Category Archives: Horoscopes By Sign

Taurus 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
You have expanded your horizons many ways this year. How do you feel, compared to where you were at this time in 2011? Your charts suggest that most of this expansion has involved changing your relationship to what you think is possible. You’re not done with this. The next phase of the process is what you think is possible — without connecting it to an intimate relationship. While your sign is notorious for its themes of attachment and possessiveness, you’re starting to figure out the way that this rigs the whole game of life against you. Your view of love, of relationships and yes, of money, is more global than you may imagine. If you emphasize your broad and portable perspective rather than camping out in any one point of view, you increase the odds of success and happiness exponentially. Measure potential based on what you have never done rather than what you have tried to do. Think of the world as comprising all the places you have not been, rather than the ones you know well.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

How much of how you conduct yourself in relationships is a reaction to the past, and how much is a response to what is available in the present moment? To sort out this question, you’ll need to slow down and live from thought to thought — that’s where the information is contained. It may often seem that the story arc of your life bends around the weight of history, and that what happens today is strictly the consequence of what happened in the past. It may seem that the results of prior choices intervene in your life from moment to moment. Yet if this is true, please consider that you’re being reminded of the need to step outside of that reality. This is not merely ‘escaping’ the effects of the past. It’s about an orientation on existence, and an orientation on your journey through time. You may be caught in the perception that time is linear. That is a compelling illusion. If you pay attention over the next few days, you may notice that each moment is a gateway to many dimensions of time, extending in every direction — and offering possibilities you had not considered.

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

You seem to be invested in a relationship as if your life depended on it, yet with the feeling that you don’t really have a choice. The thing to be careful of is rooting your self-esteem in the feelings of another person (whether positive or negative). In an intimate relationship this will almost always happen — relating closely to another person changes us, and there is always some overlay of self-image. Yet whatever may be happening in the relationship aspect of your life, it would be wise of you to draw your self-esteem from a diversity of sources, including and especially from your own sense of who you are rather than who anyone reminds you that you are. This is a delicate balance for you right now, and I suggest you take your steps consciously.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

Belief is the central theme of your life — what you believe, why you believe it, and the origins of your point of view. Ideally, it would help to go ‘beyond belief’ entirely, because the concept is so flimsy. But at first it helps to sort out what you think is true, and why you think so. Once you get there, an investigation of what’s actually true is the next step. This is partly a matter of learning, and partly a matter of direct experience. Information or an idea is obviously not wrong by default when it comes from someone else, though you can go deeper into the truth when you have your own experience to illustrate or modify your perception. This is another way of saying that meaning is only truly meaningful in context, and one context you now have is a relationship or close interpersonal situation. You seem to be in a situation where someone else’s beliefs are good as far as they go. Be grateful when you reach that limit, because that’s the point when your deeper learning begins.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

It’s easy to turn relationships into a religion. It’s also easy to group with others based on a structured belief system. Having the two in the same place is a hazard to your growth. Intimate relationships do not need to be grounded in materialized form, in ideology or in commitments that extend far into the unforeseeable future. If humanity is to proceed in a way that could vaguely be called progressive, enlightened or honoring of human potential, relationships need to be a flexible meeting of individuals who support one another in getting to understand themselves. Please don’t underestimate the extent to which relationships as we’re taught to think of them are designed to undermine that very process. The problem you may face is that stepping into actual individuality is so daunting. The reasons for this go back as far as the first person who declared himself king, and demanded the loyalty of others; they extend into the present day, when most people fully expect to be punished for authenticity. I don’t think that either of these are the real issue. For you, it’s about diving into the unknown, and by that, I mean consciously entering the space within yourself where you actually don’t know who you are, and where nothing can substitute. If you can embrace what you don’t know about yourself, you may catch a glimpse of how much you have to discover, and what beauty the mere willingness to meet yourself would release into the world.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

Your charts continue to emphasize your current relationship situation(s), a fact that’s not going to change for a while. Immediate factors suggest that it’s time for a careful review of the past, including the way that mental habits have influenced your choices and in particular, the words you have spoken and the impact they have had. One choice you have is to build your new encounters on the heap of what has happened in the past. Another is to seek understanding about what has happened, and to re-evaluate your role, and that of everyone else. If you choose to camp out in a fixed point of view, you will miss the subtleties and indeed miss the many opportunities for nourishment that come from true understanding. It’s worth considering the history of all the ways you orient your existence on relationships and in particular, your concepts about them. Life when actually lived is not scripted, the end is not pre-determined and it’s not a role play. It’s something different, indeed, something much easier.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

You are encountering the mystical aspect of sexuality — likely through a partner or partners. Yes, you also have a direct connection, though currently your experience involves what you might think of as transcending yourself through someone else and your experience of him or her. If this doesn’t have a specifically erotic feeling, you might notice it in other relational experiences that involve deep bonding. Yet with so much happening in your opposite sign Scorpio right now, sexuality is on the radar. One theme to watch is ‘what you cannot have’ or ‘what you’re denied’ or possibly ‘what you deny yourself’. This is the very thing that may be acting as the enticement or portal for you to go further. It’s essential that you explore your relationship to withholding or denying, because through doing that you will better understand your willingness to give, to share and to offer. You have it in you right now to discover just how unlimited you are.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

You may feel like you’re caught in something much larger than you are, dealing with forces more powerful than yourself — and with no obvious way out. Take this as an opportunity to figure out just where your true strength is seated: that would be in your initial choice to respond, and specifically how you respond. If you have faith in your ability to make decisions, and if you remain open-minded enough to do so, you will feel stronger and learn a constructive life lesson. There is an idea you’re being challenged to dismantle: that you are subject to life, rather than being a participant in it. I suggest that you proceed through this experience consciously, and slowly, not making snap judgments or saying anything that you cannot take back. You’re not being asked to break a commitment, but rather to evaluate it carefully — in particular, to see whether it supports your growth and is expressive of your true values. There is a denial factor you’re working through; this may involve an exception to a rule that you now have a valuable opportunity to reconsider.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

Whatever else may be going on in your life — and there is plenty — I suggest you keep your emphasis on your wellbeing, such as maintaining a balance between your work and your personal life. The most intimate aspects of your existence are likely to be compelling, as you rethink your involvement in a certain agreement based on factors you’re unlikely to have considered before. The practical aspect may seem to compete against the emotional aspect, though you’re making progress when you see them as the same thing. It’s essential that you become a highly conscious decision maker, which may be challenging amongst so many unusual factors, events that somehow seem fated, and doubts about your past choices. I suggest you develop the skill of knowing when you’re in denial. Each time you figure it out, consider that a moment of awakening. From there, your first objective would be to remain awake, so you can use your awareness to help you guide your life in a wholly positive direction. One additional challenge is the sense of mystery that may be pervading everything. There are the usual questions, such as where am I and how did I get here? These have answers. The most pressing questions involve you and what you want. You’ve taken some strides on this particular issue; you’ve figured out some of what you don’t want and discovered a few things that make you happy. Yet you remain the most persistent mystery in the room. Sit with that one; don’t rush yourself.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

The Sun ingresses your opposite sign Scorpio on Monday, which indicates a shift of tone in your relationship life. Things could go one of two ways from here: toward greater depth and understanding, or toward separation. My impression is that events will proceed along a path that seems organic; emotions, like water, tend to flow with the psychic landscape. There’s a larger story involved, however, and it involves your longterm needs for clarity in your relationships. Clarity is a form of understanding, and in our current version of the world, it’s natural to experience that as vulnerability. There is also something about the nature of exchange. I believe that many people withhold generosity because to give to someone is to set up the conditions for loving them; I’ve seen over and over that we love who and what we take care of. I know it’s supposed to go the other way, and sometimes it does. The question is no longer what you can get, but what you can give. It’s no longer who belongs in your life, or not; the question is why or why not.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

It would appear as though someone wants to marry you, and I suggest you pause and reflect before deciding whether you want to marry them. This may be literal or figurative; the ‘marriage’ in question could be a business partnership, a spiritual partnership, the merging of an idea — or actual nuptials. One of the first things to investigate is whether everyone involved in the situation is being real with themselves, and with others involved. Check the theme of ‘availability’ from every angle you can think of. Then I suggest you account for any exaggeration on your part — whether this involves your feelings, or overlooking certain key details because you’re having so much fun. There is one other factor. While you obviously cannot respond to what you don’t know about, you can make room for the potential that you’re working with incomplete facts. Over the next week or so you’re going to learn a lot, and what emerges will be useful information.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

Your solar chart suggests that you’re taking a relationship situation more seriously while someone close to you seems to be playing fast and loose. If you can see this contrast, it will prove to be a useful learning tool. You’re at a stage in life when you really need to think things through, more than you need to talk them through. You cannot know what will work the best in a relationship when you don’t know what will work the best for you. I suggest that this is a situation that calls for about at least five parts thought for every one part conversation. You seem to know the truth; beware of how the false confidence or self-delusion of others might knock you out of center. Beware of a tendency to second-guess yourself, especially if you have a strong hunch. And be conscious of when you’re fearing the worst. It rarely happens, though in truth there’s a potent energy source in you that could just as well manifest as creativity as it does anxiety.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

Saturn enters your opposite sign Scorpio this month, and that’s a dependable cue that you’re entering an extended phase of housekeeping in your relationships. As with many things Saturn, this is a study in boundaries, which is another way of saying agreements. Part of this experience will be practical: who in your life belongs there? With whom do you have wholesome and healthy connections, and with whom do you have unhealthy or destructive attachments? What are you going to do about them? You may notice that you’re attracting older, ‘more serious’ people who you may recognize have something to teach you about yourself and about life. They will hold up a mirror to the aging process, through which you will be invited to make some decisions about how you want to grow older. Another aspect is conceptual, and even philosophical. What does commitment mean to you? What is bonding? What is the nature of attachment? What does jealousy have to do with any of this? Perhaps most significantly, what role do you allow others to have in your life? One of the most beneficial things you’ll gain from the experience of Saturn in your opposite sign is that of learning how not to give away your power. You may feel like the universe is taking some extreme measures to keep you in alignment with yourself, though remember how challenging it is for you to change in response to any factor besides your own will — and even that can take a miracle.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

There is such a thing as a mature relationship, though it’s not what most people think it is. I can leave out the definition, not because it isn’t essential but rather because it takes care of itself when an essential element of authenticity is present: and that is trust. Trust does not take care of itself; it needs to be cultivated and maintained as a conscious act, usually from day to day. I suggest you do a trust inventory of your relationships, and include looking at the ways in which you extend trust to others and signal that you’ve done so, as well as the ways that the people you’re in any way partnered with extend trust back to you. Then, consider the ways that any given relationship reaches out into the social environment. Is anything missing? Now is the time to address it.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

Beware of emotional pitfalls, particularly ones that have been a big problem in the past. It’s your destiny to outgrow and resolve these issues, not to be bound by them. Here is what the aspect structure is describing. You are in close proximity to a spot in your emotional body that feels like an injury to your self-respect. Whatever it was, it has roots in (Northern Hemisphere) summers of 1999 and 2001, though you may not connect those two dates. You may fear that you’re in the same place, or still carrying some residual tendencies — though I suggest you note that feeling and keep going forward. There is something else going on, and it involves your relationship to this elusive thing called ‘maleness’. Much has been said about the alleged differences between male and female desire, though at least for you right now, there is something of a role reversal going on. You can regard any experiences you have of men over the next few days as a form of inner exploration. You’ve skipped over this territory before; I suggest that this time around, you go in deep.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

You seem to be invested in a situation that’s approaching a moment of truth. Said another way, that’s a checkpoint where you reconcile with yourself and someone else involved in the scenario, and clear up any factors of denial or deception that may be present. The reason that these are so popular is really a matter of convenience, in the short-run, anyway. One of the first things to check is whose conduct in the situation is self-serving rather than mutually supportive. This is another way of asking whose agenda is dominating? Who benefits, and who pays? Ideally, those things would be distributed more or less evenly, and if they’re not, it’s time to figure out why. This includes a number of emotional dimensions to the situation. When it comes to hidden material and motives, however, you’re the one in the best condition to investigate what’s going on for you — and I suggest you do precisely that. If you do, you’ll learn quite a bit about yourself.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

It’s about time you made that decision to feel good about yourself, which translates to feeling like you actually belong on the planet. To do this, you’ve had to take a chance on something, though you’ve also had to be honest with yourself about some darkness that you’re struggling with. From the look of your charts, the moment you made contact with that honesty, you felt the potential to meet — or actually did meet — someone who was willing to match your energy, which has led to an experience of what seems like your real potential. If you keep doing this, which will feel like opening up a little more every day, you will see that the path you’re on is leading you in the direction of your true potential. Yet as you experience that, keep looping back around into the awareness of your deepest fears, your most distasteful attitudes and that part of you that just refuses to let go. The more you look right at these things, the more power you will have over them, and the less you’ll feel like a victim, whether of yourself or of anyone else.

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

If you eliminate what is not true, you will be likelier to focus on what is true. The first thing to remember is that there’s a difference. The second thing to remember is that that difference exists whether or not you like it; though I think you’re far more likely to value and appreciate what is authentic once you have acknowledged its existence. For the next few weeks you’re likely to experience something approaching actual self-esteem, which is a rare psychological condition. I suggest you make a conscious effort to remember how this feels. Much of what you learn through the rest of this year and into 2013 is focused on this theme. There is no taking it for granted if you want to live a grounded, sane and content life.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

If you want more fulfilling relationship experiences, you need to be less rigid. That’s to say, loosen up and dare to experiment with what you don’t know. Opportunities to do this look like they’re arriving in abundance. You may be noticing how different other people are, and the diversity of possibilities. Yet what you may be feeling is precisely your way of adhering to what’s familiar. Think of this as being confronted by your own boundaries. It may make you nervous to even think of going past those self-imposed limits, though the first step in doing so is finding out what they are. While you’re doing that, I suggest you observe any self-critical or self-judgmental thoughts, particularly if they come in the form of concern over anything within you that you think is dark. Now for the expert-level spiritual maneuver: If you have a negative reaction to anyone or anything, can you see how it’s an extension of your fear of being that same thing? If you can acknowledge that much, you might notice that your fear is really desire.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric.

An old-growth tree can withstand storms because the roots extend deep into the soil. But it also remains standing because it’s flexible. You’ve spent time cultivating your own grounding point — inner resources that run deep and can hold up under even the most difficult situations. Think of your emotional grounding as self-worth, confidence in your skills, and an unwavering sense of feeling good being you. These, of course, are ideals to reach for, which you will grasp with greater confidence as time goes on. That brings up the flexibility question, which is your ability to adapt to the changing conditions of the world, including your inner conditions. You tend to place your security in the material world — your home, your car, the status of your bank account. Instead, I propose a question — what would be your greatest assets if you lost all worldly possessions and financial reserves? What would you use to rebuild yourself? These are your true resources. Begin with your work ethic and your carefully crafted network of people. That one is particularly valuable. In some ways, your network is your net worth. Opportunities will arise this month to improve your web of personal connections, coming in the form of something in which you have a mutual investment. Focus more on the quality of the relationship and less on who has the upper hand in the situation. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

You may be getting the message that the time has come to focus your mind. One peculiar property of Taurus is that your intellectual talents often find themselves under the water of your powerful emotions. Resolving this is more a matter of maturity than it is of having (or not having) some innate gift. Over the next few days, you may feel what it’s like to be a mature thinker. It’s different from the usual tidal flow of your mind, or the cyclical ebb and flood of your ideas that you live with. Many factors over the past few years have guided you in the direction of the skills necessary to steer your mind a bit like how someone can use the wind and currents to guide a sailboat almost effortlessly. Remember that you actually possess the abilities that seem to manifest over the next few days, and you can access them at any time. The one thing you have to remember is that this doesn’t work as long as you let your emotions overwhelm your mind — and your mind being in charge is the point of maturity for which nothing else can substitute.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

You seem to be trying to work out the details of a decision, with no obvious options and a very high ideal in mind. I suggest you simplify matters, and focus your most basic goal. Then ask yourself what, exactly, you need to do in order to meet that goal. Once you have an understanding of this, it’ll be a lot more obvious how to proceed. If you find yourself bouncing back and forth between possibilities, or plans, that’s a sign that you need to focus your goals. There seems to be an overload of emotional energy clouding your mind, and for the next week or so you will need to sidestep this. The way to do this is by making step-by-step plans toward your minimal objective — not your ideal destination or the grand plan. Clarity is going to be key to this process. You will know you’re moving in the right direction when you start to feel a little insecure or outside of your comfort zone. That’s the feeling of energy moving into manifestation. Keep going.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

You seem to be preoccupied with the theme of authority or power. Currently you’re less directly subject to power, and are dancing with its various influences. I suggest you bear in mind the ways that your internal emotional state may be distorting your perceptions. It’s always true that our mind and our senses filter what we perceive; that’s what they’re for. Now the key is to use your intelligence to observe and correct those distortions. One question that may be percolating is: did you feel safe in your father’s home? This question comes with another — what was your reference point for safety? How exactly do you define the concept of ‘secure’? If you’re asking this question well, it’s going to lead to more questions before you start to arrive at coherent information — though it will, if you’re patient.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

You may be feeling the desire to cut loose — to do all the things you might not ordinarily do, because your boundaries are too firm (or said less politely, because you’re wound a bit too tight to try). Remember that this is an emotional impulse rather than, say, an intellectual one. Tapping into it will require that you let go of one of your ideas about what it means to be safe — or rather, one of your false ideas. People make up a lot of ritualistic notions about what protects them, ranging from their lucky T-shirt to not having sex before the third date. Try to be mindful of when you’re leaning on something like this. There’s also something about the fear of consequences based on a past situation that seemed similar. Yet does it really apply? And were the consequences that bad? Anyway — all of this may end up being academic, as you follow an impulse to set yourself free. Remember to keep some condoms and the number of a taxicab company in your pocket.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

Over the next week you may get a taste of how complex an emotional situation is, though the outer circumstances are truly the superficial layer. When you start asking yourself the right questions, you will discover that the real subject involves your self-esteem. A central question is not how much someone else values you — rather, it’s how much do you value yourself, and are you able to live and breathe that value? As you move through the events of the next week, quietly ask yourself that question over and over again. You can also inquire whether you feel like you’re associating with people who really do honor the best things about you. While you’re doing that, it would be healthy to inquire whether you notice and appreciate the qualities that others offer you. Sincere and openly expressed gratitude is a remarkably accurate measure of self-esteem.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

You now have access to a truly unusual quality of communication, where you can be direct without being pushy. That’s coming from a deeper place than your feelings or your mind; you have available a level of confidence that comes from taking ownership of what you’re learning. Let me say that another way. You’re starting to feel intelligent in a new way, like you have deeper knowledge available to you. That’s the direct product of self-knowledge. It’s also the product of getting some relief from your age-old conflict about what you want, and what is true for you. Now you can explore based on your increased depth of knowledge and confidence. The next few days offer you an experiment to explore what you want, regardless of any hesitation you may have felt in the past. You can go a little (or a lot) further out on a limb, particularly with what you open up and allow yourself to feel. As you do, keep your focus. You’re in an excellent position to use what you know — and you’ll benefit from doing so.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

Focus your financial priorities. Even if you’re in a state of relative abundance, now is the time to plan carefully for the future. I suggest you take two lines of approach. One is to get clear about what’s important. There are a lot of ways your money could be directed, and some are clearly more important than others. Some of the most expensive things are entirely meaningless, particularly if you have them only for show. Second is I suggest you look for (and work with) non-cash forms of resources. This includes everything from ideas to people willing to help you to repurposing what you already have. Be bold about asking for what people don’t seem to need; bartering and other forms of exchange will be mutually profitable.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

Your ruling planet Venus has stationed direct in Gemini, which is another way of saying that information is forthcoming about what in life is most important to you. That, in turn, will lead to your ability to make better decisions about what to do about that significance; to use what you know. One characteristic of the recent Venus retrograde phase has been an experiment in values. By this I mean that you’ve been able to explore aspects of life that may in some way go against your usual ethics, habits or morals. Seen one way, these parallel values systems are equally valid. Seen another way, you cannot be sure what is important to you unless you experience something different, in physical reality. It’s crucial to be able to experiment without the looming threat of failure or disaster, and you’ve come a long way in setting your worst fears aside. That alone has been worth the experiment, though you’ve gained a lot more than that.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

An unstoppable, primal force deep in your psyche is having its way with a concept of relationship that you think of as an immovable object. For example, perhaps your concept of being married or in a committed partnership is getting a taste of the rest of your sex drive. This in turn is ‘threatening’ to crack open the relationship concept, which in turn is shaking up your whole identity structure. Though this seems to involve a kind of battle between sex and repression, in fact the energy source is deeper than sex and the structure is deeper than your concept of relationship. But these make viable metaphors and you will learn a lot working on that level. Remember that both of these forces are in your mind and/or emotions, and the whole matter is coming up for healing first and recreation second. This is about something you’re working out — so for now, keep your focus of change directed inwardly. This is what will get you the results you want.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

Don’t try to judge your own progress. There are too many wheels in spin for you to predict where you’re going to emerge from your current adventure, or is it odyssey? Meanwhile, you can learn plenty from studying people’s reactions to you. They might be stronger than you’re accustomed to; if some people express adulation and others extreme irritation, taking the average won’t help you determine the truth — rather, experiment with not taking opinions so seriously. You could find yourself diving into situations beyond what you think of as your better judgment, perhaps inspired by someone who lacks your usual resistance to risk. You tend to overthink things, something you may find yourself bypassing these days. You can afford to live in a way that, for you, seems daring — your luck is better than you think, as long as you stay in the moment and don’t make any promises.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

It is often said that the basis of love is selflove. Yet selflove is often confused with vanity, arrogance and self-obsession, and has a way of being put down as such. While many are busy doing this, the world is crumbling under the weight of the self-esteem problems that many people face, which come disguised in a thousand forms, most of which are not seen for what they are. Let’s come back to our starting point, which was selflove. This is not generally related to sex, which is presumed to come from other people — the sex we give ourselves isn’t usually regarded as ‘the real thing’. I would propose the idea that not only is masturbation real sex, it’s the basis of all sexual awareness and hence sexuality — and that it plays as meaningful a role in your relationship to yourself as sexual contact plays within any couple. Next week’s transit of Venus is pumping energy into your relationship with yourself — in its sexual aspect and many others. Explore this dynamic and you’ll discover that you can go deeper with yourself than you ever expected. Within your own inner space, you can work out anything that’s interfering with your relationships with others, and prepare yourself to go deeper than ever before.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

You don’t have to be in as much conflict as you are. You don’t need to accept what other people say is right for you, or the rules that they impose on you, which might seem to be the source of your inner tension. It’s easy to go there by default when your own inner guidance conflicts, or when you’re uncertain about what you want. This thing we call religion, by the way, is about people giving up their power of choice, then imposing that on others, and that seems to be a quickly fading influence right now. This is the moment when you take control of your desires. That means not letting them run you, not feeling guilty and most of all, resolving any conflicting values that might be present in your heart. As these weeks progress, you will find this more compelling, necessary and eminently possible.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

It’s as if you’re split between two different existences right now — one in which you feel the emotional challenges and darkness that you want to work through, and another in which you can feel and experience your potential. I suggest you allow those two seemingly separate worlds to coexist, and feel the tension that creates. Hold open the space between them. Don’t let the two sides of the equation mush into one nondescript morass. If you can do that, you’ll see that you have a choice in the matter of how to experience your existence — and there is more in this choice than you may recognize. For example, emotional challenges almost always relate to the past. What role does the past play in what you’re doing now? Expressing your potential is about making contact with yourself, and that can only happen in this very moment. What is stopping you? Don’t worry about how to resolve this issue. I suggest you work with the various dichotomies as long as you can.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

This weekend is the Sun’s annual conjunction to Jupiter — the only one in Taurus for the next 11 years. That’s the astrological picture of a rare gift coming to you (and the image of a very, very special birthday). Yet there are those moments when the astrology looks brilliant yet there seems to be some underlying issue. One thing to be careful of is the sensation that nothing is ever good enough. This may seem like a peculiarity of our society, though it’s been an issue for so long that it’s recorded in mythology. Sometimes it’s the feeling of abundance coupled with imperfection; or it could be the feeling of having a strong presence in the world, yet you are trapped or isolated. The beauty of life can, at any time, be complicated by self-doubt. And if you feed it, that’s the emotion that’s sure to grow. If you emphasize and explore your life-affirming emotions they are the ones that will grow — in a spectacular way.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

Take a practical approach to any situation or challenge in your life, particularly if you reach a point where you don’t know quite what to do. What appears to be an obstacle is not just an opportunity; it’s also the approach to a breakthrough point. While this is not merely a ‘trick of the mind’, how you think about matters profoundly influences how you perceive them, as well as how they develop. I suggest you be wary of any situation that involves a tease, seems out of reach or unavailable (an asteroid called Tantalus showing up vividly in your charts right now). I am not suggesting you avoid or run from any circumstance fitting that description, rather that you apply consciousness and the power of choice. Desire is a beautiful thing, though this is the time to ask yourself whether what you desire will bring you happiness, and if not, what you might choose to further that worthy cause.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

Remember what is important to you. Remember, and at the same time, learn. There is a message in your chart about seeing the other side of something — a way of life, an idea about yourself, a basic value you hold. You’re not typically given to exploring what you think is precisely opposite what you might normally do, though this would be an exceptionally healthy thing to work into your routines. You’re about to see how valuable it is when you can step out of your point of view and consider what you might have considered strange, threatening or irrelevant in the past. This is just one of many occasions you will have to reinvent yourself from the inside out. True freedom is based on your ability to adapt to your circumstances and your desires.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

Having a healthy relationship with your community is vital to having a fulfilled existence. But how many people have that? Who even considers the issue? Your solar charts suggest that you’ve adjusted your behavior with the people around you to fit in with their expectations. This has brought you the illusion of stability because your group structures did not change like they would, had you asserted your creativity, passion or authentic self. Eventually illusions crack, and yours is doing so as you re-evaluate what is truly nurturing your highest needs. As your personal identity shifts in relation to your network, the community around you will change. I suggest you see this less as a disruption to your inner state of calm and more as a sign of progress toward a more authentic life. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

If you’re feeling some unusual tension within yourself, I suggest you consider what will be the central theme of this birthday season for you: making sure you understand your motives. That’s to say, I suggest you constantly refer back to why you want whatever it is you want. What is driving you to make choices, to favor certain people, or to desire certain experiences? Why do you feel about yourself the way that you do? These questions have answers — in fact, they may have two answers each. So the decisions you make are less about the outer expressions of things and more about connecting with what is driving you. Pay special attention to when those motives conflict, and note this as a potential source of any paralysis. A related theme of this spring is taking a trip back to the past, and while you’re there, disconnecting from the values you once acquired that no longer serve you. You’ll find plenty — and you’ll be happier without them.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

Not everyone is blessed with curiosity about themselves. Though some people are, that curiosity is often fragile and can be thwarted by everything from external distractions to the fear of what one might discover inwardly to an odd kind of shame about getting to know oneself as a conscious act. For the past few months, it’s as if you’ve been dragged inward, and have felt compelled to explore territory that you might have avoided otherwise. Yet as you’ve moved through these regions in yourself, you’ve noticed all the things you want that exist there. You’ve also come within sight of a truly significant personal goal, this despite some protest along the way. And you’ve opened up inner territory that until now was truly unfamiliar. Remember, as you enter a new phase of experience, how challenging it was, and what you had to go through to learn what you did. Never take that for granted; what was strange to you yesterday or two months ago still deserves to be treated with the respect for the unknown — and that starts with curiosity.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

You seem to be caught in something. From the look of your solar chart, it’s an idea. Elaborating further, it seems to be an old idea about yourself, which you don’t usually recognize — though you notice when you get caught in it from the feeling of being stuck. Its properties include the sensation of being of ‘two minds’ about something, which is another way of saying that your goals conflict. This roots more deeply either in not knowing your priorities, or having some attachment to an old idea and a new one that will not work together. Every now and then it’s a good idea to go through your goals and make sure they’re still valid for you. Notice what you do that’s not on your list, and what’s on the list that you haven’t done anything about in a long time. Don’t be brutal — simply be real. Then, update your files. You may need to do this three or four times over the next month.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012

The next couple of months contain many opportunities to shift your relationship to the past. At first it may seem like the past has an unusual amount of influence on you now, but what you’re seeing is something that’s always a factor. What is changing is an awareness factor — in particular, seeing how over-focus on the past divides your attention, as well as leads you to invest precious energy in circumstances that don’t exist. Yet it’s necessary to see this before you let it go. It’s necessary to see and notice any inner division before you can work it out. Where you go from there is another question entirely, but one thing is sure: if you’re honest and forgiving first with yourself and with others, many interesting options will open before you.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

Venus is about to enter Gemini, where it will be until August. Plenty of history is going to go by between now and then, both for you personally and for the world around you. However, at the commencement of this trip, it’s as if you pass through a series of gateways. Think of them as pressurized chambers. The first one involves coming to terms with something you were in denial of, which may clue you in to your tendency to pretend certain things don’t exist. A corresponding discovery may come in the form of learning that you prefer the very thing you were in denial of. The next one involves the way you compensate for a past hurt by an excess of some kind. If you can tamp down the excess as an experiment, you may be able to reach the deeper material. This in turn will help you shift your relationship to pleasure, in essence helping you make it a more honest pursuit for its own sake rather than for an ulterior purpose.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012

There are things unfolding behind the scenes that you can’t quite make sense of. You may be wrestling secret fears that you can’t even fully articulate or voice or simply don’t dare talk about. You may not even be sure who you can trust. But as much as the unknown unnerves you and as risky as a situation may seem, remember the fear of the unknown is often far worse than your reality. Take the time to go inward this week and confront the subconscious veil of fear, rejection, anger, mistrust or other negative emotions that hold you back from discovering your core potential. You are being awakened to the greater reason behind your existence and the unique purpose you came to this planet with. Your intuition is blazing right now and there are new realms making themselves known to you. Follow a hunch and you might be pleasantly surprised. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

Are you feeling overwhelmed? I see a few possibilities. You may be in a cycle that you don’t know how to get out of. Or, you may be noticing some qualities of yourself that you wish you could change, but you’re not sure how to do it. These qualities might exist inside your idea of yourself as a ‘good person’ or ‘helpful person’ and may even lead you to wonder whether that’s really true. Be aware that you’re in the midst of a magnifying effect — certain elements of your psyche are under a lens right now, where you can see them and where you can, in fact, address your concerns. But that’s not all that’s happening; you’re making discoveries about the love that you have to offer, and you may be figuring out that the only thing you really can do with love is to give it away. Whatever else you may be working out — and there do seem to be a few deep issues — there’s a miracle waiting for you in the recognition that love is what you give.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

You may be getting the message to be yourself; in fact it’s never been easier. Yet there’s a second theme coming through, which is the experience of being yourself and then experiencing some fear or backlash of guilt as a result. That’s unlikely to stop you, though you obviously would prefer that reaction not be there. Where it comes from is another question, and knowing the history may help you resolve the matter. However, it really comes down to a decision about what part of your mind you want running your psyche — and you do choose. Uncomfortable as this may be, I will say this. There are plenty of people who get cocooned into a crypt by that reaction of every surge of real self being met by some shadowy reaction. It’s enough to make most people stop proceeding in the direction of their reality just so they can avoid the discomfort of doing so. At the moment, anyway, you don’t need to have that problem. I think you’re discovering that opening up your options is better protection than shutting them down.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

Maybe it’s my positive experience with Gestalt therapy speaking, but the notion of ‘unconscious’ has always seemed suspect to me. ‘I did that unconsciously’ or ‘that person has an unconscious motive’ sound more like denying consciousness than anything else. There does seem to be a level of information that at times percolates into the one to which we’re normally accustomed, such as remembering a dream that reveals something interesting. I suggest, however, that you’re fully responsible for knowing your motives and your goals, and that if there is any question or issue, it’s going to have a manifestation, for example, as some form of conflict or frustration. Another clue that something might be going on ‘beneath the surface’ is that you find yourself rationalizing, that is, making excuses for why something is a certain way, rather than investigating how it got to be that way. Yet none of this is beyond your ability to perceive it. Your mind is a light; I suggest you look directly at what it illuminates.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

Take care of yourself. Take care of your mind, and take care of the place you hold in the world. Both are precious and deserve to be treated that way. You may be feeling on top of your game, however I would propose that your situation is more delicate than is obvious to you. If you’re not using your relationship experiences as a mirror and a template for growth, you may be missing some key opportunities that are not available on a regular basis. It’s true, you can make nearly any decision at nearly any time, but your experiences are offering you a perspective on ‘the other’ that can, if you pay attention, reveal a lot about what you want from life. If you’re obsessed over what you don’t want, I would propose taking another approach. Being affirmative will provide a more direct path.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012

What did you dream your life would be like when you grew up? And has life lived up to your dreams? A situation is drawing you ever further into the unknown, but through this process, you are learning what it means to authentically trust yourself. When there is doubt, I would suggest you reach for the most fiery part of yourself. The part that gets angry, or rages when it feels unheard. It will tell you something about your deepest desires or why you have felt disillusioned before. Then you can let go of false ideas that have clouded your vision in the past, putting you back in touch with your reality. Your ideals some would say are rather unrealistic and untouchable at times. But still you know your abilities and potential and what you are capable of manifesting when you put your mind, heart and soul into it. If at anytime you feel lost, speak to someone you can trust implicitly with your soul. There are friends on hand, who’ve proven their worth to you and who can offer sage advice to a dilemma. Above all have faith in yourself and you can get closer to creating the life you’ve always dreamed of, offering you the freedom you need to be wholly yourself. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

Venus is now in Aries, and this may be taking you on a quest for your lost self. Your whole life may feel like a recovery mission that has you venturing into strange or unfamiliar territory. I suggest you stay in these regions of yourself until you gain some familiarity with the environment you’re uncovering. You might have a tendency to want to move on and have things get back to normal, but normal is not what you really want, as far as I can see, or what will really serve you. In fact becoming friendly with what you might otherwise decide is downright strange would be more the way to go. It’s time to throw away all of your prior notions of ‘normal’ and ‘proper’ and habitual in place of a recognition of what is so. Be mindful of your rituals and do things differently every chance you get. Experiment with your methods of working, relating and most of all the way you take risks (or struggle to do so). You’re going to learn a lot if you do, and the information will help you make some crucial decisions shortly after your birthday.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

There may be some vivid contrasts in what you’re feeling and what others are perceiving about you. They’re not incompatible, but they are different enough that you need to account for any potential contrast. While on the one hand you may be creatively lit up, and have an abundance of good ideas, other factors suggest you want to be extraordinarily careful where communications are concerned, particularly where anyone in a position of authority is involved. What you say matters, and you cannot take it back. Along a similar line, the quality of any idea is only as good as your ability to express it or put it into action in a useful way. This could be a genuinely fortunate time in your life, when actual opportunities are abundant. But you can take no chances on anything other than careful, honest effort, and sincere gestures to cooperate within any group environment.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

Do you have the guts to actually be the person you want the world to think you are? Or perhaps more to the point, the person you want to be? Projecting an image is relatively simple. Finding the truth of who you are can be complex and challenging. It takes less courage to create an image than it does to seek within yourself and identify the truth of what you are trying to weave for the world to see. Now is the time to dare and take that inner quest. It’s not neat or tidy; for example, the other side of appearing sexy is the truth of desire. The other side of external beauty is the psychological struggle associated with doubt. Concentrated exploration often precedes inspiration, and we often have to reckon with the inwardly violent aspects of our nature in order to experience the gentler ones. Embrace those contrasts as a sign of authentic exploration; as evidence that there is substance behind your image.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

One of the most deeply ingrained patterns involves sex and — more significantly — how we think about sex. Mars making its retrograde in the angle of your chart associated with pleasure and experimentation is also involved in the Virgo dimension. If you’re looking for why, so often, you have to think about whether you’re going to think about something, rather than just trying it as an experiment — look no further. There’s something for you in Mars retrograde about being comfortable with taking risks, and most of those risks involve how you think of yourself as a sexual being. Many people spend their lives seemingly trying to impress others with their purity, which is another way of saying with their hangups. There’s an old expression: free your ass and your mind will follow. Or is it really free your mind and your ass will follow? Actually, you can do both at once.

Planet Waves Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

We each have a special role to play in this cosmic drama called life. Yet until you embrace and accept your individual talents, you’re likely to feel like a fish out of water, or worse, one swimming in a sea of endless comparison. Something you’ve been working towards is stabilizing this week, bringing you the recognition you’ve long deserved professionally. Along the way, events are asking you to move past subconscious limitations you carry regarding your success (baggage that may be related to your religious or moral beliefs) as you recognize your authority and power. You don’t need to impress anyone, nor do you need to worry about what others think. Even if others are impressed, I suggest you remain grounded in your self-awareness and a soul-truth of what you are working for and you won’t get carried away or lost in a crowd. You were born for greater things. Accept it.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

Remember your negotiation skills. I only remind you because negotiation is not in vogue these days — making demands is, typically in the style of all or nothing. Given that nobody really needs it all, but nothing does not suffice, keep in mind that the essence of negotiation is making sure that everyone gets the basics covered. You can afford to think with a little more foresight than what you might want or need right now. Devise a way of consciously prioritizing. And you will have to be the one who rises above any atmosphere (or perceived intention) of less than pleasant psychology. Part of being a professional is contributing to reducing tensions rather than escalating them. The question to ask is, ‘What if everyone acted this way?’ Many people don’t realize it but they are waiting for someone else to set a good example — you’re the one who would be that example.

Pisces 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
You’re at one of the most meaningful professional turning points in recent decades, assuming you’re old enough to have been plying your trade for that long. What’s developing now is reminiscent of what was happening in 1995, or 2001/2002. This is a standout moment when you faced real challenges, yet you had the passion and motivation to recognize them as opportunities. You have come a long way since then, and what I suggest you remember is how much you’re working with in the way of personal resources. You are finally starting to take full possession of who you are, which means having access to those inner resources. Opportunity you experience now is different from what it was in the past; so too is the elusive concept of potential. Both of these notions are only meaningful if we apply them to existence, and this seems to be what you’re doing. You may think this is taking a while; in truth, it has already taken a while, and you’re at the point of contact, action and expression now. Be patient and choose carefully your approach to every situation you find yourself in.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

You seem to be poised for some advancement in your career, which may come in the form of visibility, notoriety or your reputation spreading rapidly. You have the most spin control before this happens, which will arrive in the form of maintaining a position of impeccable truth at all times. This way, you have nothing to go back on if you’re ever questioned; your story will be simple, because it’s true. It’s worth one sentence of caution on what you could unleash if you deceive anyone intentionally or inadvertently, or deceive yourself, over the next few days. Therefore, the question must always be, ‘Is this true?’ Go word for word, line for line, idea by idea, and ask yourself. I am not saying doubt — I am saying verify. The reputation you want is the one for being fully present, authentic and concerned not with how people perceive you but rather the substance of what you say and do. You have plenty of both image and substance — this is a matter of emphasis.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

Confidence comes in a number of forms, and one of them — perhaps the most meaningful for you — is emotional. You understand that there is usually no basis for comparison between you and the world, though you also know there are times you feel more confident and less so. It may be annoying that you cannot always create that confidence on your own; it’s best when it emerges naturally, and you seem ready to blossom over the next few days. Confidence will express itself in the form of charisma, appeal and a relaxed certainty that you are up to the mission you have taken on. How you feel about yourself is what will radiate out to the world, so the more you ease into the flow of your life, the more warmth and cooperation you will draw to you. Trust that people understand something intuitively and are willing not just to cooperate but to co-create with you. This will present you with options; when you notice them, make sure you choose what you actually want.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

You have come a long way to get where you are. It’s taken you a long time and impeccable patience, and for years you’ve sorted through your mind with the approximate feeling of sifting through a box of pottery shards. You are finally starting to get a sense of your wholeness — and the strength that this offers you. One gift of wholeness is the benefit of being able to see the world from many points of view. Your psychic mobility is your best asset, and it’s in full bloom right now. Don’t worry if those who lodge themselves in one point of view find this disorienting. In this moment of history, nobody can really afford to be rigid, or convinced of their rightness. And you cannot afford to have the idea that there is no truth, or that the truth can never be known. As you shift from viewpoint to viewpoint, observe the world and notice what changes, and what the different perspectives have in common. After a while, I think you will start to see the obvious, and then you will be able to express it in a way that entices others to embark on their own healing process as a matter of free will. Any fool can spot differences; it takes a perceptive person to notice common ground. You may wonder, however, why others don’t see it. The answer is because they have not looked. In truth there is so little we don’t know — about our problems, or about our solutions.

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

Current aspects suggest that this is a moment when your career could really take off. Make sure you focus on your longterm goals, particularly ones on your mind around the time of last month’s total solar eclipse (around Nov. 13). Focus on these goals, and as the month develops, point your mind and your daily activities directly into the vortex. It’s true that you’ve got a lot on your plate right now, as you often do this time of year, though you always rise to the occasion. Now is the time to work with precision, because you’re about to encounter a powerful wellspring of energy that will be difficult to contain otherwise. When in doubt, slow down, even if that means pausing for five minutes to reassess the course of your day, your week or a particular professional commitment.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

Be clear about what you want to do, and also about the results that you want. You are now in possession of your vision and you know something about the method you’re pretty sure will get you there. Put all these ingredients together with faith in yourself. Remind yourself continually the ways in which you’ve succeeded at challenging things in the past, if you need a hedge against any lack of confidence — the truth is, you can afford to believe in your abilities and the virtues of your mission. Now, however, is the time to get your traction in the form of results. Take action and trust the action that you take, and recognize when something you do bears fruit. This may come in many forms, so I suggest that you not be attached to any one — at this point everything leads to one destination. Therefore, motivate yourself to be persistent, trust your passion and never let the hesitancy or self-criticism of others deter you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

This is a rich creative moment for you, and you’re what’s being created. Everything you make, illustrate, sing, write, touch and see is an extension of that same creative process, though it starts with you. So put the fruit into the juicer and give yourself a squeeze. In whatever you’re doing, emphasize beauty. That’s what will bring you the greatest pleasure, and nourish your whole environment. This may have the feeling of a search for truth, which is an accurate description of the astrology involved. Express beauty and do so all the time. Become this message. I mean this in the most pragmatic ways — whether you’re on a date, in a job interview or up at 3:30 am covered in paint (or sweat). Next week’s eclipse in Scorpio is a reminder to all those with a Pisces soul, indeed all those who have made contact with their soul, that the ultimate creativity and expression of mysticism is sexuality in any compassionate form. We think we have many reasons to contradict this, though they melt when met with a direct experience.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

Take advantage of a challenge or tricky situation at work — something that seems like a disadvantage, uncertainty or problem — and use it to pivot the flow of events in a direction that works for you. To do this you may have to use some of your Pisces skill at walking through walls and penetrating various psychic barriers, though I suggest you persist. You can choose how visible or invisible you need to be for any circumstance; this is the time to bring any and all of your talents to bear, in a time when others may be struggling to have any sense of direction at all. Keep your sense of mission and your sense of humor and this will be easier and more fun. I also suggest you remember this. You may feel as if you have a message of some kind to deliver. But this is not anything separate from you; you are the message, and I suggest you embody this fact fully, with every cell in your being. This is not a time for abstractions; it’s time to live in the moment, know your goal and get the job done brilliantly.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

As the Zen Room of the zodiac, your sign often spawns individuals naturally inclined to live in the moment. This is more neutral than it seems, facilitating pleasure-seeking or spiritual growth, self-absorption or devotion to service. Yet you’re now feeling the need to develop your longterm plan, and to put certain deeply cherished goals into action. Your solar chart suggests that you’re tired of wondering what is possible, or what the universe is willing to cooperate with, and are intent on finding out for yourself. This will take a combination of discipline and risk-taking, which is exactly what this month’s aspects offer. Yet the most meaningful chance you will take is expanding your beliefs about what is possible. It would be best if you could set the whole question aside, focus on your vision and go one step at a time for as long as it takes to get where you want to be. To do this, you need to blend persistence with something even more challenging: believing in yourself, and what you want. And there’s one other factor. To fully embrace your mission, you must accept being different. This includes the potential for standing out, for challenging people, for being thought of as weird, and recognizing that some people will not agree with or approve of what you’re doing. Your spiritual and creative quest is not a popularity contest. However, being willing to take these risks might make you very successful in the end.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

It’s time for humanity to stop falling for the toxic lie that there is something ‘unspiritual’ about sexual feelings, and the ways in which we may share them with others. This struggle is the result of moralism, not spirituality, and anything that’s moralistic is far from the realm of healing, spirit or love. You’re someone who is not only naturally inclined to see the organic relationship between what humans think of as eros and what they think of as divine; you are the one who lives this connection, perhaps more readily than anyone you know. Saturn in Scorpio is setting an agenda that it’s now time for many others to enter this territory. On Monday, Saturn will be joined by the Sun, adding light, heat and sanity to a situation that is slowly driving many people insane. On Earth, it’s also one of the most corrupt aspects of life, which accounts for so much death and destruction. Your role is to live steadfastly in the space that sexuality is among the highest orders of spiritual truth. Be bold and sincere. Err on the side of openness and freedom. To do this you will need to access your deepest strength and your commitment to life. In doing so, you will be aligning yourself with a source of energy and wisdom that can and will nourish you for the rest of your days.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

There seem to be significant opportunities on the table right now; the astrology looks like some kind of investment, merger or collaboration is brewing. I have to say, this looks pretty good; yet where such arrangements are concerned, there is always the need for two things. One is to make sure that any arrangement is in alignment with your most deeply held values. Are you being true to yourself? Are you noticing any resistance? Second, it’s essential that you pay attention to the details. Certain parties in the equation may be exaggerating the facts, so I suggest you be a skeptic and not take anything on its face. Make sure that the field is level, and the way to do that is to know what you’re talking about. This is one situation where the facts are on your side. So make sure you know what you need to know. Take command, but make sure you do it in a subtle way — and in that same subtle way, make sure you persist, keep your focus and get what you want.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

Be specific about what you want — whether personally or professionally — and recognize it when it shows up. I would note, however, that there’s a difference between what you want and what your fantasy is. There are also similarities; there may be many similarities. Yet there is always a translation from the idea of something to the reality, and within that translation is an experimentation process. As long as you’re experimenting, you’re on the ‘reality’ side of the experience. Then, within the experiment, there is potential for actual fantasy fulfillment. One vital key to happiness in this kind of endeavor is being open-minded and flexible. Another vital key is expressing your desire verbally. To do so is to go directly past the notion that it cannot happen, and to embrace the potential that it can. In matters of an erotic or amorous nature, most people need leadership, and you’re in a position to express just that. Be gentle, be clear, and listen just a little more than you speak — and some beautiful adventures are on the horizon.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

Sexuality has always been your portal into your spiritual side — or rather, sex and the cosmic questions that it evokes, and the inner mysteries to which they grant you access. Yet this organic approach to existence is denied and resisted by many forces in society, including those that would control sex to promote religion, those that use sex for commercial gain, and anyone whose approach to natural human feelings is moralistic (controlling rather than exploratory). Even as adults, we can be constantly entangled in the control dramas and moralizing of others, which include scandal and jealousy. It’s fair to say that unless we intervene, for all our lives, someone else seems to be in charge of our sexuality, and this extends into our creative power, our perspective on life, death and relationships. The time has arrived to live your way of life with full commitment. That means taking charge, and deciding what is right or wrong for you. If you don’t step in and take over yourself, it’s likely that someone else will. This is the Saturn principle in operation: where you lack discipline, boundaries and structure, these things will be imposed on you. If you have discipline, and take a realistic, honest, longterm (and, notably, not a hedonistic) approach to your sexuality, you will have done something that few humans ever accomplish. What would that be? To be the master of your vital force, your creativity and your emotional drives, rather than their slave.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

Remember the importance of agreements, and how this differs from a tacit understanding. I suggest you start a trend of making things conscious, if not in writing, then in words spoken. There will be times when it’s necessary to commit understandings to written form, and by all means review contracts carefully for their implicit and explicit statements. Remember to state outright what is important to you, and to remember to listen when others state what is important to them. That’s one thing you can depend on — people will say what matters, though most of the time, nobody is listening. I suggest you listen, both to others and to yourself. This will help you have grounded expectations, which are the only legitimate kind, as well as the grounds to pass on situations that don’t serve your own good. I assure you of one thing: you have options, and therefore can afford to be selective.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

The art of the deal — it’s not usually your thing, though I suggest you make it your thing for the next few weeks. One thing about your chart, and about life, is that everything is negotiable. Most people don’t believe that, and don’t have the chutzpah to put that idea to work, though I suggest you keep it in mind. Consider everything flexible, everything subject to the principle of fairness, and remember that life is a social and relational affair above all else (rather than being a bureaucratic function or a game). Therefore, stick to the human level in everything you do. Grease the wheels that make your community turn, look for the leverage points to get action and remember what you want at all times — both individually (for you) and collectively (what serves others). Ideally you will engage only in situations where you feel confident that the outcome will be the greatest good for all concerned. And remember you have more influence making that happen than you might think at the moment — though I suspect you’ve got a clue.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

You’re under less pressure to accomplish great things — and therefore, more likely to do so. Making it big in the world is only occasionally linked to talent alone; many extremely talented people live in obscurity while others get all the glory. Success is also not linked to how ambitious you may be feeling at the moment. Rather, it’s about your intentions, your preparation and timing. Fortunately, those are the things you’ve got going for you right now. You’ve been on this page for a while, and I suggest it’s where you keep your emphasis. Preparation is on two levels — your awareness of what’s going on around you, and learning the facts of any situation you find yourself in; and it includes personal preparation, which means taking a step when you’re ready to take it. This brings me to the question of timing. Readiness is an important part of this, and so is being aware enough to know when to pause, and when it’s time to make a move — even if you don’t feel quite ready.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

You have a reasonably clear view — and a clear understanding — of who someone in your life is, and what they represent to you. Listen carefully over the next few days as information comes out that provides additional depth and a sense of the life path that this person is on. Meanwhile, what I suggest you track carefully are the ways you notice you have some influence over both the person in question, and the ‘space’ that is created by the encounter, and how this interplays with your deeply personal interior space. Be aware that you need a room of your own, a place within yourself that belongs to you and you only. I mention this now because at the moment, you’re susceptible to some infiltration, right when you need the most influence over what happens within what I will call your sacred precinct. There are things that you can share all the time, there are things that you can share sometimes, and there are a few that are meant for you alone. Be aware of which is which.

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

Whenever activity shifts to the water signs, that’s a good thing for Pisces. Mars has just arrived in Scorpio, adding some fire to the angle of your chart that blends mysticism, sex and your highest vision for yourself (truly a Pisces thing). More planets and points are on the way, as part of a journey that will last two years. These transits will put you into contact with a dimension of yourself that you often feel, though just as often have to express vicariously through some other activity. There are not many philosophers you can find who will tell you that your sexuality is a direct path to understanding who you really are, though I’m not alone in saying this — and from the look of your charts, you won’t be alone either.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

The Full Moon in your birth sign peaks on Friday. The Moon is conjunct Neptune and Chiron, the longterm visitors to Pisces, and resonating with Mars in Scorpio. This translates to a moment of deep transition and self-creation, which I am sure you’re feeling. I suggest you go through some of the doors to the future that you’ve left open for yourself; take a bold step into what you’ve already been creating for a while, and which you’re now ready to embody — even if you don’t feel ready. You’re at the stage where the thing you want, need and are indeed craving, is direct experience. If you need to, think of whatever you’re about to do as an experiment. That will at least relieve you of the idea that you have to already be good at something in order to do it. You’re at the point where you can be guided by your intuition and your imagination. Chiron is providing you with a constant beacon of awareness, though depending on who you are, you may have to resolve to go beyond a sense of failure or delay that may have affected you in the past. That story is over — and now you’re in a very different place.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric.

Creating art on a regular basis is an important element of your happiness and fulfillment. If you don’t already have a space dedicated as your art studio, get busy making one. The area can be a room in your home, part of your office or even a corner of your apartment. It might be the special way you arrange your desk at night, when other work is out of the way. Then get down to the business of creating. Or put another way, journey into your complex and colorful inner world for timely inspiration. The current astrology points to your emotional realm being a fuel source for everything, though the way you tap in is through ‘pure’ creativity — which provides ideas, excitement and vision. Do not worry about what other creative individuals are doing; rather, focus on what inspires you, and the items or ideas you create will inherently have value. Careful and intentional time management will be necessary. As a slippery fish, it’s easy for you to wonder where the time went. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

Much hinges on what you believe, in particular, whether you believe you’re successful. But there’s something deeper, which is whether you believe that your success — that is, your full expression in the world — is a good thing. You need to come up with at least that much confidence, though don’t spend your time rationalizing. Rather, feel what you do and who you are, and pay attention to evidence of the positive influence that you have on others. Feel the point of contact when some element of your creativity reaches someone, and ask yourself whether you and the world would benefit from that being multiplied. I recognize there is a question of the financial aspect and how that’s supposed to happen; for a number of reasons you may have the sensation of walking through a bog, then having to scale a wall. Stick to the human element: the contact point, or the element of your work that is relational. From there, the way forward will be clear.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

Work has not been easy the past few weeks, with Mercury retrograde in the house that covers that topic for you. You may have many backed-up projects, though I suggest you can ease off of the throttle for the next week or so while you do the most significant thing you can do — get clear. You need to be putting at least a third of your time and energy into recreation. By that I mean ‘recreating’ yourself, as well as taking some stress off of your mind and spirit. This may take some discipline (like closing the laptop at a certain time), though it will pay off because by having a fresh mind you will add to your efficiency. That’s the thing you want, and any plans you make from this point forward need to be thought through with that one concept in mind. What you give you tend to give from your spirit, and that cannot be measured accurately in worldly terms. Less effort does not translate to less value, less beauty or less of anything else.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

I suggest you be proactive on a matter involving a contractual situation, taxes or some kind of estate-related issue. In this scenario, preparation is everything, and if you use some foresight and maintain strict ethics, you have every advantage and can profit considerably. First, you can prevent contention or some kind of conflict, by seeing the early signs that you need to take action. Just make sure that it’s informed, cooperative action — cooperation is the key, as is your timing. Make sure that everyone involved knows that they share common interests, though it’s more crucial for you to keep that in mind yourself. As for ethics: mainly this means that everyone acts on free will and respects that of others. Coercion is out of the question.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

The Sun’s annual trek through Leo is your invitation to focus on two things — your healing needs, and getting your work in order. Both are so fundamental to your wellbeing that you have the ability to set the tone for the rest of your solar year by focusing yourself on these two basic goals. Here’s a short sketch of some goals indicated by the astrology: First, I suggest you do a review of the role of any drugs or substances in your life, from tobacco to drugs to alcohol to prescription meds. Assess the degree to which they harm or help you. Second, there’s a question about balancing work and recreational time. Pisces is not only a productive powerhouse sign — you draw a good amount of self-esteem from getting the job done well. Yet you can take this a bit too far sometimes, and now is the time to balance that out. Finally, there is a question of balance in your relationships. The scales of give and take don’t seem to be level. The time to correct these situations is sooner rather than later.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

Take advantage of any factor you have available to make your work easier and more efficient. The place to pause is when you feel yourself exerting excess effort. The moment you get there, stop and rethink what you’re doing, and how you’re doing it. You may decide that something isn’t necessary; you may discover that you’ve already solved a problem; in some instances, changing the order in which you do a series of tasks will lead to considerably improved efficiency. There’s a deeper theme, though, which is the value of your work. If you really understood how useful what you do is, and how much what you do benefits others, you would think about it differently. You are due for a pay raise, though this isn’t the kind that’s coming from a boss or the accounting department; it’s coming from the recognition of your value, and making a series of adjustments honoring that fact.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

You can trust what you’re feeling, even (and especially) if it’s coming from below. A rare mix of factors is inviting you to feel not only safe, but free, in experiencing and expressing your deepest passions. I suggest that you use multiple outlets for what you’re thinking and feeling: for example, physical, visual and in words. Of the three, words are likely to be the most expressive and helpful. What’s happening to you is that an emotional element of self-acceptance is slipping into place. You know who you are, and who you’re becoming; now you’re feeling your state of peace with that. Part of this is reaching a deep sense of peace with how different you are. It’s one thing to be different and another to feel content and confident being so. Though certain elements of your inner reality and your outer one don’t necessarily seem to match up right now, that tension itself is presenting you with a truly interesting form of inner harmony.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

You may not feel especially popular, though you’re having an impact on the people around you even if they’re not letting on. Yet the planets are suggesting that you shift your emphasis to your personal space and your inner world, and put some boundaries between you and groups of any kind. Being so available to so many people is not helping you, and it’s not the thing that’s making a difference in the lives of those around you right now. There are relatively few people with whom you want to exchange energy, and I suggest you keep your emphasis focused at home and on keeping your life interesting rather than large. Emphasize the quality of your personal exchange rather than expansion, and for now I suggest you put your emotional and financial resources into your home rather than business or work. A plant grows from the roots, and so do you.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

You have just spent the past nine months with Mars in your relationship angle, the sign Virgo. Far from being a regular occurrence, this is pretty rare, and nothing like it is going to happen again till around 2027. You’ve been through your share of conflicts, though more to the point, you’ve learned how to handle disagreement effectively and without losing your cool. This involves standing up for yourself when you need to, and arguing the specifics rather than the generalities. This and other factors suggest you can proceed with actual confidence in yourself. That’s a Latin word that means with fidelity. You’ve come a long way on your old problem of constantly being at odds with yourself. In fact, the theme that you’ve set during the past nine months is being in harmony with yourself, and more than any one thing this will be the secret to your success and happiness. Remember what you’ve learned and what you’ve been through; they are lessons of a lifetime.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

Jupiter, the planet associated with your sign since long before Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount, is now in Gemini. Two of its first agenda items are: make a square to Neptune in your sign, and another square to Chiron in your sign. The first aspect is about your relationship to your ideals and your idealism. I suggest that you keep your plans modest and practical, for now, but no less visionary. The second aspect will stir up the social crusader in you. Jupiter-Chiron aspects tend to evoke passion, though the specific theme is about applying focused, concentrated wisdom to the affairs of the world. ‘The’ world includes your home and your personal world. I suggest you use focus and discernment, set your agenda carefully, and remember the wisdom piece, which you could say is using what you know. Your job is not to inform everyone or change everything. Rather, focus on your most meaningful (and relatively few) agenda items very well, over time. Pace yourself — you’re in for the long haul.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

Monitor how you feel at all times. As you do, you may notice that you can guide your feelings. Apropos of your nature this sensation is more like the flow of water. Thematically, there is a question beneath the surface of that water — how does success feel to you? You have ideas, plans and maybe a financial goal or two, though what would it feel like to be exactly where you want to be? Once you tune into that sensation, stay in contact with it. This might come with some relief from time pressure, or economic pressure. It might be the feeling of what it would be like not to be at the edge of your tether where commitments to others are concerned. Use your imagination here and start to open up your inner space of success as viscerally and in as much detail as you can. Then keep returning your attention there, if you ever wander off. Keep coming back and experimenting with this, till the space is big enough for you to enter.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

There is big astrology moving — some of the most amazing of our lifetimes. This weekend’s series of events is focused on the angle of your chart that addresses the theme of your home. You’re awakening to the fact that this is the source of your strength, your stability and your success in both love and work. Therefore, any investment you make in improving your home life will offer you rich rewards. Start by appreciating what you have and where you are, for its human properties and its geographic ones. Then look for the places you want to make improvements. There’s a direct connection from your safe haven inward to your deepest sense of security and outward to every area of your life, particularly the work that you do. Make sure that any new living space is perfectly suited for you to be creative, productive and prosperous. You don’t need to stretch your finances much to do this — you merely need to plan and be aware of what you really want. It might be a lot of space. It might be sunlight. It might be quiet. It might be living in the busiest part of the city. A new vision of home is about to come to you: open your heart and let it in.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

The whole planet is your home. Yes, this whole beautiful, crazy place — and everyone who’s here is your brother or your sister. If you’ve ever had any doubts about whether you want to be here, get over them now. If you’ve ever hesitated to fully commit yourself to stewarding this place, and being of service to the people who populate it, open your heart and give yourself over to your life purpose. You get to choose how you do this work; how you offer yourself, and what you develop. What does not change is your sense of contact with existence and with your underlying purpose for existing in this place and this time. In doing this with passion, you’re not giving anything up — in truth you will gain everything, particularly the confidence that can only come with an authentic sense of belonging.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

This weekend and for the next few weeks, pay attention to how you feel wherever you are. I would include geographic locations as well as physical spaces such as your home, your workspace and any other spot you may visit. Choose where to be based on what you know about how you feel in certain spaces — and use that power of choice generously. You are in the process of forming a bond with the Earth, and this is directly related to your sense of place. While not considered one of the five senses of Aristotle, it’s one of the most significant modes of awareness you have — the sense of where you belong. This is not so much a rational thing as it is a feeling thing. If you’ve felt divided about this issue, for example if you’ve been splitting your life in an uncomfortable way, you may discover that you can now resolve that. And if you’ve felt stuck (a very different sensation than grounded), you can get the energy going and work that out as well.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

Have you ever had the experience of being able to write something into existence? You describe something: a person, an adventure, a scenario, and somehow it manifests. Or you say something to a friend, admitting to a desire, and then by some process you don’t understand, you have the opportunity right in front of you. That’s what your charts look like right now. You can play with this to your heart’s contentment. I would make a few suggestions, though: don’t take fear so seriously. Give it a voice, and move on to your descriptive process. Stretch your imagination, and reach into the spaces where you feel the most curiosity or thirst for missing experience and imagine, in some tangible form, what it would be like to explore them. And if by some chance you’re a writer, take some time this weekend, give yourself some space, and start the project that you really, truly want to do (and if that’s already started happening, turn up the energy).

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

You may feel a standoff coming, though that’s not necessary if you keep your focus, speak your truth and refuse to allow fear to guide your actions. With those few objectives as your point of origin, there’s little that can stop you from doing what you want, harming no one and with a clear conscience. You may experience the events of the next week or so as a test of your integrity. Or you may be treated to an adventure that’s the reward of the work you’ve done going back many months — a phase of true achievement. One thing your charts indicate is that you’re discovering what it’s like to be met with energy similar to your own, whether in personal relationships or creative collaborations. Said another way, your charts are developing into an extended point of contact with the world around you, which holds the opportunity for you to express your potential in ways that are truly meaningful.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

You have not lost your magic touch — in fact you’re about to discover just how much stronger it’s become. One thing I suggest is that you concentrate your energies. Stay grounded; stay on-task. For the moment, you might consider remaining close to home so that you don’t distract yourself with the need to adjust or adapt to externals. If you are selecting from among creative projects, focus on the most daring, dangerous or experimental. If you are selecting from among relationship opportunities, focus on the desire that feels right, and that speaks to you the most clearly. Everything that’s right and true is going to have that sensation of concern that it’s a little out of bounds, a little too much. That’s the idea: keep your connection to the dark side, so that you can keep your connection to the light.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

Like your symbol the fish, you are one with your environment. You absorb into your psychic system the people, places and environment around you, and you radiate an influence that has more of an effect than you think. This is both a gift and a challenge. On one hand, you receive much information from your environment and can utilize your surroundings to nourish your soul. Conversely, your environment can also drain you and overload your sensitive psychic body. Over the next few days, notice who and what is around you, and tune in to how they influence you. Be specific — your home, your neighborhood, the people you interact with on a daily basis. Assess each in terms of how it nourishes your connection to your vital life force. Some do this better than others; some influences are depleting, and the time has come to be certain of the difference. You’re approaching a truly unusual — maybe one of a kind — intersection along the path of your life, and this skill will help you make the best choices. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

What’s developing in your solar chart is about a lot more than money, but let’s at least start with the financial aspect of the discussion. This involves an idea that you’ve been developing, something you probably thought was not worth a lot in economic terms but might be valuable otherwise. Yet there is a substantial economic value, which is rooted in how you’re working with an idea that’s ahead of its time, but right when ‘the time’ is about to catch up. There’s a message about you catching up as well, and by that I mean that there’s finally room in the world for what you’ve got going. Just a few years ago you might have decided it was impossible for that to be true. Then you started to see where you could maybe slip in edgewise. Suddenly there’s a huge opening — but it doesn’t look like people are having one of those Nike sneaker stampedes. Don’t let that fool you. I don’t know what it is, but you’re in possession of something that people not only need — better still, it’s something that they want. Even though you’re not motivated by money, keep your financial strategy in the front of your mind and you’ll do well with this, whatever it might be.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

I trust that Mars retrograde in your opposite sign Virgo has taught you about the virtues of self-reliance. On one level, it’s been a long demonstration of the meaning of relationships in your life. You’ve had one opportunity after the next to tidy up your boundaries and get clear about your commitments, and the commitments of others to you. You’ve had opportunities to get clear on your Yes and your No, and to see where you’ve made mistakes with those in the past. One quality of this transit has been learning that people will really only do what they want. They might pretend for a little while, but the only truly motivating factor comes from within. Which brings me to self-reliance. You’re the engine of your life. It’s not that others are merely coming along for the ride — though it’s time for you to fully make peace with your leadership role. Leadership in what? Chiron and Neptune in your sign suggest that you’re directly connected to a source of ideas that, for most others, is simply not available, or something they understand.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

You’re finally figuring out that most people lack ‘the vision thing’. They might have facts and skills, but those only go so far. Your astrology is flooding you with ideas, and the ability to imagine what is possible — with the sensation that you really can accomplish something larger than you ever have. Vision, however, can be blocked. A blindfold can make the ocean or a mountain range disappear. Listening to someone negative can gradually convince you that what you want to do is impossible. Listening to people who cannot envision what doesn’t yet exist can interfere with your ability to do so. Therefore, open up only to those who are on the brave side, and who understand that time as we know it moves forward. You might want to keep your plans to yourself for the next couple of weeks, as you gradually get clear. You may have to revise your idea several times to get to the hidden gems of what you’re thinking — though you’re well on the way.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012

One of the boldest themes in your chart right now is how you acquire and use resources. This includes money, though I am using a word that expands the idea to any available materials which you can put to work for a creative purpose. One feeling connected to this experience is that of drawing energy, ideas and funding from a broad base of support. Another is a stark reminder to apply those resources in ways that are authentically representative of who you are and what you want. This is indeed the time to vote with your wallet, but the thing you’re voting for is yourself. Think of every dollar, quid or euro you spend as an affirmation of what you truly believe. If something doesn’t stand up to the test, don’t make the investment.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

Mercury stationing direct in your birth sign next week is likely to come with some deep insights into what is motivating certain people around you. You’ll find this information useful, yet even more valuable will be what you discover about your own motives. There will be that crucial moment when you seem to have a complete understanding of where you’re coming from, only to discover that you have a parallel set of feelings, ideas and values. Which one is true? That question is based on the idea that both cannot be true at once. Yet that seems to be the very issue: you’re reconciling these two sets of seemingly contradictory values — but there is a solution set. I don’t suggest you try to reason it out, or hold yourself to a standard of strict logic. Rather, what feels right and has an elegant intuitive quality will eventually reveal its logic to you, and teach you plenty about yourself in the process.

Weekly Horoscope #896 for March 23, 2012 — by Priya Kale.

Something or someone may be triggering your insecurities now, but it is also awakening you to what and who is truly important to you. Rather than fear betrayal or doubt another’s commitment to you, ask yourself what you most desire and value; what you need to trust and feel valued — what you learn may surprise you. There is more potential within a relationship than you may have recently been led to believe or thought. You are at the start of a new cycle that sees you growing in material and emotional security, allowing you to deepen trust within key commitments. You don’t need to fear looking like a fool or worry about what others think. What matters is how you feel, however illogical it may seem to others. You’re at a turning point within a social situation that’s revealing not just how different you are from others, but also how much more you have to offer. Yet it all begins with self-acceptance and self-love. When you trust yourself, by extension, it’s then possible to trust your choices. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

The Sun is now moving through the very last degrees of the zodiac in Pisces, approaching the vernal equinox in the sign Aries. This transition has at least two layers of meaning for you. The last degrees of Pisces have a visionary quality; each day brings a new sensation of transparency, of change, and some taste of what is possible. Make sure you look carefully enough to notice, both in your inner world and the one that seems to surround you. Remember to hold the vision not just for what you want, but for who you want to be. You contain all potentials, and if you focus your vision and apply some creative energy, it’s only a matter of time before you grow into your vision. As the Sun moves into Aries next week, you get a reminder of what distinguishes you from others. It’s not merely going on in your imagination — it is your imagination, that is, your ability to think in images. Yet there is something else: a radical quality that ensures you play your own original tune, and that you’re never influenced by someone else unless you want to be.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

The beauty of this time in your life is that you have the strength and experience to stand up to even the most complicated or pushy people. That they might have ‘good intentions’ no longer distracts you from your strength and focus, which by the way have their roots in your learning from past mistakes. I don’t think you’ve ever been clearer with yourself that errors in your history are no longer necessary to repeat. Your feeling that you have substance to work with, and to give you a distinct feeling of presence, validates something real, something you suspected. I suggest you proceed as if you expect people to take you seriously. Assume your ideas will be given real consideration. Remember that you’ve been through very nearly everything, and have repeatedly solved issues and learned to turn any circumstance to your advantage. That was then. What you have now is an abundance of both creativity and focusing power. Just remember to use them both at the same time, and to apply them to everything.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

Check any door you think is locked; it may be open and you may be able to walk right in. You may be welcome where you thought you were not, and with certain individuals you may have previously thought had no interest. However rather than trying to decide what anyone else wants, what matters the most is what you want. I suggest you make some decisions about that because those openings will work for you in any event — so you may as well go from your own inner guidance. In our moment of time, however, you could make an operetta called, “But What Do I Want?” mocking at least half the human race. It would have all kinds of song and dance numbers and the running joke would be that everyone really does know what they want, but they keep forgetting or they’re afraid to say anything about it or too paralyzed to take action. I suggest you stop making excuses and get clear with yourself, and start making some decisions.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

Neptune, the planet most often associated with Pisces, is now a feature in your sign, which means in your life, through 2025. This offers you some awesome potential — but you’re the one who has to bring the focusing power and personal discipline. (Pisces rising people, please take note as well.) It’s the challenges that will offer you the opportunities for discipline, and most of them will involve your quest to be a whole person living a balanced life. There’s lots of talk about this, but hardly anyone knows what it means — nor can they tell you what it means for you. I would propose that in addition to food and rest, balance means expressing yourself in ways that are satisfying and remind you that you’re alive. Twitter won’t work. Painting, photography and music will work a lot better.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012 | By PRIYA KALE

Neptune, the modern planet that rules Pisces (the traditional ruler is Jupiter), recently entered your sign, and the New Moon this week marks the kick-off to this period of personal renaissance. You are rebirthing in a profound way, and what emerges in this process may at times have you rubbing your eyes in disbelief. As long as you don’t get big-headed about this and in no delusion of what you came to this planet to accomplish, you can indeed achieve what some might call miraculous and impossible. You have big ideas, and they have every chance of coming to fruition. Yet you also need a deep sense of self-awareness rather than any need to maintain a self-image. Go deeper below the surface, to ask yourself who you are and consciously dissolve any false sense of identity. You are a limitless creature with boundless potential. But while here on this planet, you are mortal and human with one life to live — so what are the experiences you choose? The possibilities are indeed endless, it’s necessary that you choose wisely, which means consciously, based on what you most want to bring to being. Your mission will require focus and commitment to what works for the greatest good, rather than any purely self-serving purpose. Therein lies the key to your success. That, and: above all, to thine own self be true. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

Many factors have contributed to your having an unusually confident grip on your life, one of which has been a measure of self-reliance. Another has been an intuitive sense of belonging and purpose. Both of these point to the kind of autonomy that will be the thing to focus on as the next four weeks progress. The Sun enters your sign over the weekend, beginning with a conjunction to Neptune, also newly arrived in Pisces. Your charts indicate a powerful empathy with people around you, and you have their attention in more ways than you recognize. But attention is not what you want — focus, collaboration and a state of harmony are. Remember that your mission comes first and what others need comes second. I suggest you favor those who make themselves available and are willing to contribute positive energy and let everyone else do their thing. You are beginning what could be one of the most confident and creative years of your life, but the condition is living from the center of yourself and at the center of your world.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

There seem to be many hidden factors at work in your life, though the most significant, useful and creatively rich are the ones you can see, feel and hear. Certain factors in the astrology suggest that you have a line into the unseen aspects of your life, which you can navigate intuitively. Therefore, use your senses. Look and listen for opportunities, both to express yourself and to exchange with others. Most of all, feel what you’ve got: notice your resources, your potential and how much freedom you actually have to make choices. The truth is that many options are open, and your freedom is available to the extent that you can mix potential with focusing power. To get that equation right, it’s necessary to work both sides, and I suggest you experiment with one and then the other till you can put them both together. If you keep your eyes open and your mind on your priorities, that ability will come sooner rather than later.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

Accept no illusions. That is the message of Neptune entering your birth sign. Many people in our society live and seem to thrive on illusions; just look at how many people are addicted to artificial sweeteners, and don’t mind the whole seizure/brain tumor thing. You can handle Neptune energy, because you’ve already got a lot of it in your chart. You may discover under this influence that you have more potential, and a lot more access to your deepest strengths, virtues and creativity. Yet the challenge is persisting in a boldly realistic view of life. Put up with nothing. Demand absolute authenticity, from yourself and from others. Being boldly realistic includes the well-established role of visionaries on our planet, no matter how large or small of a scale you work with that concept. Accurate perception balances realism and optimism, neither at the expense of the other. If you remember this, and practice it well, you can do, or experience, anything you want.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

Most of the action in the sky right now (most, not all) involves your sign and your opposite sign Virgo. This is a study in you and your relationships. Mars in your opposite sign is turning up the contrast in your experiences. Lately everything has seemed to be in greater relief, with brighter light and darker shadows. At the same time, Venus and Chiron are in your sign, heightening your self-awareness. For the next few months you get to work out the details of your relationships. You get to see where the tense points are, and better still, you will have the opportunity — and the skill — to do something about them. The key will be seeing the origin of any relationship experience as being the extension of an inner dynamic. I am not saying ‘blame yourself’ but rather notice how you might contribute, or how a personality you have might lead you to respond a certain way. You will see the solutions within yourself — and benefit greatly from that discovery.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

Are you wondering if you can trust another’s motives? You’ve been burned before, but it is also true that a lot of your disappointments have come from your own illusions, expectations and fantasies. You have an incredible psychic gift that allows you to peer into people’s hearts. First you must admit your own secret longings and desires; then you can see through others’ without fear of projection. Doing so lets you choose friendships in which you feel safe enough to bare your heart, body and soul, as they evolve and strengthen. You may think you know the way the world works, but being less critical can liberate you from darker doubts that prevent progress. You are deeply loved by this Universe and more people than you realize. Inspire the support you need and there is no Earthly reason you can’t bring a collective dream to life.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

You are certainly getting a tour of the light, the dark, the beautiful and the beastly. While I could be philosophical and say that it’s all part of the kaleidoscope of human experience, I am sure you would rather have your life be simpler. I know you’re getting exhausted with spending your days experiencing the kinds of extremes of existence that have characterized not only the past week but the past few months. You are at the end of a long, challenging phase of existence. By long I mean consider that what you’ve been living through is a phase that began in the late 1990s. You will recognize this a lot more clearly once it’s over — which by the way happens in early February, around the time of your birthday. Being a long phase there will not be an abrupt transition; tune in quietly and you will feel the subtle motion, ephemeral though it may be.

Aquarius 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
If it’s true that Aquarius has a socially crusading nature, part of that is about the placement of Sagittarius in your chart — on the 11th house of your vision and your relationship to the public. This suggests a spiritual orientation within the world, and what is very likely to be a form of aspiration to grow and expand. Yet to what extent do you feel authentic in this? Do you ever get nervous when you’re seen as being ‘more spiritual’ than you feel? I would suggest that having your doubts is healthy, because you know that so much of what seems holy is such unmitigated hogwash, suds, grime and all. What makes spiritual real is its ability to manifest in relationships. A calling focuses itself as an inner alignment, which then must extend into social existence in order to have an influence. You may not feel ready to extend yourself this way; in truth you may feel less ready than you did a year ago. I would propose that these are healthy sensations, if you’re feeling them. None of this indicates actual lack of preparation, or lack of clear intention, only the willingness to reality check.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

Remember that public image and self-esteem are two different things. No matter how anyone perceives you (or how you think they do), that only goes so far toward allowing you to feel good about yourself. In a similar way, public recognition does not substitute for being adequately compensated for your time, talent and effort. And having an edgy or spiritual appearance is, of course, not a substitute for what those things are supposed to represent. So, one theme that comes up for the next week or so is the difference between the appearance and the reality. One way you can go right to the heart of the matter is to forget appearances entirely. You are capable of this, though perhaps it will be persuasive if I say that you will make a more vivid impression on people if you don’t care how they perceive you. Also, I would remind you that you have very little influence over the impression you make. You never really know for sure, and you have more influence on focusing your need for affirmation inwardly rather than outside yourself.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

How are you doing with your fear of deep contact? You seem to have passed through a series of gateways recently, which have led you both closer to others and more significantly, to yourself. You cannot really yield to anyone, or yourself, if you’re experiencing fear — neither physically nor emotionally. Or said another way, if you pass through your fear and self-judgment, you can emerge surprisingly intact as yourself. What you are doing is dismantling inner barriers that have blocked you from your inner awareness, and trapped certain aspects of yourself within compartments that are built of what you can think of as shadow material: guilt, shame, anxiety and the fear of not being good enough. One by one these are bursting, and what’s being released into your environment are little jolts of the creative and loving energy that they were containing. After a while, these bursts will give way to a steady stream of light which will not only be abundant, it will be infinite. The best thing you can do now to demonstrate this fact is to be generous with yourself and with others.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

I would suggest you take a less somber and more celebratory approach to life, to sex and to work. Remember — you’re not in this alone. That would be your worst fear, and thankfully it’s not vaguely possible. Yet something equally daunting is. In order to work with, bond with and grow with others, you must be willing to do these things with yourself. At first, deep self-embrace can feel like reaching for someone’s hand in the darkness. Yet imagine this hand in the darkness is grasping for you, though you cannot see where it is, or be sure that it’s there. It’s far easier to reach for someone else, but less meaningful until you’ve embraced your fear not of being alone but rather that you might not show up for yourself. The nice thing is that unlike in an interpersonal relationship, you get to decide what you’re going to do; you have all the influence and you make all of the decisions. When you get to the place where you’re entirely certain that you’re going to meet yourself, and know that you will never abandon yourself, that gives you a lot more freedom in everything you do, particularly in your relationships with others. The world has this one backwards, as the usual logic runs, “I will show up for myself when someone shows up for me.” By now you’ve seen the futility of this — and you’ve tasted the essence of nourishing yourself, which is your prerogative every moment of this life and beyond.

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

The beautiful thing about paranoia is that the things we fear so rarely turn out to be true. Indeed, you could use those spontaneous, shocking moments of panic as a map to what’s the least likely to happen. Yet one thing we can say for sure is that fear is a huge waste of creative energy. Often I think that’s its purpose. Negative self-talk, that endless chatter of why you’re not perfect enough (sometimes disguised as how you’re going to be a better person) can turn a truly creative person into a neurotic mess. If you or anyone needs any self-improvement, the first step would be about not reminding yourself of that fact all the time. This will allow your creative flow to be what guides your life. Remember that everything that happens on Earth happens in a community of some kind, and it influences that community. If you need a code to live by — that’s the one.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

One purpose of this past Tuesday’s total eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio was to blow through what felt like a glass ceiling that has held you down for so long. Yet what was this thing exactly? It was anything but transparent, so glass really isn’t a good metaphor. This was really about coming to terms with the darkness of the world, including some of your worst fears, your struggles with authority in various forms, and your fear of your own power. You have a tendency to whitewash the world in a philosophy of love and light, yet this doesn’t do anything to change the reality of a planet obsessed with control, survival and scarcity. The authentic expression of goodness depends upon a root into grief and suffering. Generosity depends upon awareness of the ways people deny one another. Freedom demands that you know how fragile freedom really is, how few people it actually exists for, and how much responsibility it entails. If you can do this, you will start to make contact with the true nature of trust.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

You can do what you want in this lifetime; the question for now is how you get there. There’s an aspect of this related to how you conduct yourself in the world — the agreements and commitments you make (and whether you keep them), your ability to focus on what you want, indeed, your ability even to know what you want — which leads to the internal part of the process. Your necessity now is to align your most important goals with your most deeply held values. This is not merely a spiritual exercise. It’s about focusing your intentions and your energy and making choices from a centered place. Here is the problem: lately you seem to doubt what you’ve decided really matters. New ambitions are pushing aside long-held goals, and you may not be sure of them, or confident of where they will lead you. You are approaching a point of contact within yourself; a point of clarity. A lot will start to make sense in a short period of time, as long as you don’t resist. Be flexible. You will not break.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

You may be finding it difficult to shine when you’re standing in someone’s shadow, yet the shadow may represent a figure from the past. Who might that be? Is it an idea about, or a memory of, one of your parents? Is it the fear that some authority might be imposed on you if you step out into the light? That would indeed be a shadow fear — and it may be the core of the matter. What would happen if you stepped into a position where you were actually visible, and fully responsible for your actions? This is what it’s like to be in an actual position of authority, and it’s why most people prefer to avoid that position. In exchange for this, they also get to have others in positions of authority or very strong influence over their lives, often feeling less powerful than nearly everyone. The time has arrived for you to confront all such feelings. You’ve reached a point of enforced growth where you must be your own most persuasive authority. Much of doing this involves addressing some longstanding issues within your own psychology — and now you can.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

It was the astrologer Patric Walker (1931-1995) who handed John Lennon the beautiful line, “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.” This is a fair reading of your chart these days, particularly as regards your professional life. It’s true that some people are born knowing what they’re ‘supposed to do’, set about doing it, and succeed brilliantly. Most of the time, the process is an extended experiment, and devotion to one particular path or intention can be altered by a casual conversation at a party, a chance meeting or an opportunity that seems interesting. In those moments, it seems to be the hand of fate that’s guiding you, though what you call it doesn’t really matter — only that you notice when it’s at work. Through this month, there are two forces or factors guiding you. One is your traditional approach to success: set goals, work hard, be dependable. The second factor is the sensation of providence moving in your direction. It’s essential that you recognize this when it happens; it may not come in a form that you recognize, and in truth, everything that happens to you this month is part of a conspiracy to guide you to where you belong, and where you want to be. For this to work, you’ll need to let go of your desire to control your direction or the specific outcome, and muster up just a little faith in yourself. A little goes a long way.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

Is there a mystery to success? There certainly seems so. Intelligence, a good plan and hard work are sometimes enough, though often there’s a necessary missing factor. I suggest you contemplate what that factor might be over the next few days, as the Sun gets ready to cross the midheaven of your solar chart. There is an answer to the riddle, and it’s pretty easy. It will be a lot more meaningful coming from you than from me, so I’m going to wait a week before telling you my theory. I will give you a clue, though — it involves something about the supposedly inherent nature of your zodiac sign, perhaps the quality most often noted by astrologers. Meanwhile, you seem to be confronting some issues about whether you’re a ‘popular’ person or not. There’s some actual fear involved in this equation, and I suggest you keep the discussion with yourself on that level, rather than the popularity level. It’s clear, though, that if you’re in harmony with yourself, others will feel much more in harmony with you — or you will simply move on when they are not.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

Saturn has crossed the potent midheaven of your solar chart. That’s the angle associated with your highest goals, your reputation and your career. You have Scorpio on this angle, which suggests that you tend to take a secretive approach to the territory of your work; you might focus on the power aspect of success; and rarely are you trusting of others really wanting to help you. None of this sounds particularly Aquarian, I know. What I’m describing is far from visionary, inclusive or progressive. As you know, one of your roles on the planet is to bring these advances where they did not exist before. The challenge in doing so is opening up space within yourself for them to exist, where in the past they had no place. In other words, it’s now up to you to support open dialog, act on the basis of what you want to create rather than what you want to control, and most of all, to extend a measure of trust in environments where you might have presumed that impossible. You might think you’re not strong enough to do this — yet to ascertain just how strong you are, you’ll need to experiment.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

“Culinary school is fun, but it doesn’t help you advance in this field at all. I feel like I paid thousands of dollars just to have fun, make good friends, hang out and cook all day.” This is a snippet of a conversation with a Facebook friend about her experience at Le Cordon Bleu. What she’s saying is true: you need to be in the kitchen, with all the heat and chaos, investing the time that it takes to learn your onions and build your reputation. To the extent you’ve already done so, you may be getting a message of encouragement or recognition this week, coupled with an opportunity of some kind. This may be a fleeting chance to advance — or investigate — your longterm goals. You may not think the opportunity is a perfect fit, though at this stage I doubt that perfection should be the goal. I propose that the best criteria would be: will I learn something useful from this experience, and contribute something positive? There is no instant success, which is the thing that for you will make success not only possible but inevitable.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

Saturn finally changes signs this month, ingressing Scorpio, where it will be into 2015. This is your 10th solar house, the one associated with your highest ambitions, your reputation and your true professional calling. Saturn through the 10th is sometimes associated with having the golden touch of King Midas; however for you there may be some extra challenges involved. As you hear and heed your calling, expect some adversity. Expect a tempering process, where you refine your goals. Imagine that your life is a theater production, where you do the performance, listen to the director’s notes, rewrite, rehearse and do the show again the next night — over and over again, with no intention of just ‘settling in’ to a routine. Bear in mind that the world does not owe you success: not because you’re a good person, not because you’re talented and not because you choose to develop any useful skill. Success is the product of all of these factors, and something else: your determination, and a commitment to be true to your values. This is the kind of success that doesn’t happen overnight, and to which you must dedicate yourself for much longer than you might think. Most of the early progress will be invisible, and you may be convinced you’re in the midst of a setback. It’s nothing of the kind — though you may see it that way unless one of your top priorities is to use anything and everything that you experience as a resource.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

You’ve always felt like it was your place to accomplish great things. Now you get to address the obstacles that were in the way — and take the next step into tangible achievement. Yet this is very much a matter of taking things one step at a time, which you may have figured out was necessary a while ago. Remember that the idea is to learn how to get out of your own way — rather than to put new obstacles in your path. Yet you’re not always sure of the difference between these two things. Initially, I suggest you set out to accomplish less than you think you’re capable of, rather than shooting for the Moon. Know your vision, select one key piece of it, and give yourself the rest of the year to make it real. This will help you build your confidence on something solid.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

Do you have to be powerful to be successful? It depends on your concept of power — and of success. If you view power as something that a king has, which is basically that of a ruler over people, success would be measured in how much authority you have. If you view success as the ability to get a job done well, power is more like the gift of being able to muster up cooperation, support and enthusiasm toward a goal. Under this model, power is also about any ability you have to move creative energy and resources in the direction you deem necessary, fun or useful. Under this second definition, you are just getting a taste of what is possible. Once Saturn crosses the success angle of your chart early next month, you will be taking a step up in the world — though initially that means an increase in your responsibilities, and the beginning of doing the work to establish and solidify your reputation. I don’t mean your image or the theory of success that you’re using — I do mean your actual reputation for achievement, which is very much a work in progress.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

It’s time to stop being envious of anyone’s success, and to take the risk and enter the territory yourself. You’ve been getting this message for a while, and it’s not about to let up anytime soon; in fact it’s in the process of making a translation from desire to necessity. Here is one thing that might be helpful at the beginning of this trip: You associate success with a feeling. Sometimes it’s the feeling of power, but whatever it may be, you crave it emotionally. And that seems to be the thing you’re not going to have for a while, so therefore I suggest you come up with another metric. One useful one could be that you’re succeeding as long as you keep deepening your understanding of yourself, and of how the world works. That may not be tangible enough for you, though I would propose that it’s a lot more tangible than the feeling of success, especially if that feeling is one of authority over anything but yourself.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

It’s less than one month before your ruling planet Saturn embarks on its journey across Scorpio, your solar 10th house. That’s the one associated with responsibility (both personal and public), reputation and honoring your true calling in life. This is indeed the time to review your past goals, and consider what your new objectives are. Yet I suggest you focus, and be discerning. They just about all fall under the general heading ‘easier said than done’, so I suggest that you reduce your plans down to the ones that motivate you the very most. You will need the extra energy provided by the desire to do whatever you’re doing for its own sake. When the time comes, that always provides more drive than the obligation to do something. Also, I would share with you one rarely stated fact about success. When you do succeed, you’re going to be doing a lot of whatever you’re succeeding at. So choose from among those activities that you wouldn’t mind doing 12 hours a day for a while. Usually, that translates to what you want to do, rather than what you’re allegedly supposed to do.

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

You’re likely to be getting one message after the next to get your professional house in order. You have a logical side, though you tend to be driven by your emotions rather than by your gift for strategy when it comes to your career. With Mars occupying that angle of your chart now, pathos and passion are in more abundant supply than cool, calm logic. Think of this as contrast. How does the pathos/passion approach work to advance your most important goals? Does it even help you figure out what they are? That would be helpful. In October, the sky shifts to much more focused issues of exactly how you’re going to do what you want to do, assuming you’ve made up your mind what that is. The truth is that you already know; it’s time to stop hesitating.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

Everything comes down to self-esteem. I do mean everything. While it’s possible to paper over your self-doubts or a spiritual hole, that comes at a significant cost, and it doesn’t work forever. You are, however, in a rare opening where you can see how your respect for yourself will lead to actual confidence. It’s clear that there is plenty that you want to accomplish; you have some real goals, and you must know by now that you’re at the get-serious point where professional matters are concerned. The key to acting on those aspirations begins with monitoring closely how you feel about yourself, and understanding why you tend to count yourself out. A viable measure of this is how often you say the words ‘I can’t’ as opposed to ‘I can’. That’s a belief, and I suggest you investigate the roots of that idea. Your chart at the moment suggests strongly that you can accomplish anything you want, and there’s plenty that you want. Why make excuses, or argue for your weaknesses, when you can actually participate in the world?

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric.

Originality can be thought of not as doing something better, but rather differently and in a useful way. In this concept, there is a component of creativity and a component of independence. Both are needed to move outside limited mental and emotional boxes where most people reside. These days, you can slip out of the frameworks that are usually viewed as unmovable rules. This may involve finding the side door to get around what was thought of as ‘the way’ things had to be done. For the next few weeks, I suggest you apply a few original ideas to the daily process by which you accomplish your work. This will help you build a more elegant method for letting your inventive nature flourish. Start with an analysis of work tasks that need to be accomplished. Take a practical approach rather than a ‘creative’ one. Then some experimentation in how you go about completing your projects. Freedom to structure your time will bring you a creative flow that lends itself to production of high-caliber, unique material. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

Do your best to shift the circumstances of your life onto level ground. If you cannot do that, notice the ways in which the field is tilted, though when you respond to that, you must do so with a sense of fairness. There really is a question of ethics at stake, and your longterm reputation may hinge on your choices during the next week or so. The issue may surround your career plans, such as your intention to embark in a new direction. You’re likely to be feeling some pressure here — and that is the thing to be mindful of. Taking some form of radical action would likely be premature, particularly if it means severing a tie. When considering the right thing to do, the idea to work with is that less is more. Once Saturn reaches Scorpio in early October, you will have a lot better sense of where you’re headed, and that’s less likely to be infused with conflict or tension.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

You seem to be wrestling with your faith in yourself. If you tune in to that quality, you may notice that you’re angry about something. I just want to tell you — that’s okay. Anger is energy, and if you use that energy consciously, it can provoke you to have a spiritual breakthrough of some kind. You can then take that to the next level, which would be making a decision and acting on it. Starting in the autumn you will be amping up your career and your responsibilities. These next couple of months are the time to invest in your inner process — with a focus on a decision that you may feel has to be finalized in the next two weeks. I think you have longer than that, but within the first half of August I suggest you strive to understand what the issues really are. You’re weighing and balancing something, and you have to look exactly at what is on each side of the scale.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

You may feel like you’re the cause of why an intimate relationship is in the spot that it’s in. Yet people get together based on some form of complimentary karma. The encounter has the qualities that it has for ‘reasons’ that everyone brings. Right now there may be an emphasis on the ways that you are wounded, or the ways that being betrayed (or betraying others) in the past is influencing the situation now. This is true as far as it goes: everyone you’re in relationship to has that part of themselves which engages with that part of you. You’re approaching the moment where it’s possible to heal the past and start anew — though if you’re currently in a relationship this has to be true for everyone, if the encounter is to be beneficial for anyone.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

There’s a strong emphasis on getting clear in your relationships, and this will come into focus starting Sunday when the Sun enters your opposite sign Leo. Until then, I suggest you focus your energies on getting clear with yourself, while you have the time and space to do so — or rather, the inclination. You’re aware of needing to work through something deep that’s about you and nobody else — and stepping into taking action. It’s too easy to project this inner situation into a relationship, then lose track of what’s really going on with you. There’s something in your chart that suggests you’re moving beyond treating your relationships like a drug, or a kind of religious cult experience where you are the devotee. This is a matter of power — or you could say it’s about owning your power. It’s essential to maintain awareness of the difference between the idea and the reality. If you’re trying to manage your feelings (or those of someone else) with avoidance of any kind, that is not the reality.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

It would be just brilliant if you spent some time hanging out with the idea that sex is an experiment. That’s a way of saying it’s a direct experience, driven by curiosity, which tends to have an outcome that’s uncertain till you get there. Part of the experiment is how the experience changes any of the people involved. When sex is alive within an alive relationship, that state of change is going to be pretty much continuous, and you’re about to get a taste of that. Rather than responding with the famous ‘fixity’ of Aquarius, I suggest you adapt the flexibility of Gemini and the multiple viewpoint property of Mercury. Over the next few weeks you’ll have the ability to look back over the whole story of the relationship, and the potential to work through some of the unresolved material — though as with the rest, I suggest you proceed in the spirit of an experiment.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

Your faith in yourself seems to inflate and deflate like a balloon, though at the moment it’s building rapidly. I suggest you focus this through your work, and by that I mean the next phase of your work that’s unfolding. Now, ‘work’ may be the wrong word here; the feeling is more like an erotic craving to do or accomplish something, as if your happiness depends on it. So this isn’t work in the sense of effort, but rather connecting a deep desire to the focus you need in order to accomplish it. Don’t worry about whether you can do it; the thing your happiness actually depends upon is your willingness to take the chance. The conditions are such right now that you have the combination of raw desire, a good idea and the discipline to go at it every day. Try this for a while and see where you end up. Remember that creative impulses need a lot of guidance on this plane of reality, which includes deflecting any opinions contrary to what you want.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

You seem to be pouring more and more energy into an effort to get yourself unstuck in a creative or relationship situation — perhaps both — though it would help if you did one little thing: think differently. That’s another way of saying ‘not the same’ or ‘new approach’ or ‘reconsider everything’ or ‘take a chance you would not normally take’. This is something that has to come from the inside rather than from trying to change your circumstances. A thousand colors of paint doesn’t make someone a painter, nor does being naked make someone a lover. What matters is making contact with the spark of passion inside yourself, then having faith in it long enough to do something creative. It’ll also help if you name your fear of loss for what it is; that’s blocking a lot of energy.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

Events the next few days are likely to shine the light in such a way that you see your life from a new point of view. It will be like looking at a scene from your future that you cannot enter yet, because it hasn’t fully manifested. Yet at the same time your ability to envision yourself in a new way, in different circumstances, will feed your strength. In order to get from the place you are now to your vision for the future, you will need a combination of discipline, strategy and intuition in equal measure. There will be times when you have to defer to one or the other, though most of the time the three facets of thought will provide you with useful references to cross-check. You may be surprised to see the ways in which they confirm rather than contradict one another. One thing to keep in mind is the way that you use structure. I mean this as a concept by which you guide your thinking, and also as a real thing, which you might apply as the use of space, legal devices such as a corporation, and the way you use your time.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

You may feel like your mind is in a state of chaos, and like you have to impose some authority over yourself to bring your thoughts under control. I suggest you consider whether it’s the imposition of control that’s creating the chaos, especially if it’s coming in the guise of a spiritual path. What you may need to do is purge your mind of old beliefs and teachings, whether you consider them religious, spiritual, mystical or the product of past self-improvement campaigns. No matter how much you want to be a better person, you’re still a person, and that’s always going to be a bit chaotic — unless of course you snuff out your creativity, your sex drive and your curiosity. Now, it may be that someone outside you is on an authority trip of some kind — all the better reason to focus your energy on your passion and vitality rather than using a tourniquet on yourself.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

Be aware any time the idea of sacrifice comes up — listen for the word, and for the notion. The concept comes in two forms. One is what you supposedly must give up, in order to have something else you want, or to appease someone in power. That’s worth questioning carefully. The other notion is to ‘make sacred’, with the image of laying it on an altar. For your purposes now, these are both false concepts, which cover over something else. If you pause and consider what that is, it will be easy enough to discover, lurking right beneath the surface. The truth is, you don’t have to make any offerings to get more of what you want from life, and the false belief that you must do so is directly interfering with your process of establishing a goal, and taking action to make it real. While you’re figuring out what you don’t need to sacrifice, I suggest you check for other points of interference as well.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

Sex is an experiment. It’s a gamble and it’s a form of play though mostly it’s an experiment, which is most dependably driven by a form of love known as curiosity. From the look of where the sky aligns with your solar chart, you have plenty of that going on right now, and that may be arriving with a deep desire to jump into new experiences. Here is a question, though: to what extent do you feel free to do that? What, if anything, is presenting an obstacle? You now have the power to go over, through or around it. One way to do that is to be clear about what you want, with yourself and anyone whom it may concern. It rarely is the presence or values of others that gets in our way — it’s how we choose to handle these things, which includes whether we’re going to be slaves to our inhibitions. There is a closely-related concept to sexual experimentation, and that is art. This may be the closest cousin to sex and it feeds many of the same aspects of our psyche and has an odd way of leading to hot encounters.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

My old friend B’jamin once said that there are two kinds of people — those who drink water, and those who do not. We could probably write a whole book about all the ways there are ‘two kinds of people’, though the one that’s germane in your life right now is: people who are into art, and people who are not. There is the you who’s into art, and the you who’s not. Here is what your charts say: get into art. Get into people who are into art. Soak in art, soak in artists, and light your mind on fire and create the stuff. Don’t worry if it’s good. Just get busy with color, shape, form, sound and sensation. It might save your life; but really, it will make your life.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

You seem to feel cluttered in emotional material, to the point where there is no room for you within your feelings or the four walls you inhabit. I suggest you make some space. Push the walls open, clear out people and things (including the ones you’re carrying in your aura) or get outside, at any time but especially for Sunday’s solar eclipse. If you have been struggling for ideas to move forward, you will discover that they were on their way once you made space for them. Creativity is not compatible with worry, and it’s rarely an attribute of what psychologists call the mind’s “problem-solving mode.” If you are trying to solve problems, make sure you define them in a clear way. Don’t assume you’ve already done this — people rarely do. If something has persistently not had a solution, then it’s likely you’ve defined the problem in a way that cannot be solved. In any event, keep your body moving and your mental energy flowing, changing your scenery until you arrive somewhere nourishing.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

The Grateful Dead used to sing, “If you get confused, listen to the music play.” The current astrology says: “When in doubt, make your living space nicer.” Obviously you have more than this on your mind, including a diversity of concerns about where you’re at, whether you’re really making progress and what you’re doing with your life. Right now the astrology is showing me a picture of you putting down roots, of expanding into your space and of treating your living environment as if it’s your body (i.e., lovingly). Maybe have a small, spontaneous get-together in your home on Sunday evening, inviting over a few of your closest friends and maybe a few new ones. This specifically should happen in your personal space, not a public space of any kind (even if you may think your home is not up to par — nobody will care). Practice gratitude for the dry roof and the door that locks as the path to enlightenment.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

Unfortunately, the term ‘unconditional love’ rarely means what it purports to say. It represents an ideal, and we may indeed get there — but for now, I suggest that you be fully aware of, and honest about, any conditions you have on any of the intimate situations in your life. This is not about being mean or controlling; it’s about being real with yourself, which is the one and only prerequisite to being real with others. Understanding your conditions means understanding your values. There is a direct connection between the two concepts; one is the outer expression of the other. By bringing these things to the surface of your awareness, you will be able to make better decisions — and you seem to be considering an important one now. Here is one specific theme to add to that equation: are you hesitating because a risk you took in the past did not work out? What is your relationship to this whole business of taking chances?

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

If you have any fear of settling down into a space you love, now is the time to get over it. I am picking up some kind of ‘security phobia’ in your charts, as if when faced with the potential to be comfortable and set up in a solid place, you get nervous. You may not have always been this way, and I suggest you remind yourself of a time in your life when that was not the case. Part of any anxiety about things being good is an acknowledgment of how badly things can go on this planet; therefore it sometimes feels better to live as if they’re already that way. Though as Lou Reed has said (and I know I’ve quoted this before), you can’t count on the worst always happening. True fact — it hardly ever happens. Therefore, relax and discover.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

You are currently working the fine edge of a question that has been drifting through your subconscious for some time. It’s not necessarily that you’re closer to having the answer — but with a well-considered question you’re most of the way there. The subject involves the nurturing you received as a child, and how this influenced everything you believe about yourself. Many people discount this transaction — but it’s one of the most potent in the universe. This material has been subtly crystallizing out of your subconscious, making the themes and issues easier to work with and consider. You’ll know you’re making headway processing this material when you run up against some tangible resistance. That’s a metaphor for blocks that were imposed on you long ago; it’s like you’ve reached the limit that was set on how you could define yourself. Once you get there, you’ll know where the edge is — and then you will figure out a way to cross the boundary. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

You know something, though I don’t think you know how true it really is. In other words, don’t be surprised when you discover that you were right. Now, being right isn’t everything, and some have gone so far as to say it’s the opposite of being happy. But I’m not talking about righteous — I mean that you have a hunch, a flash of insight or an idea that is actually valid. I suggest that rather than just letting it go, you keep working with it, and take the whole matter deeper. The reason you might not do that is that somehow the truth makes you nervous. You can be sure, in any event, that it will have impact. What good would it be otherwise? We don’t need any more trivial ‘information’ in the world right now. Here is the influence I see this revelation having: you just might feel less isolated. Would it feel good to learn that you’re not alone, that others are going through a similar experience, and that you can learn from one another? That’s what I see in your charts for the next few days.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

Your mind has been a kaleidoscope lately, though if you’re trying to finish a project of some kind, this weekend will be a good time to do that. In particular, if you’ve been trying to write something, pull together a web project, organize your workspace or focus a business project, this is the time. One thing that will come in handy in the coming weeks is an updated resume or CV. I suggest you get that going, even if you don’t finish the work (those things take some time). Several factors that have been presenting a challenge to your mental focus are now out of the way, and other factors will offer the sense of having all of your wheels touching solid earth. Use these opportunities well. When the Sun changes signs into Taurus in less than a week, your professional goals and position in the business community will come into focus — and I suggest you be prepared well in advance. There’s an old expression I love: luck is where preparation meets opportunity.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

Think of everything you say and do as a commitment; as a promise. That ought to slow you down and put you into editing mode. While you’re doing that, listen to the commitment level contained in what others say to you. Analyze things specifically for where they register on the scale of give and take. When someone is speaking to you, what are they offering and what do they want? I suggest you listen with the intent of an auditor. You may find that some people are disconnected from what they want to exchange. Others however are lying about it outright. You will recognize them by an uneasy feeling you have, or the sensation that you ‘should’ accept something that you’re not interested in. Listen to what assumptions people make about you — especially those who don’t know you. And please beware of anyone who is in a rush. Most likely they’re trying to exploit what they perceive as a weakness. When in doubt, slow down the movie.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012

You may not feel like you’re making the progress you want — as if part of you wants to lurch forward while some other part of you is holding off. I suggest you resolve the tension by deferring to the voice that is hesitating. I can see something in the charts that you may not be able to see from your viewpoint in the world — which is that there’s a doorway you can go through. Visualize yourself in a dark room, so dark you cannot see where you are. But you have other senses: you can feel the surfaces around you. You can make a sound and estimate the size of the space. If you proceed slowly and thoughtfully you’re more likely to find your way out — and that is what your astrology is suggesting you do now.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

It’s not how much money you have, it’s what you do with it. You do know this. I would add a reminder that your real focus must now be on resources in total, not merely on one kind of resource that has come to take the place of God (specifically, cash). I suggest you get clear about your agenda — that is to say, figure out what it is that you’re trying to do and why you want to do it. Once you have that down, I think you’ll quickly see that any plan you create calls for a diversity of resources, which would be true no matter how much money you have available. Pay particular attention to the things that money cannot buy — such as knowledgeable, helpful people; sincerity; the availability of a contact network. Over the next few days you may also come to some realizations about recent disruptions in a situation involving intimate partners. What you learn is not the end of the discovery, though it may point you toward an understanding of how procreation, and creativity in general, can scare the pants back onto certain people.

Weekly Horoscope #896 for March 23, 2012 — by Priya Kale.

A situation is asking you to be brave and have an honest conversation with a partner about how you feel regarding a stressful financial or personal situation. But do you really know how you feel? And do you know what someone else is thinking or feeling? And if you think you do, what makes you so sure? Be honest with yourself first, then you can be honest with others. More importantly be willing to listen. If you enter conversations now with an open mind and few preconceived opinions, you can renegotiate a situation or arrangement in a way that brings you more of what you need, and find a solution or arrangement that works for everyone involved. Be willing to question your perceptions, but don’t doubt yourself. Also, let go of subconscious fears that you face an impossible situation, or must deal with those determined to undermine your plans. What seems like an edgy or daring idea may be pure genius but perhaps you need to give it time to incubate. Brainstorming with someone you trust might help you find the missing piece. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

Recent events seem to have stirred up something of a psychological disturbance for you, and I suggest you take some time and let the waters settle down. Ask yourself the question: What is this really about? You seem to be aware that there are deep and perhaps troubling issues. I suggest you take your time with this and not decide it’s something that you can or must work out all at once. There are many excellent developments brewing in some of the most visible areas of your life, and you don’t want to divert energy away from them. I suggest you maintain a devotion to healing in the most positive way you can — as a loving commitment to your personal truth — and gently go deeper to figure out what you’re really working through. Meanwhile, you have some opportunities to be more visible than you normally are — and to feel more appreciated for what you do. You can help your healing process by carefully noticing how you feel when people express their authentic gratitude and admiration for you.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

It’s good you’ve pulled back from the edge, and that the last few weeks seem to have gone without serious incident. Regardless of how unstable your life has been for how many weeks, seasons or years, this is a moment of settling down for you. Do what you can to make your home more your own; that will be a therapeutic exercise because it involves experimenting with a commitment. You might also open your mind to decisions about where the right place to live is, if you’re not in love with your present location. Whatever it takes to build your confidence, security and sense of grounding, I suggest you do. Time in the kitchen will be more restful than sleep. Make a list of your favorite foods, and go out and get them. This kind of grounding is good for your soul, and it’ll be good for your productivity. One discovery you can get into your body is that when you feel good, your life is easier. That’s easier than the other way around, and gives you clear direction where to invest your energy.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

You have more power in someone’s life than you may think. Forget what the press release says, or how big of a shadow someone casts in your mind. Imagine you really do have influence. You have the power to say yes or no. You have the ability to grant or deny access. Indeed, you have the ability to take up space that might actually belong to someone else — physical space, or emotional. Are you feeling generous, or are you responding some other way? What is motivating you to act a certain way? The relationships are more involved than they may seem. There are several levels to what you’re feeling, and you may not be aware of some of them. Bear in mind that your choice to act a certain way may create a blind spot that prevents you from seeing the real effects of your choices or emotional posture. The deeper question I suggest you ask is, how do you want the situation to work out? Then act accordingly.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

Aquarius has a reputation for liking to think, and I sure hope it’s true for you. For the next few weeks your mind will be less like a think tank and more like a furnace of hot ideas. I suggest that you try something radical, which is pick them up one at a time and dunk them in water. Cool them off, pick them up and see what you’ve got in your hand. Then, if you feel so inclined, gradually shape it into something that you want to work with. This is to say, ideas are one thing, and what you do with them is another thing. The mind can put out incredible amounts of power — and how you harness that power determines whether your creativity is useful or not. You may not be inclined to slow down for long enough to actually figure out what you’re thinking, though I suggest you give it a try.

Planet Waves
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012 | By PRIYA KALE

Recent events may have been eroding your faith and sense of security, but don’t be in a rush to fill a void. Essentially this boils down to a question of self-worth and self-esteem. A New Moon in your 2nd solar house (self-esteem and personal resources) marks a new cycle and period of growth for you financially, as well as within your deepest personal commitments. But rather than worry about what you mean to others, or whether you can ever have the material security you dream of — go deeper below the surface to clear space for what truly makes you feel safe beyond surface desires. Your family and support system have a lot to offer you, and you are indeed standing on solid ground. The more you recognize this, the more you can rise above the insecurities or superficial needs that so often lead you to doubt your worth. Also, your mother’s values may or may not be your own, but unless you become conscious of them you won’t recognize the difference. Gain clarity about what is most meaningful to you and you can attract the flow of abundance you seek. Pour your energy into the kind of commitments that mean the most to you and you’ll evolve a little bit every day as you move through the ebbs and flows of life. What you gain through this process will go way beyond just the tangible; it has an indescribable quality. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

Yours is the sign of groups, but you’re equally invested in one-to-one relationships. Recent developments in an intimate situation are suggesting that it’s time to get out and be among people. You may have a tendency in the opposite direction: to withdraw, close up and avoid groups. However, I think you’ll find that once you get into a wider space and meet some new people you will feel like your old self or perhaps some new self you’ve never quite met before. Meanwhile, self-esteem questions persist. I suggest that you not view this as a crisis, but rather as an opportunity for growth. If you’re experiencing doubt in any form, one logical answer to that is to seek some information that might confirm or deny whatever issue you feel up against. However, the planets strongly suggest you look for the source of the doubt itself, remembering that it may have no basis in reality. The truth is, you’re a more sensitive person than you let on, and your sensitivity is running at an all-time high. So, proceed gently and the truth will come to you.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

One of the defining characteristics of our moment is the refusal to think in terms of consequences. Notably, this is happening at a time when a lot of consequences of the past are emerging for everyone to notice. An aspect between the Sun in your birth sign and a small, potent object called Nessus, are a reminder to think your plans and desires through. Consciously consider a diversity of what-ifs. This is not for the sake of ‘worry’ but rather for the sake of considering your options based on the potential of what they might create. At the same time you’re doing this, you may be experiencing a boomerang effect of things that you initiated in the past and to which you did not devote this consideration. Now is the time to make the necessary corrections, one at a time, as you become aware of what needs to be done. Note that some will require going through layers to get to the core of the matter.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

The prevailing theme at this truly meaningful juncture of your life is seeing the consequences of living unconsciously. It seems like every day you discover something new that you have to address, but that would have been prevented — had you only been more conscious at some other time in your life. One thing about the cleanup process is that you will be able to take some fairly large strides, if you devote yourself to it diligently, and proceed with a spirit of growth rather than of fixing. That said, you could become something of an expert in consequences, in general — of conscious or unconscious life; of being loving or unloving; of having faith, or not. For the foreseeable future the essence of your life story is about self-value and self-esteem. I believe that all of these themes are directly related. Feeling good about oneself is not an illusion or a flight of fancy. It can be solidly grounded in truth, and this seems to be your most important mission.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

Monday’s New Moon in your birth sign commences the Year of the Dragon. More specifically, it’s the year of the Water Dragon, a yin manifestation of bold, brash (and lucky) Dragon energy. This is the perfect image of Aquarius, the sign of the water-bearer. Yours is a masculine sign associated with a feminine substance. The blend for you is about asserting yourself, and taking chances, and depending on your popularity, and pushing your luck — in that distinctly Dragon way. Yet the way to do this best, with the Water Dragon as your mascot this year, is to hold feminine energy at your core. This is possible for both men and women — this is a matter of energy and not of sex. No matter how bold or cocky you are, stay open and receptive. No matter how lucky you are, be grateful. No matter how much you want someone or something, be open to it wanting you.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

Have you been feeling like a small cog in a big machine, rather in the dark about a situation that is drawing you deeper into the unknown than you may care to venture? Sooner or later you will figure out that fear is the scariest thing in the world. Although a financial commitment or sexual relationship is heating up, you can trust it is evolving just as it needs to even if you can’t see it yet. Trust your intuition about what you might sometimes feel is out of your control. That will help you be more aware of the subconscious fears that haunt you. These fears prevent you from making the progress you’re so devoted to these days. Recognizing this will help you summon the support you need. Yes, most people walk around the planet feeling little to no support for who they are and what they want. Yet that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Be your own friend and you will make some fun discoveries about who else wants to be your friend.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

You are certainly getting a tour of the light, the dark, the beautiful and the beastly. While I could be philosophical and say that it’s all part of the kaleidoscope of human experience, I am sure you would rather have your life be simpler. I know you’re getting exhausted with spending your days experiencing the kinds of extremes of existence that have characterized not only the past week but the past few months. You are at the end of a long, challenging phase of existence. By long I mean consider that what you’ve been living through is a phase that began in the late 1990s. You will recognize this a lot more clearly once it’s over — which by the way happens in early February, around the time of your birthday. Being a long phase there will not be an abrupt transition; tune in quietly and you will feel the subtle motion, ephemeral though it may be.

Capricorn 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
One theme of the astrology the past few months has been about inner reality vs. outer. In a world dominated by appearances, it’s easy to forget that there is an inner reality, though you’re unlikely to be missing that fact now. The question seems to be not what you want to bring forth into the world, but how exactly you’re going to do it. Your inner space is churning with passion and pathos; with questions about your past, and an urgent desire to enter the moment you are in now. Crossing over this barrier can seem like finding your way through an invisible portal, or making your way into a parallel universe. It’s really not so difficult; ordinary circumstances will draw you out of that veiled world. Bring your feelings into your daily experience. Remember at 10 am that you’re the same person who had those thoughts, feelings and desires at 6 am when you were dreaming. Remember that you’re never separate from yourself; you are yourself.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

There is a lot that seems ready to burst out of you right now. You may wonder if you will set the house on fire by allowing any of whatever that may be out of yourself; there is a lot in there, and it has the approximate constituency of cosmic fire. One of the biggest Capricorn secrets is how passionate you are. I know it’s easy to conceal behind your somewhat formal demeanor and your constant attention to your image, but that does not change the fact of what is behind the veil. If astrology offers any clues, the time is long gone that you need to conceal who you really are. Indeed, it’s verging on impossible for you to do so, and if you pretend that nobody knows, you will just seem silly. Here is an analogy: imagine you’re wearing thin summer clothes, and you get rained on and they become transparent — and you have nothing dry to change into. If you want to feel good, acknowledge everyone can see what you’ve got — because they can.

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

At least you’re not expecting everyone — or anyone — to do it for you. You may be in the most self-determined moment of your life, with more options than you’ve ever had. I suggest you make a point of noticing them, especially if you’re feeling limited. Yet far from feeling hemmed in, you might be feeling like you have way too much energy and you don’t know how to contain yourself. You may have the feeling that you’ll never live up to your potential. That is a feeling — not the reality. Yet no matter how much energy you have now, I suggest you remember, and trust, the fact that real progress takes time. Be content with the fact that your life is going in the right direction, and do yourself a huge favor: avoid unnecessary conflict like it’s the best thing you can do for yourself. In actual fact, it is.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

You don’t need to push yourself, anyone or anything as hard as you may think. There is plenty of momentum carrying you, and your boundaries are working well enough that you have no need to be defensive. In fact, you could let your guard down at the same time you ease off on the push energy, just a little. Just enough to see that you feel good relaxing into an environment that you have every reason to trust. One thing you may want to be aware of is that over the next week or two, your fantasy world (yes, your rather exotic erotic one) is about to set itself on fire, as the Sun in Sagittarius makes a series of aspects and Venus and Mars continue to dance around your chart. Your imagination may even take on a life of its own, and seem so vivid as to be real (this, I call phantasy). This is sometimes a form of astral contact and it may be that you are actually communicating with some of the people who enter your mind. I suggest you stand way back from judging anything you imagine; just let it work its wonders on you.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

“Become the change you want to see in the world” may be getting old as a slogan, but not as the thing to do. The 2012 phenomenon — day of the Mayan calendar (marking the completion of a 5,125-year cycle of time) — happens when the Sun ingresses your birth sign in December. What is the message, to you personally? It’s a resounding cry for social justice, which can only be answered in the embodiment of leadership by example. It’s the only kind that works, whether intentional or not, and whether the example is of corruption, truth or love. Therefore, be conscious of the example you provide. Be conscious of the alignment of your words and of your actions. What you say, what you do and who you are has an impact on the world. You may not feel that way, yet. One thing that will help you notice your influence is to pause in trying to live up to what you think others would have you be. You do not need to be anything but who you are. In our particular world, the fact that this may not be acceptable to some people is evidence that you’re doing what is right, and popularity may be a sign that you’re wasting your time. Express your passion for justice by being just. Include people rather than exclude them. Make nobody conform to your point of view. Offer your empathy and consciously, vocally refrain from trying to control anyone — especially yourself.

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

At least you’re not expecting everyone — or anyone — to do it for you. You may be in the most self-determined moment of your life, with more options than you’ve ever had. I suggest you make a point of noticing them, especially if you’re feeling limited. Yet far from feeling hemmed in, you might be feeling like you have way too much energy and you don’t know how to contain yourself. You may have the feeling that you’ll never live up to your potential. That is a feeling — not the reality. Yet no matter how much energy you have now, I suggest you remember, and trust, the fact that real progress takes time. Be content with the fact that your life is going in the right direction, and do yourself a huge favor: avoid unnecessary conflict like it’s the best thing you can do for yourself. In actual fact, it is.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

Mars is about to ingress your birth sign, and that’s likely to arrive with a bolt of energy and the release from anxiety you may not have noticed you were experiencing. If you did, it may have come in this form: is anxiety the cause of inaction, or is inaction the cause of anxiety? When this riddle resolves itself, it suddenly may not matter which was the cause and which was the effect; action itself is a form of relief. Focus helps you clear up the blurry edges of your thoughts, and expressing energy gives you more energy rather than consuming anything. As the next week progresses, this sensation may build. I suggest that you invest yourself into your choices and actions without hesitation. Practice living as if you have total confidence in yourself. Think of it as a gift you give to yourself. Dare to go beyond any feeling of doubt, taking confident steps. Fear is an emotion and it rarely speaks the truth. What we think of as freedom always takes courage, and offers courage as its first reward.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

For the next week or so, notice how you feel being seen, particularly in public places. ‘Being seen’ may translate to the sensation of being felt, and being responded to, which even under normal circumstances is an experience that can arrive with depth and vulnerability. It’s as if you feel naked in public, which may soon feel like naked and under a spotlight. What’s different about this moment is the influence you’re having on your environment, and the way that the vibes you exchange with others can influence your perception of yourself. The sensation factor is going up: deeper feelings, with a more poignant effect, and it’s like a feedback loop. There’s a word for it, which is biophilia. For a concise explanation from one who knows what’s she’s talking about, play the recording at the bottom of Meanwhile, as you navigate this territory, it’s best to make small, subtle moves. There’s no point running for the shadows when you can adjust your posture by a millimeter or two and get a much better effect.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

Beware of ambition — or any tactics that might indicate you’re driven by any motives that might lead you to suspend your ethics. We live in a time when it’s popular and even accepted that people will throw their conscience to the four winds if that’s what it takes to win the game. You are now walking a razor’s edge where you must emphasize fairness and sincerity as your first responsibility, particularly if you’re in a position of leadership. Neither is this the time to kiss the ass of anyone in authority. It’s time to align your choices and your actions with what you really value. Any attempt to put image over substance could backfire. Therefore, devote yourself to quality, to sincerity and let your actions speak louder than your words. Pay attention and you will notice that your inner world is calling you more loudly than your desire for outer success, and if you attend to this seemingly subtle level of awareness, and stay clear and in alignment with yourself, you will not have to worry about succeeding in the world.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

In retrospect, you may decide this was the month you actually woke up and figured out that you’re alive, and that you’re here to live your life, your way. One element of this is the discovery that it’s simply impossible to please everyone, and a miracle when people actually recognize who you are. The message coming through from life and from the planets is: don’t bother trying to please anyone, and recognize and appreciate who you are. Acting on this intention will introduce a shock to your psyche, making you more alert and calling several people around you into focus. Then, you’ll get to have a different kind of conversation. When you feel a real level of trust, take the opportunity to push the boundary of who you are — and by that, I mean not only to stretch but to exceed your comfort zone. The idea is to be realer than you’re accustomed to being, even to the point where it feels a little dangerous. Yet I suggest you do this in a contained environment, not live on YouTube. Perhaps the most significant aspect of this journey is an experiment in revealing what you would have been reluctant to reveal before, or indeed, what you would have never considered. You cannot be comfortable with yourself if you’re not comfortable being yourself and allowing others to see who you are. While you might think that you would feel confident before making any such revelation, your growth will proceed in the other direction.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

Your charts are rather emotionally potent at the moment (an understatement), and I suggest you ask yourself whether you’re feeding on intensity for its own sake, or you actually have something to express. You seem to be seeking peak experiences, which isn’t unhealthy in and of itself — the question is the content of those experiences, what they offer you, and what their influence is on the environment of your relationships. Are you creating a diversion of some kind, or are you reacting to pressure within you that you don’t know how to handle? It’s possible that there’s an exaggeration effect going on; you’re perceiving others as being overly serious, and they are perceiving you as failing to see the virtue of self-control. If so, there’s some truth to the equation. I would ask, however, what is underneath all of this emotional intensity. What is driving you? What’s the source of your restlessness? You may just be reacting against gaining the emotional discipline you know you need to cultivate.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

You need to act on a career-related matter despite your emotional reservations, and despite the fact that it might not be a perfect situation. Your own hesitancy is most of what’s getting in the way of your judgment; were you to take a more objective look at the situation, you would probably agree that it’s set up to work in your favor. There may also be someone influencing your judgment, primarily by their subtle refusal to acknowledge your influence, talent or your power over your own life. This, and you’re famous for your perfectionism where professional engagements, plans or ambitions are concerned. I suggest you set aside the notion of ‘perfect’ and substitute ‘practical’. Then ask yourself whether what you’re considering, or being offered, bears any resemblance to what you’ve said over and over again that you really want. If it does, I suggest you trust that the details will take care of themselves — and that you have a distinct advantage as the underdog in the situation.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

Saturn, the planet most associated with Capricorn, changes signs this week. There is something in this move, from Libra to Scorpio, about your figuring out that you are involved in some form of collective responsibility. Even if you cannot discern something specific, I suggest you consider the wider implications of everything that you do, and of everything that happens to you. Consider the ways in which you’re influenced by the wider world in the choices you make, the feelings you experience and the values that you claim as your own. This is a time to start questioning the many ways you’ve been infiltrated, and to sort out who you truly are and what is really yours. Yet the influences of the collective, wider world are becoming more important, not less. This requires careful discernment, and really knowing when you’re thinking something and whether someone is thinking for you; when you’re coming from commitment or obligation; when your actions are self-serving or for the greatest good of all concerned — including you.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

This is the time to be responsible not to your own ambitions, but to your community. I know that this idea is pissing into the wind of the privatization, privation and exclusion that is all the political rage now. Greed worshippers can keep their lies; not only don’t they influence you, you must stand up to this false philosophy, both in yourself and in society. Establish a commons in your life: hold the space for an authentic, equitable exchange of resources. This is leadership in action; there are goals and results involved. There are competing interests involved. There are those who will immediately take advantage of any fair system, and you will have to address that factor as well. Note that there are aspects of this that will happen in your ‘official’ capacity (such as your professional role) and outside of any official capacity, and perhaps even out of sight of others. Another way to describe the aspects that are developing in your chart is that you are shifting your concept of self-interest into a full embrace of the conditions of the world around you. Your role is to use your power, your knowledge and your experience to uphold the personal values you have stated many times are precious to you. Acting on those values requires taking a chance, not the least of which is wondering what all those greedy people will think of you when you insist on fairness and integrity. What they think of you is their issue; what you do is yours.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

You need fewer, better friends who understand that friendship is more than palling around. It’s a matter of mutual support and integrity. Some of the people who will become more significant in your life over the next few years you already know. Some you’ve yet to meet, though the situation is similar with both — their presence will come into focus as you make certain recognitions about your own self-worth, your value to others, and what this informs you about your role in the world. This is about a phase of settling in: it’s as if you relax into how you present yourself, what your purpose is and accepting what you offer to others. That will have a way of commanding the loyalty and respect of those around you, based on both emotional harmony and sense of purpose.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

There is an imperative on emotional maturity right now; consider this a kind of professionalism in the face of change, uncertainty and the demand for leadership — that is to say, your leadership. You have a unique, and well-seasoned, perspective on the unsettled quality of the moment, though you are also in full contact with the potential that’s lurking beyond the chaos. In times such as these, people who can offer a steady example and have a vision are the ones who have the opportunity to shine, while everyone else is scrambling around. Now, as for the maturity piece: this is a learned skill. It’s learned from experience and by following examples, and you have both. The pace of events is about to pick up; you must slow down, long enough to confer with certain people you trust (most likely older than you) and to make reasoned decisions that you don’t have to reconsider. Take things one step at a time — that number is one, not two. And if you find yourself positioned high up, use that as a means of gaining perspective, rather than demanding respect.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

If you’re feeling the urge to be spiritual, I suggest you go for practical. ‘Spiritual’ is almost always a ruse, and too often it’s a cover for egotism. It’s almost always a way of saying that the allegedly spiritual person is better than someone else, and too often it’s used as an excuse for hypocrisy. If spiritual means anything at all in real terms, that would be about ethics, honesty and friendship to the people in your environment. This is why I suggest you stick to practical, which is to say, love is what love does. Get away from theory and get down to the business of taking care of the people you love, and the people who take care of you. This is likely to extend into your professional life, an aspect of yourself that has been under major development the past three years. That comes down to one theme: your professional relationships are real, and call for the same respect as anyone else.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

It’s time to update your resume and portfolio. This counts if you’re the CEO of a multinational company, a sophomore art student or anything in between. I suggest you focus carefully on what you’ve accomplished since 2009. Speaking of that particular year, you may have done more than you think; it was not a ‘lost year’, as you may be inclined to think — though I suggest that you do a careful, month-by-month review and see what changed. Meanwhile, the process of updating your resume will provide a forum for you to track everything you’ve achieved and accomplished. The first draft of this list needs to be in long format, including such activities as helping others with their career or business ventures, any activity that raised your public profile, and people you met who had an influence in your life. Then, tighten it up for public consumption. I think there’s a good possibility that in this stretch of time, you ended one volume of your professional history and began another. Now, as you proceed, you need this organized inquiry into what you’ve accomplished as a foundation to stand on, and as a reminder of what is possible.

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

September 2012 is the last full month of Saturn in Libra. I suggest you do a review project, on the topic of responsibility, leadership and your reputation. Let’s go back in time to Oct. 29, 2009 — when Saturn first touched the shores of what’s called your 10th solar house — the one that addresses themes of authority in every form. Where were you then? How did you feel about who you are, and what you do? Did you have the self-respect to command the respect of others? I suggest you track what you’ve learned since that day, and take full ownership of it. I know there were ups and downs; that is life, though everyone knows that humans tend to learn more from struggle than from achievement. Make sure you learn from both.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

If you’ve learned nothing else the past three years that Saturn has been in Libra, your house of career and reputation, it’s that you need to expand your horizons. Have you done that? Have you looked over the teacup walls of the thing that you used to call your career? What for you might seem like a wild experiment would feel to those around you like a basic wholesome idea. Therefore, you can afford to push a certain limit, which may be associated with how you identify yourself as a ‘responsible person’. You usually take this too far, and much of it is an image, anyway. If you set the image aside, you’ll see that you need a lot more room to maneuver. You might also notice that in truth, your responsibilities are a shared burden, though when you’re in a position of leadership, your most significant role is to provide some ethical guidance. Open up this discussion with the people around you, including (when appropriate) those you consider to be in a position of authority over you. You don’t simply do what you’re told; you do what everyone agrees is the right thing.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly #914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric

Have you noticed people gravitating to individuals who are open, raw and real in what they share with the larger public? In an era when much of our interaction with another person is their projected image, a dose of authenticity is attractive and refreshing. This applies to you, too. Individuals who are entering your life now are interested in meeting the genuine you. Authenticity involves sharing all parts of yourself, including the more tender emotions. It also means understanding the concept of pretense, and avoiding it. Trust is involved, trust that exposing the softer, more sensitive aspects of yourself will be met with a positive response. Working from this place attracts those who are best suited for you, and also allows the other person to know when you need some emotional buoying. You present a tough shell, but you’re softer than water inside. Focus on the idea that the people entering your life will embrace your fears and insecurities — and love you for them. This is a form of self-acceptance, though it really helps when others set the example for us. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

You’re at a critical juncture right now, and more is at stake than you may realize. I don’t mean for this to stir up any anxiety. I suggest you relax and loosen up enough to take your situation — and your potential — seriously. One thing that you must be mindful of is honoring the chain of command in any corporate or professional system. Without breaking ranks, you can work politically to build a consensus and get your way, and you do seem focused on a particular outcome. While you may not be in a position to take authority from others, you are certainly in a position to persuade them to use their authority. You just have to go about accomplishing that goal in a way that is savvy and which accesses your deepest professionalism. That said, you have more official power in this situation than you may recognize, and even if you are acting within the bounds of your jurisdiction, I suggest you work the territory smoothly and never for a moment seem to act like the boss.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

You want to think like a chess player when it comes to your professional aspirations. Clearly, you’re brewing something up, though it’s now time to think five steps ahead. It’s true that you cannot exactly predict the choices of others, though you do know their general tendencies. Over the next week or so, however, there’s going to be a shift in the planetary pattern — and the pattern of your life — that may have you rethinking your most important goal. The feeling will be of something ‘settling in’, as if you shift from the mental level of a topic to understanding how you feel about it. That information will make it easier to map out your game plan. As part of this, you’re likely to have a collaborator at some point soon, at least on the level of understanding your agenda. I suggest you open up your thought process, once you’ve identified someone as truly having your best interests at heart. The emotional grounding piece is the one they will be able to help you with.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

Mind your ethics. That is to say, your awareness of ‘right and wrong’ needs to be an ongoing study that you reconsider from situation to situation. There is no strict code except the need to question yourself, and to be alert to the particulars. The more involved in leadership you are, the more important this will be; there are various temptations on the radar, such as to take advantage of power to cheat justice in some way. In particular where a joint financial arrangement is concerned, you may feel that it’s possible to get away with anything. It’s not. What is possible is for you to co-create a situation that works for everyone, which in any modern concept of ethics would be the focus. This requires flexibility and, at the moment, you have it.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

Make sure that fairness is on top of your list of things to aspire to over the next week or so. You want to be fair, and also give the impression of being so. Do not seem arbitrary. Include as many people in your decisions as you can. It’s a fact of your situation that you must take charge, though there are several ways to do that. Particularly in the business world, we live in a time of power exercised for its own sake — and you now have the power to replace that with something better. I suggest you apply your political skills and think for the future. Know who your best allies are, and put them to work for you. You’re approaching a point where you will need to make a decision where you may not have the flexibility to be as open as you do now, and the goodwill and trust that you build over the next few weeks will help you significantly when this time comes.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

There’s no debate that people are free: both you and the people close to you. This is true no matter how trapped anyone may feel, by whatever they think is trapping them. I suggest you take some time over the next few weeks and consider the agreements you have with others, or what Carolyn Myss calls ‘sacred contracts’. Those are all up for review now, which does not mean cancellation but rather a clear evaluation. Consider the commitments you have to others, the commitments they have to you, and where these promises intersect with your life path. You need to ask some basic questions, such as, does this agreement serve to benefit everyone involved? Under what circumstances was the agreement made? What was its purpose and does your arrangement still serve that purpose now? This is an approximately one-month review phase, so you actually have time to think — and to feel — your way through the questions.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

Express your leadership skills in moderation. You will seem bossier to others than you feel within yourself. In your own mind, you’re just doing your job and fulfilling your mission. To others you may seem to be swaggering, arbitrary and even unfair. Therefore, make a habit of being diplomatic. If you’re making a decision that influences others, make sure that you get their input, and offer them some evidence that you’ve considered it carefully. The thing to emphasize is fairness, and remember that what’s fair in your mind may not be so in the perception of others. This is why you want a collaborative effort, even if you’re in a leadership position where you get to be the one who makes the final decision. You may have the upper hand today, but you will need allies in the not-so-distant future, during a phase of your life when your negotiation skills will count for a lot. So I suggest you make a point of refining them now.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

Avoid the temptation to base your relationships on your attachment to the past, or to the way you think things were. It would only be a distraction, and you don’t have time for that now. You have many significant responsibilities to attend to, and setting things right won’t necessarily be a simple or fast process. I suggest you embrace that complexity, and make sure you focus on one agenda item at a time, starting with what you decide is the most important. If you do this with some persistence, you will build your confidence and gradually bring a sense of order to what may seem entirely out of control right now. One potential distraction is unhealthy emotional attachment. Do your best to keep your focus right now, and stand back from those who obsess over the way things were.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

There are those times in life when you actually feel met, and this is one of them. Pay attention to who you encounter and stay sensitive to your environment. You’re in a position where you can be noticed, by which I mean seen clearly and recognized for who you are. A diversity of factors are conspiring to make this one of the most interesting weeks of the year. This is not a passing trend but rather a threshold through which you’re moving. Look at the world every day through new eyes. Be present in every moment; get yourself out of automatic mode and guide yourself consciously from moment to moment. Without expectations, assume that every encounter is a meaningful encounter — this includes people you pass in the elevator, the TSA agents at the airport or meeting a dog. Then apply that to everyone else you meet; listen to what they say. Honor the unknown, and call yourself fully present from moment to moment.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

It’s time to integrate your approach to health and wellness. There are basically two ways into the matrix — conventional and holistic. For example, a conventional approach to weight loss would be cutting calories; holistic would be looking at everything you eat and developing a nutritional plan. You may be someone who tends to go from one end of the spectrum to the other without much time spent along the spectrum. Integrating the best of conventional and holistic approaches is especially important where treatment of any chronic illness is concerned, even if the conventional side of the equation is input from a doctor that you trust. There is a time and place for painkillers or antihistamines, but that place is limited; plus, there’s a ‘natural’ alternative to every drug, and I suggest you find the ones you need. Yet an approach that fosters prevention and bringing your system into balance is helpful because you’re more involved in the process, and you have to learn the issue from many sides in order to get results.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

It’s not always about sex, but usually it is — especially lately. And when that’s true, there are those moments when you have to unleash the furies. You don’t have to release them all at once, though — try letting them out of their cages one at a time, and see how that feels. Meanwhile, every time you worry about your ‘reputation’, I would propose that’s a mirage for fear of your own power. In other words, what you believe is ‘bad for your image’ (or some desire that allegedly threatens your position) may be the very thing that is good for your strength and integrity. You seem to feel like you’re visible right now, and like you have some influence in the world. This is lining up with your passion and a touch of inner chaos in a way that might threaten to unravel everything you’ve built (which seems to be trapping a lot of energy). If that’s true, then I would say keep going.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

Every time I hear the words ‘sexual healing’, I think — that’s a beautiful thing, but where would anyone go for that? We live in an era when even therapists and psychologists are terrified of having the sexual conversation with their clients, concerned that they might be sued for malpractice if something is taken the wrong way. Yet the pain that many people suffer is driven directly by their need for sexual healing, which connects to and influences the emotions on every level. If this describes you, I suggest you be open about this fact with yourself. If you can do that, you can take the next step and develop a description of your situation, so you know what your healing goals are. If you can state a problem coherently, the solution is usually right around the corner (borrowing from A Course in Miracles, “Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.”) Remember that your sexual past goes back to the time of your conception (what I call the conception drama) and may go back even further. Be open to healing and trust that the right assistance will arrive — most of which, in truth, will come from you.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

You are changing in ways that you feel but have not necessarily put a name or a clear description to. Actually, changing is too weak of a word to describe what is happening; an unusual momentum of growth has taken over your life, and it’s now moving at full strength. What you’re doing is penetrating a kind of emotional veil that was cloaking your true strength from yourself. This is allowing you to emerge as someone who may have been clear to you as a child, but who was gradually fogged over as you became an adult. A simple way to express this idea is that your soul is pushing its way through the layers of your personality and into manifestation. This will not happen all at once, though you’re about to take a very significant step along the way.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

The world around you may seem to be spinning out of orbit, but you are grounded and safe. You have what you need, and if you don’t, you can go a long way by opening up to receiving it. That sensation of opening to receive — so rarely remembered, if it was ever experienced before — is a gentle feeling. There’s no struggle, no question of deserving, no push or pull. It’s as natural as a sponge absorbing water. You have something more, though — the ability to self-create. In a sense, you are absorbing from within, which is one of the exalted creative stages because it means you can access your inner well and have something unusual to express. I would add a note about any health worries you may have: this is the weekend to put them behind you, whether by recognizing they are merely fears, or by deciding what action you can take to resolve the issue.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

Have you ever paused to wonder why so many people seem to have heart attacks over the whole gay thing? What, exactly, is the shock, that anyone might be attracted to anyone else? We could extend this to mixed-race situations, differences in generations and people of wildly diverging political persuasions for whom this fact is blotted out by the love they feel for one another. The power of attraction is working magnificently in your life right now, and the crazier the diversity, the better. Any hangups of the past can be seen as precisely what they are — somebody else’s bad idea, based on nothing but fear. Taking this to a more personal level, I suggest you experiment with going past any anxiety you might have about who or what you’re attracted to, or who is attracted to you. The weirder, the more interesting, the more unconventional, the more fun you will have. For extra pleasure, play with the idea that everyone is a mirror.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

How do you respond when others act like they are totally insecure? It’s tricky enough to even notice when this is happening. People display their neuroses in all kinds of creative ways, sometimes as bravado, sometimes as approach-avoid behavior, and sometimes as inconsistency. Often to figure out what’s going on below the surface, it’s necessary to be truly discerning, which means to see past your own subtle fears. It’s even safe to assume that people are going to be coming from an unstable or uncertain place, expecting the world to count them out of the game. The more encouraging you are, the more willing they will be to reveal their vulnerability, and thus take a step into authenticity with you. You can, with no damage to yourself, define one of your primary roles as being supportive of the ideas and plans of others — even if it’s moral support you’re offering. This will take a lot of pressure off of your social environment.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

Remember that God isn’t always watching you. You’ve heard that ‘He’ is lots of times, and at least let’s consider that it’s a disturbing thought; what you do isn’t anybody’s business but your own. That is, it’s not if you don’t make it so; therefore, take your space. You might actually have to do something like experiment and consider the consequences later — if there are any. That’s the problem with thinking you’re being spied on: guilt makes it difficult to know what you’re really entitled to experience. Therefore you have to stretch that particular boundary and see what you discover once you do. One risk you run is the discovery that you could have had a lot more pleasure in your life, which I would rate as a positive, given that you’re still very much alive.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

With Pluto moving through your birth sign, you are in a prolonged period of deep introspection. At times it may come with the sensation of being pulled so far into yourself that the light from the outer world does not reach you. Yet the Sun’s light is essential to feeling warm, strong and alive. Recently, you have started to make contact with that light, and have entered a period of revitalization. There will be a boost to your emotional resources, a chance to infuse your soul with the liquid light of Vitamin D. Take time this week to indulge in activities that make your highest sense of self feel alive and connected to the universe. Get out into the sunlight. Resist the urge to do more work (or housework). When you’ve fully charged your fuel cells, work will have an effortless feeling, and being introspective will be replaced by the sensation that you actually exist. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

If you quiet down what your whirling, rapidly moving mind is saying, you’ll discover that you know something in your gut, and knew it all along. Given that this something is about you, you might wonder how it is that you somehow missed the obvious. That’s always a good question, though the obvious is so bold and has such deep implications that I could see it making you a little restless. You might say that the truth is so large that it’s difficult to see, something that’s often the case. The central theme here is who you are becoming. You’ve been in a transformational process that has been working under the surface layers of awareness. Yet now it’s starting to bubble up to the top. You are seeing the extent of the changes you’re going through, and this in turn is giving you a sense of your trajectory. What you’re getting now is just a little sample of the incoming energy; this will gradually ramp up over the next six weeks until you discover, somehow much to your surprise, that you really are this entirely different person you suspect you’re becoming.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

The Sun opposed to your home planet Saturn this weekend is a reminder that true strength comes from within. Authentic motivation is something you carry in your body, not something that you get from your environment. Yet if there is one environmental factor, it’s a sense of grounding in your personal space. You need a measure of emotional stability in your life, no matter how challenging that may be to create. Notice all of the factors around you that are designed to knock you off balance, which in turn creates the need for things you don’t really need. These influences range from advertising to religion, which are basically the exact same social force. When you feel complete in yourself, you feel capable of anything. This is not a mirage — it’s actually true. I suggest you take time this weekend to cultivate that sense of grounding. Go where you feel the most sane and secure. Take some time and make a simple improvement to your living space. Pause and actually get enough rest — and then notice what happens to your anxiety level.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

So much of what’s happening around you must feel like an enormous debate about nothing, conducted by people who don’t believe what they’re saying. Fortunately, you’re situated such that you’re out of the direct line of controversy, though people you care about seem to be caught up in the storm; this could provide a way in for you. I suggest you keep your distance on any issue that doesn’t meet one of two qualifications — the first being that it directly affects you, and the second being that it has a significant impact on your environment. These guidelines will filter out anything that’s abstract, or designed to distract (the concepts are similar). As you have noted, there are a number of dog and pony shows in addition to the wrestling matches and smoke screens. Stay true to your mission as you have stated it to yourself many times, and make sure that everyone around you knows that’s what you’re doing.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012

Leadership implies service. When the service aspect is removed, obsession with power rushes into the space, which is precisely not what you want. There are at least two levels to what you offer the world. One comes from the visible aspect of your position: what you’re expected to do, and what you observe needs to be done. The other is subtler, even covert. It’s what you do for others because you can make it happen. You’re the one who decides whether any such action is ethical, and whether you’re willing to face any consequences (the first question is the more important one). Then you act because you can. This may involve assisting someone through an obstacle they could not get past on their own. This may give you an idea — how to do this for more people.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

Keep a close eye on any developing situation involving a contractual matter. Delay committing to any agreement not only till both Mercury and Mars are direct, but also until you feel like you have a true understanding of the situation and where everyone is coming from. I suggest you use the ‘know when you don’t know’ principle in place of any shade of false certainty — that may take some extra self-awareness. We humans tend to paper over when we have missing information, though just like wallpaper covering a hole in the wall, there’s an obvious weakness palpable to the touch if not the eye. As regards contracts, I suggest you make sure you actually can deliver anything you’re expected to promise — and if you cannot, say so as soon as possible. If you’re hesitating on any commitment, I suggest you investigate why — there may be a good reason, and if there is, you want to know what it is. The current astrology is perfectly arranged so that you’ll get to the bottom of any shaky situation. Proceed with the faith that you’ll be told everything you need to know.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012 — by Priya Kale

The dynamics within a domestic situation or family are changing, demanding your attention. You may feel a little like a lost child in your own home, something may be too close for comfort, or it may be a blast from the past that has you feeling rather emotional. You are at the start of a new cycle now, which has the potential to bring you greater material and emotional security. Don’t be afraid to go deeper into your past and confront childhood fears and insecurities so you can move forward with less baggage and a clean slate. Also re-examine childhood beliefs about what you once thought security meant and ask what is true for you today. Your parents’ idea of security need not be your own. If you’re worried about how this may affect long-term plans and goals, as long as you are honest about your priorities, you can trust you’ll find a balance that works. You are not a child anymore, and once you realize that, you can start making important choices about the foundations you want to build your life upon. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

You seem to be in the midst of an emotional tizzy of some kind, though it may be subtle. Mainly it’s messing with your confidence, but I have a suggestion. You’re better off, for now anyway, being a little off-kilter, as if you just stepped off of a boat and can still feel the motion of the waves even as you step on dry land. I suggest you feel each step you take, putting your feet on the ground carefully and one at a time. You have an opportunity to take nothing for granted. This may involve a specific emotional matter very close to home. The astrology for the next few days might make you inclined to jump to conclusions and be emotionally reactive — that won’t help. Bide your time and listen to what others are saying, and listen to what that deep voice in your belly is saying to you. You really do know how you feel, but it just may take you a little while to figure it out, and to feel confident that how you feel matters. There is no rush. Remember that, especially when you’re inclined to speed things along.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

One dimension of Pluto in Capricorn is that energy of concentrated lust and soul reaching deep into you and turning over fresh, humid and fertile parts of your psyche. That crust you used to live in just doesn’t fit anymore, though the better news is that you figured out it simply isn’t practical. Now that you have freedom of mobility and a craving for life, look at what’s being offered to you. Notice the opportunities for creative pleasure that you’re drawing to yourself. Don’t misread that one; they are not merely ‘coming your way’ — rather, your inner momentum and willingness to explore a different facet of yourself every day are acting like an energy magnet. Therefore you can trust what’s traveling in your direction, and you never have to give up your power of choice whether you want a certain experience or not. Remember that nothing is stopping you, there are no shoulds or should nots — only action and its results. At the moment, your astrology says that pleasure is prudent.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

Your feelings are loaded — and loaded with information. Over the next few weeks you may be making many discoveries, potentially involving a range of subjects including your family, your father’s family, certain misunderstood events of the past, your local community and your current living environment. I suggest, however, that you pause before you make any decisions based on any of that information. At this stage, once you decide something, you’re likely to discover something else that shifts or even radically alters your viewpoint. No information is final at this stage, and you have so much left to learn that I suggest you consider it an ongoing process that will last a while. I don’t know if you’re excited about any of this yet, but you’re in a dimension where one discovery will lead to another, and eventually you’ll be hooked on the process of learning and the experience of your perception changing. We both know you have a craving for history and the truth of what went on in the past; you now have access to one of the most interesting attics of your life, so take your time exploring.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

Bono has a line of poetry that I’ve pondered for years: “You don’t know if it’s fear or desire.” Now is a fine time to do a study on the differences. You’re living in an entirely new environment right now, whether we’re talking about physical location or an emotional state. Many things you previously held as permanent are showing signs of coming unstuck. Many emotional tendencies you’ve lived with your whole life are suddenly coming under the microscope. I see in your charts a deep craving to know yourself, even if these new developments are shaking you at your roots. The brilliant observation contained in Bono’s line is that there is a fine line between fear and desire, and sometimes we’re afraid of what we want the very most.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012 | By PRIYA KALE

Can you trust what someone is saying to you? And can you trust yourself? You may not be sure quite what or whom to believe at the moment. But a New Moon in your 3rd solar house, the one associated with communications and your community, suggests where you are willing to clear your mind of preconceived notions, clarity will come. Our thoughts and opinions are much like ripples in a pond that distort our ability to see reality for what it is. Avoid any temptation to gloss over the truth. Also be conscious of how much of what you believe is subconsciously influenced by your mother’s ideas of the world. The more you can be honest with yourself, even if it is painful to do so, the easier it will be to express yourself to others gently and compassionately. And you will find others can handle it pretty well. In a relationship, or conversations with partners — speak and listen with your heart. It hears and sees things your ears and eyes do not. And your heart is dependable, wise and will guide you toward unveiling the underlying reality of any situation. Then you can see the potential that exists, allowing you to create a vision into a solid reality. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

The job of any leader is to get people working together. Humans are motivated by making money and going to war, so you might say that the job of any humane leader is to find motivations that are neither destructive nor based on greed. That’s another way of saying honoring life and what we do with it for its inherent value, which you have a gift for noticing and expressing at the moment. State the obvious both when writing and speaking. Get feedback and make sure people are onto what you’re talking about. It seems inevitable that you’ll be involved in some unusual depth or amount of written communication, and I suggest you begin any project by defining a clear strategy. The kind of writing you’re doing now is not about being inspired, though that would help. This is writing that has to work, like a sheepdog or plumber has to work. I’m not suggesting that you not use elegance or beauty, but rather that you set goals for your projects, so that you give yourself guidance and you have a way to measure whether your efforts are getting results.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

I suggest you be cautious of any ideas that equate money to power. They are likely to be turned against you. You can think of money as creative potential or energy, but that is different than this thing we call power, as in the power to get people to do things, or to motivate you to action. If you’re looking for motives or inspiration, find more imaginative ones. You might think in terms of what inspires people to cooperate toward a creative goal, or any goal, for that matter. These days it seems that ideas have more energy than cash when it comes to focusing the energy of groups, and there’s certainly no shortage of those right now. I would note that there is a bold, new quality to what is coming through, which may seem to challenge your preference for what is tried and true. Yet it’s a fact that time marches on, and you’ve been trying to light the fires of progress for a long time.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

There seems to be some unusual potential opening up in your relationships. This is based on two things, I believe. One involves your gradually finding your way to people whose values are similar to your own — similar enough to have a real conversation. The second is the gradual dissolving of the formerly strict partition between ‘lovers’ and ‘friends’. There is a third factor as well, which is that you’ve experienced just about every insecurity about yourself that a person is capable of feeling, and you’re now ready to stand on more solid spiritual ground. Ideally, this combination of factors would lead you to make braver, bolder choices in life. It would lead you out of your shell and make you willing to at least approach other people on potentially equal terms. There seems to be something holding you back. Can you figure out what it is?

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

Many religions feel that if you’re a good person, God rewards you with wealth. I’m wondering how you feel about that theory, and related issues, like how many patently evil people have so much. My theory is that financial success involves two things: one is how you feel about yourself, and the other is motivation. Now, many people feel positively horrid about themselves and make a lot of cash — I don’t count that as success. Your astrology is encouraging you to work out a meaning of success that includes faith in yourself and faith in something beyond yourself. However, I suggest you take them in that order, and do everything you can to withdraw energy from the expectations of others — especially your parents. In case you’re in a religious mood, every time you think of the concept God or spirit, insert your parents into the equation and see how it adds up.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

You’ve been questioning your role in the bigger picture and here comes a moment of deep clarity. Remember though, clarity also means confronting important truths and getting to the core of the only question that matters: “Who am I?” You are evolving and letting go of a carefully carved identity you’ve long ago outgrown. In letting go of false ideas about yourself, you can be free to reach for your noblest ambitions fearlessly, with the curiosity of a child in a new world. Choose your mountains wisely and you can reclaim your power to make choices that feel right for you as you pursue goals that are truly worthy of your efforts. Trust the rewards of this process; this will go way beyond just the tangible. And if you haven’t looked in the mirror lately, you are beautiful — body, heart and soul — and worthy love, not just the hope of love.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

Any secrets you may be keeping from yourself will soon come to light — and you may wonder what the hush was about. However, what you’re about to discover — either about yourself, or about something deeply meaningful to you — has the power to shift your perception of life — and that means, the path of your life. Most of the time seemingly little revelations are forgotten as fast as they emerge; it’s time for you to recognize the power of an idea. Now, the thing about ideas is that they are like seeds (and not everyone recognizes the value of these). In the present case, we’re talking about an idea equivalent to an heirloom seed. It will need to be cultivated and cared for, and this takes time, patience and continuity. The initial excitement of possessing the thing must develop into something more mature — with a focus on continuity and respect for the growth of living creatures.