Image: video still.

Notes For the Quotidian Record

His project pre-dates Edward Snowden’s revelations about the extent of the U.S. government’s data-tracking of its citizens, but artist Brian House is getting increasing attention for his audio-art project, “Quotidian Record,” as a result nonetheless.

Completed during his summer 2012 residency at Eyebeam Art and Technology Center, House has taken his own personal tracking data and made 11 minutes of electronic music with it, on vinyl. Each revolution of the record represents one of the 365 documented days in a year.

Asked in a Huffington Post interview why he chose music over visual art, House replied, “Images are suited for analysis, you take however long you need to visually decode the information. But music is something that is felt intuitively in the moment. That became a key aspect of the piece, and motivated the choice of vinyl as a form and the insistence on it being experienced tactilely, on a turntable.”


Planet Waves

Vesta New Moon and What is a Scandal?

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I describe the Leo New Moon conjunct Vesta, a discussion which leads nicely into the sex scandals involving former NY Gov. Elliot Spitzer, former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner (now a candidate for mayor of New York City) and Bob Filner, mayor of San Diego. After a music break by the band Big Spoon, I talk about my work on a new article about a lawsuit involving the Grandmother Land. If you like this kind of programming, you can encourage and facilitate our work by becoming a member of Planet Waves FM.

There’s an interesting discussion of the podcast developing on the Planet Waves blog.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The extended monthly horoscopes for August were published Friday, July 26. Inner Space for August is published below in this issue. On Tuesday, July 16, we published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon. We will be publishing the Moonshine horoscopes for the Leo New Moon on Tuesday, Aug. 6. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscopes on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2013 | By Eric Francis
This week’s horoscope is Inner Space Monthly, standing in for Weekly Horoscope 961. The Leo New Moon is Tuesday, Aug. 6 at 5:50 pm EDT. This event is synchronous with the midsummer festival Lunesa, also known as First Harvest or Second Planting. The New Moon is conjunct the asteroid Vesta, which is about hearth, home, personal boundaries and sense of mission. The Aquarius Full Moon is Tuesday, Aug. 20. The Full Moon is conjunct the centaur Nessus and opposite the asteroid Ceres. This is a study in mother-daughter relationships, control dramas and resolving emotional codependency. This event could come with some message to mom that in some form states, “It’s my life.” There may seem to be a question about what to do with a legacy on this theme from the past. Here’s the question to ask: “For how many generations has this gone on?”

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — What do you offer in your sexual relationships and what do you get back? There may seem to be a situation wherein you do all the giving, and where someone else benefits. Have you found yourself in this situation before? You seem to be in the role of sexual healer. That’s someone who engages in erotic experiences primarily for the benefit of others. Your role is to hold space for them, which is a high-consciousness experience. At the same time there’s part of you that craves the experiences you want — yet you will learn more and deepen your relationships by offering rare experiences to others, or to someone in particular. Reach for a deep understanding of what your partner or someone you care about needs and offer that to them as a conscious act of generosity and healing.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — When a house is designed with the kitchen at the center, it has a point of focus and feels more like home. This is an old tradition from when the hearth had to be at the center of a structure. The hearth provided warmth, energy for cooking, a gathering point and was a kind of utilitarian spiritual center of the home (a lot more interesting than most stoves). There is some experience that may benefit from using this as a metaphor. Something, someone or some experience needs to be kept at the center of your life, and everything else organized around it. This is likely to involve your physical home, who is welcome there and whether they feel comfortable — beginning with you. The message of the stars this month is to fully occupy your space and keep your home fires burning bright.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You have been through an interesting tour of your feelings about yourself. You seem to have considered this from every possible point of view, and I think that’s a beautiful (and necessary) thing for a conscious person. You’re now at the point where it would be good to ask yourself what you’ve learned, because you will need to make decisions based on that mix of information and experience. You may encounter something that seems like a test of your self-worth. But once you get there, remember all that you’ve learned so recently. Remember that confidence comes from the heart and not the head; don’t try to convince yourself of anything — be courageous and look whoever in the eye and know that you can do not just what you need to do, but what you want to do.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Be conscious of when you’re trying to enhance how you feel about yourself by altering externals — your appearance, for example, or making sure that people know your accomplishments. There’s a place and time for those things, but at the moment, your astrology is about orienting from the inside out. Consider this: If you emphasize your appearance in some way, that’s taking consciousness from your interior reality. Experiment with this to see it in action. You’re not valued by others because your appearance is so good, or so acceptable, or because your flaws are hidden. You are accepted because you are who you are, the more so the bolder you are about it. Consider that a focus on externals, no matter how shiny, dulls something about your interior, while focus on your inner fire is how you can shine.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

Planet Waves

Leo readers: you can read a little more about your 2013-2014 birthday reading here — or go straight to this page to take advantage of the $19.95 pre-order price. That’s a savings of $10 on an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric Francis.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You cannot be totally committed part of the time — such is a bit of wisdom from A Course in Miracles. Obviously you cannot do everything all of the time, but commitment is, above all, a state of mind. It’s a relationship to existence. It’s where the concepts ‘devotion to yourself’, ‘devotion to others’, and ‘devotion to a cause’ merge into one idea — because they are the same idea. Your inner alignment is the focal point of your relationship to existence. Your astrology is describing you as centered in that relationship, and if you observe yourself and focus your attention there, you can answer many of your own questions about who you are, what you want to be doing and why. It’s not even possible to pretend — knowing that will make your life much simpler.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Is there a secret that you’re hiding from yourself? I don’t mean something you’re denying; I mean something you’re concealing from your awareness. Rather than looking for that thing, I suggest you look for the motive you might have. For example, if you fully consider something, what decisions might that lead you to make? If you admit something to yourself, what would you have to say to others about it? There may be some tension between your inner reality and the outer effects if you allow that to come fully into your consciousness. I would propose that the result of allowing your inner reality to the surface would be a form of strength and power that you’re not accustomed to, and that you might consider scary. But is it really? You will never know unless you allow it to happen.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You still may not be fully in harmony with the extent to which you’re perceived as a leader. I don’t mean a boss, though that may be true. I mean someone in a position of moral authority, someone who is a reference point for right and wrong. As such, it’s essential that you question yourself, and that those questions lead somewhat directly to useful information. It’s clear that you’re doubting something about yourself, indeed, it’s likely that you’re obsessed with your doubts. But that’s not a direct path to knowledge — it seems more like a diversion. If something doesn’t have an answer, it may not be a valid question. This one doubt may be covering your deeper faith in yourself. Set it aside for a few days and look at yourself from another point of view.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — I suggest you make a list of every mistake you’ve made more than three times. Stick to the big ones — the ones involving your career, your family, your sense of purpose; mistakes involving authority figures, the government, and how you think of your place in society. My question for you is: can you spot any pattern that they all share? Is there some underlying energy, idea or belief that you’re allowing to misguide you? Here’s a more challenging question: what would you have to give up if you start making better decisions? Your chart says that you’re being called to service in a big way. True, you might consider helping people match their shoes to their dress a form of service, but I would submit that may be better suited for your list of mistakes. You have a purpose, it is significant, and it’s beautiful — all you need to do is get out of your own way.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — There is an I Ching hexagram (number 41) called Decreasing. Really, it means concentrating. I think of the energy of this hexagram as being about cutting back on what is not necessary, trimming back your energy field and focusing on what is important — with a view toward the long run. That is what your charts are about now. Tidy up any fires that are burning out of control; keep your flame concentrated and contained. Use your heat and energy consciously. While you’re at it, organize the kitchen, clean out one cupboard, scrub the teakettle and toss out anything that doesn’t belong in your refrigerator. Focus on doing what is necessary using less energy than you usually do, but using it more meaningfully. Your confidence will grow and in the process you will discover some unexpected form of success.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There seem to be two parallel worlds in your relationships. One looks like passion and chaos, complete with mixed signals flying in all directions, bright light, dark shadows, passion and repulsion. In a parallel world there is focus, devotion, purpose and clarity. There is the honoring of what is vital and what is real. There is a conscious relationship to tradition, with everyone doing their part to uphold something that’s older than everyone involved. I would propose that your life would be easier if you were to choose one of these worlds rather than trying to live in both at the same time. I can understand wanting elements of both, but not making up your mind is denying you either of them. Here is a clue: they have a lot in common; but in one, the passion is in a more accessible, available form.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There are times when your calling is undeniable. If you’re not one of those people who feels this every day, get ready to experience it over the next five or six weeks. That said, if you’re unaccustomed to the idea of a calling, you may need to get used to the challenge involved. I know there’s plenty of modern mythology around ‘do what you want and everything will work out’, and I am aware that some people report that happening. More people say something like: ‘had I known what would be involved, I might not have attempted it, but in retrospect I’m very glad that I did’. That more or less sums up your moment. You are being guided, if not by ease, then by meaning; you are being invited not into the familiar, tried and true, but into the authentic unknown.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — If there’s one pitfall to the otherwise brilliant astrology that’s blessing you right now, it involves making the choice to send clear signals. You have both Neptune and Chiron in your sign; you can express yourself as either of them or as a blend of both. Neptune is dreamy and is not exactly the deacon of firm commitment. Chiron is on mission, focused and alert, but can come off as having rough edges or something to prove. Healthy Neptune serves to cultivate a vision. Healthy Chiron focuses on healing, which is then conveyed into creativity and a sense of commitment that you want to express in real ways. I suggest you borrow the best elements of both planets, which work beautifully together. Use Chiron to focus your vision. Use Neptune to help you dream a little — in truth so much is possible.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

Beyond the Comfort Zone

Dear Friend and Reader:

This was one of those weeks when it takes a team to keep up with the news. Ours has been in high-focus mode. In our prior edition, we left off right before last week’s one-two solstice-Capricorn Full Moon. Then this past Tuesday, Jupiter entered Cancer for the first time since July 12, 2001. Mercury stationed retrograde Wednesday morning, about 12 hours later. It will be retrograde till July 20.

Planet Waves
Last weekend’s Capricorn Full Moon rises over New York Harbor. Photo by Julio Cortez / AP.

Much of our current astrology involves the eminently personal sign Cancer, where energy has been concentrated around the Aries Point and, consequently, many personal transitions and upheavals over the past few days.

Cancer is a comfort zone and quite a bit of astrology has been shaking up that little refuge. Yet Jupiter’s ingress indicates some significant improvements and a stabilizing factor, which will be more noticeable after the waters of transition settle down a bit.

The public realm has been a kaleidoscope of issues, a full-on example of the 2012-era phenomenon of everything, all at once. It’s too much for most people to handle, though the events make interesting patterns. It’s one of those moments when it’s hard to tell if the world is getting better, worse, both or all three at once.

This is a dramatization of the Uranus-Pluto square — the 2012-era aspect, now at a peak of energy.

In Texas this week, Republicans continued their assault on women’s reproductive rights, attempting to close nearly all women’s health clinics and in practical terms, all but ban abortion. Under the moral leadership of Gov. Rick Perry, who was a contender for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, they have mounted a new offensive against women. And while Perry has led the charge to “respect life” and is speaking today at the Right to Life convention, on Wednesday evening Texas executed Kimberly McCarthy, its 500th prisoner since 1976 and its 261st on Rick Perry’s 13-year watch as governor.

Meanwhile, Republicans in the Texas senate tried to scam passage of the proposed law SB5, claiming the vote was concluded Tuesday before the midnight deadline rather than Wednesday after midnight. They were blocked by an actual 11-hour filibuster by Sen. Wendy Davis, then busted for trying to alter state documents, in part thanks to citizen reporters who live-tweeted the whole thing.

It was the perfect Mercury retrograde moment, happening about six hours before Mercury changed directions. The New York Times originally reported on its front page that the law “appeared” to pass, then the story disappeared. Perry, who says he’ll be back for another round, has among other things succeeded at reviving a comatose Democratic Party in Texas. He accused Sen. Davis of “hijacking the democratic process.”

And in comments late this week, he added: “Even the woman who filibustered in the senate the other day was born into difficult circumstances,” Perry said. “It’s just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters.”

Planet Waves
Just hours before Mercury stationed retrograde, The New York Times published this story on its front page — then the story disappeared and was rewritten.

The implication was, she should be glad she was not aborted as a fetus. [Watch the full video here.]

China is about to dump tons of chlorofluorocarbons into the air — the stuff that damages the Earth’s protective ozone layer (please see ECO). Pres. Obama, in a big speech, finally warned the nation about global warming and promised to do something about it, nearly five years into his term.

As far as we know, NSA leaker Edward Snowden is probably still in a Moscow airport after leaving Hong Kong last week, and is awaiting a decision on political asylum that he has sought in Ecuador. WikiLeaks got itself involved, and is providing him with legal resources, assistance securing safe passage and apparently contacts in Ecuador. That put WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange back into the news; he is still living in Ecuador’s London embassy.

In Florida, the murder trial of George Zimmerman is underway. He is the Neighborhood Watch guy who stalked teenager Trayvon Martin, then shot him at point blank range, claiming self-defense.

The list goes on and on — and includes four landmark decisions issued by the Supreme Court that came out this week, all of them on the general theme of ‘equality’. They all have their roots in the events of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the 1960s, to which we are energetically connected by the Uranus-Pluto square of our own era.

One of this week’s rulings involved the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which came at the end of what’s known as Jim Crow — a century-long era of institutionalized racism that persisted after slavery ended. We are still to this day working out the legacy of the global human trafficking industry, the slave trade from Africa.

In the summer of 1964, Freedom Summer to be exact, three civil rights volunteers — Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney — were murdered in Philadelphia, Mississippi, by local Klansmen, cops and a sheriff. There were many, many other schemes to block or intimidate poor southerners from voting, from “literacy tests” to “poll taxes,” and the murders were set in that context; they were a warning.

Pres. Lyndon Johnson and Congress responded by passing the Voting Rights Act, part of which required certain states with a history of racial issues to subject any proposed changes to voting laws to pre-approval by the federal Department of Justice.

Planet Waves
Pres. Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

This actually worked pretty well, but the Supreme Court this week voided that provision after 48 years, claiming that Congress didn’t really know what it was doing when it reauthorized the act in 2007, that times had changed, that racism isn’t so bad now, and so on.

The court, in one of its usual (of late) swing-vote-decided 5-4 rulings, now allows states with a history of racism to proceed with their voter discrimination projects unchecked.

This change comes after many recent election cycles where one of the top issues has been the attempt to block minorities from voting through various schemes such as voter ID laws, disallowing voting on Sundays and others.

To me it seems like the law needed to be expanded in scope (to places like Ohio and Pennsylvania) rather than be eliminated.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who dissented from the majority, accused the court of “throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.”

In another decision, the court revised the way colleges and universities may organize their affirmative action programs, allowing the concept of diversity but saying that it had to be done in a race-neutral way. Since I no longer edit the New York Education Law Report and you’re probably not an admissions dean, I will spare you the details.

Beyond One Man and One Woman

The most celebrated decisions of the week involved same-sex marriage. As you’ve probably heard, the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the first federal law to address marriage, and one that openly disparaged lesbian and gay people.

Passed during the reign of serial infidels Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich, the law forbade the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriage. DOMA defined marriage as exclusively between “one man and one woman.” In 1996 when DOMA was passed, same-sex marriage was not legal in any jurisdiction. This was merely a prophylactic measure.

Planet Waves
It’s the height of irony that Gingrich and Clinton created the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. Both are infamous for multiple affairs, and Gingrich for serial polygamy. Photo by Ruth Fremson.

DOMA’s proponents were trying to foreclose in advance on same-sex marriage, but they also took the initiative on polyamorous (also called plural) marriage. I’ve always thought that required some foresight, though as we will read in a moment, DOMA advocates had considerably more vision than many polyamorous people.

The DOMA case that made it to the Supreme Court was actually an IRS action: a lesbian whose partner of 40 years had died was forced to pay $350,000 in federal estate taxes that she would not have paid had her marriage been recognized by the federal government.

That is to say, she was taxed $350,000 for allegedly being single. But the real equal protection issue seems to be why people get paid that much money to be married, no matter to whom. Single people pay substantially more in taxes than married people, which seems to be a direct form of discrimination, affirms the business transaction aspect of marriage, and provides a false incentive to get married.

Minutes after the DOMA ruling, the Supreme Court also ruled on California’s Proposition 8 initiative, which in 2008 banned same-sex marriage in California. This initiative was funded and supported with considerable personnel by the Mormon Church.

The situation goes back to another public initiative from 2000, called Proposition 22, which also banned same-sex marriage, but was held to violate the California state constitution. So the Mormons came back eight years later with a proposition to amend the state constitution — that was Prop 8. [The super curious and judicial freaks may find a nice timeline here.]

The story of the litigation is so complex it would take me about 1,500 words to get it right — I will skip most of it. But I will sum it up.

Planet Waves
Wedding photo of Edith Schlain Windsor and Thea Clara Spyer.

Because of Proposition 8, Kristin Perry was denied a marriage license to marry her partner Sandra Stier. So they sued then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to challenge the provision. But neither he nor anyone else in the state government was willing to defend such a ridiculous constitutional amendment.

The court system allowed the Mormon front-group inventors of Proposition 8 — Dennis Hollingsworth, the leader of, and a rival group, Campaign for California Families — to intervene on behalf of the state as the defendants.

After a trial, U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker, in a truly brilliant decision, struck down Proposition 8 on Aug. 4, 2010 for being “unconstitutional under the Due Process Clause because no compelling state interest justifies denying same-sex couples the fundamental right to marry.”

What was interesting is that lawyers from both the conservative and liberal sides of the fence joined together to fight Prop 8. Lead co-counsel were Ted Olson, former solicitor general under George W. Bush, and “superlawyer” David Boies. In the famous Bush v. Gore case, Olson represented Bush and Boyes represented Gore.

The trial court decision was appealed, and the 9th Circuit appellate panel affirmed the trial court’s decision, holding that Proposition 8 served no purpose “but to impose on gays and lesbians, through the public law, a majority’s private disapproval of them and their relationships.”

Planet Waves
Vaughn Walker served as a federal judge in Northern California from 1989-2011 (retiring as chief judge).

This week the Supreme Court agreed, and then it threw out the whole case on the basis that the pro-marriage groups who were acting on behalf of state officials lacked standing to be involved — and told them never to come back.

While this ruling does not make it mandatory for states to approve same-sex marriage, Conservative Philosopher King Senior Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, who is no friend to gay people, gay rights or gay anything, said in a dissent that in effect, this ruling opens the way to same-sex marriage throughout the United States.

He even gave a simple legal formula that will help the proponents of gay marriage colonize even states that don’t recognize same-sex marriages.
Scalia, who angrily dissented from the majority, was in true form for this case. If you want to read some of the best quotes from his dissent, here’s a link from Mother Jones. Notably, when the court struck down sodomy laws in the 2003 Lawrence v. Texas case, Scalia predicted that it would lead to same-sex marriage.

Beyond the Nuclear Family

At a family gathering sometime in the early 2000s, I joked that same-sex marriage was great, but we would really be making progress when I was allowed to marry a man and a woman. This was part social satire and part coming out — and fortunately most of my family appreciates both aspects of who I am.

The “one man, one woman” part of the same-sex marriage ban has always struck me as funny.

The language seems to come from DOMA (though it may originate earlier, this seems to be the first time it appears in legislation). I’ve always thought that was proactive of the defenders of marriage, who must have heard of polyamory or at least polygamy. It’s even funnier that the Mormons are the ones who were so busy defending traditional marriage when everyone associates them with polygamy.

Planet Waves
The Schumard family, circa 1955 — an image of the American nuclear family, which replaced the extended family, which replaced the tribe. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

Why not extend marriage to three women, two women and a man, two men and a woman or three men and a baby?

I think that DOMA and Proposition 8 both falling flat is an invitation to anyone who supports nontraditional relationships to claim a victory — and to claim some territory in public consciousness. It’s inevitable that the polyamory issue will come to the surface sooner or later, and that the gay rights movement paved the road on which it will drive, built the rest stops, wrote the driving manual and packed a picnic lunch.

I think that polyamorous is the new queer. If that is true, it’s on the way to being the new (or old) normal.

I asked my fellow thinkers in the poly movement for their impressions of how this week’s cases impacted polyamorous people.

“I feel overturning DOMA is a step in the right direction and I am thrilled for the many same-sex couples that will be positively affected by this decision,” said Robyn Trask, executive director of Loving More, an organization that advocates for alternative relationships.

“Is it a step toward plural marriage? I am skeptical as it is a complicated issue and begs the question: should marriage be regulated at all? I know many polyamorists would choose to marry more than one if it were legal and that, by the laws of some states, many are violating the law since co-habitation is in some states considered common law marriage,” she said, adding, “I think individuals should have the choice of who they love, how they commit and to how many.”

Trask believes that the matter is larger than same-sex marriage; it extends into the concept of what a family is — and that concept is changing.

“The right to family of choice is really what is at stake and that some legal protections should extend to people in multi-partnered marriage. Unfortunately too many of us in the polyamory community have been afraid to even bring up the subject, we are still afraid of job discrimination and other issues like child custody,” she said.

Planet Waves
Loving More magazine cover focusing on children in polyamorous situations — one of the main topics discussed by the poly community.

“Many people are in the closet and most are not willing to support an effort to demand equality and recognition of polyamory as an orientation and a viable choice in relationships and families. We as a movement are in our infancy with nothing acting as a catalyst to bring us together in a cohesive way. Too many of us simply stick our head in the sand and are not willing to take the risks needed to gain acceptance and recognition. We can’t even agree on the definition of polyamory and throw fits when someone dares to define it as loving relationships” as opposed to sex for its own sake.

I also heard back from Jessica Karels, the co-founder of Modern Poly, a polyamory advocacy and education organization.

“Historically marriage has been a financial transaction that secured alliances among families, in which a woman’s ability to produce legitimate heirs was among the items traded,” Karels said.

“Only in the past few centuries have people intentionally married for love, but it was only in the past century that women have started to ascend from property to partner in a marriage.”

“By keeping the nuclear family as the norm, we place the obligation of raising children on the biological parents rather than on the community that they will later benefit. Our culture enforces this model by limiting financial resources to mothers, especially single mothers.

“The United States is especially guilty of this, as we are the only first-world country that does not make paid maternity leave mandatory. Legislation to restrict women’s access to reproductive health care further enforces this system by forcing fertile women into motherhood lacking community support, or into a partnership based on financial need rather than wholly on love and commitment.”

Karels sees a potential evolution from same-sex marriage to a wider concept of family because it rearranges gender roles and outside help is required if the same-sex couple wants to have a biological child.

Planet Waves

“Recent steps towards marriage equality could have a larger cultural impact than we can imagine. Same-sex marriage, by its very nature, denies the traditional gender roles that are a part of the nuclear family model — the very same gender roles that have justified the oppression of women throughout history.

“A same-sex couple requires outside assistance in order to become parents — be it a surrogate mother, a sperm donor, or a mother giving up her child for adoption. In some instances, the adult who provided ‘biological aid’ becomes a member of the family of sorts and helps with caring for and raising the child. This triple-parenting based on need can lead to multiple-adult parenting based on choice and love — an evolution of family from nuclear to community.”

I will let Jessica have the last word.


Note to Readers — I have done a detailed reading of NSA leaker Edward Snowden’s natal chart on The Mountain Astrologer’s blog. It’s open to everyone. The comments are interesting, too.

Another Note to Readers — We will be on a holiday schedule next week. The Friday issue will be a horoscope only. I plan to do a reading of the U.S. chart on Planet Waves FM.

Another Other Note to Readers — Briefs below are written by Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck and Eric Francis with research by Carol van Strum, Len Wallick and others. Cam Hassard contributed a brief on this week’s wild politics in Australia that I will publish as soon as possible.


Planet Waves

Uranus-Pluto Square Going Strong; So is Everything Else

Over the next few days, the Sun passes through the Uranus-Pluto square. By that I mean that Monday, July 1 at 8:05 pm EDT the Sun in Cancer makes an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, and then Thursday, July 4 the Sun makes a square to Uranus in Aries. These aspects have manifestations now.

The Uranus-Pluto square can seem to lurk in the background (but never that far in the background), then when other planets make aspects to it — as is happening generously these days — it takes more tangible, pronounced forms and emerges into the foreground. We will feel a wave of this when both the Sun and the Moon are mixed up with the square this weekend — when the Moon reaches last quarter phase in Aries on Sunday.

Planet Waves
Last quarter Moon on June 30. Link to full size chart here and our handy dandy glyph legend here. It’s not as complicated as it looks.

This is some deep, focused energy coming through the cosmos right now thanks to Sun-Pluto, culminating with a burst of ‘revolutionary’ astrology on July 4 — the Sun-Uranus square. Revolutionary also means restless, inventive, surprising and exciting — do something a little odd; if you have a choice of the posh party or the one where the artists and musicians are hanging out, hang out with the weirdos. You’ll have a lot more fun.

Mercury is retrograde as of earlier this week, and Jupiter is now in Cancer through next summer. Both are making lots of aspects. As I describe in detail in my Cancer birthday reading, Jupiter (currently activating the Aries Point) will be making aspects to nearly every major planet in the solar system in the next couple of months, starting immediately.

Mercury for its part will retrograde into a square with Eris today. That should be good for some fun.

Venus has entered Leo, and is working its way toward a conjunction with Ceres later in the week. Ceres, the first asteroid ever discovered and now the first ‘dwarf planet’, is a complex archetype that goes way beyond the usual ‘grain and grief’ reading that most astrologers ascribe to it.

At the least, we can say that Ceres is a manifestation of the goddess, the oldest of the Roman pantheon. While there is often a leap between the role of a deity and the delineation of an asteroid, it’s usually worth knowing the role that the figure played in culture.

Planet Waves
The Roman goddess Ceres. She is more complicated than she looks.

Ceres may be the oldest written Roman reference to divinity; involved with fecundity in all forms (grain, reproduction), initiation rituals, rituals upon returning to society after some form of absence or exile (presumably for initiation purposes, will find out more when I get to that chapter), working-class people of all sorts (plebes), upper class women and political propaganda. She ‘supervised’ a group of 17 other gods and goddesses. (I am learning this from the book The Roman Goddess Ceres by Barbette Spaeth, still in print.)

Ceres is not simple, she’s something truly special. One thing that planet spotters can do is watch for manifestations of this complexity when there’s something so spectacular as a Venus-Ceres conjunction in Leo, which is exact Sunday (and in effect for several days on either side of that).

Eros enters Gemini Friday — try that on for kinky love letters, erotic fiction and any form of sex where ‘twinning’ is the hot thing to do. (Can you spell 69? Can you recite the alphabet?)

Mars in Gemini is beginning to oppose the late Sagittarius centaurs, with Ixion and Pholus first on Friday. That could release a lot of energy — the phrase ‘drunk with power’ comes to mind, so watch out for those people and if necessary, leave work early, especially if you work for the Texas state government. Speaking of government, Pallas conjoins Chaos in Gemini Friday.

As for the Moon: currently in Pisces, trine Mercury and Vesta, on Saturday the Moon enters Aries at 9:06 am EDT — making contact with the Aries Point, squaring Jupiter, Black Moon Lilith and the Sun (all in Cancer). The last quarter Moon is exact at 12:53 am EDT Sunday, June 30.

And that is the current sky.

Note to Readers — We will be on a holiday schedule next week. The Friday issue will be a horoscope only. I plan to do a reading of the U.S. chart on Planet Waves FM.


Planet Waves

Monsanto GMOs: A Totally Toxic Soup

Recent scientific studies are coming down harder than ever on Monsanto’s standing claim that its herbicide and pesticide products are safe, naming both active and inert ingredients as deadly to public health.

Yet the Environmental Protection Agency is playing into Monsanto’s hands once again, by issuing a new rule raising the acceptable residue limits of the company’s glyphosate herbicide on food. Glyphosate is the herbicide in the company’s Roundup pesticide, linked to serious health effects in recent scientific studies.

Planet Waves
Parody of the Death card from the Tarot de Marseille, Monsanto-styled.

The herbicide has been shown to be an endocrine disruptor even at low doses and can have long-term effects on reproductive health, according to the National Institutes of Health. A June 2013 study said that glyphosate “exerted proliferative effects in human hormone-dependent breast cancer.” An April 2013 study by MIT scientists said the herbicide’s “negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body.”

The EPA is taking public comments on raising the glyphosate level until Monday, July 1. You can add your comment here. For the required field “Organization Name,” please enter “Citizen.”

New information is coming out about another pesticide ingredient. A study at University of Brasilia recently found that red blood cells suffer due to a bacterium commonly used as a pesticide in Monsanto’s crops, called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).

The number of red blood cells in rats exposed to Bt bacterium was not only lowered through the destruction of the cells themselves, but the toxins also disrupted blood clotting and caused organ degeneration and tissue damage. Levels of hemoglobin for oxygen were also significantly reduced.

“While Bt toxin does appear naturally in the environment, it does not normally occur in conjunction with soil, insects and plant surfaces, so the spreading of this bacterium through GMO is quite possibly going to create yet another super bug that can cause additional human deaths,” said an article in Natural Society.

Furthermore, inert ingredients in Roundup — which by definition are supposed to be harmless — have been found to amplify the toxic effect on human cells, even at concentrations much more diluted than those used on farms and lawns.

“This clearly confirms that the [inert ingredients] in Roundup formulations are not inert,” wrote the study authors from France’s University of Caen. “Moreover, the proprietary mixtures available on the market could cause cell damage and even death [at the] residual levels” found on Roundup-treated crops, such as soybeans, alfalfa and corn, or lawns and gardens.


Planet Waves

China Warned Over Huge Release of Refrigerant Greenhouse Gas

In what is being called a “climate bomb,” 19 factories — 11 of them in China — are set to stop incinerations of the HFC-23 gas used in refrigerants, because of a ban on trading of climate credits. The release of those gases through 2020 would be 15,000 times more damaging to the climate than carbon dioxide, according to the Environmental Investigation Agency.

Planet Waves
The view near a chemical plant in Quzhou, China, shows how severe pollution has become. Photo by Quilai Shen for a New York Times article about the UN’s CDM.

The factories have been receiving climate credits under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) for installing and operating incinerators to burn HFC-23 that is created during the manufacturing process, instead of venting it into the atmosphere. If the trading credits disappear, the manufacturers say it would no longer be economically viable for them to incinerate the gas.

A warning by the EIA in a report to be released on Monday will raise the pressure on China to ban such gases and end economic incentives for their production in multilateral talks.

The EIA said an investigation had shown that most of China’s non-CDM facilities were emitting HFC-23 already. “If all of these facilities [under the CDM] join China’s non-CDM and vent their HFC-23, they will set off a climate bomb emitting more than 2bn tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions by 2020,” it said.

Releasing HFC-23 gases into the atmosphere is not illegal, despite the threat to the environment.


Planet Waves

Practice of FGM Grows in the United States

An eye-opening study claims that up to 200,000 American girls and women are at risk of female genital cutting, also known as female genital mutilation (FGM) and female circumcision, a procedure that many Americans perceive as an international issue.

The study by the nonprofit group Sanctuary for Families says that American girls and women undergo FGM here or through what is known as “vacation cutting,” in which young women in the U.S. are sent abroad or travel with parents or grandparents to their native countries.

Planet Waves
FGM survivors and advocates at a press conference held by Sanctuary for Families on International Women’s Day in March.

In January of this year the U.S. passed a law making it illegal to send young women out of the country for “vacation cutting,” but enforcement is difficult and prosecutions are rare even for FGM practiced domestically.

“People in the United States think that FGM only happens to people outside of the United States, but in all actuality, people here all over the country have been through FGM. Kids that were born in this country are taken back home every summer and undergo this procedure,” a 23-year-old woman from Gambia stated in the report.

Traditional practitioners are often secretly brought to the U.S. from other countries, and an entire group of girls may be cut in an afternoon. Pressure from families in the ancestral land and from community leaders here are largely responsible for continuing the practice on new American generations of women, according to Claudia De Palma of Sanctuary for Families.


Planet Waves

First Amendment versus Second Amendment?

In Louisiana, you can get a permit to carry a concealed weapon — but if you’re a journalist, you can get slapped with a $10,000 fine and six months in jail if you publish the name of anyone who does so. It’s the latest in what seems like a country-wide push to criminalize journalism.

Planet Waves
All those blue states issue permits to carry concealed weapons (some restrictions on use), along with the green states (no restrictions) and the yellow states (more restrictions). Only one state does not. As recently as the mid-90s most states did not allow or strongly restricted concealed weapons. Clearly the Second Amendment is in grave danger… Right?

On June 19, Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal signed a bill setting these penalties for anyone who publishes “any information regarding the identity of any person who applied for or received a concealed handgun permit” — unless that person has been charged with a felony involving a handgun.

Supporters of the bill were reacting in part to a New York newspaper that published a Google map featuring the names and addresses of local handgun permit holders this winter, citing that as evidence that a law was needed. In most states, including Louisiana, such information is confidential; Alabama is the only other state in which publication of concealed-carry permit holders’ names is illegal.

Carl Redman, the executive editor of the Baton Rouge Advocate and chairman of the Louisiana Press Association’s Freedom of Information Committee, commented that it’s very ironic that the very people who screamed the loudest about attempts to limit their Second Amendment rights are here eager to limit my First Amendment rights.”


Planet Waves

SCOTUS Rulings on Work Relationships

This week the Supreme Court of the U.S. also ruled on cases related to sexual harassment, discrimination and whether a discharged serviceman convicted of sexual assault would have to register as a civilian sex offender.

In Vance v. Ball State University, the Court “narrowly defined a worker’s ‘supervisor’ as someone who can change a person’s employment status, thus limiting legal protections for those harassed by superiors who lack such direct control,” according to Democracy Now!

Planet Waves
Courtroom sketch of Justice Ginsburg reading from her dissent in another case this week about racial discrimination, Fisher v. U. of Texas. Courtroom sketch by Art Lien/SCOTUSblog.

Justice Ginsburg, joined by Justices Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan, dissented vigorously, writing that the majority decision “ignores the conditions under which members of the work force labor, and disserves the objective of Title VII to prevent discrimination from infecting the Nation’s workplaces.” Title VII is part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

A separate ruling saw the Court backing tighter standards for workers trying to prove they have been the victims of retaliation after complaining about discrimination. In University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center v. Nassar, the majority decision was that Title VII only covers claims of discrimination (such as for employment on the basis of sex, religion or race, for example) not retaliation.

Again, Justice Ginsburg, joined by Justices Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan, strongly dissented, calling on Congress to overturn both decisions.

Finally, in the context of the stunning revelations this spring of massive-scale sexual assaults in the military, including charges of sexual assault by officers serving on military sexual assault task forces, it seems like a no-brainer that anyone convicted of sexual assault in the military should also have to register as a sex offender as a civilian. The Supreme Court did in fact decide that a former member of the Air Force must do so, even though he has completed his military sentence for the crime.

On one level United States v. Kebodeaux is a narrow and unremarkable case. However Justice Roberts, even though he concurred with the decision, argued against the “generalized police power” that the ruling’s language points toward. Steven Schwinn on SCOTUSblog writes that, “… Kebodeaux, like Comstock before it, represents potentially vast congressional authority.”

In the grand scheme of relational justice in this post 9-11 world, that is something to keep an eye on as Uranus and Pluto keep shaking things up.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

“Dance because you’re drunk at a big dance party with your friends and Michael Jackson is playing, not because ‘no one is watching.’ Everyone is watching. We’re at a fucking party. That’s how parties work.” Some timely weekend advice to go with the top section of the Inspirational Photo BINGO card.

Maxed Out on Inspirational Photos? Try BINGO!

Sharing inspirational quotes and lists and articles and images online is great… until you realize it’s making you crazy, since you’re a regular person who can barely keep your floors clean, let alone make time for regular chakra-clearing. The author of the blog “I Am Begging My Mother Not To Read This Blog” has created a great game for blowing off steam when you start to feel like you’ll implode with frustration from reading one more set of “25 things happy/peaceful/successful/healthy people do.”

It’s called Inspirational Photo BINGO, and it goes with her blog post titled, “Twelve Habits of Happy, Healthy People Who Don’t Give a Shit About Your Inner Peace.” You play by seeing how quickly you can fill the card by spotting saccharinely cliched images while reading ‘inspirational’ articles. Honestly, how often do you get to do pro-level yoga poses on a mountain overlooking a deserted tropical beach at sunset (which sounds great, but out of reach for most people)? And how many other ways can you think of to be authentic and happy and engaged with the world?


Planet Waves

Jupiter in Cancer, Mercury Retrograde, Edward Snowden — and Introducing the Phila-based Band Grandchildren

[Link to Edition] What’s not happening right now? Not much! This is a classic moment of everything, all at once — the spirit of 2012 — the imprint of the Aries Point, Jupiter changing signs, Mercury stationing retrograde, the Sun about to pass through the Uranus-Pluto square, Jupiter about to do so as well, and much else.

Planet Waves
The band Grandchildren.

The Supreme Court is issuing decisions on the most personal matters of our lives, the U.S. government is going nuts trying to get its hands onto Edward Snowden, Texas is trying to ban abortions and lots else.

I look at the current astrology, walk you through current events in an engaging way and follow the journey and chart of Edward Snowden as they both develop.

Here’s my current post on The Mountain Astrologer‘s blog, about Edward Snowden’s chart with a lively conversation brewing among people you don’t know from Planet Waves.

I also introduce the amazing Philadelphia-based band Grandchildren. The New Philadelphia magazine once described them as “full of amazing vigor, but also kind of detached in a way that’s hard to put your finger on. They don’t really seem to play their music as much as transmit it from some distant alien host, like a band possessed.”


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The June monthly extended horoscopes  were published Friday, May 24. Inner Space horoscopes for June were published Friday, May 31. I recommend reviewing the previous month’s horoscope at the end of the month; you can see May’s monthly horoscope here. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Capricorn Full Moon on Tuesday, June 18. Moonshine horoscopes for the Cancer New Moon will publish Tuesday, July 2.

Note to Readers — We will be on a holiday schedule next week. The Friday issue will be a horoscope only. I plan to do a reading of the U.S. chart on Planet Waves FM.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2013, #956 | By Eric Francis

We’re now under the influence of all three water signs. Jupiter ingressed Cancer on June 25, joining Saturn in Scorpio and Chiron and Neptune in Pisces. Mercury is retrograde in Cancer. That began June 26 and ends July 20. If you’re making plans or initiating a project, make sure you leave a few days’ margin after the retrograde ends to allow Mercury to come back up to speed and focus your thoughts. The Cancer New Moon is July 8. Mars enters Cancer July 13. Venus enters Virgo July 21, and the Aquarius Full Moon is July 22. That’s the same day that the Sun ingresses Leo.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You seem to be going back and forth on an issue that’s calling for a firm decision. The more decisive you try to be, the more it seems like there are two irreconcilable sides of the story, each with its own seemingly valid point of view. The more you try to please everyone, the more obvious it becomes that you’ll never be able to do that. I suggest you not burn yourself out doing this. You probably already know the reality of the situation, not from rationalizing or arguing one side of the case over the other, but because you simply know. What you’re really waiting for is the courage to take action, whether that means declaring an end to something, or committing to it more fully.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s time to set boundaries with your family, which really means organizing your life the way you want. I suggest you identify the center of your life: the element about which you’re the most passionate, or the place where you most dependably tend the fires. Then ask yourself how you feel when you imagine your family — be it parents, spouse, partner or children — knowing that’s the thing you care about so deeply. Do you perceive support or reticence? Do you feel better about yourself, or do questions come up? How you think that others feel about you is a good picture of how you feel about yourself. It’s more complex than you may think, though you do seem determined to get to the heart of the matter.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’re at the most important juncture of the year when it comes to sorting your financial priorities, and getting clear about how to be more financially successful. I suggest that the first thing you do is recognize your potential. Your earning capacity has expanded significantly in recent weeks, and you need to be clear about that so you can take advantage of it. Yet there’s another ingredient that will help unlock your potential, which is sorting through everything you were taught about money as a child: whether it’s a good or bad thing, whether you deserve any and for what activities, the impressions that adult relatives made on you, and so on. This may be ancient history but it’s information that is useful and indeed essential to work with now.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves

The Cancer reading is now ready! Order for instant access.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Jupiter has returned to your sign for the first time in nearly 12 years, and I trust you’ve already started to notice some of the pressure coming off, and your world expanding just a bit. Jupiter is providing you with a kind of cushion that will create some open space around you and deflect random objects, and give you access to additional resources. Now that you know this, I suggest you relax a little and see what happens. Try doing that Cancerian thing and eat real food, take care of the plants and get enough sleep every night. There has been a frenetic quality to your life the past few months, as if you’ve been driven by some kind of invisible psychic force. Take some time and notice how much you’ve accomplished. That’ll give you a clue of what’s to come. Note — I’ve just finished a fantastic Cancer birthday reading which looks in detail at Jupiter in your sign.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) –Match your actions to your innermost thoughts. From our earliest days we are trained to split our personalities: to say one thing and do another; to feel a certain way and act against our feelings; to violate our intelligence or intuition; and many other examples. One beautiful thing about the astrology of July is the close relationship between your deepest sentiments and your choices and actions. It would seem you have no interest in hypocrisy — only in acting from your values with the utmost sincerity. This is the course of action that will feel the best because it’s a reflection of who you actually are. All those options about choosing anything to the contrary are vastly overrated.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You have no control over how you’re perceived. You have some influence, but in truth, people believe what they believe and they often see based on their beliefs. Meanwhile, you’re a person on a mission — and from what I can tell, you’re entirely sincere. Part of taking up anything larger than yourself, or acting in ways that benefit others, can be the perception that you have some other motive. I could go over all the rationales behind this, but you probably know them. I suggest that you not let anyone’s opinion of you, or their perceived opinion, influence your dedication. Persist for just a little while and soon enough the simple reality of the situation will be obvious to everyone.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You tend to leave an impression on others that is more austere and conservative than you may think. There’s a certain reserve around your sign, a reticence to reveal too much, and your astrology is illustrating just such an inner discussion now. You seem to have some compelling reasons to stay silent — and some even more compelling reasons to reveal something specific about yourself. Which is the correct impulse? Well, which haven’t you tried? What are your concerns about consequences? Are they just fears, or are they realistic? One of the main qualifications for leadership is sincerity. Were you to choose that path, what would you want to reveal? Not be compelled to reveal out of some moral dictate, but want to reveal because you will feel better and stronger for doing so?

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may be spending too much time pleading your case or arguing for your cause than is necessary. That would include negotiation or studying various points of view. People in your life are more likely to do what’s right based on the fact that it’s actually so rather than based on any rationales that you may present to them. I would propose that if you accept and believe what you know to be true — especially what you know to be true for you — that others will be much more inclined to do so. If you find yourself debating anything, ask yourself whether you really believe it, and what basis you have for doing so. Be bold about questioning yourself — and about responding.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may find it easier to clear the hot air out of the room now that Jupiter is in Cancer — a sign that’s cooler, more inwardly seeking and oriented on feelings. You’ve learned a lot about yourself with Jupiter moving through your opposite sign. Its new placement is less about what is said and more about what is done. People demonstrate their feelings, their caring, their sincerity through their actions. Words can deceive easily and often do so; it’s more difficult to deceive with actions. Now you need to tell the difference, both in terms of what you do and what others do. Let your actions and the actions of others do all the talking.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It’s been a long time since you were cut a break. You’ve been so driven and so restless in recent years, you might count it a miracle if anyone could keep up with you, or understand you, or feel the kinds of pressures and enforced changes that you’ve been going through on a fairly regular basis. Your relationships can now consciously provide a cushion of safety for you. Yet whether you see and feel this will depend largely on your emotional orientation. I suggest you relax a little. Give people the benefit of the doubt about whether they understand you or are capable of seeing your point of view. You don’t need to push yourself or others so hard. Get the feeling of being at home wherever you are, and you will feel like that a little more every day.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Yours is the sign of the water bearer, and that water has to come from someplace. Some of the sage descriptions of your sign encourage you to fill up your urn so that you have something to give to others when called upon to do so. Jupiter joining many other planets in the water signs is a reminder to pause, fill up and strengthen yourself. To do this, however, you will need to make a conscious choice to trust, and to question your many reasons not to trust. This time in your life only seems to be about the authority you have over your own life and to some extent your responsibility for others. It’s about relaxing into an exchange, and having the faith to receive what you need when it’s offered to you.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It takes a lot to let go of control on this planet right now, whether it’s actual control or the illusion thereof. You have compelling reasons to do that, most significantly your peace of mind. But in order for this to be sincere, you need to replace control with something else. The one-word description of that ‘something else’ is faith — though that too may be challenging for you at times, and it’s nothing that you can contrive. What I suggest you replace it with is an experiment in how far your creativity can get you. If you see a problem, a puzzle or a conflict, try having faith that your creativity can turn it to something positive for everyone, then give it a try. Your results will speak for themselves.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two product

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Planets Diving into the Water (and Mars in Gemini)

Dear Friend and Reader:

How did you come out of the three-fer series of eclipses that ended last Friday night? The sudden release of energy left many people feeling frayed, others like a sack of potatoes, and others like they emerged from an initiation ordeal.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

To recap, we just lived through a partial eclipse of the Moon in Scorpio (a Full Moon) on April 25, an annular eclipse of the Sun on May 9 (a New Moon), and a penumbral eclipse of the Moon (a Full Moon) in Sagittarius on May 25.

Usually eclipses come in pairs; three is a substantial increase in the energy. There was also a reference to the past, with one extra eclipse along the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, which was so 2012. (Eclipses come in weird, interesting patterns, and are a topic of their own.)

We have all been through the paces. In the collective world, the proverbial poo hit the turbine with the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15 and the energy has barely relented since. The closest we’ve come to a break was last weekend’s Full Moon in Sagittarius passing by. That may have felt like climbing a high mountain, taking a look around and then falling asleep next to your backpack for six hours.

If you’re feeling stirred up, unsettled, or restless, I would not be surprised. This kind of astrology can provoke anxiety and depression. A Gemini friend said to me this week that it feels like the decline of civilization is making itself known these days. Whether he’s right or not, many people feel this way. A good few have given up, and others wish they could.

This is not an easy time in history to be alive. It’s lovely that most of us in the Western world live in dry spaces that keep out the rain, and might even have enough food to eat. Yet the spiritual and psychological strain at this time in history is unlike any other, and in truth it’s more than most people can bear.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

If the strain gets to be too much, the typical approach is denial. There’s never been a more opportune moment to practice blissful ignorance as a way of life — that is, until something deeper calls you.

That may be happening soon, if it’s not happening now. This week, the cluster of planets that’s been following the Sun all year begins to enter Cancer. There’s a lot of energy in that first degree of Cancer (where the Sun is when summer begins, which happens in a few weeks). Any time planets cross the spot where a season changes we get what I call an Aries Point effect — individual and collective realms converge into one. We feel world problems more poignantly. This will persist till those problems get our attention. It seems like one purpose of the hyper-extended nervous system of the electronic media is to make sure we have access to the full picture of what is going wrong with the world, the better to get capable people to respond.

Friday, May 31, Mercury enters Cancer, where it will be into early August. That’s in part due to a spell of Mercury retrograde that begins at the end of June, though we’re a bit ahead of ourselves on that topic.

In the next few weeks, Venus, the Sun and Jupiter enter Cancer. There’s a lot going on in the water signs this year, and what happens this month is central to that.

Saturn is in Scorpio through early 2015 and Chiron and Neptune are in Pisces for the long haul. All these planets about to ingress Cancer will complete a grand trine in the water signs. This is rare and beautiful astrology. It’ll be excellent for anyone with a strong water sign signature in their chart (Sun, Moon, rising or any strong planet in water signs). And as previously mentioned here and there, Mercury is about to make its second of three retrogrades in a water sign this year.

This ongoing arrangement may be challenging for those who are overwhelmed by the rising tide of their emotions, or who are not good at sitting with their own emotions. For those with strong water sign charts, you might feel like you really do belong on the planet, at least a bit more than usual.

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Near Sag Harbor, NY. Photo by Eric Francis.

In any event this is a time when it’ll be necessary to adjust to an extended moment when feelings really count and are more palpable than usual.

Remember that water signs imply that things may make less sense on the rational wavelength and more sense on the intuitive wavelength.

Once that grand water trine really takes hold in late June, with Jupiter’s arrival (and we’ll get our first taste of it this weekend), emotional patterns will tend to increase in momentum as if in a vortex. Therefore, make corrections as soon as you see something that needs to be addressed. Keep clarity with people. Put crazymakers as far away from the action as possible, which means don’t invite them into your house.

As Mars in early Gemini works its way into a square with Neptune, this is especially true. This aspect is potentially deeply creative, poetic and experimental — and also potentially self-destructive. See if you can stay on the creative side by giving yourself healthy outlets for your emotional energy.

Mars square Neptune is one of those aspects where I extend a substance use/abuse caution. Know when you’re doing things for fun and when you’re self-medicating (both have their moment). Know when enough is enough. There’s a calling here to embrace a spiritual level of experience rather than an escapist one. This aspect is an accelerant, but it can be directed inwardly as a kind of catalyst.

Planets in Cancer are a reminder to stay emotionally connected. Now is the time to get into the mode of slowing down a little and taking better care of yourself. Eat real food. Get actual rest. Get near some water. Don’t forget to drink some of it, too.


Editor’s Note: News briefs below are researched and written by a team consisting of me, Liam Carey, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck and Carol van Strum. Jessica Keet and Chelsea Bottinnelli provide editing support. Our fact checking list includes Alex Miller and Len Wallick. Note, even if other writers are working, I make the last call on all astrology interpretations in the Friday edition. To get on the Thursday night fact checking team please write directly to me at — efc


Planet Waves

Near Earth Asteroid Buzzing By; Sun Square Chiron

In other astrology news, Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) 285263 (1998 QE2) will pass 5.86 million km from the Earth on Friday, May 31 at 4:59 pm EDT. This is the closest approach of 1998 QE2 for this century, and it poses no impact threat since it’s currently at more than 15 times the Earth-Moon distance.

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Radar images of 1998 QE2 showing its binary point — a little Moon that orbits with the asteroid — one of many binary minor planets orbiting our Sun.

Yet this is the latest in a series of near-miss asteroid passes, which you might think of as a defining metaphor of our time in history.

The Moon is in Pisces, and will make a conjunction to Chiron later today (Friday). That happens just after last quarter phase, also today. The Moon will ingress Aries Sunday, June 2 at 2:33 am EDT.

Mercury and Mars have both changed signs; Mercury is now in Cancer and Mars is in Gemini. Venus will ingress Cancer on Sunday, June 2 at 10:12 pm EDT. Immediately after that, the Aries Moon passes through the Uranus-Pluto square, making a conjunction to Uranus and a square to Pluto.

The Sun is reaching the sensitive midpoint of Gemini — sensitive due to the presence of the Great Attractor in mid-Sagittarius (a massive energy source and gravitational point), and also due to the most commonly used U.S.A. chart having mid-Sagittarius rising.

The Sun will also be square Chiron through the weekend and into early next week. The combination of Sun in Gemini and Chiron in Pisces is suggesting that you go past the idea of your creative potential or what you want to do, and past the words you use to describe it, and actually begin a new experiment. You might not want to talk about it at all, since it’s too easy to talk away a good idea.

There’s also a caution to be aware of what you were told you could not do, or what example was set by early male caregivers, and what you learned from their own (potentially ‘failed’) quest to express themselves. Their burdens are not yours; their lack of confidence is not yours — that is, not unless you allow it to be so.


Planet Waves

Bachmann Exits Stage Right; Comey in the Wings to Head FBI Snake Pit

Michele Bachmann, former presidential candidate and congressional representative from an alternate universe, announced her exit from politics this week, at least as something besides a lobbyist. Known for her hilarious made-up facts about history, co-owning a We’ll Cure Your Gayness ‘therapy’ center and being investigated by five different law enforcement agencies for campaign finance issues, Bachman has been the Republican rodeo clown who distracts the attention from what is really going on around her.

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We’ll miss you, Michele. Photo: Daily Kos.

Speaking of, Obama seemed ready to nominate James Comey, the former number-two official in the Justice Department under George W. Bush, as head of the FBI. He would replace Robert S. Mueller III when he retires in September.

Unlike other federal agencies, the FBI director has a term limit (that’s because J. Edgar headed the agency for half a century under six presidents). Mueller has exceeded the 10-year term limit by two years.

Though a Republican (the ninth that Obama has left in place or appointed to a top-level position), Comey will probably face opposition in the Senate — get this, for new and novel — for his ties to Wall Street.

Comey has a reputation for standing up to Bush administration shenanigans (illegal wiretapping, in particular), which might be a useful character trait given that he would be stepping into an FBI that seems to be unraveling by the day. Already facing criticism for losing track of Tamerlan Tsarnaev before the Boston Marathon bombing, the question now is why one of Tsarnaev’s friends was killed in Florida last week during questioning by FBI agents.

The friend, Inbragim Todashev, was being interviewed by agents and state police about his possible involvement in a 2011 Boston-area triple murder when suddenly he ended up with a lot of bullets in him. There are conflicting reports whether he was armed with a pipe, a knife, a broomstick, reached for a sword or had no weapon at all. (Seriously? A broomstick? A sword? Is this Harry Potter or Dungeons and Dragons?)

FBI agents are not allowed to frisk questioning subjects when interviewing them inside their homes. While it’s possible that he could have had a knife, that doesn’t explain how he ended up with seven bullets in his body, including one in the crown of the head, according to his family.

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Chart for the FBI’s creation in 1908 reveals a grouping of Cancer planets to the right, showing the extent to which the agency is ruled by its emotions. To the left is a group of planets in Leo, including a Mars-Jupiter conjunction — this gives a flair for drama, pride and being driven by a kind of religious ideology.

Autopsy photos were sent to the Todashevs in Russia this week after the body was released, and Ibragim’s father held a news conference in Moscow Thursday showing the images and demanding an explanation.

An article in Thursday’s New York Times included this explanation of what happened: “The agent fired several shots at Mr. Todashev, striking him and knocking him backward. But Mr. Todashev again charged at the agent. The agent fired several more shots at Mr. Todashev, killing him. The detective in the room did not fire his weapon, the official said.”

I know what everyone is thinking. Those Russian kids are so badass you can shoot them six times with a Glock and they just keep coming at you.

The Times added: “Under the F.B.I.’s guidelines, agents can fire a gun at someone if they feel the person is a threat to them or someone else. The episode is being reviewed by a team of F.B.I. investigators who specialize in shootings and by the district attorney in Orlando, the official said.”

I just took a look at the FBI’s chart. You would think it would be ruled by logic and wisdom. In fact, the chart is dominated by the rapid-cycling, emotional sign Cancer. The agency has Venus, Mercury, Neptune and the Moon, as well as the lunar North Node and the hypothetical planet Transpluto in that sign. The chart reads more like the script to a soap opera than an episode of CSI.

But with a Mercury-Neptune-Moon conjunction, it’s no wonder that paranormal-investigating agents Fox Mulder and Dale Cooper are among its time-honored fictional heroes. Think of Cooper using information from visionary dreams to solve crimes in Twin Peaks (Moon-Neptune), or Mulder’s nonstop emotional “it must be true” histrionics in X-Files. All of these Cancer planets are currently taking oppositions from Pluto and squares from Uranus, which will keep life interesting for years to come.


Planet Waves

Another Political Prisoner for the U.S. Collection

The Obama administration is continuing its crackdown on political activists and whistleblowers. This week Jeremy Hammond, activist and computer security wunderkind, pleaded guilty to hacking into the private intelligence firm Stratfor, the FBI and other institutions, and to being affiliated with the hacktivist group Anonymous.

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Booking file photo of Jeremy Hammond; Cook County Sheriff’s Department, Illinois.

“I did this because I believe people have a right to know what governments and corporations are doing behind closed doors,” said Hammond, 28, in a statement. “I did what I believe is right.”

About five million Stratfor emails ended up on the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks, founded by Julian Assange, as a result of Hammond’s actions. Facing the possibility of overzealous prosecution (the likes of which contributed to the suicide death of activist Aaron Swartz earlier this year), Hammond took the guilty plea to avoid a potential maximum sentence of 30 years in prison.

Hammond now faces up to 10 years of incarceration. He has already served 15 months, including weeks in solitary confinement.

“Obama has, in relation to the Espionage Act, applied it to more people, more journalistic sources and journalists, than any — than all previous administrations combined, going back to the origin of that act in 1917,” said Jullian Assange in an interview on Democracy Now! Wednesday. “And that’s part of a new centralization of power in the United States.”

Assange continued, “The Pentagon, allied institutions like Stratfor, can’t keep up a perception of authority if bright young men, determined, courageous and moral, like Jeremy Hammond, are seen to have struck a blow against them and exposed their corrupt activities.”

Hammond, who was programming video games by age 8, has also been a peace activist from a young age and started his own computer security training website when he was 18. In his freshman year at the University of Illinois, he approached administrators of the Computer Sciences Dept., alerting them to a security flaw in their website and offering to fix it. They thanked him by banning him from returning the next year.

Speaking truth to power is never appreciated by the powerful — and the stakes are getting higher and higher as the U.S. government continues to consolidate power and money under the ‘national security’ umbrella.


Planet Waves

Fire Ignites to Burn Monsanto — and its GMO Seeds

Under the energies of a super-charged Full Moon and the third powerful eclipse in a month, Saturday’s worldwide March Against Monsanto reached farther and wider than its founder ever dreamed — yet major news outlets in the mass media brazenly ignored it. [We covered the astrology of the event in this blog post.]

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Protesters in San Diego, California, on Saturday. Photo: March Against Monsanto.

Founder Tami Monroe Canal created a Facebook page on Feb. 28 calling for a rally against the company’s practices, and watched as sign-ups spread rapidly across the Internet.

“If I had gotten 3,000 people to join me, I would have considered that a success,” she said Saturday. Instead, she said an “incredible” number of people responded to her message: more than two million, in 52 countries and 436 cities.

The group plans to build on the momentum of the march to get GMOs out of the food supply.

“We will continue until Monsanto complies with consumer demand. They are poisoning our children, poisoning our planet,” she said. “If we don’t act, who’s going to?”

This is a movement started, organized and reported on only by social and alternative media. The mass media coverage blackout backfired, as alternative-media reporters such as Anthony Gucciardi of Natural Society and protesters worldwide documented the march via cell phones, Facebook and Twitter.

“We have so much support from so many different groups coming out and standing up against Monsanto that it just goes to show there is a ‘sleeping giant’ of awake individuals who thoroughly understand the challenges we face as a nation,” Gucciardi said from Philadelphia. “One only needs to tap into that powerful energy of resistance to ignite a movement, like a match to a gasoline-drenched fire pit.”


Planet Waves

Forewarned is Forearmed — But Will Anyone Listen?

Residents of towns in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota affected by fracking (hydraulic fracturing) and related practices sent warning letters — an unprecedented move — to Illinois lawmakers this week, detailing a tragic impending “public health disaster” if that state allows the controversial practice.

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An anti-fracking rally after a House Committee hearing at the Illinois State Capitol on May 21. Photo: AP/Seth Perlman.

They advised a moratorium “to take the time to visit areas with fracking, bring scientists and medical experts into the process, and undertake an environmental and public health study. If you allow fracking to go forward as planned, you will bring to your state the same horrific experiences we have suffered in Pennsylvania.”

Some of the text of the letter is below; you can read the entire letter here.

“The oil and gas industry promises that fracking is safe and that it will create jobs and bring your state riches, but Pennsylvania’s experience in the past five years tells a very different story. In short, water contamination has been widespread; our air has been polluted; countless individuals and families have been sickened; farms have been devastated, cattle have died, and our pristine streams and rivers have turned up dead fish; only a fraction of the promised jobs and revenue for the state have come to fruition; and our communities have been transformed into toxic industrial zones with 24/7 noise, flares, thousands of trucks, and increased crime. What’s more, the jobs have made many workers so sick that they can no longer work in the industry.”

Pennsylvania residents also released links to a “List of the Harmed“, with names of affected citizens and their ailments.

The Illinois General Assembly was set to vote this week on the state’s fracking bill, after a House Executive Committee hearing on it revealed that none of the committee members had ever visited a fracking site.

Meanwhile, General Electric Co. has invested $15 billion in fracking in the last few years, and is set to invest more. Think of that next time you need a new appliance, or choose investments for your portfolio.


Planet Waves

Syria: Another Proxy War, and a Volatile Chart  

What exactly is happening in Syria? The storyline in the mainstream media is that the government has been pummeling its citizens ever since the Arab Spring uprisings of 2011.

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Child with her toy truck and adult wristwatch stands on a pile of rubble in Syria.

Those uprisings were among the first hints that the Uranus-Pluto square (the 2012-era aspect) was about to happen, though as is often true with aspects between these two planets, the gains are short-lived and easily spoiled. As we’ll see in a moment, Syria’s chart describes how the country is a tinderbox waiting to burst into flames.

Among the developments this week: U.S. Sen. John McCain (R, AZ) made a surprise visit to Syria, visiting the rebels. His daughter tweeted that she wished she hadn’t found out about it on Twitter.

McCain has been pushing for more direct involvement by the U.S. in Syria, but the question is, why? Is it humanitarian concern for the rebels? Or is he part of a team angling for a side-door into a war with Iran? What about making sure Lockheed Martin, et al., stay robust with new customers and new projects? War is always good for arms traders.

The Obama administration is backing a European Union decision to provide weapons to Syrian rebels. The statement came after the European Union was unable to reach a consensus on a previous arms ban, which Britain and France were pushing to ease.

“We disagree with and we condemn the continued supply of Russian weapons to the regime, and this includes all class of weapons. And we’ve been clear throughout and very direct with the Russian government about that. We’ve seen how the regime uses those arms,” a State Department spokesman said this week.

Russia, meanwhile, is providing arms to the al-Assad regime, which the E.U. denounced this week, including selling anti-aircraft missiles to the government. Both Russia and the U.S. claim to support global talks on ending the conflict, but their actions send another message.

“For a long time after Vietnam our government was paralysed with doubt; we are seeing that process again in the wake of the catastrophic war in Iraq,” U.S. ambassador to Syria Fred Hof said this week. He’s correct in one part of that analysis: Syria seems to be a proxy war, just like Vietnam was. (A recent meme among hawks is, “We cannot make the mistake of hesitating like we did during Vietnam stop us from getting into some new exciting, expensive, endless, pointless war.”)

Syria’s Astrology is On Fire

Thanks to an astrologer and historian named Nick Campion, we have accurate chart data for most countries of the world (if you’re studying astrology, The Book of World Horoscopes will be essential in your collection). The French gave actual power over the Syrian government to local rulers on Jan. 1, 1944, probably at midnight. Ceremonial independence was a few years earlier; the actual transfer of power is what this chart is for. Here is the pertinent section of that chart with a link to the full chart here.

Planet Waves
One of Syria’s independence charts includes a conjunction of Mars, Vesta and Uranus, visible toward the upper right.

One of the most characteristic features of this chart is a triple conjunction of Vesta, Mars and Uranus in early Gemini. This is a rare triple conjunction to the degree, with all three points being about fire: Vesta’s central theme is fire, Uranus is like lightning or an electrical fire, and Mars is aggression or martial power, particularly when in aspect to Uranus.

All three planets are retrograde, suggesting that the energy has been directed inward as pent-up rage or aggression and could come unraveled at any time.

Mars has just ingressed Gemini and is about to walk right over that Mars-Vesta-Uranus conjunction. Gemini is a potentially volatile energy (an airy, mutable sign), and oxygen fuels fire. This is taking place in the 8th house, of transformation but also of crisis, death and tons of cash changing hands. Events could proceed rapidly over the next few days.

One other appearance by Uranus, hardly a cameo: it’s about to go over the 7th house cusp of Syria’s natal chart. That can be disruptive, and the shakeup can come from the outside. Where Uranus is transiting the 7th house cusp, it’s easy to have aggravating factors in the environment. Note, there are creative ways to take this transit, which would depend on things like cooperation, unusual diplomatic arrangements and welcoming outside points of view — but that’s unlikely while everyone is funneling bombs into the country.

There’s one other complication — Neptune, currently in early Pisces, is making a square to that conjunction. If this situation seems confusing and painfully volatile, it is. Neptune can be fuel for the fire, it can be sarin gas, it can feed religious mania or mania of any kind, particularly when square Uranus.

Neptune in a square to this triple conjunction of Mars, Vesta and Uranus is given to dishonesty, self-deception and self-destructive behavior. Let’s hope this doesn’t get blown out of proportion, especially because some arms traders want to make a few bucks.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Musical instruments made from guns, displayed with a series of collage paintings called Machine Music, in the Imagine and Disarm exhibits by Pedro Reyes at London’s Lisson Gallery. The paintings “present a utopian vision of a world in which heavy artillery has been converted into instruments of ‘sonic warfare’, with soldiers fighting in the field with musical instruments as their weapons.”

An Unlikely Orchestra

Mexican artist Pedro Reyes found a higher use for some of the illegal firearms ravaging his native country — many of which come from the United States. He’s turned them into musical instruments.

For Reyes the process of transforming weapons into objects of positive utility “… was more than physical. It’s important to consider that many lives were taken with these weapons; as if a sort of exorcism was taking place, the music expelled the demons they held, as well as being a requiem for the lives lost.”

The collection includes instruments created from firearms, including revolvers, shotguns and machine guns, which were crushed by tanks and steamrollers to render them useless. Played in concert, their cacophonous tones are reminders of the destruction they bred in their former incarnation.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves FM Was on Break — Call for Blue Studio Sessions

Eric is looking for guests on his Blue Studio podcast. These began last year as readers came forward to describe their life journey of sex and sexuality. Rather than having ‘experts’ do the talking, this is a sex program created from the ground up. If you’re curious email him at with the subject header Blue Studio Sessions.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The June monthly extended horoscopes were published Friday, May 24. Inner Space horoscopes for June are published below in this issue. I recommend reviewing the previous month’s horoscope at the end of the month; you can see May’s monthly horoscope here.


Inner Space Horoscope for June 2013, #952 | By Eric Francis

We’ve had a lot of intense months lately; June promises to be an interesting one. Eclipses are out of the way for a while, which will help everyone sleep a little better. Planets are gathering in the sign Cancer, which is a reminder that we need to take care of one another on the planet, as much for everyone else as for ourselves. You want the people around you to feel safe and strong, and the small gestures you make honoring that fact will come right back to you. Jupiter enters the sign Cancer for a year right after the solstice. Then on June 26, Mercury stations retrograde for three weeks. This may come with the feeling of re-evaluation, and the need to tune up your emotional body so that you may focus on what you want rather than what you define as a need.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Get ready to make a stretch — of your living space, of your emotional capacity, of your ability to take care of yourself and others. You don’t need to be afflicted by the same ‘there’s never enough’ bug that so many others seem unable or unwilling to shake off. You can afford to feel safe, and you will only benefit from encouraging the people you love to understand that they too are safe. Humans are critters that belong in broods, tribes and caravans. Our society falsely promises benefit and gain by striking off on one’s own or ignoring the needs of others. Everyone needs some time to themselves, but that’s a different thing. Anyone who feels the pleasure of cooperation and the benefits of solving collective problems collectively is unlikely to go back to the old way.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) –You may think you know what you’re saying, but do others understand what’s on your mind? I ask not for their sake but your own. You need to feel understood. You also need to feel like you understand yourself, though over the next couple of months that’s likely to come in layers rather than to burst out of the ground like a gusher. I suggest you be patient with yourself, and express your uncertainty gently. If you do, what you may notice is the presence of a rare kind of confidence that has roots going deeper than any questions your mind could come up with. Therefore, if you ask a question, assume that it has an answer. If you see a problem, assume there is a solution. It may not manifest overnight, though it will help move things along if you keep adjusting your point of view. You will see different things from different perspectives.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Gemini Sun and Rising — a Reading for You

Dear Gemini Reader:

Last week I recorded your birthday reading for 2013-2014. It’s become the bestselling birthday reading of the year. I bring to life the truly beautiful astrology that you’ll be experiencing over the next four seasons.

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Eric and his astrology assistant Jonah, who has Virgo Sun and Moon.

I begin with a discussion of what every Gemini should know about his or her sign, and then I cover a diversity of transits that you’ve read about elsewhere but may not have put into the context of your life.

Jupiter is in your sign now, joined by Mercury and Venus. Soon planets will move into Cancer, the sign associated with resources, money and self-esteem — that is good news on all of those topics. I describe what it means to have your ruling planet Mercury retrograde three times in water signs — covering seven months of the year.

I talk about Pluto going through your 8th house, which is raising all kinds of questions about the role that structure plays in your relationships — and your desire to burst free and express yourself. I cover Saturday’s eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius, your relationship sign.

I have created my 2013 Gemini reading specifically to help you tap into the very unique energy coming your way — energy with the potential to transform how you feel, think and relate. This is a truly helpful moment in your life, one that can make up for some of the challenges of recent years.

The reading will be accurate, informative and fun for Gemini rising and Moon as well. You can listen to a short audio preview here.

Your reading is now ready. If you’ve already purchased or are an all-access member, you should receive an email shortly. The price for this hour of astrology plus tarot reading (and bonus materials) is $29.95. You may order your Gemini birthday reading here.

I know you’ll love this reading. Please do check it out.



Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — How you feel about yourself determines what you think is possible. That in turn is the most dependable metric on what is possible, for you. Events this month seem determined to teach you what you have to offer, and the many ways your gifts and your efforts can be of service to the world. One thing is for certain: if you think you have nothing to offer, you must think again. It may take you a little time to figure out what your gifts are and what you can do with them, but that’s different than doubt or despondency. If you’re just not seeing the possibility, it’s likely that something is blocking your view. That something may be an outdated attitude or value about the meaning of work, or a negative emotional attachment that you can now, at long last, dissolve.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Stay as close to the edge as possible, for as long as you can. Keep your options open. You may be inclined to take the ‘safe’ route because the thing you want seems impossible, too challenging or too remote to be viable. You may feel like your deepest desire has gone missing. Please be patient, and appreciate the experience of uncertainty as much as you can, and remember that your main job right now is to keep the door open for the best potentials when they begin to show up, which could stretch out a few weeks from now. You will feel when they arrive; you’ll recognize them. My sense is that you will feel the tide is turning and know that you can move with it. What arrives is not a one-off but evidence that you have entered a new time in your life, one that will offer you many gifts that you merely need to open up and receive consciously.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There seems to be so much you can’t do anything about, though what you have going for you is the ability to access what I will call spiritual help. Any mystery, any problem, any challenge, is inviting you to ‘offer it up’ to natural healing forces and ease your mind. One thing is certain: those forces are real, and they are willing to help you. Since you’ve got the responsibility to take care of so many people, count it as a good thing you have support. Yet you have more help than you may know. While it’s clear that you will need to help guide certain events in a positive direction, your leadership style would benefit from a major revision from anything your parents or early authority figures inflicted on you. There’s a new way to do things — and you’re bringing it into existence.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — As the month develops, you may feel like you’re swimming against the tide of social opinion, or perhaps more subtly, that you just start to feel different than the people around you. What I suggest is that you not try to prove yourself or allow any discussion to degrade into a power struggle. You have a right to be independent, particularly in your emotional response. Who is right or wrong doesn’t matter; what matters is that you’re at peace with yourself. If you recognize that there is only a limited extent to which anyone is entitled to an opinion about your life, this will be a lot easier. There’s also missing information, though you’re the one most likely to be ahead of the curve figuring out that the knowledge that’s coming will validate your hunch or point of view about what is right for you.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Events that develop this month will be enough to focus your priorities on what you know matters — what you’ve said so many times is your top priority. You may start to feel like you have some catching up to do, yet I would caution against acting like you have to make up for lost time. Rather, work with the idea that what you’re doing and the choices you’re making now are right on time. Take the steps you need to prepare for the steps you’re about to take. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is how much you’ve learned the past year. Make sure that you consider what some call ‘both’ sides of every issue and what I would say amounts to taking a circumspect, open-minded approach, never being too invested in your own opinions.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — When you have faith in yourself, the universe will provide for you. Or rather, it will provide for you anyway but you may not notice that’s what’s happening. It’s your faith that will inform you and that, thankfully, is something you’re learning to make friends with. Here are some clues that this arrangement is working well: One is that you have enough of what you need. Another is that you have a vision for the future that you trust. Rather than being a vague hope or wish, your vision is something that you can see in a focused way, even if it doesn’t exist yet, and that you trust despite any questions you may have — questions I suggest you ask gently, and wait earnestly for the answers. You know more than you think, though to access the information you must listen and trust.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Relationships are about an exchange of something substantial, be it feelings, resources, ideas or effort. What happens this month will be enough to illustrate the point. You’re ending a phase of your life and beginning another where ‘too much of nothing’ is no longer enough. Once you’re clear about that, it’ll be obvious who is offering you something, without needing to understand the motive. This may be the exercise in trust that you’ve been planning to embark on for so long. Remember that it takes some trust to trust, and at first you may seem to have no special reason to do so. Not at least based on certain elements of your past — though there are others you may not have considered. And they are reminding you they exist. They’re reminding you there is something about yourself that it’s time to reclaim.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Suddenly you have more options than you know what to do with, or you will soon. As you consider these options, you may also be inclined to hesitate. But rather than do that, you have an opportunity to experiment, and to explore who makes you feel how. Relationships are not theoretical. They are not about pondering who or what might work, or how a situation might feel. They are about experience, and an experiment, and you don’t need to commit to more than that when you want to explore someone. You are not married after the third date, you don’t have to have sex, and the person is not your boyfriend or girlfriend. You can explore sex and you’re still not married. Rather than the social conventions, the thing to pay attention to is your own need for contact. Remember, this is more important than your need to bond. Start with contact and see where things go.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What your life hinges on is your ability to state your needs and your desires. It would help if you could tell them apart, and have clear ideas what constitutes one or the other (clue, you will have very few needs, and a good few more desires). Knowing about this is not enough; being clear with yourself is not enough. You need to put this information to use. You may have been taught to ‘expect’ your needs and desires to be met, or to hope that doing so for others would result in someone showing up and doing that for you. Many things preclude that, including the aura of independence you put out, however what I suggest you do is tell people — the ones that matter — what your life is about and what role you want them to have. How they respond is up to them, though you’ll learn a lot either way.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The more fun you have, the better you will feel. While on one level this is a serious time in your life with so much at stake, what matters more is your motivation to succeed. What some call luck will play a role in this; you’re about to have a rare collection arriving in your solar 5th house, including Venus and Jupiter. This is an invitation to take action rather than to wait for good things to happen. For a Pisces there is no better incentive to live well than play, creative exploration and sex. It’s not every day that you get an opportunity like the one you have now, and if career questions or business are on your mind, you will get better results from fun than from labor. Along a similar line of thought, working in a creative mode is more important than working hard.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two product



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Inner Space Horoscopes for May 2013

Planet Waves

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscopes for May 2013 | By Eric Francis

May is characterized by eclipses, the last two in a series of three that began with a lunar eclipse in Scorpio on April 25. Arriving twice a year, eclipse phases are times of rapid change and development. They can be evolutionary moments, and there can be a touch of unpredictability, chaos and the sense of fate operating. Check in with yourself regularly about what you’re doing, why you’re doing it and what you really want to be doing. Notice what is being said and what you’re experiencing in your relationships. Consider whether desire levels are truly compatible between you and the person you’re with — and factor this same question into anyone you want to be with. For attraction to work, it must be mutual. If you’re feeling jealousy, that’s a good time to sort out the difference between love and attachment. It’s all the difference in the world.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Most of how we experience life is dependent on one thing: how we feel about ourselves. This is often considered an emotional experience, and in the end it may be. But you’re now down to one option, which is to use logic. This will get you past any impulses and snap judgments that you may be experiencing, and into a frame of mind where you can ask yourself what’s true and what’s not. Make sure you ask yourself how you know what you think you know, which will help you avoid certain biases that all people have about themselves. There seems to be something about yourself that you’re trying to let go of, and something else that you want to embrace. Remember that humans are creatures of habit, and what you emphasize (by any means, whether negative or positive reinforcement) is likely to increase.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This month’s unusual solar eclipse in your birth sign marks a special point of progress in your relationship to yourself. Taurus is famous for its black-and-white vision — that is, a struggle in seeing the gray areas in focus, and also some challenges in holding two different possibilities open at the same time. That would include two potential versions of yourself, two sets of priorities and two different sets of responses to your life. This is not about having a split personality — it’s about having a dynamic personality, which can juggle your options and engage in a productive dialog with yourself. As part of that dialog, I suggest you think in terms of methods. When you think of a goal or something you want, sketch — in pencil, and in just a few steps — a potential plan to get there.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves

Hello Taurus! Your 2013 Birthday Reading will be ready soon. We’re now between two eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis: last week’s partial lunar eclipse, and then a Taurus New Moon solar eclipse next week (the third eclipse this season runs through different signs). This is making for a potent birthday season for you, packed with potential. Also, Saturn in your opposite sign may feel challenging, but can ultimately be a useful tool if you learn how to work with it. I’ll be covering these major influences and more in a two-part astrology reading about an hour in length, plus a special tarot reading using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless. You can pre-order your birthday reading here for just $19.95 and we’ll email your access info to you once it is ready.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Many factors are influencing the sudden sensation that you’re a ‘new person’, factors that indicate this goes deeper than a feeling or a transient phase. All your inner workings, processes and challenges actually do add up to something, and when they do, you’re free to leave them behind. Perhaps core among these is your relationship with aggression, which might be something you’ve directed at yourself from time to time, a tendency to be competitive or an opinionated quality that exceeds the bounds of what’s useful in your relationships. This seems to be the thing that you can drop the most easily, in place of a way of experiencing life that’s based on empathy and understanding. You don’t need to agree with someone to appreciate their point of view. You have something to learn from everyone.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re being called upon to take up a leadership role. You’ve probably had this idea a few times lately, but now the opportunities to put it into practice are presenting themselves. There’s a creative piece to this — whomever you may gather or influence, the purpose is not really social even if it takes place in a social environment. What you’re doing is helping focus human energy. That includes your own energy: one test of who to spend time with can include whether you find someone inspiring and supportive of your own creative aspirations and projects. This is a time in your life when focusing your talent is one of your highest priorities. In such a time, idle socialization can be a serious diversion. Therefore, as you meet people, check that your contact with them enhances your ability to do what you love.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’re in the position of visionary, and many people are counting on you. This has a few main elements. The most significant is about values; you’re the one setting the example for what is right and true. The second is strategy. You know that there must be a method, and that means taking conscious steps to doing things in a way that solves future problems rather than creates them. The third step is presentation. You’re in the perfect spot to have the ‘pulse on public opinion’, however you may define ‘the public’. You can intuitively offer a way to show-and-tell the thing that needs to be explained, in a truly appealing way. All of this is a formula for success, though I think it’s going to be a different formula and a different kind of success from what you’ve experienced before.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Though you’re a mutable (easily changeable) sign, you may be figuring out the extent to which you have some fixed beliefs that are not helping you. It’s one thing to have values to guide your life. It’s another to live in rigid belief systems that make it difficult to adapt to the realities of existence on the planet. If you find yourself struggling with anything (such as sexual guilt, confusion about someone you desire, or acting in ways that are designed specifically to please others), I suggest you consider what fixed beliefs are influencing those experiences. Some old idea of what is supposed to be right and what is supposed to be wrong is simply not working. Note, those ideas come from somewhere; you didn’t make them up. But whether you continue to carry (or drag) them around is another matter — a matter of choice.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — What you’re going through is not as big of a deal as it seems. It would help considerably if you were less judgmental of yourself, which would help you be less judgmental of others. The whole judgment thing is indeed a vicious circle, and forgiveness has to enter the picture somewhere. Your chart suggests you’re playing the role of harsh parent to yourself more than the role of trusted friend. As the month develops you will have leverage points where you can make decisions concerning how you feel about yourself. These might seem to be emotional, though there is a logical access point. Asking yourself whether something makes sense is a good place to start. I don’t mean makes sense in terms of internal logic — I mean makes sense in terms of being happier or getting what you want from life.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There’s plenty you can learn from the people you care about, and even from the people who annoy you the most. You’re being confronted with a diversity of situations that are challenging you to update your ideas about relating to others. You’re seeing the results of your old ideas, and you may be seeing past versions of yourself dramatized in the actions of others. Mainly, I think that your charts are pointing directly to the value of being flexible and able to negotiate, without being a pushover. Negotiation is something that should produce a workable result for both people involved in the conversation. That starts with you knowing what works for you, and listening to what others say works for them, then exploring the common ground.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — One way or another, healing — or the need for healing — surfaces in every relationship. Maybe that’s because love brings up everything unlike itself. Maybe it’s because we carry around so many prejudices from our past relationships, and those obscure our view of who we’re actually with. I suggest you honor the healing aspect of your relationships though without putting that on a ‘higher’ plane than celebrating life. One of our biggest collective problems is pleasure anxiety (that is, tension, guilt or other issues around simply feeling good). In that regard, sincere, wholesome pleasure counts as a form of release from pain and anxiety. Yet along the way, there will be questions, some pain might arise, and in your chart, there’s the question of what to do along that borderline where passion meets anger. Devote yourself to listening and you will have all the information — and the love — you need.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You don’t need to feel awkward about your sexuality. I mean, you can if you want, but you’re attractive and you’re making an impression on people. That means they’re noticing you, though you may not feel okay about that. If there was ever a time in your life not to be a slave to your hangups, this is the time. If there was a moment to commit to your growth as a sexual being, you’re standing in it right now. Get used to the fact that to some extent, this is a deeply private experience that by definition others will be finding out about. You’re at the point where your prior personality structure cannot contain the growth or the energy that’s brimming out of you now. Get used to that fact and you’ll have a whole new way to feel good about who you are.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — I trust that by now you’ve figured out that there’s no point resisting progress. You’re growing, you’re maturing, and you’re being called to bigger and better things than you may have ever dreamed possible. Yet this is not a fairytale; you’re living an actual journey of maturity, which has many elements. One of them is fully embracing adult responsibility. Another is hearing the call to leadership. Yet another is recognizing that time is finite, which is another way of saying that you must use time as your ally rather than treating it as an enemy. Time is a resource, and it’s one that you have the ability to use wisely. One way to avoid wasting time is to invest your energy in who and what is present in your life now, rather than obsessing over the past. The past leads nowhere; the present will lead you into the future.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is a passionate season and it may be especially so for you. I suggest you put your heat and light into everything you’re doing, and be fully present in your own life and in the world. You’re radiating from the inside out, and you’ve surpassed the whole ‘invisible Pisces’ thing. You don’t have to concern yourself with what results you’re going to get. Do what feels right; associate with the people who feel right; and make the changes you need to make along the way. I suggest you put lots of energy into communicating what you feel, including in conversations, in writing and in creative modes like music, photography and art. This is all leading to something, though I won’t predict what. I can tell you that there will be some exciting developments later in the month that will spring from the love that you pour into your life and the world right now.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two product



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