When confronted by the senseless, it is natural for the mind to seek an explanation. Any accounting of what has already taken place offers an alternative to being confounded. If an explication proves to be spurious, however, it’s no help at all. In addition, no biological being is an exclusively mental construct. Life is more than just mind.

With the Sun only a day or so away from its next annual Pisces ingress, the environment for life on planet Earth is increasingly becoming a product of the human mind. It has not always been that way, nor might it always remain so. For the time being, though, that’s how it is.
Much of what you experience, probably more than you can ever know, has its origins in a thought. Among the most prominent exceptions is the Sun. Along with the Moon, the Sun and other celestial objects keep doing their own thing. Seasons still come and go. Tides continue to rise and fall, heedless of thought or thinking. Somehow, we all know this.
Such innate knowledge, in turn, leads us to look up without thinking. Even as far away as the greater and lesser cosmic lights demonstrably are, their presence makes itself known on Earth, and in your mind. But first, you have to behold them.
For the sky to make a difference in your life, you have to first be simply conscious of it — both long enough, and often enough to leave thought behind. It is perhaps not incidental how so many products of human thought (roofs, cities, artificial lighting and mythologies among other things) function to obscure an unfettered experience of the expanse above. Even so, it is also perhaps more important than ever before to do just that.
Fittingly, astrology’s emblem of consciousness (the Sun) is about to enter the zodiac sign that implies something more. Even though Pisces is justifiably associated with water, the two planets that find astrological domicile there also imply an expansive theme evocative of the sky.
Jupiter, the original ruler of Pisces, is on multiple levels of interpretation consistent with enlargement and extension. Interestingly, Jupiter is now in another water sign (Scorpio), a placement which is functioning to validate Jupiter’s connection to Pisces.
Then, the very name of relative newcomer Neptune (along with its correspondence to Pisces) cannot help but bring up associations with Earth’s counterpart to the vastness of outer space: the oceans.
As an additional point of fact, the Sun’s ingress to Pisces (which uniquely combines its association to water with a mutable quality) also lets us know that there is but a month left in the current season. Whether in the length of daylight, or through the behavior of plants and animals, it is evident that natural changes are in store.
Finally, and with exquisite timing to distinguish this next sign change for the Sun, Mercury (arguably astrology’s foremost representative of mind and thought) will begin rising — and setting — just after the Sun precisely as solar Pisces gets underway. Among the obvious implications of that shift in placement between Mercury and the Sun is one of mind moving to follow, rather than lead, awareness.
In combined result, now that we are on the other side of paired eclipses (and all that came with them) our celestial lights are moving as if to remind. We are being told that the past, incomprehensible though parts of it may be, is not destined to repeat any more than the season now coming to a close.
We are also being called from far beyond the reach of our current dominion of influence to broaden, rather than confine, the experience of being alive, so that life itself will not be further cheapened.
There is more to living than thinking or occupying yourself exclusively with the products of thought. If you do nothing else this weekend, behold the Sun, a tree, a bird, or anything else that did not originate within a human head. Take the time to actually be with it, and make time to do something of the same every day.
If you can do just that until the Sun’s impending voyage through Pisces has concluded, making a difference might very well take on a wider meaning than reason alone could ever provide.
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